12.3% 30%
cash-on-cash yield
12.3 % 16.1 % 15.5 %
This summary, which contains brief, selected information pertaining to the business and affairs of the Property, has been prepared by NEXXICA
to provide general information about the Property. This is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an off er to buy securities, as such an offer or solicitation
can only come through the offering’s Operating Agreement. This material cannot, and does not, replace the Operating Agreement, and the Operating Agreement
supersedes this material in all respects. This investment involves various degrees of risk, including the speculative market and financing risks associated
with fluctuations in the real estate market including tax status, liquidity, and fees, expenses, and other risk factors. Please refer to the “Risk Factors”
section of the Operating Agreement.”
A $1.22M portfolio of first-position mortgage notes with
current cash flow, equity protection and reserves
NEXXICA SERIES 3 is a portfolio of 9 first-position residential mortgage notes
generating a current 12.3% cash-on-cash yield.
These 9 notes were acquired from a money center bank as part of a larger trade, at a
discount of approximately 30% to current market value.
Nexxica is micromanaging the portfolio to maximize cash flow and to refinance -or
liquidate- all assets for their collateral value during a three year hold.
The budget provides over $111K for reserves and servicing - set aside to protect the
collateral value of the portfolio. There is no management fee. The Investor receives all
interest income during the hold period and the Investor will recapture 100% of equity
invested before profit participation by the Manager.
This book is dedicated to explaining how these assets are managed and liquidated by
Nexxica and the company’s approach to underwriting.
reserves and third party servicing costs. There is no management fee.
This summary, which contains brief, selected information pertaining to the business and affairs of the Property, has been prepared by NEXXICA
nexxica to provide general information about the Property. This is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities, as such an offer or solicitation
can only come through the offering’s Operating Agreement. This material cannot, and does not, replace the Operating Agreement, and the Operating Agreement
supersedes this material in all respects. This investment involves various degrees of risk, including the speculative market and financing risks associated
with fluctuations in the real estate market including tax status, liquidity, and fees, expenses, and other risk factors. Please refer to the “Risk Factors”
section of the Operating Agreement.
OUR TEAM leverages their long-standing relationships with trading desks at large money
center banks to gain access to off-market pools of discounted mortgage notes.
resources. Each Nexxica note has been aggressively underwritten and vetted by an
analyst who has purchased hundreds of similar notes. Underwriting includes
at approximately 30% discount to
physical inspection, review of borrower conversation logs, MERS tracking
and 3rd party valuation. Page 10 provides a detailed look at our underwriting
their collateral value. process.
EACH NOTE in the Nexxica Series 3 portfolio was acquired because it passed a
specific underwriting screen:
3. Our review of the Conversation Logs and Pay Strings provide a clear
understanding of the borrower’s ability to pay and refinance.
All operating expenses and
liquidation expenses are direct
As a boutique investment firm, we are able to micromanage each portfolio to maximize cash
flow and principal recovery during its holding period. We are confident in our approach such
that we defer our returns until the Investor has recaptured his equity investment.
For more information on Nexxica Series 3 portfolio and to review the deal
tape: 310-359-0779 or
There’s evidence to suggest the non-performing note market will be active through 2014. As
large portfolios are brought to market by money center banks, Nexxica looks to acquire and DOWNSIDE PROTECTION
harvest the smaller packages of sub-performing notes from within those portfolios. Here’s - NEXXICA SERIES THREE -
how capital is deployed in the market, and the typical yield expectations of investors. A managed portfolio of
sub-performing notes can offer a
10-13% current yield while
providing significant
downside protection.
Typical Cash-on-Cash
Asset Class Discount Yield Characteristics Comments
With a 1% default rate, this high quality paper will be
PERFORMING 5% 6-7% cash flow held on the books by money center banks such as
no upside Bank of America, Chase, JP Morgan and regionals such
as City National Bank.
This summary, which contains brief, selected information pertaining to the business and affairs of the Property, has been prepared by
NEXXICA to provide general information about the Property. This is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an off er to buy securities, as
such an offer or solicitation can only come through the offering’s Operating Agreement. This material cannot, and does not, replace the
Operating Agreement, and the Operating Agreement supersedes this material in all respects. This investment involves various degrees
of risk, including the speculative market and financing risks associated with fluctuations in the real estate market including tax status,
liquidity, and fees, expenses, and other risk factors. Please refer to the “Risk Factors” section of the Operating Agreement.”
In every portfolio we acquire or target for acquisition – we commit our own capital. It stands to reason,
as principles, over time, we have identified the crucial difference between notes that offer downside
protection and those that don’t.
