Presented at The 103rd Convention 1997 September 26-29 New York

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The Distributed-Mode Loudspeaker (DML) as a Broad-Band Acoustic Radiator 4526 (D- 6)

Neil Harris
New Transducers Ltd.
Huntingdon PE18 6ED, UK

Malcolm Omar Hawksford

University of Essex
Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, UK

Presented at ^uD,
the 103rd Convention
1997 September 26-29
New York
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The Distributed-mode loudspeaker (DML) as a broad-band acoustic
Neil Harris (New Transducers Ltd, Huntingdon, UK)
Malcolm Omar Hawksford (University of Essex)

The principles of a new class of acoustic radiator (DML) are described and the
counter-intuitive result for broad, band, frequency independent acoustic radiation
established. It is demonstrated that a low-loss panel with optimal modal distribution
produces a flat power response. A simple mechanical model is presented to
calculate the mean velocity within the panel as a function of frequency and intrinsic

0 Introduction

The use of bending waves as a source of acoustic radiation requires a multi-discipline approach. An understanding
of both structural mechanics and acoustics is necessary, and many of the results are counter-intuitive. Much of the
trader-lying theory is not new, indeed bending waves in panels have been thc subject of study for at least two
centuries. Recent advances in materials technology, and the availability of Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
packages with acoustics, have enabled new ideas to be tried and tested. The Distributed Mode Loudspeaker (DML)
is jast such a new idea.

In the disciplines of acoustics and electronics, we are used to dealing with second order, partial differential
equations - or at least their implications. Laplace's equation is used for static fields, and the wave equation for
dynamic fields. In particular, the wave equation (or its steady-state variant, the Helmholz equation), with its lack
of dispersion and constant velocity, describes vibrating strings and stretched diaphragms, and their associated
acoustic radiation.

In contrast, bending waves require a fourth order, partial differential equation with complicated boundary
conditions to describe their behaviour. To quote Lord Rayleigh [1] "for a free plate the latter part of the problem is
indeed of considerable difficulty". The exact mathematical forms "defied analysis for many years". The correct
fourth order differential equation was first presented in 1815 by Sophie Germain, but her choice of boundary
conditions had to be corrected by Kirchhoff in 1850. The problem requires even higher orders of differential
equation ffthe plate is not fifit. These high order equations are more familiar to structural engineers, who are used
to dealing with bending beams and plates. Many results are well known, and documented in reference works such
as Roark [2] or Blevins [3]. It is, perhaps, because of the complicated nature of the mathematics, that bending
wave transducers have only recently become a commercial reality [4].

New understanding of the relationships between the mechanical and acoustical properties of vibrating panels has
resulted in the birth of a new class of acoustic radiator - the distributed-mode loudspeaker. Optimisation
techniques exist, whereby stiff, light panels can be designed to have very uniform modal density, the pre-requisite
for distributed-mode behavioun This paper begins with a r6sum6of the basics of the ubiquitous Rice-Kellogg mass
controlled, pistouic loudspeaker, with which many will be familiar. It than describes in an analogous way, the
basics of a distributed-mode loudspeaker.
I Glossary of symbols

Panel parameters
E = Yanng's modulus, Pa
p = mass density, kg/m3
v = Poisson's ratio
h = thickness of panel, m
B = bending rigidity of panel, Nm
I.tTM mass per unit area of panel, kg/m2
7_,= mechanical impedance of panel, kg/s

B 1 E h3
Note that for an isotropic panel =_(l_v2 ) and .tt=hp

Acoustic parameters
P = acoustic power, W
U = volume velocity, m3/s
Rr = acoustic radiation resistance, kg/s
Xr = acoustic radiation reactance, kg/s
Zr = acoustic radiation impedance, kg/s
RI = acoustic radiation resistance at frequency of I rad/s, kg/s
o0= angular frequency, rad/s
Po= density of air, kg/ma
c = speed of sound in air, ntis
k = acoustic wave number = _/c, m '_
a = radius of circularpiston

Mechanical parameters

x, xp, Xm= displacements, m

u, up, Um= velocities, m/s
F = force, N

bar over variable = rms value, e.g.
single underline = vector, e.g. x
double underline = matrix, e.g. gdt
O(x_) = terms involving powers of x greater than or equal to n

2 Overview of the traditional piston-based loudspeaker

A piston-based loudspeaker is a "mass-controllod" device, implying that a constant force will produce a constant
acceleration. The requirement for constant acceleration is a direct result of the frequency dependent real part of
the radiation impedance of the piston [5].

