Sejarah Biomat
Sejarah Biomat
Sejarah Biomat
During the 1960s and 1970s, a first generation of materials was specially developed for use
inside the human body. These developments became the basis for the field of biomaterials.
The devices made from biomaterials are called prostheses. Professor Bill Bonfield was one
of the first to recognize the importance of understanding the mechanical properties of tissues,
especially bone, in order to achieve reliable skeletal prostheses. His research was one of the
pioneering efforts to understand the interaction of biomaterials with living tissues. The
goal of all early biomaterials was to ‘achieve a suitable combination of physical properties
to match those of the replaced tissue with a minimal toxic response in the host’. By 1980,
there were more than 50 implanted prostheses in clinical use made from 40 different materials.
At that time, more than three million prosthetic parts were being implanted in patients
worldwide each year. A common feature of most of the 40 materials was biological ‘inertness’.
Almost all materials used in the body were single-phase materials. Most implant materials
were adaptations of already existing commercial materials with higher levels of purity to
eliminate release of toxic by-products and minimize corrosion. This article is a tribute
to Bill Bonfield’s pioneering efforts in the field of bone biomechanics, biomaterials and inter-
disciplinary research. It is also a brief summary of the evolution of bioactive materials and the
opportunities for tailoring the composition, texture and surface chemistry of them to meet
five important challenges for the twenty-first century.
Keywords: bone biomechanics; interdisciplinary research;
evolution of bioactive materials
1. INTRODUCTION: THE TWENTIETH 1980, there were more than 50 implanted prostheses in
CENTURY CHALLENGE: FIRST- clinical use made from 40 different materials. At that
GENERATION BIOMATERIALS time, more than three million prosthetic parts were
being implanted in patients worldwide each year. A
During the 1960s and 1970s, a first generation of
common feature of most of the 40 materials listed in
materials was specially developed for use inside the
table 1 of the 1980 article was biological ‘inertness’.
human body. These developments became the basis
Almost all materials used in the body were single-
for the field of biomaterials. The devices made from bio-
phase materials. Most implant materials were adap-
materials are called prostheses. Professor Bill Bonfield
tations of already existing commercial materials with
was one of the first to recognize the importance of
higher levels of purity to eliminate release of toxic
understanding the mechanical properties of tissues,
by-products and minimize corrosion.
especially bone, in order to achieve reliable skeletal
The principle underlying the bulk of biomaterials
prostheses. His research was one of the pioneering
development in the decades from the 1960s to early
efforts to understand the interaction of biomaterials
1980s was to reduce to a minimum the biological
with living tissues. The goal of all early biomaterials
response to the foreign body. It is important to note
was to ‘achieve a suitable combination of physical prop-
that this engineering design principle is still valid, 40
erties to match those of the replaced tissue with a
years later. Tens of millions of individuals have had
minimal toxic response in the host’ (Hench 1980). By
their quality of life enhanced for up to 25 years or
*Author for correspondence ( more by use of implants made from ‘bioinert’ biomater-
ials. The interface between tissues and bioinert
One contribution to a Theme Supplement ‘Scaling the heights—
challenges in medical materials: an issue in honour of William biomaterials is a thin, acellular fibrous capsule with
Bonfield, Part I. Particles and drug delivery’. minimal, if any, adhesion between the implant and its
host tissue. However, Professor Bonfield recognized the material is an ideal environment for six cellular reaction
need for a new generation of biomaterials. His research stages. The cellular mechanisms include colonization by
group began exploring in the 1980s the concept of osteoblast stem cells (stage 8), followed by proliferation
designing biocomposite materials that more closely (stage 9) and differentiation (stages 10 and 11) of the
matched the mechanical properties of the host bone cells to form new bone that have a mechanically
(Rea & Bonfield 2004). Such composite materials strong bond to the implant surface.
would minimize, and perhaps even eliminate, stress By the mid-1980s, bioactive materials had reached
shielding and bone resorption at the prosthesis – bone clinical use in a variety of orthopaedic and dental appli-
interface owing to mismatch of elastic modulus. cations. Various compositions of bioactive glasses,
Higher modulus devices carry almost the entire mech- ceramics, glass – ceramics and composites were in clini-
anical load, and this leads to gradual bone resorption, cal trials. Synthetic HA ceramics had begun to be
deterioration of strength and eventual failure. The routinely used as porous implants, powders and coat-
biocomposites developed by Professor Bonfield’s ings on metallic prostheses to provide bioactive
laboratory incorporated the new concept of bioactivity, fixation (Yamamuro et al. 1990; Klein et al. 1993;
to be discussed below, along with the design concept of Hench 1998). Presence of sparingly soluble HA coatings
tailoring two phases to achieve composite properties led to a tissue response (termed osteoconduction) where
that were closer to those of the living composite, bone grew along the coating and formed a mechanically
bone. This pioneering work led to an innovative strong interface. Bioactive glasses and glass – ceramics,
composite material composed of a polymeric matrix based upon the original 45S5 Bioglass formulation
of polyethylene and a dispersed bioactive phase of (Hench et al. 1971), were being used as middle ear pros-
hydroxyapatite (HA) particles. The new material, tra- theses to restore the ossicular chain and treat
demarked Hapex, was the first successful biocomposite conductive hearing loss and as endosseous ridge main-
material specially developed for medical devices. Pro- tenance implants to preserve the alveolar ridge from
fessor Bonfield continued his pioneering contributions the bone resorption that follows tooth extraction
to the field of biomaterials with the development of a (Hench & Wilson 1996). The mechanically strong and
new type of bioactive material, Si-substituted HA, tough bioactive A/W glass – ceramic, developed at
which is a successful bone graft material (Thian et al. Kyoto University, was used for replacement of vertebrae
2006). His breadth of understanding and contributions in patients with spinal tumours (Yamamuro 1996). By
to interdisciplinary research have made it possible for the 1990s, bioactive composites, such as HA particles in
him to co-found and edit this highly significant Journal a polyethylene matrix, Hapex, developed by Professor
of the Royal Society Interface. Bonfield in the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in
This article is a tribute to Bill Bonfield’s pioneering Biomedical Materials, Queen Mary and Westfield Col-
efforts in the field of bone biomechanics, biomaterials, lege, University of London, had become important in
interdisciplinary research, international leadership and the repair and replacement of bones in the middle ear
successful commercialization of innovative biomaterials. (Rea & Bonfield 2004). In 1998, a centennial feature
It is also a brief summary of the evolution of bioactive article of the American Ceramic Society documented
materials and the opportunities for tailoring the compo- the rapid growth of clinical use of first- and second-
sition, texture and surface chemistry of them to meet generation bioceramics (Hench 1998).
