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Research Article

Thermally stratified nanofluid flow over porous surface cone

with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux approach and heat generation (or)
Sawan Kumar Rawat1 · Himanshu Upreti1 · Manoj Kumar1

Received: 3 December 2019 / Accepted: 22 January 2020

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

This study deals with Cu-water nanofluid flow over porous surface cone in a thermally stratified medium. Heat transfer is
examined with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model instead of Fourier’s law along heat generation/absorption. Effects of
free convection, magnetic field and suction are also reported. Transformations are utilized to attain constitutive laws of
flow in form of ordinary differential equations, which are then dealt with Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg and shooting scheme.
Physical impacts of parameters involved are discussed and presented graphically and through tabular values. Velocity
enhances with Grashof number but not with magnetic parameter. Heat generation/absorption, thermal stratification
and thermal relaxation parameter reduces temperature. The effect of heat generation/absorption and thermal relaxa-
tion parameter is to increase heat transfer. Results reveal that effects of thermal stratification parameter becomes less
dominant to wall heat transfer coefficient with intensification in heat generation/absorption parameter.

Keywords  Cattaneo–Christov model · Thermal stratification · Nanofluid · Suction · Heat · Generation/absorption

1 Introduction ones to boost the thermal performance of the fluids. Hayat

et al. [2] studied the flow of carbon water nanofluid under
Many natural and industrial process experience heat trans- the effect of Marangoni convection. They focused on the
fer phenomenon. Heat transfer regulates because of the flow with carbon nanotubes and presented a comparative
existence of temperature difference between two different analysis of flow with both single-walled and multi-walled
entities or when temperature difference arises between carbon tubes. Qayyum et al. [3] investigated a thermal
different parts of same entity. The never ending and radiative nanofluid flow rich in silver and copper water
strictly growing demands in the field of micro-electron- nanoparticles in presence of homogeneous and hetero-
ics, fuel cells and other industrial domain have compelled geneous reactions. Khan et al. [4] provided the insight
researchers and scientists to discuss and improve the heat into the incompressible and steady state flow problem
transfer performance of new developing machineries and where flow of Maxwell liquid was induced by the sheet
technologies. The idea of Choi [1] to suspend the nano- of variable thickness. They also utilized the homogene-
sized particles in the base fluid to increase the thermal ous and heterogeneous reactions to study heat and mass
conductivity of traditional fluids was major breakthrough transfer. Hayat et al. [5] investigated the non-linear flow of
in this field. He validated his theory with experimental evi- micropolar nanofluid subjected to thermal radiation and
dences and concluded that nanofluids are most suitable effects of Brownian motion. Later, many relevant studies

*  Sawan Kumar Rawat, sawan.rawat@gmail.com; Himanshu Upreti, hupretidream@gmail.com; Manoj Kumar,

mnj_kumar2004@yahoo.com | 1Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture
and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 263145, India.

