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Exercise Builds Brain Health: Key Roles of Growth Factor Cascades and

Article  in  Trends in Neurosciences · October 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2007.06.011 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Nicole C Berchtold
University of California, Irvine


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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

Exercise builds brain health: key roles

of growth factor cascades and
Carl W. Cotman, Nicole C. Berchtold and Lori-Ann Christie
University of California, Irvine Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia, 1113 Gillespie Building, Irvine, CA 92617-4540, USA

Human and other animal studies demonstrate that regulation of growth factors, which operate in unique
exercise targets many aspects of brain function and has cascades to orchestrate structural and functional change.
broad effects on overall brain health. The benefits of In turn, mechanisms that interfere with growth factor
exercise have been best defined for learning and memory, signaling – specifically inflammation – are modulated by
protection from neurodegeneration and alleviation of exercise in the periphery and in the central nervous system
depression, particularly in elderly populations. Exercise (CNS), as outlined in the last section. We propose that
increases synaptic plasticity by directly affecting synaptic reduction of inflammation by exercise is a common means
structure and potentiating synaptic strength, and by by which exercise reduces peripheral risk factors for cog-
strengthening the underlying systems that support nitive decline and neurodegeneration. We conclude with a
plasticity including neurogenesis, metabolism and vas- brief analysis of future directions and approaches to opti-
cular function. Such exercise-induced structural and func- mize the impact of exercise on brain function.
tional change has been documented in various brain
regions but has been best-studied in the hippocampus Various functional modalities are improved by
– the focus of this review. A key mechanism mediating exercise
these broad benefits of exercise on the brain is induction Exercise enhances learning and plasticity
of central and peripheral growth factors and growth In humans, robust effects of exercise have been most clearly
factor cascades, which instruct downstream structural demonstrated in aging populations, where sustained exer-
and functional change. In addition, exercise reduces per- cise participation enhances learning and memory, improves
ipheral risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension and executive function, counteracts age-related and disease-
cardiovascular disease, which converge to cause brain related mental decline, and protects against age-related
dysfunction and neurodegeneration. A common mechan- atrophy in brain areas crucial for higher cognitive processes
ism underlying the central and peripheral effects of exer- [1–3]. Interestingly, a dose–response relationship between
cise might be related to inflammation, which can impair exercise duration/intensity and health-related quality of life
growth factor signaling both systemically and in the has been reported, whereby the best outcomes are associ-
brain. Thus, through regulation of growth factors and ated with moderate exercise [4]. Consistent with research in
reduction of peripheral and central risk factors, exercise humans, rodent studies demonstrate that exercise can facili-
ensures successful brain function. tate both acquisition and retention in young and aged
animals in various hippocampus-dependent tasks including
Introduction the Morris water maze [5,6], the radial arm maze [7], passive
Much evidence is converging on the concept that lifestyle avoidance [8] and object recognition [9]. Not all studies,
factors such as exercise can improve learning and memory, however, have consistently demonstrated improvements
delay age-related cognitive decline, reduce risk of neuro- in both acquisition and retention: some have shown benefits
degeneration, and play a part in alleviating depression. As in acquisition or retention only. This variability is probably
we delineate in the first part of this review, the evidence related to differences in the exercise protocol (voluntary
that exercise can affect these endpoints has become better versus forced), in combination with the intensity (in forced
established in the past few years, and provides a founda- exercise models) and duration of exercise exposure. Alth-
tion for elucidating more precisely the mechanisms ough both forced exercise and voluntary exercise benefit
through which exercise modulates brain function. In the acquisition and/or learning, voluntary exercise seems to
subsequent two sections, by focusing primarily on the produce benefits more reliably, especially after shorter
hippocampus, we discuss how exercise can affect brain exercise duration. In addition, although some studies show
structure, from increased neurogenesis and angiogenesis improvements after 1 week of exercise [6,10], most benefits
to greater dendritic complexity, and we define the under- have been associated with longer-term exercise (3–12
lying mechanisms. It is increasingly clear that a central weeks) [5,7–9].
mechanism is exercise-dependent peripheral and central Along with improved behavioral performance, exercise
Corresponding author: Cotman, C.W. ( facilitates synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, a key
Available online 31 August 2007. structure for spatial learning. Facilitated plasticity is most 0166-2236/$ – see front matter . Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2007.06.011
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 465