There’s no more simple truth in the commodity One part of the business that is an established
notes business: you don’t know the“value” of a process is cash distribution. During the holding
note or asset until you know period of a note, the servicer
how the underwriting was collects and distributes interest
performed. Nothing is more
assignment title payments and maintains the file.
important to us because Once the note refinances, then
as managers we have
comm log deed of trust the note is paid in full, principle
performed due diligence on is returned to the investor and
over 5,000 notes, have acquired many hundreds proceeds are distributed. In the event of default,
and we know the rigors and discipline that are the servicing company files the foreclosure and
needed: first, verify the asset value through ensures legal filings are done in compliance.
multiple sources, and second, make sure you These are mechanical processes that are easy
have a clear path for the assignment of title. to manage.With our familiarity of the servicer’s
strengths and weaknesses, we oversee the
The central idea of our business and certainly servicer to make sure there are no gaps in
what must be the most important lesson of the service.
current mortgage crises: residential mortage
notes is a commodity business. There is a large If you talk to investors who have succeeded
and efficient infrastructure to aquire, manage, with acquiring notes, they’ll tell you, the key is
service, foreclose and sell these assets. Similar to acquiring assets at significant discount to true
the purchase of other commodities, the key risk market value. What truly distinguishes our assets
is in pricing, or underwriting. The other functions is the depth of our underwriting process. Here’s
of the business are mechanical (for example, how we do it:
in nearly 500 foreclosures performed by our
recently hired operations manager, 100% were UND
UND b We don’t rely on the BPO or appraisal, or any single source to determine
In our first screen, we look at Zillow, Redfin, MLS,
PUBLIC This helps us get a baseline under-
SOURCES standing of the market and the asset.
Next, we find a prominent Real Estate Agent in the
local market that understands the nuances of that
LOCAL location. Several hours of conversation may take
AGENT place between us and the local agent. In many
markets we have pre-existing relationships.
A member from the Nexxica team will make a
SITE physical inspection of the property and build the
VISIT case file with a first-hand evaluation of the asset
and the market. In many cases the site inspection
will include the Real Estate Agent.
Even if Archbay, Wells Fargo and Wachovia has
TITLE previously owned the note (a common scenario)
NOTATION there can still be issues with title. The key to
finding any glitches is a full review of the conver-
sation logs with the Owner - this is the heartbeat
of every note and tells a complete story.
MERS was established as a clearinghouse and
MERS computer registry to track ownership changes in
mortgages. Sort of a CarFax for mortgage title. If
there is any issue with title transfer and history, it
will show up in here.
In most cases, Nexxica acquires small portfolios
3RD PARTY alongside a larger 3rd Party - who is buying a
REVIEW substantially larger portfolio from an institution. In
essence, we cherry pick the notes with cash flow
nexxica and certain credit characteristics, and we benefit
from the 3rd party collateral review of our partner.
The Nexxica management team, along with operations personnel have worked on more than $1B of capital
real estate acquisitions over the previous 5 years, including significant transactions in 2009 and 2010.
Oren D. Klaff - Director Gabriel Salcedo- Vice President of Capital Markets Scott Behrle - Marketing
As Director of Capital Markets, Mr. Klaff is re- Gabriel has been working in the capital markets As a registered representative Scott Behrle has
sponsible for managing the firm’s capital raising for eight years in the areas of financial analysis, raised private equity from high net worth indi-
platform which includes both retail and wholesale client advisory, real estate investment banking viduals for 1031 exchanges and the syndication
distribution. Mr. Klaff oversees business develop- and principal investments. He began his career of commercial real estate offerings. Scott has
ment and product development and is respon- with Blackpoint Capital, a boutique investment also raised institutional capital for Geyser Hold-
sible for the firms flagship product, Velocity™. banking firm acting as a distributor for debt and ings a large real estate sponsor. Scott holds his
Mr. Klaff also sits on the investment committee equity capital. In 2007, he relocated from the series 7 and 63 FINRA registrations, as well as a
at Geyser Holdings where he has been a principal United States to Asia, and has since called Hong real estate license. Scott’s broad background
since 2006. During its growth he was responsible Kong his home. Gabriel’s expertise is in simplifying and book industry contacts enable him to make
for sales, marketing, branding, product develop- complex investment models into a clear, concise key introductions to Nexxica Capital, and he has
ment, and business development. In the previous and standardized proforma, underwriting and trusted relationships with significant wealth in
five years in the securities markets, Mr. Klaff has sources and uses statement. Gabriel speaks the high net worth segment and family office
supervised and assisted in the placement of over fluent English, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish. He market segment.
$400 million of investor capital. Prior to joining holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of
Geyser Holdings, Mr. Klaff was a venture analyst Hawaii and an MBA from Rutgers University.
and partner at several mid-sized investment
funds. He is the author of the widely anticipated
McGraw-Hill publication, Pitch, releasing in spring