Green Chemistry Application For Sustainable Development
Green Chemistry Application For Sustainable Development
Green Chemistry Application For Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
Lecture 3
The principles of green chemistry
Principle 5. Safer solvents and auxiliary
In its short history, Green Chemistry has been heavily focused on
developing new, cleaner, chemical processes using the new technologies.
Increasing legislation will force an increasing emphasis on products, but it
is important that these in turn are manufactured by green chemical methods.
Industry is becoming more aware of these issues and some companies can
see the business edge and competitive advantage that Green Chemistry can
Basic components
of a reaction
One of the key roles organic solvents play in the chemical industry, however,
is that of reactant solvent allowing the homogenization of a reactant mixture,
speeding up reactions through improved mixing, and in addition reducing
energy consumption.
The selection of the solvent should consider the following:
• What type of application is it for?
• Can the solvent dissolve the solute(s) and can it be recycled with minimum
solvent loss?
• Is the solvent stable, low-cost, and readily available, and is its environmental
impact acceptable?
• What are the physical and chemical properties of pure solvent(s)?
• What are the interactions among different solvents used in multistep
A closer analysis of VOC emission data for solvents reveals that almost half
of the emissions come from the surface coating industry, including
automotive finishing. Non-industrial processes account for around 40% of
emissions; these include pesticide applications as well as consumer solvent
and surface coating applications, such as painting. VOC emissions from
chemical manufacturing processes are a relatively small fraction of overall
emissions, but where these materials are used they often make up a sizeable
percentage of the total process waste coming from chemical factories.
The main environmental issue concerned with VOCs is their ability to form
low-level ozone and smog through free radical air oxidation processes. The
EPA has published a list detailing a number of adverse health effects, which
are now thought to originate from the presence of VOCs in the environment,
- conjunctival irritation
- nose and throat discomfort
- headache
- allergic skin reaction
- dyspnea
- declines in serum cholinesterase levels
- nausea
- fatigue
dizziness. 9
Many technical solutions to the VOC problem are being developed, each
potentially likely to find niche applications. Some of the more common
alternatives to using VOCs including the use of:
- benign non-volatile organic solvents
- solvent-free processes
- supercritical fluids: supercritical carbon dioxide (31.1°C, 73 atm) and
supercritical water (374°C, 218 atm)
- water-based processes
- ionic liquids
- fluorous biphase solvents
Properties of volatile organic solvents
Advantages associated with the use of a solvent-free system over the use
of organic solvent:
1. There is no reaction media to collect, dispose of, or purify and recycle.
2. On a laboratory’s preparative scale, there is often no need for specialized
3. Extensive and expensive purification procedures such as
chromatography can often be avoided due to the formation of sufficiently
pure compounds.
4. Greater selectivity is often observed.
5. Reaction times can be rapid, often with increased yields and lower
energy usage.
6. Economic considerations are more advantageous, since cost savings
can be associated with the lack of solvents requiring disposal or recycling.
Typical examples of such large-scale processes include the manufacture of
benzene, methanol, MTBE, phenol and polypropylene.
Scheme 1
Green solvents are environmentally friendly solvents, or biosolvents, which
are derived from the processing of agricultural crops.
Ethyl lactate
- a green solvent derived from processing corn,
- the ester of lactic acid. Lactate ester solvents are commonly used solvents
in the paints and coatings industry and have numerous attractive advantages:
- 100% biodegradable,
- easy to recycle,
- noncorrosive,
- noncarcinogenic,
- nonozone-depleting.
- is a particularly attractive solvent for the coatings industry as a result of its
high solvency power, high boiling point, low vapor pressure and low surface
tension. 14
Ethyl lactate
- is a desirable coating for wood, polystyrene and metals and also acts as a
very effective paint stripper and graffiti remover,
- has replaced solvents such as toluene, acetone and xylene, resulting in a
much safer workplace,
- is an excellent cleaner for the polyurethane industry,
- has a high solvency power (it is able to dissolve a wide range of
polyurethane resins).
The excellent cleaning power of ethyl lactate also means it can be used to
clean a variety of metal surfaces, efficiently removing greases, oils, adhesives,
and solid fuels.
The use of ethyl lactate is highly valuable, as it has eliminated the use of
chlorinated solvents.
From a green chemistry viewpoint the use of water as a solvent has many
advantages but also some disadvantages.
Water has many interesting properties which are now being exploited in
synthetic chemistry; as the temperature of water is raised the ionic product
increases whilst its density and polarity decrease. Thus at temperatures above
2000C (in the liquid state) water starts to take on many of the properties of
organic solvents whilst at the same time becoming a stronger acid and base,
for example at 3000C water has solvent properties similar to acetone. These
effects are related to the reduction in hydrogen bonding of water at higher
Replacement of organic solvents by water may be done for environmental,
cost (e.g. reduction in raw materials and VOC containment costs) or technical
In the flavor and fragrance industry, where the presence of even trace
amounts of volatile impurities can be detected by the expert 'nose', significant
process costs are entailed in ensuring complete removal of solvent. If
reactions can be carried out in water then these additional costs can be saved.
