Xi'An Train Station 25.000

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安 25.000€ 23/09 - 19/12

Architecture is the branch of knowledge that shapes a patchwork of all those issues, where designer man-
and structures places for human activities. It gives an ages to blend and structure them together with sensi-
answer to several and various issues, where solutions bility and control. YAC aims to promote contemporary
embody designer’s creativity and intellect. Architectural projects that embody a temporal and personal approach
quest doesn’t simply resolve itself nor in a stylish, nor a to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture
functional, nor an economic, nor a technological answer. is the answer and project is the medium through which
A genuine architectural answer comes through making intuition transforms into concrete reality.

Manni Group provides innovative and patented systems,
products and skills for the dry construction industry. It
promotes new scenarios in order to remove energy waste
and polluting emissions in the existing estate stock.

Thanks to its 74-years experience, its commitment, its

long-term vision and remarkable dedication, the group
has dealt with several market changes. It was able to
wisely adapt to new international business scenarios
and embrace the Circular Economy philosophy. This en-
tailed the processing of materials such as 100% recycla-
ble steel to make products that contribute to meet the
standards to obtain LEED and BREEAM certifications,
the national CAM, the EPD publication and to be the first
ones in Italy to obtain ILFI’s DECLARE label (Internation-
al Living Future Institute).

Today, more than ever, looking towards the future means

committing for a more sustainable world. This world has
to be able to preserve the existing resources and oppor-
tunities for the next generations. Without any doubt, this
long-term vision has to enhance the talent and ideas of
all the professionals that will be its protagonists.

For these reasons, Manni Group is delighted to present

the first edition of the Manni Design Award. By choosing
fascinating themes, this architectural research activity
aims at identifying a series of sustainable solutions able
to define the future of our cities.

This is a refined and prestigious event aiming to become

one of the most distinguished international debate op-
portunities to pave the way for change. It will do so by
enhancing architects’ talent.

>>BRIEF Xi’An is majestic and evasive. To this date, it is a wealth of
treasures and sublime contradictions. Here, ancient and
contemporary elements seem to compete for the soul of
and merchants had considered this place the most re-
mote destination. This new rail terminal will be at the
crossroads of the old and the new, the Yin and the Yang
the city. In Xi’An stone dragons provide counterpoint to of the opposite poles that generate the future of human
China. neon signs and paper lanterns guard the thresholds of society on a daily basis.
glass skyscrapers.
It is not just a geographical horizon. It is an oneiric hori- Here, millions of roads will intersect. Millions of jour-
zon too. China is a country of legends and ancient mys- Xi’An is tireless and adaptable to the needs of the times. neys will start and end. Millions of lives, expectations
teries and spirits. While Rome was tracing the first signs By 2030, this city will experience an expansion of more and hopes will meet in the frantic and unaware atmos-
of Western civilization, in the East the third dynasty of a than 17km2. This is the outcome of a measure that has phere of travel-related places. This is because a station
thousand-year old empire was declining. been implemented by the central government of Beijing. is more than a simple railroad platform, travelling is
It aims at maintaining the city as the hub of the relation- more than an experience. After all, the journey is the
For centuries, the city of Xi’An has been the heart of the ships between China and the Western world. most real and genuine metaphor for the human condi-
East and the residence of thirteen emperors’ dynasties. tion.
It has been a firm and stark heart pulsating with ruins In this context, Manni Group and YAC srl are pleased to
and restorations, splendors and following declines. For present Xi’An Train Station. YAC thanks all the architects who will take part in this
3,500 years, this heart has been expanding and contract- challenge.
ing according to the rhythm of the events of the Middle A new rail terminal will define the meeting point be-
Kingdom. tween East and West. It will be located at the end of the
Silk Road. For centuries, generations of geographers


>>SITE about Pan Gu and the 4 mythical beasts before the as-
cend of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. How-
ever, Xi’An is not just about folklore and legends. Today
with the rest of the world. This is way to interpret the
project of the International Town. It is an initiative pro-
moted by the central government aiming at turning Xi’An
more than ever, Xi’An is about contemporaneity and in- into an international center where to debate, exchange
Xi’An is contaminated by contemporaneity, yet it pre- novative visions. In a city that hosts more than 8 million and meet. Xi’An already boasts more than 5,000 leader
serves an ancient fascination thanks to its tall pagodas inhabitants, huge outlines of cement towers stand out companies situated in the Hi-Tech district and some of
and mighty bastions, the banks of the Feng River and against the sky among wooden porticos and courtyards the most prestigious Chinese Universities. In addition to
the smooth peaks of Mount Hua. At nightfall, lights and of ancient buildings. In order to ensure a contextualized that, the city will increasingly enhance its international
iridescent flashes illuminate congested roads. A river of design aiming at proposing feasible solutions, hereby excellence in education and trade. It will become the ep-
people flows into the streets of the historical city crowd- follows a list of main constraints and features to take icenter of production investments and the international
ing among screaming vendors and shopkeepers. Vapors into account for the design. economic elite’s meeting point. Here, business oppor-
and strong smells rise up from the small shops towards tunities will have to go hand in hand with an extremely
a pitch-black sky. Any kind of food is made and displayed 1. International town; China is an economic miracle refined lifestyle in order to meet the most sophisticated
in front of thousands of distracted passers-by: pecking that is difficult to fully understand. Starting from the end needs of major foreign investors. Stadiums, cinemas,
ducks, sheep paws and confectionery with an exotic of the Second World War, contemporary China has been hotels, shops and residences will be the counterpoint
taste and a flamboyant look. Xi’An has all the elements constantly developing and growing. This country alone to offices and corporate buildings, which will stand for
to be defined a contemporary city, yet these scenarios accounts for one sixth of the global population. Accord- the economic heart of modern China. Therefore, the
evoke a thousand-year old memory. The same screams, ing to numerous statesmen, currently it is a significant new railway station will have to dialogue with such eco-
the same smells used to rise up towards the same sky international superpower. It is progressively establishing system. It will have to properly reflect its qualities and
when people used to gather around the fire to tell stories itself also thanks to an increasingly open relationship meet the expectations of a demanding and international

