This document appears to be a price list from a pharmacy called APOTEK K 24 RAYA BURNEH. It lists the names, prices and item numbers of various medications including syrups, tablets, ear/eye drops, creams and medical supplies. There are over 100 different medications and products listed with their individual prices.
This document appears to be a price list from a pharmacy called APOTEK K 24 RAYA BURNEH. It lists the names, prices and item numbers of various medications including syrups, tablets, ear/eye drops, creams and medical supplies. There are over 100 different medications and products listed with their individual prices.
This document appears to be a price list from a pharmacy called APOTEK K 24 RAYA BURNEH. It lists the names, prices and item numbers of various medications including syrups, tablets, ear/eye drops, creams and medical supplies. There are over 100 different medications and products listed with their individual prices.
This document appears to be a price list from a pharmacy called APOTEK K 24 RAYA BURNEH. It lists the names, prices and item numbers of various medications including syrups, tablets, ear/eye drops, creams and medical supplies. There are over 100 different medications and products listed with their individual prices.