five important challenges for the twenty-first century. Another category of second-generation, resorbable,
biomaterials also became clinically important during
this period. The objective of resorbable biomaterials
was summarized in 1980 as:
By 1984, the field of biomaterials had begun a shift in
A second method of manipulating the bio-
emphasis from achieving exclusively a bioinert tissue
materials-tissue interface is controlled chemical
response (Hench & Wilson 1984). A second generation
breakdown, that is resorption of the material.
of biomaterials had been developed to be bioactive. Bio-
Resorption of biomaterials appears a perfect
active materials elicit a controlled action and reaction in
solution to the interfacial problem because the
the physiological environment. The mechanism of
foreign material is ultimately replaced by
bonding of bioactive glasses (composed of Na2O –
regenerating tissues. Ideally, there is eventually
CaO – P2O5 – SiO2) to living tissue, established in 1971
no discernible difference between the implant
(Hench et al. 1971), was shown to involve a sequence
site and the host tissue.
of 11 reaction steps (Hench 1998). The first five steps
(Hench 1980)
occur on the surface of the material (called Bioglass),
as summarized in figure 1. The reactions begin by
rapid ion exchange of Naþ with Hþ and H3Oþ. The Figs 3 and 4 in the 1980 article showed the progressive
ion exchange is followed by a polycondensation reaction breakdown of a suture composed of a copolymer of
of surface silanols (Si – OH) to create a very high surface poly(lactic) and poly(glycolic) (PGA) acids. Hydrolytic
area silica (SiO2) gel, which provides a large number of decomposition of the copolymer results ultimately in
sites for heterogeneous nucleation and crystallization of CO2 and H2O, which are easily metabolized. By 1984,
a biologically reactive hydroxyl-carbonate apatite clinical use of resorbable polymers as sutures was rou-
(HCA) layer equivalent to the inorganic mineral phase tine. Resorbable fracture fixation plates and screws in
of bone. The growing HCA layer on the surface of the orthopaedics and controlled-release drug delivery
bioactive glass
3 polycondensation of SiOH + SiOH Si–O–Si
to form hydrated silica gel
7 action of macrophages
10 generation of matrix
Figure 1. Sequence and rates of reaction stages to grow new bone at the interface with 45S5 bioactive glass.
systems were beginning to be used (Hastings & critical to emphasize a more biologically based
Ducheyne 1984). method of repair—regeneration of tissues. Bioactive
materials with biochemical stimuli provide the starting
point for this shift towards a more biologically based
3. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY approach to repair of diseased or damaged tissues.
The clinical success of bioinert, bioactive and resorbable
implants has been a vital response to the medical needs
of a rapidly ageing population throughout the devel-
oped world. However, survivability analyses of most Third-generation biomaterials are being designed to
skeletal prostheses (Hench & Wilson 1996) as well as stimulate specific cellular responses at the level of mol-
artificial heart valves (Schoen et al. 1992) show that a ecular biology (Hench & Polak 2002). During the first
third to half of prostheses fail within 10– 25 years. Fail- decade of the twenty-first century, the concepts of
ures require patients to have revision surgery. This is bioactive materials and resorbable materials have con-
costly to the patients and to society and is a significant verged; bioactive materials are being made resorbable
contribution to the rapidly rising costs of healthcare. and resorbable polymers are being made bioactive.
Thirty years of research has had relatively small effects Molecular modifications are being made to resorbable
on failure rates (Hench & Wilson 1996). Continuing this polymer systems to elicit specific interactions with cell
path, based upon trial and error experiments that integrins and thereby direct cell proliferation, differen-
require the use of many animals and large numbers of tiation and extracellular matrix (ECM) production
human clinical trials, is prohibitively expensive. and organization. Third-generation bioactive glasses
Improvements of either first- or second-generation bio- and hierarchical porous foams are being designed to
materials are limited in part because ‘all man-made activate genes that stimulate regeneration of living
biomaterials used for repair or restoration of the body tissues.
represents a compromise’ (Hench 1980). It is essential Two alternative routes of repair use the new molecu-
to recognize that no man-made material can respond larly tailored third-generation biomaterials.
