Off Campus Education

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Off campus education








SOHELMAHAMUD 111 171 084




MARIUAM AKTER 111 163 104


Date: 26th August 2019

United international University

Table of contents

List and figure......................................................................................................................................iv

Executive summary...............................................................................................................................v

1 Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the report.................................................................................................................2

1.2 Objective of the report.................................................................................................................2

1.3 Research question........................................................................................................................2

1.4 Methodology................................................................................................................................2

1.5 Scope and limitation....................................................................................................................3

2 Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Operational model.......................................................................................................................5

2.2 Benefits of off campus education.................................................................................................5

2.3 Drawback of off campus education..............................................................................................6

2.4 Challenges of off campus education............................................................................................7

3 Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................8

3.1 Recommendation.........................................................................................................................9

3.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................9


Appendix 2..........................................................................................................................................12

List and figure

Figure 1 Operational Model .................................................……………………………………5

Figure 2 Benefits of off campus education ………………..……………………………………5

Figure 3 Disadvantage …………………………………….……………………………............6

Figure 4 Challenges ……………………………………….……………………………………7

Executive summary

It is fundamental to the progressive approach of education that students need to learn about their
world through a comprehensive process of gaining practical experiences related to life skills,
interests, talents and career opportunities, and that they grow in knowledge, skills and attitudes
by participating in a contributive way to these off-campus education programs that are delivered
through school-community partnerships. The residential semester offers a holistic curriculum
based on the principle of ‘experiential learning’, which cultivates a broad range of soft skills and
qualities, to compliment the theoretical development that students undergo. The curriculum’s
intensive programs delivered mainly in English and help to develop rounded individuals, whose
improved leadership skills, ability to independently face challenges, and proficiency in English
will better prepare them to face the challenges of higher education and eventually give them a
competitive edge in the job market. The residential semester provides a support system that aids
students in becoming confident and self-reliant. The residential semester is aimed to teach
students values such as diversity, good governance, history and culture, and encourages students
to engage in debate, recitation, cultural activities, sports, yoga and indoor games. It also creates
awareness of social issues and awareness against drug abuse. Residential semester teaches the
importance of friendship, respecting each other views and to coexist in diversity.

1 Chapter 1

Off campus learning

1.1 Background of the report

There was a time when an on-campus student gained his or her subject knowledge from
attendance at lectures and primarily used this medium to assimilate and develop an
understanding of the subject. Modern information systems have changed this and made
information more accessible by alternative means like as off campus education.
Off-campus education is an experiential method of learning that integrates a student’s
classroom studies with recognized on-the-job work experiences. Off-campus education
programs are based on a partnership involving the school, the parents/guardians, the student
and the employing organization, for instance business, industry, government or not-for-profit
agency, with each of the partners sharing the responsibility for student growth and learning.

1.2 Objective of the report

The general objectives of this report is to see and analyze the off campus education in
The more specific objectives of this report are following:

 To see how off campus education help a student.

 To see what are the financial implication.
 To see how the student feel about off campus education.
 To see the challenges of off campus education.

1.3 Research question

1. What are the benefits of off campus?

2. What are the drawbacks of off campus?
3. How to handle off campus education?
4. How the students take this off campus education?

1.4 Methodology

All the relevant data were collected through primary sources.

We have used the observational approach and interview approach for collecting our required
data. A questionnaire was prepared to find out the information of off campus education. To
do this, we arranged a semi structure interview.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The report covers almost all the aspect of thinking & answers almost all questions of
investigative minds about the feasibility of the proposed on off campus education.
 Primary data is mainly used to construct this report.

Therefore the report creates a great scope for further practical operation.
Besides scopes, this report has some limitations as well. Here we enlist the limitations of the

 We couldn’t find enough information on different issues covered in this report.

 Brac University’s some student didn’t provide relevant data.
 To make an effective report we need more time but we couldn’t get as well as.
 Brac University didn’t give us permission to enter their off campus. That’s why
we arranged informal discussion with their students.

Despite of these limitations, we tried to make this report as informative and analytical as

2 Chapter 2
Finding and discussion

2.1 Operational model

Brac University's residential semester is mandatory

for every undergraduate student to attend and
usually the duration is around 3 months. A number
of separate dormitories for male and female
students, teacher's quarter, computer lab, class
rooms, seminar hall common places, four dining
(tripti, sugondha, tushti, shurovi&kosturi), Figure 1 Operational Model

library, medical center and psychological

consultation center exist in the campus.

In addition, the Brac university regulates their off campus education through:

1. Brac university gives accommodation for the student.

2. The Brac university provide 3 times meal like as breakfast in the morning, lunch in
afternoon and dinner for the night.