Zr -_--_ q' JX r (t)

Rr = lt'a2poCRl (2ks) (2)
& = _a2poC&(2ka) (3)
where Ri(x) = 1- 2h(x)/x which is O(x2) for small x, and Xl(x) is O(x) for small x

Force, velocity and power are related by

F= ZrU' , .p=I U2Rr (4)

In order to achieve a frequency independent transfer of power, velocity must be inversely proportional to frequency,
or acceleration must be constant. The "flat power" response of the piston is limited to Ica<< 1. For ka >> 1, the
radiation impedance is approximately constant and equal to rm2poc,resulting in a second order roil-off in the
power response of file loudspeaker. It is a convenient coincidence that the on-axis pressure response is also
frequency independent, even when this directivity is taken into account.

3 Equivalent circuit of the traditional piston-based loudspeaker

To illustrate the constant power result, a simplified representation using the impedance analogue [6] is given in
Figure 1. The equation of motion for tiffs system is

r, tit R,u = F or ¢o(M+Mr)+o,'R0u= (5)

The delivered power is given by

Combining (5) and (6), we get

p = we .F: R1
2 IJ4M+ Mr)"[' (02_l_q 2

F2 to2R1
P _'"_ 2 (02 ( M...}- MF )2 -{. o) 4R12

Using equation (2), setting to = 1, and expanding for a, we get the following expression for R1.

Rl = zra2po c 1-ad I =

So RI is very small. Also Mt << M, hence we can write for frequencies where Ica<< 1

kM) 2 4c

For high frequencies or large a, Rr is constant at na2p0c,so the power is no longer frequency independent, and is
given by
F2 _ F2

u '"'"_ I......................
I Air load

_F Rr= co2R1for Ica<< 1

i Rr= '/_2pogfor ka >> 1

Figure 1. Impedance analogue model of a mass centre.lied radiator.

4 Overview of a Distributed Mode Loudspeaker (DML)

A DML is identified by the fact that ils radiation is duc to uniformly distributed fre_ vibration in a stiff, light panel,
and not to pistonic motion. Because bending waves are dispersive (the wave velocity is a function of frequency) [7],
a good approximation is to consider the panel as a randomly vibrating area. The radiation intensity from such an
area is shown in Morse & Ingard [8] to depend on the square of the mcan velocity, and hence the requirement is
for constant velocity. In order to achieve this constant velocity with a constant force, the mechanical impedance
must be resistive. A panel operating in bending waves meets this criterion [9]. Expressions for bending wave
velocity and mechanical impedance are quoted below.

In order Io develop a mathematical model of any physical system, it is necessary to make some assumptions.
Because we are considering the DML to be randomly vibrating, the existing motion of the panel will be
uncorr¢lated to any new input being applied, and therefore looks like an infinite plate. Additionally, because the
panel has low mechanical loss, we can suppose that all the energy supplied to the panel will evenlually be
dissipated by acoustic radiation. This set of assumptions has been shown to give useful results, and is correct in as
much as the radiated pressure is proportional to the velocity in the panel, Thus, to calculate the radiated acoustic
power, we need only to calculate the mechanical power in the panel.

5 Equivalent circuit of a Distributed Mode Loudspeaker (DML)

Given that the DML is a resistance controlled device, and that we do not need to consider the acoustic radiation in
detail, we can develop an equivalent circuit from Figure 2. This represents a simplified version of the "inertial
magnet driver" application used by New Transducers Limited in their white paper [10].
xp Up _/ Zp

Figure 2. Mechanical elements and forces for a panel driven by a damped mass-spring oscillator.

The coupled equations of motion are given in (12) and (13) below.

