Qustion 2020-Man QB MCQ - MAN-22509 - VI SEME 2019-20
Qustion 2020-Man QB MCQ - MAN-22509 - VI SEME 2019-20
Qustion 2020-Man QB MCQ - MAN-22509 - VI SEME 2019-20
. 5. Management is…….
a) Stability b) Authority
c) Scalar chain d) Initiative
20.When many functions are controlled by a central authority ,it is called as…
a) Authority b) Management
c) Discipline d) Centralization
a)Engineer b)Manager
a)Inspection b)Budget
c)Quality d)Audit
a) Audit b)Budget
c)Control d)Inspection
42) Followinf is not the i information is not necessary for planning at supervisory level.
a)Qualification c)Skill
c)Abilities d)Speciabilities
a)Manpower b)Schedule
c)Oversight d)All
a)Completely b)Internally
56. Creches should be provided when there are more than female workers
60. A Labour Welfare Officer is appointed in the factory as per Factory Act when
there are minimum workers.