Culture Wars July+Aug 2016
Culture Wars July+Aug 2016
Culture Wars July+Aug 2016
Culture Wars
VOL. 35, NO. 8
The Man
the Curtain
Michael Voris and the
Homosexual Vortex
The Main Problem
Facing the Church in
Our Time…
is not abortion; it is not homosexuality; it
has nothing to do with the sexual
issues which have all been settled theologically. The
main issue facing the Church is conversion. Is baptism
necessary for salvation? Is it necessary for everyone? Is
it necessary for the Jews? John Beaumont’s compen-
dium of Catholic of American Catholic converts, The
Mississippi Flows into the Tiber, presents an exhaustive
list of conversion stories which show that nothing has
changed in God’s eyes. The same call that Elizabeth
Ann Seton answered over two hundred years ago is
still being answered in our day by people who know
that there is only one effective response to the ques-
tion, “What must I do to be saved?”
Mail checks payable to Fidelity Press: The Mississippi Flows into the Tiber:
206 Marquette Ave, South Bend, IN, 46617 USA A Guide to Notable American Converts
Visit or call Fidelity Press to the Catholic Church
today at 574-289-9786 to place your order. Hardcover, 1014 pp. $69, plus $8 shipping.
ISBN: 978-0-929891-13-2
“Fascinating, Illuminative, and inspiring compilation “This book captures the journey so many have taken
of the continuious stream of American men and women towards embracing the Catholic Faith. A must-read for
whom God has drawn home to the Catholic Church. The Catholics and Non-Catholics alike as it captures the spiri-
Mississippi Flows into the Tiber is far more than a mere tual quest toward beauty and truth that defines the human
encyclopedic list of biographical data; it is full of inspiring condition.”
reflections on their struggles and victories in living out the - Larry Kudlow
Catholic faith in their work and home life.” Host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report
- Marcus Grodi
Host of The Journey Home on EWTN “Converts make the best Catholics, it is often said. That
may or may not be true, but at least every convert had a
“Year by year from the country’s founding, there has reason for joining the faith, and in my case, at least, it was
been growth in the Catholic Church and not only through something I did not take lightly. John Beaumont’s collec-
birth, but also by conversion. I know, I am one of them. tion of conversion stories will be a delight to converts, to
This book will surprise you in many cases and also gives in cradle Catholics, and especially to all those who are some-
brief snippets what brought them to the Roman Church.” where in the process, for whom these wonderful accounts
will no doubt be a ray of light and an inspiration.”
-Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives - Alfred S. Regnery
Lawyer, author and former publisher
Table of Contents
Letters p. 2
Address all subscription requests and
changes of address to Culture Wars
Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave.,
South Bend, IN 46617; phone 574-
289-9786; editorial mail and non- Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of
returnable manuscripts to Culture Anti-Catholic History
Wars Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave.,
South Bend, IN 46617. Letters to Reviewed by John Beaumont p. 38
the Editor may also be sent by Fax to
(574) 289-1461 or by electronic mail
LETTERS credit for setting up certain insti- fees are allowed. Under that cir-
USARY, LENDING, LOANS tutions. But as an ongoing prop- cumstance they just won’t lend for
osition, now that we know how a lot of this other rubbish. For if
I actually fancied myself one of to create wealth, we don’t need to a feature of a wealth-creating loan
the best educated people on the put up with it. The excellent mod- is that it improves cash flow prior
planet in economics. But your lec- els of Riccardo, Böhm-Bawerk, to repayments, a wealth-creating
tures have turned me around on Von Mises, Rothbard, and Reis- loan is a loan which can be paid
some matters in a really fundamen- man (all Jews) are fatally flawed. back relatively quickly. A ban on
tal way. It goes a bit like this: Just These are the best of the economic usury, with the right regulation
because a total ban on usury might thinkers. And yet I now under- and policy settings, therefore forces
be sub-optimal, in terms of the ab- stand their thinking to contain the banker to make loans that cre-
solute best policy settings, this does a largely overlooked flaw. Since ate wealth, if he wants any decent
not justify usury. Since if some- as good as the thinking of these return. With a straight fee, a loan
thing is wrong and dangerous, like men was, their models act as if ev- that is slow in the repayment im-
putting a penny in the fuse box, ery last dollar that is lent by the plies a low internal rate of return.
then it ought to be avoided except bankers will be for durable pro- It’s not a wealth creating loan,
when practical considerations are ducer goods!!!!! They don’t think and its a loan he ought never have
overwhelming. this, they don’t say this, but this made. The reward for a loan paid
The most pristine form of savings covert assumption is in some ways back quickly (in this “banker’s
that the value of all other savings implied, in the conclusions that business model”) is access to great-
is based on, is not when someone these great economists reach. It's er funds down the track.
makes a deposit with a bank, and kind of like us economics boffins If we ban usury without hav-
the banker lends that money out. have all been blinded by a super- ing a clear idea of what type of
The most pristine form of sav- natural force, not to have seen this lending we want to encourage,
ings is when a sole trader takes his implication. Bankers lend for land we could do great harm. But if
retained earnings, and uses these inflation, credit card debt, shares, we ban usury, knowing what we
funds to buy a durable producer derivatives, consumer goods. All want to achieve, and set policy ac-
good, to improve the cash flow of sorts of wealth destroying rubbish. cordingly, it will work very well.
an existing income stream. That Many and actually most loans are In the sole trader model, employ-
is the best form of savings, it is a made, that you would have to ment and high wages come when
form of wealth creation, and if the say, are by their nature a misuse you have all these sole traders with
bankers aren’t lending for some- of funds, relative to the supposed too many producer goods for the
thing akin to this, no new wealth wealth creation that savings are available workers. The fellow has
is produced. But as durable as that supposed to achieve under capital- too many beehives, a mead brew-
producer good is, it will degrade ism's best defenders. ing facility, too many flowering
in value, become obsolete, and re- So the upshot is that we ought trees. He just cannot seem to find
quire effort to maintain it. Hence, never tax the retained earnings of the people to help him work with
usury to buy the thing is immedi- the sole trader. Only his drawings all this gear he’s built up, and he
ately a bit suspect right there. Here and excessive private land hold- cannot do all the work himself.
I talk on straight technical eco- ings. We want as much of that With many sole traders in this
nomic grounds. pristine form of savings as we can position the sole traders paradise
Then, having thought through get. The more we get what I am (where private land use is econo-
your material, and made consid- terming “pristine savings”, via re- mised via tax considerations) leads
erations akin to the above, it oc- tained earnings, the less we rely to a workers paradise, because of
curred to me that the conclusions on bankers. Then the various State the relative scarcity of labour, ver-
of even our best economists were Governments should see to it that, sus durable producer goods.
leaning way too far on giving cred- for the most part, banks lend only It's kind of crazy how the excel-
it to usury for wealth creation. In for wealth creation. Which they lence of 90% of the thinking of
some sense usury could be given will do if usury is banned and only these very good economic models
2 / Culture Wars
leaves one blind to their horrible dren of this world who consider 3. Weak widows against strong
flaws. the children of light to be stupid willful children
Graeme M Bird. and believe themselves to be the 4. Weak fetuses against strong will- prudent ones. Their prudence is ful mothers
their death.” 5. Weak borrowers against strong
Fr. Matt willful lenders 6. Weak children against strong
willful homosexualists and trans-
The Trump candidacy contin- genderists who want to scandalize
ues to be unusual considering how
WHO ARE THE WEAK? their young minds
little support he has gotten in the Pope Francis’ mercy is misplaced 7. Weak men against strong willful
past. But Americans are so sick of because his use of the word “weak” pornographers
politicians they’ll vote for a ham is totally backwards. Here are the 8. Weak employees against strong
sandwich to make their point. He true weak who need mercy: willful employers
is an oligarch, but his own kind of 1. Weak wives against strong will- By focusing on the weakness and
oligarch, a “loose cannon” oligarch, ful husbands need for mercy of the would-be
which is why the oligarchs who 2. Weak orphans against strong divorcee, allowing the intergenera-
usually control our politics don’t willful parents tional family unit to be destroyed,
want him.
The country is also sick of the
Bushes, which is a positive and I
think it is also sick of the Clintons, Culture Wars welcomes letters to the editor.
but there are no other Democrats
for whom to vote. The fact that no
Preference will be given to letters which deal
other Democrat challenged her is a with topics discussed in the magazine. Letters
story that needs to be told. I think
that there are a few who could
should ideally be limited to one single-spaced
have beaten her in the primaries page, but we know how difficult it is to fol-
but may have been told to stay
out. Bernie says he is an indepen-
low ideals in this world. Letters can be sent
dent, so why is he allowed to be in by mail to Culture Wars, 206 Marquette
Democratic primaries? Because he
is not dangerous.
Ave., South Bend, IN 46617; by fax to 574-
So we have had our half-Black 289-1461; or by electronic mail to jones@
president and his Blackness didn’t
do much for the country. We may
have our first woman president and
her femaleness will also do nothing
for our country and may even be
dangerous. But both Trump and
Clinton are dangerous for different
Here is your St. Anthony of Padua
quote for the day: “These symbol-
ize (Proverbs 30:24) the greedy and
usurers whose teeth are swords and
knives which they use to devour
the poor and steal their meager
possessions. All of them are chil-
July/August 2016 / 3
President Gabriel García Moreno and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
When Pope
Francis wrote
his first En-
cyclical “Lau-
dato Si” cov-
ering Global
Wa r m i n g
he contact-
ed Leonardo
Boff who had
written two
warped books
about Glob-
al Warming.
Some of Boff’s
twisted views
(some verba-
tim) in Pope
Francis’ En-
cyclical. Boff,
of course,
was a prime
promoter, as
the Pope throws to the wolves the and, yes, Tanzania’s president a priest, of “liberation theology”
weak party in 1-3. Julius Nyerere was absolutely in Latin-America who was sus-
By saying that only the secu- correct in condemning the IMF pended by his order and ordered
lar state is good, he throws to the (International Monetary Fund) by the Vatican to cease advancing
wolves the weak parties in 4-8. and the World Bank for looting ‘liberation theology,” a Communist
Currently, no one is speaking for the Third World nations. Howev- creation aimed at subverting Ca-
the weak parties in 1-8, not even er, to quote your article Nyerere tholicism and installing a Marxist
the Church. was a fervent admirer of Chair- shaped society. Boff refused and
Here are just some recent exam- man Mao, (the most ruthless quit the priesthood so as to con-
ples of the way the Pope uses the dictator in history) and adopted tinue to do his thing. The Catho-
word “weak” (May 20, 2016 hom- his (Nyerere’s) economic program lic priests who served in the ranks
ily): “Jesus…is so understanding after Mao’s Great Leap Forward of the Communist Sandinstas in
with sinners, with the weak” and and also permitted the Marxist Nicaragua were staunch devotees
“Jesus always distinguished be- revolutionary Che Guevara to of Boff. I find the claim that Pope
tween the truth and 'human weak- establish a base in Tanzania plus Francis opposed “liberation theol-
ness.'” an adoption of Stalin’s Five Year ogy” hard to accept. Why? Well,
Roddy McCorley Plan of brutal forced collectiviza- Brazilian Archbishop Helder Ca-
St. Louis, Missouri tion in agriculture. For the Cath- mara was the “lefthand man” of
olic bishop of Musoma to insti- Cardinal Suenens, a Freemason,
tute canonization proceedings in the manipulation of the Vati-
for Nyerere is a moral aberration, can II Council into a “progressive”
and so I find your final sentence harvest. Camara defended Mao
I found E Michael Jones's May stating that Nyerere may now and Castro, opposed Humanae
article “How the Oligarchs Got get a fair hearing with Francis as Vitae, advocated women’s ordina-
Their Power: very enlightening Pope rather puzzling. tion and the acceptance of divorce
4 / Culture Wars
and remarriage by the Catholic good faith, no?” NO. Some actu- dor to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Church. He believed class war- ally consider this “faithful” Marx- He set in place an extensive sys-
fare compatible with Christianity ist priest a martyr who lived the tem of social and charitable assis-
and saw Communism as having a Gospel with the same spirit as the tance with the help of the Catho-
Christian nature. The head of the Blessed Salvadoran, Oscar Romaro lic Church. He became known as
Congregation for the Causes of who was murdered by rightwing The Regenerator of the Fatherland
Saints, Cardinal Amato, has de- Salvadorian oppressors two days as Ecuador benefited materially,
clared Camara a “Servant of God,” after Espinal’s death. What about intellectually, morally, and in its
and Pope Francis has approved the Archbishop Oscar Romero. Was religious stability. Moreno also out-
cause for the beatification of the he murdered for religious or for lived Masonic lodges in Ecuador
likes of Camara. On his arrival in political reasons? Yes, he strongly and several assassination attempts
La Paz, Bolivia, July 9, 2015 Pope denounced the rightwing oppres- failed, but on May 6, 1875, after
Francis gratefully accepted a blas- sors of the Salvadorian people. But, attending Mass, he was attacked
phemous “Communist crucifix” he allowed the Marxist controlled by Masons near the adjacent Pres-
from the leftist president Evo Mo- leftists to store guns, ammunition, idential Palace where they hacked
rales. (Pope Francis was presented and revolutionary literature in the off his right hand, his left arm,
with, but did not accept the Cruci- basement of the National Cathe- sliced his forehead and shot him 17
fix.–EMJ) It featured Christ being dral in San Salvador and the hang- times. A priest rushed to his side,
crucified on the hammer of a ham- ing of revolutionary banners along knowing Moreno had just received
mer and sickle, a duplicate of the the inner walls of the Cathedral, Holy Communion, asked him
original carved by a Spanish Jesuit one of them featuring Jesus Christ to forgive his assailants. Moreno
in the 1970’s, Father Luis Espinal toting a machine gun. At this same tapped the priest’s hand, nodded
who was murdered in 1980 by the time in neighboring Nicaragua, and died. His murder was encour-
Bolivian dictatorship. Pope Fran- Cardinal Obamo Bravo opposed aged (if not jointly planned) by the
cis stopped and prayed at the spot both the rightwing Somoza dicta- U.S. consul to Ecuador who was a
where Fr. Espinal was murdered torship and its successor, the Com- Mason. Archbishop Checa y Bar-
and announced “Dear sisters and munist Sandinistas. Bravo was not ba of Quito who had collaborated
brothers, I stopped here to greet murdered because he didn’t take with Moreno in making Catholi-
you and above all to remember a sides regarding two evil systems as cism preeminent in Ecuador, pro-
brother, our brother, a victim of a true Catholic prelate should do. tested the Mason’s new persecu-
interests who did not want him And, which of the two, Romero or tion, and on Holy Thursday 1877
to fight for the freedom of Boliv- Bravo, was the more true Catholic Archbishop Barba dropped dead
ia. May Christ draw this man unto prelate? Romero was killed for po- while saying Mass, the result of his
himself.” In a press interview Pope litical reasons and was not a martyr chalice being poisoned with strych-
Francis defended the blasphemous for the Faith and thus not deserv- nine. For 100 years the bodies of
“Communist crucifix” fashioned by ing of Sainthood. these two martyrs were hidden in a
this Marxist priest even acknowl- In the 19th century, Garcia More- nearby convent by the nuns so that
edging that Marxism motivated Fr. no, an exemplary Catholic gentle- the Masons could not desecrate the
Espinal’s “protest art,” stating that man, who strove throughout his bodies. Pope Francis, on his 2015
“Fr. Espinal was an enthusiast of 15 years as President of Ecuador trip to South America, stopped in
this Marxist analysis of the reality, to make that nation a most truly Quito, Ecuador and even walked
but also of theology using Marx- Catholic state, based not on any on the very spot where Moreno
ism. With this he came up with secular domination but on the was assassinated, but this Pope of
this work (the blasphemous cruci- principles and commandments of Mercy made no reference to More-
fix). Also, his (Fr. Expinal’s) poetry Catholicism, and the teachings of no and Archbishop Barba. On
was of this kind of protest. But, it Pope Pius IX, who hailed Moreno this trip, Pope Francis apparently
was his life, it was his thought. He as the greatest of all active world wanting to be politically correct,
was a special man with so much leaders. In 1871 Moreno recalled referred to the infamous and un-
human geniality who fought in the Jesuits. He consecrated Ecua- just manufactured “Black Legend”
July/August 2016 / 5
of Catholic missionary Spain con- been on a crusade of sorts to find words from a day when there was
centrating solely on whatever abus- out evidence for or against that hardly any evidence of commu-
es were committed without once proclamation. If I were to assume nism, to be sure.
mentioning or displaying any grat- the key words, that Russia, “will As far as the reported demise
itude concerning the wonderful spread her errors throughout the of the Soviet Union, this in itself
evangelization of those lands by the world,” then my reading of that, does not portend the end of com-
Spanish Catholic monarchy and according to Jones, was the idea munism. Whether or not one per-
Church. Yet Pope Francis praised that “error” was being primarily ceives that there is less communist
the complete goodness of the En- or exclusively of a military nature, activity throughout the world, it
lightenment influenced Mason and either covertly or overtly—this be- seems the Communist Party is
Protestant-inspired revolutions and ing shown by the seeming collapse alive and well and thriving in the
independence from Catholic Spain of the Soviet Union, even though good old USA, based in Chicago—
during the 19th century. In plain there has been no significant re- that is, the same city that Barack
simple terms, Pope Francis is quite duction in their nuclear or con- Obama hails from. It seems that
conciliatory to most groups even ventional forces. If, as I assume, maybe they didn’t get the memo
those seeking the destruction of “error” could more likely be in the about the Soviet Union.