public. the Han dynasty. Between 200 BC and 200 AD, this dy- ing scenario. Among the five sacred Taoist mountains,
nasty boosted the growth of the city. In 600 AD, with the Mount Hua welcomes thousands of pilgrims and visitors
2. Historical city; originally, Xi’An used to be named Tang Dynasty, the city became the largest metropolis of every year. All these people chose its winding paths in
Chang’An meaning “perpetual peace”. Its history is so the Ancient world. Therefore, even if the intervention will order to overcome their limits entrusting the spirits of
ancient that blends with legend. Actually, it includes be carried out in a modern and new context, architects the mountain with their hopes. Such benevolent spirits
events, which time frame is too long to be properly ana- will have to consider and respect the thousand-year old reward all those who venture into these places by grant-
lyzed. Xi’An dates back to around 1,000 BC. It is connect history of this city. Nowadays, such history is reflected ing them a long life and great success. Embrace the be-
to the events of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the west by numerous temples with sacred Buddhist relics and liefs of Mount Hua or not, including the most distracted
part of China, such dynasty created an extremely refined 4,000 archaeological sites, many of which are world her- visitor cannot help but be overwhelmed by a spiritual
feudal empire. Zhou populations boasted a remark- itage sites. perception due to the tangible fascination of one of the
able criminal law based on financial penalties rather places where it is still possible to experience the deep-
than physical or corporal punishments. Moreover, they 3. Mount Hua; Mount Hua is situated a few kilom- est mystery of traditional China.
achieved an outstanding expertise in bronze-making eters from the suburbs of Xi’An overlooking the Yellow
and hydraulic engineering. Here, about 800 years later, River and its vast plains. This is one of the most iconic
Quin Shi Huang built his own gigantic mausoleum giving places of traditional China. Its ranges covered in fog and 4. The terracotta army; in 221 BC in Mexico people were
to mankind one of the most renowned symbols of an- its smooth peaks cloaked in conifers evoke the ancient building the Teotihuacan’s pyramids and in Alexandria
cient China: the terracotta army. He was the first unifier paintings of the feudal period. Wooden temples with the ancient lighthouse was still standing out against
of China that proclaimed himself Divine Emperor. Nev- scarlet columns cling to steep slopes. Tortuous steps the sky. In the same year, thanks to Qin Shi Huang the
ertheless, the zenith of Xi’An’s success occurred during carved in stone help creating a surreal yet fascinat- “Warring states period” came to an end and Xi’An’s area

was chosen as the capital city of the newborn Chinese had to be painted and conveniently equipped. Together ings. This attitude is compatible with any composition
empire. Back then, the Divine Emperor started to build with the Great Wall of China, this huge terracotta army or expressive idea (architects can choose any kind of ar-
the most glorious grave goods in history nearby the city. is one of the symbols of China in the world. It is a priv- chitectural or formal solution). Through such attitude,
Throughout the “Spring and Autumn period” the great ileged and breathtaking destination for all the people the new intervention will rely on a better control of the
sovereigns of China used to die with their courts in an visiting this area of the country. In order to design re- construction process and of the performance result in
extended voluntary or forced human sacrifice where markable architectures able to dialogue with an ancient terms of safety, durability and eco-efficiency. In this re-
hundreds of notables used to join their king in his last land of traditions and outstanding memories, architects spect, please make a careful reading of the “requested
journey. With its scourges and continuous conflicts, the will have to delve into the splendor of Xi’An’s history and material” section.
“Warring States period” had made life highly valuable so tradition.
much so that no dynasty could afford to bury its mem- 6. Sustainability; consistently with the ambitions of the
bers together with their entourage. That is why a new 5. Feasibility and construction technologies; con- district, each intervention will have to take inspiration
trend started to become established. People began to sistently with the size of the intervention and the mod- from the most common principles of energy sustainabil-
create terracotta miniatures to represent the court that ern vision that the new railway station will have to con- ity and environmental compatibility. Virtuous technical
had served the feudal lord during his life. Therefore, it vey, when designing the district, it is essential to adopt solutions, eco-compatible design strategies and a re-
seemed natural for the greatest king of China to want feasible and consistent technological solutions. In this fined integration of architectural and natural elements
the most majestic grave goods in history. He commis- sense, due to the extent and ambition of the project, ar- will be essential elements to provide projects an intrin-
sioned an army composed by 8,000 terracotta colossus- chitects will have to privilege the use of steel structures sic added value. In this regard it must be pointed out
es. They were not miniatures. They had to be infantry- and dry construction technologies to design the new ar- that according to point 5 of this paragraph the use of
men, archers and knights. Each one had to be about 2 chitectures. This will enable a more reasonable use of steel structures and dry construction technologies will
meters tall and different from the others. Each statue resources and the protection of the quality of the build- be considered a virtuous sustainable approach, since

they favor the use of a perfectly recyclable material. from any local regulations).

