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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at www.ijsred.com

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring and Control System with

Thing Speak
Khin Kyawt Kyawt Khaing
Faculty of Computer System and Technologies, University of Information Technology, Myanmar

Monitoring in IoT infra is some kind of logging a Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in a specific
environment and store data in a location database and then displaying the user values on the Thing Speak.
The core function of our proposed system is to monitor and pass the real-time values of the temperature
and humidity of a particular place from any location via internet. The inspection of the current conditions
can be visualized in the channels of the things speak IoT platform privately or publicly. It also focuses on
the controlling of the IoT devices depend on the situation of this system.

Keywords —IoT-Internet of Things, the ThingSpeak.

temperature and humidity monitoring and control
I. INTRODUCTION system is proposed. In this system, temperature and
The Internet of Things is a current age of creative humidity values of the environment will be
computing and it’s providing opportunities to monitored, stored and displayed on the web via the
communicate around the world. The objective Internet. The stored old values can also be done for
ofIoT is something, Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace, predictions.
Any service and Anynetwork [1]. The square measure even connected footballs that
IoT describes a system where items in the real may track however so much associate degree quick
world, and sensors within or attached to these items, they're tossed and documentations via an
are connected to the Internet via wireless and wired application for future coaching functions.
Internet connections.Machine-to-machine Intelligence and instincts to a computer. In reality
communications and intelligence drawn from the though, it's a tough task to alter computers to
devices and therefore the network can enable acknowledge pictures of various objects.
businesses to alter bound basic tasks while not Devices and objects with intrinsic sensors unit
looking at central or cloud-based applications and associated to an online of web platforms that
services. merges information from the various devices and
Technology has changed our lives day by day. uses analytics to share the foremost worthwhile info
The system that was done manually is developed with implementation to handle specific desires.
into an automated system that can save time and These powerful IoT platforms will pinpoint
energy. Temperature and humidity values are precisely what info is helpful, and what will safely
important for many types of users or systems such be neglected. This data may be accustomed to
as farmers, offices, cars, humidors, museums, notice patterns, create recommendations, and notice
industrial spaces, including a greenhouse. attainable issues before they occur.
Temperature and humidity values are also useful or
weather prediction. In this paper, IoT based

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-–
Development Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
II. BACKGROUND THEORY Lua-cjson andd SPIFFS are used as open source
A variety of temperature sensors are available in projects.
market which have different characteristics for C. Pin Diagram of Node MCU
different application areas. There are two types of Node MCU in Fig.1 provides access to the GPIO
temperature sensors: Contact Temperature Sensor (General Purpose Input/Output) and a pin mapping
and Non-contact
contact Temperature Sensor. Different table is part of the API documentation.
environmental parameters have to be considered
while designing pollution monitoring
ing systems.
A. Temperature and Humidity Sensor
The DHT11 sensor has three parts: a capacitive
humidity sensor, a thermistor, and a chip to perform
analog to digital conversion and output temperature
and humidity in a digital form. That digital signal
can be read using microcontroller of any form.
Strictly calibration to DHT11 is needed that is
extremely accurate on humidity calibration. Those
calibration coefficients.
The features of each DHT11 sensors are
extremely correct calibration of humidity
calibration cell. The single-wire wire serial interface
system is integrated to become quick and easy.
Small size, low power, signal transmission distance
up to 20 meters, enabling a variety of applications
and even the most demanding ones. The product is
Fig 1. Pin Diagram for Node MCU
a 4-pin single row ow pin package. Convenient
connection, special packages can be provided
according to the user’s needs [2]. III. BACKGROUND THEORY
Specification of DHT11
Today people want the world on their hands, It
• Supply Voltage: +5 V
• Temperature range :0-50
50 °C error of ± 2 °C
outlets the revolutions of computing and
• Humidity :20-90%
90% RH ± 5% RH error smartenvironment. Some technologies like ambient
• Interface: Digital intelligence satisfy the maximum need of smart
world butthese technologies are not tightly coupled
B. WIFI Module with
ith internet, so the people need another
Fi, a popular wireless networking technology technology extension. Internet of Things (IoT) is an
uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed high ideal emerging technology to influence the internet
Internet and network connections. Wi-Fi Fi is short for and communicationtechnologies. Simply “Internet
“Wireless Fidelity”. of Things” connects “living living and nonliving things”
An open source IoT platform, NodeMCU through “internet”.
includes firmware running on the ESP8266 ESP Wi-Fi Since the concept of Internet of Things is
SoC of Esp Systems. That also includes module- module reliability, sustainability, and efficiency by
based hardware. The Lua scripting language is used improved access to information, the fundamental
which is based on the eLua plan and built on the services required for performing smart systems are
Espressif Non-OS OS SDK for ESP8266. There are full filed by the current work by providing visibility
new MCU bands which based on a Non Non-Os SDK. of sensor ensor data with the help of android application