Catholicism, but in regards to tra- line of Marxist/communist ideol- According to author Trev-
ditional Catholic individuals and ogy that has come out of Russia, or Loudon in his book, Barack
groups, Pope Francis doesn’t just then it is difficult to believe that Obama and the Enemies Within,
oppose them. Oh no, this para- the end result of the request has “Barrack Obama came to Chicago
gon of mercy loathes and actually been achieved. in 1983 inspired by the city’s new
HATES traditional Catholics and The atheistic theory of evolution mayor, Harold Washington. A
traditional Catholicism with every took root in a number of plac- long time Communist Party asso-
fiber of his being. Whenever he re- es, being a significant part of the ciate, Washington staffed the city’s
fers to these Catholic traditionalists Nazi uberman, but it seems to have administration with communists
he spews out venom. found a more fertile ground in and socialists.” After a stint as a
Be merciful. Don’t be judg- Russia which spawned the Marx- community organizer in Chicago,
mental. Speak gently, spouts Pope ist/socialist/communist ideology Obama, who had done previous
Francis. The question is – when is that has even infected the Catholic work for ACORN (Association
he going to start practicing what Church. of Community Organizations for
he preaches. Yes, I am certain Some of the Catholic Popes in Reform Now) in the cities of New
that Pope Francis would give the the past have commented on the York and Chicago, moved onto
pro-Marxist, Nyerere, a very, very major changes coming in the fu- Harvard Law School. He then re-
fair hearing. ture. One such Pope was Pope Pius turned to Chicago in 1992 where
XI, who wrote the following in his talents were recognized by a
Jack Moran 1937: “Communism has behind it number of communist groups:
St. Louis, Missouri occult forces which for a long time Students for a Democratic Soci-
have been working for the over- ety (SDS), Democratic Socialists
throw of the Christian Social Or- of America (DSA), the Commu-
THE CONSECRATION der ….” Pope Pius IX wrote even nist Party USA (CPUSA), and the
OF RUSSIA TO THE earlier in November, 1846, about Committees for Democracy and
IMMACULATE HEART the changes that he saw in the fu- Socialism (COCDS). With their
OF MARY ture: “That infamous doctrine of support, he went on to a success-
so-called communism… is abso- ful bid for state senator in 1996 by
Ever since you decided that the lutely contrary to the natural law taking out his three opponents by
Marian request for the Consecra- itself, and, if once adopted, would legal technicalities. In 2004 he was
tion of Russia to the Immaculate utterly destroy the rights, proper- able to win a seat in the US Senate
Heart of Mary took place as pre- ty and possessions of all men, and for the state of Illinois. Before that,
scribed by Mary at Fatima, I have even society itself.” Pretty ominous there is good evidence to show
6 / Culture Wars
that he was mentored by photog- A number of these writers have One of these elite bankers, Da-
rapher, poet, and Communist Par- mentioned the “Hegelian Dialec- vid Rockefeller, was pretty candid
ty USA member, Frank Marshall tic.” What this entails is the idea in his published memoirs, “Some
Davis, for the whole time he was that the elitists employ a manufac- even believe we [the Rockefeller
in Hawaii, from the ages of 11 to tured crisis in order to implement family] are part of a secret cabal
18. It appears that Davis’ previous the plans that they would want to working against the best interests
connections in Chicago may have have in order to control the pop- of the United States, characterizing
helped Obama when he arrived ulation. The elitists are well aware my family and me as ‘internation-
in Chicago. There is even good that when there is a problem the alists’ and of conspiring with others
evidence for his being Barrack people generally will clamor for around the world to build a more
Obama’s real father—but that is a the government to come up with integrated global political and
story for another time. The point a solution that usually results in economic structure — one world,
of all this is to show that Obama more control and surveillance, if you will. If that’s the charge, I
has been groomed and supported such as The Patriot Act after 911, stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
for almost his entire life by Marx- and the wars in Iraq and Afghan- Professor Carroll Quigley, in his
ist/communists before becoming istan. book, Tragedy and Hope, who just
the 44th President of the US and, The one thing that those who are happened to be a professor of Bill
obviously, there are a number of revealing the plans of the elite cap- Clinton at Georgetown University,
radical Marxist/socialist/commu- italist’s One-World Conspiracy are was remarkably candid: “The es-
nist groups that had a significant loathe to admit, either because they tablishment of the Federal Reserve
part to play in it. don’t believe it themselves or they (1913) ensured that the United
With a number of articles of don’t want to be called anti-Semite, States would become indebted to
late in Culture Wars it seems to me is the fact that nearly all of the elite and owned by international bank-
the only thing missing is the word capitalists with designs on world ing interests, and thus, act in their
“conspiracy.” With the mention domination are, in fact, Jewish. interest. The Fed financed the US
that has been made of the CFR, These same Jewish elites have been role in World War I, provided the
TLC, and the Bilderbergers, you primarily responsible for placing credit for speculation, which led
have managed to enter the realm this country into a usurious system to the Great Depression and mas-
of the so-called “conspiracy nuts.” of injurious debt to the Federal Re- sive consolidation for the interests
Authors such as Gary Allen, An- serve (which is actually a misnomer that own the Federal Reserve Sys-
thony Sutton, John T. Flynn, Eu- as it is a private corporation), as well tem. It then financed US entry
stace Mullins, John Stormer, and as financing the Bolshevik revolu- into World War II.” Quigley was
many others, have warned of the tion in Russia. According to Rabbi allowed to examine the records of
actions of the elite capitalists who Wise, “Some call it Marxism—I call the elites and then wrote his over
are meaning to enslave us all. The it Judaism.” It is also illuminating 1300 page book without their pri-
capitalists who, in fact, have no to see that according to the Ameri- or knowledge or approval. A num-
trouble working with the commu- can Hebrew of September 10, 1920: ber of copies were purchased by the
nists to achieve their goals, which “The Bolshevik revolution in Rus- general public before the rest were
is the sort of action that the aver- sia was the work of Jewish brains, swiftly taken out of circulation and
age conservative just doesn’t under- of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish the plates destroyed. Professor Car-
stand (or just don’t want to admit planning, whose goal is to create a roll Quigley was generally support-
to) and so pass over as the talk of new order in the world. What was ive of the elitist plans, although he
conspiracy nuts. Just the kind of performed in so excellent a way in was not happy that they were keep-
talk that the elite capitalists pro- Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and ing it a secret—thus the reason he
mote as it takes the attention away because of Jewish dissatisfaction wrote the book.
from what they are doing, and and by Jewish planning, shall also, With the seemingly failed po-
makes it less likely that the general through the same Jewish mental litical system in this country and
public would listen to those who and physical forces, become a reality the fact that the conservatives are
are sounding the alarm. all over the world.” nearly always on a losing trajectory,
July/August 2016 / 7
no matter who is in office, some- ety of food products. This could be I posted this comment under The
one would have to assume that the used to devolve the food industry. Next Conservatism: What is Conser-
politicians are either totally incom- You could attack Archer Daniels vatism from May 9, 2016 by Wil-
petent or that this is by some ne- Midland this way using heirloom liam Lind at
farious design. I prefer to believe it produce and heirloom livestock The more I think of this the more
is by design. The evidence is readi- breeds from Europe. This way you obvious it seems. Do you agree?
ly available for anyone wishing to could counter the big companies Have you read Toward A Truly
read it, especially with all the eB- and the Frankenfood they sell. Free Market by John Medaille? It
ooks available free on-line. The phony Homogenization in explains the very Catholic idea of
the Catholic church has given us distributism that Belloc and Ches-
Michael Steil parishes under assault from Cul- terton started. There was a seg- tural Marxism. The loss of Ger- ment last week on the McLaughlin
man, Irish, Italian, etc. parishes has Group about poverty and what to
created this phony Liberal church. do about it. It can be watched at
The Maronite and Greek Orthodox No one really
here have excellent three day food had an answer. Eleanor Clift wants
festivals, while our generic Catho- more welfare, Pat Buchanan wants
I have read several of your books lic parishes have one day, boring, more jobs. Paul Craig Roberts es-
and know of the importance you bland festivals. In the 1980’s the timates 102,000,000 people have
place on the old ethnic Catholic Irish parish here had great multi- stopped looking for work. They
neighborhoods and parishes. Does day festivals. No more. We still are not counted in the unemploy-
the following make sense to you? have an Oktoberfest, but no Ger- ment statistics because they receive
Why does no one talk about man parishes. This is a huge loss. no welfare. I am all for Trump
crossing Nationalism with Dis- All those groups were assimilated and his tariffs, but realistically how
tributism? The Eastern churches in historically within their respective many jobs are coming back? In
San Antonio (Maronite, Greek Or- Nationalist/ethnic parishes. While San Antonio there is all this pat-
thodox, Coptic Orthodox) retain their Americanism may have been ting on the back of our local lead-
their Nationalism/ethnic identity. questioned at one time, no one ers for designating the Missions as
So does our Anglican-use Cath- questions the Americanism of a World Heritage Site. As far as
olic parish which has high masses Germans, Irish, Italians, or today’s I am concerned it is nothing but
in English, Latin Mass, classical Eastern Christians. Perhaps that is corporate welfare for the tourism
church music and chant every Sun- the trouble with the Hispanics. No industry. The San Antonio Food
day. No Liberal foolishness there. specific Hispanic parish with Latin, Bank has been asked to farm the
These parishes have many Hispan- Spanish Baroque music and a guild land to grow produce for the poor.
ics attending, but do not seem to for the old Spanish Charros in San That is charity. My idea would be
be assaulted by Cultural Marxism Antonio to produce grass-fed beef, a for profit business that would put
as most of our Catholic parishes Every ethnic group people to work. Ideally guilds for a
do, always bowing to the Hispan- should wear traditional clothing Charro worker cooperative should
ics and Leftists. to work. I have no problem with be set-up at the Missions, but I
is a good idea, but it does not go putting National flags on food don’t think they could do that
far enough. The Eastern churches products. The Confederate flag since the missions are now con-
would be perfect for creating guilds on Southern food products would trolled by the U.N. In addition,
to produce ethnic food products. also be appropriate. Is this not tra- Melkites should reach out to Greek
William Lind, Pope Francis, and ditional culture? Is this not Retro- Orthodox to form co-operatives
the Orthodox would like to see the culture? Every ethnic group needs together. Maronites should reach
papacy devolved so all the churches its own parish. Every Distributist out to Syrian Orthodox, etc. May-
can reunite and yet keep their Na- worker-co-operative should be be this would get Liberal/lapsed
tionalism/ethnic identities. Europe connected to an ethnic parish. At- Catholics lined up with us. Food
has many Nations with a great vari- tack Archer Daniels Midland! issues are big with Liberals at the
8 / Culture Wars
local level. A lot of it I agree with, read my letter. San Antonio, birth- is a big irony to our urban renewal
but it is missing the traditional eth- place of the Texas Cattle industry, in San Antonio. The urban renewal
nic Catholic dimension. has not had an operating stock- that took out a lot of the old neigh-
My problem is convinc- yards for about 15 years. Most of borhoods in San Antonio became
ing anyone in San Antonio of the cattle industry consolidated up Hemis Fair park for the World’s
this. For years I have thought around the panhandle and small Fair in 1968. One of the exhibit
about the Retroculture con- ranchers here could not compete halls/museums has survived. It is
cept that Paul Weyrich and Wil- anymore. They still bring people called the Institute of Texan Cul-
liam Lind came up with. I real- in for the Rodeo every year, but tures and shows history of all of the
ize this is a bit different maybe it’s not really local anymore. If the ethnic groups who came to Tex-
than what they were thinking Charros started training people to as. Every year they have the Texas
of. My tweaking makes sense start a worker cooperative and raise Folk Life Festival there and all the
though. Toward A Truly Free Mar- premium grass-fed beef it would be ethnic groups have excellent food
ket by John Medaille explains Dis- a perfect way to re-establish that in- booths! It is a Remnant. As white
tributism, but no mention of the dustry and create jobs. They would flight occurred the old ethnic dis-
traditional ethnic dimension in the be offering a different product that solved. The locals who are interest-
parishes where these guilds should could be sold at Whole Foods type ed in food issues tend to be hippie
be created. My goal was to create stores. I am not a writer, but I type college students. However,
a Retroculture Association so all think a statement is needed that this festival draws everybody. I also
of this could be discussed, I have Conservative culture people and found a short book titled Being
talked to a number of people lo- Liberal food people can sign off Consumed: Economics and Christian
cally and no one understands what on. It could then be presented to Desire by William T. Cavenaugh.
I am talking about. They think I the bishops. Otherwise, this is go- It talks about how Christians are
am crazy. I have talked to several ing nowhere. I have e-mailed some supposed to be consumers because
priests. I even sent a box of books with Dr. Robert Moynihan who is we consume the Eucharist, but
to the Maronite priest. I am not with the Urbi et Orbi Foundation, society is disordered, so our “con-
a member of that parish, but I go and publishes Inside the Vatican sumerism” is disordered. I think
out there from time to time. In my magazine. He liked my ideas. I all Catholics, Liberal and Con-
reading on Syrian/Lebanese history even e-mailed Andres Duany be- servative need to be lined up on
I learned that before the churches cause I thought towns could be the same side in November. This
split, before Islam appeared, and built around these groups and their might do it. My problem is put-
before Lebanon split off as a sep- businesses, similar to the old neigh- ting this all together.
arate country they were known borhoods. He sent me his book
for three things: Wine, Olive oil, called Garden Cities about agrarian Louis A. Jamail, Jr.
and the purple dye used to make urbanism. Recently, I joined the San Antonio, Texas
the Byzantine emperors robes. It Weston A. Price Foundation and
occurred to me that there were in watched the DVD “Nourishing
the last 10 or 15 years people in Traditional Diets,” hosted by Sally
Texas making wine and Olive oil. Fallon. It was riveting! As riveting
So why not the Maronites & Syri- as reading books from authors like Those Catholic ethnic neighbor-
an Orthodox? It could be done in you, Russell Kirk, William Lind, hoods were deliberately destroyed
Melkite/Greek Orthodox parishes etc. All the food issues are because the American regime could
as well. I actually located two re- summed up in the five and a half not tolerate competing, uncon-
cently published coffee table books hour DVD. However, the Nour- trolled identities. I demonstrated
in English on Amazon about Leba- ishing Traditional Diets cookbook this in my book The Slaughter of
nese wine, and Lebanese Olive oil is lame. The recipes are all Mod- Cities. In their place, the regime
being made today. When I spoke ern. It lacks the traditional ethnic confected pseudo-ethnic identities
to the priest he hadn’t bothered dimension that our better festivals based on consumer items. Har-
to look through the stuff I sent or have here in San Antonio. There ley-Davidson riders is one; sports
July/August 2016 / 9
teams of all sorts are another. prison uprising.” The prisoners all federal court in Beaumont Texas,
Both provide people with pseu- refused to go to their forced-labor called the Eastern District. Boykins
do-ethnic clothing and a sense of jobs. This is nearly unheard of in said “he felt threatened” and an-
identity that renders them docile. Texas prisons because such a com- other so-called “correction officer”
These original European eth- plicated maze of intimidation is who was part of it, was terminat-
nic identities cannot perdure in firmly in place. Several newspapers ed. Boykins has broken the bones
America. Actually, they can hard- and the web covered the multi-pris- of many-a-disabled prisoner here
ly perdure in Europe for the same on work stoppage… (Please bear in on the “Mark Stiles Medical Pris-
reason, namely, American im- mind that “none” of the millions on Unit”…. He killed one young
perialism. The main engine of of dollars that Texas slave com- man not long ago by bashing his
assimilation other than social en- pounds of free-labor bring into the head in with a radio. So, God told
gineering is marriage. I am Irish state banks, “actually go to a single me, (quite plainly, to use my gifts
and German. All of my cousins are victim – ever.”) “Not a dime” of and humble abilities to help Sol-
bi-racial as well. Unfortunately, the the hundreds of millions of dollars omon. Dr. Jones, I’m 57 now and
Catholic Church failed to see that Texas makes by using forced prison my heart requires three medications
Catholicism, according to the Tri- labor to do “free-world jobs” – ever to make it beat properly. As a slave,
ple Melting Pot, is the new ethnic goes to anybody except the bloated I’m of no use to the state of Texas.
identity in America. The Church salaries and budgets under the gov- So, they sent me to John Sealy Hos-
failed to see this because the bish- ernment bosses in Austin. Victims pital in Galveston TX (a research
ops to a man are all Americanists of of crime need not apply… Their hospital for the University of Texas)
either the sexual or libertarian Re- only restitution will be in the form to have the heart looked at, to see
publican variety. When that dime of “more taxes” for “more prisons” if I would stand-up to the hernia
drops, something might happen. to hold more state-owned slaves! surgery now needed from all the
Just like the “good old days.” Ok, abuse on the John Wynne forced-la-
E. Michael Jones back to me for a bit… I did some bor compound. And, when I got
South Bend, Indiana legal work for a prisoner named back two days later, I was placed in
Solomon Salazar. Mr. Salazar was a “overflow”. This is where they put
pitiful case, in which a 150 pound you to punish you, but for me it’s
Spanish man was attacked on mul- suppose-to-be due to a “housing
tiple occasions by a Captain Boy- shortage”… In short, they make me
Sir, it appears I’ve done it again. kins… Salazar had over 50% of his sleep on a steel bed frame without a
My captors appear to be attempt- body paralyzed due to a stroke at mattress. And A/C is pushed in the
ing to terminate my life, once age 10. He has a verifiable IQ of 67. little cell, all steel, at 50° all night. I
more. Here is my situation, and One arm is less than half the size have no covers, no toilet paper, and
it is perhaps a bit more dangerous of the other, as is one leg. The bad no access to any of my property.
than I am expressing: arm is totally paralyzed and held in This letter was possible only because
I am working on the John Wyn- a sling, while the leg is 60% gone… a letter I wrote to you on the sub-
ne Prison, Texas’s most profitable he limps so badly that it is not possi- ject of “my nephew and his Black-
forced labor compound, in its en- ble to “miss.” So… this 400 pound water involvement,” came back. I
tire 112 prison system, now home black officer, (Boykins), now a “cap- used the envelope and some writing
to over “150 thousand men” and tain,” decides to pull Salazar over supplies with a stamp given me by a
“women”. My efforts in the area at 4 am in route to the law library. sympathetic prison worker, to write
of civil rights, after the “murder Solomon’s face was ground into a you this. Dr. Jones, I’ve been in this
by staff” of 67 year old Leopoldo steel fence (taking several staples to room for nine near-sleepless nights.
