An Assessment Study and The Design of E-Learning System Strategy in Computer Science Department of Sirte University

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T he Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAICEEE 32-32/01/3101

An Assessment Study and the Design of E-learning System Strategy in

Computer Science Department of Sirte University

Melvin Ballera Ziyad Hazim Abid Jabbar

Sirt University Sirt University

Abstract: In light of the great flood of information, change, and tremendous growth of
development of knowledge, it has become necessary to think and adapt new technique in
educating and training people through the use of global information network; the e-
learning. E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked information
and communications technology in teaching and learning. It is a procedural in character that
aims to effect the construction of knowledge with reference to individual experience,
practice and knowledge of the learner and pedagogical strategy. Today, Libyan educators
have not fully implemented or not progressively implementing e-learning systems in the
university curriculum.

This research aims to assess and evaluate the readiness and preparedness of e-learning
implementation at Sirte University using several factors such as its technological
infrastructure and communication backbone, student‟s readiness and needs, and technical
know-how of its staff and the design of an e-learning architecture and strategy for the
development and implementation of e-learning system. This research also the start of a
series of papers related to e-learning as we progressively develop research on this field.

Keywords: e-learning, curriculum, ICT, pedagogy

Change appears to be the only constant when one tries to simplify the concepts and
in the field of information and processes and help academics and educators
communication technologies and what was who have to grapple with effective
avant-garde two years ago is today passé educational delivery.
(Naidu, 2006). The e-learning presentation E-learning is commonly referred to the
of Brandon Hall in 1995 exponentially intentional use of networked information
increased to its current 109 million related and communications technology in teaching
sites and becoming inevitably considered and learning. For more in-depth definition,
the fastest digital business and perfect area it is a procedural in character that aims to
for educating people. If coping with such effect the construction of knowledge with
rapid change in the field is getting reference to individual experience, practice
increasingly difficult and complex, it is and knowledge of the learner and
even more difficult pedagogical strategy. Normally, e-learning
‫ طرابلس ليبيا‬3101/01/32-32 ‫المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية‬

is an educational training delivered in learning in Libya are still in early stage.

digital form to help learn the content, and While some Libyan universities, such as
improve organizational performance by Alfateh University, Garyounis University,
training, educating and enhancing and Sirt University have the basic ICT
knowledge of group of learners. This infrastructure (such as computers, Internet
educational technology provides a blended access, and a local area network), they still
learning among the students and educators use the “traditional” model of education;
in university while trying to improve this model is based on face-to-face
learning outcome. E-learning is rich in interactions in and outside of, classroom
content, interactive and uses different media between students and teachers, and learning
and delivered via the Internet, activities that are only available on campus.
intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, Libyan Open Universities (LOPs) offer
satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self students the opportunity to study at home;
face paced or instructor led and includes however, the learning experiences are
media in the form of text, image, animation, traditional too, as the universities rely
streaming video and audio. largely on printed learning materials
(Rhema & Miliszewska, 2010).
As an evident of the success of e-
learning, company profits increased steadily This research aims to assess and
as predicted by Chambers in 2000 and more evaluate the readiness and preparedness of
and more company adopted to e-learning e-learning implementation at Sirte
environment (Barbara, 2002; van Dam, University using several factors such as its
2002; and eLearning Guild, 2006;Quin, technological infrastructure and
2009) for training their workforce in a communication backbone, student‟s
different and diversified location. In readiness and needs, and technical know-
education, several higher institutions how of its staff and the design of a standard
migrated to e-learning, taking up the e-learning architecture and strategy for the
pedagogical strategy of McDonalds (2007), development and implementation e-learning
Mayes (2005) for its conceptualization system.
cycle, Laurillard (2007) for its
conversational model and Salmon (2004) ICT Infrastructure and Readiness
for its moderation and instructional delivery of the University
while adapting the strategy of Carter and
Lange (2005), Kent (2007) and Karrer
(2009) implementation. Today, more and Integrating ICT can help teachers and
more university established their e-learning leaders expand learning possibilities to
systems to support their learners at all create effective contemporary learning
levels. Thus adopting and adapting to “e- environments where students and teachers
learning” is unavoidable for everyone in use technology purposefully and flexibly to
society and in particular in education improve student learning outcomes.
setting (Collis & Moonen, 2005). Widespread demand for this technology and
increasing student numbers may, however,
consume any future increase in capacity.
Like in most developing countries, the Access to this infrastructure is therefore a
use of ICTs and implementation of e-
T he Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAICEEE 32-32/01/3101

