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The Great Passion Play – Script

8:30 PM—Scene 1
Raising of Lazarus

[Lights rise on Simon’s house and Lazarus’ tomb. MARTHA & MARY MAG. are in the
house. MARY LAZARUS and mourners are at the tomb. Sound of weeping. After
approx. 20 sec., lights rise on stage left Calvary; ANDREW alone runs ahead to
Simon’s house, he has 27 seconds from music change before his line. JESUS and
DISCIPLES appear over Calvary, moving down toward Simon’s house. ANDREW
knocks & speaks to MARTHA.]

VOICEOVER: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh to live
among us.”

ANDREW: Martha, the Master is here.

[MARTHA & ANDREW proceed to meet JESUS]

MARTHA: My Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would still be alive.
(Pauses as if sorry for being vindictive) Even now, though he has died, I
know God will give you anything you ask for.

JESUS: Your brother will rise again.

MARTHA: (Not seeing the requested miracle in His reply) I know he will rise again,
in the resurrection on the last day.

[ANDREW goes to get Mary Lazarus]

JESUS: I AM the Resurrection, I AM the Life. Whoever believes in me, even though
he dies, will live. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Martha,
do you believe this?

MARTHA: I do Lord. I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God come to the

[Speakers change from Marketplace to Garden]

[JESUS leads MARTHA and DISCIPLES to meet MARY LAZARUS and mourners in the
Garden, Nate, Thad, Simon & James the Less need to lead, so they can open the

MARY L.: Lord, if you had been here my brother wouldn’t have died.

[MARY L. breaks down, crying, JESUS weeps with her.]

JESUS: Oh, Mary …….. Let’s go to him.

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[All but MOURNER 1 & 2 make their way to tomb with Jesus leading the way with
Mary. MOURNER 1 & 2 stay in Garden area to deliver lines and then make their
way to the tomb.]

MOURNER 1: See? He did love him.

MOURNER 2: He opened blind eyes; He could have healed Lazarus.

JESUS: Take the stone away!

(Nate & Thad open the tomb)

MARTHA: Lord, he has been here four days.

JESUS: You said you believed. I said; you will see the glory of God.
Father, I give thanks because you hear me. I know you always hear. I say it so
those present will know You have sent Me ….. Lazarus, come forth!

[LAZARUS emerges.]

MARY L.: He lives!

(Crowd sounds praising God for miracle)

MARTHA: Lazarus! (running to Lazarus, then turning back to Jesus) Oh, Jesus!

JESUS: Remove the grave clothes; and let him go.

WITNESSING MOURNER: I must tell the High Priest. (He goes down steps, thru
gate 1, runs across to High Priest).

ACT I—Scene 2
Witnessing Mourner

[First the mourner comes out of gate #1 and goes down stage; then the pilgrim
‘after his lines goes up stage;]

ROMAN SOLDIER: (on top of wall) Who goes there?

PILGRIM: Only a traveler from afar who comes to Jerusalem to celebrate the great

ROMAN SOLDIER: (on the wall) It is but another pilgrim! The city is already
overflowing with them.

ROMAN SOLDIER: (on the ground) Come down from there. We’d better get back to
our posts, Pilate is due to return any time now. You’ll be getting us both in

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[sheep run across set]

WITNESSING MOURNER: Good Masters, I have just come from Bethany where I
was mourning the death of Lazarus and consoling his family. Many of you
knew him and some here attended his burial four days ago. The man, Jesus,
from Nazareth in Galilee, came and stood before the tomb, called upon God

(CROWD Noise with following voices overlapping)

PRIEST 2: What?! What are you talking about?!
PRIEST 3: Impossible! Why did you even come here?!
PRIEST 1: It cannot be true!
PRIEST 2: Never!

WITNESSING MOURNER: He was dead; now He lives!

PRIEST 1: Guard, remove this man (emphatically).

ANNAS: (Interrupting) Wait, (Approaching the WITNESS) You were there, and
you believe this?

[MOURNER nods agreement]

CAIAPHAS: That he believes it is all that matters, true or not. (To the MOURNER)
Thank you; you may go.

NICCODEMUS: This man has done many miracles.

PRIEST 2: And what are we going to do about it?

PRIEST 3: What can we do? It is a sign!

PRIEST 1: A sign of what? If He continues, everyone will believe in Him, Him! ....
And declare Him as King! Then, the Romans will strip us of our privileges,
and disperse our nation!

JOSEPH: I do not believe He has proclaimed Himself as King.

[ANNAS stands & all are quiet.]

ANNAS: His followers do say it, and He does not discourage it. Nicodemus,
though we have often disagreed, I have always respected you. You have
believed in His... miracles; do you believe in Him? Is He your Messiah?

[Both JOSEPH & NICODEMUS back down and sit.]