evident in the dentate gyrus (DG), where exercise In addition to the benefits of exercise in stroke,
enhances both short-term potentiation and long-term retrospective and cross-sectional studies suggest that
potentiation (LTP) [11] – synaptic analogs of learning. participation in physical activity delays onset of and
In particular, exercise enhances potentiation in response reduces risk for Alzheimer disease (AD), Huntington’s
to theta [11] and high-frequency [9,12] stimulation, and disease and Parkinson’s disease, and can even slow func-
reduces the threshold of theta stimulation required for tional decline after neurodegeneration has begun [2–4,20].
LTP induction in the perforant path [11]. Exercise-facili- Intervention studies demonstrate that individuals with
tated LTP in the DG is paralleled by altered cytoarchitec- AD who exercise show improved function on the daily
ture in the DG, including increases in dendritic length, living scale, slowed rate of decline in cognitive tests,
dendritic complexity, spine density and neural progenitor improved physical function and decreased depressive
proliferation [13]. Interestingly, no potentiation in res- symptoms, as compared with non-exercisers who show
ponse to high-frequency stimulation has been reported continued decline [21,22]. Recent evidence suggests that
in the CA1 after exercise [12]; however, exercise effects exercise might have the most cognitive benefits in individ-
in the CA1 have been studied less extensively than those in uals with the ApoE4 genotype (a risk factor for AD) [23],
the DG. In parallel with the effects of exercise on hippo- although this area remains controversial [20]. Similar to
campal cytoarchitecture and electrophysiological proper- studies on AD, clinical intervention studies in individuals
ties, exercise increases the levels of synaptic proteins with Parkinson’s disease demonstrate that aerobic train-
(synapsin and synaptophysin [14]), glutamate receptors ing improves movement initiation and aerobic capacity
(NR2b and GluR5 [11]) and the availability of several [24], and improves activities of daily living [25]. In parallel
classes of growth factor including brain-derived neuro- with clinical studies, exercise has been shown to improve
trophic factor (BDNF) [15] and insulin-like growth fac- function in several animal models of neurodegenerative
tor-1 (IGF-1) [16], which can enhance plasticity. The diseases by, for example, delaying symptom onset and
potential central role of growth factors in exercise-depend- slowing cognitive decline in mice transgenic for Hunting-
ent benefits in brain maintenance, health and function is ton’s disease [26], and improving spatial learning and
explored in more detail below. memory in transgenic mouse models of AD [27].
Although strong evidence supports the idea that Mechanisms underlying the benefits of exercise in
exercise can facilitate learning in humans and other neurodegeneration are in the early stages of investigation
animals, there is a gap in our knowledge regarding the in animal models such as transgenic mouse models of AD. In
types of learning that are improved with exercise. For these models, exercise reduces the load of amyloid-b (Ab)
example, human studies on exercise-dependent effects plaques in the hippocampus and cortex, possibly by regulat-
