Kaspersky Security Training
Kaspersky Security Training
Kaspersky Security Training
Kaspersky Cybersecurity Training
Cybersecurity education is the critical tool for enterprises faced with an increasing volume of constantly
evolving threats. IT Security staff need to be skilled in the advanced techniques that form a key component
of effective enterprise threat management and mitigation strategies.
These courses offer a broad curriculum in cybersecurity topics and techniques and assessment ranging from
basic to expert. All are available either in-class on customer premises or at a local or regional Kaspersky
office, if applicable.
Courses are designed to include both theoretical classes and hands-on ‘labs’. On completion of each course,
attendees will be invited to complete an evaluation to validate their knowledge.
Cybersecurity Services Service Benefits
Windows Digital Forensics and Advanced Windows
Threat Intelligence Digital Forensics
Improve the expertise of your in-house digital forensics and incident response team.
Courses are designed to fill experience gaps – developing and enhancing practical skills
in searching for digital cybercrime tracks and in analyzing different types of data for
Kaspersky restoring attack timelines and sources. Having completed the course, students will be
Threat Hunting able to successfully investigate computer incidents and improve the security level of
the business.
Hands-On Experience
From a leading security vendor, working and learning alongside our global experts who
inspire participants through their own experience at the ‘sharp end’ of cybercrime
detection and prevention.
Program Description
Cyber Threats News: www.securelist.com
IT Security News: business.kaspersky.com
IT Security for SMB: kaspersky.com/business We are proven. We are independent. We are
IT Security for Enterprise: kaspersky.com/enterprise transparent. We are committed to building a safer
world, where technology improves our lives. Which
is why we secure it, so everyone everywhere has the
www.kaspersky.com endless opportunities it brings. Bring on cybersecurity
for a safer tomorrow.
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of their respective owners.