1.1 Energy Production in General

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Bladeless energy has had a profound impact on the way our world has taken
form, from the first sailing ships that discovered new worlds to the bladeless
mills that were used to create dry lands in the Netherlands. With every new
era, an inventive way was found to make use of the energy contained in
bladeless . In this thesis, we will introduce an alternative method of
extracting this energy.
While bladeless energy is often viewed as an energy source on its own,
technically speaking, bladeless energy is mainly a form of solar energy,
because air flow is generated due to the uneven heating of the Earth’s
surface by the sun. About 1% of the solar energy reaching the earth is
transformed into bladeless energy. Due to the uneven heating of the
Earth’s surface, there are some locations that are more suitable for the
exploitation of bladeless energy, like at sea or oceans, on wide open plains
or along coastal lines.
In this chapter, firstly, we will start with a general outline of the energy
production in the world. After a quick review of the conventional methods
that are currently employed to utilise bladeless power, the theoretical
concepts of the new method will be explained and, finally, we will conclude
by stating the goals of this PhD research project.
1.1 Energy Production In General
Worldwide energy consumption is growing and as countries like China and
India are rapidly industrialising towards western standards, the demand for
energy will become even higher. Currently, as we can see in Figure 1.1, the
world primary energy demand at this moment is roughly 150000 TWh and

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according to the International Energy Agency, this demand will increase to

almost 200000 TWh in 2030, see .

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Of the current global energy production 86 percent is delivered using fossil

based energy sources, i.e. oil, coal and gas. Another major form of energy
production is nuclear energy which, at this point in time, is of the fission
variety, which currently contributes 6 percent of the global energy
Both forms of energy production have their own drawbacks considered from
various points of view, which are not always technical or environmental
viewpoints. For example, with regards to fossil based energy sources, the
main issue is the finiteness of the supply of oil, gas and (to a lesser degree)
coal reserves. The most pessimistic estimation according to the International
Energy Agency is that there will be enough to sustain this consumption rate
approximately 164 years for coal, 64 for natural gas and 42 for crude oil, see
[2]. Since oil and gas also serve other purposes than the production of
electricity, such as the manufacturing of plastics, alternative means of
energy production would mean a reduction of the pressure on these fossil
Furthermore, with the burning of fossil fuels CO 2 is produced. While the
full effects of CO2 production on the climatologic changes have yet to be
understood, it is internationally acknowledged that the reduction of the
release of CO2 into the atmosphere is necessary.
Similar considerations can be made concerning fission based nuclear
energy. Firstly, just like with the fossil based energy sources, there is a limit
to the supply of uranium and plutonium, a limit we might see most
pessimistically around 2030, see . Furthermore, even though many
countries, like e.g. France and the USA, utilise nuclear energy, public
perception is still negative, mostly because of the operating risks and the
problems surrounding the disposal of the nuclear waste. In general,
whenever new plans for building a nuclear reactor are disclosed, popular
resistance to these plans can be expected. In addition, certain governments,

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like that of Germany, have decided to shut down all nuclear reactors by
2020, see
Nuclear energy from fusion has a more positive image than its fission
counterpart, but it is still in an experimental phase and it is generally
thought that it will take at least a few decades before this technology is
commercially available.
1.2 Alternative Energy Sources
Considering the issues with the aforementioned sources of energy,
alternative means of energy production have been investigated. About 17%
of the global electricity production is generated through the use of
alternative energy sources, see [6]. Some examples of methods employing
renewable energy sources are:
- hydrogen/ethanol fuel cells,
- biomass energy
- photovoltaic solar cells
- hydro energy
- tidal energy

of which their share in the total world renewable energy usage, according to
the Renewable Energy Network Policy Network .
Most of these alternative methods of energy production are still only used
on a small scale basis. The independent economic viability of these
alternative renewable energy sources is low to non-existent and, therefore,
most of these methods need to be promoted through the use of subsidies and
tax incentives. Slowly, energy companies are trying to adopt a “greener”
image and have started to offer electricity generated through sustainable
means. The rates for this “green” electricity are usually equivalent to the
rates for electricity generated through conventional means, again promoted
by tax breaks.

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1.3 Bladeless Energy In General

Firstly, we will briefly mention the current status of the use of bladeless
energy, its current capabilities, its drawbacks and what can be expected of
bladeless energy. Then, we will introduce a different concept of converting
bladeless energy to electrical energy in order to address some of the
drawbacks currently associated with bladeless energy production.
Usually, when it comes to alternative means of generating energy, several
terms are used to label these alternative means using adjectives like
“sustainable” or “renewable” and sometimes these adjectives are used
Therefore, for the sake of clarity, the following definitions, which are
commonly accepted, will be used throughout this thesis:
Sustainable energy: A form of energy generation which can be
maintained economically without depleting or damaging the resources.
Renewable energy: A form of energy generation in which the
required resources are normally replenished through natural processes.
Usually, this means that forms of renewable energy are also sustainable if
they can also be maintained economically.Of all the various forms of
sustainable energy generation, bladeless energy is one of the most utilised
forms, together with hydro energy. It is a growing source of sustainable
energy which has the potential to ease the pressure on fossil based energy
sources. The fact that there is virtually no CO2 emission when generating
bladeless energy also means that this form of power generation could play
an important role in global energy supply especially considering the issue of
global warming.

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Figure 1.8. An example of a Type B implementation of the VORTEX bladeless turbine system. Here, earth
acts as the collector. The charging bladeless turbine system itself is insulated from earth and as a
consequence, the dispersal of charged particles will result in the rise of the potential of the bladeless turbine
system. Again, a load can be attached to the charging bladeless turbine system.

Globally, in 2007, the total installed bladeless power capacity is roughly

94000 MW and, as can be seen in Figure 1.3, the prediction for the next
years is to almost double that capacity.
In the Netherlands, the installed bladeless power capacity currently is
approximately 1500 MW. The goals of the Dutch government are to
increase this capacity to 3000 MW in the next few years. In 2020, the goal
is to have 20% of the total output power be generated by means of
sustainable energy, which for a significant part will consist of bladeless
energy. This will mean that, by then, a total bladeless power capacity of
6000 MW will have to be installed, see

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1.3.1 Conventional Methods

The most common and well known method of converting bladeless energy
to electrical energy is through the use of bladeless turbines of the
horizontal axis design, see Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4. Bladeless turbines in the middle of the Dutch farming landscape.

Their current efficiency is around 50% at their rated speeds, which means
they convert 50% of the available power associated with the bladeless
1.3.2 Drawbacks of bladeless turbines
So, while bladeless turbines still are the main devices to convert bladeless
energy to electrical energy, there are a number of drawbacks that limit the
widespread use of bladeless energy. The main drawback is the high cost of
maintenance. This need for maintenance arises primarily from the
conversion of bladeless energy to electrical energy via mechanical energy,
i.e. the rotational movement that drives the bladeless turbine. Especially
gear box driven bladeless turbines are prone to wear and tear and need to
be maintained on at least a yearly basis. Added to the cost of maintenance
are the costs for, amongst other things, construction, land lease and permits
which makes government subsidies a requisite to enabling bladeless energy
projects. Thus, at this point, the choice for the bladeless energy is a
political one.

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Other drawbacks include the fact that conventional bladeless turbines are
bound to circular surface areas, because of the rotational movement. This
rotational movement is also the cause of noise and intermittent shadow
nuisance. Another often heard complaint is that these bladeless turbines are
responsible for what is called “visual pollution”, especially when large
bladeless turbine farms in rural settings are involved. A solution for this
problem is to build bladeless turbine farms at sea. This, of course,
introduces problems such as increased construction and maintenance costs.
1.3.3 Alternative Bladeless Energy Methods
There have been other developments in the field of alternative bladeless
energy conversion. One example is the so-called “ladder mill” which
consists of a series of kites moving in a rotating manner while driving a
Thus far, all of these developments are still in an experimental stage and
have not been yet proven commercially successful. Also, they all have the
common element that there are mechanically moving parts present in the
design, which will lead to wear and tear, similar to bladeless turbines.
1.3.4 Use of Bladeless Energy
As many countries have stated in their long-term energy goals that they
wish to increase their bladeless energy output, a question that often arises
when any form of alternative energy production is mentioned is whether it
can replace current energy production processes. With respect to bladeless
energy, it can be said that, due to its intermittent nature and the limited
means of energy storage in general, in the foreseeable future bladeless
energy will not be able to fully replace fossil and nuclear based energy
Also, computational research using meteorological models as described in