on cognition have focused on frontal-brain-dependent ing processing of the amyloid precursor protein and/or
tasks (executive function), whereas animal studies have increasing degradation and clearance of Ab [27,28]. Impor-
assessed effects primarily on hippocampus-dependent tantly, exercising animals show improved hippocampus-
learning and plasticity. A key area of future research will dependent learning [27], indicating that the benefits of
be to refine animal studies investigating the cognitive exercise are functionally significant in this neurodegenera-
effects of exercise to increase their relevance and translat- tive condition.
ability to humans.
Exercise is therapeutic and protective in depression
Exercise is neuroprotective Emerging evidence suggests that exercise has therapeutic
In addition to benefitting learning and memory, extensive and preventative effects on depression. The prevention and
research demonstrates that exercise has neuroprotective treatment of depression are important areas to define:
effects. These effects have been best defined with respect to depression is linked to cognitive decline [29] and is con-
reducing brain injury, and to delaying onset of and decline sidered to cause a worldwide health burden greater than
in several neurodegenerative diseases. For example, that of ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease or
engaging individuals affected by stroke in post-stroke thera- tuberculosis [30]. Therapeutic effects of exercise on depres-
peutic exercise programs accelerates functional rehabilita- sion have been most clearly established in human studies.
tion (reviewed in Ref. [17]). Clinical trials assessing the Randomized and crossover clinical trials demonstrate the
efficacy of post-stroke exercise typically combine cardiovas- efficacy of aerobic or resistance training exercise (2–4
cular training (treadmill or exercise bike) with weight train- months) as a treatment for depression in both young
ing or targeted movement therapy, and the improvements [31] and older [32,33] individuals. The benefits are similar
are probably due to the combination of interventions. to those achieved with anti-depressants [32]. They are also
Animal models of ischemia (middle cerebral artery occlu- dose dependent: greater improvements are seen with
sions) suggest, however, that cardiovascular training thera- higher levels of exercise [33].
pies alone can reduce stroke damage and improve recovery. Furthermore, therapeutic effects of exercise on
Notably, reduced infarct volume and improved function depressive symptoms have been demonstrated in con-
have been observed when animals engage in either forced ditions of neurodegeneration in humans. Specifically, in
[18] or voluntary [19] running, and both pre-stroke [18] and a randomized clinical trial, 3 months of exercise interven-
post-stroke [19] exercise shows efficacy. An essential future tion improved depressive symptoms in individuals with
goal will be to define the type, timing and intensity of AD, whereas non-exercising subjects showed worsening of
exercise interventions to determine how exercise will aid depressive symptoms [21]. In addition to a therapeutic
in post-stroke rehabilitation. effect, evidence from human studies shows that exercise
466 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

