Answer: The History of Hip Hop Strategy of Skimming - Read The First and Last Line of Each Paragraph
Answer: The History of Hip Hop Strategy of Skimming - Read The First and Last Line of Each Paragraph
Answer: The History of Hip Hop Strategy of Skimming - Read The First and Last Line of Each Paragraph
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill: Reading Analyse
3.2.1 Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national issues
Complementary Skill: Speaking
Written Exercise
2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
Main Reading MORAL VALUES:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read the text ‘More than just Appreciation
Beats and Rhymes: A Brief History of Hip Hop’ and analyse it by completing
the tasks in Activity B and C
Complementary Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to explain and justify their own
point of view on their preference of certain type of music / band / group by
providing a reason, an example or an anecdote
ACTIVITIES : a. Pupils’ prior knowledge is activated by discussing the questions in FA/Differentiation Strategies
I. PRE LESSON Activity A first in pairs then in small groups. I-Think Map: Circle Map
b. Pupils share their answers with the class FA: Starter
II. LESSON c. Pupils look at the pictures and state what they show
DEVELOPMENT d. Pupils read the title and state what they think the text is about ( Answer: FA: No Hands-up (lollipop)
– GIST- TASK the history of hip hop)
e. Pupils skim (Strategy of skimming - read the first and last line of each Differentiation: For less
paragraph) the text and are informed to refer the words with an asterisk proficient pupils, reduce the
number of questions the pupils
(*) at the bottom of the page for further explanation have to complete in Activities B
f. Pupils read through statements a – g in Activity B and match the correct and C.
heading with the correct paragraph FA: Think-Pair-Square
g. Pupils check answers with their talk partner(s) before sharing with the
h. Pupils answer some comprehension questions posed orally by teacher FA: Pose/Pause/Pounce/
(refer to Teacher’s Book, page 58- 59) Bounce (Wait Time)
i. Pupils, in groups, read the printed internet articles about Malaysia’s FA: Think-Square-Share
music scene (refer to the link below the lesson plan) and investigate the Moral Value: Appreciation
following: What is the most popular kind of music amongst teenagers in
III. DETAILED TASK j. Pupils read through the sentences 1 – 7 in Activity C and underline the FA: Think-Pair-Share
key words
k. Pupils read the text and look for similar keywords that will help them
answer the True/False statements
l. Pupils compare answers with their group before sharing with the class.
Pupils need to support their answers with evidence from the text
m. Pupils read the questions in Activity E and discuss in their groups Differentiation: Support can
n. Pupils also name their own favourite type of music / band / group to their be given to less proficient pupils
group members and justify their preference(s) with an explanation of the depending on their needs, such
as by providing vocabulary to use
reasons why. in the speaking tasks, or
o. Pupils share their answers with the class sentence starters and model
IV. POST-LESSON p. Pupils are given some information that in some countries, music festivals sentence constructions to help
lasting 3-4 days are popular with older teenagers. Thousands of young the pupil produce sentences.
people go to the festivals to listen to different bands and camp overnight FA: Think-Square-Share
in tents.
q. Pupils, then discuss: Have they been to a music festival? Would they like
to go to a music festival that lasted 3-4 days? Why? / Why not? Would
they like to go to a music festival in a different country?
r. Pupils share their opinions with the class. FA: Plenary
Number: ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Attendance: /
Absent: /
Truant: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
School Activity: /
Follow-up / Reinforcement: Lesson could not be conducted and will be postponed due to:
2.1.5 Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest
Main Listening ASSESSMENT:
Others (Pls specify):
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand independently
more complex questions by listening to the 3 questions posed by the Oral responses
LEARNING teacher and answering them
OBJECTIVES: Complementary Speaking MORAL VALUES:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to express and respond to
common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest when
discussing the 5 words in relation to their own life situations
ACTIVITIES : a. Pupils play the game ‘Hangman’ to guess a sport FA/ Differentiation Strategies
I. PRE LESSON b. Pupils predict the word FA: Starter
II. LESSON c. Pupils look at the picture in the top right corner of the page (pg. 74) and Differentiation: To support less
DEVELOPMENT d. Pupils listen to the questions posed by the teacher, one at a time confident pupils, speak slowly and
pause at selected intervals to allow
– GIST- TASK e. Pupils answer the questions and the class discuss the answers thinking time.
III. DETAILED TASK f. Pupils read the feelings in the yellow word bank found in Activity B and FA: Wait Time
discuss situations when they felt this way with a partner (pair work)
g. Pupils discuss and also give reasons why they felt that way and what FA: Think-Pair-Share
they might say (pair work) Differentiation: Organise talk
h. Pupils complete the task in Activity B partners or grouping so that a more
i. Pupils share answers as a class proficient pupil can help and
IV. POST-LESSON j. Pupils review their learning by describing what they have learnt in the support a less proficient pupil.
Fast finishers can be given
lesson and how they learnt it. Vocabulary activities on p.72 and
k. Pupils discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before p.76 and/or Grammar activities on
l. Pupils share their answers to the class p.77.
m. Pupils’ attention is brought to the connections between the pupils’ Moral Value: Appreciation
ideas and the main and complementary skills. FA: Plenary
Attendance: 30 / 31 Number: 30 / 31 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Absent: 1 / 31
Truant: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
School Activity: / _______________________________________________________________________
Follow-up / Reinforcement: Lesson could not be conducted and will be postponed due to
2.1.5 Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest
Main Listening
Others (Pls specify):
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand independently Oral responses
more complex questions by listening to the 3 questions posed by the
LEARNING teacher and answering them MORAL VALUES:
OBJECTIVES: Complementary Speaking Appreciation
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to express and respond to
common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest when
discussing the 5 words in relation to their own life situations
ACTIVITIES : n. Pupils play the game ‘Hangman’ to guess a sport FA/ Differentiation Strategies
I. PRE LESSON o. Pupils predict the word FA: Starter
V. LESSON p. Pupils look at the picture in the top right corner of the page (pg. 74) and Differentiation: To support less
DEVELOPMENT q. Pupils listen to the questions posed by the teacher, one at a time confident pupils, speak slowly and
pause at selected intervals to allow
– GIST- TASK r. Pupils answer the questions and the class discuss the answers thinking time.
FA: Wait Time
VI. DETAILED TASK s. Pupils read the feelings in the yellow word bank found in Activity B and
discuss situations when they felt this way with a partner (pair work) FA: Think-Pair-Share
t. Pupils discuss and also give reasons why they felt that way and what Differentiation: Organise talk
they might say (pair work) partners or grouping so that a more
u. Pupils complete the task in Activity B proficient pupil can help and
v. Pupils share answers as a class support a less proficient pupil.
Fast finishers can be given
Vocabulary activities on p.72 and
VII. POST-LESSON w. Pupils review their learning by describing what they have learnt in the p.76 and/or Grammar activities on
lesson and how they learnt it. p.77.
x. Pupils discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before Moral Value: Appreciation
y. Pupils share their answers to the class FA: Plenary
z. Pupils’ attention is brought to the connections between the pupils’
ideas and the main and complementary skills.
Attendance: 30 / 31 Number: 30 / 31 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Absent: 1 / 31
Truant: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
School Activity: / _____________________________________________________________________________
Follow-up / Reinforcement: Lesson could not be conducted and will be postponed due to