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[11] suggest that the local and global climate could be altered by the use of
large-scale use of bladeless energy, for example 1/10th of the global
electricity demand, by extracting kinetic energy and changing turbulent
transport in the atmospheric boundary layer.
As stated before, in all of the methods, that are used to convert bladeless
energy into electrical energy, some form of mechanical movement occurs,
which is the primary reason for maintenance and usually the primary cause
of failure. Therefore, a concept in which there is very little mechanical
movement would be ideal with respect to bladeless turbine system
complexity and maintenance costs.
The vortex method (Electrostatic Bladeless energy CONverter) is a method
which is based on the principle that the bladeless transports electrically
charged particles or charge carriers in an electric field. Without going into
great detail on how we will go about creating these charge carriers (this will
be discussed in chapter 3), for now, we will discuss the principles of the
vortex method and possible implementations into an actual bladeless turbine
system. In principle, any object, that can hold or store a charge, could be
used as charge carrier. At the end of this chapter, we will discuss in more
detail what this, in practice, will come down to.
It is important to mention that the concept of converting bladeless energy
into electrical energy by having the bladeless move charge carriers in an
electric field is not new. There have been several patents that propose a
similar idea, see for example however, most of these patents do not have an
energy efficient solution for creating charge carriers.
1.4.Principle: Work On Charge Carriers
When a force acts on a body that undergoes a displacement, that force does
work on the body. In the case of the vortex bladeless turbine system, the
body is a charged particle with a charge q and the force is the electric force
on the charged particle due to an electric field E, given by

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Figure 1.7. An example of a Type A implementation of the VORTEX bladeless turbine system with an
insulated collector. The charged particles are created at the charging bladeless turbine system consisting of
nozzles and electrodes. The bladeless transports these particles to the collector. In previous experiments,
the distances between nozzle and collector were in the order of one to two metres. A load can be attached to
the collector.

1.4.2 Implementation Of The Vortex Method

Currently, there are two methods of collecting the charged particles, both of
which will be explained together with their respective advantages and
disadvantages: Type A: The Patent Of Alvin Marks Et Al.:
As we can see in Figure 1.7, in this implementation of the vortex bladeless
turbine system, the charged particles are created by a charging bladeless
turbine system, which usually consists of a number of nozzles and
electrodes, which is grounded. A stream of charged particles, which can be
considered as an electric current, is then transported by the bladeless to a

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separate insulated collector, which is initially neutral. When the charged

particles touch the collector, they will deliver their charge to the collector.
This causes the potential of the collector to ris This potential will have the
same polarity as the charged particles cloud, thereby creating an electric
field. Due to this field, an electric force will push the charged particles away
from the collector. Initially, the bladeless force will be larger than the
electric force and therefore the charged particles will still arrive at the
collector. As long as this process occurs, however, the electric field
generated by the collector will continue to increase, causing the charged
particles cloud to either move back against the bladeless or around the
collector. When the charged particles come in contact with the charging
bladeless turbine system or earth, the charge is lost and the net current
Therefore, the bladeless has to overcome this repelling electric force and
depending on the speed of the bladeless , the size of the collector and the
load, the collector potential attains a maximum that further depends on
possible leakage currents to earth via the insulator surface. If all produced
charged particles are captured by the collector, then the maximum power of
the VORTEX has been attained.

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In this chapter, to help understand the basic principles of this concept, we

will construct a model which we can use to make predictions of the
operation and the efficiency of the vortex bladeless turbine system. This
will involve assessing the power associated with the bladeless and how
much of it can be used for the conversion. Based on the movement of the
charged carriers under influence of the electric field and the bladeless , we
can determine whether the carriers will be removed from the bladeless
turbine system and if so, how much electrical energy potentially can be
gained. Using this model, we can determine which parameters are the most
important for the efficiency of the vortex bladeless turbine system.
This model will be used as the basis for computational simulations.
Quantitative results from this model can then be compared to experimental
results and used to further improve and optimise vortex bladeless turbine
system parameters.
Practical issues like the energy costs of all the equipment or devices needed
for e.g. liquid supply or high voltage sources for the electrodes will not be
taken into account during these theoretical considerations. All these issues
will be addressed in chapter 4 and 5 where we will discuss the practical
design of an vortex bladeless turbine system and the experiments conducted
with the vortex bladeless turbine system.
At the end of this chapter, we will discuss in what way the efficiencies of
various vortex implementations will be determined. We will compare these
implementations by defining a benchmark called the vortex Performance
Index or EPI. In the EPI, the energetic costs of the equipment and devices
will be taken into account.

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2.1 Energy And Power Contained In The Bladeless

The kinetic power, Pw, contained by a flow of air is related to the 3 rd power of its

speed, vw,in which A is the active surface area perpendicular to the direction of the

bladeless flow and ρa is the air density. Not all this power can be used for the
conversion of bladeless power to other forms of power because this would imply
that the air flow would come to a complete stop just behind the converter.
This has been represented in Figure 2.1, where the original bladeless speed, vw as

stated in equation (2-1) is indicated as v1. The speed of the bladeless after it has

passed through the converter has been indicated as v2.

Figure 2.1. Illustration of the Betz limit. The bladeless speed behind the bladeless converter, v2, should
ideally be ⅓ of the speed before it enters the converter, v1, while the speed just in front of the converter is ⅔
of the initial bladeless speed.

By determining to what extent the bladeless would have to be slowed down by the
converter and by calculating what the final bladeless speed would be, Betz and

Lanchester both derived an expression for the maximum recoverable power, Pmax,

from the bladeless as a function of the prevailing bladeless speed vw:

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2.2 Vortex Model

In this section, we will look at the various aspects involved in the modelling of the
vortex concept. Such a model will consist of a number of charge carriers moving in
an external electric field while different forces, mechanical and electrical, will act
on these charge carriers.
Firstly, the charge carriers will be defined in terms of type, charge and size.
Secondly, all the relevant forces will be specified, which, after calculations, will
yield the trajectories of the charge carriers, i.e. positions and velocities. Finally, we
will look at the constraints on the droplet parameters, the electric field and the
bladeless speed, which must be observed in this model in order for the bladeless
to transport the droplets away.
2.2.1 Rayleigh limit and droplet parameters
First of all, charge carriers have to be defined, which according to IEC norm no.
114- 14-44 are “particles having one or more elementary electric charges”. In the
previous chapter, we stated that, in theory, any object that can be bladeless -
driven and hold an electrical charge is a useable charge carrier. However, based on
the charge creation methods which will be discussed in the next chapter,it turns out
that using a liquid to create small droplets is a convenient way of creating charge
In this case, if a liquid is to be used as the source of charged droplets, there
is a limit to the amount of charge that can be present on such a liquid
droplet. This is because of the mechanical instability that will occur when
the surface tension of the liquid and the electrostatic stress due to the
repulsion of charges at the droplet surface are equal. If the charge on the
droplet becomes too large, then the droplet will break up into smaller
droplets. This occurs at the Rayleigh limit, which depends, among other
parameters, on the droplet size. Therefore, the droplet size, and the ability
to control it, will be important factors to consider when discussing methods
for charged droplet creation in the next chapter.

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This Rayleigh limit or the maximum charge, qmax, that can be present on a
droplet just before it breaks up, is given by

qmax  2π 2γ ⋅ ε 0 ⋅ d 3 (2-4)

in which γ is the surface tension of the liquid of the droplet, ε0 is the

vacuum permittivity and d is the droplet diameter.
In Table 2.1, we can find values of qmax corresponding to a number of
droplet diameters, for two types of liquids, water and ethanol, with γwater =
72·10-3N/m and γethanol = 22·10-3 N/m. As we can see, for each droplet
diameter, the qmax is lower for ethanol than for water due to the lower
surface tension of ethanol.
2.3 Performance Index Of The Vortex Bladeless Turbine System
In order to compare the various implementations of the vortex with the
existing bladeless turbine technology and with each other, we have to
clearly define numbers that characterise the bladeless turbine system
performance. This number, which will be called the vortex Performance
Index (EPI), should include the efficiency ratio, ηVORTEX, of the converted
output power, Pout, and the sum of the input power, Σ Pin,where Σ Pin
consists of the maximum recoverable power in the bladeless , the electrical
power needed to charge the droplets and mechanical power to pump the
liquid to the desired height with the desired flow rate.
However, (2-21) does not completely represent the nature of the vortex
bladeless turbine system. First of all, since the maximum output power of
the vortex bladeless turbine system depends on the bladeless surface area,
A, it stands to reason that the performance of a particular implementation is

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rated higher when it can convert more power from the same bladeless
surface area.