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

(see [6–14]) were published investigating the nanofluid cells, optical gratings and MHD generators compels one
flow to analyze their heat transfer performance. However, to study its effect in the boundary layers flow problems.
in the above mentioned studies features of heat transfer The strength and alignment of the magnetic field changes
have been analyzed by the heat conduction law proposed the behavior of boundary layer flow. The orientation of
by Fourier’s [15]. The model given by Fourier reflects the nanoparticles also depends on the interaction of mag-
parabolic nature of energy equation and implies that any netic field and electrically conducting fluid. Thus, hydro-
temperature difference felt in any fragment of element is magnetic nanoparticles are identified with both fluid
immediately transferred to whole element with zero time and magnetic properties. The more adhesive nature of
lag. The behavior of heat transfer is never seen without a magnetic nanoparticles to tumor cells makes them very
time lag (i.e., heat transfer occurs slowly and takes time). useful in cancer therapy and tumor analysis. Magneto
Cattaneo [16] noticed this ambiguity and added a ther- nanofluids guide the nanoparticles with blood current to
mal relaxation time factor in the existing Fourier’s model. the tumor with magnets and helps to identify its location.
Physically, he stated that heat transfer occurs as described Hayat et al. [25] studied magnetic field effects in nano-
in Fourier’s model but with a time lag (i.e., with a limited fluid flow and also considered the slip of second order with
speed). The changes made by him also altered the nature homogenous and heterogeneous reactions. Kameswaran
of energy equation from a parabolic to hyperbolic type. et al. [26] investigated magnetic field effects on nanofluid
Later, Christov [17] worked and gave his theory for material flow over stretching (or shrinking) sheet. They compared
invariance. He along with thermal relaxation time factor, the behavior of two nanofluids, namely, Cu-water and
also introduced Oldroyd’s upper convected derivatives Ag-water in their study. They stated that with magnetic
to support his theory. Han et al. [18] and Hayat et al. [19] field, rate of wall heat transfer slows down. Hayat et al.
conducted their study of heat transfer in viscoelastic fluid [27] took Oldroyd-B nanofluid to study magnetic effects
and Maxwell fluid, respectively using model developed by over stretching sheet with heat source/sink. Hayat et al.
Cattaneo and Christov. The study of Han et al. [18] consid- [28] studied the entropy generation in three dimensional
ered two dimensional steady flow over stretching plate flow of conductive fluid due to rotating disk in presence
in absence of pressure gradient and presence of velocity of magnetic field. Khan et al. [29] investigated stagnation
slip condition. Hayat et al. [19] investigated the flow over point flow of Casson fluid towards a stretching sheet sub-
stretching sheet of variable thickness and variable ther- jected to magnetic field. Farooq et al. [30] considered the
mal conductivity. The model developed in the study of [18] MHD flow of viscoelastic nanofluid with non-linear radia-
and [19] were solved using Homotopy Analysis Method. tion effects. Hayat et al. [31] investigated the flow of Car-
Hayat et al. [20] studied the incompressible Jeffrey fluid reau fluid caused by a sheet of variable thickness under
flowing past a nonlinear stretching surface with double presence of magnetic field and convective heating. Khan
stratification and first order chemical reaction effects. et al. [32] studied the incompressible flow over slender-
Alamri et al. [21] used Cattaneo–Christov model to discuss ing sheet of a Casson liquid in presence of non-uniform
a fluid flow model of second grade fluid flowing through a magnetic field. Hayat et al. [33] performed a theoretical
stretching cylinder in presence of external magnetic field. study on flow of nanofluid due to rotating disk under the
They derived an analytical solution of their problem and effects of magnetic field, Joule heating and thermal radia-
also discussed the effect of chemical reaction and ther- tion. They also provided the comparative analysis of cop-
mal relaxation time factor. Hayat et al. [22] developed a per water nanofluid and silver water nanofluid under same
model based on flow of Jeffrey fluid by a rotating disk with physical and boundary conditions.
variable thickness and also confirmed that thermal relaxa- All the aforementioned literature is limited to hydro-
tion time parameter signifies that temperature for Catta- magnetic and heat transfer flow problems. However, in
neo–Christov model is less than that for Fourier’s model. the recent times, these two types of flows have become
Upadhya et al. [23] presented a theoretical study of MHD important in industrial, geophysical and bioengineering
nanofluid in which graphene and dust nanoparticles were processes. Also, one can see the considerable temperature
suspended. The fluid flow model developed by them was difference that exists between the wall and the ambient
time dependent flow in presence of non-linear convection. fluid. So, in these cases it becomes important to consider
Hayat et al. [24] gave the solution of the stagnation point the applications of heat sources or sinks which are tem-
flow of Maxwell fluid of variable thermal conductivity and perature dependent because they have strong influence
they analyzed the heat transfer performance of the devel- on attributes of heat transfer. There exists many past stud-
oped model using the Cattaneo–Christov model. ies dealing with heat generation (or) absorption in heat
The vast applications of magnetohydrodynamics transfer flows. Upreti et al. [34] have considered have con-
(MHD) in the field of science, physical engineering pro- sidered the temperature-dependent heat source/sink to
cesses, medicine, hydro pumps, separation of magnetic study the behavior of Ag-water nanofluid flow through

