This document provides the final exam schedule for the 1st year postgraduate extension program at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce for the 2011E.C. academic year. It lists the dates, times, course names, numbers, sections, locations and coordinators for exams taking place on February 12th, 20th and 23rd, 2019. A total of 363, 289, and 100 students have exams scheduled on these respective dates. Students are advised to report any exam clashes to the program office.
This document provides the final exam schedule for the 1st year postgraduate extension program at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce for the 2011E.C. academic year. It lists the dates, times, course names, numbers, sections, locations and coordinators for exams taking place on February 12th, 20th and 23rd, 2019. A total of 363, 289, and 100 students have exams scheduled on these respective dates. Students are advised to report any exam clashes to the program office.
This document provides the final exam schedule for the 1st year postgraduate extension program at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce for the 2011E.C. academic year. It lists the dates, times, course names, numbers, sections, locations and coordinators for exams taking place on February 12th, 20th and 23rd, 2019. A total of 363, 289, and 100 students have exams scheduled on these respective dates. Students are advised to report any exam clashes to the program office.
This document provides the final exam schedule for the 1st year postgraduate extension program at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce for the 2011E.C. academic year. It lists the dates, times, course names, numbers, sections, locations and coordinators for exams taking place on February 12th, 20th and 23rd, 2019. A total of 363, 289, and 100 students have exams scheduled on these respective dates. Students are advised to report any exam clashes to the program office.
FIRST SEMESTER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE 1STYEAR POSTGRADUATE EXTENSION PROGRAM 2011E.C(2018/19 G.C) A.Y Final Date: January 17/2019 G.C Course No of course Date Time Course Name Section Room coordinator Invigilator Number student E1MAPM1 26 E1MAPM2 33 Dr. Birhanu D. 25 E1MAPM3 24 E1HRM1 109 21 Dr Solomon M. E1HRM2 20 E1MM1 26 110 MMGT 501 Dr .Getie A. Dr Mulugeta Tuesday ,Late E1MM2 23 Research Methods E1MM3 24 111 Afternoon Sena 4:00pm E1LSCM1 25 February 31 12,2019 E1LSCM2 26 Dr .Getie A. E1LSCM3 24 E1MABL1 24 212 Dr. Shiferaw M. MMGT 511 E1MABL2 25 Dr .Konjit H. E1MABL3 25 211 Dr .Konjit H. Mathematical Economics Econ 614 E1DE 25 15 Dr. Atnafu G. Dr. Atnafu G. Total 363 Fundamentals of human resource E1HRM1 21 MHRM 511 E1HRM2 110 Ato Fisseha A. Ato Fisseha A. Management 20 E1MAPM1& 40 111 Dr Atsede T. Functions of bussines enterprise MAPM 504 E1MAPM2& Dr Atsede T. 35 109 Dr. Abdrazak M. Wednesday , E1MM1 26 33 Dr. Mesfn M. Late Afternoon Marketing Theories and practice MKTM 502 E1MM2 23 Dr. Mesfn 4:00pm E1MM3 24 17 February Dr. Hailemariam 20,2019 E1LSCM1 25 E1LSCM2 26 31 Bussines Leadership LSCM 503 Dr Abeba B. Sena E1LSCM3 24 16 Hisabu H. Advanced Macroeconomics Econ 612 E1MDE 25 15 Dr. Berhanu D. Dr. Berhanu D. Total 289 E1MABL1& 40 110 Dr. Birhanu D. Organizational behavior and design MBL 521 E1MABL3& 111 Dr Solomon M. Saturday , 40 Dr Solomon M. E1LSCM1 25 Afternoon 26 31 Dr. Hailemariam 1:00pm Advanced Management Theories MMGT 502 E1LSCM2 Dr. Hailemariam K. February 24 E1LSCM3 16 Dr. Mesfn M. 23,2019 Advanced Microeconomics Econ 611 E1DE 25 15 Dr. Mulugeta G. Dr. Mulugeta G. Total 100 NOTE:- IF There are Clashes , Please Report to Program Office( G3-30)