Cruz, consisted of submitting 27 close) and then Boykins broke Sol- The prison refuses to allow me my
separate prisoner affidavits to fed- omon’s “crippled arm” over his knee heart medication. I tried to file a
eral judge Kenneth Hoyt, about just for fun… (The medical de- “life-endangerment” on this and am
the horrid conditions on that slave partment left the arm badly bent). daily being refused all access to the
compound, have now led to a “13 I took to helping Salazar in the Courts or outside people… It will
10 / Culture Wars
be by God’s Grace if this letter gets here. Eight in all. So far, my “cell
out. Once they realized I was help- mates” have all been “black racists.” THREE STOOGES INSULT
ing Solomon Salazar and drawing Most are either “Crips,” “Mandin- Dear Dr Jones, My name is Dr.
federal heat here, combined with go Warriors” or some other black Larry Fine and I want to let you
my willingness to expose the ac- gang. One was HIV positive for 15 know that I'm deeply offended
tual homicidal doings my broth- years,…. Now, here’s where it gets by your comments on the show
er’s son, John, openly admitted to evil, Dr. Jones: HIV medication Israel. Why are we stooges always
me, face to face, over coffee at my is “required by law,” here and very used as the perfect examples of
brother’s home in Pell City, Ala- costly… Three pills a day cost you, ignorance and stupidity? Don't
bama… it’s my belief that my cap- the tax-payers, about $2600 per you realize that being a stooge is
tors are trying to cause my heart to month just for the pill alone. So, if a very, very serious business!! I real-
fail by deliberate design. No heart man is dying of AIDS on the street ize that I am a Jewish subversive
meds for a week, plus “should have and still “hell-bent on practicing and have provided an extremely
done it.” But I feel great! Better sodomy” with other men, he need negative role model for many stu-
than I have in years! Imagine that. only “come to prison” to do it – in- pid Goyim children, but please,
So, the question is, “what’s next?” definitely, “at your expense.” And please don't compare me to an
Once I get my property back again, there are “hundreds of them” on animal Goy Koch sucker like your
the essay on the “Confessions of a just this unit alone. Loyal, drug-de- tinkerbell politician from Indiana.
Blackwater Killer for Hire” will be pendent, slaves of the state have a Why are all of your politicians
yours to publish. Realize that Mr. “giant, queer, HIV pajama-party” such lollipop loving sissies. Why
Prince, Blackwater’s founder, was on you folks! They let these freaks doesn't the State of Indiana im-
tight with little Bush, George Jr. “make-out” on the rec-yard. They itate the State of Rhode Island,
… our former governor and heav- are “fed double-portions.” They all of our politicians are Italian
ily involved in the prison’s “Faith- “service” the queer officers here. gangsters. Our judges and reps
based programs.” This scam gar- They are 90% all black – just like are crooks but at least they like
ners millions in private donation “real life…” And, if my speculation women! (I forgot about Rep. Cic-
to the prisons and is “heavy” on and calculations are correct, the cilline) Why do you think they
the “Herbert W. Armstrong” type state is most probably skimming call the Rhode Island godfather
propaganda… In short, we are all the AIDS medication-money, using Baby Shacks? Because he likes to
taught that the “British” are really back door generics, and breeding shack up with women that's why!
“lost Israel” and the “Jews” are “Ju- more for profit, with the nearly all If your Mayor doesn't understand
dah”… So we white boys must go black staff here running the whole that the plug goes into the socket
kill all the Arabs for “Judah” our freak show. Dr. Jones, I’m in pretty how is he going to govern his city
long-lost brothers…. All Catholics deep again. But, God plus one, let (much less plug in a toaster). How
are of course, the new Babylon and alone adding EMJ, and this too will long must stooges be oppressed by
revived Roman Empire… etc… ad be a necessary dragon which needs the dominant culture? There have
infinitum… ad nauseum… Anyway, immediate slaying, eg. the profits been many of us living lives of se-
it’s Texas prison war propaganda of HIV in prison. Solomon Salazar crecy throughout history. In fact
“yet unexposed.” I have angered big and those like him need help too, many of our glorious Presidents
Boykins, the unit’s bone-breaker/ sir. He is a small-time criminal with have been stooges. If you persist
prisoner-killer… and his pals. These more “guts than brains.” His case in your discriminatory comments
are Major Lavias, Capt. Goodman, is heard in Beaumont in the East- I guarantee you will never work in
Lt. Cordell, Lt. Valez, Lt. Gander, ern Federal District by some mag- Hollywood again.
Lt. Edison… and our homosexual istrate trying to give the poor guy
warden “Carter” All but Valez are the “bums rush.” I really do think Dr Larry Fine
both “black” and “queer”. Note: they’d like to kill me sir.
The Texas city of Beaumont is a
well-known “queer infestation,” and M. David Simmons
most of them work for the prisons Beaumont, Texas
July/August 2016 / 11
Culture of Death Watch
12 / Culture Wars
Chasten Glezman with Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Mayor Pete, who told Bruni
that he wasn’t interested “in being
a poster boy” for the homosexual
agenda, went on to flaunt his re-
lationship with Chasten Glezman,
“a middle-school teacher, [who]
moved in with him this year and
sometimes accompanies him to
public events,” by describing how
he “popped into Glezman’s class-
room with an offering from Star-
bucks.” This prompted e-mails
from parents who felt that Mayor
Pete was shilling for the homosex-
ual agenda, which prompted in
turn patronizing comments to the
benighted proles of South Bend,
as faithfully transcribed by the gay
reporter from the New York Times.
Mayor Pete was “just doing… the
same kind of thing a straight cou-
ple would do…. I didn’t go in
there to discuss L.G.B.T. issues. I
went in there to bring a cup of cof-
fee to somebody that I love.”
Except that “straight couples”
don’t do this sort of thing, certain- if it were the same.” No, Pete, you eral election. Bruni’s article makes
ly not in public schools in South can’t, and no, you and your buddy the reason for Buttigieg’s anointing
Bend, Indiana, which lately re- are not the same as normal people as the “first gay president” clear.
semble minimum security prisons. precisely because you are homo- Mayor Pete is the oligarch’s answer
The doors to the classrooms are sexuals. It’s not irrational prejudice to Donald Trump. His title is may-
locked; the halls are full of unruly that sets up situations like this; it’s or of South Bend, but he is in re-
students whom teachers can no your violation of the natural law. ality the empire’s proconsul, whose
longer handle—all of which testify Behind Bruni’s article we can job is to tell the natives that they
to social engineering schemes gone discern the dim outline of Donald had better get used to living in a
awry. Peter Helland, host of the Is- Trump, in particular the impres- conquered province. Unlike Don-
rael cable access talk show that has sion he made on the oligarchs when ald Trump, who was applauded
had me on as a guest a number of when he complained about Car-
times, was banned from these same rier Air Conditioning moving its
classrooms for bringing a Bible in
“No person is born factory to Mexico, Mayor Pete has
with him, largely because of the homosexual, just like been anointed by the oligarchs to
efforts of the same social engineers no one is born a thief, disabuse the locals of any illusions
who are now trying to use the pub- they might have about earning a
lic schools to mainstream homo- a liar or murderer.” decent salary. His job is to appear
sexual behavior among the young. pleasant and upbeat as he tells
Mayor Pete concluded his anecdote he won the Republican primary in the locals that they can no lon-
by concluding ruefully, “But it was Indiana in May, just four years after ger “participate in the fiction that
one of those moments … when I Indiana had voted for the oligarch’s if we just turn back the clock and
realized we can’t quite go around as oligarch Mitt Romney in the gen- get rid of trade, everybody can get
July/August 2016 / 13
Frank Bruni
man allegiances and affec-
tions. They have no king but
Caesar. They are loyal ser-
vants of the empire because
they lack the normal links
that bind men and women
together in families, clans,
ethnic groups, and nations.
Their allegiance to their oli-
garch masters is completely
undivided. Homosexuals
also make the best traitors,
as the English discovered to
their lasting chagrin. Guy
Burgess, Anthony Blunt, and
Donald McLean were loyal
servants of an empire, the
Soviet empire, and willing to
betray those closest to them.
It was E. M. Forster, another
member of the Cambridge
their manufacturing jobs back.” In ual is America’s ideal citizen. The Apostles, who said famously, “if I
benighted Indiana, “there are a lot oligarchs know full well that this had to chose between betraying
of people who think they lost their type of “freedom” is another word my friends and my country, I hope
jobs because of globalization, when for bondage, but they don’t want that I would have the guts to be-
they actually lost their jobs because the word to get out because homo- tray my country.” That was then.
of technology,” and the oligarchs sexuals, their proxy warriors in this Now Pete gets to betray his constit-
find this reluctance to face the eco- war, are docile consumers and loy- uents by serving his country.
nomic music annoying. The gospel al commissars. They cannot marry Within hours of the appearance
which the oligarchs have anointed and so, therefore, they cannot form of the puff piece promoting Butti-
Pete to spread among the proles in families which beget children. In- gieg as our “first gay president,” 49
northern Indiana, “isn’t isolation- stead, they engage in state-sanc- homosexuals were murdered and
ism, protectionism, and nostalgia. tioned parodies of these actions, 53 wounded at the Pulse disco in
It’s new skills and a next genera- while at the same time working Orlando, Florida. It was the biggest
tion of products and services.”3 The loyally to dismantle “Fordism,” mass shooting in American history,
oligarchs have dispatched Pete to which is to say the economic sys- and the fact that the victims were
South Bend to correct the thinking tem based on high-paying industri- homosexuals meant that Bruni was
of the local Democrats, who “are al jobs. In the meantime, they will called upon to explain the mean-
not yet comfortable working in a commandeer whatever high-paying ing of it all. In prose that made his
vocabulary of ‘freedom.’” jobs are left and turn the salaries puff piece on Mayor Buttigieg look
“Freedom” in this context means that were intended for men who restrained by comparison, Bruni
sexual liberation of the sort prac- were heads of families into dispos- portrayed the Orlando disco shoot-
ticed by homosexuals like May- able income that homosexuals can ing as an attack on America and
or Pete and following the gospel now spend at gay discos and other everything America stood for. It
of Michel Foucault, which Pete lifestyle purchases. was, in fact, an attack “on freedom
learned at his father’s knee, a gospel Pete Buttigieg is living proof itself.”4 Omar Mateen, the 29-year-
which promotes sexual liberation that homosexuals make the best old shooter, was born in New York
and libertarian economics, as well proconsuls. They are completely to parents from Afghanistan. Ma-
as the notion that the homosex- inured to the realm of normal hu- teen’s father had a TV show in Dari
14 / Culture Wars
called Durand Jurga. The Durand actively done nothing in Syria over bring down Moammar Gaddafi in
line divided Afghanistan arbitrari- more than five years of war — so Libya. She was then equally instru-
ly from Pakistan. A jurga was the allowing part of the country to be- mental in moving the same men
Afghan equivalent of the town hall come an ISIS stronghold, contrib- and materiel to Syria, where they
meeting. It was through his father uting to a massive refugee crisis in came to be known as (or joined
that Omar Mateen made contact Europe, acquiescing to slaughter forces with) ISIS in order to bring
and displacement on a devastating
with the Saudi madrassas that were down Bashar al-Assad. “Hillary
scale, undermining America’s word
the breeding ground for the muja- Clinton, in her tenure as Secretary
in the world, and granting open
hidin that the CIA had weaponized of State, was instrumental in help-
season for President Vladimir Putin
to drive the Soviets out of Afghan- to strut his stuff — amounts to the
ing to fund, organize, train, and
istan in the wake of their 1979 in- greatest foreign policy failure of the direct al-Qaeda terrorist forces in
vasion. Obama administration.5 Libya and Syria.”6 After destroy-
As if to prove that great minds ing one of the most prosperous
run in the same circles, New York While holed up in the Pulse dis- countries in Africa and murdering
Times pundit Roger Cohen also co men’s room, Mateen placed a its leader, Secretary of State Hil-
said that the Pulse gay disco shoot 911 call, during which he pledged lary Clinton encouraged foreign
up was an attack on America. He his allegiance to ISIS, Al Qaeda, mercenaries, including Americans,
was much more daring in the and Hezbollah, without adverting to join the ranks of Syrian jihad-
charges he leveled and connected to the fact that these groups were ists to overthrow Syrian President
more dots, linking Omar Mateen fighting each other in the Middle Bashar al-Assad as the “best way to
not only to the Islamic state but East. ISIS, the Nusra Front, and help Israel.” As some indication of
also to Gavrilo Princip, the man Al Qaeda could be considered al- her murderous and psychopathic
who started World War I, Donald lies, but Hezbollah was fighting nature, Clinton also wrote that it
Trump, Brexit, Marine Le Pen, and all of them. Rather than parse was the “right thing” to personal-
the world generally being swal- this conundrum, the pundits fo- ly threaten Bashar al-Assad’s family
lowed up in a “downward spiral of cused on ISIS, which became a with death. As if that weren’t bad
escalating violence.” Omar Mateen necessary part of the Bruni/Co- enough, Seymour Hersh says that
was an expression of “political and hen narrative, which was itself an Hillary Clinton and Libyan am-
economic frustrations” that “have updated version of George Bush’s bassador J. Christopher Stevens
produced a groundswell against the “they hate us for our freedoms” shipped poison gas to Syria, to be
status quo and an apparent readi- line. ISIS was an integral part of used in a false flag operation there
ness to make a leap in the dark” the narrative the oligarchs wanted to topple Assad. According to Rus-
by supporting Donald Trump or to convey. sian Insider:
having Britain leave the European
Union. Once again the pundits
at the New York Times feel called The fact that Brandy disappeared
upon to articulate the fears of the
oligarchs, namely, that “Trump and Omar ended up dead convinced
and ‘Brexit’ represent action —
any action — to shake things up.
Howell that he needed protection from
They are, to their supporters, the the CIA, which was orchestrating this
comeuppance smug elites deserve.”
The National Rifle Association operation.
was also part of this conspiracy
because Mateen used an AR-15, Once ISIS became part of the Hersh pointed to a report from
which is the “gun liberals love to narrative, however, it immedi- British intelligence saying that the
hate,” Cohen ended his column by ately implicated Hillary Clinton, sarin that was used didn’t come
accusing President Obama of hav- who, as secretary of state, was in- from Assad’s stockpiles. Hersh also
ing: strumental in arming Al Qaeda to said that a secret agreement in 2012
July/August 2016 / 15
was reached between the Obama and cites her as “one of the princi- why the Obama Administration
Administration and the leaders of pal officials who promoted the idea began backing away from the of-
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to of supporting terrorists” to over- ficial explanation within 48 hours
set up a sarin gas attack and blame throw Moammar Gaddafi in 2011 of the shooting. On Monday, June
it on Assad so that the U.S. could using NATO-backed rebels.2 In 13, U.S. President Barack Obama
invade and overthrow Assad.7 2011 the New York Times claimed said there was no evidence that the
Hersh claims that Ambassa- that Hillary Clinton, along with massacre of 49 people in a Florida
dor Stevens was killed in Beng- Samantha Power, then at the Na- gay nightclub was directed from
hazi while implementing a plan tional Security Council, and Susan abroad or was part of a larger ter-
to overthrow Bashar al-Assad that Rice, the U.N. ambassador at the rorist plot.8
involved funding from Turkey, as time, was the “prime mover” be- So, was the disco attack blow-
well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. hind the Obama administration’s back or was it a false flag opera-
Stevens’ role also involved coordi- decision to back the anti-Gaddafi tion? As Frank Bruni put it: “These
nating the efforts of the CIA and insurgents.3 Even after it had be- locations are never random. These
MI6, who were “responsible for come clear to the world that the targets aren’t accidental.”
getting arms from Gaddafi’s ar- “freedom fighters” in Libya were On the Sunday of the attack in
senals into Syria.” All of this took actually terrorists and jihadists, Orlando, reports started circulat-
place during Hillary Clinton’s ten- Hillary continued to promote the ing that James Wesley Howell of
ure as Secretary of State, and Hersh idea of assisting the “rebels” in Syr- Indiana had been apprehended in
implicates her directly in running ia as long as they were willing to Santa Monica, California with a
the Libya to Syria “rat line.” participate in the removal of lead- car full of explosives and weapons,
Revelations like this help us to ers of state like Bashar al-Assad, which Howell planned to use in
understand why Hillary Clin- who opposed the regime’s agenda his attack on that city’s gay pride
ton is reluctant to talk about the in the Middle East. In fact, even parade.9 Initially, reports claimed
that Howell had been arrested as a
suspicious character at 2:00 AM on
“The Durand Jirga, Inc.” mirrors the day of the Orlando shootings,
but later reports made it clear that
traditional CIA fronts in southern he had turned himself in to the
Florida existing for decades to Santa Monica police because he
wanted protection from the CIA,
overthrow governments, from Cuba which he claimed had armed him
and five other men as agents provo-
and Nicaragua to Venezuela and cateurs:
the Dominican Republic. According to two department sourc-
es, Howell called the Santa Monica
police on Sunday morning claiming
e-mails she sent during her tenure after it became clear to the world
that he needed protection from the
as Secretary of State. One of John that the fighters known to the gen- CIA. Howell further elaborated to
Kerry’s main concerns when he eral public as “rebels” were actually the dispatcher stating that he ‘had
became Clinton’s successor was terrorists and jihadists, she contin- been set up by the CIA – they are
preventing the weapons she had ued to support al-Qaeda and ISIS going to kill me.’10
shipped to Syria from falling into fighters in Syria for the purposes of
the hands of terrorists. In a report destroying the secular government After Howell “heard on the news
which appeared in February 2015, of Bashar al-Assad. that Omar Mateen, the lead gun-
the Washington Times “points out When Omar Mateen implicat- man in the Orlando group, had
Clinton’s treachery in the funding ed ISIS in the killings, the Obama been killed by sniper fire, he real-
and support of jihadists in Libya” administration also implicated Hil- ized he was being set up as a pat-
lary Clinton. Perhaps this explains sy and would be killed” as well.11
16 / Culture Wars
Seddique Mateen at the State Department
Howell was not working
alone, but once the FBI
took over his case from
the Santa Monica po-
lice, any mention of his
co-conspirators was ex-
punged from the official
record. Howell was not
only not working alone;
it also turns out that he
knew Mateen.
When Howell was
questioned about how
he and his conspirators
knew each other, he said
that, “We were all fa-
miliar with each other
through an online fun-
damental Islamic knowl-
edge seminary course– we
were recruited through
the course and trained
together at a camp in Vir-
ginia – we were taught
how to shoot and make
bombs – everyone knew
their part – [but then]
something went wrong….” “Before was orchestrating this operation. It other countries have faced constant
the officers could further question was at this point that he turned to “blowback” from U.S. support for
Howell, agents working for the Los the Santa Monica police for help.14 jihadist terrorists. The older Boston
Angeles office of the FBI quickly Omar Mateen, it turns out, had Marathon bomber brother — Ta-
swept in and took over the case. merlan Tsarnaev — and the Orlan-
the same connections to the CIA
Santa Monica detectives were never do club shooter Omar Mateen (aka
as the Tsarnev brothers, who took
allowed to talk with Howell.”12 Seddique Mateen) were investigated
the fall for the Boston Marathon by the FBI on more than a single
In a conversation with two Santa bombings. Wayne Madsen sees a occasion.