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

stretching flat plate in porous medium. Sandeep and over stretching surface. There are very few studies which
Reddy [35] took the space and temperature-dependent have utilized the Cattaneo–Christov model and strati-
heat source/sink to study the flow of Cu-water nanofluid. fications effects together. One for instance is the study
They presented a comparative analysis of Cu-water nano- of Hayat et al. [46]. They studied the two-dimensional
fluid over two different geometries wedge and cone in stagnation point flow of Jeffery fluid towards a stretched
presence of viscous dissipation and Joule heating. Hayat cylinder which was placed horizontally utilizing the Cat-
et al. [36] focused on entropy generation in viscous nano- taneo–Christov model in a thermally stratified medium.
fluid flow over stretching surface in presence of mag- Aforementioned studies clearly indicate that although
netic field and heat generation/absorption. Khan et al. many researchers have discussed the characteristic of the
[37] studied stagnation point flow of chemically reac- Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model but a lot of its appli-
tive Cross nanofluid under the effect of heat generation/ cations are yet to be explored in flow problems. Our aim
absorption. There are very few studies dealing with heat through this study is to fill such gap in existing literature.
generation (or) absorption and Cattaneo–Christov model Literature search revealed that recently many research-
together. For instance, Anjum et al. [38] studied the flow of ers and scientists have interestingly explored the Catta-
second grade fluid which was induced by linearly stretch- neo–Christov heat flux model under various physical con-
ing Riga plate. They studied the heat transfer aspects of ditions but no such attempts have been made to study the
the flow with Cattaneo–Christov model and heat gen- nanofluid flow over cone to explore the attributes of heat
eration/absorption. Irfan et al. [39] investigated a three transfer utilizing Cattaneo–Christov model together with
dimensional flow of Carreau fluid towards a bi-directional heat generation (or) generation and thermally stratified
stretched surface using Cattaneo–Christov model. They flow. Generally, when a fluid flow through any medium,
also utilized the effect of heat generation/absorption and we witness the production of heat due to active metabo-
heterogeneous/homogeneous reactions in their study. lism. As it is accountable and an important factor during
Another study with the combination of Cattaneo–Christov fluid flow. So, we have studied heat transport with thermal
model and heat generation/absorption was presented by stratification and heat generation/absorption. This discus-
Rehman et al. [40]. They modeled a fluid flow problem over sion can be useful in different fields of engineering, chem-
linearly stretchable sheet to discuss the stagnation point istry, industry related to polymer production because all of
flow of Sutterby fluid. them witness production of heat and deal with heat trans-
The temperature difference between different layers of fer phenomenon. Moreover, present study also explores
the single medium leads to development of the thermally the effects of magnetic field, free convection, porous
stratified medium, where different layers have diverse medium and suction using the effective nanofluid model
densities. This phenomenon is often found in lakes and of thermal conductivity. By the use of similarity transfor-
ponds, which controls the ratio of oxygen and hydrogen mations, the governing equations were transformed to
to support the species growth. The application of solutal ordinary coupled differential equations and were solved
and thermal stratification are not only restricted to natural using R–K–F and shooting scheme. Results are showcased
processes but are also found in the agriculture, fisheries, through graphs and tables for different numeric values of
oceanography, chemical and geophysical flows. An incom- pertinent parameters. The coefficient of drag and Nusselt
pressible and viscous mixed convective boundary layer number are also discussed numerically and presented via
flow towards a stretching cylinder in a thermally stratified tables.
medium was studied by Mukhopadhyay and Ishak [41].
Khan et al. [42] studied the heat and mass transfer phe-
nomenon in flow of Maxwell liquid under the combined 2 Formulation of mathematical problem
effects of magnetic field and stratification phenomena.
Mukhopadhyay et al. [43] presented the numerical solu- 2.1 Analysis of flow
tion of the incompressible boundary layer flow induced
by vertical stretching surface in a thermally stratified and This study deals with two dimensional, steady, incom-
porous medium. Some of the authors like Hayat et al. [44] pressible, laminar free convective nanofluid flow over a
also utilized the double stratification effects i.e., tempera- porous vertical cone. As depicted in Fig. 1, here x meas-
ture and concentration stratification effects to study the ures the distance from the apex of cone along the surface
fluid flow. They studied thermally radiative mixed con- of the cone and y is measured perpendicular to it. Also, a
vective flow of Oldroyd-B fluid with chemical reaction in a magnetic field of strength Bo is applied along the y-axis.
medium with double stratification effects. Hayat et al. [45] The radius and half angle of the cone are denoted by r
investigated the effects of double stratifications and mixed and α, respectively. Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model as
convection in the flow of thixotropic nanofluid flowing a substitute of classical Fourier’s model is implemented

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Table 1  Thermo-physical properties of water and Copper (Cu) nan-

oparticles [36, 48]
ρ (kg/m3) Cp (J/ k (W/mK) β (1/K) σ (S/m)