to changing physiological loads or biochemical stimuli, Tissue engineering. Progenitor cells are seeded on to
as do living tissues. This compromise limits the lifetime molecularly modified resorbable scaffolds outside the
of all man-made body parts. Recognizing this funda- body where the cells grow and become differentiated
mental limitation also signals that we have reached a and mimic naturally occurring tissues. These tissue-
limit to current medical practice that emphasizes repla- engineered constructs are then implanted into the
cement of tissues. For the twenty-first century, it is patients to replace diseased or damaged tissues. With
time, the scaffolds are resorbed and replaced by host Table 1. Families of genes upregulated or activated by ionic
tissues that ideally include a viable blood supply dissolution products from bioactive glass.
and nerves. The goal is living tissue engineering (TE)
constructs that can adapt to the physiological environ- transcription factors and cell cycle two- to five-fold
ment and provide repair or replacement that will last as regulators
long as the patient. The current status of clinical use of signal transduction molecules two- to six-fold
proteins in DNA synthesis, repair, two- to
tissue constructs and the companies developing TE pro-
recombination three-fold
ducts are reviewed in Place et al. (2009). growth factors and cytokines two- to 3.2-fold
In situ tissue regeneration. This approach involves cell surface antigens and receptors two- to seven-
the use of biomaterials in the form of powders, solutions fold
or doped micro- or nanoparticles to stimulate local extracellular matrix components two- to 3.7-fold
tissue repair. We have learned in the last decade that apoptosis regulators 1.6- to 4.5-fold
certain formulations of bioactive materials release
chemicals in the form of ionic dissolution products, or
macromolecular growth factors, at controlled rates
that activate the cells in contact with the stimuli. The bioactive glasses (Xynos et al. 2001; Hench 2003). The
cells produce additional growth factors, which in turn gene expression occurs within 48 h, and includes
stimulate multiple generations of growing cells to self- enhanced expression by more than twofold of the
assemble into the required tissues in situ, along the bio- families of genes listed in table 1; see Xynos et al.
chemical and biomechanical gradients that are present. (2001) for a listing of the genes and the extent of
The advantage offered by both approaches to regen- their upregulation.
erative medicine is genetic control of the tissue repair The upregulated genes encode nuclear transcription
process. The result is equivalent to repaired natural factors and cell cycle regulators, such as RCL growth-
tissue in that the new structure is living and adaptable related c-myc-responsive gene (fivefold) and G1/S-
to the physiological environment. specific cyclin D1 (CCND1; fourfold). The entry of
There is growing evidence to support the hypothesis osteoblasts into the Go/G1 transition of the cell cycle
governing the design of third-generation biomaterials; and subsequent commencement of cell division is regu-
i.e. generation of specific cell responses to controlled lated by these and other transcription factors that are
release of biochemical stimuli. For example, when a par- upregulated by the Ca and Si ionic dissolution pro-
ticulate of bioactive glass is used to fill a bone defect, ducts, as reviewed in Xynos et al. (2001) and Hench
there is rapid regeneration of bone that matches the (2003). Potent growth factors, especially insulin-like
architecture and mechanical properties of bone in the growth factor II (IGF-II), are increased by 3.2-fold
site of repair. Both osteoconduction and osteoproduc- along with IGF binding proteins and proteases that
tion (Wilson & Low 1992) occur as a consequence of cleave IGF-II from their binding proteins. The growth
rapid reactions on a bioactive glass surface (Hench factors are present in a biologically active state, as con-
et al. 1971; Hench 1998). The surface reactions release firmed by analysis of the upregulation of IGF-II mRNA
critical concentrations of soluble Si, Ca, P and Na with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction
ions that give rise to both intracellular and extracellular (PCR). This was an important finding because IGF-II
responses at the interface of the glass with its cellular is the most abundant growth factor in bone and induces
environment. Attachment and synchronized prolifer- osteoblast proliferation. IGF-II expression is high in
ation and differentiation of osteoblasts rapidly occur developing bone periosteum, growth plates, healing
on the surface of bioactive materials, as summarized fracture callus tissue and developing ectopic bone
in figure 1 (Hench 1998; Xynos et al. 2000a). Osteopro- tissue. Similar bioactive induction of the transcription
genitor cells capable of forming new bone colonize the of at least five ECM components (2- to 3.7-fold) and
surface of highly bioactive materials. Slow release of sol- their secretion and self-organization into a mineralized
uble ions from the material stimulates cell division and matrix is responsible for the rapid formation and
production of growth factors and ECM proteins. Miner- growth of bone nodules and differentiation of the
alization of the matrix follows and the mature mature osteocyte phenotype (Hench et al. 2000;
osteoblast phenotype, encased in a collagen – HCA Xynos et al. 2000a,b; Jones et al. 2007).
matrix (osteocytes), is the final product both in vitro Several studies have confirmed the results of the
and in vivo (Wilson & Low 1992; Hench et al. 2000; early findings of Xynos et al. (2000a,b, 2001) and
Xynos et al. 2000a,b, 2001; Bielby et al. 2004, 2005; extended the generality to include several types of pre-
Gough et al. 2004; Christodoulou et al. 2005a,b). cursor cells and differing sources of biologically active
Ca and Si ionic stimuli. Bone biology and gene array
analyses of five different in vitro models using four differ-
ent sources of inorganic ions provide the experimental
evidence for a genetic theory of osteogenic stimulation
(Maroothynaden & Hench 2001; Xynos et al. 2001;
Recent research has established that there is genetic Hench 2003; Bielby et al. 2004, 2005; Gough et al.
control of the cellular response to the most reactive of 2004; Christodoulou et al. 2005a,b; Jones et al. 2007).
the bioactive glasses (45S5 Bioglass). Seven families of The cell and organ culture models used in these studies
genes are upregulated when primary human osteoblasts are summarized in table 2. Sources of the ionic stimuli
are exposed to the ionic dissolution products of used in the experiments are given in table 3.