key determinant of a college‟s ability to Given the extent of updating and

deliver teaching and learning effectively. repurposing identified, ease of modification
is clearly a key element for materials reuse.
At the university, there are 5 Computer
Laboratory with 30 computers each; enough Students‟ access to a reasonably robust
to cater the 250 students enrolled in infrastructure gives access to electronic
Computer Science Department. Internet resources. Limited resources, taken up by
connection is limited only in 2 laboratories. individual enthusiasts, can begin to produce
Currently the total bandwidth is 10Mbps e-learning. However, management time has
and expecting change in the near future. to be committed to facilitate access and to
According to the survey, 90% of the plan and set targets, and information has to
students have internet connection in their flow from the teaching and learning process
house; enough to support the Internet based to the management process. Teaching staff
delivery of the e-learning system. Students also need access to ICT, and their
are 100% digitally connected using mobile. competence and confidence with ICT need
to be improved. They could then engage
Local area networks (LAN specification with e-learning and develop their own
improved steadily between and 2005 up to resources. All these developments need to
date and still upgrading. The college be in place so that e-learning can be widely
upgrades their LANs to make best use of implemented and begin to transform
the bandwidth with 100Mbs Ethernet and teaching and learning.
Wireless network. The computer per
student ratio is 1:1 however it is not being Challenges for the Design of E-
maximized. Improvements in access to the learning
Internet decline in the last few months of
this year due to cable disruptions during Although admittedly young, Libyan is
building constructions. The target of one striving to fasten the development of e-
internet-connected for every permanent learning with the help of UNESCO and
member of the teaching staff is not yet various projects of the government. Libyan
achieved, however all staff can access ICT is exponentially growing as shown in
Internet using their respective account. world ranking in networked readiness index
and web assessment index (Ballera &
College intranets and networks Ziyad, 2010). Thus, Sirt University will
continued to be extensively used for take advantageously with these
learning specifically for computer subjects developments and plan to introduce an e-
married with applications in the laboratory. learning design and strategy. However, the
Almost 100% of the learning material used university faces many challenges in terms
is at the discretion of individual teacher. of the implementation of ICT and e-
According to the survey, the Internet is the learning in teaching and learning. These
most frequently used source of learning challenges are associated with: culture and
materials with 95% while the remaining 5% language, technology, attitudes towards e-
preferred books and stock knowledge. The learning, curriculum design and
reuse of e-learning materials is also taking development, and management support for
place in the department. Interestingly, e-learning initiatives.
materials were likely updated before reuse.
‫ طرابلس ليبيا‬3101/01/32-32 ‫المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية‬

Different people have different motivated students tend to drop out”

