TIC 2151 - Theory of Computation: Context-Free Grammars (CFG)

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TIC 2151 – Theory of


Lecture 6
Context-Free Grammars (CFG)

TIC 2151 – Theory of Computation

Lecture 6 – Outline

 Introduction
 Formal description of a CFG
 Ambiguous CFGs
 Normal forms

Context-free grammars (CFG)

context-free grammars CFG, a more powerful method of describing

languages. Such grammars can describe certain features that have a
recursive structure, which makes them useful in a variety of applications.
 The collection of languages associated with context-free grammars are called
the context-free languages.
 A language is context free if and only if some pushdown automaton recognizes
 Languages that can be accepted by some PDA or generated by some CFG are
 Many useful languages are context-free, including most programming
languages, query languages, and markup languages.

We can establish a relationship between the regular languages and the context-
free languages. Because every regular language is recognized by a finite
automaton and every finite automaton is automatically a pushdown automaton
that simply ignores its stack, we now know that every regular language is also a
context-free language.
Context-free grammars (CFG)

Context-free grammars (CFG)

The following is an example of a context-free grammar, which we call G.

Grammar G:
A => 0A1
A => B
B => #

derivation of a word

You may also represent the same information pictorially with a parse tree.

See next slide

Context-free grammars (CFG)

parse trees for the word 00#11

Formal description of a CFG

Formally written we have the grammar G:

G = (V, S, R, S)
with V = {A,B}
S = {0,1,#}
R = {[A, 0A1], [A, B], [B, #]}
S=A 6
Context-free grammars (CFG) exercises
Give the formal definition for the following grammar an describe the
produced language: S => aSb | SS | e

G = ({S}, {a, b},R, S). The set of rules, R, is S => aSb | SS | e

This grammar G generates strings such as abab, aaabbb, and aababb.

Give a parse trees for aaabbb and abab

Context-free grammars (CFG) exercises
Give the formal definition for the following grammar and give parse trees for
a + a x a and (a + a) x a
Formal Definition

Context-free grammars (CFG) exercises
Give the formal definition for the following grammar and give parse trees for
a + a x a and (a + a) x a
Formal Definition

Context-free grammars (CFG) Ambiguity

o Sometimes a grammar can generate the same string in several different
ways. Such a string will have several different parse trees and thus
several different meanings.

o This result may be undesirable for certain applications, such as

programming languages, where a program should have a unique

o A grammar is called ambiguous if there is at least one word having two

different parse trees.

Context-free grammars (CFG) Ambiguity

Consider the following rules of a grammar and give two different parse trees for

This grammar generates the string a + a x a ambiguously.

 Sometimes when we have an ambiguous grammar we can find an

unambiguous grammar that generates the same language.
 A grammar is called inherently ambiguous if there is no equivalent
unambiguous grammar to generates it. {aibjck | i=j or j=k} is inherently
ambiguous! 11
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)

When working with context-free grammars CFG, it is often convenient to

have them in simplified form. One of the simplest and most useful forms
is called the Chomsky normal form.

any context-free grammar may be transformed to a CNF grammar expressing the
same language
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

Converting a CFG to CNF Try to follow every step! Don’t go to the next step, if you
still have problems with the one before!
Original CF grammar
S => ASA | aB Step 1. Add a new start variable S0 and the rule S0 S,
A => B | S where S was the original start variable. This change
B => b | e guarantees that the start variable doesn’t occur on the
right-hand side of a rule
1. Insert a new start symbol
S0 => S Step 2.we take care of all e-rules. We remove an e-rule
S => ASA | aB Ce, where C is not the start variable. Then for each
A => B | S occurrence of an C on the right-hand side of a rule, we
B => b | e add a new rule with that occurrence deleted. if R uCv
is a rule in which u and v are strings of variables and
2. Remove the rule B => e terminals, we add rule R uv. The rule R uCvCw
S0 => S causes us to add R uvCw, R uCvw, and R uvw.
S => ASA | aB | a If we have the rule R C, we add R e unless we had
A => B | S | e previously removed the rule R  e .
B => b We repeat these steps until we eliminate all e -rules not
involving the start variable.

Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

Try to follow every step! Don’t go to the next step, if you

3. Remove the rule A => e still have problems with the one before!
S0 => S
S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS | S
A => B | S
B => b

4. Remove the rule S => S Step 3 .Eliminate all unit rules of the form
S0 => S CD. We repeat these steps until we
S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS eliminate all unit rules.
A => B | S
B => b

5. Remove the rule S0 => S

S0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
A => B | S
B => b

Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

Try to follow every step! Don’t go to the next step, if you

6. Remove the rule A => B
still have problems with the one before!
S0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
A => S | b
B => b

7. Remove the rule A => S

S0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
A => b | ASA | aB | a | SA | AS
B => b
Step 4. Take care of rules with more
8. Insert new symbols for the last incorrect rules than two terminals or variables.
S0 => AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS convert all remaining rules into the
S => AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS proper form.
A => b | AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS
B => b
A1 => SA
U => a
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

Covert the following CFG into Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)

1. elimination of e, we obtain: 2. elimination of the unit production we obtain

3. convert all remaining rules into the

proper form. replace a by A, b by B
and c by C, we obtain

Our next problem: CFG

If we have a word w, how can we determine if it can be

generated by a context-free grammars CFG ?

The Cocke-Younger-Kasami
Algorithm (CYK)
CYK – The Concept


w1w2. . . . . . wk wk+1. . . wn

 For each word, there must be a rule of the form A  BC, where
B produces the left part of the word and C the right part.
 We replace the occurrence of BC with A.
 This process is repeated, and should leave us with the start
variable S.
CYK – In Action Example (1)

Given the following grammar a a a b b b c c

S => AB C C C D D D E,B E,B
A => ab | aAb A B
B => c | cB
and in Chomsky normal form F
S => AB A
A => CD | CF
B => c | EB F
C => a A
D => b
E => c S If we find S here,
F => AD we know
we build a table for aaabbbcc: is part of the language.

CYK – In Action Example (1)

a a a b b b c c
C C C D D D E,B E,B This (darkgray) part
A B is produced by B

This (gray) part
F is produced by this A

S As there is a rule S => AB,

S we can fill S here.

CYK – In Action
a a a b b b c c


If there is one of the following

rules, so write the left side X in the box:
X => AD
X => BE
X => CF
If there are more than one, write all.

CYK – In Action Example (2)

For the grammar: S => SS | BA | BC

A => SC
B => 0
C => 1
we prove the membership of 00100111 and 01011100:
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0


Learning Outcomes

After completion of this lecture, you should be able to:

 Draw parse trees for words generated from CFG.
 Given the definition of a CFL, design a grammar (i.e. give the
grammar rules).
 Convert a CFG into Chomsky Normal Form.
 Apply the CYK algorithm to determine if a word is generated
form a CFG.


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