Case Study 2
Case Study 2
Case Study 2
You are a senior officer at an intelligence agency working for the internal security
of the nation. You find out that a junior officer has been a victim of honey
trapping through social media. In all of this, his phone was hacked and
confidential files were leaked.
The entire department has come together and wants you to take strict action
against that officer for his behavior. That junior officer is highly skilled and a
valuable asset for the organization. He is also very close to you as you have
mentored him throughout and he also respects you a lot. Moreover, any action
against him might attract media attention and bring a bad repute to the
organization at large.
(A) Find the facts of the case and stake holders from the case study only
Facts Stakeholders
(B) What are the 4 ethical issues involved and the options available to you in such
a situation?
Taking strict action against Adhering to professional May bring bad repute to the
the junior officer. duty. organization.