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
The design and construction of PIC based IV. IMPLEMENTATION
temperature control system with digital readout up
to 600° on 2-line 16-character LCD display will be The implementation of IoT based temperature
constructed. The output temperature is described as and humidity monitoring system using Node MCU
decimal number form. This device can control the includes two sections: hardware implementation
temperature of the specific system when the and software implementation in Fig 2.Basic IoT
temperature of the system is beyond the specified
monitoring system and many other sensors can be
limit. The permissible maximum temperature can
replaced for the applications of user requirements
preset by this unit. Setting can be done by using 3x4
like car parking monitoring system, power
keypad and LCD display. The design will be used
in the temperature industrial field (eg: crucible consumption monitoring, etc. This system to
furnace, plastic factory and etc) with extension and forecast the parameters based on the historical data
other standard features. The MPASM assembly and to control the room temperature and humidity.
language is used in this system [4].
The Things Node waterproof match box full of
sensors has been used to sense light, temperature Thingspeak
and movement of a particular place and the data sever
through the Gateways to the Things Network Node MCU
(TTN). Devices use low power networks like LoRa ESP8266
WAN to connect to the Gateway, while the
Thing Speak and
Gateway uses high bandwidth networks like WiFi control devices
to connect to The Things Network. The updated
data from the implement system can be accessible
on the TTN console via internet from anywhere in
the world and stored database Firebase via Node-
Red. And then users can display at sensor
DHT11 Display
information on the smart phone application which is
crucial helpful and importance in smart things [5].
The paper [6] describes Thing Speak API
Fig 2. System block diagram.
(Application Programming Interface) and web
service for IoT. Practical examples of ThingSpeak
The main object in temperature system is the
interfacing is provided for the Arduino
reading o temperature value form DHT 11 sensor.
microcontroller. To communicate with the
The primary use of temperature sensor is that it is
graphical interface, python script is used. Authors
the simplest of all the temperature sensors and it has
discuss the strengths and weakness of the platform
an integrated circuit that gives an output a voltage
along with its potential applications. The paper
that is proportional to the temperature in degree
suggests ThingSpeak for small hardware projects
Celsius and the sensor itself deals with non-linear
where dedicated communication server is not
practical. But the system necessitates continuous
The sensor is directly connected with ESP 8266
connectivity over the internet.
controller with WiFi Module and Send data through
As a result of both the hardware and software
the gateway via internet to the things speak. The
used in this system are fully open source, there is no
need to pay even a little and the modification of the things speak can get the signal from the sensor as
system to be updated is quite freely. variable along the value. After processing,
controller will send a cooling or heating signal to
the system. A relay is used to control the air
conditioning in the room. A transistor is employed

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 8

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
to turn on or off the respective relay. In the After observation the condition, the action are
mechanism of the control system is utilized to going to be set in keeping with the conditions as
control the heating and cooling devices. shown in Table 1. The sensing element information
In this system, we will set up the devices was monitored and supported the information the
connected to a home gateway network. There will devices were controlled. The fan, air-condition and
also be monitored with a smart phone/tablet and alarm were turned on and off in keeping with the
automatically controlled the devices through environmental conditions and also the alarm was
homegateway network even when the user is turned on.The data form homes are sent to Thing
outside. The flowchart of the system as shown in Speak server using MQTT protocol and was
Fig 3. visualized in one channel.