Monica policemen, Howell iden- link between the two terrorist at-
tified an accomplice from Cali- The uncle of Tamerlan and Dz-
fornia by the name of Dan as well hokhar Tsarnaev, Ruslan Tsarni
as two co-conspirators in Florida, There is one major commonality (aka Tsarnaev) had been linked
one by the name of Brandy and between the jihadist terrorist attacks to the CIA. Tsarni was married
another named Omar. Accord- on a gay nightclub in Orlando on to the daughter of Graham Full-
ing to Howell’s explanation of the June 13 and on the Boston Mara- er, one of the chief CIA architects
plan, “Omar was not supposed to thon in 2013 and that is the Central of the radicalization of Muslims
be killed. They lied to us. Omar Intelligence Agency. Ever since the
to act as radical foot soldiers for
and Brandy were supposed to get ill-conceived CIA-led war against
the United States, whether in Af-
away.”13 The fact that Brandy dis- the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in
ghanistan against the Soviets or in
appeared and Omar ended up dead the 1980s and the agency’s incuba-
tion of the most violent extremes
the Caucasus against Russia. Mir
convinced Howell that he needed Seddique, aka Mir Seddique Ma-
of Islam, the United States and
protection from the CIA, which teen, the father of Omar Mateen,
July/August 2016 / 17
Hillary Clinton and Libyian "Freedom Fighters"
is a self-styled leader of a govern- president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Howell’s implication of four oth-
ment-in-exile of Afghanistan based has been linked to the CIA. er co-conspirators lends credence
in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The fa- Mateen’s father was “part of U.S. to those who felt that one shooter
ther’s operation, using a Florida pro-Taliban CIA/VOA network.” could not wreak the sort of carnage
not-for-profit company called “The His son had traveled to Saudi Ara- involved in the Pulse disco shoot-
Durand Jirga, Inc.” mirrors tradi- bia in 2011 and 2012, just as the ing. When asked if he thought it
tional CIA fronts in southern Flor- Tsarnev brothers had taken part in was possible for one shooter to kill
ida existing for decades to over- training seminars in Tblisi, Geor- 49 people and wound 53 more in
throw governments, from Cuba gia run by the Caucasus Fund of the relatively short time between
and Nicaragua to Venezuela and Georgia, a group affiliated with the when Mateen entered the disco and
the Dominican Republic. Mir Sed- neo-conservative think tank, the got into a gun battle with the se-
dique hosted a television program Jamestown Foundation, between curity guard at the door and when
called the “Durand Jirga Show.” January and July 2012. Jamestown he barricaded himself in the disco
The show is broadcast on the Af- was founded by CIA director Wil- men’s room, Derek Dieter, former
ghan satellite network “Payam-e- liam Casey in the 1980s. Mateen’s police officer and South Bend City
Afghan,” which is headquartered trips to Saudi Arabia brought him Council member, and now direc-
in Los Angeles and broadcasts in to the attention of the FBI, who tor of his own private security firm,
Pashto and Persian. Payam-e-Af- interviewed him and then dropped responded by saying that Mateen
ghan’s Facebook page indicates a the case, not because there was no had to have someone with him to
link between the network and the cause to pursue the case but be- bring that off. The AR-15 is the
Fethulleh Gulen organization’s cause “the FBI often backs down semi-automatic civilian version of
Rumi Awards. Gulen, a Turkish in- on investigating foreign terrorists” the M-16, the notoriously unreli-
dustrialist who lives in Pennsylva- when they discover that the terror- able gun that American troops were
nia and is an opponent of Turkish ists are working for the CIA. issued during the Vietnam War.
18 / Culture Wars
Its magazine holds 30 .223 caliber around the world: itself.” And no oppressive mind-set. The people in-
rounds. The crucial moment in one is more responsible for carry- side Pulse were citizens of it. More
shooting incidents like this comes ing out those policies than Hillary to the point, they were emblems of
when the shooter has to reload. Di- Clinton. You’d think that Donald it. In Pulse they found a refuge. In
eter finds it surprising that no one Trump might have noticed this and Pulse they found joy. To him they
tackled Mateen at this point. re-directed the narrative in this di- deserved neither. And he communi-
cated that with an assault rifle and
So, at the very least the Pulse rection, but he allowed himself to
bullets. The Islamic State and its ilk
disco attack was blowback, which be lured into the Democrats’ trap.
are brutal to gay people, whom they
could be traced back to the Sovi- Instead of staying on message and
treat in unthinkable ways. They
et invasion of Afghanistan and the talking about America First and throw gay people from rooftops.
decision by the CIA to back the the dangers of foreign interven- The footage is posted online. It’s
mujahidin there as their proxy war- tionism under people like Hillary bloodcurdling, but it’s not unique.
riors. The CIA promoted Muslim Clinton, he allowed his message to In countries throughout the world,
fundamentalism during the 1980s become part of the conventional to be gay is to be in mortal danger.
in order to topple virtually all of narrative by calling for a complete To embrace love is to court death.
the secular Arab leaders in the Mid- ban on Muslim immigration. The
dle East, from Saddam Hussein in fact that Omar Mateen happened In line with his puff piece on
Iraq to Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, to be an American citizen who had Pete Buttigieg, Bruni used the oc-
to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. been corrupted by the Great Sa- casion to attack state government,
Hafez al-Assad was their next tar- tan like every other denizen of the specifically Florida governor Rick
get and still is, but the offensive Pulse disco evidently did not occur Scott, who showed “lack of support
there stalled when 1) the Muslim to Trump, nor did it occur to him for issues important to L.G.B.T.
world woke up to what was going that he should be agreeing with the people.” Just in case we were all
on and 2) Russia decided to inter- sheikhs when it comes to issues like wondering, Bruni added “Those
vene to save Assad. Hillary Clinton homosexuality. complaints have merit.” Shame on
was using her gay ambassador in Bruni did not mention Mateen’s Governor Scott, who should know
Libya to effect the transfer of weap- homosexuality or the connection that America is one big gay disco
ons from Al Qaeda to ISIS when between homosexuality and mass according the oligarchs and their
the operation went south, Chris- murder in his piece on the Pulse pundits. This means that:
topher Stevens got killed, and the disco murders because his job was
All Americans are under attack and
offensive stalled. not so much to understand what not exclusively because of whom
Blowback has been happening happened as it was to craft a narra- we drink, dance or sleep with, but
ever since the mujahideen defeated tive that would allow the incident because of our bedrock belief that
the Soviet Union and then turned
their eyes to the new enemy, the
Great Satan, the United States. “Omar was not supposed to be killed.
And why was America the Great
Satan? Largely because of its pro- They lied to us. Omar and Brandy
motion of things like homosexu-
ality. Like Satan, America controls
were supposed to get away.”
through moral corruption. So no
matter which narrative thread you to be weaponized as part of the oli- we should not be subservient to any
follow, the evidence always leads to garchs’ war on Donald Trump and one ideology or any one religion.
the same conclusion. As Pogo once the uprising of the proles in Indi- That offends and inflames the zeal-
said, “We have met the enemy, ana. According to this narrative ots of the world.
and he is us.” As Wayne Madsen Omar Mateen: Homophobic Islam was an essen-
put it: “The United States has but
was lashing out at an America at tial part of this story. As President
one country to blame for the rise
odds with his darker, smaller, more Obama was luring Donald Trump
of Islamist jihadism and radicalism
July/August 2016 / 19
into the trap of attacking all Mus- anity, you will find statements that Carolina in 2016) was created pre-
lims, the Wall Street Journal, where are virtually identical to the state- cisely to overturn representative
Muslim bashing is acceptable in a ments of the Muslim clerics Ms. government.
way that it is not at the New York Hirsi Ali cites as extreme examples The main difference between the
Times, dedicated a piece to show- of homophobia. Christian view of homosexuali-
ing that “The Orlando massacre No one can get printed on the ty and the Muslim view has to do
is a hideous reminder to Ameri- pages of the Wall Street Journal with the punishment appropriate
cans that homophobia is an inte- without representing the views of to this sort of behavior, not wheth-
gral part of Islamic extremism.”15 the oligarchs, and Ms. Hirsi Ali er this behavior is wrong. Most
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who happens to is no exception to this rule. After Islamic countries still feel that ho-
be a fellow at the Harvard’s Ken- telling us that “in 33 out of the mosexuality is a crime that should
nedy School and as such a reliable 36 countries” recently surveyed, be punished under the civil law.
agent of the oligarchs, went on to 75 percent of the population felt As Ms. Hirsi Ali delights in saying,
claim that “Muslim homophobia is that “homosexuality was ‘morally many Islamic countries still consid-
institutionalized.” In fact, “Muslim wrong,’” and only 10 percent felt er homosexuality a capital crime.
law … prescribes cruel and unusu- that homosexuality was “moral- Iran, for example, “is notorious for
al punishments for homosexuality.” ly acceptable,” the grad student at hanging men accused of homosex-
This is true, but so does the Old the Kennedy School then let the ual behavior. The Associated Press
Testament. And why is that the cat out of the bag when she said, reports that since 2014, ISIS has
case? Well, because the normal cit- “These countries’ laws against ho- executed at least 30 people in Syr-
izen of this world finds homosex- mosexuality align with the attitudes ia and Iraq for being homosexual.”
uality repugnant. The difference of the overwhelming majority of As if that weren’t bad enough, Ms.
between the Islamic world and the their populations.” Wait a minute, Hirsi Ali then quotes Sheikh Yusef
West is that this repugnance hasn’t shouldn’t the laws of a country con- al-Qaradawi, “one of the world’s
been socially engineered out of the form to the “attitudes of the over- leading Sunni clerics and chairman
Islamic populations at large. This
is, of course, one of the major rea-
sons for our on-going war in the Franklin D. Roosevelt knew about the
Middle East. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in
Ms. Hirsi Ali cites Muzzamil
Siddiqi, former president of the Is-
advance, but chose to sacrifice over
lamic Society of North America, as 2,000 American lives in order to get
saying: “Homosexuality is a moral
disorder. It is a moral disease, a sin
the US into the war.
and corruption…. No person is
born homosexual, just like no one whelming majority of their popula- of the European Council for Fatwa
is born a thief, a liar, or murderer. tions”? Doesn’t the Kennedy School and Research,” who has an open
People acquire these evil habits due believe in democracy and consent mind on the issue of crime and
to a lack of proper guidance and of the governed? The answer to this punishment when it comes to ho-
education.” His views may seem question is no. The homosexual mosexuality: “Some say we should
extreme to students at the Kenne- movement is by its very nature an- throw them from a high place,
dy Center, but they are indistin- ti-democratic. The cabal of CEOs like God did with the people of
guishable from the teaching of the and homosexuals which overturned Sodom. Some say we should burn
Catholic Church. In fact, if you Indiana’s Religious Freedom Resto- them and so on. There is disagree-
dig deeply enough into the tradi- ration Act last year (and legislation ment… The important thing is to
tional moral teaching of Christi- in Georgia, Mississippi and North treat this act as a crime.”
20 / Culture Wars
As if to assure us that she is not The only unanswered question com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/the-
a self-hating Muslim, Ms. Hirsi at this point is whether the Unit- first-gay-president.html
Ali adds: “Not all Muslims are ho- ed States used its proxy warriors to 4. http://www.nytimes.
mophobic. Many are gay or lesbian murder homosexuals in order to com/2016/06/13/opinion/the-scope-
themselves.” What she forgot to add achieve political goals. We know of-the-orlando-carnage.html?ac-
is that Omar Mateen was one of that Franklin Delano Roosevelt tion=click&contentCollection=opin-
those homosexual Muslims. The oli- knew about the Japanese attack on
garchs and their pundits were des- Pearl Harbor in advance, but chose
perately trying to confect a narrative to sacrifice over 2,000 American
that pitted jihadis against homosex- lives in order to get the United 5. http://www.nytimes.
uals. That narrative derailed shortly States into the war. In the 9/11 at- com/2016/06/14/opinion/orlan-
after their columns appeared when tacks, roughly the same number of do-omar-mateen-pulse-florida-don-
stories began to surface indicating Americans died to launch the cur- ald-trumps-america.html?rib-
that Omar Mateen was a homosex- rent war in the Middle East. The bon-ad-idx=4&rref=opinion&mod-
ual. On the Monday following the Israelis, the CIA’s mentor in decep- ule=R
attack, the press reported that “The tive operations like this, created the 6. http://www.activistpost.
gunman who attacked a Florida classic false flag operation known com/2015/11/hillary-clinton-and-the-
LGBT nightclub had attended the as the Lavon affair in Iraq, in order funding-of-al-qaeda-terrorists-in-libya-
club before the attack and had used to create panic and migration to and-syria.html
a gay dating and chat ap.”16 It turns Israel. What the homosexuals need 7.
out that the perpetrator of the at- to learn from the Pulse disco attack mour-hersh-hillary-approved-send-
tack was a homosexual jihadi. Ma- is that, like all proxy warriors, they ing-sarin-gas-syrian-rebels/
teen was radicalized both by contact are expendable. Forty-nine homo-
with radical extremists in his travels sexuals were murdered by a man
to Saudi Arabia and on the inter- who couldn’t keep his identities
net, but he was also radicalized by straight. The pundits at the New dium=email&utm_term=0_c626db0
his experiences at gay bars. Why York Times have explained in their 89c-02105daff5-227220613&ct=
should this be surprising? What we way that these men had to die in t%28Russia_Insider_Daily_Head-
are witnessing here is the unexpect- order to put down the Trump in- lines11_21_2014%29&mc_ci-
ed confluence to two revolutionary surrection and get Hilary Clinton d=02105daff5&mc_eid=65f09a757a
movements, both of which were set elected in the fall, so that she can 8.
in motion by the U.S. government. pursue the oligarchs’ dream of to- obama-no-evidence-orlando-attack-di-
The oligarchs created the homo- tal world dominance through total rected-by-islamic-state/
sexual movement as their domestic moral corruption. 9.
proxy warriors to overthrow repre- ves/2016-2/2016-06-17/
E. Michael Jones
sentative government in the Unit- 10.
ed States every bit as much as they 11.
created the mujahidin, Al Qaeda, ves/2016-2/2016-06-17/
and ISIS as their proxy warriors to ENDNOTES 12.
overthrow Mubarak, Kaddafi, Sadd-
1. http://www.nytimes. 14.
am Hussein, and Hafez al-Assad in com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/the- 15. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, “Islam’s Jihad
the Middle East. Omar Mateen had first-gay-president.html against Homosexuals,” WSJ, 6/14/16,
the misfortune of being caught up 2. http://www.nytimes. p. A15
in two contradictory revolutionary com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/the- 16.
movements run by the same em- first-gay-president.html la-na-orlando-nightclub-shooting-
pire. 3. http://www.nytimes. 20160613-snap-story.html
July/August 2016 / 21
The Man Behind the Curtain
Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex
by E. Michael Jones
“No one wants to admit that their entire self-perception around which they have built their
lives and thoughts, opinions and world-view has been a big lie. But that doesn’t alter the objec-
tive fact that it is a lie.” - Michael Voris
22 / Culture Wars
Michael Voris
WHO IS THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN? left but Michael Voris. … There was no one left. I don’t
TERRY CARROLL? know what’s going on in that warehouse in Detroit. It’s
sad really, and it really doesn’t merit a lot of serious com-
The suspicion that Terry Carroll was running mentary.3
Church Militant from behind the scenes intensified
after Voris attacked the Society of Pius X. Was Car- Instead of admitting that he might have made a mis-
roll behind the expose on the SSPX and the accusation take in judging Voris’s character, Ferrara concluded
that they were in schism? Christopher Ferrara thought that Terry Carroll was “the man behind the Vortex.”4
so, and eventually wrote a piece that concluded that Carroll became “the ‘brains’ of the operation,” when
Terry Carroll was “the man behind the Vortex.” So he issued “the mystery manifesto” which:
who was in charge at Church Militant? The tradition- advanced the curious proposition, unsupported by any
alists were bewildered because Voris had spent a week teaching of the Magisterium, that while Catholics are free
at their annual pow-wow at Lake Gardone in Italy. Vo- to engage in public criticism of any member of the hier-
ris had mastered the art of telling certain groups what archy whose actions warrant it, as CMTV does every day,
they wanted to hear, and both Michael Matt, editor they may never criticize the Pope publicly because “the
of The Remnant, and Remnant columnist Christopher Pope is different.” CMTV, wrote Carroll, “will not engage
Ferrara, felt that Voris was one of them. Now in the in public criticism of the Pope. Period.”
wake of Voris’s attack on the SSPX, both Matt and
Ferrara were equally bewildered. “I don’t get it,” Fer- As a result:
rara complained: Terry Carroll has single-handedly destroyed what could
have been a fruitful collaboration between CMTV and
I was on his show. He called me an awesome dude. We
the traditionalist media. I don’t know how deeply Carroll
were friends. He was with us for two weeks at Lake Gar-
has his clutches into CMTV’s operations, but I would say
done. We joked with him. I told him exactly what our po-
this to Mike Voris out of respect for what he is trying to
sitions were, and as far as I could tell we were in complete
do for the good of the Church: if there is any way you can
or at least substantial agreement. Bizarre. By the time he
dissociate yourself from this character, do it now before he
finished attacking all of those targets, there was no one
inflicts irreparable damage on your apostolate.
July/August 2016 / 23
As far as I know, Terry Carroll never responded to ist comments on the Church Militant comment box.
Ferrara’s attack, but he did respond to Dave Arm- Specifically, Carroll:
strong’s attack by claiming, tacitly at least, that Mi-
chael Voris was running the show: deleted from his website any and all references to his for-
mer positions; as well as the segments that include me; a
That Michael Voris’ apostolate continues to grow in the 13 part Vatican II series among them. He refuses to en-
face of the vindictive obstacles thrown in his path is proof gage the people he criticizes directly. He pretends he never
that there is a need to hear what he is saying by a sig- believed anything other than what he spews today… This
nificant number of Catholics. For them, he is the voice isn’t the behavior of a man who had a change of heart
of their agony and frustration and desire for “heroic Ca- based on a new awareness of truth….In the end, Michael
tholicism.” They feel heard and understood. He gives can protest that Terry Carroll’s money has no part in this
them hope. You may not be able to understand that but all he wants, but only a willing fool can believe it…. I’ll
we could paper your walls with emails thanking him for leave it to you to decide if the “jihadist” with the cash in
bringing them back or into the Catholic Church.5 hand played a part in influencing Voris to reinvent him-
In response to Ferrara’s accusation, Christine Niles,
one of the on-camera personalities at CMTV, respond-
ed by saying that there was no man and no curtain: WHO IS THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN?
