Spenc Health and Physical Education
Spenc Health and Physical Education
Spenc Health and Physical Education
Education 3
1st Semester - Module 1
(2 weeks)
Note: This learning module is intended for two (2) weeks, submit it on September 4, 2020
This module is designed developed for students to fully continue their educational knowledge.
Facing the problem that education is affected by the unexpected catastrophe caused by COVID 19.
This module aims to help students towards quality education. Teachers are advice to give adequate
time and time to the students affected by a disaster or state in life after they have studied it.
Encourage students to answer the question contained in the module.
These modules are designed to continue your learning or knowledge despite of the trials,
tragedies and calamities that our country is currently facing. Read and answer this lesson. Answer the
questions contained in the module so that the teacher can correct it.
MODULE 1. Health Optimizing Physical Education 3
In this module, let us fight the present crisis of the pandemic COVID19 with the groove of our body with music.
Dance can be in group, with a partner, or with this present “new normal” dancing solo is wiser.
People from different places enjoy dancing such as in schools, social venues, community halls, our own home
and even in social media through vlogs and tiktok. Dancing has become popular way to be active and a healthy exercise
Dance was originally a form of social gathering and evolved into a competitive event as time evolves. Dancing is
a good recreational activity cause no matter whether it is cold or raining, dancing can be done indoors. With the present
situation of pandemic COVID 19, moving your body with the rhythm of the music is not a hindrance to stay fit and
There many forms of dances, from traditional dance, folk dance, modern contemporary dance, ballroom dance,
cheer dance, hip hop and street dance. So be ready to groove your moves exploring the different genre of the “world of
In this module, you are expected to use variety of dances to achieve the following learning
Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved performance
Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation
Education 3
Let’s start the module by recalling our lessons on How to Achieve Health – Related
Fitness in the previous grade levels. Try to perform the given task below on how can
someone becomes Physically Fit.
Repeat twice
Jog in place 60sec. in every cycle
(High Knees) 15sec. rest after each cycle
15 Tuck Jumps in
Burpees 60sec. for Female
25 for Male
Rest 15seconds
50 taps in both
Taps (Plank) shoulders
Rest 15seconds
Were you able to perform these exercises without experiencing undue fatigue?
In order to perform exercises and other daily tasks efficiently and effectively
without fatigue, you must improve on fitness areas that promote optimum health.
Get Informed
Muscular strength is the amount of force that muscles employ when they are used. You need to
have strong muscles to support your bones and joints. Muscular strength can translate into the
capacity to lift, push, kick, and throw with power. This kind of fitness can help you throw a
baseball, move furniture, or carry a heavy box. Muscular strength can keep you away from
getting injured. It can help your body cope with accidents, such as a fall.
Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscles for a long period of time without getting tired
easily. You need muscular endurance when you ride a bicycle up and down a hill track. Pedaling
Muscular strength and muscular endurance are interrelated. You need to have muscular
strength to be able to lift heavy things repeatedly for a longer period of time.
Flexibility is the ability to bend, twist, reach, and move the joints easily. You need flexibility to
bend down, twist your body, or reach for something. You utilize flexibility when you strike a
tennis ball or touch your toes while being seated.
To improve your flexibility, you can do stretching exercises to loosen your muscles and
joints. Stretching exercises are very important to your day – to – day activities. They prevent you
from further injuries, enhance your performance, and relieve you from muscles tension and
stiffness. Stretching exercises is excellent relaxation method and stress reducer. A well –
planned stretching routine improves your flexibility and makes you feel better.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance refers to the ability to perform activities need increased oxygen
for a period of time. This type of fitness keeps you from getting tired easily. It keeps you from
having shortness of breath. You can probably engage in an activity for several minutes before
you notice that you are breathing faster and faster. Cardiorespiratory endurance is the capacity
of your heart and lungs to work efficiently during physical activity.
There are many physical activities that can improve your cardiorespiratory endurance.
Running, walking, biking, and swimming are examples of activities you can engage in.
You have just performed and finished the given task on How to Achieve Health – Related
Fitness. Remember your ideas and ready yourself for this will help you do well
in the project at the end of this module. Through performing some fun
activities, you are going to express what you have discovered about dance.
Let’s find out how others would perform by themselves. We will start by doing
the next activity.
What I Know
Direction: Choose the best answer to the following questions. (Provide another sheet for
your answer, and answer directly)
1. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not require energy?
A. ATP B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
2. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is used
in a longer period of time?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
4. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except:
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C
5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the benefits of it. Which
of the following is the least beneficial factor of aerobic exercise?
A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke
B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood pressure
6. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her exercise
routine, which of the following is the best thing that she should do?
A. Set SMART goals C. Meditate
B. Walk before you run D. Observe others
7. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe
environment. The statement means:
A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic fitness
B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management
8. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were observed:
bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance genre?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
9. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some b-
boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competition he is joining?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
10. Liam and Denise are the loveliest couple I love to see performing the Cha cha cha,
Rumba and Jive. They won as the best couple for the Latin Discipline. What type of
genre these dances belong?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
11. Which of the following dance genre often considered to have emerged as a rejection of
or rebellion against classical ballet?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
12. Which component of physical fitness refers to the physical attributes such as the cardio-
respiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility?
A. Fitness B. Health-related C. Skills-related D. Talent-related
13. The hexagonal test is performed by jumping to specific direction inside the hexagon in
two revolutions in the shortest period of time. Which component is being assessed?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Speed
14. Which of the following FITT principle refers to the amount of energy the exercise
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
15. Sunshine gain her weights and eventually turned obese over the years. Her reason is,
“it’s easier for me to find excuses not to exercise than to go out to do something”. This
barrier in participating physical activities refers to:
A. Lack of time C. Lack of will power
B. Lack of energy D. Lack of skill
Optimize Energy Through
1 Dance
Direction: Identify the words or terminology of the following statements from topic Optimizing
Energy using the word cloud. (Your answer must be written in another sheet of paper)
____________________ 6. The term for energy system that does not require
15. _________________________
What I Need to Know
Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity assessment
What’s New?
2. Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub0maximal exercise
3. Protein – used for growth and repair (negligible use during exercise)
3. Oxidative System – also known as Krebs Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In this
system, carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources converted into ATP and
this process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell.
If we have enough oxygen present in the blood, then pyruvate, the end product of
glycolysis, is shuttled to the mitochondria and we enter the oxidative energy system.