can provide some protection from the development of To support exercise-induced changes in brain function
depression [34], although further studies are needed to such as enhanced plasticity, neurogenesis and resilience to
resolve inconsistent findings. A protective effect of sus- insult, the brain must meet increased nutrient and energy
tained exercise (>2 weeks) has been clearly demonstrated needs. Such demands are met with higher expression of
in animal models of depression, including stress-induced enzymes involved in glucose use and metabolism in the
learned helplessness [35,36]. In addition, a therapeutic hippocampus [47,48] and in other brain regions. In
effect of exercise on exiting depression has been recently addition, exercise leads to widespread growth of blood
established in an animal model [37]; this therapeutic effect vessels in the hippocampus [5], cortex [49] and cerebellum
parallels that observed in human studies. [50]; these blood vessels provide increased nutrient and
Although exercise seems to have both preventative and energy supply. Indeed, a recent in vivo imaging study in
therapeutic effects on the course of depression, the under- humans (ages 21–45) has shown that 12 weeks of cardio-
lying mechanisms are poorly understood. Protective effects vascular training increases blood flow in the DG, and this
of exercise from stress have focused on the hippocampus, increase is correlated with improved rate of learning in a
where exercise-induced neurogenesis [38] and growth fac- hippocampus-dependent task [51]. In turn, these changes
tor expression [39] have been proposed as potential ensure that the enhanced brain function stimulated by
mediators, although not without controversy [40]. Other exercise can be supported and maintained. In addition,
proposed mechanisms include exercise-driven changes in exercise-induced increases in microglia and astrocytes
the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis that regulates [52], observed in several brain regions, also might help
the stress response [31], and altered activity of dorsal to maintain enhanced brain health and function with
raphe serotonin neurons implicated in mediating learned exercise. The significance of changes in glia and astrocytes
helplessness behaviors [36]. It is important to note that in response to exercise has not been defined and merits
the translatability of animal studies is dependent on the further study.
animal model of depression and how well it parallels
the human condition – an area that remains under active Growth factors are central to the benefits of exercise
investigation. for the brain
Exercise modulates both plasticity and various supporting
Mechanisms of exercise effects on brain health systems that participate in maintaining brain function and
In parallel with its benefits in learning and depression, health. To understand how exercise achieves these effects,
exercise modulates a range of supporting systems for brain the regulatory mechanisms underlying these changes need
maintenance and plasticity including neurogenesis, to be defined. At first glance, it would seem unlikely that
enhanced CNS metabolism and angiogenesis. Neurogen- common mechanisms could mediate the varied effects of
esis and other exercise-induced alterations in neuronal exercise on learning, depression, neurogenesis, angiogen-
circuitry and function must be met by an adequate nutrient esis and overall brain health. An emerging overarching
and energy supply, which in turn is supported by changes concept, however, is that exercise increases brain avail-
in metabolic function and blood flow. ability of several classes of growth factors that modulate
Enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis is one of the nearly all of the functional endpoints enhanced by exercise.
most reproducible effects of exercise in the rodent brain At present, BDNF, IGF-1 and vascular endothelial-
[12,16,41], and might be a key mechanism mediating derived growth factor (VEGF) are the principal growth
exercise-related improvements in learning and memory factors known to mediate the effects of exercise on the
and resistance to depression (although the role of neuro- brain. These growth factors work in concert to produce
genesis in these functions is controversial at present). In complementary functional effects, modulating both over-
both young and old animals, exercise stimulates prolifer- lapping and unique aspects of exercise-related benefits in
ation of the neural progenitor population, increases brain plasticity, function and health. Effects of exercise on
the number of new neurons, and promotes survival of learning and depression are predominantly regulated by
these new cells [12,16,41]. These new neurons become IGF-1 and BDNF, whereas exercise-dependent stimu-
functionally integrated into the hippocampal architec- lation of angiogenesis and hippocampal neurogenesis
ture [42], but they are unique from mature granule cells seems to be regulated by IGF-1 and VEGF (Figure 1).
in that they have a lower threshold of excitability [43].
This feature makes these new neurons well suited to Role of growth factors in exercise-induced benefits in
mediate exercise-stimulated enhanced plasticity, such learning and plasticity
as facilitated perforant-path LTP [11]. Hippocampal Abundant evidence from animal and human research
neurogenesis has been linked to learning and memory supports the idea that BDNF is essential for hippocampal
[44,45] and might be related to the therapeutic effects function, synaptic plasticity, learning, and modulation of
of antidepressants ([46]; but see Ref. [40]) – two func- depression [53]. In animal studies, exercise increases
tional endpoints that are improved by exercise. The BDNF in several brain regions, and the most robust and
functional consequences of hippocampal neurogenesis enduring response occurs in the hippocampus [54]. After
remain under intense debate, and it will be important several days of exercise, BDNF gene and protein pro-
to determine whether the enhancement of hippocampal duction by neurons is increased in all hippocampal sub-
neurogenesis with exercise contributes to facilitated fields, and remains higher for weeks with sustained
plasticity, improved learning and memory, or protection exercise [15]. Regulation of hippocampal BDNF by exercise
from stress. is mediated by neurotransmitter systems (reviewed in Refs
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 467

