Anti-Sisyphus Issue 7, Print & Screen
Anti-Sisyphus Issue 7, Print & Screen
Anti-Sisyphus Issue 7, Print & Screen
1. Write a game.
I. POLITICS 1. Please arrange the following items from most game to least game,
providing ample justification for each: Burning Wheel Gold Revised,
1. What three wars have had the biggest impact on your work? Free Kriegsspiel, a walk in the park, sandwich.
1. __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
2. If you were running for office, which game designers would you appoint 2. Do the same for the following items: World War I, World War II, the
to your cabinet, and in what positions? Franco-Prussian War, standing in line for medical treatment.
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
3. Which political group, slogan, or idea in the world today has the most to 3. What is your favorite typeface used in any TSR product?
do with Magic? ____________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
____________________________. With games?______________________ ____________________________________________________________
4. Draw a normal human.
4. Have you ever experienced a game? If so, which one?
3. What is your birth card (circle one)?: Fact or Fiction, Thank You, Eight
of Spades, Cue.
4. Have you experienced something that was not a game? If so, why not?