Qualities of A Good Technical Report
Qualities of A Good Technical Report
Qualities of A Good Technical Report
Technical writing is an important part of everyone's career. Writing well is difficult and time consuming
and writing in a technical way about technical subjects even makes it more difficult. People write to
propose projects, to document their own actions, to help other understand the research, to analyze and
solve problems, to describe procedures and objects. If done well, technical writing is an exciting,
fulfilling experience but if done poorly, it is frustrating, even harmful to career development.
Technicality in writing is based upon the following points
1. Clarity
Technical document must convey a single meaning that the reader can understand. Unclear Technical
writing is expensive. They vital communication link among
the various employees is usually the report, if this link is
weak, the entire project may be jeopardized.
Unclear technical writing can be dangerous e.g. unclear
instruction on how to operate machinery.
2. Accuracy
Unclear writing can cause many problems and even inaccuracy in the report. If you mean to write
40,000 don’t write 400,000. If you mean to refer to fig 3.1 don’t refer to fig 3.2. Slightest error can
confuse or even annoy the reader of the report. If the reader suspects that you are slanting information
they have the right to doubt the entire document.
3. Comprehensiveness:
When writing technically, all the information should be provided, its background must be described and
clear description of any process, or method of carrying out a specific work, should also be given. It also
includes results, conclusions and recommendations.
4. Accessibility:
It means the ease with which the readers can locate the information they seek. To increase Accessibility,
include headings and lists in the report. A table of contents, list of illustrations glossary and index are
5. Conciseness:
Technical writing is meant to be useful. The longer a document is, the more difficult it gets to use it.
Even it takes more of the user's time. Conciseness works against clarity and comprehensiveness.
Solution to this conflict is to create a balance between the requirements of clarity, conciseness and
comprehensiveness. In short, in T.W every aspect of the subject is discussed in optimized detail.
Document must be long enough to be clear. It must give the audience purpose and object but no extra
details. Technical writing can be shortened 10-20% by eliminating unnecessary phrases and choosing
short words and sentences.
6. Correctness
Qualities of technical report writing also includes correctnes. Good technical report must also be
correct. It. Must be free from grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and should have appropriate
format standard. If a report contains grammatical errors, the reader will doubt the accuracy of the
information in the report. Technical writing is meant to convey information and to persuade the
audience. To accomplish these goals it must be clear auccurate, easy to access and must be economical
and correct. If you mean to write "the three persons: person 1, person 2 and person 3 attended a
session" but you use commas instead of the colon, your readers might think 6 people attended the
session, not 3.
Kinds of Reports
Report writing is a formal style of writing elaborately on a topic. The
tone of a report is always formal. The important section to focus on is
the target audience. For example – report writing about a school event,
report writing about a business case, etc. Let us briefly discuss the
different kinds of reports
Kinds of Report Writing – A Brief Introduction
All your facts and information presented in the report not only have to
be bias-free, but they also have to be 100% correct. Proof-reading and
fact-checking is always what you do as a thumb rule before submitting a
Reports are written with much analysis. The purpose of report writing is
essential to inform the reader about a topic, minus one’s opinion on the
topic. It’s simply a portrayal of facts, as it is. Even if one
gives inferences, solid analysis, charts, tables and data is provided.
Mostly it is specified by the person who’s asked for the report whether
they would like your take or not if that is the case.
Small things like that should not stand in the way of you conveying
your point. And thus for these reasons and more, let’s dive into the
kinds of reports that exist so we can make clear decisions of their usage.
These kinds of reports are quite clear, as the name suggests. A two-page
report or sometimes referred to as a memorandum is short, and a thirty-
page report is absolutely long. But what makes a clear division of short
reports or long reports? Well, usually, notice that longer reports are
generally written in a formal manner.
This is about the hierarchy of the reports’ ultimate target. If the report is
for your management or for your mentees, it’s a vertical report.
Wherever a direction of upwards or downwards comes into motion, we
call it a vertical report.
Periodic Reports:
Proposal Reports:
Functional Reports:
These kinds of reports include marketing reports, financial reports,
accounting reports, and a spectrum of other reports that provide a
function specifically. By and large, we can include almost all reports in
most of these categories. Furthermore, we can include a single report in
several kinds of reports.
Reports are written with much analysis. The purpose of report writing is
essential to inform the reader about a topic, minus one’s opinion on the
topic. It’s simply a portrayal of facts, as it is. Even if one
gives inferences, solid analysis, charts, tables and data is provided.
Mostly it is specified by the person who’s asked for the report whether
they would like your take or not if that is the case.
Kinds of Reports
Based on some special characteristics, a report can be a certain kind.
Why classify them in kinds? Well, depending upon the purpose of the
report, it’s always best to know what kind would be the best for that
Small things like that should not stand in the way of you conveying
your point. And thus for these reasons and more, let’s dive into the
kinds of reports that exist so we can make clear decisions of their usage.
These kinds of reports are quite clear, as the name suggests. A two-page
report or sometimes referred to as a memorandum is short, and a thirty-
page report is absolutely long. But what makes a clear division of short
reports or long reports? Well, usually, notice that longer reports are
generally written in a formal manner.
This is about the hierarchy of the reports’ ultimate target. If the report is
for your management or for your mentees, it’s a vertical report.
Wherever a direction of upwards or downwards comes into motion, we
call it a vertical report.
Periodic Reports:
Proposal Reports:
Functional Reports:
All your facts and information presented in the report not only have to
be bias-free, but they also have to be a 100% correct. Proof-reading and
fact-checking is always what you do as a thumb rule before submitting a
One needs to write reports with much analysis. The purpose of report
writing is essential to inform the reader about a topic, minus one’s
opinion on the topic.
