NPF COVID-19 Guidance Booklet Final

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Nigeria Police Force

Guidelines for Policing During the

COVID-19 Emergency
The officers of Nigeria Police Force (NPF) are recommended to
observe the following protocols while performing their duties
during the COVID-19 pandemic

1. Remain Vigilant
• COVID-19 is mostly transmitted through
small droplets from the nose or mouth
which are spread from person to person.
• COVID-19 is also transmitted by
touching eyes, nose or mouth after
having touched objects or surfaces
contaminated by the virus.
• Symptoms can include fever,
tiredness, dry cough, shortness of
breath, and breathing difficulties.
Some patients may also experience aches and
pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea.
• Be aware that not all infectious persons will necessarily
display overt symptoms of the disease.
• Most people recover from COVID-19 without requiring
special treatment.
• However, approximately 1 in 6 people who contract
COVID-19 will require medical assistance, the elderly and
persons with underlying medical conditions have the highest
risk of serious illness.

2. Take Protective Measures

• Practice social distancing – try to stay at least one metre away
from other people during professional or social interactions.
• Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
after having direct physical contact with anyone.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-
based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
• Abstain from touching face – especially near the eyes, nose or
mouth - with unwashed hands.
• If available, wear personal protection
equipment, which should ideally include a face
mask, eye protection and surgical gloves, while
interacting with other people.

3. While Performing Your Duties

• Maintain social distancing while working in

police stations and offices.
• Limit unnecessary contact with visitors to police
• Regularly sanitize exposed office surfaces and office
equipment after use.
• In handling documents, consider that they may be
contaminated. Avoid unnecessary contact with documents,
use gloves if possible, or wash your hands immediately after
handling a document .
• Consider suspending the enforcement of minor offenses, and
traffic violations, to minimize unnecessary public contact.
• Consider measures in strict compliance with existing national
legislation to prevent overcrowding in specific locations, such
as clubs or sports stadiums, where the transmission of the
COVID-19 virus might be facilitated.


4. When Assisting with the Collection and Disposal of

Bodies of Victims of COVID-19
• Always wear personal protective equipment.
• Try to be as sensitive as possible to the religious and cultural
norms of the deceased’s family and community.
• Establish the circumstances surrounding the deceased’s
• Obtain the identifying particulars of the deceased, and of his/
her family, and of those in close contact with the deceased.
• Ensure that all protective equipment and any vehicles used
for the conveyance of bodies to mortuaries or burial sites are
sanitized before and after each use.

5. Limit the Spread of Rumors and False Reporting

• Stay informed about the pandemic from credible authorities
such as the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and
the World Health Organization (WHO).
• Refrain from sharing information from unofficial sources.

6. Contact Tracing
• You may be called upon to assist public health officials and
related entities in tracing potential individuals who are
suspected of carrying the virus.
• Perform your duties in strict compliance with national
legislation, in liaison with relevant agencies, and with due
regard to and respect for an individual’s legal rights.
• When interacting with individuals who may have been
infected with COVID-19 wear Personal Protective Equipment
and exercise an abundance of caution.
• Be sure to wash or sanitize your hands, and any other surface
that may have come into contact with the infection at the
earliest opportunity.

7. Medical Emergencies
• Only trained personnel wearing appropriate personal
protective equipment should have direct contact with
individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
• Where available use trained Emergency Medical Service
personnel to transport symptomatic individuals to the
nearest healthcare facility.

8. Transporting Emergency Supplies

• Consider providing a police escort for shipments of
emergency supplies to healthcare centers (medical
equipment, personal protective equipment, etc.) to ensure it
is delivered safely and without interference.

9. Managing Public Order Situations

• Wear personal protective equipment – including gloves, eye
protection and disposable face mask – before coming in close
contact with a crowd.
• Stay calm.
• Explain the need for COVID-19 prevention measures to the
crowd and ask them to disperse for their own safety.
• Use force only when absolutely necessary and to the
extent proportionate to achieve the required result and in
accordance with existing national legislation.
• Clean and disinfect all equipment before and after the use.

10. Making Arrests

• It is important to limit as far as possible the number of
individuals held in confinement, where they may be
especially vulnerable to infection.
• During the current health emergency making an arrest
should be considered a last resort, to be used only in relation
to serious offences.
• If it should become necessary to search an individual,
begin by asking them to display any items of interest on
their person, or amongst their personal possessions. Apply
physical touch only when doing so is absolutely required, and
under safe conditions using personal protective equipment.
• Consider releasing detainees on bail, if the law permits.
• If detention is necessary, consider how and where the
detainee can be held safely and for how long; and also
who is going to interact with the detainee while he or she
is in custody. Enforce social distancing measures as far as is
• Ensure that detention facilities are regularly and thoroughly
cleaned, and that operating personnel have access to personal
protection equipment and are trained in its proper use.

11. Domestic Violence and Abuse

• Be aware that during the COVID-19 emergency domestic
violence, child abuse, and gender-based violence is likely to
increase, especially in localities where movement restrictions
have been imposed, and be alert to the warning signs of such

• Domestic violence, child abuse, and gender-based violence
are serious offences and law enforcement action to prevent
and stop them should continue during the COVID-19

12. Dealing with Persons who Inject or Abuse Drugs (PWID/

• Be aware that drug users may be apprehensive of arrest
and may seek to avoid medical attention even if exposed to
infection by COVID-19.
• In such circumstances you should suspend enforcement
action and encourage such individuals to seek medical
treatment if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

13. Coming Off Duty

• Maintain social distancing and avoid physical contact with
family members or children when you reach home until you
can change out of your work clothes.
• Immediately wash exposed body parts with soap and water,
and, if possible, take a shower.
• Discard work clothes and get them washed with laundry
• Clean or decontaminate your work equipment, including
• If you are bringing a vehicle to your home wash it with soap
and water.
• Remember, you are equally at risk of potential infection off
duty as you are on duty.

This pamphlet was produced with the kind support of the European Union and the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.


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