perceptions of ICT and e-learning based on (Andersson & Gronlund, 2009). Personal
their backgrounds. Notably, the design of e- motivation is one of the main reasons for
learning must consider cultural differences success or failure in the integration of ICTs
and context sensitivity issues especially in and adopting e- learning in the classroom
its learning environment. For instance, in setting. ICT increases student engagement
Libya, the design should consider because it provides opportunities to shift
appropriate reading directions, right-to-left from teacher-centered to student-centered
to suit the Arabic language; likewise, text learning which attracts students and leads
justification and navigation systems should them to enjoying learning. However, many
be fixed on the left hand side. In addition, students, particularly those who struggle
the choice of icons, symbols, objects, and with computers, lack motivation for e-
colors needs to be carefully considered; for learning, because the lack of exposure
example, to many users in the Western makes it difficult for them to appreciate its
countries will find an image of a dog on a potential benefits.
Web page harmless, or indeed friendly,
whereas users in Libya would find a similar Curriculum is becoming more dynamic
Web page quite offensive (Rhema & and interactive as a result of the many kinds
Miliszewska, 2010). of ICT based learning activities, projects
and software applications (UNESCO,
The technology infrastructure as 2005). Hu and Webb (2009) stated that
mention in the previous chapters is “regardless of the amount of technology
significantly considered, however in e- and its sophistication, technology will not
learning development, constant Internet be used unless faculty members have the
connection needs to be uninterruptable. skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to
Moreover, networks design, hardware infuse it into the curriculum.” The
specifications, softwares, videos, audios curriculum and pedagogical methods need
and supporting data for the learners must be to be modified and developed to employ
available. While computer laboratories are ICT application effectively, and fit to e-
available in the university, the lack of learning setting (Andersson & Gronlund,
adequate network facilities places serious 2009; Rhema & Miliszewska, 2010). At
restrictions on Internet access. The use of Sirte, the curriculum dated 2006 is obsolete
educational software within institutions is and need to be reviewed and modified
limited too due to unavailability of Arabic accordingly. The pedagogical scenarios for
products in the market. Further, the e-learning settings require assistance from
technical support is almost unavailable, educational developers with experience in
which leads to delays in installation, e-learning; such expertise is not fully
operation and maintenance of equipment available at the university.
and software and further discontinuance of
users. Without support from top management,
an e-learning program will probably not
Student attitudes and motivation is a survive. Teachers and Trainors generally
factor that affects students‟ satisfaction and are more motivated and committed when
capacity: “Highly motivated students they feel supported and encouraged by the
perform well in most cases whereas non- administrators. According to Mapuva
T he Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAICEEE 32-32/01/3101

(2009), “Institutional leaders are a

determinant factor, given their decision- The following are specific aspects of
making roles which could either make-or- ICT to be developed in Sirt are outlined as
break the e-earning projects by either part of the strategic priorities.
facilitating or impeding its implementation
within their institutions.” So, administrative Priority 1. Engaging and involving
support can be regarded as essential to the staff and learners – Information drive:
successful adoption of ICTs into the Computer Science Department will work
educational processes. At Sirte University, with all stakeholders, partners and learners
the lack of ability to deal with educational to continue to develop a common vision
problems will take some time due to and understanding about the use of ICT in
understanding of the technical, financial, learning. Several classes will undergo with
pedagogical, and administrative dimensions the beta version program to measure
of ICTs in education. students performance. Student will have a
technological innovation at the same time
E-Learning Strategy cultural immersion and eliminating
language barrier. Staff members will
An e-learning strategy is needed to help continue to promote and support the leading
focus resources including infrastructure, edge developments by actively participating
staff development and support. There are and involving with the whole process.
many instances of good practice around the Developers will work with partners through
University, but there is insufficient support the university to facilitate and support the
available. The University needs to build utilization of funding and infrastructure
capacity and skills to be ready and able to initiatives. A one year plan is needed for
respond quickly to, and benefit from, the students to appreciate the new technology,
fast moving changes of an increasingly as students‟ increases awareness, so is the
networked world. management.

Sirt University needs to position itself Priority 2. Building a common ICT

well in Libyan academic level. There are infrastructure to support transformation
many different visions and models for e- and reform – the university current ICT
learning and its implementation, but a infrastructure needed major revamp, so
unique strategy is needed to suit its own requesting for an immediate improvement
mission and circumstances. The features to management is a surely thumbs down;
and best practice and information from management is hesitant in changing the
benchmarking exercises is considerably current set-up especially when it involves
taken which served as guiding principles in cost and return of investment takes time. By
creating e-learning strategy such as the gradually improving, management will be
work of Salmon (2005) and Norfolk (2009) able to ready themselves and have ample
in e-learning and pedagogical framework, time to think. For the ICT infrastructure
Kent (2007) for its implementation, JISC specifically for e-learning implementation
(2007) for effective feedback and the BECTA (2007) standards will be used
assessment and others. E-learning has the in a 5 year plan installment system
potential to transform teaching and learning modification. The BECTA developed by
at the university. UK is a standardized system for technical
‫ طرابلس ليبيا‬3101/01/32-32 ‫المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية‬

specification and institutional infrastructure content delivery and tracking. This is

for e-learning system. The university will illustrated by Figure 1.
develop a simple technical framework
based on Becta to provide clear steps in
managing learning environment.