Figure 1. Exercise regulates learning, neurogenesis and angiogenesis through growth factor cascades. Insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1), brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) derived from central and peripheral sources act in concert to modulate exercise-dependent effects on the brain.
(a) Exercise enhances learning by induction of BDNF and IGF-1. Neurotransmitters, including NMDA receptors and the noradrenergic (NE) system [54,55], peripheral IGF-1
and possibly centrally derived IGF-1, mediate the induction of hippocampal BDNF with exercise. In turn, BDNF signaling is likely to be a hub for effects of exercise on
learning, including acquisition, retention and LTP. (b) Exercise stimulates neurogenesis in the hippocampus through the interactive effects of IGF-1 with VEGF. Peripheral
IGF-1 and VEGF cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and drive enhanced proliferation and survival. (c) Exercise stimulates angiogenesis through the effects of IGF-1 and
VEGF on endothelial cell proliferation and vessel growth. Peripheral sources of the growth factors (and possibly also central sources) mediate the effects. The role of BDNF
in exercise-mediated neurogenesis and angiogenesis has not been directly tested.

[54,55]), by neuroendocrine systems [54], and by IGF-1 exercise-induced activation of the calmodulin kinase II
[56]. Like BDNF, IGF-1 gene expression is increased in and mitogen-activated protein kinase II (MAPKII) path-
hippocampal neurons in response to exercise, occurring ways [56] – effects that seem to be mediated by IGF-1-
several days after exercise onset [56]. In addition, periph- dependent regulation of BDNF signaling [56]. This last
eral circulating levels of IGF-1 are rapidly increased in study could not differentiate whether the effects were due
response to exercise (within 1 h) [57], and the peripheral to a block of peripherally derived or centrally produced IGF-
increase in IGF-1 seems to be essential for exercise- 1, and IGF-1 from both sources potentially could be involved.
induced neurogenesis [16] and improved memory [56]. Much evidence indicates that there are points of
Both BDNF signaling and IGF-1 signaling are crucial convergence between IGF-1 and BDNF signaling. First,
mechanisms underlying improved learning in response to IGF-1 increases BDNF signaling in response to exercise.
exercise, as has been established by using blocking anti- Blocking IGF-1 signaling in vivo prevents the induction of
bodies in combination with exercise. BDNF signaling can hippocampal BDNF in response to exercise and, in paral-
be blocked with antibodies to TrkB (anti-TrkB), the re- lel, attenuates the exercise-dependent induction of synap-
ceptor for BDNF. Intra-hippocampal injection of anti-TrkB tic proteins (e.g. synapsin I) downstream from TrkB
attenuates the beneficial effects of exercise on hippo- signaling [56]. Second, IGF-1 increases neuronal levels
campus-dependent learning, specifically blocking improve- of TrkB in hippocampal cultures, thereby increasing
ments in both the acquisition and the retention of a spatial BDNF signaling [58] – an effect that might also occur in
learning task [6,14]. In addition, anti-TrkB attenuates the vivo. Third, BDNF, but not IGF-1, modulates the exercise-
exercise-dependent induction of synaptic proteins (e.g. dependent enhancement of synaptic plasticity mechan-
synaptophysin and synapsin) in the hippocampus [6,14]. isms that are thought to underlie learning and memory.
These results demonstrate that BDNF signaling must be For example, BDNF, similar to exercise, facilitates LTP
active for the effects of exercise on hippocampal plasticity (reviewed in Ref. [59]) and activates MAPK [60] – a signal
to manifest. transduction pathway that is important for LTP. By con-
In parallel, function-blocking antibodies to IGF-1 trast, a direct role for IGF-1 in LTP has not been shown,
(anti-IGF-1) also demonstrate that IGF-1 signaling has and IGF-1 is only a weak activator of the MAPK pathway in
an essential role in exercise effects on hippocampus-depend- comparison to BDNF [60]. These results suggest that IGF-
ent learning and plasticity. Intra-hippocampal injection of 1 and BDNF work in concert, and that there is a conver-
anti-IGF-1 prevents enhancement of spatial recall, but gence on BDNF signaling as a final common downstream
not acquisition [56]. In addition, anti-IGF-1 attenuates mechanism mediating exercise effects on hippocampal
exercise-dependent induction of synapsin I and blocks plasticity and learning.
468 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