Furthermore, since liquid droplets are used as charge carriers, the liquid
flow rate, Q, also is an important parameter, which needs to be factored into
the EPI. Lastly, in the case that the efficiency ratio, the liquid flow rate and
the bladeless In order to compare the various implementations of the
vortex with the existing bladeless turbine technology and with each other,
we have to clearly define numbers that characterise the bladeless turbine
system performance. This number, which will be called the vortex
Performance Index (EPI), should include the efficiency ratio, ηVORTEX, of the
converted output power, Pout, and the sum of the input power, Σ Pin,where Σ
Pin consists of the maximum recoverable power in the bladeless , the
electrical power needed to charge the droplets and mechanical power to
pump the liquid to the desired height with the desired flow rate.
However, (2-21) does not completely represent the nature of the vortex
bladeless turbine system. First of all, since the maximum output power of
the vortex bladeless turbine system depends on the bladeless surface area,
A, it stands to reason that the performance of a particular implementation is
rated higher when it can convert more power from the same bladeless
surface area.
In order to compare the various implementations of the vortex with the
existing bladeless turbine technology and with each other, we have to
clearly define numbers that characterise the bladeless turbine system
performance. This number, which will be called the vortex Performance
Index (EPI), should include the efficiency ratio, ηVORTEX, of the converted
output power, Pout, and the sum of the input power, Σ Pin,where Σ Pin
consists of the maximum recoverable power in the bladeless , the electrical

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power needed to charge the droplets and mechanical power to pump the
liquid to the desired height with the desired flow rate.
However, (2-21) does not completely represent the nature of the vortex
bladeless turbine system. First of all, since the maximum output power of
the vortex bladeless turbine system depends on the bladeless surface area,
A, it stands to reason that the performance of a particular implementation is
rated higher when it can convert more power from the same bladeless
surface area.
2.4 Conclusions
We can conclude that from a theoretical point of view, the vortex principle
can be used to convert bladeless energy to electrical energy. The total
energy that can be converted depends on the bladeless speed, the number
of droplets, the amount of charge placed on these droplets and the strength
of the electric field. Simulations have shown that the work performed by
the bladeless on the droplets ultimately can lead to powers that are in the
same order of magnitude as the power associated with the bladeless .
We have found that for a range of droplet diameters (0.1- 100 μm), the
electric field should not be higher than 104-106 V/m, if realistic bladeless
speeds (up to 6 on the Beaufort scale) are expected to move the charged
droplets away.

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In order for the vortex bladeless turbine system to convert bladeless

energy to electrical energy, the bladeless must be able to move charged
carriers against the direction of the electric force on the carriers exerted by
the electric field. In theory, these carriers can be any type of object that can
be electrically charged. In the previous chapter, however, a number of
requirements for these carriers, like charge and size, have been discussed
and this means there are certain properties that the carriers ideally should
One of these assumed properties is that these objects should be droplets and
this means that we need methods to create charged droplets from a liquid.
For the sake of completeness, in this research, several experiments have
been conducted using other types of charge carriers, like solid spheres.
Without going into detail, these experiments have proven that the vortex
concept works with arbitrary types of charge carriers, but these experiments
have also proven that most of these charge carriers are not ideal in terms of
ease of creation, level of charging and power yield. Moreover, most of
these non-liquid charge carriers would require some form of recycling
procedure to reuse them. Therefore, the methods described in this chapter
will all focus on the spraying and charging of liquid droplets.

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Firstly, in section 3.1, we will look at the other requirements for the
methods posed by the vortex bladeless turbine system, the first one still
being that the medium is a liquid. Subsequently, in section 3.2, we will look
at a number of charged droplet creation methods that have previously been
considered and we will discuss the reasons why these methods have not
been implemented in the vortex bladeless turbine system.In sections 3.3 and
3.4, we will discuss the two main contending charged droplet creation
methods. For each of these two methods, we will discuss the main working
principles, some of the conducted experiments and the results thereof and
3.1 Vortex Requirements On Droplet Creation
The efficient generation of charged droplets is probably the single most important
aspect of the vortex bladeless turbine system. Therefore, the choice of the spraying
method should be handled with extra consideration. The chosen spraying
method(s) should at least try to adhere to the following set of requirements, which
will then be explained per point in the following sections:
 low energy consumption with respect to the energy in the bladeless
 controllable charge, high current output
 monodispersity of the liquid droplets
 operable under bladeless y condition
 environmentally friendly spraying liquid
3.1.1 Low Energy Consumption With Respect To The Energy In The
There are several methods available for creating charged droplets. Usually, these
methods require high electric fields and/or high pressure to operate. Some of these
methods require significant amounts of energy and this means that it would be
more difficult to achieve positive conversion efficiency. Of course, the usability of
a method depends on the prevailing bladeless speed at the site location and its
distribution and on how much energy other components in the vortex bladeless
turbine system need.

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For example, if we take bladeless through a surface area of 1 m with a speed of
10 m/s, then we know, by using equation (2-1), that the power associated with this
particular bladeless is 647 W. Knowing, with Betz in the back of our mind, that
roughly 60% of the power in the bladeless can be converted into electrical energy,
this means that we can extract 383 W at most. So, if a particular spraying method
would need e.g. 221 W to operate leaving 162 W as the net output, the maximum
conversion efficiency would be 25%. This does not even include other factors like
e.g. monitoring equipment or supplying the liquid to a certain height.

3.1.2 Controllable Charge, High Current Output

In the previous chapter, calculations have been performed with respect to
the electrical mobility of the charged droplets and the considerations made
by Cloupeau 0. It was concluded that for a certain range of mobilities the
performance of the vortex bladeless turbine system would be optimal.
Therefore, the possibility to control the charge, that is present on a droplet,
would give us a possibility to fine-tune the vortex bladeless turbine system
such, that all the charged droplets would be transported away. Also, in the
case that it would be relatively simple to adjust the amount of charge, the
vortex bladeless turbine system could be designed in such a way that it
could easily adjust to changing bladeless speeds.
The objective of the vortex bladeless turbine system is to convert as much
bladeless power to electrical power as possible. This means that the current
associated with the charged droplets should be as high as possible, assuming
that the vortex bladeless turbine system operating potential is constant. This
not only requires the droplets to be highly charged, but also that they are
produced at a high rate.
In order to determine what is considered a high current, we will consider a
small example. Using the information of chapter 2 as a guiding principle,

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we look at water droplets with a diameter of 5 μm that are sprayed from one
nozzle. If these water droplets can be charged to 70% of the maximum
charge given by the Rayleigh limit, then the current per nozzle can be
calculated based on the flow rate of the liquid. At 20 ml/hr, the rate of
charged droplets is 8.5·107 per second and this rate amounts to a current
through the nozzle of 4.7 μA per nozzle. If we have an electrical load of 20
GΩ, then this would imply an output power of roughly 0.5 W.
If we revisit the situation described in section 3.1.1, in which we wanted to
achieve a conversion efficiency of 25%, then this would imply that we
require 212 nozzles per m2 to produce the current required to feed the load.
Now, if we take droplets with a diameter of 15 μm, then the current drops to
0.9 μA per nozzle, which implies an output power of 17 mW. This would
come down to roughly 5500 spraying nozzles per m 2. In terms of liquid
consumption, this equals going from 4.2 litres per hour for the former
situation to 110 litres per hour for the latter situation.
3.1.3 Monodispersity
The production of monodisperse droplets means that droplets of only one
size are created. Together with the requirement described in the previous
section, we would have a droplet with one particular size and charge. This is
advantageous for the vorte
x bladeless turbine system for a number of reasons. First of all, as we have
seen in the previous chapter, the operation of the vortex bladeless turbine
system is greatly simplified.
Secondly, in monodisperse mode, the vortex behaves like a near-ideal
current generator, i.e. it can deliver a constant current to a load for any
working voltage up to a certain maximum voltage. The fact that all droplets
are created with equal size implies that they all have the same upper charge
limit related to the Rayleigh break-up principle. This means that the droplets
are all charged in the same manner, resulting in droplets with equal charge.