Table 2. Cell and organ culture models used to establish the Table 3. Source of ionic dissolution products used in studies
genetic basis for osteostimulation by bioactive glass ionic of osteostimulation by gene activation.
dissolution products.
45S5 bioactive glass culture discs Xynos et al. (2000,
primary human Xynos et al. (2000, 2001), Gough 2001)
osteoblasts (pHOBs) et al. (2004), Jones et al. (2007) 45S5 bioactive glass particulate Xynos et al. (2000,
foetal human Christodoulou et al. (2005) (NovaBone) 2001)
osteoblasts (fHOBs) 58S bioactive gel glass Bielby et al. (2004,
murine embryonic Bielby et al. (2004, 2005) 2005)
stem cells (mES) 70/30 bioactive gel glass three- Gough et al. (2004),
human embryonic Bielby et al. (2004) dimensional porous tissue Jones et al. (2007)
stem cells (hES) engineering scaffolds
murine foetal long Maroothynaden & Hench (2001)
bones (mFLBs)
the increased strength of bone as it regenerates (Pereira
et al. 2005a,b).
The cell culture results reviewed above correlate with
All experiments showed enhanced proliferation and clinical results using the same bioactive material, 45S5
differentiation of osteoblasts towards a mature, minera- Bioglass (Wilson et al. 1994; Shapoff et al. 1997;
lizing phenotype without the presence of any added Lovelace et al. 1998; Aitasalo et al. 2001; Park et al.
bone growth proteins, such as dexamethasone or bone 2001; Yukna et al. 2001; Mengel et al. 2003;
morphogenic proteins. Shifts in osteoblast cell cycles Ilharreborde et al. 2008; Ameri et al. 2009). Clinical
were observed as early as 6 h for most experiments, studies that compare the success of autogeneous bone
with elimination (by apoptosis) of cells incapable of grafts versus grafts of the gene-activating glasses show
differentiation (Xynos et al. 2000a). The remaining equivalent rates of bone regeneration and fewer side
cells exhibited enhanced synthesis and mitosis. The effects with the bioactive glasses (Ilharreborde et al.
cells quickly committed to generation of ECM proteins 2008; Ameri et al. 2009). For example, iliac crest auto-
and mineralization of the matrix. Gene array analyses graft is currently the gold standard for spinal fusion.
showed early upregulation or activation of seven However, there are disadvantages of an autogeneous
families of genes (table 1) that favoured both prolifer- graft, including increased blood loss, increased operative
ation and differentiation of the mature osteoblast time, second-site morbidity and pain. A comparative
phenotypes, including: transcription factors and cell study of bioactive glass (45S5 Bioglass) versus iliac
cycle regulators (six with increases of two- to fivefold); crest autograft for spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic
apoptosis regulators (three at 1.6- to 4.5-fold); DNA scoliosis (AIS) has been reported for a group of 88
synthesis, repair and recombination (four at two- to consecutive patients (Ilharreborde et al. 2008). Forty
threefold); growth factors (four at two- to threefold) received iliac crest autograft and 48 received Bioglass
including IGF-I1 and VEG F; cell surface antigens and with a minimum of 2-year follow-up. The results
receptors (four at two- to sevenfold, especially CD44); showed fewer infections (2 versus 5%) and fewer mech-
signal transduction molecules (three at two- to sixfold); anical failures (2 versus 7.5%) in the Bioglass group.
and ECM compounds (five at two- to 3.7-fold). Loss of correction of the main thoracic curve was also
Resorbable bioactive gel glasses offer promise for use less for the Bioglass group (11 versus 15.5%). The con-
as scaffolds in bone TE (Saravanapavan et al. 2003; clusions for this retrospective study were as follows.
Atwood et al. 2004; Jones & Hench 2004; Jones et al.
2006a,b). Under appropriate culture conditions, differ- — Bioglass is as effective as iliac crest graft to achieve
entiating foetal and embryonic stem (ES) cells can be fusion and maintain correction in AIS.
induced to form bone nodules (Bielby et al. 2004, — Fewer complications were seen in the bioactive glass
2005; Christodoulou et al. 2005a,b); these structures group of patients.
are multi-layers of cells embedded in a mineralized — The morbidity of iliac crest harvesting can be
ECM that contains type I collagen and osteocalcin. avoided by use of bioactive glass in spinal fusion.