CAIAPHAS: Do none of you know or see the real issue at hand? It is better that

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One should die for all rather than the whole nation to perish. If we do not
act, the Romans will. He must be arrested, apart from His crowd, so we may
question Him. You may go.

[PRIESTS disperse. CAIAPHAS & ANNAS proceed out of Sanhedrin with GUARDS

CAIAPHAS: (Pausing & turning to GUARD 2) Let it out that anyone who
cooperates in His capture will he rewarded.

8:38:14—Scene 4
Day Scene

[GRAND ENTERANCE OF PILATE, Claudia Procula greets Pilate on his porch]

PILATE: Claudia, it’s good to see you here.

CLAUDIA: It’s good to see you, too! How was your tour of inspection?

PILATE: It went well? When did you arrive from Caesarea?

CLAUDIA: Only a few hours ago. It went as well as can be expected. It was just
long and lonely.

PILATE: In that case, I’ll be sure to travel back with you.

(Herod and his entourage is coming down the Via)

PILATE’S AID: Pilate, there are rumors that this holy man of the Jews…Messiah I
believe they call him. There are rumors he is coming here.

PILATE: It is more than rumor. It is fact. What is more, Herod my old enemy also
comes here for their Jewish Passover. But enough of this for now, let us go

[PILATE & CLAUDIA go inside. Roman soldiers on horses exit]

ACT I—Scene 4
Judas insert

[JUDAS starts toward Sanhedrin & hesitates, PHILIP & THOMAS continue stage right
to get donkey which is tied to the old jail and bring it out Gate #1, for JESUS when
entry begins. Temple GUARD 2 is speaking to various people, spreading his
message and takes note of the 3 APOSTLES. GUARD 2 observes JUDAS for a few
moments then comes to him.]

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[JESUS and disciples come down Kidron Brook]

GUARD 2: (To JUDAS) Friend! Welcome to the festival! We are looking for
information on where to find Jesus of Nazareth; do you know Him?

JUDAS: I know of Him. What do you want with Him?

GUARD 2: The high priests want to talk to Him. They need to know where they can
find Him apart from the crowd.

JUDAS: To arrest Him, I suppose?

GUARD 2: They would be very grateful for help; a hefty wage is hard to come by
these days!

JUDAS: The high priests would be good friends to have... It could be to my


GUARD 2: Can you help, then?

JUDAS: I’ll … I’ll see what I can do.

[GUARD 2 proceeds toward Temple, still talking to people. JUDAS remains by the
well in apparent indecision. SHEEP EXIT, then CAMELS]

[Lepers enter by Gate #17]

ACT I—Scene 4
Barabbas insert

Day scene resumes… Barabbas sneaks in from Gate #2 and steals cloak:

MERCHANT: (Scream; voice of the PROCLAIMER) Stop! He stole my cloak! Thief!

[CLAUDIA enters after scream]
[Roman Patrol 2 needs to be near Marketplace]

ROMAN ON PORCH: Arrest him!

[Two Roman guards catch Barabbas in front of Pilate’s Porch.]

ROMAN PATROL 2: Think you can steal and get away with it?

ROMAN PATROL 1: (voice of flogger 1) Wait! I know this man, this man is
Barabbas. He is wanted for rebellion and murder!

ROMAN PATROL 2: I’m sure Pilate will be pleased we have caught you at last.

ROMAN PATROL 1: Yes! He’ll need a Savior to get him out of this one.

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(Both soldiers laugh)

8:42:37 = 13 min 57 seconds

ACT I—Proclaimer
Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Triumphal entry begins. PROCLAIMER, comes first, shouting:]

PROCLAIMER: Jesus is coming, it is Jesus the prophet, and Lazarus is with Him.

[CHILDREN proclaiming; CROWD meets JESUS at Gate #1 and swells around Him
as He proceeds on donkey. As soon as He dismounts, CHILDREN run to Him and
surround Him as He approaches the Temple JUDAS rejoins the APOSTLE group.
Layered voices: Who is this? ---Who is coming? ---It is Jesus the prophet of
Nazareth of Galilee! --- It is the man who raised Lazarus from the dead!]

CROWD: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in The Name of the Lord! Save now!
Hail, Israel’s King! (Children’s voices prominent. Voices are layered, with mention
of Lazarus as well)

PRIEST 3: Master, Reprimand your disciples!

JESUS: If my disciples keep silent, the very stones will shout aloud!

JESUS: Blessed are you my children. [He notices the girl who cannot walk ‘5-10
year old’] Little girl with the cane.

LITTLE GIRL: Do you mean me sir?

JESUS: Can you not walk without the cane?


JESUS: Would you like God to heal you?


JESUS: Then you do not need the cane. Throw it away and walk to me.


JESUS: Come to me.