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In turn, this means that, on average, the force balance on each of the
charged droplets, as described in the previous chapter, would be the same.
Therefore, if one charged droplet can be moved against the electric field by
the bladeless , then all the droplets could be moved. Conversely, if one
charged droplet is attracted back to the vortex bladeless turbine system,
because e.g. the bladeless speed has dropped or the vortex bladeless
turbine system potential has increased, all the droplets would be attracted.
And thus, the output current would drop to zero at that potential. This does
not take into account space charge effects, which causes charged droplets
closer to the vortex bladeless turbine system to be pushed back by droplets
that have been dispersed earlier.
In practice, there will always be a range of droplet sizes and, therefore,
monodispersity as explained in the first paragraph will usually not occur. In
aerosol science, a droplet distribution is defined as monodisperse when the
geometric standard deviation σg or GSD of the droplet size distribution is
smaller than 1.2, see e.g.,

3.1.4 Operable Under Bladeless y Condition

As we will see, there are a number of charging methods that provide a high current
output and monodispersity in a bladeless -free environment which would suit the
vortex bladeless turbine system, but these methods fail to deliver the same results
when a flow of air is applied. Thus, for each method under consideration, it should
be tested that the creation of charged droplets is not disturbed by the bladeless .
3.1.5 Environmentally Friendly Spraying Liquid
The vortex bladeless turbine system is an open bladeless turbine system, which
means that it will be in contact with the surrounding environment, dispersing its
charged droplets into it. Therefore, the spraying liquid needs to be safe for the
environment if the vortex is to be accepted as an alternative for the bladeless
turbine. Preferably, the used charging method(s) should be able to make use of
water, saline or fresh.

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3.2 Previously considered creation and charging methods

There are several spraying and/or charging methods available and a number
of these methods have been considered and tested in a previous vortex
research project, We will list two droplet creation methods and one droplet
charging method, give a brief description and explain why these methods
have not been implemented in the current vortex bladeless turbine system.
3.2.1 Droplet creation - Ultrasonic atomisation
Ultrasonic atomisation is a method, with which droplets can be produced by
using ultrasonic waves at the liquid-air interface, see e.g. These vibration
forces, responsible for the atomisation, are generated by piezoelectric
ceramic crystals. Two mechanisms are believed to be responsible for the
droplet break-up, namely the capillary wave hypothesis and the cavitation
hypothesis. The reader is referred to the references for these mechanisms.
Droplets generated by this atomisation method have relatively small
diameters, ranging from a few microns to a few tens of microns. Also, the
distribution of the droplet size can be made narrow.
The main drawback of this atomisation method is that it is quite costly in
terms of power dissipation. Devices capable of ultrasonic atomisation
require 1 to 20 kilowatts to operate depending on the required flow rate.
This would mean that an vortex bladeless turbine system would require a
bladeless surface area of 2 to 50 m 2 operating at the Betz optimum
conversion efficiency just to provide power for the droplet generation.
3.2.2 Droplet Creation - Centrifugal Or Rotating Disk
If a liquid is fed to the centre of a rotating disk in the form of a continuous
jet at a small flow rate, then this liquid can be atomised, see. Such a rotating
disk can produce small droplets at high rotating speeds. Also, this technique
can be modified to an electrified rotating disk in order generate electrospray.

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The main drawback of this atomisation method is the fact that it is based on
rotational movement and, hence, susceptible to wear and tear. This, of
course, is the very reason why the concept of the vortex bladeless turbine
system was introduced in the first place. Consequently, maintenance costs
(together with purchase costs) of this type of atomiser are relatively high.
Other drawbacks include the lack of monodispersity of the droplets.
3.3 Electrohydrodynamic atomisation
Electrohydrodynamic atomisation, EHDA or electrospray, is a spraying and
charging method which is e.g. used for coating purposes or medicine
administering. Its main advantage is that very little energy is required for the
creation of charged droplets.
3.3.1 EHDA Principle
The EHDA spraying method is based on the principle that a strong electric field
will deform the meniscus of the liquid leaving a spraying nozzle to a conical shape,
i.e. the electric Coulomb force will interact with the surface tension of the liquid.
Ions in the liquid will accelerate towards the cone apex and, due to this movement,
the liquid itself is accelerated. At the cone apex, a liquid jet occurs which breaks up
into droplets with a high charge density. Depending on the direction of the applied
electric field, the net charge on the droplets will either be positive or negative.
Usually, this electric field will be created using charging electrodes.
The droplet diameter, charge and initial velocity as well as the rate at which the
charged droplets are ejected from the nozzle, all depend on the potential of the
charging electrodes, the geometrical configuration of these electrodes and the
properties and the flow rate of the spraying liquid.
Using EHDA, it is possible to spray droplets in different spraying modes,
depending on the flow rate of the liquid and the shape and strength of the local
electric field. The spraying modes of EHDA are separated into two general
categories: modes that exhibit a continuous flow of liquid through the meniscus
and modes that do not. The former consists of the simple-jet, the cone-jet and the
ramified-jet, while the latter consists of the dripping, the micro dripping, the

Session 2016-2020 24 | P a g e

spindle and the intermittent cone-jet modes. The latter are often referred to as
pulsating modes.
One of these continuous spraying modes is the cone-jet mode or Taylor cone mode,
see Figure 3.1, and one of its main advantages is the fact that droplets are highly
charged up to 70% of the maximum charge given by the Rayleigh limit, see . Also,
the droplet distribution in this cone-jet mode can be monodisperse.
One drawback of EHDA, however, is that in order to spray in the cone-jet
mode, the surface tension of the used spraying liquid should be relatively
low. Using a conventional EHDA spraying set-up with demineralised water,
continuous cone-jet spraying does not occur due to the high surface tension
of water (72·10-3 N/m); In order to actually achieve any spraying of
charged water droplets, the electric field has to be increased to such a level,
that it leads to a very unstable spray without monodisperse droplets. Part of
this instability is caused by the fact that the charged water droplets reduce
the electric field at the nozzle, thereby cancelling the cone-jet spraying as it
has started. These charge relaxation times are usually in the order of 100
ms. This does not occur with ethanol, because, firstly, the electric field is
not required to be as high as with water and secondly, the charged ethanol
droplets have less charge on it than charged water droplets.
Also, in order to achieve such a high electric field, the charging electrodes
have to be set on such a high potential that corona discharges start to occur.
Ethanol e.g., on the other hand, has a much lower surface tension (22·10 -3
N/m) and spraying in the cone-jet mode is easily achieved.
Liquid conductivity also plays a role in the feasibility of spraying in the
cone-jet mode. According to Cloupeau the flow rate at which cone-jet mode
can be achieved decreases with increasing conductivity. A lower flow rate,
however, could mean that a smaller number of charged droplets would be
produced per time unit. Therefore, the advantage of spraying in cone-jet
mode, i.e. higher charge per droplet, should outweigh the lower rate of
produced droplets.

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In practice, when using water, electrospraying will occur in one of the other
aforementioned spraying modes of EHDA, each with their own
characteristics. However, none of these spraying modes spray monodisperse
droplets, meaning that we have to take into account that the droplet
diameters willfollow a distribution. Also, none of these modes produce
droplets that are charged as high as the droplets in the cone-jet mode.
3.3.2 Analytical model: EHDA
Several models exist for describing the EHDA spraying process. Using
these models, it is possible to give an estimation of the droplet size and
current output produced by the charged droplets as a function of the flow
rate and/or the applied electric field. The model used in this research has
been developed for the previously mentioned cone-jet mode and, therefore,
it is only indicative for the other modes of spraying. Also, this model does
not take directly into account the electric field. It assumes that the electric
field has enabled cone-jet spraying and then it calculates the droplet size and

The model, however, still can be used to gain a better understanding about
how parameters like flow rate, surface tension, conductivity and
(absolute/dynamic) viscosity affect the spraying process. We will not cover
this model in detail, but we will state the important conclusions needed to
effectively analyse and, ultimately, use EHDA spraying for the vortex
bladeless turbine system.
Gañán-Calvo found that the relations for the droplet size and current differ
significantly depending on the aforementioned parameters, especially
between highly conductive viscous liquids and liquids with a low viscosity
and conductivity. Therefore, a viscosity number, VN, was introduced to
determine which relation was valid for a given spraying liquid in the cone-
jet mode

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Figure 3.1. The droplet diameter distribution as measured by a Laser Phase-Doppler set-up with
water/ethanol. The GSD of this distribution is 2.0.

In Figure 3.7, the droplet diameter distribution is given for the Delrin single
nozzle bladeless turbine system spraying demineralised water mixed with
ethanol using a flow rate of 20 ml/hr. Now, the GSD was calculated to be
2.0. Again, this means that the droplet is not considered monodisperse.
During these same experiments, the velocities were also measured in the
directions as specified in Figure 3.8. The velocities in the x-direction were
found to be varying between 1 and -1 m/s. In the z-direction, the velocities
were found to be varying between 1 and 5 m/s.
3.4 High Pressure Monodisperse Spraying
The second method of charged droplet creation that has been investigated is
the method called high pressure monodisperse spraying (HPMS). This
method is based on the principle that a liquid is forced through a device
fitted with small micron-sized pores with equal size creating liquid jets with
equal diameter. The high pressure that is applied is usually in the order of
10 to 15 MPa. The liquid jets break up into droplets due to the Rayleigh
break-up principle, with the diameter of the droplet proportional to the
diameter of the liquid jet.