There is no secret donor, no one bankrolling the aposto- E. MICHAEL JONES?
late, no rich Opus Dei member pulling the strings (the
Blinded by their obsessions, the traditionalists could
very idea is laughable). Neither does Terry Carroll (or
not plumb the depths of what was going on at Church
anyone else) exercise the sort of control that others claim
he does. Michael Voris calls the shots at his apostolate. He
Militant. Terry Carroll was on to something that Chris
is very much is own man, and makes his own decisions– Ferrara could neither admit nor understand. In a letter
based on the good of the Church and of souls. to Marc Brammer, an early investor in Real Catholic
TV, dated April 25, 2010, Terry Carroll sketched out
The Trads weren’t buying Niles’ account. A blog- his plan for dealing with the SSPX and the issue of
ger at Gloria TV identified Carroll as “a parishioner schism:
at Mater Dei Parish in Irving, Texas,” which was “run
by the [Fraternity of St. Peter], and that Carroll and My position, which I hope to show is the Catholic posi-
tion, is clear. First of all, schism is in its way every bit as
his pastor had a “personal vendetta against the Soci-
bad as abortion. Secondly, the Society of
St. Pius X is in schism. Thirdly, if they are
not then there is no such thing as schism
and fourthly that in presuming to be tra-
ditional in defiance of the wishes of the
pope, Mr. Davies and the Society are not
only committing the grave sin of schism,
they are also in an uncanny fashion suc-
cumbing to the very liberalism they claim
to oppose by making private judgment the
ultimate criterion in matters of religion.
24 / Culture Wars
tons and tons of supporting documentation from so did not know at the time—is not surprising, given the
many sources it makes me dizzy, but this ties everything sources I used, but it is puzzling because it made an-
together in a manner I can share with others easily. It swering the question of who was in charge at Church
has taken me a LOT of time to “prepare a brief ” with Militant more difficult than ever. Was I in charge at
footnotes and references. Now I can keep those and bring
them forth as necessary.
Schism is the occupational
It turns out that I was the man behind the man be-
hind the Vortex, and that Chris Ferrara had never got- hazard of self-appointed
ten over my debate with Michael Davies. As I said then: Church reformers…it has
there is only one group of people in the world who thinks nothing to do with doctrine.
that the topic, “The Society of St. Pius X is in Schism,” is
debatable and that is the Society itself. Schismatic groups CMTV? Was I the man behind the curtain without
have this peculiar characteristic: they never consider knowing it? In addition to managing the on-line dis-
themselves in schism. Eventually they all travel the same cussion, Terry Carroll ran the Church Militant black-
trajectory, whose end point is always the same. We, the list. This included a list of groups who could not post
schismatic group tells itself, are the true Catholic Church, comments on the CM website no matter how favor-
the true Church of Christ (however you want to phrase it)
able they were. On April 26, 2010 Carroll referred to
and they, meaning the almost 1 billion people who in fact
Jones as “my new BFF” and then quoted something I
do belong to the Church, are the real schismatics. They
had written in a piece on Bishop Williamson:
(say, “the Novus Ordo Church” or some such appellation)
have defected from the faith of history and are now im- The Catholic Church under Peter’s successor is the only
posters. We (meaning the SSPX) will go on courageously barque of Christ, and that no matter what waves of heresy
preserving “tradition” (of course, as we define it) until we buffet its sides, one is never justified in jumping ship; not
are vindicated by history and in effect the Novus Ordo even during the fiercest storms. Those who do jump over-
Church admits that we were right all along. board during the storm learn the hard way that it was the
Church, no matter how beleaguered, that was sustaining
them all along. They also learn that the only alternative
THE NATURE OF SCHISM to an uncomfortable position on her tossing decks is to
sink beneath the waves and drown.
I was to hear all of this from my opponent be-
fore the night was over, but I was also to get unex-
pected confirmation of my thesis that the SSPX was CHURCH MILITANT AND
in schism as well. Schism is the occupational hazard E. MICHAEL JONES ON THE JEWS
of self-appointed Church reformers. Schism is tricky
because, in spite of how everyone construes it, it has This thought was the one that eventually become
nothing to do with doctrine. Schism is based on lack the basis for the program Voris did attacking the SSPX
of charity, which expresses itself as a refusal to remain for being in schism. Fuller collaboration between us
in communion with a Church which the schismatics was blocked, however, because of Carroll’s misgivings
consider sinful. Bishop Bernard Fellay, current head about my views on the Jews. A year and a half later,
of the SSPX, came up with a classic formulation of Carroll wrote to Marc Brammer:
the schismatic mindset when he said in an interview:
It may be true that, at its core, contemporary Judaism is
“The Church has cancer. We cannot associate with the
“anti Logos” and, therefore, “revolutionary” and destruc-
Church because then we would get cancer.” Bishop tive of world order. I think that’s at the heart of Jones’
Richard Williamson said much the same thing. My distinction between antisemitism, which we cannot sup-
own understanding of schism was based on a read- port, and “anti-Jewish,” which he says we must be. The
ing of two classical texts: St. Augustine’s treatises on problem is that in the world of common speech, such
Baptism and on the Donatists. The fact that my de- distinctions are almost impossible to make and, as fallen
bate with Michael Davies was the inspiration for Terry nature is wont to do, we conflate antisemitism and “an-
Carroll and Voris’s attack on the SSPX—something I ti-Jewish” as being the same thing.
July/August 2016 / 25
Carroll was worried about an upcoming show which (and show no restraint in telling everyone about it!). If
Voris planned to do on the thirtieth anniversary of you read the email we received this morning from the Fr.
Culture Wars/Fidelity magazine. “Jones,” he wrote, “is Coughlin people, I think Fr. Coughlin faced the same
astounding in his ability to see ‘patterns’ and ‘connec- problem that Jones faces, i.e., in a true and objective
tions’ invisible to us lesser mortals” but… meaning of antisemitism, neither Coughlin nor Jones are
antisemitic. However, neither Coughlin nor Jones are al-
if one does a Google Search on ‘E. Michael Jones,’ the lowed to define antisemitism in fair and objective terms
first impression you get is that Jones is a flaming antisem- but are afflicted with the “common understanding” of
ite. I know he is not because I have read enough of his the term in the culture, and in the culture antisemitism
work to know the difference between antisemitism and is ANYTHING that sounds negative about Jews or Juda-
Jones’ beliefs. The problem is that, as with the word ‘gay,’ ism. Coughlin and Jones face charges that others today
there is a common understanding of antisemitism that is face with charges of “racism.” Almost ANYTHING can
reducible to nothing more than using the word ‘Jew’ in be called “racism” today if you make objective statements
any kind of context that is not unabashedly worshipful. that make any particular ethnicity look bad.
To even use the word ‘Jew’ in any context other than the
Gospel of John SOUNDS antisemitic and colors every re- Eventually, Church Militant went forward with
sponse. E. Michael Jones is not antisemitic, but he will the interview, largely because Voris overrode Carroll.
go to his grave judged so by more people than not. Un- Everyone, including me, considered the interview a
fair. Inaccurate. Unjust. A mockery of all that Jones has success. Voris asked good questions. The chemistry
written and stands for. However, the distorted view is that worked. Marc Brammer called it “magic.” Mark Shea
Jones is antisemitic, and anyone who associates with him freaked out, but as the Arabs are wont to say, the dog
is painted with the same brush. In terms of sheer effect, barks and the caravan passes by.
all of Jones's work other than his Jewish Revolutionary
Spirit loses both visibility and credibility just because of
the presumption that he is antisemitic.
After Ann Barnhardt told Carroll that she “wouldn’t BY CRITICIZING BISHOPS
touch this guy with a ten-foot pole,” Carroll conclud-
ed that “Association with Jones would effectively end The January 2016 posting on Facebook was not the
RCTV and permanently destroy all credibility. It first time that someone from the homosexual scene
is that simple. The enemy would never, ever let the had come forward and accused Michael of being gay.
world hear the end of it. You would be branded as In each instance he denied the allegations. As at the
Nazis forever, and Michael’s speaking engagements time of the SSPX attacks, Christine Niles came to
would end. It would be over.” Michael’s defense when people accused him of being
a homosexual. Niles had had four children with a
As Carroll read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, his man with whom she had been living with in an irreg-
attitude began to change: ular marriage. When she saw Michael on the Vortex,
she immediately fell in love with him, left her hus-
I’m actually PLOWING MY WAY through The Jew- band, and became Voris’s most vociferous defender.
ish Revolutionary Spirit - it’s a GREAT read! - and hope Although Christine could never land Voris as a hus-
band, she never got over her infatuation with him.
Among the staff at Church Militant, she became
“…the unprecedented known as “Mrs. Voris,” the faithful Magdalena at the
emergence of ‘New Church’ foot of the cross. After the first incident, Christine
is the very essence of the post- approached Voris; he denied the allegations, and that
was that.
conciliar crisis.” In spite of the denials emanating from Church Mil-
itant, the blogosphere kept insisting that Michael was
to finish it before my death. As you may notice, I, like gay. Before long the staff realized that “the clock was
Jones, find multiple things interesting at the same time ticking.” This was not going to be another tempest in a
26 / Culture Wars
Ponte Sant'Angelo
teapot like the SSPX affair. By the time the new allega-
tions began to arise during early 2016, Voris’s spiritual
advisor had seen pictures of Michael in his gay lifestyle
period. Now he was hearing from good priests who
were telling him that Voris was harming the Church
by accusing priests and bashing bishops. In his famous
“mystery manifesto,” Carroll formulated the position
of Church Militant vis a vis the pope and the bishops
in the following way:
The Pope represents the Church in a way that bishops and
priests do not. You can criticize bishops against a ‘horizon’
of love for the Church. You can’t criticize the Pope without
risking a blurring of that ‘horizon’ because the Pope rep-
resents and symbolizes the unity of the Church in a way
that bishops and priests do not.8
July/August 2016 / 27
Mother Angelica and Rhoda Wise
self-image in terms of gender, as compared with
same-sex peers.11
28 / Culture Wars
ment with being able to achieve something, not, how- servative stripe. People like Joseph Fessio and Ralph
ever, because “I am so special”; partly, it is gratefulness. McInerny immediately swore allegiance to their new
The mature adult is aware of the relativity of his achieve- champion, whose rage waxed incandescent at EWTN:
It’s blasphemous that you dare to portray Jesus as a wom-
Mother Angelica’s case was different. There is no an. You know, as Catholics we’ve been quiet all these
evidence that Mother Angelica ever acted sexually on years…. I’m tired, tired of being pushed in the corners.
the wound she received in childhood. The discipline I’m tired of your inclusive language that refuses to admit
of pre-Vatican II convent life kept whatever impulses that the Son of God is a man. I’m tired of your tricks. I’m
she might have had under control. During the ‘70s, tired of you making a crack, and the first thing you know
however, Mother Angelica was prayed over by an itin- there’s a hole, and all of us fall in. No, this was deliber-
erant charismatic by the name of Robert DeGrandis ate… you made a statement that was not accidental. I am
and received the gift of tongues. This event eventually so tired of you, liberal Church in America. You’re sick….
led to a more and more public life, until in 1981 she You have nothing to offer. You do nothing but destroy.
founded her television apostolate. Receiving the gift of You don’t have vocations, and you don’t even care – your
whole purpose is to destroy… You can’t stand Catholi-
tongues can often be accompanied by a reduction in
cism at its height, so you try to spoil it, as you’ve spoiled
inhibition, specifically sexual inhibition. The history
so many things in these thirty years….14
of “enthusiasm” is littered with sexual excess, as Msgr.
Knox has demonstrated. The fact that Mother Angel- Just as he failed to detect Voris’s homosexual narcis-
ica never acted on the childhood wound sexually does sism during the week he spent with Voris in Gardone,
not mean that the wound wasn’t there. The narcissism Ferrara missed the narcissism at the root of Mother
Angelica’s outburst during the 1993 World Youth Day
Stations of the Cross incident. Ferrara’s approach to
“The cold dismissal hit hard, both Voris and Mother Angelica was similar. As long
reviving childhood feelings of as they toed the traditionalist line and made favorable
noises about the Latin Mass, Fatima, etc., Ferrara was
rejection in Angelica. Smothering willing not only to give them a pass but to ascribe their
her anger in the embrace of Sr. misbehavior to underlings who lurked behind the cur-
Raphael and the other nuns…” tain. Ferrara’s main reason for disappointment in the
Stations of the Cross incident was Mother Angelica’s
failure to adopt the straight-up Traditionalist approach
that flowed from it gradually found expression in her to what was ailing the Church:
apostolate as well, in ways uncannily similar to what
happened at Church Militant. The most uncanny sim- Mother Angelica and her wonderful sisters are to be
ilarity of all had to do with the bishops. Why did both congratulated for their courage and fortitude, but also
EWTN and CMTV end up in de facto violation of we should pray that they go even a step further…. It is
Canon 1373? The short answer to that question is nar- our hope that along with all her other courageous work,
Mother Angelica will one day consider calling for the un-
conditional return of the historical Latin Mass and strike
the ultimate blow against the modernist onslaught of the
Given her stature as the world’s most famous nun,
During EWTN’s coverage of the 1993 World Youth Mother Angelica could have called up Bishop Stafford,
Day in Denver, Colorado, some unsung liturgist de- Denver’s ordinary at the time, and asked him in pri-
cided to cast a girl in the role of Jesus Christ during vate something to the effect of “what the hell is going
that festival’s Stations of the Cross. After witnessing on?” Stafford would most certainly have taken her call
the event, Mother Angelica blew up and delivered her and could have given his understanding of what had
famous “I’m not going to take it anymore” diatribe, happened. Armed with that understanding, Mother
which had an electrifying effect on Catholics of a con- Angelica could have done a much more perceptive
July/August 2016 / 29
piece on the problems associated with World Youth done at her studio. The punch line always involved her
Day. I say this because Stafford was later quite open in descriptions of a little old nun’s ignorance of the TV
saying that the American bishops had been betrayed business and her success in spite of that. The audience
by their staffs and had lost all effectiveness in dealing loved it. They identified with her completely.
with the problems facing the Church. Presumably, a with the laughter still ringing in the rafters, Mother
bishop willing to admit this would have been open to Angelica suddenly got serious and began talking about
a critique of the girl-Jesus Stations of the Cross. But the bishops. At this point her voice changed and in a
instead of bringing liturgical abuse to the attention of low growl she said, “Before I hand my TV station over
Bishop Stafford privately, Mother Angelica denounced to the bishops, I’ll blow it up.” The ladies howled with
him publicly in a way that bespoke—dare we say approval, but it was clear, to me at least, that some-
it?—narcissism and self-dramatization. The times had thing distinctly unfunny had entered into her stand-
changed, and Mother Angelica, by eschewing private up routine.
discussion for public denunciation, had placed herself One year later, in November 1997, Mother Angeli-
on a collision course with the American bishops, who ca combined her 1993 Denver diatribe and the veiled
had now been defined as the enemy. threat she had made against the bishops in 1996 by de-
I had called Mother Angelica in what must have nouncing Roger Cardinal Mahony’s pastoral letter on
been 1983, when I was working for Harry John’s the Eucharist as “a modernist obfuscation of the true
Catholic television network in Hollywood, and found doctrine of the Mass.” Those are Christopher Ferrara’s
her warm and maternal and full of helpful advice. By words. What Ferrara left out of the story was mother’s
1996, when I shared the dais with her at the Call to “attitude” as the driving force behind the dispute:
Holiness Conference in Detroit, the difference be-
tween the 1981 Mother Angelica and the 1996 version “The cardinal wants the Holy See to do something about
Mother Angelica’s whole attitude that she is not responsi-
had gotten too big to ignore. As part of her warm-up
ble to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops or to
act, I spoke on the Call to Action Conference, whose
any of the individual bishops,” Father Gregory Coiro, di-
participants had launched the revolution in the rector of media relations for the L.A. archdiocese told the
Church 20 years earlier. The Detroit Call to Holiness National Catholic Reporter. “It goes beyond her criticism
Conference was the largest audience I have ever ad- of the cardinal—it’s about how the network operates and
dressed in my life. There were over 2,000 people in the to whom it is responsible.”
hall, and most of them were women. In spite of the
applause I got when my talk was over, it was clear that
they hadn’t showed up in droves to hear me. Mother MOTHER ANGELICA JUMPS FROM THE
Faced with a canonical The network needed to be “reoriented,” in Cardinal
lawsuite and takeover at the Mahony’s estimation, and his spokesman unveiled a
hands of the bishops, Mother possible instrument to ensure that it happened; Father
Coiro mentioned Canon 1373, a law forbidding in-
Angelica panicked… dividuals from inciting disobedience against the Pope
or bishops. Among the “just penalties” attached to the
canon was “interdiction.” This severe punishment,
Angelica was the big draw, and she did nothing to dis- akin to excommunication, excludes the individual or
appoint the expectations of the audience. entity from the sacraments and is metered out by the
By 1996, Mother Angelica had mastered the art of Church for “grave crimes.”16 According to Raymond
stand-up comedy. She had reworked the story of the Arroyo’s account: “The threat of interdiction caused
founding of EWTN based on a template that she had her to pause. Could she be deprived access to the very
taken from the Hollywood film, Lilies of the Field, with sacrament she lived to protect and defend?”17 Mahony
Mother Angelica in the lead role. The audience roared then filed a canonical complaint against Mother An-
with laughter as she played the naïve nun trying to gelica. Faced with a canonical lawsuit and takeover at
get cantankerous construction workers to get the job the hands of the bishops, Mother Angelica panicked
30 / Culture Wars
Mother Angelica Selling Fishing Lures
in the wake of an apostolic visitation in February/
March of 2000. According to Ferrara:
In desperation, Mother made a prudential decision that
in retrospect was a huge mistake: Fearing that Archbishop
Gonzalez’s report to the Vatican would recommend an ec-
clesiastical takeover of her apostolate, Mother surrendered
all control over EWTN to the lay people who run it to-
day. At an emergency board meeting in March of 2000,
she resigned as CEO of EWTN, relinquishing her veto
power, and with it her control over EWTN’s affairs. At
the same meeting EWTN’s board amended the corporate
by-laws to insure lay control and preclude any control in
the future by a bishop, priest or religious. Thus, instead of
continuing her direct resistance to liberal prelates, Moth-
er Angelica thought she could defeat them by a strategic
32 / Culture Wars
out … the other night to say why I’m in schism … of Catholics — clergy and laity — have simply lost faith
which is, of course, a mortal sin.”27 in him, and that is no position for a shepherd to guide
his flock. In view of all this, Cdl. Dolan has shown gross
ineptitude, an epic, massive dereliction of duty by not
WHY IS VORIS ATTACKING THE BISHOPS? removing, or at the very least, suspending a priest who
for over two years has been the center of such a storm of
By 2014, Voris had a long history of attacking bish-
immorality, filth and criminal activity.28
ops. Terry Carroll’s “mystery manifesto,” which jus-
tified attacking bishops but not the pope, was based
more on praxis at CMTV rather than the theological
principles he had derived from Denzinger. Those at- MICHAEL VORIS HAS TO GO
tacks reached a crescendo in December 2015 when These were strong words, even if enabled by Terry
Voris did a Vortex entitled “Dolan Has To Go.” It was Carroll’s “mystery manifesto.” Did Terry Carroll ap-
the most intemperate of a long series of attacks on prove them? If Terry Carroll wasn’t in charge who was?
