Financial Statement Analysis: Project Report ON "Motherson Sumi Systems LTD"
Financial Statement Analysis: Project Report ON "Motherson Sumi Systems LTD"
Financial Statement Analysis: Project Report ON "Motherson Sumi Systems LTD"
Art& Craft material etc contributed 8.4% of the sales of the company and grew
Industrial Products-
Industrial products contributed 14.8% of the sales of the company and grew by
Industrial adhesives include adhesives used in packaging, footwear, cigarette
and automotive industry. This category contributed 4.3% of the sales of the
company and grew by 12.1%
Industrial Resins etc contributed 4.9% of the sales of the company and grew by
Pigments and preparations contributed 5.6% of the sales of the company and
grew by 7.7%
Competituive analysis
12% Indian Public & Bodies Corporate
FII's & FPI's
UTI, Mutual Funds, Banks
,Insurance Companies & Alternate
Investment Funds
• Current ratio of company is more than one so this indicates that company
don’t have any debt due in a year or less are greater than its asset.
• Debt ratio of the company is less than one i.e it means the company is solvent
in that case don’t have any significant issue. Lower debt ratio is considered
as good because many investors look for the company as low debt ratio
suggests greater creditworthiness
• While looking at the quick ratio of the company we can say that as the quick
ratio of the company is greater than 1 it means that the company has enough
quick assets to pay for its current liabilities
Company follows accrual basis accounting because it gives more realistic idea of
income and expenses
Following are the statements on the basis of which we could establish that
company use accrual basis-
• Royalty Revenue is recognised on an accrual basis. As per the relevant
agreement in case of sales provided that it is probable that the economics
benefits associated with royalty shall flow to company and the amount of
royalty can be measured reliably.
• Profit and loss before extraordinary items and tax for the period is adjusted
for the effects of transactions of non-cash nature
• In case of sale of goods revenue is recognised when control of the products
that is being sold has been transferred to a customer irrespective of whether
it is realised or is realizable and has been earned after deduction of variable
components such as discount, rebate, incentives, promotional couponing
and schemes and when there are no longer any unfulfilled obligations
towards the customers
• While estimating the amount of variable components based on certain
information available either they use expected value method or most likely
method whichever is appropriate and records a corresponding liability in
other payables though the actual amount may be different from such
• Company have trade receivables as well as trade payables component in
balance sheet which is clear cut tells us that company follows accrual basis
Note - Revenue recognition is assessed as per the principles of Ind AS 115
Past Results
• The prices of key raw material which had increased significantly during
the first half of the year under review it started decline in later part of the
• Continued slowdown in construction industry and slowdown in economic
growth in past few months had impacted the sales growth
• After reflecting accounting impact of GST, the net sales grew by 14.5%
with sales volume and mix growth of 10.4%
• The volume growth in Consumer and Bazaar products segment was 12.2%
• However, due to competitive pressure and market conditions the
Industrial Products segment volume grew only by 1.9% as compared to
7.6% growth in previous year
• Operating Profit for the year at 1489.74 crores increased by 4.2%
• Further net profit at 979.44 crores increased by 2.5%
• There is a slight decline in profit margin that is due to higher input cost
Future Outlook
The Report is Unqualified as the report provide true and fair view also the
auditor doesn’t provide any kind of disagreement over the matter. Therefore,
the report is said to be unqualified
The auditor’s report says that it does not contain any qualification, reservation
or adverse remarks. It is being also told that the notes on the financial statement
referred to in the auditor’s report are self-explanatory and do not call for any
further comments
Points of Qualification
Financial statement is prepared in conformity with the Indian Accounting
Standards prescribed under section 133 of the act which read with the
companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015.