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This droplet creating method has primarily been developed for continuous
inkjet printing and, as such, was designed to operate with all kinds of
liquids, including saline water. Based on the preceding section covering the
EHDA spraying method, we have concluded that the creation of nearly
monodisperse droplets with water is possible, but requires a more complex
spraying bladeless turbine system. Only ethanol will result in actual
monodisperse droplets. Therefore, with HPMS, there is already a significant
advantage of this method over the EHDA method, because the intended
spraying liquid is water.

3.5 Suitable charging method for the Vortex

3.5.1 Summarising conclusions
Both spraying methods have been investigated and both have been able to
produce charged water droplets which are suitable for the vortex bladeless
turbine system. While the EHDA spraying method was not able to produce
monodisperse droplets with water as the spraying liquid, the associated
current produced by electrospray was still in the same order of magnitude as
the current produced by the HPMS devices. Testing with the vortex will
have to show whether the polydispersity of the EHDA produced droplets
will affect the transportability by the bladeless .
It must be noted, that at this point in time, the effective bladeless surface
areas for both EHDA and HPMS are in the same order, which allows that
the currents can be compared.
Furthermore, the droplet creation for EHDA process required very little
power, in the order of a few nanowatts per spraying nozzle. The power
required for the HPMS method was in the order of a few milliwatts, but this

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spraying method did produce monodisperse droplets using saline water as

the spraying liquid.


Now that we have taken a look at the different types of implementations of

the vortex bladeless turbine system in chapter 1 and the theoretical
background of charged droplets being generated and moved by the
bladeless in an electric field in chapter 2, we shift the attention to the
design of an actual vortex bladeless turbine system. A number of issues
need to be addressed before a final vortex bladeless turbine system can be
We will start in section 4.1 with the general design, which will be based on
the implementation Type B, described in chapter 1, combined with either
EHDA or HPMS as the spraying method, described in chapter 3. There will
be differences in the design depending on the used spraying method. This
design will then be the starting point on which further analysis will be
performed. Also, it will be the blue print of the actual vortex bladeless
turbine system.

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In section 4.2, we will test the vortex design with EHDA and HPMS in a
bladeless environment in order to determine whether the bladeless is able
to move the charged droplets away. We will also investigate whether the
polarity of the charged droplets affects this transportation process.
The next issue is the increase of the produced current. In the ideal case, the
vortex bladeless turbine system is expected to convert all of the Betz-
limited power in the bladeless . Because the vortex bladeless turbine
system acts as a current source, ideally, we want the vortex bladeless
turbine system to be able to deliver a current that is matched to the power in
the bladeless . This required current will have to be significantly higher
than the current produced by a single spraying nozzle bladeless turbine
system, regardless of the charging method. Therefore, in the actual vortex
bladeless turbine system, multiple spraying nozzles need to be combined in
order to increase the rate of production of charged droplets and, thus

Another issue, related to the movement of charged droplets, is the minimum

required bladeless speed. For a simple bladeless turbine system as
described in chapter 2, we can determine analytically how much bladeless
is needed to move the droplets against the electric field. However, in a more
complex setting, where the electric field can not be calculated as
straightforward, we have to resort to numerical methods. It appears that by
analysing the droplet trajectories, we can find ways to lower the minimum
required bladeless speed, thereby increasing the applicability of the vortex
bladeless turbine system. This will be discussed in section 4.4.
In section 4.5, we will discuss some remaining issues. In chapter 3, the
charged droplet creation methods have been analysed, assuming the
charging bladeless turbine system to be connected to earth. In the actual
vortex bladeless turbine system, the potential of the whole bladeless turbine
system, including that of the charging bladeless turbine system, will rise.

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We will describe how this will affect the behaviour of the charged droplets
compared to the considerations made in chapter 2 and 3.
We will conclude with the final laboratory designs for the vortex bladeless
turbine system, which will be described in section 4.6. Using these designs,
a number of experimental set-ups were constructed, which were then used
for experiments and measurements. These will be discussed in the next
4.1 General Design
In Figure 4.1, we again take a look at the schematic overview of a Type B
implementation, i.e. the vortex bladeless turbine system without a separate
charge collector unit. The first thing that is apparent is that we need a
platform that is isolated from earth. Basically, all the components on this
platform will have their common earth point at this platform. Using
switches, the platform can either be connected directly to earth or to an
electrical load. In this chapter, we will look at the charge droplet
transportation while the vortex bladeless turbine system is still connected to
earth, i.e. in the case that the bladeless moves away the charged droplets,
the platform and, thus, the vortex bladeless turbine system will not be

Also, not explicitly mentioned before, the liquid has to be fed to the
spraying nozzles, thus requiring some form of reservoir and a method of
transportation of the liquid.
Lastly, the electrical devices, required to supply the high voltage and the
liquid, need to be powered. Considering the fact that the charging bladeless
turbine system on the platform is isolated from earth, a self-sufficient
solution needs to be found for the power supply.

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Figure 4.1. Schematic overview of a Type B VORTEX implementation. A reservoir supplies the spraying
liquid to the isolated charging bladeless turbine system, where charged droplets are produced. The
bladeless carries the charged droplets away, thereby increasing the potential of the VORTEX bladeless
turbine system.

4.1.1 Platform and Isolation

In both implementations of the vortex bladeless turbine system, during
normal operation, there will be an electrically floating part or component
that will be charged. In the Type A implementation, it is the separate
collector unit and in the Type B implementation, it is the isolated charging
bladeless turbine system. If the vortex bladeless turbine system is operated
without an electric load, the floating part that is charged can be represented
by a capacitor. In the case that there is an electric load, this can be
represented by a resistive impedance parallel to the capacitor.
Critical to the operation of a Type B implementation is the fact that the
charging bladeless turbine system needs to be isolated from earth. In
practice, this means that all the additional components and devices have to
be isolated from earth such that any leakage currents to earth are minimised.
Therefore, in our experimental test set-up, a rectangular metal plate placed

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on a set of insulators was used as the basis for the charging bladeless turbine
system. This plate was sufficiently large to hold all the necessary

Figure 4.2. The capacitance of the platform, a metal plate (green), to the earth has been calculated by
LORENTZ. The grey area represents earth or, in this case, the floor above which the platform floats.

4.1.2 Liquid Supply Bladeless turbine system

In the previous chapter, we discussed the two main charging methods and
found that typical flow rates vary between 1 and 20 ml/hr per spraying
nozzle or pore. If we assume the output power per nozzle to be 50 mW, as
we theoretically deduced in chapter 2, then for a 1 W rated bladeless turbine
system we would require a flow rate of 400 ml/hr. For a 1 kW rated
bladeless turbine system, a flow rate of 400 litres per hour would be
In the smaller bladeless turbine systems, these flow rates can be provided by
syringe pumps. However, as soon as we enter the kilowatts region, the
liquid supply would have to be realised by pumping the liquid to a reservoir
at a certain height, depending on the placement of the vortex bladeless
turbine system. From the reservoir, the liquid flows to the spraying nozzles

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under the influence of hydrostatic pressure. The power, Ppump, associated

with pumping liquid to a certain height, h, is given by

P  m ⋅h⋅g (4-4)
pump dt
in which dm/dt is the mass flow rate of the liquid and g is the gravity
acceleration. As an example, we use water as the spraying liquid and this
water needs to be pumped to a height, h, of 10 metres at a flow rate of 400
litres per hour. In that case, the minimum required pumping power will be
11 W, which is roughly one percent of the rated power. We also have to
keep in mind that equation (4-4) only holds when the pump has a
(theoretical) efficiency of a 100%. Currently, the maximum efficiency of
water pumps is roughly 90% which means that the required power will
actually be 12 W.
However, if the charging and spraying efficiency is lower and the output
power per nozzle is, for example, 5 mW or 0.5 mW at the same flow rate,
then the minimum required pumping power would be 121 W or 1.2 kW
respectively. In the latter case, it is clear that the vortex will not be able to
convert bladeless power to electrical power with a positive efficiency.
Therefore, in order for the vortex to be self-sustaining, the chosen charging
process needs to be optimised to the extent that the power associated with
the required amount of spraying liquid is lower than the output power of the
vortex bladeless turbine system. Another possibility is to use liquid that has
reached the required height due to other processes, e.g. precipitation. We
will touch upon this subject in chapter 6 on recommendations.
In our experimental set-up, however, we have chosen to use a syringe pump
that can supply liquid to spraying nozzles in either an EHDA or an HPMS
based charging bladeless turbine system. In this way, for research purposes,
the liquid supply can be accurately established to the desired flow rate.