7. Construction restrictions; As long as architects Differently, it is not permitted:

stick to the square footage stated in the “program”
chapter of the description of the competition, given the a. moving the canal (it can only be covered);
nature of the area and the used technological typolo- b. redesigning or moving the railways that are drawn in
gies, there are no limitations regarding: the competition dwg;
c. changing the level of the railway line.
a. earthmoving;
b. creating underground architectures;
c. planting trees;
d. height of the buildings;
e. covering the canal;
f. designing bridges or raised structures on railways
to generate spaces at a higher level compared to the
traffic level, as long as the rail circulation is guaran-
teed at a minimum height of 6,5 meters;
g. technological choices (even a partial abstraction

>>PROGRAM nied Abraham Lincoln’s funeral cortege in his last jour-
ney from Washington to Springfield. The train was the
place where the First World War ended. Together with
innovative gates of contemporary society. Hereby follow
several functional possibilities. It is important to under-
line that the composition, integration and reshuffling of
the ordinary passenger trains, there are trains that are these scenarios shall be under total discretion of archi-
Airports and railway stations are the new gates to con- extraordinary machines with fascinating features. Some tects.
temporary metropolises. They are the vestibule and the of them are several kilometers-long steel monsters that
manifesto of the city they are situated in. At the dawn cross Mauritania transporting tons of mining materials. 1. Hall; it is the core of each railway station. It is
of the 19th century, human civilization was triumphantly Others are peculiar railway carriages that travel be- the place where passengers are in transit. It also plays
welcoming the use of railway tracks. Back then, in the tween the clouds at an altitude of 5,000 meters linking the role of urban foyer. It will be a covered space that
large cities, railway stations used to boast monumen- China and Nepal. For a long time, railway stations have will constantly experience crowding/abandonment mo-
tal sizes both celebrating and anticipating the wonders been considered non-places and mere links. However, ments. It will be the first visitor’s approach to the city of
of technology and the splendor of the urban civilization. they actually pose a remarkable architectural challenge. Xi’An. It goes without saying that in the hall there will
Among all means of transportations, without any doubt These large urban gates are not just places of transit. have to be adequate service spaces for travelers;
the train is one of the protagonists of the history of man- They are rather the beginning or the end of the extraor-
kind. Indeed, over the last two centuries, the train has dinary experience of each journey. In its static architec- 2. platforms; they will have to be at least 200 me-
played a crucial role in human history. Suffice is to say tures, the new Xi’An railway terminal will welcome one ters long and 7 meters wide. They can be connected to
coal mines and modern experimentations. The train is of the most dynamic functions of contemporary civiliza- the hall through underground or elevated routes. There
also part of the image of artists and writers like Wil- tion. It will define a new urban landmark composed by will have to be 4 platforms for 6 tracks. Of course, all
liam Turner and Agatha Christie. The train accompa- numerous service buildings to make it one of the most the platforms will have to be equipped with a covering

system in order to enable travelers to comfortably arrive 5. hotel; max. 21.000 sqm of floor area; consistently
to the railway station. Moreover, this will also ensure an with the previous points, the new railway station will also
esthetic and perceptual added value since they are the have to include an adequate accommodation. It will have
first element visitors will see from the train; to be designed for a demanding business target, which
is the one that will assiduously frequent the new Xi’An
3. shops; max. 14.000 sqm of floor area; shops can railway station;
be located around the hall or nearby the platforms.
However, they will also have to be placed in one or more 6. square; nowadays, large terminals are considered
specific buildings outside the railway station. This way, exchange places between means of transportation. A
they will be an elegant and pleasant diversion for all the railway station has to ensure effective links with (public
people that have to wait before taking the train; or private) road transport and specific cycle and pedes-
trian routes. A large square in front of the railway station
4. offices; max. 21.000 sqm of floor area; in a world will enhance the architecture but also provide a sort-
where interaction and information exchange move ex- ing platform. Through innovative services, it will enable
tremely quickly, it is essential for any company and travelers to decide which mean of transportation to use
startup company to place their offices nearby the sta- to visit the city.
tion. They will have to host specific workgroups or serve
as temporary places where travelling businessmen can
hold their meetings. For this reason, the station will
have to include several offices;

23/09/2019 “early bird” registration – start 1° PRIZE
10.000 €
20/10/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “early bird” registration – end
6.000 €
21/10/2019 “standard” registration – start
17/11/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “standard” registration – end 3.000 €

MENTION - Dow ; It will be awarded to the projects that specifically focus on the
18/11/2019 “late” registration – start building’s energy performance by including the products Dow in the project;
2.000 €
15/12/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “late” registration – end
MENTION - Renolit; it will be awarded to the projects that include extremely
valuable architectural solutions regarding the design of flat roofs by including the
19/12/2019 (h 12.00 pm – midday - GMT) material submission deadline products Ren-olit in the project;
2.000 €

07/01/2020 jury summoning MENTION - ROCKWOOL; it will be award to the projects that focus on the building’s
life cycle by including the products ROCKWOOL in the project;
10/02/2020 results announcement 2.000 €

Fulfilling an “early bird”, “standard” or “late” registration does not affect the submission
deadline, which is uniquely set on 19/12/2019. 30 FINALISTS

All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites
and will be hosted in international exhibitions. All the finalist proposals will be published
on www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com