Role of growth factors in exercise-induced benefits in In addition to a role in neurogenesis, peripheral IGF-1 is
depression necessary for exercise-induced vessel remodeling in the
The hippocampus is one brain region implicated in the brain [69], an effect that might be mediated in part by
pathophysiology of depression, and exercise-dependent induction of VEGF. Exercise-induced angiogenesis is associ-
induction of BDNF in the hippocampus might be a mech- ated with an increase in brain VEGF mRNA and protein
anism contributing to the protective and therapeutic effect [49]; this increase has potent mitotic activity specific to
of exercise on this disorder. This idea is based on the vascular endothelial cells, affecting proliferation, survival,
observation that hippocampal infusion of BDNF or over- adhesion, migration and capillary tube formation [70]. A
expression of TrkB receptors produces antidepressant-like role for BDNF in exercise-dependent neurogenesis or angio-
effects in preclinical models of behavioral despair [61,62], genesis has not been directly tested. We can predict, how-
whereas mice lacking BDNF show impaired antidepress- ever, that induction of BDNF participates in increasing
ant responses [63]. Furthermore, human genetic studies proliferation and survival of new neurons because BDNF
demonstrate that impaired BDNF availability is associ- regulates baseline neurogenesis in vivo [71].
ated with susceptibility to depression and other mood
disorders [64]. Lastly, evidence indicates that BDNF- Downstream regulation of signal transduction, gene
mediated TrkB signaling is both sufficient and necessary transcription and protein expression
for antidepressant-like effects in rodents [65]. These data Although it is clear that growth factors and growth factor
suggest that exercise-dependent induction of hippocampal signaling cascades are central regulatory mechanisms
BDNF might contribute to protective or therapeutic effects underlying the effects of exercise in the CNS, there is less
of exercise on depression. In addition, exercise and phar- information on the mechanisms by which these growth
maceutical antidepressants seem to act synergistically to factors and other effectors regulate the structural, meta-
upregulate BDNF in the hippocampus, suggesting that bolic and functional endpoints.
there is a convergent mechanism between these thera- It is known that exercise controls signal transduction
peutic interventions [66]. pathways and gene expression, which then effect down-
Similar to BDNF, antidepressant effects have been stream change. For example, exercise can activate the
reported for IGF-1: ventricular IGF-1 injection produces MAPK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways
antidepressant-like (anxiolytic-like) effects that endure for in neurons [56]; these pathways can augment LTP and
a week or more [67]. Although the evidence for IGF-1 is not production of additional growth factors. In addition, exer-
as compelling as that for BDNF, increases in both of these cise regulates activity of transcription factors such as
growth factors in the CNS might contribute to anxiolytic or CREB [72], which is crucial for learning and memory.
anti-depressant benefits of exercise. The mechanism by Furthermore, proteomic and microarray analyses have
which growth factors might have antidepressant effects is shown that many classes of proteins, in addition to growth
largely unknown. It has been recently proposed, however, factors, are regulated by exercise [47,48], including those
that neurotrophic factors themselves do not control mood, involved in metabolism, inflammation and synaptic
but rather they facilitate the activity-dependent modu- plasticity. Lastly, as described above, exercise – through
lation of networks that are required to induce antidepress- gene and protein expression – controls proliferation of
ant effects [39]. If BDNF signaling does play a central part various types of cell in the CNS, including neural progeni-
in exercise-induced benefits in depression, it will be tors, glia and epithelial cells.
important to determine whether exercise interacts with Growth factors orchestrate most, if not all, of the brain
BDNF polymorphisms, particularly the valine–methionine responses to exercise through either direct or indirect
polymorphism that causes impaired BDNF transport and effects. As the field evolves, these and other downstream
release [68]. effects will be further defined as probable mechanisms that
mediate the neuroprotective, structural, metabolic and
Role of growth factors in exercise effects on functional changes elicited by exercise.
neurogenesis and angiogenesis
Whereas IGF-1 and BDNF mediate behavioral Systemic mechanisms: exercise reduces peripheral
improvements with exercise, the interactive effects of risk factors
IGF-1 with VEGF seem to orchestrate exercise-induced An emerging fundamental concept is that brain health and
neurogenesis and angiogenesis. Both IGF-1 and VEGF are cognitive function are modulated by the interplay of var-
increased in the periphery by exercise and cross the blood– ious central and peripheral factors. Specifically, brain
brain barrier to enter the brain [16,41,69]. Peripheral function is compromised by the presence of peripheral risk
sources of IGF-1 and VEGF mediate stimulation of neu- factors for cognitive decline, including hypertension,
rogenesis and angiogenesis with exercise, as has been hyperglycemia, insulin insensitivity and dyslipidemia –
demonstrated by using blocking antibodies. For example, a cluster of features that have been conceptualized as
blocking either IGF-1 [16] or VEGF [41] signaling (by the ‘metabolic syndrome’ [73]. Of the various aspects of
blocking peripheral growth factor entry to the brain) pre- the metabolic syndrome, the most crucial for cognitive
vents exercise-induced proliferation of neural precursors in function are hypertension and glucose intolerance [73].
the hippocampus, and blocking IGF-1 partially blocks the A common feature of many of these conditions is systemic
survival-promoting effect of exercise on newly generated inflammation, which contributes to most if not all of the
neural precursors [16] (the effects of anti-VEGF on survival conditions of the metabolic syndrome. Furthermore,
have not been assessed). systemic inflammation exacerbates CNS inflammation
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 469