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then no charged droplets will come in contact with any of the electrodes

4.1.3 Electrical Bladeless turbine system

As said before, the Type B implementation of the vortex bladeless turbine
system requires the charging bladeless turbine system to be isolated from
earth. This means that conventional means of electricity supply to the
bladeless turbine system cannot be used, since this would require an electric
connection between the vortex bladeless turbine system and earth. This
connection, in turn, would mean that the accumulated charge would flow
back to earth and the vortex bladeless turbine system would be unable to
drive a load.
Therefore, in order for the equipment in the vortex bladeless turbine system
to operate, power is required, which has to be generated on the vortex
platform itself. In our experimental test set-up, we use a 12 V battery placed
on the platform. Using a DC/AC converter, the voltage is converted to 230
VAC, which is required by all the components on the vortex platform.
Among these components are the high voltage DC sources powering the
electrodes, which are responsible for the electric field required to establish
the spraying and charging process. These DC sources operate at potentials
varying from ±2.0 to ±14.0 kV and are connected to the platform, just like
the spraying nozzles. The reference potential of the platform is floating.
Therefore, when the potential of the vortex bladeless turbine system rises,
the potential of the electrodes and the spraying nozzles are lifted equally
and, thus, the electric field in the vicinity of spraying nozzle remains
4.2 Charged Droplet Transportation
The isolated platform, the liquid pump and the independent electrical
bladeless turbine system discussed in the previous section provide the basis
on which the charging bladeless turbine system will be placed. We now
proceed to determine whether the bladeless is able to move the charged

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droplets away from the charging bladeless turbine system. The current
associated with the droplets that are moved away will be called the
displaced current. Firstly, the bladeless generator will be described, after
which the results of the implementations of both spraying methods,
discussed in chapter 3, will be discussed.
In chapter 3, the various implementations of both charging methods were
analysed in terms of produced currents associated with the charged droplets
and, in the ideal case, all of these charged droplets will be moved away by
the bladeless . If this is the case,
or the metal platform and, thus, no currents will be measured flowing back
from the electrodes to the high voltage power supply.
If any of the charged droplets are attracted back to e.g. the charging
electrode, then a flow-back current will be measured. Comparing these
flow-back currents with the produced currents will then give an indication
of the effectiveness of the bladeless to overcome the electric field.
4.2.1 Bladeless Generator
The air flow in this research has been provided by a bladeless generator, as
shown in Figure 4.3, which basically consists of a fan that forces the air
through a bladeless turbine system of small tubes. In this way, a laminar
flow of air is obtained, which means that the bladeless speed at each of the
spraying nozzles is roughly equal.
The bladeless speeds could be varied from 2 to 14 m/s (2 to 7 on the scale
of Beaufort) for a circular bladeless surface area with a diameter of 35 cm.
During the testing of the implementations discussed in chapter 3, the
bladeless speed was first set at 10 m/s and then increased to 12 m/s.
In the early stages of the research project, a smaller and less powerful
bladeless turbine was available with a maximum bladeless speed of 8 m/s.
Therefore, the experiments concerning the Delrin nozzle in this chapter and
chapter 5 have been conducted with 6 and 8 m/s.

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Figure 4.3. The bladeless generator which has been used to provide laminar air flow to move the charged
droplets away from the charging bladeless turbine system.

4.3 Increased Charged Droplet Production

The projected output power of a single spraying nozzle is in the order of
tens of milliwatts, depending on which spraying method is used. Therefore,
in order to increase the output power of the charging bladeless turbine
system to the order of kilowatts, the output current and, thus, the rate of
charged droplet production needs to be significantly increased.
One straightforward method to increase the production of droplets is to
simply connect multiple nozzles together. We will take a look at one- and
two-dimensional expansions of the needle nozzle spraying bladeless turbine
system for EHDA. With this increased current production, there will also be
more flow-back current. We will also investigate the net current as a
function of the bladeless speed.

Subsequently, we will look at a spraying method that is based on the EHDA

principle, but has no need for individual spraying needle nozzles. Finally,
we will discuss the expansion of an HPMS bladeless turbine system and the
results of combining several of the spraying chips.

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The experiments that will be discussed in this section are to determine the
suitability of different concepts for up scaling droplet production in the
vortex bladeless turbine system:
• EHDA: Multi-needle bladeless turbine systems
• EHDA: Self-adjusting wire spraying bladeless turbine system
• HPMS: Multi-chip bladeless turbine system
4.3.1 EHDA: Multi-Needle Bladeless turbine systems
The single nozzle version of the EHDA bladeless turbine system was of the
Delrin type and in order to obtain a multi-nozzle version of this bladeless
turbine system, a number of these casings would have to be placed next to
each other. However, due to the size of each casing, a diameter of 3 cm,
there would be room for only a limited number of Delrin nozzles in a small
Another strategy to designing a multi-nozzle bladeless turbine system is to
take only the spraying needles and place these in a grid. This could be
achieved in numerous ways and in Figure 4.5 we have depicted one possible
configuration in which the number of nozzles was expanded in one
4.4 Lowering required bladeless speed by field grading
In this section, we will investigate whether it is possible to grade the electric
field in such a way, that the minimum required bladeless speed for
effective VORTEX operation can be lowered, while still maintaining the
charged droplet creation process. To this end, the electric field is analysed
and the droplet trajectories are calculated at different bladeless speeds.
Subsequently, the electric field will be modified using one or more extra
electrodes, after which the droplet trajectories will be plotted again.
As an example, we will look at a charging bladeless turbine system that
consists of the ring electrode with needle nozzle set-up used for the EHDA
spraying. For HPMS at this moment, there is no need to lower the minimum

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required bladeless speed, because of the high exit velocities of the charged
4.4.1 Analysis of droplet trajectories
In Figure 4.16, the trajectories of droplets have been plotted as function of
the bladeless speed, which is directed in the positive Y-direction and
varied from 6 to 10 m/s. The needle nozzle is set at 0.0 kV, representing the
fact that vortex bladeless turbine system is connected to earth, and the ring
electrode is set at -4.0 kV. As we can see, the droplet escapes the charging
bladeless turbine system only when the bladeless speed is 9 m/s orhigher.
Also, we can see that at 8 m/s, the bladeless manages to move the droplet,
but still has insufficient time to accelerate the droplet to its terminal escape

Figure 4.16. The trajectories of droplets are plotted as a function of the bladeless speed. The ring electrode
is set at -4.0 kV and the needle is set at 0 kV. The bladeless speeds in this plot vary from 6 to 10 m/s. The
droplet is moved away completely, only when the bladeless speed is 9 m/s or higher.

It should be noted, that in these simulations with LORENTZ, the bladeless

is modelled as laminar air flow, similar to the MATLAB modelling
performed in chapter 2.

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Another example, which we will explore more in detail, is a charging

bladeless turbine system that uses the multi-nozzle spraying bladeless
turbine system described in section 4.3.1. In Figure 4.17, a five nozzle
bladeless turbine system with two metal rods as the charging electrodes has
been depicted. Another component that is visible in the right lower corner of
Figure 4.17 is a metal plate representing the platform as described in section
4.1.1. The orientation and placement of the platform depends on the actual
implementation of a particular vortex bladeless turbine system.
The bladeless speed is set at 6 m/s and pointed in the positive Y-direction.
The two rod electrodes are set at -4.0 kV and the nozzles and the platform
are set at 0.0 kV, since they are electrically connected. For this simulation,
trajectories of multiple droplets have been plotted.
4.5 Rising Vortex Potential and Droplet Movement
During all the experiments discussed in this chapter, the vortex bladeless
turbine system itself was grounded while the charged droplets were sprayed
and moved away by the bladeless . However, as soon as the vortex
bladeless turbine system is disconnected from earth, it will charge up to a
certain potential. As discussed in 4.1.3, the electric field in the vicinity of
the spraying bladeless turbine system remains constant during the charging
process, because the potentials of the charging and steering electrodes will
rise correspondingly. Therefore, the spraying process, either based on
EHDA or HPMS, will remain undisturbed and the creation of charged
droplets will continue.
This does not mean, however, that the electric forces acting on the droplets
will remain constant. As the potential of the vortex bladeless turbine system
rises, the attractive force back to the bladeless turbine system is increased
and at a certain point, the droplets will return to bladeless turbine system.
This means that the flow-back current increases and that the charging rate of
the vortex bladeless turbine system decreases. Therefore, in the next