Audit of standalone financial statements is conducted in accordance with the
Standards on Auditing specified under section 143(10) of the Act (SAs)
Hence standalone financial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
• During the year 2019 other income have recorded highest growth compared
to previous 5 years due to the following
o Inclusion of income from interest on Tax free bonds and Income tax
o There is also generation of income from dividend on long term
investments in subsidiaries which is around 14.75 crores
o Other non-operating income through profit on sale or transfer of
intangible assets i.e. 33.41 crores
• During the year 2019 Employee benefit expenses have recorded a growth of
As there is increase in salary and wage of approximately 16% in 2019 over
Increase of 5.31 cores towards share-based payments to employee
o Finance cost is showing an increasing trend
o During 2019 there was 60% increase in bank cash credit account
o During the year 2016 there was decline in finance cost as company had
reduced its borrowing during that period and hence, they had to pay
less interest expense on their borrowings
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• To know the assets and liabilities
• To know the liquidity
• To know about trade debtors and trade creditors
To determine actual value of business at the time of sale or liquidation
o In 2016 the company recorded highest growth in PP&E because of
increase in the value of plant and machinery, building
o Approximately 30% growth in the value of plant and machinery and 21%
in case of building
o During 2019 capital work in progress recorded growth of approximately
o In 2018 investment in non-current asset have shown higher growth of
62.12% after a negative growth. this growth is due to increase in total
investment of equity from 427.14 to 612.93 crores and also increase in
total investment in mutual fund from 13.09 crore to 100.75 crores
o There was increase in trade receivables during 2018 due to increase in
considerable doubtful by approx. 20% and also due to increase in secured
and unsecured trade receivables which are considered good whereas
movement in expected credit loss allowance was almost same
o In 2019 there was decline in trade receivables
Note – movement in expected credit loss allowance on trade receivables
calculated at lifetime expected credit loss
During FY19 the trade payables increased 8.40% as year on year growth because
of outstanding dues of micro enterprises and outstanding dues of creditors was
incurred in last 2 years
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As per the analysis done there is no such items which need to be adjusted to
Contingent liabilities not provided for claims against the company not
acknowledged as debts comprise:
B) Excise duty and service tax claims disputed by the 12.18 12.22
company relating to issues of classifications
C) Sales tax (VAT, CST, Entry Tax and GST) claims 176.25 122.77
disputed by the company relating to issues of
declaration forms and classification
D) Other matters (relating to disputed Electricity 3.22 2.63
Duty, Gram Panchayat Tax, Open Access Charges
As per the agreements, a maximum earn out value i.e. contingent consideration
of 45 crores was payable based upon achievement of defined milestone of net
sales and gross margins over a period of 3 years starting closure of financial year
2016-17. The balance contingent consideration payable as on 31st March 2019
is 7.81 crores
Comment – contingent liability can potentially reduce company’s asset and can
have a negative impact on company’s future net profitability and cash flow. It
can influence the decision of investor as they will avoid investing in such a
company as well as it will influence decision of creditors while lending capital to
the company. It can also have negative impact on the company’s ability to repay
the debt. It is necessary for the company to know the probability of
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o For the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of
the Company’s cash-generating units (or groups of cash-generating units)
that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination.
o Freehold land is stated at cost and not depreciated. Buildings, plant and
machinery, vehicles, furniture and office equipment are stated at cost less
accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses
o Properties in the course of construction for production, supply or
administrative purposes are carried at cost, less any recognised
impairment loss
o Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives that are acquired separately
are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses
o At the end of each reporting period, the Company reviews the carrying
amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there
is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss.
o Properties in the course of construction for production, supply or
administrative purposes are carried at cost, less any recognised
impairment loss.
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o Pidilite industries cash flow from operating activities during FY19 stood at
Rs 853.15 crores an improvement of 52.69% on YOY basis
o Cash flow from investing activities during FY19 stood at Rs -488.15 crores.
The cash flow from investing activity have shown a negative growth
compared to previous year i.e. 23.51 crores on YOY basis
o Cash flow financial activities during FY19 stood at Rs -370.6 crores it has
shown an improvement of but still it is negative growth of 5.6% on a YOY
o Overall net increase/ decrease cash flows for the company during FY19
stood at Rs -5.6 crores
We have forecasted the estimates for further 2 years based on the Past 5 years
actuals. Following is the forecast-
o It is estimated that the net income will increase in coming two years
o It is estimated that total non- current assets will increase by 52 crores in
FY20 and by 184 crores in FY21
o The total current assets supposed to be increased by 218 crores in FY20
and by 235 cores in FY21
o Total assets would increase by 271 cores in the FY20 and by 481 crores in
the FY21
o Increase in total equity by 212 crores FY20 and 327 crores in FY21
o Total current and non-current liabilities is also showing and increase in
the trend in coming years
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2019 2018
Net profit after tax margin (percent) 16% 17%
The most important ratio is net profit margin percent. It tells us how much out
of every sale PIDILITIND gets to keep after everything else has been paid for. It
is highly variable from one industry sector to another. An ideal company has
consistent profit margins
2019 2018
ROE 23.40% 26.80%
From an investor’s perspective, ROE is the key ratio. The ROE tells common
shareholder how effectively their money is being employed. Ideal long-term
average ROE should be above 15%. Average 2-year ROE of pidilite industries ltd
– 23%
2019 2018
Current ratio (number of times) 3.02 3.00
Current ratio measures the company’s currents assets against its current
liabilities. Ideally the current ratio should be greater than 1.5. avoid investing in
companies whose current ratio is less than 1. There are exceptions to this rule,
some good companies can have less than 1 or even negative current ratio when
they receive money faster from their customers than they have to pay to their
vendors. The company's current ratio improved and stood at 3.0x during FY19,
from 3.0x during FY18. The current ratio measures the company's ability to pay
short-term and long-term obligations.
2019 2018
Debt to equity 0 0
Debt to equity ratio varies across industries but many companies have ratio
larger than 1 that is thay have more debt to equity. If the ratio is very high,
raising more cash through borrowing could be difficult. Capital intensive
industries such as auto manufacturing tend to have debt/equity ratio above 2,
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2019 2018
ROA 18.30% 20.63%
The ROA of the company declined and down at 18.30% during FY19 from 20.63%
during FY18. The ROA measure how sufficiently the company uses its assets to
generate earnings
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