It’s simply a portrayal of facts, as it is. Even if one gives inferences,
solid analysis, charts, tables and data is provided. Mostly, it is specified
by the person who’s asked for the report whether they would like your
take or not if that is the case.
In many cases, you need to be clear about your own suggestions too for
a specific case after a factual report. That depends on why are you
writing the report and who you are writing it for in the first place.
Knowing your audience’s motive for asking for that report is very
important as it sets the course of the facts focused in your report.
These different kinds of reports are also covered in our previous chapter
in reports writing. We recommend you to read our chapter on kinds of
reports before diving into the report format. Now that we have some
idea about report-writing, let’s get straight into our report writing
Usually, the recipient of the report doesn’t always have the time to read
through the entire report. This summary gives the reader a gist of the
important points.
This section is the beginning of your report. It highlights the major
topics that are covered and provides background information on why
the data in the report was collected. It also contains a top view of what’s
covered in the report.
The body of the report describes the problem, the data that was
collected, sometimes in the form of table or charts, and discusses with
reasons. The body is usually broken into subsections,
with subheadings that highlight the further breakdown of a point.
Report writing format is very specific that way about clear and crisp
headings and subheadings.
At the end of our main body lies the tying of ends together in the much-
awaited conclusion. The conclusion explains how the data described in
the body of the document may be interpreted or what conclusions may
be drawn. The conclusion often suggests how to use the data to improve
some aspect of the business or recommends additional research.
If you used other sources of information to help write your report, such
as a government database, you would include that in the references.
The references section lists the resources used to research or collect the
data for the report. References provide proof for your points. Also, this
provides solid reasoning for the readers so that they can review the
original data sources themselves. Also, credit must be given where
credit is due.
Lastly, comes the appendix. Although this one is not necessary, more
like an optional element. This may include additional technical
information that is not necessary to the explanation provided in the body
and conclusion but further supports the findings, such as tables or charts
or pictures, or additional research not cited in the body but relevant to
the discussion. Note: Tables and figures must all be labelled.
i. Preprinted Form:
Basically for “fill in the blank” reports. Most are relatively short
(five or fewer pages) and deal with routine information, mainly
numerical information. Use this format when it is requested by the
person authorizing the report.
ii. Letter:
Common for reports of five or fewer pages that are directed to
outsiders. These reports include all the normal parts of a letter, but
they may also have headings, footnotes, tables, and figures. Personal
pronouns are used in this type of report.
iii. Memo:
Common for short (fewer than ten pages) informal reports distributed
within an organization. The memo format of “Date,” “To,” “From,” and
“Subject” is used. Like longer reports, they often have internal
headings and sometimes have visual aids. Memos exceeding ten pages
are sometimes referred to as memo reports to distinguish them from
shorter ones.
iv. Manuscript:
Common for reports that run from a few pages to several hundred
pages and require a formal approach. As their length increases,
reports in manuscript format require more elements before and after
the text of the report. Now that we have surveyed the different types of
reports and become familiar with the nomenclature, let us move on to
the actual process of writing the report.
How to Write Progress Reports:
Purpose, Structure & Content
Reassure recipients that you are making progress, that the project is going smoothly,
and that it will be complete by the expected date.
Provide recipients with a brief look at some of the findings or some of the work of the
Give recipients a chance to evaluate your work on the project and to request changes.
Give you a chance to discuss problems in the project and thus to forewarn recipients.
Force you to establish a work schedule so that you’ll complete the project on time.
Project a sense of professionalism to your work and your organization.
In our course, you will write a progress report in the form of a thorough memo, and
you will attach an outline to that memo to give your recipient an idea of the content in
your final report. (See the chapter on Outlines for more information.)
Make sure you use the right format. Remember that for our course, you will be
providing your progress in a memo.
Write a clear opening paragraph reminding your recipient of the project you are
working on and that you are providing progress on that project
Use headings to mark off the different parts of your progress report, particularly the
different parts of your summary of work done on the project.
Use lists as appropriate.
Provide specifics—avoid relying on vague, overly general statements about the work
you’ve done on the final report project.
Be sure and address the progress report to the real or realistic audience—not your
You will be including an outline of your report at the end of your progress memo
for this class, so now move to the chapter on creating outlines.
This chapter focuses on the proposal—the kind of document that gets you or your
organization approved or hired to do a project.
Some preliminaries
In a technical writing course, the proposal assignment is an opportunity for you to
present an idea to a specific, named audience about an idea you have to improve a
certain aspect of that company, organization, center, or other business. Whatever topic
you choose, you must be able to conduct thorough scholarly research that you will
integrate into your final report.
A proposal should contain information that would enable the audience of that proposal
to decide whether to approve the project, to approve or hire you to do the work, or
both. To write a successful proposal, put yourself in the place of your audience—the
recipient of the proposal—and think about what sorts of information that person
would need in order to feel confident having you complete the project.
It is easy to get confused about proposals, or at least the type of proposal you will be
writing for this class. Imagine that you have a terrific idea for installing some new
technology where you work, and you write up a document explaining how it work,
showing the benefits, and then urging management to install it. Is that a proposal? All
by itself, this would not be a complete proposal. It would be more like a feasibility
report, which studies the merits of a project and then recommends for or against it.
However, all it would take to make this document a proposal would be to add
elements that ask management for approval for you to go ahead with the project.
Additionally, for this class, one of those elements is scholarly research. Certainly,
some writers of proposals must sell the projects they propose, but in all cases,
proposals must sell the writer (or the writer’s organization) as the one to complete the
Types of proposals
Consider the situations in which proposals occur. A company may send out a public
announcement requesting proposals for a specific project. This public
announcement—called a request for proposals (RFP)—could be issued through
websites, emails, social media, newspapers, or trade journals. Firms or individuals
interested in the project would then write proposals in which they summarize their
qualifications, project schedules and costs, and discuss their approach to the project.