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chapter, in which we will conduct the charging experiments, we expect to

observe the charging current to decrease while the charging potential will
reach a maximum.
The behaviour still depends on the charging and spraying method, or more
specifically, the size and charge distribution of the droplets. In 3.1.3, we
briefly touched on the subject of monodispersity in that it implied that the
force balance on the monodisperse droplets would be the same. It also
means that, theoretically, at a certain potential, all the charged droplets
would be attracted back to the bladeless turbine system, thereby instantly
reducing the current to zero. We expect this for the HPMS configuration.
Since EHDA does not provide monodisperse spraying for water and
water/ethanol, we expect the charged droplets with a higher electrical
mobility to be attracted back sooner than the charged droplets with a lower
electrical mobility. Therefore, the charging current is expected to decrease
gradually as function of the VORTEX bladeless turbine system potential.
4.6 Overall Conclusions And Final Experimental Set-Up

4.6.1 Conclusions

We can conclude that it is possible to design the vortex bladeless turbine

system in such a way that the bladeless can move charged droplets away.
In the case of EHDA based spraying, the use of steering electrodes
significantly lowers the minimum required bladeless speed. In the case of
HPMS based spraying, steering electrodes were not needed, because of the
high jetting velocity of the droplets.
Multiple-nozzle charging and spraying bladeless turbine system, in one and
two dimensions, with both the EHDA and HPMS method were designed
and constructed. It has been possible to add the currents of the spraying
nozzles together, even though for EHDA based bladeless turbine systems
this adding process was not linear.

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The reason(s) why this non-linearity is present in these bladeless turbine

systems are still a topic of ongoing research and one of the most important
issues that need to be resolved in order for the vortex bladeless turbine
system to be scalable. The currents have been measured again more
accurately using an oscilloscope instead of ammeters for a 1, 3 and 6
nozzles version of the rounded ring electrodes bladeless turbine system.
The voltage has been measured over a 10 kΩ resistor resulting in Figure
4.23. We can see that in Figure 4.23a, that the voltage measured over the
resistor connected to one nozzle is 3.110 mV, whereas in Figure 4.23b, the
voltage measured over the resistor connected to three nozzles is 7.670 mV.
Thus, the current produced by one nozzle is 0.311 μA and the current
produced by three nozzles is 0.767 μA or 0.256 μA per nozzle.


In the previous chapters, the separate parts of the vortex bladeless turbine
system, e.g. the charging bladeless turbine system, the liquid supply
bladeless turbine system and the holding platform and its insulation have all

Session 2016-2020 42 | P a g e

been proven to operate as designed. In this chapter, experiments will be

discussed that have been conducted on complete vortex bladeless turbine
systems. The objective of these experiments was to determine whether the
bladeless is able to move the charged droplets away such that the droplets
can reach earth and if, by achieving that, the vortex bladeless turbine
system can be charged.
Subsequently, upon having analysed the behaviour of the vortex bladeless
turbine system without a load, it will be determined whether the vortex
bladeless turbine system can be used to power an electrical load. We will
analyse these results and determine whether the various vortex
configurations exhibit the expected behaviour. Summarising from the
previous chapters, we expect the following:

 Using the EHDA method for charged droplet creation with water
or water/ethanol mixtures, the charging or displaced current
should decrease gradually as a function of the vortex bladeless
turbine system potential.

 Using the HPMS method for charged droplet creation, the

charging or displaced current should decrease rapidly to zero at
a certain vortex bladeless turbine system potential.

 The maximum attained vortex bladeless turbine system potential

should rise with increasing bladeless speeds.

All the experiments have been performed using a Type B implementation of

the vortex bladeless turbine system, i.e. without a separate charge collector
unit, . In section 5.1, the experimental method will be discussed. We will

Session 2016-2020 43 | P a g e

explain in what way the various types of currents and potentials were
In the sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, the experiments are described that were
performed using different spraying methods. Some of the results of earlier
measurements will be briefly stated, so that the results can be compared to
results of more recent experiments. In section 5.5, we will analyse the
results of the experiments and determine the efficiencies of the various
configurations and in 5.6 we will summarise the conclusions.
In section 5.7, we will conclude this chapter with some considerations on up
scaling of the VORTEX.
5.1 Experimental Method
In order to determine whether the vortex bladeless turbine system could be
charged, the following steps were taken. Firstly, the bladeless turbine
generator as described in chapter 4 was switched on and set to the desired
bladeless speed. Secondly, the spraying and charging of the droplets was
activated, in a similar way as described in chapters 3 and 4, depending on
the used spraying bladeless turbine system.
During this spraying phase, the holding platform of the vortex bladeless
turbine system was still connected to earth. At this point, the optimal
settings for the potentials on the charging and possibly steering electrodes,
which were found during the testing described in chapter 4, were used. This
also means that for different charging bladeless turbine systems, e.g. the
single nozzle/ring electrode bladeless turbine system or the multi-nozzle/rod
electrodes bladeless turbine system, different potentials will be used.
Therefore, it can be assumed that, in the next sections, the specified
potentials are the ones that produce the highest net charging current.
In the next phase, the holding platform was disconnected from earth, thus
allowing the vortex bladeless turbine system to charge like a capacitor.
During this charging process, the vortex bladeless turbine system potential

Session 2016-2020 44 | P a g e

was measured as a function of time. Using equation (4-2), we can indirectly

estimate the magnitude of the charging current. The same procedure was
followed to test the vortex bladeless turbine system with an electrical load
attached. Finally, by using the results of these experiments, the output
power of the various vortex bladeless turbine systems was calculated.
5.2 Vortex With Single Nozzle EHDA Spraying Bladeless
turbine systems
The first charging bladeless turbine systems to be tested in the vortex
bladeless turbine system are the spraying set-ups that consist of one single
needle nozzle with one charging electrode. We will discuss the set-up
equipped with the Delrin nozzle, the single nozzle version of the
needle/rounded ring configuration discussed in chapter 3 and the set- up
equipped with the cylindrical electrode, both of which were discussed in
chapter 2.
5.2.1 Single Ring Electrode
After disconnecting the holding platform from earth, the potential of the
vortex bladeless turbine system rose to a value of 6.0-6.5 kV in 5 seconds,
where it remained steady for as long as the bladeless flow was present and
the liquid was supplied. Connecting a load of 20.5 GΩ to the vortex
bladeless turbine system resulted in a drop of VORTEX potential to 2.0 kV.
The current measured through the load was 0.1 μA, which means that the
output power of this configuration resulted in 0.2 mW.
To illustrate the difference between positively and negatively charged
droplets with respect to the transportation of said droplets by the bladeless ,
the ring electrode was set on a positive potential to create negatively
charged droplets. The other parameters were kept constant. This time, after
disconnecting the holding platform from earth, the potential of the bladeless
turbine system rose to approximately 1 kV in 90 seconds. Attaching the load
to the vortex bladeless turbine system resulted in a drop of the potential to

Session 2016-2020 45 | P a g e

zero. In other words, this means that the load of 20.5 GΩ is too low
compared to the internal impedance of the vortex bladeless turbine system.
This effect has been noticed and tested for all EHDA based configurations
with water, water/ethanol and pure ethanol as the spraying liquid. Therefore,
from this point onwards, all the discussed results will only concern the
experiments in which positively charged droplets were created and sprayed.
5.3 Vortex With Multiple Nozzle EHDA Spraying Bladeless
turbine systems
In this section, we will discuss the experiments performed with the vortex
bladeless turbine system employing various spraying bladeless turbine systems in
which multiple spraying nozzles are present. In section 5.3.1, we will start with the
multi-nozzle bladeless turbine systems in which the charging electrodes are either
rod electrodes or rounded ring electrodes as described in section 4.3.1.
Also described in section 4.3.1, is the multiple needle nozzle bladeless turbine
system with the cylindrical electrode configuration, of which the experimental
results will be discussed in section 5.3.2. Finally, in section 5.3.3, the results of the
final version of the self-adjusting nozzles configuration will be discussed. Another
example, which we will explore more in detail, is a charging bladeless
turbine system that uses the multi-nozzle spraying bladeless turbine system
described in section 4.3.1. In Figure 4.17, a five nozzle bladeless turbine
system with two metal rods as the charging electrodes has been depicted.
Another component that is visible in the right lower corner of Figure 4.17 is
a metal plate representing the platform as described in section 4.1.1. The
orientation and placement of the platform depends on the actual
implementation of a particular vortex bladeless turbine system.
The bladeless speed is set at 6 m/s and pointed in the positive Y-direction.
The two rod electrodes are set at -4.0 kV and the nozzles and the platform
are set at 0.0 kV, since they are electrically connected. For this simulation,
trajectories of multiple droplets have been plotted