When a standard osteoblast differentiation medium is
conditioned by exposure to resorbable bioactive gel These are important conclusions for the twenty-first
glasses for 24 h and then applied to differentiating ES century challenge of affordable healthcare for the
cells, there is a dose-dependent increase in the numbers aged. Elimination of the need for second-site (iliac
of bone nodules formed compared with control cultures crest) surgery in elderly patients that require spinal
fusion means less exposure to anaesthesia and potential
(Christodoulou et al. 2005a,b). Bioactive scaffolds have
for infection. It also avoids pain and healing of the
been made that release optimal concentrations
(15 – 30 ppm Si and 60– 90 ppm Ca) of the ionic dissol- second site.
ution products as they resorb in the presence of
adherent human osteoblasts (Gough et al. 2004). Bio-
active ceramics can be tailored in many ways,
including adding the bioactive phase to polymeric
materials, thereby creating bioactive inorganic – organic
hybrids that offer potential for molecularly tailoring the Obtaining and maintaining a blood supply in tissue-
mechanical properties and rates of resorbtion to match engineered constructs is necessary for their long-term
stability following implantation. Studies have used great need for bioactive wound dressings that can coun-
third-generation bioactive, resorbable composites to ter the negative stimuli that prevent healing of chronic
enhance vascularization of a regenerated soft tissue con- wounds. It should be possible to combine the anti-
struct. A novel processing method was developed to inflammatory characteristics of 45S5 Bioglass particles
impregnate PGA meshes with controlled concentrations that also have proangiogenic potential at critical
of 3 – 5 mm particles of 45S5 Bioglass (Boccaccini & dosages, shown above. Adding such a multi-functional
Maquet 2003; Boccaccini et al. 2003a,b; Day et al. phase to wound dressings offers promise to stimulate
2004; Verrier et al. 2004a). An optimal concentration the keratinogenesis and angiogenesis required to achieve
of bioactive particles was established by using a rat a rapid regeneration of the skin.
fibroblast model to monitor cell proliferation and These results also show promise for designing mini-
enhance production of vascular endothelial growth mally invasive micro-injectable particles for stable
factor (VEGF; Hench et al. 2003; Day 2005; augmentation of soft tissues. The bioactive particles
Day et al. 2005). Samples of the bioactive, resorbable could serve to stimulate the growth of soft connective
composite mesh were implanted subcutaneously in tissues that can adhere to the particle surface and
adult rats. The composite meshes were infiltrated by increase the mass and elasticity of the regenerated
fibroblasts and blood vessels. There were significantly tissue. Such treatments are desperately needed to elim-
greater number of blood vessels at 28 and 42 days inate stress urinary incontinence in the elderly. This is a
post-implantation within the composite meshes com- societal need and challenge to the biomaterials field
pared with control PGA polymer meshes without that presently costs the NHS billions of pounds per
the bioactive phase (Day 2005; Day et al. 2005). The year. Little research or new product development is cur-
results indicate that the increased vascularization rently pursued to solve this problem. Another need and
occurring with meshes coated with 45S5 Bioglass is challenge is for innovative tissue-engineered tubular
due to the bioactive phase stimulating release of constructs to replace segments of the small intestine
VEGF, a highly pro angiogenic factor that acts solely that have been removed from patients with cancer or
on endothelial cells (Hench et al. 2003; Day 2005; chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Such constructs
Day et al. 2005). that possess the physiological functions of the intestine
Findings of Leu & Leach (2008), expanding upon the are greatly needed to improve the quality of life of
prior work of Day et al. (2005), show that low concen- this group of patients. This is a particularly difficult
trations of Ca and Si ionic dissolution products challenge for soft TE.
released from 45S5 Bioglass particulate are effective in In addition to these approaches using inorganic bio-
promoting angiogenesis in an endothelial cell module. materials in the engineering of soft tissues, there have
They also showed that critical concentrations of the inor- been significant advances in the field of organic-based
ganic ions stimulate formation and growth of tubules in synthetic biomaterials for regenerative medicine.
co-cultures. Their landmark experiments confirm that Hydrogels and glycolides are examples of just a few of
there is upregulation of VEGF production from human the many polymers that have been engineered to inter-
micro-vascular endothelial cells. The stimulation of act with host tissue as well as the immune system. A
angiogenesis depends upon the concentration of ions pre- recent review article by Hubbell et al. (2009) describes
sent in the cultures. The concentration of ions available how polymeric materials can modulate the immune
was controlled by using differing quantities of 45S5 Bio- system by carefully tailoring the surface properties.
glass particles contained within collagen sponges. They These materials can also act as adjuvants to mimic
found that when there were too few ions, there was no certain signals that can alter the cytokine signalling
effect; too many ions also had no effect. Leu & Leach of the host in positive ways. A recent publication
also showed that larger concentrations of the ionic dissol- by Fisher et al. (2010) demonstrates how the
ution products lead to osteogenesis, as described in the manipulation and control of the physical and chemical
seven experiments on bone stem cells reviewed above. properties of hydrogels can potentially direct stem
A review article by Boccaccini’s group discusses these cells towards various lineages to create specific thera-
topics in detail and summarizes the in vitro and in vivo peutic benefits.
evidence of the potential to control angiogenesis by use There has also been a significant body of work
of bioactive glasses (Gorustovich et al. 2010). The directed at manipulating the surface and structure of
recently developed ability to prepare nanosized bioactive de-cellularized tissues so that they can be engineered
glass particles is also important in future design of thera- for use in the repair and reconstruction of soft tissues.
peutic treatments using these concepts (Brunner et al. Work by Badylak et al. (2009) describes how different
2006; Hong et al. 2009). processing of these biological tissues for use in soft
There are important implications from these find- tissue repair results in unique surface structures and
ings. Few TE constructs at present produce a stable compositions that affect the host response. By control-
three-dimensional vascularized bed of tissue. Adding ling these parameters, surfaces are produced that
angiogenic stimulating particles could be an effective enhance the healing response when implanted for soft
means to enhance vascularization in vivo. These find- tissue repair. Other innovative approaches to soft TE
ings are also relevant to a new approach to treatment are discussed in the review of Place et al. (2009).
of chronic wounds that are increasing at an alarming All of the above are twenty-first century challenges
rate owing to the larger number of obese, aged and dia- of an ageing population. There is a need to accelerate
betic patients. At present, most treatment modalities emphasis on addressing these challenges by the
for chronic wounds are at best palliative. There is biomaterials community.
synchronize with the progenitor cell population present in Primary human osteoblasts proliferate on the silver-
situ. This offers the potential to design biomaterials for doped gel glasses. The in vitro bioactivity tests of two
specific patients and their individual clinical needs. bioactive gel-glass compositions (58S and S70C30)
and their silver-containing equivalents lead to the fol-
lowing conclusions.
8. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY — The rate of formation of HCA on the silver-doped
BIOCERAMICS CHALLENGE NO. 4: powders is slower than their un-doped counterparts.
CONTROL OF INFECTION — The presence of silver does not compromise the
Bacterial adhesion to biomaterials that causes in vitro bioactivity of the gel glasses.
biomaterial-centred infection and poor tissue inte-
gration is a problem that limits the lifetime of some Particle size can be used as a means to control the
medical devices. An increasing problem throughout release rates of active ions that are bactericidal (silver)
the world is the expanding population of bacteria that and those that stimulate cellular response (silica and
are resistant to common antibiotics. An increasing inci- calcia). Cell culture experiments of the new binary
dence of chronic wounds of the lower limbs and feet that Ag-doped CaO– SiO2 gel glasses using human fibro-
often lead to amputation offers another major chal- blasts, osteoblasts and keratinocytes established the
lenge. Localized control of bacteria and inflammation safe limits of controlled silver release when exposed
that lead to cellular de-differentiation is needed. The to human cells involved in soft and hard tissue repair
in vitro bioactivity and antibacterial action of a novel (Saravanapavan et al. 2004; Lohbauer et al. 2005a,b;
sol– gel-derived glass, AgBG, in the system SiO2 – Jones et al. 2006c).
CaO – P2O5 – Ag2O offer a new twenty-first century bio-
materials approach towards solving these problems
(Bellantone & Hench 2001; Bellantone et al. 2001,
2002; Blaker et al. 2004; Saravanapavan et al. 2004;
Lohbauer et al. 2005a,b; Jones et al. 2006c). The incor-
poration of 3 wt% Ag2O in the bioactive gel glass
system confers antimicrobial properties to the glass
without compromising its bioactivity. Present day dependence on in vivo animal testing to
The bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties of this establish safety of new biomaterials, TE constructs and
new material and of two other bioactive glass compo- nanoparticles is a societal concern for both ethical and
sitions, 45S5 Bioglass and BG without Ag, have been economic reasons. Developing predictive in vitro tests
compared using Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aerugi- based upon human cells that are sufficiently reliable
nosa and Staphylococcus aureus as test micro- and cost effective is an important twenty-first century
organisms (Bellantone & Hench 2001; Bellantone challenge. There are several concerns regarding in vitro
et al. 2001, 2002). Concentrations of AgBG in the tests that must be addressed in order to ensure relevance
range of 0.05 –0.20 mg of AgBG per millilitre of culture to eventual in vivo applications. First, a mature cell phe-
medium inhibit the growth of these bacteria. Not only notype must be present in culture that is characteristic of
was AgBG bacteriostatic, but it also elicited a rapid the same type of human cell in vivo. At present, many
bactericidal action. A complete bactericidal effect was cell culture tests are conducted using immortal cell
elicited within the first hours of incubation at AgBG lines that are not capable of expressing the complex
concentrations of 10 mg ml21. 45S5 Bioglass and BG arrays of proteins characteristic of mature phenotypes.
had no effect on bacterial growth or viability. The anti- Second, the status of cell cycles in culture needs to be
bacterial action of AgBG is attributed exclusively to the monitored and correlated with response to the material
leaching of Agþ ions from the glass matrix. Analytical being tested. Third, mature cell phenotype needs to be
measurements rule out any contribution to AgBG- maintained in the cell culture during testing. This
mediated bacterial killing by changes in pH or ionic requires monitoring of cell phenotype, preferably in
strength or the dissolution of other ionic species from situ, because the material being tested might not be suf-
the biomaterials. Observations of the dissolution pro- ficiently toxic to kill the cells, but could induce de-
files of Agþ from AgBG in the presence and absence differentiation and alter the healing response of the tis-
of bacteria are consistent with silver accumulation by sues. Fourth, the in vitro tests should provide
the bacteria. On the basis of XRD patterns, FTIR information regarding the molecular biological changes
spectra and ICP data, the bioactive behaviour of the taking place in the cells during exposure to the material.