Priority 3. Improved CS Curriculum

and Course Content Management – the
university needs to modify and change the
curriculum to infuse the technological
innovation in delivering education.
Currently, several courses have been
collided with other courses. The IT
education is considered young since it
started in the early year of 2000, pre-
requisite and co-requisite must follow
Figure 1. Learning Content Management
international standard to provide
incremental learning. Teaching staff
developed their own teaching materials
Most LCMSs will have the following
without checking and monitoring content of
features: course content delivery
other courses, a need for making standards.
capabilities; management of online class
In developing the e-learning content, the
transactions; tracking and reporting of
university will coordinate with academic
learner progress; assessment of learning
press and suppliers to make high quality
outcomes; reporting of achievement and
digital content and learning resources
completion of learning tasks; and student
available to schools and learners and
records management. It is likely that the
consultation among peers
next generation of LMSs will have
additional features such as better
Today, most e-learning incorporate a
collaborative learning tools and better
learning content management system
integration with other complementary
(LCMS), which is a set of software tools
systems, and with portable and wireless
that enables the, storage, use and reuse of
(mobile learning) devices. It is also
the subject matter content. Contemporary
suggested that the next generation of LMSs
organizations recognize that the use of
is going to be increasingly browser-based
online learning management systems have
and less reliant on umpteen downloads or
the potential to significantly improve their
plug-ins on the user‟s desktop. They will
image and value, as well as access to their
have to be easier-to-use, more robust,
scalable and more easily customizable.
With the growing interest in the sharing of
An LCMS might consist of a whole
study materials, they are also likely to
range of different software and systems that
comply more with industry standards and
interrelate, share data and contribute to
with complementary systems.
learning management. A VLE refers to a
specific piece of software that enables
learners and staff to interact, and includes
T he Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAICEEE 32-32/01/3101

Priority 4. Provide a Pedagogical Design

for E-learning - it is widely acknowledged
that the role and influence of information
and communications technology on
learning and teaching is optimized
especially when it is skillfully integrated
into the educational environment. For this
to happen, we need to focus our attention
foremost, on the careful design of the
learning experience rather than the Figure 2. Core Components of E-Learning
presentation of the subject matter content or Environment – Pedagogic, GUI, CMD and
the technology. This means careful Feedback and Assessment
orchestration of what the learners are going E-learning with multimedia and
to do in the learning environment. graphical user interface is fashionable in
virtual learning environment (Malayeri &
The university crafted its own e-learning Rezaei, 2004). These interfaces can
environment design using four components improve quality of education by increasing
and shown in Figure 2. The four attention of educational subjects and
components are pedagogical design, the providing instructions when a learner is lost
graphical user interface and multimedia, the or provide help during problem solving.
content management and feedback and Adding some plug-ins in e-learning
assessment. The pedagogical design will be environment like relative sound, electronic
discussed in detailed and GUI while LCMs noting, chat, colors combination, videos
discussed in Priority No. 3 and feedback increases the curiosity and motivate the
and assessment will be discussed in priority learners to continue navigating the
no. 5. environment. The university observed that
students tend to become more interested in
This concept of “learning by doing” has the learning process if they see computer
been popularized, among others, by Roger applications and allowing them to interact
Schank and his collaborators and it is at the with the environment.
heart of pedagogical designs that stand to
optimize e-learning (Schank, 1997). These
pedagogical designs include “scenario
based learning”, “goal-based learning”,
“problem based learning”, “case-based
learning” (Carrol & Rosson, 2005),
“learning by designing” (Newstetter, 2000),
and “role-play-based learning”. These
pedagogical designs are grounded in the
principles of constructivism and situated
cognition, and in the belief that learning is
most efficient and effective when it is
contextualized and when it is based on real
world or similarly authentic settings. Figure 3. Operational Model of the E-
Learning at Sirte University
‫ طرابلس ليبيا‬3101/01/32-32 ‫المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية‬