The increase in acidity and basicity of water at high temperatures often
means that lower amounts of acid or base can be used in the process, which
in turn results in lower salt waste streams.
A hydrolysis process and
highlights the synthetic
versatility and tunability that
can be obtained. At 2000C
indole carboxylic acid esters
Indole synthesis in high are rapidly hydrolysed in high
temperature water yield in the presence of small
amounts of base, but at 2550C
the resulting carboxylic acid is
decarboxylated in over 90%
Indole – used in cosmetics industry (perfumes)
yield in under 20 min.
Some examples using
water as a reaction
Most water-based paints use copolymers of polyvinyl acetate (often with butyl
acrylate). They do contain small amounts of higher-boiling organic solvents
but VOC emission and health risks are minimal; these products are now
widely accepted by the public for home use. A typical household emulsion
paint will contain around 30% polymer, 25% pigments, 15% dispersant and
20% water; the remainder is made up of a range of additives such as
antifoams and in particular around 6% high-boiling organic solvents, mainly
ethylene and propylene glycols.
Ethanol - sole solvent for Sertraline manufacturing
1970 - Pfizer chemist Reinhard Sarges invented a novel series of psychoactive
compounds based on the structures of neuroleptics chlorprothixene and
Sertraline (trade names Zoloft - RO, Lustral) is an antidepressant of the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It was introduced to the
market by Pfizer in 1991. Sertraline is primarily prescribed for major
depressive disorder in adult outpatients as well as obsessive–compulsive,
panic, and social anxiety disorders in both adults and children.
In 2011, it was the second-most prescribed antidepressant on the U.S. retail
market, with 37.208.000 prescriptions.
The new sertraline process
Similarly, Pfizer workers also reported impressive improvements in solvent
usage in the process for sildenafil (Viagra) manufacture, reducing the
solvent usage from 1700L/kg of product used in the medicinal chemistry
broute to 7L/kg in the current commercial process with a target for the
future of 4L/kg.
The E factor (kg waste/kg product) for the current process is 8, placing it
more in the lower end of fine chemicals rather than with typical
pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.
Green Chemistry and reduction of solvent toxicity
Alternative solvents or replacement
In recent years for oxidations chemists use catalytic methods with metallic
complexes. Some of these are: metal-peroxo systems, polyoxometallates
(POM), metal oxide clusters, especially metal - W and heteroanions.
Heterogeneous catalysis for oxidations with zeolitic materials are some other
techniques used in recent years. Many research projects of these types of
oxidation agents can be found in scientific journals for selective oxidations.
b) Catalytic selectivity in synthesis to reduce solvents
Catalytic selectivity can be another research effort for the reduction in the use
of solvents and with higher yields and lower amounts of waste. Many
industrial processes are based in new catalysts, such as inorganic polyacids
and heteropolyacids which act as green catalysts in oxidations, in the
hydration of butane mixtures and in the polymerization of tetrahydrofuran
The heterogeneous catalytic method showed:
- cleaner products,
- minimum waste,
- easy separation of the products.
Various porous materials with small pore diameter can be used as catalytic
surfaces for the regulation of the dissipating reactants (mesoporous solid
acids). Selectivity and higher yields are achieved in this type of reactions.
e) Use of microwave techniques for organic synthesis
Microwave furnaces are widespread now for food warming and cooking. Their
use in organic synthesis started many years ago and their success in organic
synthesis with “green’ criteria is very well established.
Advantages of microwave technique for organic synthesis:
- high yields,
- solvents free,
- low waste,
- very low energy requirements.
f) Sonochemistry
The use of ultrasound for synthesis Chemical reactions can start and
enhanced by sonic waves. Sonochemical reactions by ultrasound is very
advanced “green” techniques with exceptional high yields.
There are three classes of sonochemical reactions:
- homogeneous sonochemistry of liquids,
- heterogeneous sonochemistry of liquid-liquid or solid–liquid systems,
- sonocatalysis.
All these techniques have been advanced with green chemistry principles
in mind, since industrial production of chemical substances is the
fundamental technology producing environmental problems, waste and
toxic by-products. 30
Short conclusions
Principle 6. Design for energy efficiency
Energy sources
Most chemical processes use thermal sources of energy originating from
fossil (or nuclear) fuels.
Devices for the conversion of energy from one form to another
(efficiencies in parentheses)
The energy input to the process is non-specific, i.e. it is not directly targeted
at the chemical bond or even the molecules undergoing reaction.