Water 997.1 4179 0.613 21.4 × 10−6 0.005

Copper 8933 385 401 17 × 10−6 5.98 × 107

𝜐f x ⎫
u = uw = , v = vw at y = 0⎪
l2 ⎬ (3)
Fig. 1  Physical model and coordinate system u→0 when y → ∞ ⎪

The present problem represents the flow over cone

to analyze heat transfer. This study considers the thermal shaped geometry when n = 1. Here, u and v represents
stratified medium, which implies that temperature is vari- velocity components in x and y directions respectively, β
able at the wall of cone and away from the surface of cone. is volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, υ is kinematic
The spherical shaped copper nanoparticles are dispersed viscosity, ρ is density, μ is dynamic viscosity, g is accelera-
in the base fluid (water). In present analysis, the volumetric tion by gravity, σ is electrical conductivity, Ko is perme-
rate of heat generation q″ [W/m−3] is considered: ability of porous medium, l is characteristic length and vw
{ is suction/injection velocity.
Qo (T − T∞ ), T ≥ T∞
q�� = Using the following transformations and nanofluid
0, T < T∞
parameters (see Table 1),

y 𝜐f x � (n + 1) 𝜇f (𝜌𝛽)nf (𝜌𝛽)p ⎫
𝜂= , u= f (𝜂), v = −𝜐 f f (𝜂), 𝜇 nf = , = (1 − 𝜙) + 𝜙 = C,⎪
l l2 l (1 − 𝜙)2.5 (𝜌𝛽)f (𝜌𝛽)f ⎪
� � ⎬ (4)
𝜌nf (𝜌)p 𝜎nf 3(𝜎 − 1)𝜙 𝜎p ⎪
= (1 − 𝜙) + 𝜙 = D, = 1+ = F, 𝜎 = ⎪
𝜌f (𝜌)f 𝜎f (𝜎 + 2) − (𝜎 − 1)𝜙 𝜎f ⎭

and Qo stands for heat generation (or) absorption where subscript nf stands for nanofluid, f for base fluid and
coefficient. p for nanoparticles, respectively.
On account of above mentioned assumptions, the flow The continuity eqation is identically satisfied and
governing equations reduce to following form [47]: Eqs. (2) and (3) yield
[ ( )2 ]
Continuity-equation 𝜕3 f 𝜕2 f 𝜕f 𝜕f 𝜕f
A 3 + D (n + 1)f 2 − + CGr𝛩 − FM − AP = 0,
𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂
𝜕(r n u) 𝜕(r n v)
+ = 0, (1) (5)
𝜕x 𝜕y
= 1 at 𝜂 = 0⎫
where r = x sin(𝛼) f = S,
𝜕𝜂 ⎪
⎬ (6)
Momentum-equation 𝜕f ⎪
→ 0 as 𝜂 → ∞
( ) ( 2 ) 𝜕𝜂 ⎭
( ) 𝜕u 𝜕u 𝜕 u ( ) ( 4 )
𝜌nf u +v = 𝜇nf + g(𝜌𝛽)nf T − T∞ l g𝛽f cos 𝛼(Tw −To )
𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕y 2 where Gr = is Grashof number (free con-
𝜐2f x ( )
𝜎f Bo2 l 2
cos 𝛼 − 𝜎nf Bo2 u − nf u vection parameter), M = 𝜌 𝜐 is magnetic parameter,
Ko ( 2) f f ( )
(2) P = Kl is porosity parameter, S = 𝜐 (n+1)
−vw l
is suction/
o f

Above equations are subjected to following boundary injection parameter and A(= (1 − 𝜙)−2.5 ) is the dimension-
conditions: less parameter.