bishops for defending homosexual priests. During the The answer was Michael Voris, or more precisely Mi-
course of this broadcast, Voris claimed that over the chael Voris’s past and the neurosis that was driving it.
course of nearly two years, Fr. Peter Miqueli, pastor of That past was now becoming the present, and Voris
St. Frances de Chantal parish in the Bronx, had em- was suffering under the pressure of the neurosis that
bezzled up to a million dollars “to fund his sadomas- had created the past that he was determined to hide.
ochistic sex fantasy with a live-in boyfriend.” Accord- In his expose of Cardinal Dolan, Voris failed to tell
ing to Voris’s account, “Cdl. Dolan never questioned his audience that he had been in the seminary with
Fr. Miqueli about charges of a radically perverse sex Miqueli. Voris would later claim that he had gotten
life where he is reported to have drunk the urine of his kicked out of Dunwoodie after two years for “sexual
male prostitute many times during their role-playing immaturity.”
sexcapades.” Voris claimed that Dolan did nothing to On November 4, 2005, the Vatican’s Congregation
investigate the charges against Miqueli. Confronted for Catholic Education issued an “Instruction Con-
by a local camera crew, Dolan told the woman who cerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations
claimed to have the goods on Miqueli, to produce with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies
the evidence: “Oh, I’m glad.” Dolan told the camera in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to
crew, “We’re looking for data. Please come in and give Holy Orders”29 to all but universal opprobrium from
them to me and to the police.” Unfortunately, she the pundits whose job it was to ratify the status quo of
didn’t present her evidence, thus stymying Dolan’s sexual liberation in general and homosexual rights in
inquiry. After presenting his case against Dolan, Vo- particular. The 2005 Instruction stated that: The can-
ris “sat down with close to a dozen parishioners from didate to the ordained ministry, therefore, must reach
St. Frances de Chantel and asked them about all of
this: why they filed the suit, how this has been a drain
on their spiritual lives, and if they thought that Cdl. “Dolan has lost nearly all credibility
Dolan should step down as archbishop of New York and moral capital…A growing
in view of his covering for Fr. Miqueli and neglecting number of Catholics…have simply
them. Not all of them wanted to appear on camera for
fear of reprisal.” The transcript of that interaction is lost faith in him, and that is no
unavailable, but the video shows Voris sadistically bul- position for a shepherd to guide his
lying the parishioners, one after the other, into saying flock.”
“Dolan has to go.” Driving home his point at the end
of the broadcast, Voris faced the camera and declared:
Cdl. Timothy Dolan has lost nearly all credibility and affective maturity. Such maturity will allow him to re-
moral capital. Only a complete and public admission of late correctly to both men and women, developing in
wrongdoing and actions to start over can save his belea- him a true sense of spiritual fatherhood towards the
guered episcopacy…. Bottom line: A growing number Church community that will be entrusted to him.”30
July/August 2016 / 33
The implication of the Vatican statement was clear: rity” so that his “priestly identity” can “assume and
homosexuals were suffering from spiritual immaturity, translate symbolically all that this represents.”34
a psychological condition that preceded and contex- The homosexual person cannot function effective-
tualized any homosexual behavior and rendered the ly as a priest, even if he abstains from activity which
applicant unfit to serve as a priest because it rendered constitutes grave sin, because his spiritual immaturity,
him incapable of “relating correctly to men and wom- aside from any sexual acting out, makes it “difficult”
en.” The ban on ordination covered not only practic- for him “to incarnate effectively this symbolic reality
ing homosexuals but extended to persons who “pres- of spousal tie and spiritual paternity.” If someone with
ent deep-seated homosexual tendencies” as well as homosexual tendencies does get ordained, “Experi-
those who “support the so-called ‘gay culture’” because ence shows us that this often involves a diversion” of
“Such persons, in fact, find themselves in a situation his priesthood “towards narcissistic ends, where pasto-
that gravely hinders them from relating correctly to ral activities are limited to surrounding oneself with a
men and women. One must in no way overlook the limited group of persons, in a context of seduction.”
negative consequences that can derive from the ordi- Because the priest with homosexual tendencies lacks
nation of persons with deep-seated homosexual ten- maturity, he tends to view the world, much like an ad-
dencies.”31 No desire on the part of any applicant, no olescent, through the lens of personal grievance, thus
matter how ardent, can overcome this deficiency. The creating institutional problems by expressing “harsh
Church has the final say in the matter, because “there criticism against the essential reality of priesthood that
does not exist a right to receive sacred ordination.”32 go against truths taught by the Church.” The category
The 2005 document only affirmed the constant of “affective and sexual maturity,” is a criterion that is
teaching of the Church on the matter of homosexu- “legitimate and non-negotiable.”
ality and the priesthood. On February 2, 1961, Pope The issue is not sexual sin; the issue is the neurosis,
John XXXIII approved a document which affirmed spiritual immaturity, and the narcissism which finds
that: Advancement to religious vows and ordination a ready outlet in homosexual activity. Unfortunate-
ly, according to Antrella, seminary officials in some
countries have made the mistake of assuming “that
If “a deeply-seated homosexual candidates (for the priesthood) who have this ten-
tendency” renders a man incapable of dency could be ordained as long as they … remained
celibate.” This was, unfortunately, not the case. Once
functioning as a priest, it would have
ordained, the priest with homosexual tendencies “fre-
a fortiori the same debilitating effect quently experienced strenuous psychological tensions”
on a self-anointed layman reformer. that not only limited “his availability of spirit.” It also
caused “deviated pastoral relations” and sometimes the
pressure led to “sexual experiences,” which in turn led
should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil the priest to “militate in favor of homosexuality.” The
tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for scandals which subsequently rocked the Church show
them the common life and the priestly ministry would the “lucidity and wisdom” of the traditional ban.35
constitute serious dangers.33 Antrella is adamant in insisting that: “It is neces-
Shortly after the release of the Vatican instruction sary to free ourselves from the idea, that basically
on homosexual tendencies in seminarians, the Cath- states that to the extent that a homosexual person re-
olic News Agency published an article entitled “Re- spects the commitment to continence lived in chastity,
flections on the Instruction on the Admittance of Ho- there will be no problems and he can therefore be or-
mosexuals into Seminaries” by Msgr. Tony Anatrella, dained priest.” This trivializes the gravity of homosex-
a psychoanalyst, professor of philosophy and psychol- ual actions and how radically these actions deform the
ogy, and a consultant at the Pontifical Council for the soul. But more than that, a life lived in chastity does
Family. According to Antrella’s explication of the Vati- nothing to remove the spiritual immaturity which is
can document, any candidate for the priesthood needs the cause of homosexual actions in the first place and
to show that his “psychological, affective, and sexual which remains as a neurotic predisposition, even if
characteristics” are “in harmony with human matu- the seminarian or priest never acts on those tenden-
34 / Culture Wars
Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg
cies. Those who “experience
[these] personal issues… will
need special care and regular
interventions on part of the
authority, and a life set in a
constant medical and psy-
chotherapeutic cure.”
In order to distinguish be-
tween a candidate who has
a “deeply seated homosex-
ual tendency” and “behav-
ior that we find sometimes
during adolescence for var-
ious reasons: attraction, es-
thetic, identification with
the same sex to comfort
one’s own identity, narcissist
fixation, or regression after a
psychic conflict, etc., a problematic which is frequent- woodie, spiritual immaturity had become a code word
ly ‘overcome on its own,’” Antrella notes that the In- for homosexuality. The rector of the seminary at that
struction requires that “the problem be solved at least time was Egan, later Cardinal, who was also named
three years before acceding to the Sacred Orders.” But in Voris’s expose of the archdiocese of New York. Was
it does nothing to change the rule, which affirms that: there an element of unacknowledged personal grudge
behind Voris’s attack on Dolan? Was Voris enraged by
candidates that present a “deeply-seated homosexual ten- the fact that Miqueli had gotten away with the very
dency,” that means an exclusive attraction with regard to
thing that had led to Voris’s dismissal from the same
persons of the same sex (a structural orientation)-inde-
pendent of whether or not they’ve had erotic experienc-
es… cannot be admitted into seminary nor have access
to sacred Orders…. This ban has nothing to do with the THE NEED FOR THERAPY AND
risk that a priest may act on these disordered desires by TIME TO HEAL NATURE
engaging in homosexual activity. It involves the neurot-
ic spiritual immaturity which is the cause of homosexual Grace doesn’t destroy nature, it perfects it, said St.
behavior. It is counter-indicated because “the collateral Thomas Aquinas. Even after the homosexual activity
effects inherent to this tendency … produce a behavior is gone, the neurosis which caused it remains. Van den
contrary to the diaconal and priestly ministry.” Aardweg feels that recovery takes time because “a neu-
rosis like homosexuality may have been largely over-
If “a deeply-seated homosexual tendency” renders a come, yet various related neurotic habits and mind-
man incapable of functioning as a priest, it would have sets, apart from the danger of occasional relapses, may
a fortiori the same debilitating effect on a self-anoint- remain for a long time.”36 He indicates that therapy
ed layman reformer, who was outside of all of the safe- takes a “long job (requiring years) of coaching.” At one
guards of clerical control because of his state in life. point he suggests three years; at another, he claims that
Voris may have stopped acting on his homosexual “One must have lived for at least five years with a total
desires at the time of his conversion experiences, but inner change, including having homosexual feelings”37
the sadistic impulses were still there, even if they were before embarking on a significant change in one’s state
being channeled into what he thought were “spiri- of life.
tual” ends. When Voris did his “Dolan Has To Go” It was precisely during what should have been a re-
program, the element of personal grievance driving covery period conducted at the hands of a father-figure
the agenda at CMTV had become too obvious to ig- therapist, when Voris should have been allowing the
nore. By the time Voris had gotten kicked out of Dun- narcissistic wound to heal, that he conceived the idea
July/August 2016 / 35
of becoming the crusader for the Catholic Church. is different. His cross, if accepted, unlike that of many
The proximity in time between his conversion and his other people’s crosses will draw countless souls to Christ,
new mission in life all but guaranteed that his “apos- countless more souls to Christ. The heavier the cross, the
tolate” was going to be another narcissistic fantasy. As more burdensome, the greater the glory realized. We cel-
I stated before, it was the worst thing he could have ebrate this truth in raising martyrs to the honors of the
done, because, as van den Aardweg put it: altar. Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay
down his life for a friend. For the faithful Catholic with
Any kind of infantile self-affirmation should be “frustrat- the cross of homosexuality, he or she lays down her life
ed”; in this way, swift progress can be made. Don’t forget every day for their friends…. I don’t know, but I suspect
attempts to be “great” in one’s own eyes, to excel to be ad- that many come to the intuition that God has specially
mirable. In effect, however, it [infantile self-affirmation] chosen them to be instruments of salvation like few others
merely nourishes such complaints as it strengthens one’s have been chosen, and as a result they actually glory in
ego-centeredness.38 their cross.
If Voris had spent the first five years following his The suffering of the man with homosexual inclina-
conversion in therapy, he might have seen that his per- tions is “almost beyond understanding for Catholics
sona as the super-macho Catholic crusader was in real- who do not have this cross.” The heterosexual Catholic
ity, “role-playing; pretending; trying to make an inter- “is in a completely different category than a homosex-
esting or special impression” because “these behaviors ual faithful Catholic who simply cannot get married
are part of “attention/sympathy seeking” which “The
homosexual man … half-consciously cultivates. The
homosexual who is still in the thrall of his narcissistic …as the homosexuals from
fantasies creates for himself “a supermasculine role,” his past began to surface on
whose “unspoken accompanying thought” is “‘How
terrific I am’ … I am the important one upon who Facebook and name names,
rests the world’s fate.” If Voris had spent the first five the psychic pressure became
years after his conversion in therapy, he might have
learned that:
Frustrating these tendencies by stopping them as soon as
one notices them costs a little, for one gives up the emo-
because he or she desires the same level of sexual in-
tional rewards of a tickled narcissism. The result, however, timacy but cannot entertain it.” According to Voris’s
is a feeling of relief, liberation; one feels inwardly more in- theology, homosexuality “means that this person is
dependent, stronger. The role-player, the attention seeker, more intensely loved by God than most others.” Ho-
conversely, makes himself dependent on others’ judgment mosexuals are “victim souls, those who suffer in a way
of him. more exacting than most of the rest of us…. There are
others whose sufferings remain largely hidden from
Instead of taking the doctor’s advice, Voris suc- our eyes.”
cumbed to a form of narcissism which was more per- Voris then went on to describe the “intensity of suf-
nicious because it purported to be spiritual, when in fering” and “loneliness” endured by “those who nev-
fact it was nothing more than a “premature tendency er really feel that they are like everyone else…. The
to ‘witness.’”39 The Vortex was “psychic infantilism” person who suffers from the cross of homosexuality is
masquerading as Savonarola. It was the wounded in- not like most other people.” The “homosexual Catho-
ner child clamoring for more attention. lic who accepts his lot” is, in fact, a Christ-like figure
The signs that Voris wanted to come clean about his who:
homosexual past were there for those who had the eyes
to see. On September 24, 2010, Voris did a Vortex on sees laid out before him the long path to Calvary and re-
homosexuals as “victim souls” which should have also alizes that only now has he begun to climb. So he is dif-
been a sign that he was taking the “apostolate” down ferent. He must approach life from an entirely different
the road of narcissistic fantasy. The homosexual, Voris aspect than most others, that of the victim soul. He is dif-
explained in 2010: ferent. He is a treasure beyond compare to the God who
36 / Culture Wars
brought him forth and crafted this cross for him in the ENDNOTES
circumstances of a fallen world.
1. Michael Voris, Wikipedia
It’s not difficult to see in this manifesto the cry of ing-the-new-york-archdioceses-gay-mafia/
a deeply conflicted soul. On the one hand, Voris had 3.
created the persona of himself as the super-masculine item/1264-pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-vortex
Church reformer to distract everyone, including him- item/1264-pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-vortex
self, from his homosexual inferiority complex, but on 5.
the other hand, Voris desperately wanted the world 6.
to know about his homosexuality. In this, he was like 7.
Dimmesdale, the troubled minister in Nathaniel Haw- 8.
thorne’s The Scarlet Letter, who bared his chest on the item/1264-pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-vortex
scaffold, but at midnight when no one could see him, 9. Vatican Council II: the Conciliar and Post Conciliar Docu-
ments, Austin Flannery, OP, general editor (Collegeville, MN:
or Jonathan Harker in Dracula, who told his fiancee, Liturgical Press, 1975), p. 372.
“Here is my diary. Do not read it.” 10. The Code of Canon Law: Latin/English edition (Washing-
ton, DC: Canon Law Society of America, 1983), p. 497.
Voris desperately wanted to get rid of this homosex- 11. Gerard J. M. Van den Aardweg, Ph.D., The Battle for
ual past, and yet he continued to cling to a narcissistic Normality: A Guide for (Self-) Therapy for Homosexuality (San
image of himself that arose directly from his neurotic Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1997), p. 20.
12. Van den Aardweg, p. 21.
homosexuality. He accomplished this impossible task 13. Van den Aardweg, p. 131
by turning homosexuality into the vehicle of salvation 14. Christopher A. Ferrara, EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong
(Pound Ridge, NY: Good Counsel Publications, 2006), p. 6.
which would lead “many other souls to heaven.” 15. Ferrara, p. 7.
Holding all of these contradictions together required 16. Raymond Arroyo, Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of
a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles (New York: Dou-
an enormous amount of psychic energy in 2010. Six bleday, 2005), pp. 267-8.
years later, as the homosexuals from his past began 17. Arroyo, p. 268.
to surface on Facebook and name names, the psychic 18. Ferrara, p. 4.
19. Ferrara, p. 10.
pressure became unbearable and began manifesting 20. Ferrara, p. 1.
itself in physical symptoms. At around this time, Vo- 21. Ferrara, p. 12.
22. Ferrara, p. 103.
ris developed a case of shingles, which can also be a 23. Ferrara, p. 113.
sign of a compromised immune system. The “Dolan 24.
Has To Go” video was a clear sign that Voris was out forum/item/1570-inflammatory-media-on-michael-voris
of control. Voris could no longer draw a clear line forum/item/1570-inflammatory-media-on-michael-voris
between his homosexual past and his current role as 26.
Catholic apologist and crusader. As homosexuals from 27.
Voris’s past continued to level allegations on Facebook, forum/item/1570-inflammatory-media-on-michael-voris
the staff slipped into a state of paralysis. Terry Carroll lan-has-to-go
had been out of the picture for some time because of 29.
his role in what Voris now considered the SSPX de- duc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20051104_is
bacle. Voris’s spiritual advisor knew about his homo- duc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20051104_is
sexual past but found himself crippled by a combina- 31.
tion of his previous inaction and his own advisor’s bad 32.
theology, which refused to acknowledge the gravity of duc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20051104_is
33. The same document is published in its entirety, in English,
the sin and the need for penance. No one wanted to in the Canon Law Digest, Volume V (Bruce Publishing Co,
say that Voris was increasingly beholden to his hidden 1963), pages 452 to 486.” 3
past, even as it threatened to jeopardize the future of 34.
the operation. tance-of-homosexuals-into-seminaries/
TO BE CONTINUED IN CULTURE WAR'S tance-of-homosexuals-into-seminaries/
36. van den Aardweg, p. 94.
NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE AS AN E-BOOK. 38. Van den Aardweg, p. 131.
July/August 2016 / 37
Your reviewer was attracted by see how Stark gets on. He sets out Yes, it’s the old myth regard-
the powerful, “no holds barred” ten targets to which he proposes a ing the Church as consisting of a
title of this book. Testimony and response, but before tackling each bunch of flat earthers. Then there
witness are keys to evangeliza- of them in detail, he has a fasci- were the movies, plays and songs,
tion, and the idea of someone nating introductory chapter enti- all telling the story of Columbus
bearing false witness is something tled “Confronting Distinguished proving the world to be round. You
that should galvanize the Catho- Bigots.” This starts with what is know how it goes, well according
lic Church into a firm response, probably the classic example of to Ira Gershwin’s lyrics: “They all
something that we have seen lit- historical misunderstandings in- laughed at Christopher Columbus,
tle of in the years since Vatican II. volving the Catholic Church. In when he said the world was round.”
The prevailing approach has been America it is set in the context of Well, no, they didn’t laugh at all
so often one of not offending any- Columbus Day. Stark recalls his actually, because, as Stark shows,
one even though truth is one and Protestant upbringing: “By the fifteenth century (and for
unchanging. Well, Rodney Stark Didn’t [Catholics] see the irony in
many centuries before) every edu-
proposes “debunking several cen- the fact that although Columbus cated European, including Roman
turies of anti-Catholic history.” was a Catholic, his voyage of dis- Catholic prelates, knew the earth
What is more, he describes him- covery was accomplished against was round.” The prevailing mood
self as “an American Protestant” unyielding opposition from Roman at the time was not amusement,
who has grown into an agnostic. Catholic prelates who cited biblical but genuine worry and concern.
So, a bit of a surprise, then, but proof that the earth was flat and that This was because the problem peo-
one that can be very useful in the any attempt to reach Asia by sailing ple perceived to be there for Co-
sense that he can hardly be ac- West would result in the ships fall- lumbus was that this round world,
cused of being biased. So, let us ing off the edge of the world? acknowledged by all, was a heck
38 / Culture Wars
of a lot bigger in its circumference cled for today. The names of Steven respects through fallible human
than he thought it was and there- Hawking and Richard Dawkins in beings. Individual Catholics have
fore his life, in addition that of his Britain and Daniel Dennett and done very bad things all the way
men, was being put at real risk of Christopher Hitchens in Ameri- through the history of the Church.
death by what he intended to do. ca come most obviously to mind, As Stark puts it, there must be no
That was why these supposedly Hitchens being of course originally “whitewashing” of Church histo-
ignorant clerics, who in fact knew another British product. ry. Stark himself makes the point
much more on this than Colum- The aim of this review is not, that he has “written at some length
bus did, opposed his voyage. After for reasons of space, to consider on such matters as corrupt clergy,
all, nobody knew at the time that in detail all of these topics, but to brutal attacks on ‘heretics’, and on
the Western hemisphere existed. If concentrate on those that relate more recent misdeeds and short-
it hadn’t, then all of his men would most clearly to the issues being comings of the Church, such as
have died of thirst and starvation. dealt with frequently in the pages covering up for pedophile priests
In reality, and this is the actual of Culture Wars and particularly in and the misguided advocacy of lib-
truth, this anti-Catholic story did the writings of its editor. This focus eration theology.” But there has to
not exist until over three hundred relates firstly and primarily to the be a matter of balance here.
years after Columbus’ voyage. It question of anti-Semitism and the
appeared, as pointed out by Stark, whole matter of the relationship [N]o matter how much importance
one places on these negative aspects
in a flawed biography of the great between the Church and the Jews.
of Church history, it does not jus-
explorer written by Washington Ir- But, it also relates to another theme
tify the extreme exaggerations, false
ving and published in 1828. of Dr. Jones’ writings, that is the accusations, and patent frauds ad-
Of course, anti-Catholicism did question of capitalism and the rela- dressed in the chapters that follow
not start in the nineteenth centu- tionship between labor and usury,
ry. The Reformation had already examined in great detail in Barren In fact, it is noteworthy that
proved a major source of falsehood, Metal, though space precludes a when Stark states the various at-
notably against Spain as the major full examination of this. However, tacks on the Catholic Church, he
Catholic power. The principal er- before looking at these matters it states them in their strongest form,
ror related to what became known is important to say a few words on which brings added credibility to
as the Black Legend and that ever
fertile source of prejudice, the
Spanish Inquisition. Later on the In reality, and this is the actual truth, this anti-
Protestants were joined by anti-re- Catholic story did not exist until over three
ligious writers, especially during
the period misleadingly referred hundred years after Columbus’ voyage.
to as the Enlightenment. Notable
here is, of course, Edward Gib- two more general points, also dealt their subsequent refutation.
bon, who ironically at one point with by Rodney Stark, and then to Secondly, if Stark is correct when
in his life actually converted and make some comment on the book’s he says that these various false-
joined the Catholic Church. But approach to other specific topics. hoods are patent, obvious, and
that did not last long. The number notorious, why do they persist, as
of what Stark calls “distinguished GENERAL ISSUES they do, and are repeated in every
bigots” is a long one, consisting generation? Stark’s partial answer
both of lapsed Catholics like Kar- First of all then, to deal with the is that “they are so mutually rein-
en Armstrong, John Cornwell and two general points, all Catholics forcing and deeply embedded in
James Carroll, and the so-called writing or speaking on the topics our common culture that it seems
“new atheism” today, much of the dealt with in this book must be impossible for them not to be
writings of which is targeted at the utterly objective in their analysis true.” The prejudices in society are
Catholic Church and consists very of them and must recognize that so deep set that nothing seems to
often merely of old matters re-cy- God in his Church works in many remove them. And most of the ex-
July/August 2016 / 39
perts tend to write for each other detail on the writings of several Two general factors were involved:
and not for the general public. In modern commentators of these social and doctrinal. Socially, Chris-
a time when one cannot assume so-called gospels. He is under no tianity generated an intense con-
anything with respect to people’s doubts as to his finally destination gregational life - people belonged
knowledge of even the basic facts after this research, identifying these to a Christian congregation, while
of Western civilization, there is a books as characteristic of Gnosti- they merely frequented pagan tem-
ples. High levels of commitment
great need for a straightforward cism:
and social relations not only were
analysis of these central myths.
Which brings us to the greatest directly rewarding, additionally
Rodney Stark seeks to provide such
distortion of them all: to present they empowered Christian groups
a guide for our times. In addition, to provide substantial “social ser-
these as Christian gospels. Any hon-
as a non-Catholic, he states that vices.” Doctrinally, in contrast to
est reading of the primary Gnostic
he wrote it not in defense of the gospels reveals that, despite some paganism’s limited, unreliable, and
Church, but in defense of history. Christian content, these are funda- often immoral gods, Christianity
mentally pagan scriptures and thus presented an image of God as mor-
EIGHT SPECIFIC are precisely the bizarre heresies that al, concerned, dependable, and om-
nipotent. Christianity also provided
ALLEGATIONS the early church fathers said they
were. a clear method for the forgiveness of
Now for the specific topics. sins and offered the prospect of an
leaving aside for the moment the Stark goes into great detail con- attractive eternal life.
Jewish question and that of capi- cerning the content of these Gnos-
tic books and brings out how utter- Stark next tackles the allegation
talism and the modern world. The
ly unlike the Christian scriptures that the Church conquered the Ro-
topics most often raised against
they are. man Empire and most of Europe,
the Church seem to remain pret-
but then imposed a thousand years
ty stable. Stark deals with the fol- The lost gospels were not excluded (AD 300 to AD 1300) of ignorance
lowing accusations: suppression from the Bible because the early known as the Dark Ages. Major
of alternative gospels; persecution church fathers were malicious dog- proponents of this view were Pe-
of paganism; opposition to reason matists, but because they were fully trarch, Voltaire, Rousseau, Gibbon,
between the Dark Ages and the aware that the Gnostic scriptures and Bertrand Russell, but it is still
Renaissance/Enlightenment; the were not Christian.
put forward today. The contrast is
Crusades; the Spanish Inquisition;
Another common allegation then made between these so-called
opposition to science and persecu-
against the Church, expressed most Dark Ages and the Renaissance and
tion of scientists, notably Galileo;
notably by Edward Gibbon, is that Enlightenment. Stark brings out the
failure to oppose slavery; support
the key to the fact that the Chris- myth of the Dark Ages. He empha-
of dictators, and opposition to lib-
tians quickly became the majority sizes, to begin with the advance of
eral government. Each of the fol-
after the reign of Constantine is the practical, the rise of technology:
lowing chapters deals with one of
the matters above. the brutal persecution of the ever [T]he most important factor in the
When it comes to newly discov- tolerant pagans by the Church. myth of the Dark Ages was the in-
ered gospels, we seem to have been Well, the truth is that there has ability of intellectuals to value or
inundated with them in recent been something of a revolution in even to notice the nuts and bolts
years. Yet long ago they were dealt historical thought regarding this of real life. Hence, revolutions in
with by St. Irenaeus in his Against matter. There was very much less in agriculture, weaponry and warfare,
Heresies. They were a very strange the nature of repression than previ- nonhuman power, transportation,
lot and no great loss. Well, now, ously thought. There was much as- manufacturing, and commerce went
in some cases, we have the actual similation of certain pagan practic- unappreciated. So too did remark-
es and paganism simply died away able moral progress. For example,
copies of these books and not just
in the face of a much healthier and at the fall of Rome there was slavery
the versions dealt with by the Fa-
vibrant social and communal situa- everywhere in Europe, by the time
thers of the Church. But, not a lot
tion under Christianity. of the Renaissance it was long gone.
has changed. Stark goes into great
40 / Culture Wars
Primavera, di Sandro Botticelli
But there is much more than this from the Church was needed in expansionist, imperialistic Chris-
that can be said, and so surprising order to allow the “rebirth” of clas- tendom directed by the pope,
is the following omission that one sical knowledge. This is untrue. As brutalized, looted, and colonized
can truly see an agenda behind the Stark puts it, “this legacy of classi- a tolerant and peaceful Islam,”
attacks leveled against this period cal culture was fully restored long Stark first describes the fawning
of Christian development. before the Renaissance.” The key approach to Islam in the wake of
to this was the translation of Greek 9/11, notably in speeches by both
[W]hat is truly difficult to explain is literature into Latin and this was Bill Clinton and Barack Obama,
how the creators of the Dark Ages
done earlier by monastic scholars. and then sets out the traditional
myth could have overlooked what
The whole issue of the Renaissance charges, the source of which may
would seem to have been their chief
interest: high culture. Neverthe-
is one that has been worked on by be said to be “the usual suspects,”
less, they missed or dismissed the expert researchers in recent years namely Voltaire, Hume, Diderot,
enormous progress that took place and a notable article setting out and Gibbon.
in music, art, literature, education, the correct approach can be found The answer to this is quite
and science. in an excellent article, “The Re- straightforward:
naissance Myth” by James Frank-
Stark proceeds to give a detailed lin, in the November 1982 issue In recent years these claims have
list of the innovations and progress been utterly refuted by a group of
of Quadrant. With regard to the
made in this supposedly sterile pe- distinguished historians. They pro-
Enlightenment, Stark shows that
pose that the Crusades were precip-
riod of time. How could anyone the secular attacks on religion in itated by Islamic provocations - by
have missed in particular the period the name of science (which were centuries of bloody attempts to col-
of the High Middle Ages, many of similar to modern day attacks by onize the West and by sudden new
the great buildings of which are still such as Daniel Dennett and Rich- attacks on Christian pilgrims and
in front of our noses, unless they ard Dawkins) failed to see that holy places. Although the Crusades
had some subversive plan in mind? the rise of science was inseparable were initiated by a plea from the
But, there are other myths here, from Christian theology, some- pope, this had nothing to do with
this time real ones, namely the thing dealt with in detail later in hopes of converting Islam.
myth of the Renaissance and the the book.
myth of Secular Enlightenment. On the question of the allega- Stark proceeds to give a very
The former claims that freedom tion that during the Crusades “an lengthy, detailed and compelling
July/August 2016 / 41
The Vision of St. Helena, Mother of Emperor Constantine, c.1580
site, and in fact “was the pen name
used by a renegade Spanish monk
who became a Lutheran who fled
to the Netherlands where he wrote
his book.
The crucial point to be made
today is that we are now in a new
and remarkable era of detailed re-
search on the Spanish Inquisition.
This has resulted from historians’
gaining access to the complete ar-
chives of the Spanish Inquisition
and a mass of other documentary
Astonishing as it may seem, the new
historians of the Inquisition have
revealed that, in contrast with the
secular courts all across Europe, the
Spanish Inquisition was a consistent
force for justice, restraint, due pro-
cess, and enlightenment.
42 / Culture Wars
lated phenomenon, that of witch and staffed by the Church. Indeed, The Church opposed and elimi-
hunts, is concerned, the position the leading figures in the “scientif- nated slavery in Europe more than
is, as Stark states, that “the Spanish ic revolution” were unusually de- a thousand years ago. Then when
Inquisition sent nearly no witches vout and about half of them were European colonists began to rees-
to the stake, and those who were Catholics, many of them clergy. As tablish slavery in the new world, the
had been convicted for the third or for Galileo, he never spent a day in popes vigorously opposed it
prison, and he didn’t really get in
fourth time. Even more important, Stark reviews in detail the papal
trouble for his science (the Span-
the Inquisition used its power and opposition to slavery, but has to
ish Inquisition never banned his
influence to suppress witch-hunt- conclude that “unfortunately the
books), but for arrogant duplicity.
ing by local mobs or secular au- popes lacked the power to impose
thorities. Stark goes on to explain in detail their will.” However, the Church
When it comes to the allegation the Galileo case. He brings out that was able to mitigate the worst fea-
that the Church opposed science the key aspect to the understand- tures of slavery by formulating and
and persecuted scientists, some of ing of this was that of a personali- enforcing codes of behavior relat-
the things charged are breathtak- ty clash. In addition, he shows that ing to the treatment of slaves. The
ing to say the least. Stark cites the Galileo’s purported proofs of his traditional view adopted by secular
case of the supposed prohibition in theory were erroneous (it was long writers is certainly a caricature of
1829 by Pope Leo XII of vaccina- after Galileo that science mustered the truth.
tion for smallpox on the grounds really convincing proofs). The one Stark deals next with the ques-
that “smallpox is a judgment from absolutely vital point on this whole tion of authoritarianism and the
God.” Of course Pope Leo never topic of science and Christianity charge that the Church has been
said anything of the sort. The real does not come from the case of Gal- the implacable enemy of all forms
truth is that the Church had ac- ileo, but from the fact that Christian of liberal politics. Stark draws a
tively promoted vaccination from theology was essential for the rise contrast between the Church of
the very start. of science. Stark cites the opinion power and the Church of piety and
The best analyses of the rela- of Alfred North Whitehead, an at shows how, in the context of such
tionship between the Church and first surprising ally in the sense that historical events as the French Rev-
scientific progress is that given by he was co-author with the very an- olution and the Spanish Civil War,
the late Fr. Stanley Jaki in his many ti-religious Bertrand Russell of the the sinfulness of humanity was
books and articles, and so it is per- important Principia Mathematica. tempered by prayer and Christian
haps unnecessary to go into detail Whitehead explained that science virtue. The discussion is interest-
concerning Stark’s chapter on this developed in Europe because of the ing, but space precludes examina-
topic. Space is also against us, but widespread “faith in the possibility tion of it here. Readers will be in-
Stark’s book does give an accurate of science…derivative from medie- trigued by the account and are like-
and detailed account of the main val theology.” ly to agree with Stark’s conclusion
ideas and the main figures histori- The next allegation deals with that the allegation that the Church
cally about whom we need to know the received wisdom that the Cath- opposes freedom and democracy
more in order to come to a correct olic Church accepted slavery, and is untrue and that her opposition
view of this whole issue. The fol-
lowing quotation gives a summa-
ry of the conclusions to which he
Even more important, the Inquisition
comes: used its power and influence to suppress
[T]he great scientific achievements witch-hunting by local mobs or secular
of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries were not made despite the authorities.
Church; they were the culmination
of normal scientific progress that did not repudiate it until very late. tends to be directed against tyrants
took place through the centuries in This is easily refuted by Stark. As and those who attempt to destroy
the universities founded, controlled, he expresses it, the Church.
July/August 2016 / 43
THE CHURCH AND ANTI- they were writing at the same time ously very incomplete, but there are
SEMITISM as Stark was doing his own work) compelling reasons to believe that
that the Church originated an- persecution was common and that
The longest chapter in the book ti-Semitism. Here we meet a few it continued for several centuries.
is concerned with the relation- of the usual suspects, e.g., the fem-
ship between the Catholic Church After all, Christianity was seen as
inist theologian Rosemary Ruether
and the Jews. Stark begins with an abomination to the Jew. Chris-
and the Jew Jules Isaacs, noted for
an autobiographical account of tians were seen as committing
his maneuverings at the Council.
his own journey in respect of this crimes. In relation to punishing
Stark starts by rebutting the argu-
question. It is quite striking since such crimes, St. Paul himself tells
ment that the pre-Christian pagans
he explains that he started out by us in Acts that before his conver-
were mild in their anti-Semitism,
writing a book that claimed that sion he delivered up Christians for
while the Christians laid it down
“For centuries persecution of the punishment. Deacon Stephen was
hard. Stark shows this idea to be
Jews was justified in the name of stoned to death by order of the
false. The Jews were written against
God.” He explains how he began Sanhedrin, and St. James was exe-
in very severe terms in much Ro-
to study anti-Semitism through cuted by Jewish leaders in Jerusa-
man literature and were on several
public opinion surveys as the result lem.
occasions expelled from Rome and
of a grant from the Anti-Defama- Stark looks next at the Talmud,
even at times from all Italy.
tion League of B’nai B’rith. This that collection of writings by
Stark turns to New Testament
led to a book, Christian Beliefs and learned rabbis that began in the
passages containing hostile refer-
Anti-Semitism (1966), co-written first century. Stark deals with the
ences to the Jews, such as Mat-
with Charles Y. Glock, in which he once held scholarly belief that there
thew 27:24-26, Matthew 23:37,
asserted that there was a significant were no authentic references to Je-
and John 5:16-18, but goes on to
link between belief and prejudice. sus in the Talmud and brings out
show how often such passages were
In consequence of this, Stark was the definitive scholarly refutation
interpreted out of context. For ex-
asked to prepare for the bishops at of this contained in the research by
ample, one “should not focus en-
the Second Vatican Council a brief Peter Schafer, the Director of Juda-
tirely on the New Testament but
summary of his findings. This pro- ic Studies at Princeton. In his book
also should compare its statements
cess was described later by Cardi- Jesus in the Talmud (2007), which
about the Jews with Old Testament
nal Bea as playing a significant role deals with both the Jerusalem
polemics against other Jews who
in producing the Council’s state- and Babylonian Talmuds, Schafer
failed to meet a particular proph-
ment on the Jews, Nostra Aetate. brings out the many utterly dis-
et’s standard of proper faith.” One
Stark does acknowledge that with tasteful remarks about Jesus in the
must remember also that we are
the benefit of hindsight he realizes Talmud. Stark summarizes the gen-
not talking here about angry com-
that there was really nothing new eral Talmudic approach as follows::
ments of a Christian majority. At
in that document. He goes on to the time in question the Christians They are counternarratives that
say that after several years he “be- were a “tiny, persecuted minority.” parody the New Testament stories,
came aware of the extent to which Of course, what we have become most notably the story of Jesus’ life
the Catholic Church has stood as more and more used to, in an age and death. They ridicule Jesus’ birth
a consistent barrier against anti-Se- where the Church downplays her from a virgin… Most remarkably,
mitic violence.” He frankly admits position for fear of being thought they counter the New Testament
that his detailed work in this area intolerant, is an array of allegations passion story with its message of
forced him to reconsider the entire of Christian persecution of Jews, Jews’ guilt and shame as Christ
link between Christianity and An- but very little, if anything, about killers. Instead, they reverse it com-
ti-Semitism. pletely: Yes, they maintain, we ac-
Jewish persecution of Christians.