[74] and correlates with cognitive decline [75,76]. to a condition referred to as ‘neurotrophin resistance’,
Remarkably, exercise reduces all of these peripheral risk which is conceptually similar to insulin resistance [87].
factors, improving cardiovascular health, lipid–cholesterol Recent data indicate that exercise improves the overall
balance, energy metabolism, glucose use, insulin sensi- immune condition of the brain, for example, by reducing
tivity and inflammation [77,78]. Exercise is thus uniquely brain IL-1b (a pro-inflammatory cytokine) in a mouse
positioned to improve brain health and function by redu- model of AD [89], and by reducing brain inflammation in
cing the peripheral (indirect) risk factors for cognitive response to stroke [90] or peripheral infection [91]. In
decline and, in parallel, by directly enhancing brain health addition, exercise could attenuate levels of pro-inflamma-
and cognitive function. tory cytokine in the brain of individuals with AD by redu-
The central and peripheral effects of exercise that cing the load of Ab, which itself has pro-inflammatory
improve brain health and cognitive function might be effects [92]. Thus, the reduction of peripheral and central
mediated through common mechanisms that converge on inflammation by exercise can serve as a common mechan-
modulating growth factor signaling. Specifically, exercise ism to reduce the risk for both diabetes and cognitive
can improve growth factor signaling by directly increasing decline.
growth factor levels (see above) and by reducing pro-
inflammatory conditions, which impair growth factor sig- Conclusion and future directions
naling. The effects on peripheral and central IGF-1 sig- Human and animal studies indicate that exercise targets
naling are one example. The presence of pro-inflammatory many aspects of brain function and has broad effects on
cytokines impairs insulin–IGF-1 signal transduction and overall brain health, resilience, learning and memory, and
is a mechanism of insulin resistance [79,80]. Peripheral depression, particularly in elderly populations. Exercise
IGF-1 is essential in glucose metabolism, tissue mainten- sets into motion an interactive cascade of growth factor
ance [57] and cerebrovascular function [81], and a low level signaling that has the net effect of stimulating plasticity,
of IGF-1 places individuals at risk for cognitive impairment enhancing cognitive function, attenuating the mechanisms
[82]. Exercise increases peripheral IGF-1, leading to driving depression, stimulating neurogenesis and improv-
improved insulin sensitivity [83], restored insulin–IGF-1 ing cerebrovascular perfusion. IGF-1 signaling converges
signaling [84] and improved brain health and cognitive on BDNF signaling, which might be a hub for effects of
function [85]. Furthermore, pro-inflammatory cytokines exercise on learning and depression. In addition to central
impair IGF-1 signal transduction in neurons [86,87]. Exer- mechanisms, exercise reduces several peripheral risk fac-
cise might counteract the negative effects of this inflam- tors for cognitive decline. A common mechanism between
mation by acting to restore IGF-1 signaling, because it many of these peripheral risk factors is inflammation,
reduces circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines [88]. In which interferes with growth factor signaling in the per-
addition to effects on IGF-1 signal transduction, reduction iphery and in the brain. Exercise might improve growth
of inflammation by exercise could also improve BDNF factor signaling by both reducing pro-inflammatory con-
signaling in the brain. Inflammation and pro-inflamma- ditions and directly increasing growth factor levels. A
tory cytokines impair BDNF signaling in neurons, leading unifying concept is that exercise mobilizes growth factor

Figure 2. Exercise induces growth factor cascades, a central mechanism mediating exercise-dependent benefits in cognition, synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and vascular
function. In addition, exercise reduces peripheral risk factors for cognitive decline such as hypertension and insulin resistance, components of the metabolic syndrome that
converge to increase the risk for brain dysfunction and neurodegeneration. Inflammation, which can impair growth factor signaling, exacerbate the metabolic syndrome
and accelerate cognitive decline, is reduced by exercise. Overall, exercise induces growth factor cascades and reduces peripheral risk factors for cognitive decline, all of
which converge to improve brain health and function, and to delay the onset of and slow the decline in neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer disease (AD) and
Parkinson’s disease (PD).
470 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

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Third, we need to identify and to target mechanisms by dementia risk: findings from the Cardiovascular Health Cognition
which exercise might act synergistically with key pharma- Study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 161, 639–651
ceuticals to augment improvements observed with either 21 Teri, L. et al. (2003) Exercise plus behavioral management in patients
with Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial. J. Am. Med.
exercise or medication alone. Overall, exercise increases Assoc. 290, 2015–2022
brain health – just as it improves body health – and thus 22 Stevens, J. and Killeen, M. (2006) A randomised controlled trial testing
represents an exciting lifestyle intervention technique to the impact of exercise on cognitive symptoms and disability of residents
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