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

2.2 Heat transfer analysis by means of Cattaneo– Using the following transformation and nanofluid
Christov model parameters (see Table 1),

T − T∞ (𝜌Cp )nf (𝜌Cp )p

The energy equation for nanofluid in two-dimensional 𝛩(𝜂) = , = (1 − 𝜙) + 𝜙 = B,
form is written as: Tw − To (𝜌Cp )f (𝜌Cp )f
( ) knf (kp + 2kf ) − 2𝜙(kf − kp )
𝜕T 𝜕T = =E
(𝜌Cp )nf u +v = −∇ ⋅ q, (7) kf (kp + 2kf ) + 𝜙(kf − kp ) (12)
𝜕x 𝜕y
along with Eqs. (4), (10) and (11) become

� �2 � �2
⎡ 𝜕f 𝜕f 𝜕2 f 𝜕2 f 𝜕f 𝜕𝛩 ⎤
⎢ 𝛩 + St − (n + 1)f 2 𝛩 + (n + 1)2 f
− St(n + 1)f
2 ⎥
E 𝜕2 𝛩 Q 𝜕𝛩 𝜕f 𝜕f 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 ⎥
+ 𝛩 + (n + 1)f − 𝛩 − St − 𝜁⎢ � � =0
BPr 𝜕𝜂 2 B 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 ⎢ 𝜕f 𝜕𝛩 2
2 2𝜕 𝛩 Q 𝜕f 𝜕𝛩 ⎥
⎢ − 2(n + 1)f + (n + 1) f − 𝛩 − (n + 1)f ⎥
⎣ 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 2 B 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 ⎦
where T stands for temperature, q the heat flux and Cp the 𝛩(𝜂) = 1 − St at 𝜂 = 0
specific heat. The Cattaneo–Christov expression for heat (14)
𝛩(𝜂) → 0 as 𝜂 → ∞
flux is given as [18–24]:
( (𝜌C ) 𝜐 )
[ ] where Pr = kp f f stands for Prandtl number,
𝜕q ( )
q + 𝜏o + 𝐯 ⋅ ∇q − q ⋅ ∇𝐯+(∇ ⋅ 𝐯)q = −k∇T , (8) Q l2

𝜕t Q = (𝜌C o) 𝜐 for heat generation/absorption parameter,

( )f f
where 𝜏o denotes thermal relaxation time, k stands for St = d1 for thermal stratification parameter and
( )
thermal conductivity and v denotes velocity. It is to be 𝜏 𝜐
𝜁 = ol 2 f for thermal relaxation parameter.
noted that for 𝜏o = 0 , Eq. (8) takes the form of Fourier’s
law of heat conduction. Now, utilizing the steady state and 2.3 Physical quantities
incompressibility condition, Eq. (8) reduces to,
The quantities of engineering interest are as such, skin fric-
q + 𝜏o [𝐯 ⋅ ∇q − q ⋅ ∇𝐯] = −k∇T , (9) tion coefficient
One important feature of C–C model is that as thermal √ f �� (0)
relaxation time increases, the decaying nature of thermal Cf∗ = Cf Rex = (15)
(1 − 𝜙)2.5
waves is noticed through their amplitudes. Now eliminat-
ing ‘q’ between Eqs. (7) and (9) and introducing the effects and, non-dimensional wall heat transfer coefficient
of heat generation (or) absorption, we obtain
� � � �
⎡ 2
2𝜕 T 𝜕u 𝜕u 𝜕T 𝜕v 𝜕v 𝜕T ⎤
� � ⎢ u + u + v + u + v
𝜕x 2 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕x 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕y ⎥ 2
(𝜌Cp )nf u
+ 𝜏o (𝜌Cp )nf ⎢ � �⎥ = knf 𝜕 T + Q0 (T − T∞ ) (10)
𝜕x 𝜕y ⎢ 𝜕2 T 𝜕2 T Q0 𝜕(T − T∞ ) 𝜕(T − T∞ ) ⎥ 𝜕y 2
⎢ +2uv + v2 2 − u +v ⎥
⎣ 𝜕x𝜕y 𝜕y (𝜌C )
p nf 𝜕x 𝜕y ⎦

with boundary conditions, Nu kf

Nux∗ = √ = −𝛩� (0) (16)
} Rex k nf
T = Tw = To + dx at y = 0
(11) uw x
T = T∞ = To + d1 x as y → ∞ where Rex = 𝜐f
and prime denotes differentiation w.r.t. η.

where Qo is heat generation (or) absorption coefficient,

(Tw , T∞ , To ) denotes wall, ambient and reference tem- 3 Numerical method
perature, respectively and (d, d1 ) represents dimensional
constants. The Eqs.  (5) and (13) governing the flow with bound-
ary conditions (6) and (14) are solved numeri-
cally by utilizing Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

System (17) of equations is solved by finding the appro-

priate choice for missing slope values i.e., h1 = f �� (0) and
h2 = 𝛩� (0) . Computations are performed with step length
0.0001 and to match the far field conditions a suitable finite
𝜂max{ was taken. The iterative procedure } is stopped when
max ||g2 (𝜂max ) − 0||, ||g4 (𝜂max ) − 0|| ≤ 10−5 (error toler-
ance). For validation and accuracy of the present code,
Table 2 is outlined to present comparison with published
results of Vajravelu and Nayfeh [47] under the special case.
The results are found to be in very good agreement.