Stark reviews the issues very cept responsibility for it, but there
Well, Stark redresses the balance.
comprehensively, beginning with is no reason to feel ashamed because
The evidence of Jewish persecution we rightfully executed a blasphemer
the charges by contemporary schol-
of Christians is scattered and obvi- and idolater. Jesus deserved death,
ars (“contemporary” here meaning
44 / Culture Wars
and got what he deserved. Accord- Clermont in southern Gaul (now minor Rhineland count, Emich
ingly, they subvert the Christian France). The fact that there were of Leisengen. We also hear of the
idea of Jesus’ resurrection by having no other such incidents shows that account of the sterling work of St.
him punished forever in hell and the Church condemned this act Bernard of Clairvaux, who was
making it clear that this fate awaits and ruled that Jews should be left even praised by Jewish chroniclers.
his followers as well, who believe in alone. The Church confirmed this Stark reviews the protection given
this impostor.
position time and again down the by the Church in so many regions,
Stark then proceeds to set out centuries. Stark’s inability to find excepting notably the Rhineland,
the more specific points made by any other attacks during this very where even papal authority failed.
Schafer: long period of time is confirmed Stark moves on to deal with the
by several notable Jewish histori- relations between the Jews and Is-
Although she was married to Jo- ans and so this long period of tran- lam. He rebuts an often seen myth
seph, Mary conceived during an quility confirms, as Stark puts it, that the Jews were in some sort
adulterous interlude with a Roman “that for more than five centuries, of heaven in Muslim Spain, often
soldier named Pandera (the name hostile New Testament statements contrasted with the notion of a
perhaps being a play on the word had no violent consequences.” It is brutal anti-Semitism on the part of
parthenos or virgin). According to interesting to note that Stark’s con- Christendom. Stark brings much
Jewish law, both should have been
stoned to death.
Jesus was a mamzer (a bastard) and The Jews were written against in very severe
would have thereby been excluded terms in much Roman literature and were on
from any participation in Jewish re-
ligious life - In some interpretations several occasiones expelled from Rome…
of the Law, mamzers were them-
selves to be stoned.
clusions here have been confirmed evidence to show that this idea is
Jesus engaged in sexual promiscuity by several distinguished Jewish preposterous, concluding as fol-
with Mary Magdalene among oth- scholars. lows:
ers. The period of toleration end-
ed in the 11th century. Stark as- [E]ven during the “tranquil” peri-
Jesus was convicted of sorcery.
od both Jews and Christians were
Jesus was not crucified, but in-
serts the reason for the change to
always placed under severe restric-
stead was stoned by Jews who then be that “the conflict with Islam
tions and were highly stigmatized in
hanged his body upon a tree. that boiled over into the Crusades
Muslim societies.
changed perceptions of religious
Jesus is spending eternity in hell, threats.” There is probably much
boiling in excrement.
We live in times when Muham-
truth in this, but let us stay with mad is often portrayed in very flat-
Stark now moves on to the ques- the main issue here, the question tering terms. It is interesting, then,
tion of the Church’s attitude to of anti-Semitic attacks. These now that Stark also notes that the first
anti-Semitic attacks. On this he increased as did heresy hunting, Muslim massacre of Jews occurred
is able to use his own consider- but although the Catholic clergy in Medina when Muhammad had
able data. This was assembled in initiated the violent repression of all the local adult Jewish males
respect of every fatal anti-Semitic heresies, they did not initiate the (about seven hundred of them)
attack by groups of western Euro- anti-Semitic outbursts. beheaded after forcing them to dig
pean Christians between the years their own graves.
500 and 1600. He found that be- These were led by laymen, and
it was churchmen who stood up
Finally in this chapter Stark turns
tween the years 500 and 1096 to the issue most often raised these
against them and usually managed
there was only one such event, days relating to the Church and the
to prevent further attacks.
when in 554 a mob killed several Jews, namely the allegation that
Jews and forced a number of oth- Stark recounts here in some de- Pope Pius XII collaborated with
ers to accept Christian baptism at tail the marauding behavior of that Hitler at the time of the Holocaust.
July/August 2016 / 45
Stark points out that the original Sword (2001). It is interesting to Catholic teaching… [T]hese po-
disinformation came in fact from note that the former was a drop- lemics…of lapsed or angry liberal
the Soviet authorities. At this time, out from a seminary who describes Catholics exploit the tragedy of the
at the end of World War Two and himself now as a lapsed Catholic, Jewish people during the Holocaust
just afterwards, many Jewish indi- and the latter is a novelist and an to foster their own political agenda.
viduals and organizations were full ex-priest. When it comes to Corn- Even those writers who make
of praise for Pius XII. well’s book, one hardly knows some concessions tend to take
where to start. There is the noto- them back almost immediately. Su-
As they noted, Hitler had bitterly rious cover picture, which is stated
attacked the Catholic Church, had san Zuccotti in her Under His Very
as being of Pius XII visiting Nazi Windows: The Vatican and the Holo-
closed all the Catholic schools, and
headquarters, but is in reality one caust in Italy (2000) concedes that
had arrested thousands of priests
and nuns and sent them to Dachau
of the then Eugenio Pacelli, then 85% of Jews under threat from the
and other death camps. nuncio, leaving a reception for the Nazis in Italy survived, most as a
President of the Weimar Republic result of being hidden in Catho-
Praise by Jews for Pius XII’s in 1927. Pacelli never met Hitler lic buildings. She then goes on to
work continued on right up until and left Germany in 1929, well be- allege that Pope Pius XII gave no
his death in 1958 and came from fore Hitler came to power. In addi- encouragement to this. The reali-
many eminent people, notably tion, Cornwell claimed to have ex- ty is very different. There is much
Chaim Weizmann, the first presi- amined incriminating documents testimony about the positive ap-
dent of Israel, Moshe Sharett, her in the Vatican, claims which were proach of the pope and about his
first foreign minister and second later shown to be untrue. Much of personal involvement, such as his
prime minister, and Golda Meir, Carroll’s book is utterly inaccurate opening up of Castel Gandolfo to
a future prime minister of Israel. and full of irrelevant personal de- the Jews and his turning his private
All changed, however, with Rolf tails. The parts dealing with Pius apartments into an obstetric ward.
Hochhuth’s play The Deputy, and XII are mainly a rehash of Hitler’s Stark also shows how Pius XII
the various later adaptations of it, Pope. Several other authors have spoke out against Hitler and rac-
both in the theater and on film. joined this bandwagon. Notable ism during the thirties even before
In rebuttal Stark cites the very ones are Garry Wills, Daniel Jo- he became pope. He continued to
eminent British historian Eamon nah Goldhagen, Michael Phayer, do so throughout the war, to the
Duffy, who after an examination and David Kertzer. All of the lit- extent that the New York Times ed-
of all the relevant documents, “de- erature is driven either by a desire itorialized as follows at Christmas
cisively established the falsehood to promote a liberal version of Ca- in 1941:
of Hochhuth’s specific allegations tholicism or by rank anti-Catholic
(see Duffy’s Saints and Sinners: A prejudice and unscholarly writing The voice of Pius XII is a lonely
History of the Popes (1997)). Sev- by non-Catholics. It is important voice in the silence and darkness en-
eral notable Jews agreed with him, to note that one of the best books veloping Europe this Christmas…
for example Joseph L. Lichten on this topic is The Myth of Hitler’s In calling for a “real new order”
of the Anti-Defamation League Pope ((2005), written by David G. based on liberty, justice, and love,
and the Israeli diplomat Pinchas Dalin, who is himself Jewish and …the pope put himself squarely
Lapide. There is much other evi- of course also a rabbi. In relation against Hitlerism
dence to the same effect. Despite to so-called Catholic writers, Dalin As if one needed more evidence,
all of this, in recent years several gets to the heart of what is going one need only appeal to the many
more books re-iterating the same on here: Jewish voices that spoke out in
old story have been published, for favor of Pius XII; and recall that
The Holocaust is simply the biggest
example the notorious Hitler’s Pope there is much evidence of Hitler’s
club available for liberal Catholics
(1999) by John Cornwell with its utter hatred of the pope. In 1943
to use against traditional Catholics
misstatements and distortions, in their attempt to bash the papa- Hitler wet so far as to attempt to
and James Carroll’s Constantine’s cy and thereby to smash traditional have the pope kidnapped.
46 / Culture Wars
Stark’s firm conclusion is that himself was raised on the supposed In reality the battle over usury
“the Roman Catholic Church has a glories of Lutheranism through never stopped. Pope Benedict XIV
long and honorable record of stout which the great reformer had “set reiterated the traditional teaching
opposition to attacks upon Jews” us free to think for ourselves and to that all interest on a loan was usu-
and that “Pope Pius XII fully lived seek knowledge, thereby bringing ry in his encyclical Vix Pervenit in
up to that tradition.” about the modern world.” In other 1745. The battle continues to our
Stark does a good job in bring- words, a tie was supposedly estab- day and the reader is advised to ex-
ing to light the truth in respect lished between the Reformation amine the definitive account con-
of this whole issue of the Church and religious freedom. This was tained in E. Michael Jones’ Barren
and the Jews, but there is one later supplemented by the gospel Metal referred to earlier.
weakness in his analysis. He very of Max Weber “that Protestantism Regarding the point about free-
much underplays the extent to gave birth to a unique work ethic dom and the Reformation, Stark
which the Jews down the centu- that spawned capitalism and thus it shows clearly that what people
ries have attacked the Catholic is that modernity is a direct result were to believe and how they were
Church. He says very little about of the Reformation.” to worship were firmly fixed and
the revolutionary aspect of Jewish Dealing first with Weber, his had to be enforced against much
history. The question of the revo- thesis was that the capitalist resistance and apathy. Stark con-
lutionary Jew must be examined economy of the West was dom- centrates on the experience of Lu-
closely if one is to bring to bear inated by Protestants because theranism, his own background.
a sound view of the ramifications that was the only religion that The same could be said about
of history. And of course this is “provided a moral vision that led England, as is shown in Eamon
exactly what Dr. E. Michael Jones people to restrain their material Duffy’s magisterial The Stripping
does so effectively in his out- consumption while vigorously of the Altars (1992). To talk about
standing volume The Jewish Rev- seeking wealth.” Stark’s answer is the Reformation in terms of the-
olutionary Spirit and Its Impact on straightforward: ology is in fact to miss the point.
World History (2008). Dr. Jones’ The Reformation (and this is most
book is the definitive text and is Catholic areas of Western Europe obviously the case in England)
did not lag in their industrial devel-
unlikely to be replaced. It is very was first and foremost a looting
opment. And even more obvious at
detailed, however, and in our fast operation which later acquired
the time Weber wrote was that fully
moving world, it is useful to have developed capitalism had appeared
theological justification. R. H.
to hand a summary of the most in Europe many centuries before the Tawney who set out to find the
important issues relating to this Reformation! theological turning point between
topic. These are now provided Catholic and Protestant principle,
in two shorter books, setting out On the question of capitalism, simply could not find it and was
more concisely the key factors. Stark is generally accurate, but forced to conclude in his memo-
These are The Catholic Church there is a problem. In the interest rable phrase that “the upstart ar-
and the Jews (2016) and The Jews of showing that Catholics are up to istocracy had their teeth in the
and Moral Subversion (2016). date Capitalists, he oversimplifies carcase [of Church property] and
Both are highly recommended by the debate and makes untenable weren’t going to be whipped off
this reviewer. assertions like the following: by a sermon.” Because powerful
financial interests are behind pro-
Thus, while the “sin of usury” re-
CAPITALISM, RELIGIOUS moting this version of the Black
mained on the books, so to speak,
Legend, it will most probably be
FREEDOM, AND THE “usury” had become essentially an
the last to fall. But Rodney Stark
MODERN WORLD empty term… Capitalism was fully
has done a good job in preparing
and finally freed from all fetters of
Stark introduces this under the faith… This theological revolution the way.
heading of “Protestant Moderni- was the result of direct experience
ty” and starts by explaining how he with worldly imperatives. JOHN BEAUMONT
July/August 2016 / 47
* Don’t take a summer vacation now “part of this beautiful religion was the name of the first girl that
from Mass. seeped in culture [in which] abor- I felt attracted to, and Satin is the
* The Sisters of Mercy have allowed tions are cool.” fabric of my life.” Barbara’s now a
Gabriel Bodenheimer, a “transgen- * Hillary’s pitch on foreign policy member of the United Church of
der man,” to continue teaching at seems to be: Vote for the candidate Christ.
Mercy High School, a college prep who’s an experienced war criminal, * “The neocons have two clear for-
school for girls, in San Francisco. not the one who is incompetent. eign policy objectives, and Trump
“We feel because of our values, * “Donald Trump Could Threaten may grant them neither,” writes
the choice was this, but that didn’t U.S. Rule of Law, Scholars Say,” former Ambassador Joseph A.
mean it was easy,” said Sr. Laura ran the headline in the NY Times. Mussomeli in the Washington Post.
Reicks, president of the 16-state re- If that proves to be the case in a “For many of them, their deepest
gion of the Sisters of Mercy West Trump presidency, he’ll be walking yearning, ungranted even in the
Midwest Community. We wonder in the footsteps of his recent prede- waning days of the George W.
whether they also allow “transgen- cessors. Bush presidency, is an air campaign
der women” to join their order. * Faith-Based Deviance. Pres. against Iran. Trump doesn’t like
* Does Pres. Obama insist that his Obama named Barbara Satin to the Iran nuclear agreement, but
daughters share bathrooms with the President’s Advisory Council his instinct is to make a better deal
men? on Faith-Based and Neighbor- rather than attacking, while Hillary
* A Media Darling? New Coke and hood Partnerships. According to Clinton has a strong record of sup-
New Evangelization? “Pope Fran- an interview with LGBT Religious porting the prodigal misuse of mil-
cis has won over a great part of Archives Network, Barbara was itary force.”
the media,” says Fr. Thomas Ros- raised “as a boy” in a devout Cath- * “The second neocon priority? A
ica, who helps with Vatican PR. olic family and attended Catho- new Cold War with Russia,” con-
He “has changed the image of the lic schools, including a seminary. tinues Mussomeli. “Far less pet-
church so much that prestigious Barbara, who hasn’t had medical ulant than most of the former
graduate schools of business and or surgical treatments to seem Republican candidates, Trump
management are now using him more like a woman, says: “Barbara says he would actually talk with
as a case study in rebranding.” Fr. Putin. … Contrast that with Clin-
Rosica makes it sound as if ad- ton, who thinks we should not be
vertising is more important than talking too much to Putin and that
evangelization. we ought to further expand NATO
* Gay Press. “I work in media, because, in her view, Russia would
where being gay is an asset, not a be an even greater threat had it not
liability,” writes David Lat, who is been for NATO expansion.”
gay, in the Washington Post. * “Rejecting motherhood means
* War Crimes. A question for those giving up on humanity,” Turkish
Catholics who defend the bomb- President Erdogan, a Muslim, said
ing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as at the opening of the new building
morally permissible: if Japan had of Turkey’s Women’s and Democ-
dropped atomic bombs on Amer- racy Association. “A woman who
ican cities, would that have been says ‘because I am working I will
morally permissible? not be a mother’ is actually de-
* When no candidate is minimal- nying her femininity.” He added:
ly acceptable, does that constitute “Strong families lead to strong na-
disenfranchisement? tions.” If only America’s Catholic
* Jewish Evangelization. Comedy bishops were as direct and forceful.
Central actress Natasha Leggero, a
convert from Catholicism to Juda- JAMES G. BRUEN, JR.
ism, told Conan O’Brien that she’s
48 / Culture Wars
nEW BookS From E. Michael Jones!
or the last sixty years or so a series of
battles amounting to a culture war
has been taking place between the
Enlightenment (a form of secular
humanism today) and its main opponent,
the Catholic Church. Dr. E. Michael Jones
has been in the forefront of the ongoing de-
bate concerning this battle and in this book
he gives an account of the events that have
taken place. He analyzes the fundamental
nature of this secular humanism and shows
how the battle has been fought over three
key specific areas: schools and education;
obscenity, in particular in respect of mov-
ies; and (most important of all) the family
and sexuality, focusing particularly on con-
traception and abortion. Dr. Jones analyses
with precision the specific facts of this en-
counter between the Church and moderni-
ty, but what makes his work so important
is his ability to understand and describe the
bigger picture, the overall theme encom-
passing particular actions and events. This
book is an account, unmatched in its accu-
racy, of the crucial issues facing the Church
Order Today! today and how they have come to be.
See Ordering Details on Back Cover
Three Books !
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1 The Jews and Moral Subversion
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