CREII-Module-2 - Lecture 7 PDF
CREII-Module-2 - Lecture 7 PDF
CREII-Module-2 - Lecture 7 PDF
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Lecture 7: Internal Mass Transfer Effects
Lecture Outline
• Recap on previous lecture
• External heat transfer limitations
• Introduction to internal mass transfer limitations
• Derivation of concentration profile of reactant for single
cylindrical pore geometry
• Concept of effectiveness factor and Thiele modulus
• Derivation of concentration profile of reactant for
catalyst slab and spherical geometry
External Heat Transfer Limitations:
q = hf (Tb – Ts)
where q is the heat flux (energy per area per time) to the particle
This is the reaction rate multiplied by the heat of reaction, ∆Hrxn r″.
But this is not as simple as the analysis of mass transfer, because the
reaction rate is strongly and nonlinearly dependent on the temperature
(where as it depends linearly on concentration for the assumed 1st
order reaction).
For combined heat and mass transfer limitations, we can write the
coupled balance equations:
kr C As k g C Ab C As
H rxn kr C As h f Tb Ts
External Heat Transfer Limitations:
Ea hf
H rxn A exp C Ab Tb Ts h f Tb Ts
RTs H rxn k g
k g A exp C Ab
h f Ts Tb H rxn RTs
k g A exp a
External Heat Transfer Limitations:
When plotted vs. Ts, the left-hand-side is a straight line, and the right-
hand-side is a sigmoidal (s-shaped) curve.
External Heat Transfer Limitations:
k g A exp C Ab
h f Ts Tb H rxn RTs
k g A exp
The volume is 4 / 3 r 3
We will assume that reactant (A) and product (B) are diffusing in and out
of the pore, and that the reaction A → B occurs everywhere on the pore
walls, with a rate given by r = kr CA.
Derivation: Concentration Profile for Single Cylindrical Pore
At the mouth of the pore, the reactant
concentration is CAs. Within the pore,
it is CA(x), where x is distance inside
the pore, and x = 0 at the pore mouth.
The diffusive flux of A inside the pore
is given by dC A
At the end of the pore (x = l), we will assume that either the wall is
unreactive or that the pore goes all the way through the catalyst pellet, so
that x = l is halfway through the catalyst, and the concentration profile is
symmetric about x = l.
In either case, the diffusive flux at x = l is zero, and this gives us the
condition that dC A
Derivation: Concentration Profile for Single Cylindrical Pore
We can do a shell balance on a
differential length of pore inside the
Flux in – Flux out + Production by reaction = 0
d p2 dCA d p
dC A
DA DA d p dxkr C A 0
4 dx x 4 dx x dx
and taking the limit as dx goes to zero gives us the differential equation
describing the diffusion inside the pore:
d 2 C A 4k r
C 0
dx 2 d D A
p A
Derivation: Concentration Profile for Single Cylindrical Pore
We have the differential equation
describing the diffusion inside the
pore: 2
d CA 4k r
C A 0
dx d p DA
Where 4kr
d D
p A
We need to solve this 2nd order ODE with the boundary conditions CA
(x=0) = CAs and
dC A
dx x l
Derivation: Concentration Profile for Single Cylindrical Pore
We have ODE: d 2C A
CA 0
dx x l
BC1 At x = 0: CAs = C1 + C2
BC2 At x = l:
C As C As el C As e l
Substituting this into the 1st BC gives C2 2 l
l l C1 l l
1 e e e e e
d D
p A
Effectiveness Factor vs. Thiele Modulus
We have
4kr 2
d D
p A
A plot of the effectiveness factor vs. the Thiele modulus looks like
When the Thiele modulus is small, there
are no diffusion limitations, and the
effectiveness factor is 1.
When the Thiele modulus is large, pore
diffusion is rate limiting, and the
effectiveness factor is inversely
proportional to the Thiele modulus.
At a Thiele modulus of 1, the
effectiveness factor is about 0.76 – the
rate is about 24% below what it would be
if there were no pore diffusion
Effective Diffusion Coefficient
The analysis for a single, ideal pore developed can be extended to treat
diffusion and reaction in a porous solid.
For describing the diffusion of fluids in the pores of a solid catalyst, an
effective diffusion coefficient can be defined so that the flux per unit
external surface area of the pellet is given by the equation
dC A
Since the pores are not uniform cylinders with a well-defined diameter, it is useful to
replace the pore diameter with an effective pore diameter that is defined based on
observable properties of the catalyst.
For an infinitely long cylinder with diameter d, the surface to volume ratio is 4/d
We usually can measure the surface area per unit mass of our catalyst (Sg).
The pellet volume per unit mass is the inverse of the particle density (1/ρc).
So, the average surface area to volume ratio of the catalyst is Sg ρc.
This allows us to define an effective diameter by equating this to the surface to
volume ratio of an infinite cylinder.
Analysis for a Spherical Catalyst Pellet
We could carry out the same analysis for a spherical catalyst pellet
that we did for the single pore and slab. In that geometry, the equation
describing the concentration inside the pellet would be