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8 The world around us

READING |  Multiple matching | A nature article

1 In pairs or as a group, answer the questions. 3 Find phrases in the article for expressing
1 Which areas of your country are known for their attitude and opinion that mean the same
natural beauty? as phrases 1–5.
2 What can people visiting those areas expect to 1 I thought it was …
2 As you might expect, …
2 Read the article quickly. Match each person
with an overall opinion of the park. There is             
one extra sentence you do not need. 3 In my opinion, …
A Aiden King:                 ,             
B Chloe Morton:    4 … my personal opinion is …
C Nakaaya Kikwete:                
D Manuel Garcia:    5 … I am certain that …
1) It faces challenges from different threats and its
amazing natural wealth needs to be protected.
2) It doesn’t deserve the reputation it has for OPTIMISE YOUR EXAM
outstanding beauty and amazing wildlife.
Multiple matching
3) It impressed me with its natural beauty, but it also ● In this task, the writer’s attitudes and opinions are
made me think about what is important.
often important. Look for key phrases that show this,
4) It was interesting, but it didn’t mean as much to e.g. To my mind …, My own view is …
me as it could have done with more information. ● Also look for adjectives and descriptive phrases that
5) It helped me to connect with other people and show attitude and opinion, e.g. it was (...) that really
what their lives were like in the past. stuck with me, breathtaking, stunning.


B2 repro.indb 80 04/10/2016 18:48


NATIONAL PARKS Four young people tell us about visiting

a national park in their country.

A Mammoth Cave National Aiden King Chloe Morton

Park, Kentucky, USA
The Mammoth Cave National Park The Great Barrier Reef
is an extensive underground system has become one of
of caves of which about 400 miles the global symbols of
have been explored. I found it really just how fragile nature
impressive, and some of the rock can be. There’s no
formations are incredible. If I’d doubt that the reef is
known more about the history before something we have to
going, I’d have got more out of it. Not surprisingly, rocks get a little tedious B Great Barrier Reef preserve very carefully
Marine Park, Australia
after a while without a context, and unlike other national parks, there isn’t for future generations.
a great deal of wildlife. It all seemed rather laid on for visitors, so it was a The diversity of life in the area is breathtaking! I had
relief to go on a ‘wild’ tour, which takes you to some of the less-developed an exciting opportunity to help out with a team of
parts of the cave system. Crawling in small spaces in mud you can get marine scientists to see what effect human activity is
a real sense of what it must have been like for the early explorers. Local having on the reef. The area is divided up into zones
legends say that wanted criminals used to hide in the caves! and there are limits on different activities within each
zone. This minimises the impact of some activities,
such as diving, while still allowing people to enjoy the
stunning natural beauty of the reef. If we had done
Nakaaya Kikwete
something like that years ago, the reef would be in a
The Serengeti National Park is world much better state now! Unfortunately, past mistakes
famous for the fact that one and a half and a changing climate mean that parts of the reef
million wildebeest migrate 600 miles are struggling to recover. Let’s hope we can improve
every year in search of fresh grass and its cultivation for the future.
water. For me, it was an epic sight, and
the struggle of the wildebeest to survive C Serengeti National
Park, Tanzania
in dangerous conditions (the rivers
are full of crocodiles!) reminded me Manuel Garcia
of the daily struggle to survive that many people in my country face.
Tikal is an amazing place with over 3,000 buildings
To my mind, national parks are there not only for the conservation of
from the Mayan civilisation! From about 900 BC to
wildlife, but to inspire us to lead better lives. If you visited my country,
900 AD, a major city of 100,000 people developed
you would see fantastic scenery and great natural beauty alongside
and you can still visit the ruins. The park is also home
difficult living conditions. It’s vital that we explore ways in which our
to jaguars and other animals. I visited with my class,
society can develop at the same time as preserving the spectacular
and it was awesome to think we were walking in the
natural resources we have. We can’t encourage one at the expense of
footsteps of people from so long ago! The temples
the other.
were very striking, but it was the courts for ball games
that really stuck with me. It gave us some insight into
what their lives were like.
Tikal National Park,
D Guatemala It’s fascinating to think
4 2.13  For each question, choose from the that they played sport
people A−D. The people may be chosen more just like us! We often
than once. look at constructions and
monuments and think they
represent what a culture
Which person was like, but my own view
thinks that parks have a function is that it’s the ordinary
beyond the preservation of animals aspects of everyday life
and monuments? 1 that tell us a lot more.
visited a place that is seen as a good
example of problems faced by nature? 2
found a connection with the past through
everyday experiences? 3
thinks they should have found out more 5 Find these words and phrases in the article.
before visiting? 4 Work out what they mean from the context.
was impressed by the range of different
5 fragile (adj) | insight (n) | inspire (v)
creatures in the park?
visited a place that preserves both wild laid on (phr v) | minimise (v) | preserve (v)
creatures and a way of life? 6 striking (adj) | tedious (adj)
preferred to see a side of the place that
most tourists don’t see? 7
thinks that important buildings don’t tell
the complete story of people’s lives? 8
thinks we should have done things THINK | RESEARCH | CULTURE | LEARN | ME
differently in the past? 9
draws a parallel between the natural Think about a national park in your country. How does
world and human society? 10 it compare to those in the text? Tell the class about it.

▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Reading, pages 60–61, exercises 1, 2, 3 81

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8 GRAMMAR 1 |  Conditionals (2): second, third and mixed conditionals

Grammar in context REMEMBER

Look at these sentences from ● The second conditional refers to the hypothetical present result of an
the article on page 81. Are they unlikely or impossible present condition, e.g. If I were you, I would visit the
talking about hypothetical events incredible caves.
or events that have happened?
● The third conditional refers to the hypothetical past result of a past
If you visited my country, you would condition, e.g. If I hadn’t spoken to Annie, I wouldn’t have known about her trip.
see great natural beauty alongside
difficult living conditions. ● One type of mixed conditional refers to the hypothetical present result of
a past condition, e.g. If I had taken any photos, I would show them to you.
If I’d known more about the history
Another type refers to the hypothetical past result of a present condition,
before going, I’d have got more out
e.g. If I were in better shape, I would have gone on the trek.
of it.
● Instead of if, we can use an inversion. This is more formal, e.g. Had I not gone
If we had done something like that
on the trip, I wouldn’t have seen the amazing natural park.
years ago, the reef would be in a
much better state now! ▶ See Grammar reference, Unit 8,  page 156

1 Choose the correct word or phrase to 3 Write the correct form of the verb or verb
complete each sentence. phrase from the box in each gap.
1 If you went on safari, do you think you    it?
be (× 2) | be aware | bring | have
a) enjoyed b) would enjoy
learn | not save | see | survive | want
2 If I had visited the caves, I    it very interesting.
a) would have found b) would find
3 What    if we built a new recycling plant? EXTINCTION CAUSED BY HUMANS
a) happened b) would happen
If you (1)          to see a dodo today, you
4 If you were in charge,    dropping litter illegal? would search in vain of course. The dodo was discovered
a) did you make b) would you make by Europeans on the island of Mauritius in 1598 and
5 If humans hadn’t destroyed their natural habitats, was extinct by 1680. If it hadn’t been flightless, perhaps
Bengal tigers    endangered. it (2)          . However, it was unable to
escape sailors, who hunted and ate the bird. Apparently
a) would have been b) wouldn’t be
it wasn’t particularly tasty, so the dodo population might
6 My sister    a zookeeper if our parents hadn’t have recovered from hunting, if the sailors (3)         
encouraged her. rats, cats and dogs to the island. Perhaps the dodo
a) wouldn’t become b) wouldn’t have become (4)          here today if those animals
hadn’t eaten the birds and their eggs.
2 Complete the questions using the prompts. Sadly, the dodo’s story is not uncommon. But perhaps if
Add any words you need and make any humans (5)          of the effects of climate
necessary changes. change, hunting and even tourism on many species, there
1 If you knew your favourite animal was in danger (6)          so many critically endangered
of extinction, ? species. However, there are some stories that bring hope
(you / do) to animals close to extinction. If you (7)         
the news 15 years ago, you (8)          that
2 Had you not come here today, the Iberian lynx was in danger of becoming extinct.
? Today, thanks to the efforts made through conservation
(you / do / instead) initiatives, the population has slowly increased to a
healthier level. (9)          conservationists
3 If you had been born in another country,
not made such an effort, the species (10)         .
(your life / be different)
4 If you could travel back in time,
(you / like / see)
5 Had you known about the effects of climate
change, ?
(you / start recycling / years ago)
6 If you could be any animal,
(you / be)

