Rock and Roll Goes To The Movies: Essential Question
Rock and Roll Goes To The Movies: Essential Question
Rock and Roll Goes To The Movies: Essential Question
In the aftermath of Blackboard Jungle, many other films emerged that featured Rock and Roll
culture and its world. Among these were musical films such as Rock Around the Clock—light on
storyline and constructed mainly as a showcase for the top performers of the day. There were
also films in which the singing star became the movie star, typified by the films of Elvis Presley.
Movies including Jailhouse Rock drew large audiences who came to see Elvis sing his hits while
playing dramatic—but always musical—leading men. And then there were films that did not
feature popular music at all, but nonetheless managed to capture the Rock and Roll attitude —
particularly when they told stories of teenage life from the perspective of the teens themselves.
In Rebel Without a Cause, James Dean did not sing a note, but captured the internal struggles of
adolescent angst on film as no one had before. Dean’s rebellious screen persona would become as
emblematic as Elvis’ swiveling hips in defining the look of early Rock and Roll.
In this lesson, students assume the role of entertainment industry professionals responsible for
marketing a selection of movies from the early Rock and Roll era. Following an examination of
trailers, posters, newspaper articles, and the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, students
will present to the class on the various stakeholders that helped shape the way Rock and Roll
culture was introduced to mainstream movie audiences in the 1950s.
nxieties surrounding the release and popularity of •M
ake connections between a selection of films
the film Blackboard Jungle due to its depictions of concerning Rock and Roll culture and concerns
race and juvenile delinquency over the perceived threat of juvenile delinquency
in the mid-1950s
ow the Production Code was used to monitor film
content prior to the 1968 adoption of a ratings •C
ommon Core: Students will work in groups
system to discuss the American film industry from a
variety of professional perspectives, including
he specialized roles of various professional those of the film studio marketing executives,
organizations in producing, marketing, and record labels, the MPAA, and independent
exhibiting American movies theater owners (CCSS Reading 1; CCSS
Speaking and Listening 2)
1. Play the trailer for Blackboard Jungle (1955). Students should take notes on any words and
phrases the narrator uses to describe the onscreen action and music. Discuss as a class:
• What is this movie about? How does the film depict teenagers?
y playing “Rock Around the Clock” over the image of “teenage savages,” what does the film seem to
suggest about Rock and Roll music?
Explain that Blackboard Jungle was the first movie to feature a Rock and Roll song on its
soundtrack. After the film’s release, “Rock Around the Clock” went to number one on Billboard’s
Pop charts, where it remained for eight weeks. However, due to some people’s concerns over the
content of the film, Blackboard Jungle was banned in several American cities.
2. Display June 4, 1955 New York Times article reporting the ban on Blackboard Jungle in
Atlanta. Invite a student to read the article aloud. Discuss as a class:
hat are some of the reasons the Atlanta board of censors cite for banning the film? Based on your
observations from watching the trailer, do you think the ban was warranted?
o you think the controversy over the film helped or hurt the popularity of the song “Rock Around the
Clock?” Explain your answer.
To check for understanding, students will submit to the teacher an “exit ticket” on a
blank piece of paper. On the paper, students will write 3-4 sentences in which they
pick one of the four trailers viewed during the lesson (including Blackboard Jungle) and
discuss why they would most want to see that movie in its entirety. Students may base
their decision on the film’s subject matter, music featured, star actors, the reviews it
received upon first release, or any combination of these factors.
Write a short op-ed to Harrison’s Reviews responding to the RKO Theatre in New Brunswick,
New Jersey’s decision to run a special trailer at the conclusion of each screening of
Blackboard Jungle. Do you agree with the management’s decision? If yes, explain why you
think the strategy helped the community, and if no, explain what you might have done
differently to address people’s concerns about the film.
College and Career Readiness Reading Anchor Standards for Grades 6-12 for Literature and
Informational Text
Reading 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical
inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the text.
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening for Grades 6-12
Speaking and Listening 2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media
and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Theme 1: Culture
Analyze: Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the
Connecting 11: Relate musical ideas and works to varied contexts and daily life to
deepen understanding.