The whole procedure is computerized:
• open: www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com; • n. 1 A1 board (841 x 594mm) in .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal or verti-
• enter registration area; cal layout, to be uploaded on the personal login area. This layout must contain:
• fill required fields;
• at the end of the procedure the first member of the team will be notified with a val- i. design concept / conceptual idea;
idation mail containing the team ID number (“teamID” is a randomly and automati- ii. graphic framework aimed to illustrate the project (i.e. plans, facades, cross-sec-
cally assigned number); if no mail arrives check the “spam” folder; tions) – choosing what to display and the relative scale is up to the competitor’s
• a username, a password and a link will be received; open the link to confirm the choice;
preregistration; iii. 3d views - i.e. renderings, pictures, hand sketches;
• once the pre-registration confirmed, enter personal area and fulfill fee payment;
• once pre-registration and fee payment are fulfilled, uploading will be enabled; File name: A1_TeamID_XTS.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A1_123_
• open personal area, insert username & password; upload the materials; the first XTS.pdf)
member of the team will be notified with a validation mail; if no mail arrives check
the “spam” folder. • n. 1 A3 album (420mm x 297mm), .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal lay-
It is highly recommended to be early on deadlines with subscriptions and payments. out, maximum 7 pages long, to be uploaded on the personal login area. No cover.
Album must contain:

i. general layout on 1:1000 scale;

ii. significative layouts on 1:200 scale;
iii. at least one significative cross-section on 1:500 scale;
iv. at least one 1:20 scale technical detail showing the use of technologies that are
consistent with the requests of the description of the competition. To proper-
ly use compatible construction systems, architects can find a specific range of
construction details (and related technical possibilities) in the “download” sec-
tion of the competition website.

File name: A3_TeamID_XTS.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A3_123_

• n. 1 cover .jpeg or .png format 1920x1080 pixel size. It should be a relevant image
showing the project that will become its avatar icon:

File name: Cover_TeamID_XTS.jpg (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named Co-

>>FAQ ver_123_XTS.jpg)

Text should be short and written in English. Layouts cannot contain any name or refe-
rence to designers. The materials cannot report the team ID number on them. This code
During the whole contest, until 19/12/2019- submission deadline - competitors can ad- is only meant to appear on the filename, since jury will not be enabled to seeing it during
dress any question to yac@yac-ltd.com. YAC staff will individually answer the compet- the voting procedure.
itors by e-mail and will weekly publish updates in the FAQ section of the competition
website. Answers will be published in English and updated on Facebook and Twitter.
Surely, YAC staff will be providing technical support in case of technical and functional
problems during the upload procedure.

a. Competitors must respect calendar dates, procedures and fees. a. Layouts showing texts bodies not written in English will be banned.
b. Competitors must respect all the instructions regarding required material. b. Layouts showing names or referrals to their own team / their identity will be banned; Te-
c. Competitors can be students, graduated, freelance architects, designers or artists: it is amID is considered as a referral to the competitors and can appear on the file name
not mandatory to be involved in architectural disciplines or enrolled in architectural only, since jurors will not be allowed to see it.
associations. c. Files named not according to the prescriptions of the competition will be banned.
d. Competitors can join the competition either individually or with a team. d. Material which is considered incomplete or non congruent to the criteria of the compe-
e. Teams must have at least one team member aged 18 to 35. tition will be banned.
f. Teams can be composed of any number of team members. e. Material which is submitted by times and procedures different from the ones of the
g. Teams can be composed of members coming from different countries and universities. competition will be banned.
h. Paying one registration fee allows to join the competition with one project. f. The team which does not include a competitor younger than 35.
i. Paying further registration fees allows to join the competition with additional projects; g. Team members trying to ask a juror about the competition will disqualify their own team.
fees are determined by the competition’s calendar. h. Any participant with ongoing work or family relationships with one or more mem-
j. Prizes include bank commissions and fees. bers of the jury;
k. Prizes are established regardless of the number of members of the team. i. Team members who spread their own proposal material before the winner of the
l. A technical staff nominated by Manni Group will assess the eligibility of the projects. competition is chosen;
Such assessment is not binding for the purpose of the jury’s work. j. Any participant that is not the owner or author of the submitted project or parts of
m. The jury’s verdict is incontestable. such project;
n. It is forbidden for competitors to ask a juror about the competition.
o. It is forbidden for competitors to publicize their own proposal material before the official
announcement of winners has been made.
p. It is forbidden for competitors to join the competition in case they have or had business
collaboration or blood-relations with jurors.
q. By violating the rules, competitors and their teams will be disqualified from the compe-
tition without any chance of getting a refund.
r. By participating, architects fully accept all the rules, terms and conditions as stated in
the description of the competition with no exception.
s. The authorship of each project is equally attributed to each member of the team.

>>NOTES ing to privacy policies, has the right to verify candidates’ data by requesting a copy of
an identity document regarding the data of the registration.
k. YAC and MANNI Group are not responsible for false data provision by candidates.
l. By entering the competition, the candidates accept the competition’s terms and condi-
a. All the projects that will win a money prize and any (available) intellectual property right tions.
and/or industrial right on the projects are definitively acquired by MANNI Group. The m. Italian law regulates this regulation. Controversy arising shall be of exclusive com-
latter acquires the exclusive right of economic exploitation of the project and the petence of the Court of Bologna.
right to reproduce the project in any way or form, including the right to use, realize, n. YAC srl will share with Manni Group all the data provided by competitors to take part
adapt, modify, publish in every media, display, reproduce and distribute the pro- in the competition;
ject also for marketing and advertising purposes, review the editorial, create works