82 ▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Grammar 1, page 62, exercises 1, 2, 3

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VOCABULARY |   Topic vocabulary | Phrasal verbs | Word patterns 8
Words connected with Phrasal verbs
environmental issues 3 2.15  Write a phrasal verb from the box
1 2.14  Write a word from the box in each in the correct form to replace the words in
gap to make phrases. Listen and check. brackets in each sentence. Listen and check.

call for | chop down | clean up

change | development | effect | energy
die out | do away with | run out
footprint | layer | toxic | warming
throw away | wipe out
1 global
1 Some animal species          (became
2 climate
extinct) due to human activities.
3 greenhouse
2 People          (are demanding) urgent
4 waste action on climate change.
5 carbon 3 Will we just keep using oil until it all         
6 renewable (finishes)?
7 sustainable 4 We all have a responsibility to help         
8 ozone (tidy) our beaches.
5 If we’re not careful, our actions are going to
2 Write a phrase from Exercise 1 in each gap.          (completely destroy) the
There may be more than one correct answer. wild elephant.
6 I think we should          (abolish) cars
1 To measure          , you need to look at
that produce lots of pollution in city centres to
weather patterns over many years.
protect the environment.
2 A person’s          is a measure of the
7 When we          (destroy) trees, we
amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by their
remove the natural habitat of a number of species.
actions and its effect on the environment.
8 Don’t just          (put in the rubbish)
3 We need          so that our economy
your old bottles. Recycle them!
can grow without damaging the environment.
4 One of the harmful products produced by
industrial processes is          . Words + prepositions
5 Some countries may face serious problems if
         is more than 2˚C.
4 2.16  Choose the correct preposition to
complete each sentence. Use the words in
6 Wind power and wave power are excellent sources italics to help you. Listen and check.
of          .
1 Water pollution can be harmful at / to fish and
7 The          in the atmosphere protects
animals that live along the river.
us from dangerous ultraviolet light.
2 The Sumatran rhino is threatened from / by
8 The          is when the warmth from the
sun is trapped in the atmosphere.
3 Without the ozone layer, we would be exposed by /
to UV rays that can cause cancer.
4 Do you think we do enough to protect animals by /
from illegal activity?
5 Which countries will be most affected by / with
climate change?
6 Using drinking water to water the garden is a
waste from / of natural resources!


Choose one of the phrases in Exercise 1 and find out

more about it. Tell the class what you discover.

▶ Vocabulary reference, page 166  ▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Vocabulary, page 63, exercises 1, 2, 3 83

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8 LISTENING |  Multiple matching


Multiple matching
● Read the statements carefully before you listen and
try to predict what someone might say for each one.
● The first time you listen, make a note of any words or
1 In pairs or as a group, ask and answer phrases that might match a statement and listen for
the questions. any ideas that are similar to your predictions.
● The second time you listen, check the statement
1 Look at the photos. What are these things?
What are they used for? How do they help us? matches exactly what the speaker says.
2 What different kinds of renewable energy can
you think of?
4 2.17  You will hear five extracts about
2 Look at Exercise 4 and read the statements different projects. Choose from A−H what
A−H. Match the statements to sentences 1–4. each speaker says about their project. There
are three extra letters you do not need.
1 ‘The people there were really friendly and looked
after me. I was grateful for that.’
A I enjoyed seeing my ideas in practice.
B I was happy I did something
2 ‘People in the area were worried about the effects
I found difficult.
and so was I.’ Speaker 1:
C I was worried we might not
Statement    make a difference. Speaker 2:
3 ‘They were looking for experts on energy, and they D I shared the concerns of local
gave us a test to see what we knew.’ people. Speaker 3:
Statement    E I discovered I could do more
4 ‘People didn’t seem to know very much about the than I thought. Speaker 4:
problem so we need to tell them.’ F I had to show that I knew a lot
about energy. Speaker 5:
G I was thankful for the way I was
3 Look at the four statements in Exercise 4 treated.
you didn’t use in Exercise 2. For each one, H I thought people needed to be educated.
predict what the speaker might say.
Use your own words.
1 Statement    5 2.17  Listen again and check your answers.

