Greene Vardiman Black
Greene Vardiman Black
Greene Vardiman Black
Greene Vardiman Black is known as one of the founders of modern dentistry in the United
States. He is also known as the father of operative dentistry and because of his studies and
research he is remembered as one of the greatest dentists of all time. He was born on
August 3, 1836, in Winchester-Illinois, United States. As a child he lived on a farm with his
father William, his mother Mary and five brothers. He had a meager educational
advantage by going to a new-room school near his father's farm few months each year in
winter. He showed very little interest in school, however preferring to wander through the
woods studying nature and wild-life which developed his keen sense of observation and
an analytical mind which in turn turned out to be the foundation of his life achievement.
At the age of 17, he lives with his older brother, Thomas Black, who was a graduate
physician at Louisville Medical College and enjoyed a lucrative practice. His brother
happened to be the tutor who introduced him to the world of medicine. Under his
leadership acquired his first knowledge that made him interested in her. For four years he
studied medicine and anatomy. He seemed to be going to medicine but met the dentist
Dr. J.C. Speer and became interested in dentistry and thus began his apprenticeship. He
assisted Dr. Speer in his practice by learning everything about the profession. After the
Civil War of which he took part, it moves to Jacksonville, Illinois. Where he opens his own
consulting room becoming a respected and recognized dentist. Black married in 1859 with
Jane L. Coughenour, who tragically died four years later along with his firstborn. He
married a second time with Elizabeth Davenport, with whom he had three children: Clara,
Margaret and Arthur. Dedicated much of his time to be: researcher, teacher and writer.
From 1870 to 1880, he taught histology, pathology, and dental surgery at Missouri Dental
College, where he was awarded the degree of dental surgeon in 1978. Later the family
Black moves to the city of Chicago, where he is named professor of dental pathology of
the Chicago Collage of Dental.
He invented the cord driven dental engine with a foot motor in 1870. The formula for
amalgam that Black worked out is almost unchanged to this day he classified for the first
time the dental caries and standardized dental terminologies. Black stablished principles
governing desing of cavities and he pubished he is concept “EXTENSION FOR
PREVENTION” in 1891 in an article in dental cosmos titled “ MANAGEMENT OF ENAMEL
MARGINS among published books of the doctor one: formation of poison by
microorganism” “the periosteum and the periodental membrane” “operative dentistry
and special dental pathology”.
Greene Vardiman Black died on 31 august, 1915 at the grand old age of 79 year leaving
behind his wife an a rich heritage of the fame sterling qualities and was buried at the
Dimond Grove Cementery Jacksonvile.
We admire him for developing and researching on various topics such as: dental fluorosis,
the best composition for dental amalgam, painless extraction with the application of
nitrous oxide, among others.