NPF COVID-19 Guidance Booklet Final
NPF COVID-19 Guidance Booklet Final
NPF COVID-19 Guidance Booklet Final
1. Remain Vigilant
• COVID-19 is mostly transmitted through
small droplets from the nose or mouth
which are spread from person to person.
• COVID-19 is also transmitted by
touching eyes, nose or mouth after
having touched objects or surfaces
contaminated by the virus.
• Symptoms can include fever,
tiredness, dry cough, shortness of
breath, and breathing difficulties.
Some patients may also experience aches and
pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea.
• Be aware that not all infectious persons will necessarily
display overt symptoms of the disease.
• Most people recover from COVID-19 without requiring
special treatment.
• However, approximately 1 in 6 people who contract
COVID-19 will require medical assistance, the elderly and
persons with underlying medical conditions have the highest
risk of serious illness.
6. Contact Tracing
• You may be called upon to assist public health officials and
related entities in tracing potential individuals who are
suspected of carrying the virus.
• Perform your duties in strict compliance with national
legislation, in liaison with relevant agencies, and with due
regard to and respect for an individual’s legal rights.
• When interacting with individuals who may have been
infected with COVID-19 wear Personal Protective Equipment
and exercise an abundance of caution.
• Be sure to wash or sanitize your hands, and any other surface
that may have come into contact with the infection at the
earliest opportunity.
7. Medical Emergencies
• Only trained personnel wearing appropriate personal
protective equipment should have direct contact with
individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
• Where available use trained Emergency Medical Service
personnel to transport symptomatic individuals to the
nearest healthcare facility.
• Domestic violence, child abuse, and gender-based violence
are serious offences and law enforcement action to prevent
and stop them should continue during the COVID-19
This pamphlet was produced with the kind support of the European Union and the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.