Calculus DLL Week 6
Calculus DLL Week 6
Calculus DLL Week 6
f ( x )=u ( x ) ± v (x)
f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿)
u(x )
f ( x )=
v( x)
B.. Establishing a purpose Probe on the following Relate the derivative of a State the rule of What is the significance
for the lesson questions: function to the slope of differentiation for: of knowing the basic
1. If a function f has a the tangent line at any f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿) differentiation rules?
tangent line at x = a, does it point in the function. u( x )
mean it has a derivative at Identify the slope of linear f ( x )=
v( x)
x = a? functions and hence, their
2. If a function f has a derivatives.
derivative at x = a, does it
mean its differentiable at x
= a?
3. If a function f is
differentiable at x = a, does
it mean it is continuous at x
= a?
C.Presenting Given graphs, identify Refer to the results of the Show illustrative Present and illustrate
examples/instances of the whether a function is assignment: the examples applying the through examples the
new lesson differentiable or not. derivatives of x2, x3, and rule for differentiating: differentiation rules for
x4. f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿) the functions:
By pair, identify the u( x ) f ( x )=e x
pattern for the derivative f ( x )=
v( x) f ( x )=sin x
of f(x) = xn. f ( x )=cos x
f ( x )=tan x
D. Discussing new Work in groups, discuss Work by group to Work by pair and Work by pair and find
concepts and practicing and determine whether the discover other differentiate functions of the derivative of
new skills #1 following statements are differentiation rules. the form, exponential (base e)
True or False. Use the definition of f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿) and trigonometric
derivative, u( x ) functions that will also
f ( x )=
1. All differentiable v( x) make use of the basic
functions are continuous. differentiation rules.
2. All continuous functions To find the pattern for
are differentiable. the derivative of :
3. All discontinuous (a) f(x) = cu(x)
functions are not (b) f(x) = u(x) + v(x)
differentiable. (c) f(x) = u(x) – u(x)
Use the graphs given in
parts A and C to help your
group decide.
H. Making generalizations 1. How can a function fail to 1.State the differentiation 1. State the differentiation 1. State the
and abstractions about the be differentiable? rule for: rule for: differentiation rules for:
lesson 2. Are all discontinuous f ( x )=c f ( x )=c f ( x )=c
functions not differentiable?
n n n
3. Are all continuous f ( x )=x f ( x )=x f ( x )=x
functions differentiable? f ( x )=c u(x ) f ( x )=c u(x ) f ( x )=c u(x )
4. Are all differentiable f ( x )=u ( x ) +v ( x ) f ( x )=u ( x ) +v ( x ) f ( x )=u ( x ) ± v (x)
functions continuous? f ( x )=u ( x )−v ( x) f ( x )=u ( x ) +v ( x ) f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿)
2. What is the f ( x )=u ( x ) ∙ v ¿) u(x )
f ( x )=
significance of knowing u( x ) v( x)
the differentiation rules? f ( x )= x
v( x) ( x )=e
f ( x )=sin x
f ( x )=cos x
f ( x )=tan x
2. Share strategies or
techniques on getting
derivatives of
algebraic, exponential
and trigonometric
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up in the