If the force is assumed to be sinuseidal with angular frequency o), and using the same symbols to refer to the pe_k
values of variables, then

F(t) a Fe j'o*t (and similarly for xm and xp)

-(.o2.l_4mXm+ j_or(xm-xp).._ k(Xm-Xp)-i- F=O (14)

joz._,-j_r(_.-O-k(x.-O-_=o (,,)
or in matrix form, separating the stiffness, mass and resistance matrices

(_-_2a +j_)_-_--oor_--(a-_'a +S_)'-P (16)


-- X °
F=F 1

So, the velocity in the panel is given by

¥_,= u..z_jo%
F F (is)
.,(k-co2Mm+jcor -k-jr. Or )-'(-I)
Yp:jco(0 t)[ -k-jcor k+jor+jcoZl, j [, 1 ) (19)

r°2M_ (zo)

By noting the velocity in the spring and damper is the difference between the velocities in the mass and panel, the
equivalent circuit using file impedance analogue can be drawn as per Figure 3. It is a relatively straight forward
task to verify that thc ratio of panel velocity, up, to force, F, matches that given by the reciprocal of equation (20),

k j rZ,
k coM.) +--1
cot M,,) {2,,

u =_'Um


Figure 3. Impedance analogue model of DML panel,

6 Practical Implementation of the equivalent circuit for a moving coil motor

Figures 2 and 3 represent a DML panel driven by an idealisod point source. If we consider the motor system to be
moving coil, then Mm represents thc mass of the magnet, cup and pole piece. The spring/damper represent a
means of attachinent of the motor to the panel. To account for the effect of the coil, we must add in series with 7_,
a mechanical mass, _ equal to the mass of the voice coil. Additionally, the impedance 7__is only real for a point
source, and will generally be a complex quantity for a finite diameter voice coil. The reactive component, Xp, is
small except at high frequencies.

Figure 4 shows a model of such a system, along with its equivalent circuit. For a complete electro.mechanical
model, a gyrator and coil impedance should be added. There are computer programs on the market which
facilitate such modelling, for example AkAbak [11].
n _ Up- Bm


,,_r F

F Up

¢ Z_ = Rp +jXp Um _ _Xp Rp

Figure 4. Impedance analogue model of DML panel with moving coil motor system.

The effective mechanical impedance relating up to F for Figure 4 is

· t

'k -_oM.J
,o_ +rz;
M.) (,2,
whereZ;= R,+jX_+jeoM_
At high frequencies, equation (22) simplifies considerably, becoming Z' v + r, i.e.

Zm_ff_-(R,+r)+j(X',+coMo)_R,+jo_M_ (23,

which gives the high frequency limit for the DML as

fmox _' _ (24)
A similar simplification gives the low frequency limit which, ffwe ignore k, is given by


7 Conclusions

An electro-mechanical model has been presented which will enable acoustic engineers to use existing sell'ware
pmgtants to investigate the application of DML technology to their acoustic problems. Given that a stiff, light
panel can be designed to have optimal modal distribution and low loss, it has been shown that in order to model
the acoustic pressure or acoustic power, it is sufficient to calculate the mean _locity in the panel.

The bandwidth of the DML is seen from equations (24) and (25) to depend only on the ratio of magnet mass to coil
mass. The panel properties affect the sensitivity and frequency limits only via the mechanical impedance. It is
possible to design a single DML to be substantially fiat in pressure and power response over a very wide
bandwidth without any electrical filters. That is something which is impossible to achieve with conventional
loudspeaker technology.

A more detailed model, incorporating interactions between the panel and its immediate, application specific
environment is presented elsewhere at this conference [12].

[1] J. W. S. Rayleigh, The Theory of Sound, Vol 1, ch 10., Section 223. Dover
[2] Raymond Jefferson Roark, Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain. McGraw Hill
[3] Robert D. Blcvins, Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape. Krieger
[41NXT White Paper, (C) New Transducers Ltd., 1996
[5] Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Sanders, Fundamentals of Acoustics, Section 8.12. Wiley
[6] L. L. Bemnek, Acoustics, chapter 3. McGraw Hill
[7] P. M. Morse, Vibration and Sound, pl) 115-116. McGraw Hill
[8] Morse and Ingard, Theoretical Acoustics, Section 7.4. McGraw Hill
[9] Morse and Ingard, Theoretical Acoustics, Section 5.3.19. McGraw Hill
[10] NXT Wltite Paper, (C) New Transducers Ltd., 1996
[11] AkAbak 2.0, Panzer & Partner; Steinstrasse 15, D-81667, Munich, Germany.
[12] M. Tashiro, G. Bank & M. Roberts; A New Flat Panel Loudspeaker for Portable Multimedia

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