based on the project or giving the project or parts of it to third parties in any means,
way or through any technology also including the freedom of panorama without any
limitation in time or place.
b. For all the awarded projects (including projects that have received a non-monetary
prize) architects undertake to provide any further digital material (e.g. three-dimen- a. The publication of the results according to the calendar of the competition has to be
sional models) regarding the project to help YAC and Manni Group better report the considered a provisional publication. It shall be bound by the verification of the req-
results of the competition through publications and specific publishing products; uisites defined by the competition;
c. YAC and Manni Group reserve the rights to use the participating projects for exhibi- b. Consistently with what stated in the article j in the section “notes”, after publishing
tions and publications, digital or paper catalogues and dossiers- without prejudice the results, YAC srl shall reserve the right to verify and collect a copy of the winners’
to the right of the architect to be mentioned as the author of the project; identity documents;
d. Projects must be new and original and the result of the intellectual activity of the c. After verifying the identity of the winners, the prizes will be awarded once the win-
candidates who cannot present works that does not comply with these aspects. For ners have signed a self-declaration certifying that they fully accept the terms of the
this reason, YAC and MANNI Group will not be responsible in case the uploaded pro- competition regarding the eligibility conditions.
jects are not the result of the candidate’s or teams’ creativity or if the candidate or
teams are not the owner of the right of exploitation including the right to take part in
a competition like this one.
e. The available and necessary material for the competition is available in the download
section of the competition site www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com regardless of
registration in the competition; it is allowed to use additional material collected by
each member.
f. YAC has the right to change dates or other details in order to improve or fix aspects of
the competition, a notice will be given within a reasonable time through all YAC’s
media channels.
g. YAC is not responsible for web malfunctioning or technical difficulties due to servers; it’s
highly recommended to submit required material, fees and subscription with a good
advance of time on the deadline.
h. The processing personal data of participants will be carried out with both manual and
computer modalities. Manni Group and YAC will carry it out for the sole purpose of REFERENCES
the participation in the competition in compliance with the applicable regulation as
in the Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent amendments. They will both pg. 4 - Terminal de transbordo Arnhem Central by UNStudio
process personal data as independent data controllers. The conferment of data is Photo Credit: Ronald Tilleman
optional. However, any refusal to provide them will prevent architects from taking pg. 6 - Nueva estación de Birmingham by AZPML
part in the competition; pg. 7 - Køge train station by Kengo Kuma and Associates
i. This competition is not an event in accordance with Article 6 of the Italian D.P.R. pg. 8 - Rotterdam Central Station by West 8 + Benthem Crouwel Architects + MVSA Architects
430/2001. pg. 9 - Danjiang Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects
j. Candidates will be held accountable for the personal data they provide and the promoter pg. 10 -Blagoveshchensk Cable Car by UNStudio
does not assume any responsibility for wrong data provided. The promoter, accord- Abacus - smart city by @pikisuperstar


Enrico Frizzera Patrik Schumacher Ben Van Berkel Stefano Boeri

MANNI Group Zaha Hadid Architects UNStudio Stefano Boeri Architetti

Patrik Schumacher is principal of Zaha Hadid Ben van Berkel studied architecture at the Rietveld
Enrico Frizzera graduated in Economics at Stefano Boeri, architect and urban planner,
Architects and is leading the firm since Zaha Academy in Amsterdam and at the Architectural As-
the University of Verona. He has acquired sociation in London, receiving the AA Diploma with he is full Professor at Politecnico in Milan
technical and organizational skills in the Hadid’s passing in April 2016. He joined Zaha and visiting professor at various internatio-
Honours in 1987. In 1988 he and Caroline Bos set up
Hadid in 1988, has been a co-author on most an architectural practice in Amsterdam, extending
field of financial institutions. Specifically, projects and was seminal in developing Zaha nal universities, he is Director of the Futu-
he deals with insurances and reinsurances their theoretical and writing projects to the practice re City Lab at Tongji University in Shanghai,
Hadid Architects to become a 400 strong glo- of architecture. UNStudio presents itself as a network
by collaborating with the main international bal architecture and design brand. In 1996 he of specialists in architecture, urban development and a post-doctoral research program which
consulting companies. After being general founded the Design Research Laboratory at infrastructure. Current projects include the design for explores the future of contemporary metro-
manager of the Cattolica Group, he has be- the Architectural Association where he con- Doha’s Integrated Metro Network in Qatar, ‘Four’ a lar- polis under the perspectives of biodiversity
come Manni Group’s CEO. Manni Group is a tinues to teach. He is lecturing worldwide ge-scale mixed-use project in Frankfurt and the Wasl and urban forestry. Stefano Boeri was direc-
company mainly dealing with B2B. It is a le- and recently held the John Portman Chair in Tower in Dubai. With UNStudio he realised amongst
tor of the reviews Domus (2004-2007) and
Architecture at Harvard’s GSD. Over the last others the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Ar-
ading company in the field of steel products, 20 years he has contributed over 100 articles nhem central Station in the Netherlands, the Raffles Abitare (2007-2011) and author of several
insulating panels, energy efficiency and re- to architectural journals and anthologies. In City mixed-use development in Hangzhou, the Cana- publications. Councilor for Culture in Milan
newable sources (industrial, commercial 2008 he coined the phrase Parametricism and letto Tower in London, a private villa up-state New from 2011 to 2013, he has curated several in-
York and the Singapore University of Technology and
and residential segments). has since published a series of manifestos ternational biennials and exhibitions of ar-
Design. In 2018 Ben van Berkel founded UNSense, an
promoting Parametricism as the new epochal Arch Tech company that designs and integrates hu- chitecture and design. In February 2018 he
style for the 21st century. In 2010/2012 he pu- man-centric tech solutions for the built environment. has been appointed President of Fondazione
blished his two-volume theoretical opus ma- Ben van Berkel has lectured and taught at many ar- La Triennale di Milano. Stefano Boeri Archi-
gnum “The Autopoiesis of Architecture”. He chitectural schools around the world. Currently he
recently guest-edited the magazine AD - Pa- tetti’s work ranges from the production of
holds the Kenzo Tange Visiting Professor’s Chair at
rametricism 2.0 – setting architecture’s agen- Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where urban visions and architectures to the inte-
da for the 21st Century with a new emphasis he has led a studio on health and architecture. In 2017, rior design.
on the societal relevance of parametricism. Ben van Berkel also gave a TEDx presentation about
health and architecture. In addition, he is a member
of the Taskforce Team / Advisory Board Construction
Industry for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Antonio Cruz Gong Dong Francesco Fresa Volkwin Marg

Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos Vector Architects Piuarch GMP Architekten

Antonio Cruz established his professional activity in Gong Dong founded Vector Architects in 2008. Francesco Fresa founded one of the most im- Volkwin Marg was born 1936 in Königsberg.
1971 with Antonio Ortiz. Some of his better known He was appointed as the Distinguished Plym portant international architecture studio in 1996 In 1965 he was a founding partner of “gmp ·
projects are the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium for Professor at University of Illinois, and has been with partners German Fuenmayor, Gino Gar- Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners”
the Atletico de Madrid Football Club, the New Ri- teaching Design Studio at Tsinghua University bellini and Monica Tricario. Piuarch, based in
jksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Spanish Pavilion and in 1979–83 he serves as President of the
since 2014. He and Vector Architects have been Milan, is one of the most successful collective German Association of Architects (BDA). He
at the Hannover 2000 Expo, the Cartuja Stadium in invited to various exhibitions including 2018 architectural projects of the last twenty years. taught at the Faculty for Architecture at Aa-
Seville, Seville’s Public Library, the Stadium of the
FREE SPACE Venice Biennale, and won awards International award winning architecture stu-
Community of Madrid, the Huelva Bus Station, Santa chen Technical University and he is a mem-
Justa Railway Station in Seville and, also in Sevil- internationally including nominated by Swiss dio based in Milan, Piuarch is a collective that
ber of the German Academy for Urban and
le, a housing building in Doña María Coronel Stre- Architectural Award (2018); the Overall Winner finds its major power and force in its plurali-
of Italian Archmarathon Awards (2016); “Desi- ty. This cohesion entails different backgrounds Regional Planning and of the Freie Akade-
et. He has been a visiting professor at the Lausan-
gn Vanguard” selected by Architectural Record and identities which guarantees a multi-layered mie der Künste in Hamburg and Berlin. He
ne and Zurich polytechnics, Cornell and Columbia
universities, at the School of Architecture of Pam- (2014). His representative works include the Re- approach to work. Piuarch’s architecture aims was awarded with numerous honorary tit-
plona and he held the Kenzo Tange Professorship novation of the Captain’s House, Seashore Li- at connoting all features of a project, finding a les and prizes, amongst others are the Fritz
at Harvard. He recently received many awards, as brary, Seashore Chapel, Chongqing Taoyuanju strong connection with the natural and urban Schumacher Prize, the BDA Grand Award,
the Honorary Fellowship of the American Institute Community Center, Alila Yangshuo, Suzhou In- environment, the social and cultural context as and the Federal Cross of Merit. Volkwin Marg
of Architects, decoration as Ridder of the Orde van tangible Cultural Center. His projects have been well as fully understanding the clients’ needs, often lectures on international stages and is
de Nederlandse Leeuw, awarded by King William I published by The New York Times, A+U, Detail, ranging from the design of offices and retail bu- author of several books, essays with contri-
of The Netherlands, the Gold Medal of Architecture The Architectural Review, Domus. He has been ildings to the development of residential com- butions to cultural policy and architecture.
for their career, awarded by the Consejo Superior invited as guest speaker and critic by universi- plexes, cultural recovery and urban renewal
de Colegios de Arquitectos de España. His works ties, academic and professional institutions in- works. Representing his own studio, Francesco
have been internationally-exhibited and published
cluding Tsinghua University (China), University has been a senior lecturer at prestigious Italian
in many specialized reviews like Tanais, Princeton
Architectural Press, Birkhäuser, AV, TC Cuadernos, of Illinois (USA), Swiss Federal Institute of Te- and international universities of architecture,
NAI publishers. chnology Zurich (Swiss), Société Française des as well as Ambassador of Design holding con-
Architectes (France). ferences at Italian embassies all over the world.