Name Condition Action

Fan-On-Low Temperature>20°C Set fan status to Low
Fan-On-High Temperature is between Set fan status to
27°C and 28°C High
Initialize the
Aircon-On Temperature≥29°C Set Aircon On to
Alarm-On Humidity ≥ 85 Set alarm On to True

temperature The channel receives sensor data from room at an
and Humidity interval of 30 seconds, and are visualized as line
graphs in the channel. If the temperature is greater
Transmit the
than the conditions, smart fan and air con will start
data according to our conditions given from smart
phone’s web browser. After that, the humidity is
also one of the most important thing for health.
WiFi Module

Wait for 30

Compare the To the

temperature and controller to
humidity with control the
Yes actuators
required conditions

No Fig 4. The output of the IoT sever and devices of the system.
Transmit the If a certain kind of humidity is detected, the
data alarm will start to give us an alarm. The output of
the IoT sever and devices are shown in Fig 4.
wait A. Hardware Implementation:
Hardware requirements: DHT11 – Temperature
and humidity sensor, Node MCU – Microcontroller
including WIFI module, Router, relay and actuators
Fig 3. Flow diagram of the proposed model
(Fan, Air-condition and alarm).

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
B. Software Implementation
In software implementation, Thingspeak cloud
server is used to store and display the temperature
and humidity values. Create new channel in
Thingspeak and the API keys will be obtained to
add in source code of Node MCU. This will make
Node MCU to connect with ThingSpeak.
In this system, the ThingSpeak can get the signal
from the sensor as variable along the value
temperature and humidity values are displayed in
both graphs and numerical values. Temperature and
humidity graph of the system on the ThingSpeak as
shown in Fig 4(a), (b).
Fig 4 (b). Humidity visualized in ThingSpeak.

This system provides the monitoring access the
temperature and humidity values from anywhere
with Internet access. This system is useful for many
applications like predicting temperature of
environment, agriculture, temperature control of
data centre and many others. This is the basic of
IoTmonitoring system and many other sensors can
be replaced for the applications of user
requirements like car parking monitoring system,
power consumption monitoring, etc. This system to
forecast the parameters based on the historical data.
This system can be further expanded to monitor
Fig 4(a). Temperature visualized in ThingSpeak. the developing cities and industrial zones for
monitoring, collecting the data and analysis.
As this system is IoT based, there will be 30 sec In this system, temperature and humidity values
delayed refreshing the live value in Thingspeak.The are displayed in ThingSpeak web browser in this
community was ready to receive information from system. This is not easy for users to access this
sensible homes to ThingSpeak platform via MQTT system. So, mobile application should be created
protocol, save the information within the database for this system by connecting to ThingSpeak cloud
and visually show within the ThingSpeak webpage. server. In this way, users can monitor the
temperature and humidity values easily via mobile
We express our deep appreciation and sincere
thanks to Dr. Saw Sanda Aye, Rector of the
University of Information Technology for her
extensive personal and professional guidance and
life in general. Dr. MyatThida Mon, Dean of
Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies
who have been supportive us to pursue those goals.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
We are grateful to all of those with whom we have
had the pleasure to work during this and other
related projects.
[1] P. Magrassi, T. Berg, “A World of Smart Objects”, Gartner research
report R-17-2243, 12 August 2002.
[2] www.igcn.gigaku.org.
[3] D.-R. UK, "DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor," 30 July 2010.
[Online]. Available: www.droboticsonline.com.
[4] Khin KyawtKyawt Khaing, “PIC-Based Temperature Controller”, The
Third International Conference on Science and Engineering(ICSE
2011), 2011, Vol-1, page 234-238.
[5] Khin KyawtKyawt Khaing & May Thin Khine, “IoT based
Temperature, Movement and Light Monitoring System for Smart
Building”, MURC 2019, 24th - 25th June 2019, Yangon.
[6] Maureira, M. A. G., Oldenhof, D., &Teernstra, L., 2011, "ThingSpeak–
an API and Web Service for the Internet of Things," Available
online:http://mediatechnology.leiden .edu/images
/uploads/docs/wt2014_thingspeak.pdf, Accessed on 25 March 2018.
[7] https://www.ibm.com/blogs/internet-of-things/what-is-the-iot/
[8] Augusto Casaca, “Internet of Things”, IFIP TC6 LATIN AMERICA
[9] https://www.robot-r-us.com/vmchk/sensor-temp/humid/dht11-
[10] L. Aosong(Guangzhou) Electronics Co., "Temperature and humidity
module DHT11 Product Manual," [Online]. Available:
[11] NodeMCu ESP8266 ESP-12E, https:// einstronic.com/wp-
content/ …/NodeMCU-ESP-12E-Catalogue.pdf.
[12] Lopez Research LLC, “An Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT)".

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