Authentic Assessment in Efl Teaching and Learning: Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Authentic Assessment in Efl Teaching and Learning: Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Authentic Assessment in Efl Teaching and Learning: Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
The assessment has been regarded as the crucial element in
instructional process which involeved the teacher and students ini
it. In addition, it requires a number of aspects which are concerned
on authenticity of how students do the task performatively.
Therefore, authentic assessment is necessarily selected in order to
reach the goal or objectives of teaching and learning process which
focused on real-world tasks. The five dimensional framework
proposed by Gulikers (2004) need to be employed inside the
implementation of authentic assessment which covers at least:
tasks, physical context, social context, result or form, and criteria.
The framework represents how the students are assesses
authentically as well performatively in order that there are
innovative product and also perfomance created by the students
particularly. Beacuse authenticity is crucially needed to model of
assessment recently and it also represents the authentic outcomes
that are totally obtained in the teaching and learning process.
Authentic assessment is a new assessment paradigm which
contributesto significant alternative towards the existence of
traditional assessment practices which are still used by most of the
teachers in any levels. Regarding the paradigm, assessment is a
process which supports as well as improve students’ learning
(focuses on enhancing their cognitive skills) instead of only
assessing the teaching and learning process.
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
So, Setting criteria and making them In brief, when applying authentic
explicit and transparent to learners assessment, we need to consider the
before-hand is important in authentic five dimensions proposed by Gulikers
assessment, because this guides to accelerate as well as achieve
learning (Sluijsmans, 2002) and, after the goal of teaching learning process.
all, in real life, employees usually Furthermore, these can become the
know on what criteria their significance and also reference in
performances will be judged. terms of building up the students’
Therefore, the judgment criteria are the cognition which is concerned with how
main consideration which are related to they implement it actively by joining a
realistic outcome, explicating series of activities. The five
characteristics or requirements of the dimensions closely deals with the
product, performance, or solutions that following aspects as follows: 1. Task:
students need to create in authentic What do you have to do? 2. Physical
assessment. Furthermore, criteria and context: Where do you have to do it? 3.
standards should focus on the Social context: With whom do you
development of relevant professional have to do it? 4. Result or form: What
competencies and should be based on has to come out of it? What is the
criteria used in the real-life situation( result of your efforts? 5. Criteria:How
Darling-Hammond& Snyder, 2000). does what you have done have to be
Criteria of an authentic assessment can evaluated or judged?. It is certain that
also be made based on the the authentic assessment covers a
interpretation of the other four number of aspects which are related to
dimensions of the framework. For taks, physical context, social context,
example, if the physical context relates result or form, and also criteria. These
to an authentic assessment of a must be well-integrated in order to
competency requires five hours, a influence the implementation of
criterion should be that students need authentic assessement effectively and
to produce the assessment result within aslo accurately.
five hours. In brief, the assessment
3. Conclusion
criteria are the crucial point that is
By considering the five dimensional
well-developed by the teachers for the
framework (Gulikers, 2004), it
purpose of assessing the students’
leads to authentic product which is
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
created innovatively because the role task given to the students. Thus, the
of teacher is not only teaching but also teacher (assessor) need to coorporate
preparing what appropriate tasks are with the others only for the area
give to the students based on their selection in authentic assessment.
interest particularly. They are activated Thirdly, after thinking of the second
by a number of group discussion or aspect, we (as assessor or evaluator in
presentation which are carried out teaching learning process) have to
cooperatively as well as consider the social context in which the
collaboratively. The framework also students actively enggage with the
provides important description dealing others during the assessment.
with the related elements or Therefore, ther must be colaboration
dimensions required in authentic among the teachers in terms of sharing
assessment. Therefore, the teachers ideas dealing with how to implement
along with the related parties should be the authentic assessment. Fourtly, after
able to implement and socialize it not implementing the three aspects
only for the students but also for the previously, we should look at the result
other teachers because the framework whether the assessment is successfully
totally represents what is needed in the done or not. So, this leads to how well
assessment. And it also reflects the we achieve the goal of instructional
specific characteristics of the process. Fifthly, it deals with criteria
assessment that is done authentically. which is concerned with explicit
The five dimensions covers the framework towards the implementation
following aspects as follows: firstly, it of authentic assessment. Moreover, it
is task which focuses on what we have is related to how we judge the product,
to do or the actions that must be done and also performance from the students
by the teachers in implementing and it also focuses on the final decision
authentic assessment. In addition, it made by the teachers in terms of
covers procedural steps that are assessing or evaluating the students’
conducted to create an active and product and performance.
innovative activities. Secondly,
In this case, authentic assessment
physical context reflects where we
enables the students take a part actively
have to to do the authentic assessment,
and they have to be responsible for
it means that selecting the appropriate
their learning. Meanwhile, the teachers
area which represent the assessment
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018 Rama Dwika Herdiawan