Session 2016-2020 46 | P a g e

During all the experiments discussed in this chapter, the vortex bladeless
turbine system itself was grounded while the charged droplets were sprayed
and moved away by the bladeless . However, as soon as the vortex
bladeless turbine system is disconnected from earth, it will charge up to a
certain potential. As discussed in 4.1.3, the electric field in the vicinity of
the spraying bladeless turbine system remains constant during the charging
process, because the potentials of the charging and steering electrodes will
rise correspondingly. Therefore, the spraying process, either based on
EHDA or HPMS, will remain undisturbed and the creation of charged
droplets will continue.
This does not mean, however, that the electric forces acting on the droplets
will remain constant. As the potential of the vortex bladeless turbine system
rises, the attractive force back to the bladeless turbine system is increased
and at a certain point, the droplets will return to bladeless turbine system.
This means that the flow-back current increases and that the charging rate of
the vortex bladeless turbine system decreases. Therefore, in the next
chapter, in which we will conduct the charging experiments, we expect to
observe the charging current to decrease while the charging potential will
reach a maximum.
The behaviour still depends on the charging and spraying method, or more
specifically, the size and charge distribution of the droplets. In 3.1.3, we
briefly touched on the subject of monodispersity in that it implied that the
force balance on the monodisperse droplets would be the same. It also
means that, theoretically, at a certain potential, all the charged droplets
would be attracted back to the bladeless turbine system, thereby instantly
reducing the current to zero. We expect this for the HPMS configuration.
Since EHDA does not provide monodisperse spraying for water and
water/ethanol, we expect the charged droplets with a higher electrical
mobility to be attracted back sooner than the charged droplets with a lower

Session 2016-2020 47 | P a g e

electrical mobility. Therefore, the charging current is expected to decrease

gradually as function of the vortex bladeless turbine system potential.
Another example, which we will explore more in detail, is a charging
bladeless turbine system that uses the multi-nozzle spraying bladeless
turbine system described in section 4.3.1. In Figure 4.17, a five nozzle
bladeless turbine system with two metal rods as the charging electrodes has
been depicted. Another component that is visible in the right lower corner of
Figure 4.17 is a metal plate representing the platform as described in section
4.1.1. The orientation and placement of the platform depends on the actual
implementation of a particular vortex bladeless turbine system.
The bladeless speed is set at 6 m/s and pointed in the positive Y-direction.
The two rod electrodes are set at -4.0 kV and the nozzles and the platform
are set at 0.0 kV, since they are electrically connected. For this simulation,
trajectories of multiple droplets have been plotted.
During all the experiments discussed in this chapter, the vortex bladeless
turbine system itself was grounded while the charged droplets were sprayed
and moved away by the bladeless . However, as soon as the vortex
bladeless turbine system is disconnected from earth, it will charge up to a
certain potential. As discussed in 4.1.3, the electric field in the vicinity of
the spraying bladeless turbine system remains constant during the charging
process, because the potentials of the charging and steering electrodes will
rise correspondingly. Therefore, the spraying process, either based on
EHDA or HPMS, will remain undisturbed and the creation of charged
droplets will continue.
This does not mean, however, that the electric forces acting on the droplets
will remain constant. As the potential of the vortex bladeless turbine system
rises, the attractive force back to the bladeless turbine system is increased
and at a certain point, the droplets will return to bladeless turbine system.
This means that the flow-back current increases and that the charging rate of

Session 2016-2020 48 | P a g e

the vortex bladeless turbine system decreases. Therefore, in the next

chapter, in which we will conduct the charging experiments, we expect to
observe the charging current to decrease while the charging potential will
reach a maximum.
The behaviour still depends on the charging and spraying method, or more
specifically, the size and charge distribution of the droplets. In 3.1.3, we
briefly touched on the subject of monodispersity in that it implied that the
force balance on the monodisperse droplets would be the same. It also
means that, theoretically, at a certain potential, all the charged droplets
would be attracted back to the bladeless turbine system, thereby instantly
reducing the current to zero. We expect this for the HPMS configuration.
Since EHDA does not provide monodisperse spraying for water and
water/ethanol, we expect the charged droplets with a higher electrical
mobility to be attracted back sooner than the charged droplets with a lower
electrical mobility. Therefore, the charging current is expected to decrease
gradually as function of the vortex bladeless turbine system potential.


In this thesis, the vortex concept has been introduced as an interesting

future alternative to the conventional bladeless turbine generator. In the
first few chapters, the theoretical foundation was provided on which, in the
subsequent chapters, the practical aspects could be built, such as droplet
creation and charging methods or the choice of spraying liquids.

Session 2016-2020 49 | P a g e

Firstly, in section 6.1, we will recap the conclusions for each chapter, after
which a number of general conclusions will be drawn with regard to the
practical feasibility of the vortex concept.
Lastly, in section 6.2, we will give some recommendations on future work
and steps that need to be undertaken in order to solve crucial scientific
obstacles and thus increase the commercial viability of an industrial
implementation of the vortex concept.
6.1 Conclusions
6.1.1 Conclusions per chapter
In chapter 1, we concluded that the Type B implementation of the vortex
concept, i.e. the implementation with a charging bladeless turbine system
isolated from earth without a collector unit, is best suited for commercial
exploitation. The fact that no separate collector unit is needed means that
product costs are lower. Also, the bladeless only has to move the charged
droplets to earth instead of towards a certain fixed point. Otherwise, this
would require a relatively large unit to take in all the droplets or bladeless
-direction following bladeless turbine system.
In chapter 2, we concluded, from a theoretical point of view using an
analytical model with a small number of charged droplets, that it is possible

In chapter 3, we concluded that out of a number of droplet creation and

charging methods, at this moment, two viable methods exist, each having
their own merits and drawbacks.

The first method is electrohydrodynamic atomisation (EHDA) and two

important factors have been found for successful operation. Firstly, the
surface tension of the liquid should preferably be low, in the order of 40·10 -3
N/m. Secondly, the electric field, responsible for the creation and charging
should be focussed on the liquid exiting the nozzle.

Session 2016-2020 50 | P a g e

The main advantage of EHDA is that it requires little input power compared
to the other methods available. However, while the results of using water as
the spraying liquid have improved significantly during the course of this
thesis work, it still has not been possible to make full use of the other main
advantage of EHDA, namely the production of highly charged
monodisperse droplets.
The second method is high pressure monodisperse spraying (HPMS). The
main advantage of HPMS is that it is possible to use (saline) water as the
spraying liquid, which is positive with respect to availability and
environmental issues. The second advantage is the fact that the droplets
produced by HPMS are monodisperse, which facilitates the optimisation of
the vortex bladeless turbine system. However, the required power is higher
compared to the EHDA method, because a high pressure is needed to create
the droplets.
In chapter 4, we concluded that it was possible to design the vortex
bladeless turbine system in such a way, that the charged droplets were
actually removed by the bladeless , thus creating a charging current. Using
both EHDA and HPMS methods, several multiple-nozzle spraying bladeless
turbine systems were constructed and tested, both showing varying degrees
of linearity with respect to the output current.
In chapter 5, we concluded that the transportation of the charged droplets by
the bladeless resulted in an output current that could charge the vortex
bladeless turbine system up to a potential, depending on the bladeless
speed and the charging current. It was possible to connect the vortex to an
electrical load which resulted in an output power. As expected, this output
power increased with the bladeless speed.

Session 2016-2020 51 | P a g e

[1] Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety, “Environmental Policy – Nuclear Safety – Report under the
Convention on Nuclear Safety by the Government of the Federal
Republic of Germany”, Public Relations Division, pp.1-5, September
[2] International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2006, pp.265,

Session 2016-2020 52 | P a g e

[3] International Energy Agency, Renewables in Global Energy Supply, An

IEA Fact Sheet, 2007
[4] Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21),
2007 Global Status Report, Paris: REN21 Secretariat and Washington,
DC: Worldwatch Institute, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische
Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2008
[5] Ministerie van VROM, brochure “Het kabinet zet in op bladeless
energie”, juni 2008

Session 2016-2020 53 | P a g e

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