The recipient of all these proposals would then evaluate them, select the best
candidate, and then work up a contract.
But proposals also come about much less formally. Imagine that you are interested in
doing a project at work (for example, investigating the merits of bringing in some new
technology to increase productivity). Imagine that you met with your supervisor and
tried to convince her of this. She might respond by saying, ―Write me a proposal and
I’ll present it to upper management.‖ This is more like the kind of proposal you will
write in a technical writing course.
Imagine that a company has a problem or wants to make some sort of improvement.
The company sends out a request for proposals; you receive one and respond with a
proposal. You offer to come in, investigate, interview, make recommendations—and
present it all in the form of a report.
An organization wants a seminar in your expertise. You write a proposal to give the
seminar—included in the package deal is a guide or handbook that the people
attending the seminar will receive.
An agency has just started using a new online data system, but the user’s manual is
technically complex and difficult to read. You receive a request for proposals from
this agency to write a simplified guide or startup guide.
Imagine that a nonprofit organization focused on a particular issue wants an
consultant to write a handbook or guide for its membership. This document will
present information on the issue in a way that the members can understand.
Not all research topics are appropriate for technical writing. Topics that are based
on values and beliefs do not fall into the category of technical. Historical and literary
topics do not qualify. Always check with your instructor about any topic ideas you
have before starting on your project.
In addition, keep in mind you must integrate scholarly research into your final report,
choose a topic for which you can readily find such material. While interviews and
other first-hand sources are often valuable to a report, one that relies heavily on these
sources will not meet the outcomes of this course.
As you read this chapter on proposals, check out the sample proposal memo shared in
our current week’s unit folder. Again, keep in mind that not all of the sections
discussed here will show up in the examples, but most will.
Introduction. Plan the introduction to your proposal carefully. Make sure it does all
of the following things (but not necessarily in this order) that apply to your particular
Indicate that the content of the memo is a proposal for a specific project.
Develop at least one brief motivating statement that will encourage the recipient to
read on and to consider approving the project (especially if it is an unsolicited or
competitive proposal).
Give an overview of the contents of the proposal.
While the named audience of the proposal may know the problem very well, writing
the background section is useful in demonstrating your particular view of the problem.
Also, if the the proposal is unsolicited, a background section is almost a
requirement—you will probably need to convince the audience that the problem or
opportunity exists and that it should be addressed.
Benefits and feasibility of the proposed project. Most proposals briefly discuss the
advantages or benefits of completing the proposed project. This acts as a type of
argument in favor of approving the project. Also, some proposals discuss the
likelihood of the project’s success. In an unsolicited proposal, this section is especially
important—you are trying to ―sell‖ the audience on the project.
Description of the proposed work (results of the project). Most proposals must
describe the finished product of the proposed project. In a technical writing course,
that means describing the written document you propose to write, its audience and
purpose; providing an outline; and discussing such things as its length, graphics,
binding, and so forth. In the scenario you define, there may be other work such as
conducting training seminars or providing an ongoing service. At this early stage, you
might not know all that it will take to complete your project, but you should at least
have an idea of some of the steps required.
Method, procedure, theory. In some proposals, you will need to explain how you
will go about completing the proposed work. This acts as an additional persuasive
element; it shows the audience you have a sound, thoughtful approach to the project.
Also, it serves to demonstrate that you have the knowledge of the field to complete the
Schedule. Most proposals contain a section that shows not only the projected
completion date but also key milestones for the project. If you are doing a large
project spreading over many months, the timeline would also show dates on which
you would deliver progress reports. If you cannot cite specific dates, cite amounts of
time for each phase of the project.
Costs, resources required. Most proposals also contain a section detailing the costs
of the project, whether internal or external. With external projects, you may need to
list your hourly rates, projected hours, costs of equipment and supplies, and so forth,
and then calculate the total cost of the complete project. Internal projects, of course,
are not free, so you should still list the project costs: hours you will need to complete
the project, equipment and supplies you will be using, assistance from other people in
the organization, and so on.
Conclusions. The final paragraph or section of the proposal should bring readers back
to a focus on the positive aspects of the project. In the final section, you can urge them
to contact you to work out the details of the project, remind them of the benefits of
doing the project, and maybe make one last argument for you or your organization as
the right choice for the project.
Special project-specific sections. Remember that the preceding sections are typical
or common in written proposals, not absolute requirements. Always ask yourself what
else might your audience need to understand the project, the need for it, the benefits
arising from it, your role in it, and your qualifications to do it. What else do they need
to see in order to approve the project and to approve you to do it?
Audience: Describe the audience of the final report (which may be different than the
audience for the proposal). You may need to discuss for whom the report is designed,
their titles and jobs, their technical background, and their ability to understand the
Information sources: List information sources; make sure you know that there is
adequate information for your topic; list citations for specific books, articles,
reference works, other kinds of sources that you think will contribute to your report.
Graphics: List the graphics you think your report will need according to their type
and their content. (If you cannot think of any your report would need, you may not
have a good topic—do some brainstorming with your instructor.) For this class, you
will be required to create and include graphics in your final report.
Outline: Include an outline of the topics and subtopics you think you will cover in
your report.
In this technical writing course, the proposal is the beginning of a weeks-long research
and writing process that goes through many stages until it gets to the end point: the
technical report. You only submit the proposal once during this process. After that,
you will write and submit different types of documents: a progress report, an outline,
an annotated bibliography, a graphics draft, a report draft, and a final report. Be
careful to use the term ―proposal‖ only if you are specifically referring to the initial
stage of your project.