3. Student have to work various thing like washing cloth and sometime they have to
work in field like as agricultural, gardening, various hatchery like fish, poultry etc.

4. They provide multipurpose learning system for instance playing, discussing, cocking,
cleaning, leadership, communicating etc.

2.2 Benefits of off campus education

 Everybody learns how to develop themselves as a mature and aims at shaping them
into responsible human beings.

 Helps to creating a strong sense of social

responsibility and bring about qualitative
improvement in students' social skills.

 Improving communications skills, especially

in English.

 Off-campus life kills narrowness of mind.

Figure 2 Benefits of off campus education

 It helps students broaden their mind and
makes a student fully accommodative in all
circumstance of life.

 Increase awareness of each other’s rights and responsibilities as members of society

and citizens of a nation.

 Students feel the environment and work hard to learn how to live together.

 Students trained automatically in self-reliance courses.

 Improve their interactions with people, aiding them in acquiring communication skills
that will give them a competitive edge in the job market.

 Students learn regularity; and education, obtain in this way becomes perfect

 Developing firm principles that guide students in all of their actions, whether in the
personal, social, or public spheres, and teaching them to respect one another.

 It provides a holistic education, through academic, extracurricular and experiential

activities students get benefit and learn vital social skills by being a part of the
residential semester.

2.3 Drawback of off campus education

 The residential semester is challenging for almost all students. For

many of them, it is the first time they have to live away from their
families for a length of time.

 Some students went wrong for the sake of bad company.

 Some students secretly using drugs and are getting themselves Figure 3 Disadvantage

involved in different types of socially prohibited acts.

 Depending on the off campus, the financial cost may higher than on campus

 During the semester, students have to get accustomed to the new food, living
conditions, and overall ambience. They miss their parents, siblings, and friends from
their neighborhoods.

 Institution being very strict about the residential semester, not allowing students to
skip it if needed. This has forced some students to drop out of the university
altogether, having no other option.

 Living in a residence hall means sacrificing privacy.

 During the semester, there is much social stigma around mental health problems,
which prevents students from asking for help when they feel overwhelmed.

 For certain students, it’s truly detrimental to his or her health living away from family.

2.4 Challenges of off campus education

1. According to reports, university should have an

active psychosocial counseling unit and
professional counselors in its main campus in

2. The school should, in the future, take mental

conditions into serious consideration, and if
necessary, waive the residential semester for the
students. Figure 4 Challenges

3. Brac university should have professional

psychiatrists (which they don’t have yet) to diagnose mental conditions and see, for
certain students, if living away from family will truly be detrimental to his or her

3 Chapter 3

Recommendation & conclusion

3.1 Recommendation

 The residential semester should not mandatory for all students.

 They should give proper guideline for the student.
 The financial cost should be reasonable for all students.
 They should provide opportunities for students to meet with their friends, parents
and their siblings.
 The authority should maintain privacy for student in the off campus education.
 The authority should concentrate about student’s health and mental issues.

3.2 Conclusion

Off-campus programs could be a useful educational approach for the students. The
students who participated in the program achieved different types of learning through the
off-campus classes. They also had a positive impression of the community-based
experience and interaction with the local residents, which is considered a favorable
outcome. And the students who participate off campus education they faces several
barriers like as physical barrier, cultural barrier, financial barrier and location barrier.
Despite of this barrier, we can say that off campus education system is a great way to
learn about new cultural environment if the authority takes it serious and standard. 



Dear friend,
We are students of united international university, conducting a survey on “off campus
education” as a fulfillment of our business communication course’s trimester report.

You are requested to respond to the questions which will take about 7-10 minutes of your
time. We assure you that the information about your will remain strictly confidential and
will be used for academic purposes only.



Please read and answer the following statements.

Q1: Do you believe off campus education kills narrowness of mind?

yes no

Q2: Are the financial cost of off campus education affordable for you?

yes no

Q3: Do you believe living off campus is more affordable than living on campus?

yes no

Q4: Do you prefer to have more privacy while being at college?

yes no

Q5: Do you feel it is harder to get involved in clubs and activities if you are living off

yes no

Q6:   Do you think the social aspect of dorm life has a negative effect on your grades?

yes no

Q7:do you think your responsibility level off campus is more than being on campus?

yes no

Q8: Would you feel safer on or off campus?

on campus off campus

Q9. Do you prefer to cook for yourself or to eat at the dining hall?

cook dining hall

***End of questionnaire***
Thank you for your coorperation

Appendix 2

Interview questions:

1. What are the benefits of off campus education?

2. What are the drawbacks of off campus education?

3. How to handle off campus education?

4. How the students take this off campus education?


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