4 Results and discussion

In this section, we present the physical interpreta-

tions of the impact of pertinent parameters on veloc-
ity, temperature, skin friction and heat transfer
coefficient. Plots and Tables are outlined to demon-
strate the results. Throughout this study for numeri-
cal computations, the default values are set as:
S = Gr = M = P = Q = 1, St = 0.2, 𝜁 = 0.4, 𝜙 = 0.1, Pr = 6.2. Any
Fig. 2  Flow chart of shooting method deviation from the default value is pointed out in the apt
figures and tables. Table 3 presents the behavior of skin
friction and heat transfer coefficient due to varying param-
with shooting technique (see Fig.  2). We substitute eters. Skin friction coefficient, which relates with drag coef-
g1 = f , g2 = f � , g3 = f �� , g4 = 𝛩, g5 = 𝛩� and obtained ficient at the surface of cone is seen to decrease with M,
the system of ODEs consisting of five first order equations: P, St, 𝜁  , Q and S whereas opposite trend in case of Gr is

g1 = g2 ; g1 (0) = S ⎫
� ⎪
g2 = g3 ; g2 (0) = 1 ⎪
� 1� � ⎪
g3 = −D((n + 1)g1 g3 − g22 ) − CGrg4 + MFg2 + APg2 ; g3 (0) = h1 ⎪
A ⎪

g4 = g5 ; g4 (0) = 1 − St ⎪

⎧ −Q ⎫ ⎪
⎪ B g4 − (n + 1)g1 g5 + g2 g4 + Stg2 ⎪ ⎬ (17)
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎡ g2 g4 + Stg2 − St(n + 1)g1 g3
2 2 ⎤⎪ ⎪
� ⎪ ⎢ ⎥⎪� E �−1 ⎪
g5 = ⎨ + 𝜁 ⎢ − (n + 1)g1 g3 g4 + (n + 1)2 g1 g2 g5 ⎥⎬ − 𝜁(n + 1)2 g12 ; g5 (0) = h2 ⎪
⎪ ⎢ − 2(n + 1)g g g ⎥⎪ BPr ⎪
⎪ ⎣ 1 2 5 ⎦⎪ ⎪
⎪ Q� � ⎪ ⎪
⎪ − 𝜁 g2 g4 − (n + 1)g1 g5 ⎪ ⎪
⎩ B ⎭ ⎭

Table 2  Comparison of values Q Pr Gr M s Present results Vajravelu and Nayfeh [47]

of f �� (0) and −𝜃 � (0) with results
of Vajravelu and Nayfeh [47] ��
f (0) �
−𝜃 (0) f �� (0) −𝜃 � (0)
when P = ζ = ϕ = 0
− 5 0.3 − 0.5 1 − 2.1 − 0.15559221 − 2.2374764635 − 0.155592 − 2.237475
− 5 0.3 − 0.5 1 2.1 − 0.15600196 − 2.23278567 − 0.156001 − 2.232780
− 5 0.3 − 0.5 3 2.1 − 0.12640183 − 2.23373586 − 0.126400 − 2.233732
1 1.0 0.5 3 2.1 0.32899477 0.79855920 0.328994 0.798537

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

Table 3  Numerical values of Gr M P St ζ Q S Cf∗ Nux∗

skin friction coefficient and
heat transfer coefficient of − 1 1 1 0.2 0.4 1 1 − 6.17739 − 0.14623
Cu-water nanofluid
− 0.5 − 5.56262 − 0.12184
0 − 4.96465 − 0.10399
0.5 − 4.37908 − 0.09101
1 − 3.80301 − 0.08177
2 − 4.23249 − 0.08497
3 − 4.59847 − 0.08787
1 0.4 − 3.51191 − 0.07979
0.6 − 3.61271 − 0.08045
0.8 − 3.70969 − 0.08111
1.5 − 4.02196 − 0.08337
1 0.3 − 3.91821 − 0.15114
0.4 − 4.03477 − 0.22019
0.2 0.2 − 3.76799 − 0.12293
0.6 − 3.83020 − 0.05968
− 1 − 2.97734 − 0.74276
− 0.5 − 3.18850 − 0.60411
0 − 3.40255 − 0.44660
0.5 − 3.61083 − 0.27159
1 0.5 − 2.75241 − 0.37713
2 − 6.41862 − 0.00038