Another point to keep in mind relates to the audience for proposals versus the
audience for reports that come later in the writing process. The audience for your
proposal is the person who can approve, support, and possibly fund your research and
writing. The final report that you produce may be directed at a different audience.
Consider the example of a proposal written to a supervisor at a solar power company
suggesting the creation of a policy manual for residential solar panel installers. The
proposal’s audience may be an executive, whose knowledge of the technicalities may
be very broad. On the other hand, the final report’s audience is the technicians, who
may have more specialized knowledge than the executive. The content and language
used for these two different audiences will need to be adjusted to fit the writing
situation. (For more on this, review the chapter on Audience Analysis.)
Use the right format. Remember, for this class, you are writing this proposal in memo
Write a clear summary of (or introduction to) your proposal topic.
Identify exactly what you are proposing to do.
Insure that a report—a written document—is somehow involved in the project you are
proposing to do. Remember that in this technical writing course we are both practicing
writing a proposal like those done in the real world and completing a college-level
research project.
Insure that the sections of your proposal are in a logical, natural order and that you use
sub-headers and bullets (and any other formatting styles) correctly.
Address the proposal to your named audience—not your instructor.
Reporting Of Workplace Accidents
If you are an employer, self-employed or in control of work premises you are
required under RIDDOR to report some types of work-related accidents, diseases and
dangerous occurrences.
Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement under the Reporting
of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. The information
gathered helps the Local Authority and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to
identify where and how risks arise and to prevent reoccurrence and prevent further
pain and suffering to employees.
You must report all of the following:
A death
A major injury
An over-three-day injury (this is when an employee or self-employed person
has an accident at work and is unable to work for over three days, but does not
have a major injury);
A work-related disease
A dangerous occurrence
Where a member of the public is taken directly to hospital
Where the accident has resulted in someone's death or a major injury we need
to be notified immediately (see time limits for reporting).
Over 3-day injuries need to be reported within 10 days.
As soon as possible after the doctor diagnosis a work related disease.
Dangerous occurrences need to be reported immediately (see time limits for
Over 3 day
Employee Employer No Yes
Work related
Employee Employer No If possible
Employer Yes Yes
Retail or wholesale
Hotel and catering
Sports or leisure
Residential accommodation, excluding nursing homes
Concerned with places of worship
Pre-school school care
Mobile vending
We can be contacted using any of the methods outlined a the bottom of this page.
Alternatively you may prefer to contact the Incident Contact Centre
Construction sites
Agricultural premises
Motor vehicle repair premises
Manufacturing premises
Chemical plants
Engineering works
Nursing homes
Hospitals, dentists etc
Domestic premises
Please see their website www.hse.gov.uk
Alternatively you may prefer to use the Incident Contact Centre
Planning is everything.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
We should all heed the words of the 34th President of the United States. If your academic skills
are not perfect, you have to plan all steps to writing an essay, and that is the first thing you
should do.
The fact that you need something to write about is obvious and undeniable. Everything becomes
much easier if your teacher has provided you with a topic. Anyway, you may check our article
―Original Essay Topics.‖ In the first place, your essay is more likely to be brilliant if you are
really interested in the subject you write about. Choose wisely!
2. Dig deep!
So, the next step is profound research. No matter what topic you choose, probably you’ll find
enough material provided by well-educated specialists, experienced journalists, and famous
writers. You should not choose some random sources; make sure that they are credible and
Good ideas do not always come first. Try to look at your theme from different angles, and then
look again, and again. Have a rest. And look again. Your mind needs some space to imagine all
possible variants of the argumentation and approaches. Organize your personal ―brainstorming‖
session with tea and cake!
Creating the diagram or outline for your essay is one of the necessary steps to writing an essay.
The outline has to be detailed and well-organized. You should also include some keywords or
references for every point of your plan. If you are prone to creativity and imaginative thinking,
you may draw your diagram in the shape of a pyramid, sun, house, or any other appropriate
6. Just do it
Now you should start writing. Begin with the introduction, then move to the main body, and,
finally, come to a conclusion.
Have a rest. No joke. Take a nap or go for a walk. Remember that you are not a robot that can
just plug in a wall socket and be OK. You need a fresh mind to add the finishing touches.
8. Perfection
Read your essay one more time. If you feel that you can do it better, now is the right moment. If
you see unnecessary phrases – delete them. Tautologies? Use your dictionary, and find a
synonym. Spelling and grammar mistakes are also not allowed.
9. Fresh perspective
Getting feedback may also be considered as one of the steps to write an essay. Consult your
parents, friends, or teacher before writing a final draft. Two heads are better than one. Even the
greatest writers of all time shared their ideas with their wives, husbands, and close friends before
publishing their books.
After you assure yourself that everything is done correctly, write a final draft for your essay. And
read it one more time. Just in case.
Lots of educational sources compare essay writing with the process of cooking a burger. We
think that this is just not right. How dare they compare this amazing and delicious masterpiece
with homework? We are not saying that the essays should be your worst nightmare, absolutely
not. Anyway, you can’t create a brilliant essay without a proper recipe as well as a tasty burger,
soup, or lasagna. Now, let’s throw light on all the tiniest parts of the essay structure.
Firstly, let’s figure out the main task of the introduction. The first paragraph is aimed at grabbing
the reader’s attention and making him or her continue reading. What usually draws our attention?
Something interesting, mysterious, funny, and unusual. It’s a pity, but you can’t draw a beautiful
flower or fluffy kitty instead of your introduction paragraph. So, how to write an essay
introduction to ―wow‖ readers?
Be funny
Laughing is one the easiest ways to comfort your readers and to prepare them for a further
perception of the text. Be careful with jokes! This method is not very appropriate for the essays
about serious social, economic, or political issues, like homelessness, hunger, and revolutions.