Bernard Plancade Alberto Mercati Giovanni De Niederhausern Luca Gottardi

ROCKWOOL DOW Pininfarina Renolit

Bernard Plancade has been representing Alberto Mercati is EMEAI Marketing Associate Di- Giovanni graduated in engineering and ar- Luca Gottardi is the Marketing Manager for
the Danish Group ROCKWOOL in South Eu- rector, Polyurethanes – Construction Insulation and chitecture in 2008, having collaborated with the Waterproofing Roofing division of Reno-
rope for many years, with the opportunity to is located in Correggio-Italy. a number of Italian architectural practices lit and the New business development Ma-
Alberto started his Dow career in 1987, in Correggio,
have several experiences there, and among since 2006, including Iosa Ghini Associati in nager as well. Italian, 55 years old, he has
Italy and held several Technical Service & Develop-
others as CEO for the French, Italian, Spani- ment and Techno-Commercial positions for Dome-
Bologna. In 2009, he joined the MIT Sense- been working for Renolit since 2008 in se-
sh, Croatian businesses and operations. After stic Appliance and for Rigid Polyurethane Insulation able City Laboratory as Research Affiliate. veral Business Units: Roofing, Swimming
a move to a Corporate position as Senior Vice until 1999. Since 2009, he has been collaborating with pools, Advanced Sheets, Exterior. He spent
President for Operation and Technology in Alberto has been Polyurethane Systems House Di- Carlo Ratti Associati, an innovation in design all of his working career in the building sec-
Denmark, he took over, in 2018, the activities rector in various Countries: Erstein- France 2000- firm as a designer and project manager first, tor, especially in the roofing industry. He is
towards Original Equipment Manufacturers. 2001, Wilmington- Illinois USA 2002-2005 and Cor- becoming the company CEO in 2017, in char- focused on the new global trends in the bu-
ROCKWOOL Core Solutions dedicated team reggio-Italy 2008-2009. ge of opening a branch in the United States. ilding sector, boosting the development of
engage in partnerships with manufacturers Since 2010 he has been in Marketing Roles for In 2014, he earned an MBA degree from LU- innovative solutions for the world of tomor-
Polyurethanes Systems- Energy Efficiency (Con-
to develop safe and sustainable products / ISS Business School in Rome. He has also row, especially more efficient products with
struction-Cold Chain-Water Heaters Insulation).
systems answering environmental challen- Since January 2014 has added responsibilities for
been lecturer in Italian universities, as Poli- added values. The keywords of the coming
ges, mainly related to energy efficiency and Polyurethanes Formulations and Raw Materials. tecnico di Torino, IED and LU.NA. Since 2019, years? Sustainability, efficiency, better per-
fire safety. Since January 2016 has focused on Construction In- Giovanni has acquired the role of Head of Ar- formance with less resources.
dustry. chitecture within Pininfarina, the Italian car
Alberto has a Master’s degree in Organic Chemistry design firm that is currently expanding its
from University of Modena (Italy, 1985), is a certified range of activities over design in a broader
Green Belt Project Leader and attended Thunder- sense.
bird Executive Education in 2005 and UC Berkeley
Executive Education in 2018.


Cai Xichun Sun Jin

Chic Investment Xi’An Construction

Marcello Cai is an urban planning, archi- Sun Jin graduated in Civil Engineering at the
tecture and design expert. He graduated Xi’an University of Architecture and Techno-
at the Shanghai Tongji University. Then, he logy. He has worked for the China Light In-
obtained a master at the Polytechnic Univer- dustry Xi’an Design Institute and Xi’an Tande
sity of Milan. He has dealt with several urban Real Estate Development Co., Ltd dealing
redevelopment projects and real estate plan- with architectural design. In 2018, he was
ning projects. He has his own personal con- nominated high-level Engineer. Currently,
ception of architecture and design. Likewise, he is a manager at Xi’an International Com-
he can boast a peculiar sense of aesthetics. munity Fashion Town Construction and De-
Currently, he is Chic Group’s General Ma- velopment Co., Ltd. Moreover, he deals with
nager. He is managing the Xi’An Internatio- the architectural planning and design of the
nal Fashion Town project. Specifically, Chic whole Fashion Town area.
Group deals with the preliminary project, the
commercial planning, the industrial planning
studies of the whole Fashion Town etc. In the
future, Chic Group will supervise the mana-
gement and functioning of the whole Fashion
Town thanks to its multiannual experience in
dealing with international companies, desi-
gn and commercial development.