The operation model in Figure 3 is used A major purpose of assessment in

by the university as guiding principles, and education is the improvement of learning.
responding to previous consultations At the university, only quiz is used to
involving e-learning strategies, we have measure the performance of the students. In
developed an enabling organizational the case of e-learning online assessment is
structure to support the development of e- necessary to be included in the design. A
learning to enhance the range of pedagogic range of measures of achievement is
uses of e-learning by staff and students. necessary to assess the wide variety of
This structure consists of an e-learning skills and competencies that need to be
committee, Learning Technologist, Faculty acquired. It is important to clearly specify
Learning Technologists, and departmental and communicate the basis for all
cluster heads. The University will also: assessment measures. When this is the case,
provide and fully support a range of core assessment can serve as a powerful
technologies, and assist with evaluating teaching tool.
peripheral technologies provide information
and support to academic departments to Assessment activities are most effective
help them decide on, implement and when they are accompanied with feedback.
evaluate their e-learning developments, At the simplest level, feedback is aimed at
including the appropriate use of educational correcting errors in understanding and
technologies, instructional/learning design, performance. However, like the assessment
quality considerations and staff of learning outcomes, the provision of
development needs and to provide feedback is a lot more complex process.
appropriate staff development. Feedback is usually designed to inform
learners about the quality and/or the
accuracy of their responses. This kind of
Priority 5. Provide an Assessment, feedback is specific and directly related to
Feedback and e-Moderation for the performance of the prescribed task. It
Learners - Assessing learning outcomes is may be delivered directly to the learners, or
concerned with determining whether or not mediated by information and
learners have acquired the desired type or communications technology. Feedback can
level of capability, and whether they have be directed at different aspects of learning.
benefited from the educational experience Some feedback is primarily designed to
(i.e., have they learned, and how their influence affective learning outcomes such
performance has changed). A measure of as motivation. Others might be directed at
learning outcomes requires learners to understanding of subject matter content.
complete tasks, which demonstrate that
they have achieved the standards specified
in the learning outcomes. In order to Moderation of the learning process
ascertain the most realistic and valid comprises supporting learning with the help
assessment of performance, these task(s) of a variety of instructional interventions. It
have to be as similar to on-the-job is an integral part of any educational
conditions, that is, as authentic as possible context and is often carried out by teachers
(Naidu, 2006). and tutors as well as students themselves.
For e-learning, e-moderation refers to the
acts of managing, facilitating and
T he Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAICEEE 32-32/01/3101

engendering group based computer- and communication technology of the

mediated communication. Example, using university. Applying the Becta architecture
the synchronous mode, even though the for ICT, the university could afford to
participants may be physically separated implement e-learning if given the chance to
from one another, the communication takes upgrade and update the current ICT setting.
place in real time (i.e., they are logged on at The five challenges has been addressed in
the same time and reacting to each other‟s e-learning development such as culture and
comments as soon as these are received). At language, infrastructure, motivation and
the university, they are studying the student awareness, curriculum design and
possibility of engaging such scenario while management supports. These challenges
some disagree for the moment and wait till also incorporated in the 6-Plan priority for
e-learning implementations is mature. e-learning strategy of Sirte University.

Priority 6. Provide ICT Training and

Support for Practitioners and Developers References
– Using blended approaches, this will
enable school staff to engage in more Rhema, A & Miliszewska, Iwoma (2010).
personalized training with increased choice Towards E-Learning in Higher Education in
of where and when they engage in learning. Libya. Issues in Informing Science and
The university will facilitate networks for Information Technology.
practitioners, making use of electronic
communication and video conferencing to Ballera & Ziyad. (2010). E-Government in
develop communities of professional Libya: Benchmarking Against Best
learners. Thus, they will develop a flexible Practices. Appeared in the proceedings of
continued professional development First International Conference in Electronic
program for all school staff. Management. June 1-4, 2010, Tripoli
In order to achieve the priorities above
and to provide a coherent set of support Quinn, C. (2009). Populating the
structures and arrangements, the university LearnScape: e‐Learning as Strategy. In M.
will seek and create a dedicated team. This Allen, Ed. Michael Allen‟s eLearning
will be supported by funding mechanisms Annual 2009. Pfeiffer: San Francisco.
from the university. The team will oversee
the development of all work related to the Andersson, A., & Grönlund, A. (2009). A
strategic priorities through project based conceptual framework for E-learning in
implementation. developing countries: A critical review of
research challenges. The Electronic Journal
on Information Systems in Developing
Conclusion Countries, 38(2), 1-16.

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students and technical capability of the staff perspective of activity
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