observed. Increasing the value of magnetic parameter cor- be seen via Fig. 3. The positive values of Gr corresponds to
responds to increasing its strength, which in turn increases heating of nanofluid as it moves forward. The heating of
the Lorentz force and decreases velocity. So, we see the nanofluid as it moves to ambient conditions leads to rise
decrease in value of skin friction coefficient. Whereas, posi- in nanofluid temperature as seen in Fig. 4. It is clear from
tive values of the Grashof number (Gr) relates to heating above discussion that changes in Gr regulates the veloc-
of fluid and it assists the flow as it moves to ambient con- ity and thermal fields. Figures 5 and 6 deal with the pro-
dition. So, in turn resisting forces increases with increas- files of velocity and temperature when magnetic field (M)
ing values of Gr and it results in increase in drag at the strength is altered. The nanofluid velocity is decelerated
surface. The heat transfer coefficient is directly related to when M is increased. Physical explanation of this result lies
Gr, 𝜁  , Q and S but it is inversely related to parameters M, in that fact that increasing strength of magnetic parameter
P and St. As mentioned earlier, the positive values of Gr also increases the Lorentz force acting in opposite direc-
corresponds to heating of fluid and it increases the heat tion of the flow, which in turn resists the flow and so veloc-
transfer rate in the flow of nanofluid. Whereas, increasing ity diminishes. It is traced out that temperature also falls
values of thermal relaxation parameter 𝜁 corresponds to when nanofluid move towards boundary layer edge. As
increase in amount of time in transferring heat when a with increasing strength of magnetic parameter, we wit-
temperature gradient is present. So, increase in time lag ness the surface drag to decrease. It leads to decrease in
results in increase in heat transfer coefficient. production of amount of heat and hence temperature of
The velocity and temperature variation with Gr is eluci- nanofluid flow decreases.
dated in Figs. 3 and 4. Physically the negative values and Analysis of velocity and temperature fields with vari-
positive of Gr relates to cooling of fluid (or warming of sur- ation in porosity parameter (P) is displayed in Figs. 7 and
face) and heating of fluid (or cooling of surface), respec- 8. Both velocity and temperature are seen to decrease
tively. Higher values of Gr helps nanofluid flow more rap- with increasing porosity parameter. An increase in the
idly as it moves towards ambient field and the same can value of porosity parameter corresponds to the decrease

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Fig. 3  Variation in velocity
when Gr is varied

Fig. 4  Variation in temperature
when Gr is varied

in permeability of the medium. With decrease in perme- parameter as velocity decreases. Hence, it results in release
ability of medium, it becomes difficult for nanofluid to of lesser amount of heat and it leads to fall in tempera-
move and hence velocity decreases. Conclusively, we can ture of nanofluid. Impact of thermal stratification param-
say that increasing porosity parameter resists the flow. eter (St) on velocity and temperature fields is outlined in
The surface drag also decreases with increasing porosity Figs. 9 and 10. Physically dominating values of St leads

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

Fig. 5  Variation in velocity
when M is varied

Fig. 6  Variation in temperature
when M is varied

to decreasing velocity and temperature of the nanofluid. Consequently, the inhibition of convectively heated flow
When the parameter St is increased, it corresponds to a results leads to drop in temperature.
situation where difference in densities of different region Description of velocity and temperature fields through
inside fluid increases. Hence, it further inhibits the con- the variation in thermal relaxation parameter (𝜁) is
vective flow from heated surface of cone to ambient fluid. done with the help of Figs. 11 and 12. Velocity is seen to
decrease with increasing thermal time. Increasing thermal

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Fig. 7  Variation in velocity
when P is varied