2 Statement   


Do you think developing renewable energy sources is
4 Statement   
important? Why do you think developing renewable

energy sources is considered important for the future?

84 ▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Listening, page 64, exercises 1, 2, 3

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GRAMMAR 2 |  Unreal past and past wishes 8
Grammar in context REMEMBER
Look at these sentences from ● After some phrases and in some types of sentence, we use past tenses to refer
the audio in the listening lesson. to the present, a general situation or the future. This includes:
For each one, decide whether ❍ It’s (high) time …, e.g. It’s high time we lived a greener life.
the clause in bold refers to the
present or the past.
❍ Suppose …, Imagine … and What if …?, e.g. Imagine there were no elephants.
❍ would rather + you/he/she/it/we/they, e.g. I’d rather we didn’t waste so much food.
1 It’s time we did something
❍ second conditional sentences, e.g. We’d help the planet if we recycled more.
about it.
present / past ❍ wish and if only, e.g. I wish people cared more about the environment.
2 I wish more people knew ❍ we can use would with wish to express criticism, e.g. I wish you wouldn’t do that!
about geothermal energy. ❍ we can use could with wish to express hypothetical ability, e.g. I wish I could
present / past go camping this weekend, but I can’t.
3 I wish I had got involved ❍ for wishes about the past (regrets), we use past perfect, e.g. I wish people
sooner. had thought about climate change years ago.
present / past
▶ See Grammar reference, Unit 8,  page 157

1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in 3 Write a verb from the box in the correct form
brackets in the correct form. in each gap. Add any other words you need.
1 It’s time we          (stop) polluting our
can | face | get | go | have
streams and rivers.
provide | start | think
2 Don’t you wish you          (have) a
lower carbon footprint?
3 We’d produce less toxic waste if we         
(burn) less fossil fuel. Extreme green!
4 Don’t you wish you          (know) the What if your family (1)          rid of the car,
benefits of living a green life years ago? the air-conditioning unit, the tumble dryer, the fridge
5 If only there          (be) some way of and almost everything else that uses energy in the
reducing the effects of global warming. home? Suppose you never (2)          on
holiday or you (3)          to wear extra
6 Suppose you          (try) to live a low-
clothes in bed to keep warm because you had no
carbon life. Would you enjoy it?
heating. Those are just a few of the things that people
who live an extreme green life have done to try to keep
2 Rewrite the sentences in different ways their carbon footprint as low as possible, and many of
using the words given. them wish they (4)          earlier.
1 Please don’t throw your litter on the Of course, we all wish we (5)          use
ground. RATHER less energy, and for many of us it’s high time we
(6)          of ways to cut down on our energy
use. However, few of us are prepared to deliberately
2 I shouldn’t have bought such a large
keep our house cold in the winter and grow all our own
motorbike. WISH
food. We’d much rather supermarkets (7)         
us with everything we need, but the food in shops has
3 We should manufacture more electric often travelled a long way to get there. These ‘food
cars in order to help the environment. HIGH miles’ increase your carbon footprint. Perhaps it’s about
time we (8)          up to reality and thought
more carefully about the effect our everyday actions
4 I want to wave a magic wand and solve have on the environment.
climate change, but I can’t. COULD

5 People should realise that we have to
use more renewable energy. TIME
6 Do you want people to take the threat
to the environment more seriously? WOULD Could you live an extreme green life? What would you
find most difficult?
In what ways could you make your life greener than it
is now?

▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Grammar 2 , page 63, exercises 1, 2 85

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Talk 2
M e
8 SPEAKING | Discussion
The reason I
say this ...
Flipped classroom

1   Watch the Talk2Me video. Make notes

about each person’s replies to the following
1 How do you think these environmental problems
could be prevented?
2 Who is responsible for improving environmental
3 What can we do to help environmental problems
in other countries?
4 What do you do to try to help prevent these
environmental problems?