Much of the energy is ‘wasted’ in heating up reactors, solvent and even the
general environment. For some processes alternative, more specific, forms of
energy, e.g. photochemical and microwave energy, may be beneficially
Whilst use of such alternative forms of energy is not new they are currently
being taken more seriously by manufacturing industries and hence can be
viewed as emerging technologies. Even with thermal sources of energy,
conservation measures can be applied to reduce cost and environmental
Some measures for minimizing energy consumption
► Waste heat recovery. Many processes, and whole factories, now employ
waste heat recovery, for example, hot flue gases pass through a heat
exchanger before being emitted, the resulting hot water being put to
beneficial use. Hot liquid streams from one process step are also used to
directly heat incoming streams for another.
► Matching energy sources to requirements. Most householders realize that
heating a whole house to, say 200C, using electrical resistance heaters
(electric fires) is more costly and uses more energy that a modern gas central
heating system. The same principle applies to the process industries, for
example using high-pressure steam to heat a solution to 350C is highly
inefficient. Hence most industrial sites have a variety of energy sources to
meet specific process demands.
In practice quantum yields are not that easy to measure and it is more useful
to measure total energy consumption.
When a photon is absorbed it must transfer all its energy to the absorbing
molecule, the molecule being promoted to a higher energy state. For many
molecules the energy required for promotion from the electronic ground state
to the lowest excited state falls in the visible and UV regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Advantages of and Challenges faced by photochemical processes
Green credentials:
► Photons are very clean reagents, leaving no residues. A photoinitiated
process therefore has potential advantages even when compared to
reactions initiated by the use of catalysts. Such processes may use fewer
raw materials compared to non-photochemical alternatives, e.g. comparison
of photo- and radical-initiated halogenation reactions.
Examples of photochemical reactions
The caprolactam syntheses
The chemistry involves a radical process resulting from the production of NO
and Cl radicals from NOCl by light of 535nm wavelength. The commercial
success of this process is partially due to the relatively low cost of producing
this 'visible region' light, using a low-pressure mercury lamp doped with
thallium iodide. The thallium iodide both increases the intensity of the required
wavelength and reduces the intensity of lower wavelengths, which initiate
polymer formation; hence fouling is reduced to acceptable levels.
The D3 vitamin syntheses
Some remarks:
Chemistry using microwaves
Microwaves have wavelengths between 1mm and 1m and hence have similar
frequencies to radar and telecommunication devices.
It is evident that whilst certain materials can be heated selectively, the energy
will soon be uniformly distributed throughout a homogeneous reaction
medium. Microwaves may be considered a more efficient source of heating
than conventional steam- or oil heated vessels since the energy is directly
imparted to the reaction medium rather than through the walls of a reaction
One of the reasons why there has been phenomenal growth in research in
microwave chemistry since the early 1990s is the realization that it can provide
a rapid method for screening reactions.
With a heating rate of 100C per second being achievable it is easy to see how
the overall reaction time can be considerably shortened. Although there are
examples of improved reaction selectivities and yields using microwave
heating, any specific microwave effects other than can be obtained by rapid
heating have not been conclusively proven, although it has been postulated
that microwave-induced reactions follow the most polar pathway possible.
Water-bused microwave assisted reactions
The range of reactions carried out under sonochemical conditions is large and
growing rapidly; in many cases some green benefits are obvious.
Examples of electrochemical synthesis
The membrane cell for production of chlorine is the most recent of three
competing processes for chlorine production, the others being the mercury
and the diaphragm cell processes.
Schematic of an
membrane cell
for production of Cl2
The membrane is very selective, only allowing cations to pass; the NaOH is produced at
only 35% concentration, which is less than optimum.
Cell costs are lower than the mercury cell.
In Europe around 50% of chlorine is still produced using the mercury cell, although the
EU are trying to phase these out by 2010.
Since the late 1970s, however, mercury discharges have been reduced by some 95% and
now stand at 1.3 gHg/tCl2. In Japan the mercury process has been phased out, largely
because of intense public concern regarding mercury discharges following 50the
Minamata Bay incident in 1965.
Adiponitrile is produced at over 1 million t/year and, being used in the
manufacture of hexamethylene diamine and (to a small extent) adipic acid, it is
by far the highest-volume organic material that is produced electrochemically.
The mechanism involves electrolytic reduction of acrylonitrile followed by
protonation, further reduction, Michael addition and a final protonation step.
Synthesis of 3-bromothiophene provides an example of the obvious environmental
benefits of an electrochemical route compared to a conventional process.
Both routes start from 2,3,5-tribromothiophene, obtained via bromination of thiophene.
Short conclusions
► Energy consumption, particularly for large-volume chemicals, has been
taken seriously by industry for many years.