Ag-doped gel glass is equivalent to bioactive gel glasses Fifth, the in vitro tests should be capable of statistical
that have FDA approval for use in bone repair. analyses in order to discriminate between small changes
Inclusion of silver into bioactive sutures (Blaker et al. in the cell population. Sixth, cost and ease of use are
2004) and bioactive gel glass foam scaffolds (Lohbauer equally important criteria.
et al. 2005a,b; Jones et al. 2006c) for TE and regenera- New approaches that satisfy the above requirements
tive medicine applications has also been achieved. The are needed with some urgency. Two innovative technol-
amount of silver released from Ag-doped S70C30 bio- ogies that offer hope of meeting this challenge are
active gel-glass foams is well above the minimum reviewed in this section. They are: (i) use of bio-
bactericidal concentration (0.1 ppm), but below the Raman spectroscopy for in situ cell-based testing and
cytotoxic concentration (1.6 ppm) for human cells. (ii) use of a human autologous modular immune in
vitro construct (MIMIC) to interrogate innate and Table 4. Advantages of bio-Raman micro-spectroscopy.
adaptive immune responses.
non-invasive, no labels required
no damage to cells
9.1. Bio-Raman test methods measurements on cells maintained in physiological conditions
Our studies show that it is possible to meet most of the rapid data collection (1– 2 min per spectrum, less than
10 min per cell)
requirements listed above for a predictive in vitro test
high biomolecular chemical specificity
system using bio-Raman spectroscopy of cells living in in situ test dosages are easy to control and monitor
a special environmental chamber fitted with a micro- simultaneously monitor changes in cell morphology
scope and a gas support system. The bio-Raman statistical sampling is possible at pre-selected levels of
method uses specific wavelengths of lasers, new spec- confidence
trometers and detectors to obtain Raman signals from can monitor state of differentiation and phenotype of cells
living cells. Raman spectral signatures can be obtained being tested
with a high signal-to-noise ratio on living cells with individual cells, cell assemblages, co-cultures or organoids
2 min exposure to 115 mW of 785 nm laser light with- can be tested
out damage to the cells (Notingher et al. 2002, low cost
does not require training in advanced level of molecular
2003a). A series of investigations showed that the
biology to conduct analysis
bio-Raman method makes it possible to monitor the
viability, cell cycle, metabolism, mitosis, differentiation,
de-differentiation, mineralization and onset of death of
single cells and cell assemblages (organoids) in real Table 5. Cell types analysed with bio-Raman micro-
time without damage to the cells (Notingher et al. spectroscopy.
2002, 2003a,b, 2004a – e, 2005; Owen et al. 2004,
2006a,b; Verrier et al. 2004b; Jones et al. 2005; Chan primary human osteoblasts
et al. 2006; Notingher & Hench 2006; Swain & Stevens human osteoblast cell line (MG63)
2007; Jell et al. 2008; Pyrgiotakis et al. 2008; Swain gene-transfected human osteoblasts
et al. 2008a,b; Gentleman et al. 2009). Single cells or human monocyte cell line (U937)
three-dimensional assemblages of cells living in a human lung-like cell line (A549)
primary human chondrocytes
specially designed microscope chamber can survive for
mouse lung epithelial cells (MLE-12)
long periods of time (several days) while being interro- mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells
gated as to their state of health without alteration or mouse fibroblasts (3T3)
damage to the cells (Notingher et al. 2002, 2003a). mouse neurons
When the cells are exposed to test agents introduced neonatal calvarial osteoblasts
into the cell chambers, the shifts in spectroscopic signa- adult bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)
tures can be observed and quantified in seconds to
minutes, depending upon the level of resolution
required. The time course of exposure can be followed
by monitoring the spectroscopic signatures on a pre- detection and discrimination between two important
selected number of cells in the chamber. The changes chemical agents used in terrorist attacks, ricin and sul-
in spectroscopic signatures of the cells are related to phur mustard (Notingher et al. 2004e ). The
alterations of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids and carbo- collaborative paper with scientists at the Porton
hydrates within the cells owing to exposure to the Down Chemical and Biological Warfare Laboratory in
agent being tested. England was published in 2004 (Notingher et al.
The many advantages of bio-Raman micro- 2004e ). The results showed that it was possible to
spectroscopy for testing of living cell – biomaterial or rapidly discriminate between these two toxic agents
cell – nanoparticle interactions are listed in table 4. owing to their differing modes of attack of A549
Bio-Raman analyses applied to numerous human and human lung-like cells.
animal cell types in the authors’ laboratory are shown One of the essential requirements for in vitro test
in table 5. Use of this analytical method by various methods for assessing biomaterial – cell interactions
investigators for other types of cells and tissues are listed above is confirming the presence of a mature
reviewed in Notingher & Hench (2006). cell phenotype in the culture that is characteristic of
A summary of several findings follows. Differences the same type of cell in vivo. The bio-Raman system
between the biological actions of cytotoxic agents offers the potential of monitoring and maintaining cell
(Triton X-100) versus genotoxic agents (Etoposide, phenotype by in situ spectroscopic analysis of the cells
VP16) can be detected by use of bio-Raman spec- (Notingher et al. 2003b, 2004b; Jones et al. 2005; Jell
troscopy. This is achieved by determining the et al. 2008; Swain et al. 2008a; Gentleman et al.
mechanism of cell death by either disruption of the 2009). Notingher et al. show that two statistical-based
cell membrane (cytotoxin) or breaking of DNA (geno- spectroscopic data management programs, called prin-
toxin; Notingher et al. 2003a, 2004c,e, 2005; Owen cipal component analysis and linear discriminant
et al. 2004, 2006a,b; Verrier et al. 2004b; Notingher & analysis (LDA), are powerful tools for distinguishing
Hench 2006; Swain & Stevens 2007). This bio-Raman cell phenotypes in real time. Bio-Raman spectroscopic
methodology was used to achieve an important mile- analyses were made of MG63 immortal human osteosar-
stone in our DARPA-funded research programme; i.e. coma-derived osteoblasts and compared with primary
human osteoblasts, obtained from surgically excised 9.2. New in vitro test system (MIMIC) for
femoral heads ( Jell et al. 2008). toxicology testing
An LDA model prepared from the data showed high
Establishing the environmental health and safety limits
cross-validation sensitivity (100%) and high specificity
for new materials, especially nanoscale particles, is an
(95%) for discriminating the MG63 cells from the pri-
important challenge of the twenty-first century. One
mary cells, with 96 per cent of the cells being correctly
of the difficulties posed by testing of nanoparticles is
classified either as tumour-derived or non-tumour-
the need to study their interaction with cells of the
derived cells. A similar analytical method has been
human immune system. A new in vitro test system
used to monitor cell cycle dynamics (Swain et al.
has been established that provides a predictive assay
2008b) and to analyse the molecular changes of stem
model focused on the human inflammatory response
cells undergoing differentiation towards a specific cell
(Schanen et al. 2009).
phenotype (Notingher et al. 2004a,b,d; Jones et al.