Moreover, make sure that your anecdote is funny not only for you, otherwise it may embarrass or
confuse an average person.
Be mysterious
Professional magicians have a simple but really effective rule: diversion is half of the success.
Your topic is on gender inequality? Start your essay with a question about apples and oranges.
You wonder what’s the point? It means your readers will wonder too. That’s the point.
Be interesting
Tell a story. Life is a collection of stories: fairy tales, cartoons, novels, comic books, etc. Why
won’t you offer another one for your reader? Of course, it shouldn’t be too long or complicated.
The main idea of the tale has to be relevant to your essay theme.
Be unusual
Predictability is boring. An irregular approach is exactly what you need in order to amaze your
reader. Speak in a roundabout way, ask questions, and tell stories. Use your imagination and
creativity, because you have only one attempt to attract your reader. Don’t waste it!
Jokes and stories are not enough for a good introduction. You should also include a thesis
statement in the first paragraph. The thesis statement is one, perhaps two sentences at the
beginning of your essay that summarizes your ideas and sets a direction and steps for your
What function does an admissions essay have in the application process, and why is it
An admissions essay allows the colleges to learn more about the candidate.
An admissions essay is the only way for the colleges to learn what kind of person the candidate
3. Provide examples.
An admissions essay is the only way for the colleges to learn what kind of individual the
candidate is; it has to demonstrate his or her personal qualities, career aspirations, and life
An admissions essay is the only way for a candidate to demonstrate his or her personal
qualities, career aspirations, and life goals; it is also an opportunity for colleges to hear the
candidate‟s personal voice.
We are sure that now you know exactly how to write a good introduction for an essay and grab
the attention of the pickiest reader. Go on to step three.
A burger without meat is worth nothing. It is the same for an essay and the main body.
The body paragraphs are the part of your essay between the introduction and conclusion. Text
length depends on your word limit and your own writing energy. Every paragraph has to loosely
consist of a similar number of words. This should be obvious for every conscious mind, but we’ll
repeat a simple truth: one paragraph is NOT ENOUGH! Phew. It had to be done. Let’s move on
to less obvious statements.
2. Examples
3. Argument/evidence
4. Coherent structure
6. Sub-conclusion (optional)
Every paragraph represents only one sub-point in order to let your reader easily follow your
reasoning. The most important, or strongest, arguments you should place at the beginning of the
essay main body or save for the last paragraph because they will make a first impression and
form a fine aftertaste.
All parts of the main body should be connected with proper transitions. A coherent text is more
convincing and readable than a range of random arguments. You should enforce all points with
one or more supporting details. Your statements will sound unreliable without facts, real-life
examples, quotes, statistics, etc.
Remember that not only the general length of your writing matters. Every paragraph should be
about 5-7 sentences. It is impossible to make a statement and prove it in one sentence. On the
other hand, a reader loses his or her concentration while reading a long paragraph. That is why
there is no need to elongate your speech artificially. You’d better think about different
approaches to enhance your main idea.
One of the most popular models of writing is the five-paragraph essay. It is not always
appropriate, but useful for beginners who have just started their way to academic success. The
structure of this draft is simple: introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. There are
two different strategies of the disposition of the arguments. The first method suggests putting
your weakest point in the middle in order to circle it with stronger ones. The second approach is
like a downward staircase: the first paragraph includes the cleverest argument, and the last one –
the weakest argument.
A good example is the best way to explain how to write a body paragraph correctly. We will
analyze a sample on ―Canterbury Tales‖ written by Geoffrey Chaucer. The task question is:
―What are the main reasons which make all the tales fantastic?‖
Firstly,some stories involve supernatural characters.A good example is in The Friar’s Tale,
which tells a story of―a summoner... [who] expresses only mild surprise when he happens to
encounter a demon on his travels‖ (Hirsh 85). Since demons do not exist in reality, a story that
features a supernatural being should be seen as fantastic.
Finally,liminality makes the stories fantastic.The scholars note that showing ―people who live in
a state of long-term liminality‖ is common for many texts and The Canterbury Tales is not an
exception: the storytellers are pilgrims that gather together for a limited time, yet the story seems
to put emphasis on the ambiguous nature of their acquaintance (Oropeza 46).
Everything is clear now with the essay main body, and we can move on to the last stage of your
The open-ended movie intrigues; the open-ended book makes you think; the open-ended essay
raises the question, ―So what?‖ Sounds uncertain, right?
In your conclusion, you have to remind your audience why they have read your essay and why it
was not a waste of time. The concluding paragraph is more likely to stick in your reader’s
memory than any other part of your paper. That is why it has to be the best part of your writing.
Here is a list of four good strategies to complete your conclusion properly:
As we mentioned above, a bad conclusion frequently raises the question, ―So what?‖ You won’t
believe, but the easiest way to avoid this question is to give an exhaustive answer in the last
paragraph. Restate the most significant points in the concluding paragraph and put a period.
Great job!
The reader wants to have a feeling of completeness. Your conclusion may repeat your thesis
statement. Now the cycle is completed. Sure, you should not repeat it verbatim, just use
Give your reader a hint about the further development of your topic or mention other aspects that
could be interesting to him or her. For example, if you analyze the influence of Impressionism on
European culture, in your concluding paragraph you may remark that it also had an effect on
American culture.
You may quote or reference one of your sources. A quotation helps to specify and confirm your
final point. If your essay is dedicated to a book or movie, this strategy is perfect.
Use the Socratic method – ask a question. It may motivate readers to think over your topic or
even to provide their own research. It is a brilliant strategy for those who want to stimulate
thinking of their readers.