2   Watch the video again. Tick the phrases

in the Phrase expert box that you hear on
the video.

And there’s another thing … | Apart from
that … | As well as … | Having said that … |
In addition … | More importantly … |
One of the most important … is … |
Personally, I … | That said, … | The good/bad
thing about … is … | The reason I say this is
because … | This is why …
5 In pairs, discuss the questions in Exercise 1.
Use phrases from the Phrase expert box.

3 In pairs or groups, answer the questions.

• What are the environmental problems in
your country? Discussion
• What can people do to help protect the natural ● In a discussion, listen carefully to the questions.
world? Remember to give your opinion but try to develop
your ideas by giving reasons or examples.
4 Complete the sentences to introduce
● Pay attention to what your partner says and try to add
contrasting opinions with the correct words
any new ideas to the discussion.
from the box.

addition | having | importantly 6 In groups of three, discuss the following

said | well | why questions. Take turns to be the examiner
and candidates.
1 In          , there are important social
issues that need more attention.
• What are the most serious environmental
2          said that, I believe everyone can problems in your country?
make a difference. • What can people do to help protect the
3 As          as zoos, there are wildlife environment?
centres that protect endangered animals. • How could students learn about environmental
4 More          , not all countries have the issues at school?
same resources. • How can we encourage more people to take
environmental issues seriously?
5 That          , environmental issues
should be taught at school. • How can zoos protect endangered animals?
• Why shouldn’t people be allowed to keep wild
6 That is          I think recycling is vitally
animals as pets?

Resource centre: Unit 8
Stress in opinion phrases

86 ▶ Workbook Unit 8: Speaking, pages 64–65, exercises 1, 2, 3

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USE OF ENGLISH |  Word formation | Open cloze 8
1 Look at the words in capitals in Exercise 2 and answer the questions.
Which of them …
1 can form an adjective ending in -al?         
2 can be made into another word by adding just one letter
at the beginning or the end?         


Word formation
● Think carefully about any small spelling changes you need to
make, e.g. when adding a prefix or suffix (nature ➞ natural)
or in the middle of a word (strong ➞ strength).

2 Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text.

Shipping container homes

When Michael McLean, owner of a trucking business in the USA, invented the shipping
container in 1956, he thought it would be cheaper than (1)        methods of moving TRADITION
cargo by ship. He had no idea that one day people would build (2)        places to live ORDINARY
using the containers. But the containers are cheap, readily available and can keep you dry in
(3)        weather. STORM

More and more people are realising that these (4)        boxes can be put to good INDUSTRY
use as homes, offices and sheds. And they have some (5)        advantages over other SIGNIFY
buildings. They are easy to move and to put up, and using them can be (6)        for BENEFIT
the environment. With a little (7)        , you can turn an old shipping container into ORIGIN
a very comfortable (8)        space that uses fewer natural resources. LIVE

3 Read the text in Exercise 4 4 Write one word in each gap to complete the text.
quickly. Answer the questions.
1 Which gaps can be filled with One day to heal the world
part of a phrasal verb?
If we didn’t understand any of the serious environmental problems
facing us today, we (1)        not be able to do anything about
2 Which gap is followed by a past
them. Did you know that the United Nations organises a day to help
tense that refers to the present?
make people more aware of these issues. It takes place on 5th June
every year, and it’s called World Environment Day (WED).
3 Which gaps can be filled by
prepositions that are a part of Last year, people from across the world got involved. In Korea, there
word patterns? were events organised to promote sustainable development and to
   ,    encourage people to reduce their (2)        footprint. In Bosnia
4 Which gaps can be filled by a and Herzegovina, people called (3)        more protection for
modal verb? areas that had been exposed (4)        pollution in the past as
well as places currently threatened (5)        destruction, and
in South Africa they organised a campaign to encourage people to
OPTIMISE YOUR EXA M throw (6)        less food.