This system, termed a modular immune in vitro con-
2005; Chan et al. 2006; Jell et al. 2008; Swain et al.
struct (MIMIC), comprises several components that
together permit interrogation of the short-term inflam-
An important issue addressed in challenge no. 3 dis-
matory response as well as the long-term memory
cussed in §7 is achieving a quality of tissue that is
response in either separate or longitudinal studies.
equivalent to natural tissues. One of the difficulties is
The peripheral tissue equivalent of the MIMIC system
quantitative assessment of tissues grown in vitro. Bio-
is principally composed of blood vein endothelial cells.
Raman spectroscopy has been used to attack this pro-
These cells participate in inflammatory reactions by
blem for growth of bone in vitro. The results are
secreting soluble factors and regulate the flow of
seminal for the field. The paper of Gentleman et al.,
immune cells from the vasculature. The second com-
from Professor Molly Stevens’ group at Imperial College
ponent is monocyte-derived dendritic cells. These are
London, used bio-Raman spectroscopy to reveal cell
a critical antigen-presenting cell population that
source-dependent differences in interactions between
bridges both short-term (innate) and long-term (adap-
multiple bone-like mineral environments (Gentleman
tive) responses and stimulates T-cell responses. It is
et al. 2009). They showed that although osteoblasts
the synergistic effect of the cell types that enables evalu-
and adult stem cells exhibited bone-specific biological
ation of the early immune responses associated with
activities and created a material with many of the
exposure to a foreign body. The MIMIC system has
characteristics of native bone, the mineralized bone
been used to assess the immunogenicity of titanium
nodules formed from ES cells were an order of magni-
dioxide nanoparticles: anatase (7 – 10 nm), rutile (15 –
tude less stiff and lacked the distinctive architecture
20 nm) and TiO2 nanotubes (10 – 15 nm diameter and
and complex biomolecular and mineral composition
70– 150 nm length). The nanoparticles led to elevated
present in native bone. This is an example of the
levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased
power and potential of obtaining in situ analyses of
maturation and expression of co-stimulatory molecules
complex tissue constructs by use of bio-Raman
on dendritic cells. The in vitro assays indicated a
response to the nanoparticles characteristic of an in
An example of the use of bio-Raman spectroscopy to
vivo inflammatory response. The success of this type
study cellular response to micro- and nanoparticles is a
of human cellular-based immunological assay combined
recent study of a traditional Indian medicine used to
with the bio-Raman spectroscopic analyses described
treat ailments such as diabetes and eye diseases
above offers a powerful combination of technologies
(Chan et al. 2006). This treatment involves the use of
that could well circumvent the need for many of the
specially prepared particles of zinc oxide, known as
animal tests normally required for environmental
Jasada Bhasma, that have a wide particle size distri-
health and safety testing of new materials and
bution from 15 nm to 3 mm diameter. Fractioned
chemicals and toxic agents.
particles were spherically shaped with a narrow size dis-
tribution of a mean size of 30 nm (Thian et al. 2006).
The effect of the particles was examined using human
lung adenocarcinoma (A549) cells with MTT assays
performed to determine the mitochondrial activity A genetic basis for development of a third generation of
after treatment with different doses ranging from 37.5 biomaterials provides the scientific foundation for mol-
to 2400 ppm of the particles and after different exposure ecular design of scaffolds for TE and for in situ tissue
times of 24 to 72 h. Quartz particles at 600 ppm were regeneration and repair, preferably using minimally
used as a positive control. Raman spectroscopy was per- invasive surgery. There are significant economic advan-
formed on cells seeded on MgF2 plates and incubated for tages to each of these new approaches that may aid in
24 h at 378C and 5 per cent CO2. Spectra from 30 differ- solving the problems of care for an ageing population.
ent cells were collected for each sample group. The study It should be feasible to design a new generation of
showed by use of Raman spectroscopy combined with gene-activating biomaterials tailored for specific
MTT assay that cellular damage of nucleic acids, pro- patients and disease states. New, predictive analytical
teins and lipids associated with ageing and caused by methods are becoming available that can aid in devel-
oxygen free radicals is mitigated by treatment with zinc oping such innovative approaches to affordable
oxide particulate systems. The treated cells are able to healthcare. Perhaps of even more importance is the
maintain higher intracellular protein and carbohydrate possibility that bioactive stimuli can be used to activate
concentrations compared with the controls. genes in a preventative treatment to maintain the
health of tissues as they age. Only a few years ago this based on polylactide foams filled with and coated by Bio-
concept would have seemed impossible. We need to glass particles for tissue engineering applications.
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Hughes, F. J., Hughes, S. P. F., Episkopou, V. & Polak,
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