Now it’s time for some bad strategies that you SHOULD NOT use for your conclusion:
More data, more facts, more ideas. That’s enough! Your concluding paragraph is not a good
place for the information you’ve forgotten to mention in the main body. Just let it go!
As a rule, a conclusion doesn’t exceed the limit of a few sentences. It has to be short and clear
without unnecessary details.
No doubt, you can offer new ideas and perspectives in your essay, but don’t do this in the last
paragraph! If the moment of epiphany has come too late, you’d better write another body
paragraph than try to square the circle.
A conclusion is not a summary of your paper but a synthesis of your main points. If you don’t
have more than one sentence to write, it is not bad. Don’t expatiate by adding the information
that your readers already know.
Stay away from the phrases like ―to sum up,‖ ―in conclusion,‖ etc. Your readers understand
perfectly well that the last paragraph is a concluding one. Don’t irritate them!
Don’t apologize! It is not your fault that the word limit doesn’t allow you to present all the
information you have found. Avoid phrases like ―this is just one side of the problem,‖ ―you can
find much more information,‖ etc. Don’t show that you are not sure about the quality of your
essay; your readers will think the same way.
You should follow the same style through your essay. If your tone is serious and logical, don’t
try to surprise readers with an emotional or motivating phrase. It will be a more confusing than
entertaining move.
Now, you know enough to answer the question, ―How to write a conclusion for an essay?‖
Maybe now you will be able to explain it to your peers; don’t waste your chance to show off!
Do you really think that reading and understanding your topic is enough? Ha. Think again. Do
you know how many types of essays exist? A gazillion. Let’s talk about them a little to figure out
what you have to do with different types of essays.
Argumentative Essay
As a rule, a topic for this kind of essay is a general question. Your task is to answer this question
and to persuade your reader that your opinion is the most immaculate and accurate. The
argumentative essay belongs to the essay types that are frequently asked as a writing assignment
in both schools and colleges.
Mention well-known sources and real-life examples for your arguments to be more
Topic example:
Analytical Essay
The main goal of the analytical essay is – what a surprise – to analyze a tendency, behavior,
event, etc. This type of essay is all about logical reasoning and structure. A reader should follow
your thoughts naturally and easily.
Topic example:
This type of essay is often asked in IELTS. You state a problem and offer your solution.
Mention also your expectations about the consequences that will follow.
Your personal problems are not always interesting for readers. This is not meant as an
offense, but only the truth.
Topic example:
Using this essay, you explain an idea in a clear and simple way. You don’t prove anything: your
goal is to present all the sides of the topic for your audience.
Topic example:
In this type of essay, you provide your readers with a step-by-step guide. In short, you write an
exhaustive and detailed instruction.
Start a new paragraph for each step in order not to confuse your readers.
Topic example:
You describe things, people, nature events, or your grandma’s perfect cake. You should not write
about your general impression. You have to describe all the aspects of your subject: how it looks,
how it smells, how it feels, etc.
Use your imagination skills in full force. Remember that you have five senses to describe
the object you’ve chosen!
Topic example:
After reading your essay, everyone has to agree with your viewpoint. Compelling arguments,
eloquence, and confidence are the fundamental tools for providing a brilliant persuasive essay.
Persuasive and argumentative essays are similar but not the same! You have to change
your reader’s opinion in a persuasive essay using your power of conviction.
Topic example:
This type of essay defines a certain term, concept, or phenomenon in a very detailed way. You
should investigate the origin, the usage, and the meanings.
The dictionary definition is not enough; provide deep and comprehensive research on your
Topic example:
“Define „hacktivism.”
Compare and Contrast Essay
You have to list the differences and similarities of two events, devices, tendencies, celebrities,
Push the boundaries! Compare unexpected objects: gadgets, brands, websites, etc.
Topic example:
This essay is a crucial part of the application process. The admission board wants to know more
about you through your writing. For certain, you wonder how to choose a college essay topic.
They are so various that it is difficult to explain in a few words. Anyway, you’d better stay away
from the worst essay topics for college.
Show the admissions officers that you are not merely a handful of accomplishments but a
perfect candidate for their college.
Topic example:
Choose what to write about among our topics for admission essays.
Your primary goal is to specify the reasons and consequences of a certain problem or event. You
may investigate the cause, suggest effects, or do both.
Topic example:
Unlike the argumentative essay, this type of essay doesn’t defend any point of view. In fact, it
represents opposite opinions on a particular topic.
Be careful with your task! Sometimes, you should also provide your own opinion as a
Topic example:
Topic example:
Critical Essay
This paper is your verdict. You evaluate and criticize an art piece or a project in order to reveal
its weaknesses or underscore its strengths.
Write some general data about your essay’s subject, because your readers are not
necessarily well-informed.
Topic example:
Your main goal is to separate objects, ideas, or things into particular groups. You have to explain
your classification in a proper way and provide examples.
Look for an unpredictable approach to the classification of usual concepts. Regular things
may shine in new splendor in the right hands!
Topic example:
Developing communication skills can help many aspects of your life, from your
professional career, to social gatherings, to your family life.
Knowing when to pause to allow the other person to talk is an important skill. It
conveys respect and a willingness to hear the other person’s point of view.
Active listening skills will help you and your colleagues have more open and useful
exchanges, where each contributor’s point of view is expressed and heard. This
should lead to a more positive working environment.
Having the ability to listen carefully, speak clearly and put others at ease is valuable
in any organisation and can involve a wide range of skills:
2. In demand by businesses
Oral and written communication proficiencies are consistently ranked in the top ten
desirable skills by employer surveys year after year. Employees are often
encouraged to take online courses and in-person training to improve their
presentation and communication skills.
Communication skills are among the most in-demand skills for employers.
