An Assessment Study and The Design of E-Learning System Strategy in Computer Science Department of Sirte University
An Assessment Study and The Design of E-Learning System Strategy in Computer Science Department of Sirte University
An Assessment Study and The Design of E-Learning System Strategy in Computer Science Department of Sirte University
Abstract: In light of the great flood of information, change, and tremendous growth of
development of knowledge, it has become necessary to think and adapt new technique in
educating and training people through the use of global information network; the e-
learning. E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked information
and communications technology in teaching and learning. It is a procedural in character that
aims to effect the construction of knowledge with reference to individual experience,
practice and knowledge of the learner and pedagogical strategy. Today, Libyan educators
have not fully implemented or not progressively implementing e-learning systems in the
university curriculum.
This research aims to assess and evaluate the readiness and preparedness of e-learning
implementation at Sirte University using several factors such as its technological
infrastructure and communication backbone, student‟s readiness and needs, and technical
know-how of its staff and the design of an e-learning architecture and strategy for the
development and implementation of e-learning system. This research also the start of a
series of papers related to e-learning as we progressively develop research on this field.
Change appears to be the only constant when one tries to simplify the concepts and
in the field of information and processes and help academics and educators
communication technologies and what was who have to grapple with effective
avant-garde two years ago is today passé educational delivery.
(Naidu, 2006). The e-learning presentation E-learning is commonly referred to the
of Brandon Hall in 1995 exponentially intentional use of networked information
increased to its current 109 million related and communications technology in teaching
sites and becoming inevitably considered and learning. For more in-depth definition,
the fastest digital business and perfect area it is a procedural in character that aims to
for educating people. If coping with such effect the construction of knowledge with
rapid change in the field is getting reference to individual experience, practice
increasingly difficult and complex, it is and knowledge of the learner and
even more difficult pedagogical strategy. Normally, e-learning
طرابلس ليبيا3101/01/32-32 المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية
In this paper, we studied the current ICT Hu, L., & Webb, M. (2009). Integrating
infrastructure of Sirte university and ICT to higher education in China: From the
students and technical capability of the staff perspective of activity
members and found out that there are still a theory. Education and Information
lot to be done in upgrading the information Technologies, 14(2), 143-161.
طرابلس ليبيا3101/01/32-32 المؤتمر الدولي العربي الليبي الرابع للهندسة الكهربائية واإللكترونية