Spiritual Numbers 42 To 77 V 6

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mark h lane www.biblenumbersforlife.



Themes Christ was imprisoned, flogged, and put on a cross to die. Suffering hardly begins to describe the experience. The Christian grows by dying to self, submitting his will to God, and through grace he becomes like Christ. The Messiah will reign in Jerusalem as King over all the world. The nations will praise him and serve him.
(Nines) Those who falsely accused, falsely tried, and executed Him showed utter depravity, savagery, and blood lust. It is possible to grieve the Spirit, quench the Spirit, become entangled in sin again and be useless to God. Prior to this, Satan's wrath will be against all believers. But the Beast, False Prophet, and Babylon will fall.

7th: The End 8th: New Man 9th: Holy Spirit 10th: Testimony 11th: Mystery 12th: Government 13th: Rebellion
Truths Captured Blessed Ruler Survives From Death Submit Gift of Comfort Children Glory to Public Personal Promised Promise Nations Total Elders Believers Warn of Nations Message
(Triplets) by the Foe One of God Testing To Life to God God of God of God God Wi tnes s Sacrifice One to Israel Praise Victory Worship Delivered Judgment Judged of Faith

Books Micah Ha bba kuk Haggai Romans 1 Cori nth's 2 Cori nth's Galatians Ephes i a ns Philipians Colossians 1 Thess. 2 Thess. 2 Peter 1 John

Chapter Mark 5 Mark 7 Mark 9 Luke 1 Luke 2 Luke 3 Luke 4 Luke 5 Luke 6 Luke 7 Luke 8 Luke 9 Luke 17 Luke 18 Luke 23 Luke 24 John 2 John 3 John 4 John 7 John 8
Chapter Gen. 33 Gen. 35 Gen. 37 Gen. 45 Gen. 46 Gen. 47 Gen. 48 Gen. 49 Gen. 50 Exodus 1 Exodus 2 Exodus 3 Exodus 11 Exodus 12 Exodus 17 Exodus 18 Exodus 20 Exodus 21 Exodus 22 Exodus 25 Exodus 26

Shall we go on sinning so Grasp how wide and long Be imitators of God All the promises of God The wars of nations will cease, The last efforts of Satan
This is the only Bible Now it was The Spirit seems to say: that grace may increase? and high and deep is the therefore as dearly from the Garden of Eden the lion will lay down with the to lead the whole world
Theme represented by the sixth hour Tarry here a while By no means! love of Christ loved children and live to the final discourses of lamb, and God will reign! astray from obedience to
only 3 numbers not the and there was and consider what We died to sin: a life of love, just as Jesus, to the writings of his God will fail. In spite of
usual 9 numbers darkness over this means. how can we live in it Christ loved us and apostles in the New Testament grave risks, people will
all the Earth any longer? 49 gave up His life will be fullfilled on Earth 70 turn to God and be saved.
Clearly the significance until You are standing Father's for us. and in Heaven Elders /
of these 3 numbers the ninth hour on Holy ground. 48 Love 50 68 Fore- 71
PERFECT is great. (3 hour gap) Father's Persecution / Victorious Fathers Judge(s)
THINGS 47 Blessing / Fire 51 67 Disciples 72
Humility / Inheritance Praise the Gentiles The Lord Jesus reigns today Evangelist
35 46 Abasement Father 52 62 Praise in the temple of Jerusalem 75
Suffering Resurrection / Deceitful Jerusalem God "that is above" (Gal. 4:26). Missionary
33 Servant 37 45 Reconstructed Life Worker 53 61 Royal City In the Millenium he will rule 76
Scattered Chosen Preserved Exposed Faithful King of Jews: in the Jerusalem on Earth True
Remnant Servant Life/ Barely Survived Witness Messiah Prophet

42 If you have never 54 60 in contrast…as a warning to us, PERSONAL APPLICATION

Look into your heart Evil done so, say to God: PERSONAL False Earthly Israel falls deeper in sin Are you a worldling,
does your heart tell you 43 Man I am a sinner, no better APPLICATION 55 Teaching King 63 and under the control of Satan. living only for this life?
the behavior of Humiliate than the sinners who Is Jesus Christ Resist God's This only brought them Or are you a child of the King?
SINFUL Jesus was righteous? 44 Publicly crucified Jesus. your Savior? 56 Truth Wrath 64 judgement, punishment, Your identity and loyalty
THINGS Or the behavior Blood Dear God, forgive my sin. Then you are a believer. Hard Fellowship and shame. will be tested. In the Last
of those who Thirsty Grant me the power to Has Jesus become 57 Heart Broken 65 Days to follow Christ will mean
rejected Jesus was Killers live a life pleasing to you, Lord of your life? Depart from Apostasy you lose the right to buy and
righteous? and when I pass, take me Unless a seed falls to the 58 the Faith Satan's schemes: When Israel cried out 66 sell, and maybe your life.
Are you with Jesus? to be with Jesus forever. ground and dies it cannot Worldly When an evil spirit comes to have a king "like the nations" Idol Unfortunate, but Jesus will
Or are you with I accept your free gift bear fruit. 59 Life out of a man, it goes through (1 Samuel 8) thus began a Worship 69 raise you up again. You
the keepers of of eternal life purchased Ye shall know a tree by Rich arid places seeking rest and does cycle of disobedience followed Killing will reign with Him!
religion who for me through the its fruit. Is the fruit of your Oppressor not find it. Then it says 'I will return to the by God's wrath which culminated Believers 73
killed Him? sacrifice of Jesus Christ life pleasing to God? house I left'. When it arrives it finds the in the dispersion of the Jews. Babylon:
on the Cross. If you recoil and take back house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Israel's kings became apostate The connection World 74
Amen Lordship from God, you embark Then it takes with it seven spirits more wicked than by worshipping idols in the between the harlot religion Rule The Beast
on a slippery path downward itself, and they go and live there. And the final condition temple. They killed the prophets and future Israel is clear. 77
back into sin and shame. of that man is worse than the first. that were sent to warn them. (Mat 24:15, Dan 9:27) False

Bible Book Acts John Luke James Hebrews Philemon Titus 2 Timothy 1 Timothy 1 Peter 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation

Bible Chapter Mark 16 Mark 15 Mark 14 Luke 15 Luke 14 Luke 13 Luke 12 Luke 11 Luke 10 Luke 16 Luke 19 Luke 20 Luke 21 Luke 22 John 1 John 5 John 6 John 9
Bible Chapter Gen. 44 Gen. 43 Gen. 42 Exodus 9 Exodus 8 Exodus 7 Exodus 6 Exodus 5 Exodus 4 Exodus 10 Exodus 13 Exodus 14 Exodus 15 Exodus 16 Exodus 19 Exodus 23 Exodus 24 Exodus 27

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