Source: LinkedIn research
Being able to deliver messages clearly and understand other people means work
can be completed more effectively and to the benefit of the company as a whole.
Employers want staff who can think for themselves, use initiative and solve
problems, staff who are interested in the long-term success of the company. If you
are to be seen as a valued member of the organisation, it is important not just to be
able to do your job well, but also to communicate your thoughts on how the
processes and products or services can be improved.
Read more about these benefits here: Why Are Communication Skills Important?
Methods of communication
Verbal communication is delivered and received face to face, by phone, radio,
computer, television and other media.
Non-verbal communication is delivered and received through body language,
eye contact, gestures, and how we dress or behave.
Visual communication is delivered and received via charts, maps, images and
Written communication is delivered and received through printed or digital
media such as letters, e-mails, books, magazines, and the internet.
Verbal communication
When we communicate verbally, it involves not only speaking, but also requires non-
verbal communication skills – listening, eye contact and body language.
Mispronunciations, insufficient language skills, or struggling with the diction can
greatly hamper a person’s ability to get their message across.
Non-verbal communication
Body language needs to be in line with the verbal content. When used effectively,
facial expressions, gestures and posture can greatly improve the listener’s
understanding of the verbal information being presented. It can also add interest, and
help to maintain the listener’s concentration.
Eye contact between speaker and listener is important too. If a speaker actively
seeks out eye contact when talking, he or she is judged to be more believable,
confident and competent. However, too much eye contact can make the listener feel
uncomfortable, or think the speaker rude, hostile and condescending; and too little
eye contact can make the listener think that the speaker is uneasy, unsure or
How much eye contact is considered appropriate though will always depend on the
situation, the setting, cultural expectations, gender, and personality types.
Your body posture, hand gestures and eye contact all express a meaning, often
saying much more than the words you speak. For instance, standing or sitting with
your arms and legs relaxed and open will convey a friendly impression that will invite
others to interact with you.
The ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and managers is
essential, whatever sector you work in. Good communication improves teams,
inspires high performance and enhances the workplace culture. Just remember,
communication is a two-way process, so take notice of other people's verbal and
nonverbal signals as well as your own.
Summary of benefits
Before attempting to answer the questions on a passage, it is necessary to read the passage
again and again so that a general idea of the subject of the passage becomes clear. Once
the passage is clear, it is easy to answer the answers of the questions.
One should also keep the following points in mind before answering the questions set on a
given passage:
1. Read the passage quickly to have some general idea of the subject matter.
2. Read the passage again and underline the important points.
3. Read the questions and try to know what has been asked.
4. Read the passage again and underline the portions where the probable
answers may be available.
5. Use, as far as possible, your own words to answer the questions in a
precise and brief way.
6. Always use complete sentences while answering a question.
7. If you are asked to give the meaning of some words or phrases, try to
express your idea, in your own words, as clearly as possible.
8. Don't give your own opinions or comments about anything unless you are
asked to do so.
Sample Usage
Example1. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions set below:
There is a story of a man who thought he had a right to do what he liked. One day, this
gentleman was walking along a busy road, spinning his walking-stick round and round in his
hand, and was trying to look important. A man walking behind him objected.
“You ought not to spin your walking-stick round and round like that!" he said.
“I am free to do what I like with my walking-stick," argued the gentleman.
‘Of course you are," said the other man, “but you ought to know that your freedom ends
where my nose begins."
The story tells us that we can enjoy our rights and our freedom only if they do not interfere
with other people's rights and freedom.
1. Why was the gentleman on the road moving his walking stick round and
2. Who objected him?
3. What argument did the gentleman give?
4. Was the other satisfied with argument?
5. What did he say in reply?
6. Complete the following statements with the correct options:
1. The gentleman on the road was moving his walking stick round and round because he
wanted to look important.
2. A man walking behind him objected him.
3. The gentleman argued that he was free to do what liked with his walking-stick.
4. No, the other man was not satisfied with his argument.
5. The other man said that he ought to know that his (the gentleman's) freedom ends where
his (the passer-by's) nose begins.
6. A (ii), B. (iii), C (ii)
7. (a) false, (b) true, (c) false, (d) true, (e) false.
8. (a) Spinning—Moving (b) Interfere—Meddle
Note that precis writing is different from paraphrasing. In a paraphrase you should give
all the details: you should not leave out any details. A paraphrase will be at least as long
and sometimes longer than the original. A precis, on the other hand, must always be
shorter than the original. It should express only the main theme that too as briefly as
There are no rigid rules regarding the length of a precis. But as a general rule, it should
not contain more than a third of the total number of words in the original passage.
Most people read carelessly and fail to fully comprehend the meaning of the passage.
Precis writing forces them to pay attention to what they read because no one can write
a summary of a passage unless they read it carefully. So summarizing teaches one to
read with concentration.
Precis writing also improves your overall writing skills. It teaches you how to express
your thoughts clearly, concisely and effectively.You learn to choose your words carefully
and construct your sentences in a logical and concise manner.
What is a Precis ?
A precise is like a miniature portrait of the passage: it retains the absolute essential points accompanied
with the mood and tone of the author of the passage. The one aspect that needs to be taken care of is that
one should not add one’s subjective interpretation or comments to the précis and should try to retain the
original author’s voice and opinions. As far as the writing style is concerned, the writing should be clear
with effective sentences (no rambling) and diction should be flawless. Ultimately, it is the coherence of
the views presented in the précis that matters, and this can be achieved by making sure that one is concise
and to the point. Unnecessarily long sentences should be avoided and the transition from one point to
another should be smooth and consistent. Finally, the précis should make sense and be logical in its
content and presentation.