Open cloze For people who wish they (7)        do more to help the
● Sometimes the word you need environment, WED is a great way to get involved. Have a look at their
to fill a gap may be a preposition. website and see what you could do. After all, it’s high (8)       
● Try different prepositions in we all did something before it’s too late.
the gap before you make a
final decision.

▶ Vocabulary reference, page 166  ▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Use of English, page 65, exercises 1, 2, 3 87

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8 WRITING |  An article

1 In pairs or as a group, answer the questions.

1 What is happening in the photo?
2 What things could young children do to help
protect the environment?

2 Read this article and answer the questions

in your own words.

Teaching the next generation

If you’re anything like me, you love nature. Perhaps you also worry abou
t problems like
climate change and the greenhouse effect. One important question is
how can we teach
students about those problems from an early age?
The first thing we should consider is making sure that schools all go
green. For example,
we’re encouraged to recycle paper at our school. This is important due
to the fact that
schools generally use a lot of paper. Young students would be able to
see the difference
their behaviour makes in a practical way.
Another great way to teach very young children is to get them involv
ed in a local
environmental project. This includes cleaning up a local river, or pickin
g up litter that
people have thrown away. This can be very educational as the stude
nts are shown how
their local environment is affected by different issues.
So, I would encourage everyone to make sure that future generation
s understand more
about the way nature is threatened by some of our actions. We need
them to grow up
caring for the environment.

1 How does the writer try to make a personal connection with the reader?

2 How many points does the writer mention? How is each point introduced?

3 How does the writer summarise and conclude the article?

3 Find two ways in which the writer

introduces examples. What other phrases
for introducing examples do you know?
Other phrases: An article
● When you write an article, you should try to make
4 Find two ways in which the writer a connection with the reader.
introduces reasons. What other phrases ● You can refer to your own experience using phrases

for introducing reasons do you know? such as If you are like me, …, Have you ever noticed
that …? or In my experience, …
● Remember to give specific reasons and examples in
2 your article to make it more interesting for the reader.
Other phrases:


B2 repro.indb 88 04/10/2016 18:48

5 Look at this writing task and make notes to answer the questions.
Use your imagination if necessary.

You see this advert in an English-language magazine for young people.

Articles wanted
Many ordinar y people don’t care for the environment as much as they could.
We want to change that! Send us your articles explaining the two most
important things ordinar y people can do to help the environment.
The best articles will appear in a special issue and win a prize!

Write your article.

1. What is one thing ordinary people can do to help 2. What is another thing they can do?
the environment? (e.g. produce less waste)
Is there a good example you can use?
Is there a good example you can use? (e.g. Buy
products with less packaging.) Give a reason why this helps.

Give a reason why this helps. (e.g. It means less
waste to burn or bury.)

6 Plan Make a paragraph plan.

Part Purpose Useful phrases My notes

Title show clearly what you
are writing about

Paragraph 1 make a connection with If you’re anything like me ...

the reader In my experience ...
Have you ever noticed that ...
Paragraph 2 make your first point The first thing we should consider ...
– give specific reasons
and examples

Paragraph 3 make a second point – Another great way to ...

support your point with

Paragraph 4 summarise your article So, I would encourage everyone to ...

to encourage action To summarise ...
from your reader

7 Write Write your article in an appropriate style. Write 140–190 words.

8 Check Before you hand in your article, complete this checklist.

  I’ve given my article a title.   I’ve checked my spelling and grammar.
  I’ve written at least four paragraphs.   I’ve made a connection with the reader.
 I’ve given examples and reasons for each main point I’ve made.   I’ve encouraged action from my reader.

▶ Writing reference,  page 169  ▶ Workbook Unit 8:  Writing, page 66, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and Progress check 8, page 67 89

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1 Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap.

