D3 - Cosmology
D3 - Cosmology
D3 - Cosmology
(page 660-665)
Oppenheimer Volkhoff limit: upper limit of remnant to mass of neutron star: remnant
more than 1.4 𝑀⊙ → neutron degeneracy (get soo close together and combine
Electrons get squashed together and opposes the electron opposed by the proton so opposes
the gravitational pressure
We only could see light that was less than 15 billion ly away. If we receive light from a finite # of stars,
the night sky would be dark.
At the beginning of time there was a point of infinite density called a singularity.
Cosmological redshift
1. Describe what is ment by the big bang model
When time and space started from a big explosion from one point.
2. In the 1960s, Penzias and Wilson discovered a uniform cosmic background radiation (CMB) in
the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. (i) Explain how the CMB is consistent
with the Big Bang model.
Form a very hot beginning and then expanded and cooled down to 3K
3. State why the red-shift of light from galaxies supports the Big Bang model.
Shows that the universe is expanding
4. Newton assumed that the universe is static and that the stars are uniformly distributed. State
one further assumption of the Newtonian universe.
number of stars in shell increases as R2; intensity decreases with 1 𝑅2 ; hence brightness of shell is
constant; adding all shells to infinity; sky would be uniformly bright;
What is the difference between doppler effect and cosmological red shift?
Dopplear shift :lamda
The light takes time to reach us and the universe has a beginning and stars are fading from the
What is the evidence or the big bang?
Because of cosmological red shift and increased the wavelength to 1 mm. CMB radiation, which
is left over from the firs protons that escaped after the bing bang. It cooled down to 3K from a
very hot beginning.
Formula for hubble’s law:
Recession speend= hubble constant x the distance
v= Ho x d
Ho= km/s Mpc^-1
We calculate this form the gradient.
The hubble’s constant has changed and we don’t have to memorize it.
To get the time turn any distance into meters then put into the formula and change to years
Assuming that the universe expanded at a constant rate and that all the light reaches us so we
can find the distance. Galaxies and Earth are moving at constant speed of light “c” WRT each other.
Cosmological red shift is when space is being stretched and the wavelength stretched.
V = velocity of source
C = speed of light
Is used to say how big the Universe is relative to today. And stretches by the the scale factor.