While keeping the above in mind, you need to keep in mind what a precis is not. The following are some
of things that should 'not' be a part of or a reflection of the precis:
Precis Writing
Actual Essay/ WAT topics of 2018-19
Top Factual Essay Topics for 2019
Essay Writing: Brainstorming Techniques
Essay Writing: Sentence Structure
Essay Writing: Do’s and Don’ts
Do's in a précis:
Start your précis by highlighting the main idea of the passage and you should create
contextual environment where you can place the necessary points.
Once the main idea is established in the précis, you can present the methods, points, facts
etc. used by the author of the passage.
Compress and clarify a lengthy passage, article, or book, while retaining important
concepts, key words, and important data.
Remove what is superfluous and retain the core essence of the work.
Always remember that mentions about history should be advisably done in the past tense.
State the purpose of the research or piece of writing (why was it important to conduct this
research or write on this topic?)
Don'ts in a précis:
Do not express your own opinion, wish, remark or criticism.
Do not insert any question in your précis. Its significance, if essential, may be expressed
by a statement.
Do not use abbreviations or contractions.
Do not be shaky. This suggests that most probably, you have not understood the sense of
the passage properly.
When one is writing a précis, he/she should take care of a few essential points. The first thing is that one
needs to convey the general idea of the argument with absolute clarity. The second thing that you need to
do is to make sure that all the important points of the original passage are included in the precis. Lastly,
make sure that the language of the précis is clear, crisp and concise, and follows the rule for correct
The following rules are general guidelines you should follow while writing a précis:
Closely read the passage, and identify the central idea of the passage. It is vital to identify the
general idea of the passage and incorporate it in one’s précis.
Look-out for the total number of words. If the number is not provided, quickly calculate the
number using approximations.
In order to understand the passage clearly, make sure that you read the passage closely, and give
it a couple of reads before you start writing the précis.
Highlight the most important points in the passage, and make notes. Leave out all non-essential
information from the précis.
Provide an apt heading to your précis.
Note making is an essential task for writing précis. You should try to arrange the points in most
logical order, and ensure the order of thought is the same as the original.
The three grammatical rules you need to follow while writing a précis are: write it in third person,
indirect form and appropriate past tense.
It is advisable to provide designations of officials rather than names and titles. In case the official
designation is not provided, you can use the personal name. Kindly be consistent with the pattern
you adopt.
Make sure you review your rough draft, remove the chinks and ensure that you have made no
language related errors.
Before writing your précis, make sure you have a glance over the original to make sure you have
not missed anything.
Finally, a wise policy would be to count the words of your precis and put them down in a bracket
at the end.
Sample Passage:
There is an enemy beneath our feet - an enemy more deadly for his complete impartiality. He recognizes
no national boundaries, no political parties. Everyone in the world is threatened by him. The enemy is the
earth itself. When an earthquake strikes, the world trembles. The power of a quake is greater than
anything man himself can produce. But today scientists are directing a great deal of their effort into
finding some way of combating earthquakes, and it is possible that at some time in the near future
mankind will have discovered a means of protecting itself from earthquakes.An earthquake strikes
without warning. When it does, its power is immense. If it strikes a modern city, the damage it causes is
as great as if it has struck a primitive village. Gas mains burst, explosions are caused and fires are started.
Underground railways are wrecked. Buildings collapse, bridges fall, dams burst, gaping crevices appear
in busy streets.If the quake strikes at sea, huge tidal waves sweep inland. If it strikes in mountain regions,
avalanches roar down into the valley. Consider the terrifying statistics from the past 1755: Lisbon, capital
of Portugal - the city destroyed entirely and 450 killed. 1970: Peru: 50,000 killed.In 1968 an earthquake
struck Alaska. As this is a relatively underpopulated part, only a few people were killed. But it is likely
that this was one of the most powerful quakes ever to have hit the world. Geologists estimate that during
the tremors, the whole of the state moved over 80 feet farther west into the Pacific Ocean. Imagine the
power of something that can move an entire subcontinent! This is the problem that the scientists face.
They are dealing with forces so immense that man cannot hope to resist them. All that can be done is to
try to pinpoint just where the earthquake will strike and work from there. At least some precautionary
measures can then be taken to save lives and some of the property. (330 Words)'
Based on the above paragraph, we-arrive at the following theme sentences for the four
The above four theme sentences can be developed into the following outline:
Based on the above outline, we can make the following rough draft:
Earthquake is the deadly enemy of mankind. Earthquake strikes all without a distinction of nationality or
political affiliation. The power of a quake is greater than that of any man-made weapon of destruction. An
earthquake strikes mankind without a warning. A modern city when struck is reduced to a rubble. A
quake strikes plains, seas and mountains causing all round destruction. The quake struck Lisbon in 1755
killing 450; Peru in 1970 killing 50,000; Alaska in 1968 moving it 80 feet into the Pacific Ocean.
Scientists are trying to find out means to combat earthquakes and they are able to predict at least where
the earthquake will hit so that precaution can be taken to save man and property from destruction. As the
number of words in the rough draft is more than required we shall have to reduce it further without
reducing the ideas.
The final draft would look as follows:
Earthquake is the mankind's deadly enemy. Earthquake strikes all without a distinction of nationality or
political affiliation. The power of a quake is greater than that of any man-made weapon of destruction. An
earthquake strikes mankind without a warning. A modern city when struck is reduced -to a nibble. A
quake strikes plains, seas and mountains causing all round destruction. The quake struck Lisbon in 1755
killing 450; Peru in 1970 killing 50,000; Alaska in 1968 moving it 80 feet into the Pacific Ocean.
Scientists are trying to find out means to combat earthquakes, to predict the origin of the quake so that
precaution can be taken to save man and property from destruction.(115 words)