Fig. 8  Variation in temperature
when P is varied

relaxation parameter means the increase in time required that temperature is less dominant in case of C–C model
to transfer heat from particles to their neighboring parti- and this leads to decrease in temperature with increas-
cles having less energy. Physically, the more time material ing thermal relaxation time parameter. Figures 13 and 14
takes to transfer heat, corresponds to its non-conducting demonstrate the features of heat generation (or) absorp-
nature. It is to be noted that for 𝜁 = 0 , the C–C model tion parameter (Q) on velocity and temperature fields. The
takes the form of Fourier’s law. So, it can be deduced positive values of Q(Q > 0) corresponds to the case where

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

Fig. 9  Variation in velocity
when St is varied

Fig. 10  Variation in tempera-
ture when St is varied

heat is generated and negative values Q(Q > 0) relates to effects of heat generation/absorption together with Catta-
absorption of heat. The velocity was seen to be decreas- neo–Christov model in flow of Sutterby fluid over linearly
ing function of Q. Generally, it is observed that tempera- stretched plate. However, the decrease in both velocity
ture rises with increasing Q, but in this case a decreasing and temperature was found very significant.
trend was obtained. This result is in accordance with result Graphs for velocity and temperature distribution
in study of Rehman et al. [40], in which they studied the with suction parameter (S) are plotted in Figs. 15 and 16.

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Fig. 11  Variation in velocity
when ζ is varied

Fig. 12  Variation in tempera-
ture when ζ is varied

Suction is a very effective way to prevent the boundary near the wall was seen to decrease as suction parameter
layer separation. Its inclusion also regulates the flow veloc- increases but as we moved towards the ambient flow,
ity and its temperature. Increasing suction effect causes reverse trend was traced out. Figures 17 and 18 depict
the boundary layer to stick nearer to wall, which destroys the relationship between nanoparticle volume fraction (ϕ)
its momentum. So, the flow gets decelerated with increas- and velocity, and temperature. Increasing volume fraction
ing the strength of suction in the flow. Temperature profile means more amount of nanoparticles in the base fluid. So,

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

Fig. 13  Variation in velocity
when Q is varied

Fig. 14  Variation in tempera-
ture when Q is varied

increasing volume fraction causes hindrance in the flow of seen from Fig. 19. It is seen that for either cases, heat gen-
nanofluid, which results in decreasing velocity. Decreas- eration or heat absorption, higher value of stratification
ing trends are observed for both velocity and temperature parameter (St) corresponds to lower value of skin friction
when volume fraction was increased. Combined effects coefficient. As with increasing stratification parameter,
of heat generation/absorption parameter and thermal the velocity of the nanofluid decreases, which results in
stratification parameter on skin friction coefficient can be less friction with surface of cone and hence we witness a

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Fig. 15  Variation in velocity
when S is varied

Fig. 16  Variation in temperature when S is varied

decrease in skin friction coefficient. Combined effects of thermal stratification parameter (St) becomes less domi-
heat generation/absorption parameter and thermal strati- nant to wall heat transfer coefficient with intensification
fication parameter on wall heat transfer coefficient can be in heat generation/absorption parameter (Q). As intensifi-
seen from Fig. 20. It is clear from the figure that, effects of cation in thermal stratification parameter corresponds to

SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3 Research Article

Fig. 17  Variation in velocity
when ϕ is varied

Fig. 18  Variation in tempera-
ture when ϕ is varied

increase in density gradient between different regions and of Q. As positive value of Q corresponds to the situation
it consequently hinder the convective flow from heated where heat is generated within the flow. So, in presence
surface of cone to ambient fluid. So, initially we witness the of heat generation, the effect of increasing value of St is to
increase in heat transfer coefficient with increasing value decrease the heat transfer coefficient.
of St. But this trend become opposite with higher value

Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:302 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2099-3

Fig. 19  Variation in skin
friction coefficient due to com-
bined effects of Q and St 

Fig. 20  Variation in wall heat

transfer coefficient due to
combined effects of Q and St 

5 Conclusions The effective model of thermal conductivity and viscosity

are considered to study the effect of nanoparticle volume
In the present investigation, the authors have studied fraction. Numerical solution of the flow problem is pre-
the Cu-water nanofluid flow over a cone with heat gen- sented using Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method with shoot-
eration (or) absorption with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux ing scheme. The significant results are listed below:
model in thermally stratified medium. The nanofluid flow
is modeled considering the fluid flow in porous medium • The flow of nanofluid is aided by Grashof number
in presence of free convection, magnetic field and suction. whereas resisted by magnetic and suction parameter.

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