How do you transform challenges into opportunities, re- 1,000,000 rolls produced each year, 350 employees, 1 ope- ROCKWOOL Core Solutions is part of the ROCKWOOL Tata Steel is one of Europe’s leading steel producers, with
define what’s possible and help create a more efficient, rational site in Spain and 10 sales units in Europe, Ame- Group and is offering advanced tailor-made stone wool steelmaking in the Netherlands and the UK, and manu-
more sustainable world at the same time? It takes colla- rica and India: These are the numbers that make RENO- products to be integrated into finished systems. facturing plants across Europe. The company supplies
boration and a belief that the next breakthrough is only a LIT WATERPROOFING the benchmark for waterproofing high-quality steel products to the most demanding mar-
moment of inspiration away. roofs and coverings, swimming pools and civil enginee- At the ROCKWOOL Group, we are committed to enriching kets, including construction and infrastructure, automo-
As a materials science company, Dow is dedicated to ring, by manufacturing durable, versatile and high qua- the lives of everyone who experiences our product so- tive, packaging and engineering. The Tata Steel group is
giving our customers the solutions they need to both lity certified synthetic membranes. The company is part lutions. Our expertise is perfectly suited to tackle many among the top global steel companies with an annual cru-
achieve their goals and create a better tomorrow. We of the RENOLIT Group, a German multinational that is a of today’s biggest sustainability and development chal- de steel capacity of 33 million tonnes. It is one of the wor-
have a deeply felt belief in partnership, which focuses leading manufacturer of plastic materials with an annual lenges, from energy consumption and noise pollution to ld’s most geographically-diversified steel producers, with
everything we do. By closely collaborating with our cu- turnover of over EUR 1 billion. fire resilience, water scarcity and flooding. Our product operations and a commercial presence across the world.
stomers and each other, we will transform industries range reflects the diversity of the world’s needs, while
and society for the better. RENOLIT WATERPROOFING with the historical brand supporting our stakeholders in reducing their own car- For over 50 years Tata Steel has developed the range of te-
ALKORPLAN is today a business unit that accounts for bon footprint. chnically leading Colorcoat® pre-finished steel products.
EUR 130 million, 45% of which is represented by the roo-
Dow’s portfolio of performance materials, industrial in- fing division. All this is completed by constant expansion Stone wool is a versatile material and forms the basis The Colorcoat® products are used globally for building en-
termediates and plastics businesses delivers a broad of sales at international level, which is currently focu- of all our businesses. With more than 11,600 passionate velope, roof and wall cladding systems in a wide range of
range of differentiated products and solutions for our sed in Europe. These numerous sustained efforts are colleagues in 39 countries, we are the world leader in industrial and commercial buildings, including warehou-
customers in high-growth segments, such as packaging, reflected in constant investment in research and deve- stone wool solutions, from building insulation to acoustic sing, distribution and logistics, as well as schools, offices,
infrastructure and consumer care. lopment that led to the new Solar Shield Technology that ceilings, external cladding systems to horticultural solu- retail and leisure applications amongst many others. The
How can we make buildings more energy efficient and is universally suitable in every climate. tions, engineered fibres for industrial use to insulation products are supported by a range of services such as
sustainable? for the process industry and marine & offshore. comprehensive guarantees, colour consultancy, techni-
Envelope insulation can play a crucial role in designing RENOLIT WATERPROOFING ROOFING is characterised cal support and guidance and have been comprehensively
more sustainable buildings that meet environmental and by a wide range of waterproof thermoplastic membranes ROCKWOOL Core Solutions is ready to offer you the tested and manufactured to the highest European stan-
near-zero energy standards, while also bringing comfort for roofs and coverings, which can maximise the energy Power of & and demonstrate how the 7 Strengths of Sto- dards.
and safety to people that work, live and learn inside them. efficiency of the building. The white version “cool roof” ne can be built into your products and solutions to help
has the highest SRI of the CRRC database, 115: reliabili- shape a more innovative future. Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® provides super durable per-
The new V PLUS Perform™ technology by Dow contri- ty, impeccable aesthetics, energy savings, sustainability, formance and corrosion resistance for even the most
butes towards creating future-ready buildings where ease of installation and even higher durability are there- ROCKWOOL Core Solutions. The Power of &. demanding of building environments, whilst 3 layer Co-
sustainability and people are at the heart of design, and fore, in short, the strengths of these synthetic waterproof lorcoat Prisma® offers endless design possibilities with
where energy efficiency and innovation make for a heal- membranes. a contemporary colour range, enhanced aesthetics and
thy and comfortable indoor environment. exceptional UV performance.
Developed in collaboration with partners across the va-
lue chain, V PLUS Perform™ powers the next-generation At Tata Steel we are committed to making the products
of insulated metal panels with sustainability at its core. society needs and to making them in the most responsible
way. We are leading the way as the first pre-finished steel
manufacturer to secure BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing
standard for all Colorcoat® products manufactured in
the UK, as well as becoming an EPD operator to produce
product-specific EPDs that comply with EN 15804 and ISO
14025. This reinforces our commitment to sustainability.




Copyright © 2019 http://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com All Rights Reserved

> CONSTRUCTION NODE 1 - STRUCTURE • Steel can be 100% recycled infinite times without losing any of its
original properties;

• The extreme mechanical accuracy of the steel structures makes it
POSSIBLE TECHNOLOGIES AND ADVANTAGES possible to carry out any kind of project and to obtain great advanta-
ges in terms of durability and long-term profitability of the building;
HEAVY COLD-FORMED • Steel technological properties allow maximum freedom of expres-


sion that other construction materials do not allow;
• Space-saving steel structures and profiles allow to use all the avai-
lable surface with maximum efficiency. Undoubtedly, the possibility
to design very vast interior spaces without intermediate support
• Ensures complete adaptability to any project design; structures is a great potential of steel.
Following the requirements of the
brief, this scheme contains some
suggestions on possible project
nodes, that will be the focus of the
technical detail required in scale

Each node includes some technical

possibilities that can be implied ac-

cording to the characteristics of the
building site. For the purposes of the
competition, it is required to develop Suggested for the Honorary Mention DOW
only one project node.
Please, note that the indicated
project nodes are used as examples; • Halogen-free Flame Retardant Technology
it is not mandatory to use flat roofs • Heat loss reduced by up to 20%
or matt closures. Suggested for the Honorary Mention ROCKWOOL
• Bs1d0 Fire reaction certification

• Recyclable for more than 96% by weight It is integrable with the options ISOPAN ISOFIRE and ISOPAN LEAF
• It contains up to 30% of recycled materials
• Fire resistant • Material with aesthetic value
• High thermal performance

NODE 3 - FLAT ROOF systems: improvement of albedo and thermal insulation.

• It reduces energy consumption
• Decreases the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere
ISOPAN PVSTEEL It is integrable with the options ISOPAN PVSTEEL
Suggested for the Honorary Mention RENOLIT
• Contribution to the bioclimatic improvement
• Rainwater management
• Improvement of acoustic and thermal insulation and energy saving
• Dust retention
• Extension of the usable surfaces
• It considerably reduces Heat Island Effect thanks to the “Cool Roof” • Increase in the value of the building

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