The safari was (1)        a hunting expedition, and even today some people ORIGIN
still travel to Africa to hunt. However, most people now join photo safaris. On these
trips, you get to see the (2)        range of wildlife that Africa has to offer, ORDINARY
while at the same time improving your photography. Before you go, the instructors
will advise you on the best (3)        to take, and while on the safari, the EQUIP
guides will show you the best locations to ‘shoot’ animals. But it’s important to
remember that not all of the areas are (4)        to tourists, and you also ACCESS
might need a lot of time and (5)        to see some of the rarer animals. PATIENT
But whatever you see, going on a trip like this can (6)        improve your SIGNIFY
photography. And it’s not just animals. A photo safari can also be a great opportunity
to get to know some of the local people and experience (7)        activities TRADITION
such as dancing or cooking. And if your photos are good enough, you may even be
able to show them in an (8)        when you get home! EXHIBIT

2 Put the verbs into the correct form to complete the sentences.
1 I wish you          me that you were going to be late last night! (tell)
2 What would you do if you          an injured animal by the side of the road? (find)
3 I’d rather you          the dog for a walk before you play games. (take)
4 What would happen if we          something to take carbon dioxide from the air? (invent)
5 What do you think would          if you hadn’t stopped the car in time? (happen)
6 If you hadn’t trained as an artist, what job would you          now? (do)
7 If only you          to me when I advised you not to do it! (listen)
8 I think Esme would          the exam if she’d worked a bit harder. (pass)
9 It’s time people          killing rhinos for their horns. (stop)
10 I’d never go hunting, even if you          me a million pounds! (pay)

3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 The scientist started to sketch her ideas off / out / up on a paper napkin.
2 Do you think our supply of clean water will ever run away / out / over?
3 Sophie tore the letter down / through / up and threw it onto the floor.
4 Isn’t it time we did away / back / off with power stations that run on coal?
5 There won’t be any trees left if we continue to chop them away / down / off like this!
6 You probably won’t like this show at first, but it’ll grow from / in / on you.
7 I’m going to volunteer to help clean away / over / up the local beaches.
8 Some animals will be wiped back / off / out if we don’t act now!
9 The audience called for / in / on the actors to return to the stage.
10 The government have drawn away / off / up a proposal to protect endangered species.


B2 repro.indb 90 04/10/2016 18:48

4 If a sentence is correct, tick it. If a sentence is incorrect, underline the mistake
and correct it.
1 Even it was tough, I finally managed to climb to the top of the mountain.         
2 I can’t wait until I’m enough old to ride a motorbike.         
3 There really isn’t somewhere I’d rather be than right here, right now.         
4 It wouldn’t have been such a bad picnic if it hadn’t rained for hours.         
5 Don’t you sometimes wish that you don’t have to do all this homework?         
6 The producer was very pleased with herself because the film was a success.         
7 Van Gogh didn’t sell many paintings during his life, although he was very talented.         
8 The interviewer asked me where I saw me in five years’ time.         
9 Are you really such upset you can’t accept Damien’s apology?         
10 Jen and Will really enjoyed himself at the art exhibition.         

5 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Do not
change the word given. Use two to five words, including the word given.
1 Was the extinction of the dinosaurs a result of climate change? OUT
Did the dinosaurs                  climate change?
2 Mum regrets letting Dad learn to play the trombone! LET
Mum wishes                  Dad learn to play the trombone!
3 We all wanted to go to the beach because it was so hot. SUCH
It was                  we all decided to go to the beach.
4 Can humans be harmed by air pollution? TO
Is air pollution                  humans?
5 We missed the auction because you arrived so late! IF
We wouldn’t have missed the auction                  so late!
6 Finally, it became clear that the man sitting next to me was the choreographer. OUT
The man sitting next to me                  the choreographer.

Total score


Tick the statements that are true for you. Review the skills in the unit if you need more help.
I can … Unit/page
  understand implication in a news article Unit 7 p70
  understand the speaker’s purpose in conversations Unit 7 p74
  express my preferences and give reasons in a photo task Unit 7 p76
  create adverb forms and use different grammatical structures accurately Unit 7 p77
  create an engaging narrative in a story Unit 7 p78
  understand the writer’s attitude and opinion in a nature article Unit 8 p80
  predict and anticipate a speaker’s opinion in short extracts Unit 8 p84
  qualify my opinion in a discussion Unit 8 p86
  identify spelling changes when working with prefixes and suffixes and use
prepositions accurately Unit 8 p87
  give reasons and examples in an article Unit 8 p88


B2 repro.indb 91 04/10/2016 18:48

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