Essay Sayang
Essay Sayang
Essay Sayang
through the concept of holistic defence and encouraging all races to join the Territorial
Army. Give your opinion about the statement.
On 3rd April 2009, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak unveiled a new
concept - One Malaysia - as a guiding principle to build a united and progressive Malaysian
nation in 21st century. The two paramount cardinal principles underlie in One Malaysia
concept is to inculcate the spirit and values of togetherness and a sense of belonging among
Malaysians, regardless of race, religion and creed.
Najib also reiterated that he will make sure that the future policies formulated by the
government will be focused on people centric or people’s interest at heart. He urged
Malaysians of all walks of life to admit and accept the reality that Malaysia is made up of
plural society. There is no two way about it. Thus, he called all Malaysians to treat diversity
in a plural society of Malaysia as energy to progress further to greater heights in future.
This One Malaysia concept is parallel with the National Defence Policy which is reflecting
the country to defend its strategic interests and maintain national security. Defence policy
outlines the three main bases, the country's strategic interests, the principles of defence and
defence concepts. It emphasizes the need to maintain the strategic importance of environment
of a stable and secure.
To uphold the concept of One Malaysia, the Malaysian Ministry of Defence had carried out
the ‘One Malaysia One Force’ campaign through the concept of holistic defence. This
campaign encourages all races to join territorial army. Equivalent with One Malaysia concept
introduced by the Prime Minister, I think this campaign is a clever way to attract all races in
Malaysia to join the territorial army. Malaysian military always been associated with Malays
as most of the officers that serve this country is from that particular race. This has to be
changed in order to fulfil the Prime Minister’s vision. Malaysian Ministry of Defence must
plan and strategize ways of enticing other races to participate in military.
One way to capture the attention of Malaysians is by increasing the salary of military officers.
This would definitely appeal to all races in Malaysia as we always hunger for bigger and
better salary. In addition to that, the Ministry of Defence can advertise the career in military
as an interesting career where one can defend his or her country. The patriotism of
Malaysians needs to be increased because Malaysians today do not seem to care about
Malaysia anymore. More campaigns and awareness needed for this One Malaysia One Force
campaign to succeed. Career in military should not be seen as burden but something to be
grabbed as it is a noble and decent career to defend our country.