WOMAN: Aw, Look! She walks unaided!

JESUS: Let the little children come to me! I tell you the truth, unless you humble
yourself and receive the Kingdom of God like a child, you will not enter in.

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[CHILDREN’S voices crying, “I love you,” and “Hosanna! “ ]

PRIEST 1: (Looking first at NICODEMUS and JOSEPH, then addressing JESUS)

Teacher, are you listening to what the children are saying?

JESUS: Yes, have you read what is written? “In the mouths of children, you have
perfected praise.”

[PRIEST 1: leaves for Sanhedrin.]

JESUS: Whoever receives a child like this receives me. But if someone causes one
of these children to stumble, it would be better for him to have a millstone
tied to him and be thrown into the sea! Don’t ever look down on the children;
their angels always behold the face of God in heaven.

[A BLIND MAN has approached from stage right and JOANNA has brought him

JOANNA: Jesus, this man is blind.

PRIEST 4: I know him; he comes to the temple every day.

BLIND MAN: Jesus, our Son of David, have mercy on me! I want to see!

JESUS: As you have believed, (He touches him) so be it to you.

BLIND MAN: I see! I can see! Blessed be our God and Father! I can see!

SMALL GIRL: Don't go anywhere Jesus, I’ll be right back!

PRIEST 3: You have healed a drunken sinner! A drunken sinner!

JESUS: Who among you, having one hundred sheep and losing one, will not leave
the ninety-nine in the open field and search for the lost one until he finds it?
When he has found it, he rejoices over that one more than the ninety-nine
that did not go astray! In the same way, there is more rejoicing in heaven
over one sinner who repents than for ninety-nine righteous who don’t need
[Mary Laz. & Martha exit to prepare for anointing scene]

Scene 4 Insert

[Lights noticeably dimmer on Temple area, lights up on Sanhedrin. PRIEST 1 has

arrived, spoken to MALCHUS who has gone in to get CAIAPHAS and ANNAS.]

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PRIEST 1: Caiaphas, the Nazarene has come to the feast with His disciples and
Lazarus. He has disrupted the commerce at the Temple, and His
followers are hailing him as King! Our guard could not risk a riot; Pilate was

CAIAPHAS: Pilate heard them proclaim Him King?

PRIEST 1: They cried, “Hosanna,” and called Him the Son of David. He might not

ANNAS: He will understand! We can make sure of that, and use Pilate to solve this

CAIAPHAS: The Nazarene is teaching at the Temple?

PRIEST 1: Yes, and working miracles!

CAIAPHAS: Then, ask questions that guide his teaching toward Rome. Perhaps he
will say something Pilate will act upon.

ANNAS: If he even hesitates to answer, his followers will think he is afraid. If he

cannot answer a question, he will lose their respect. That is what we want, to
turn the crowd. Understand? We will come shortly.

[PRIEST 1 nods & leaves, returning to Temple area.]

[Lights go down on Insert; lights up on JESUS @ Temple.]

Scene 4
Day Scene Resumes

SMALL GIRL: (Returning, leading her DEAF & DUMB FATHER to JESUS,) Excuse me
Jesus, my daddy cannot hear your stories, he is deaf and cannot talk. Will
you heal him?

JESUS: Yes, my child. Yes. (Placing His hand on the little girl and speaking to her)
Then let his tongue loosed and his ears be opened!

DEAF MUTE: Ohhh! Ohhh! Praise be to almighty God!

[CROWD reaction!]

PRIEST 2: (Angrily) On what authority do you act? And who gave you this

JESUS: To answer, let me tell you a story. A landowner planted a vineyard; He

built a tower, a winepress and a wall all around it, as well. Then, when he

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was finished, he rented it to some farmers, after this, he went away on a

long journey.

When the harvest came, he sent his servants to collect his portion. But the
tenants took his servants and beat them, even killing one and stoning
another. The owner sent others, but they were treated the same. At last, he
sent his own son to them, thinking, “They will respect my son”. But the
tenants saw the son and said, “This is the heir! Let’s kill him and take his

So they took him, dragged him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
(Turning to PRIEST 2)
When the owner returns, what will he do?
(Not taking his eyes off PRIEST 2)
He will destroy those wicked men and give the vineyard to others!

PRIEST 2: God forbid!

PRIEST 3: May this never be!

JESUS: (Turning to Nicodemus) Then what does the Scripture mean when it says,
“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?”

[DEAD Child’s FATHER carrying a small, dead CHILD on a stretcher has come with
his dead child's MOTHER from gate 20, (start walk across with the Priest line‘s “God
forbid! May this never be!”) They all go to LAZARUS (who is in front of the well)
ANNAS & CAIAIPHIS leave & follow from a distance.]

FATHER: Sir, we have come to see Jesus; our child has just died and we heard He
raised Lazarus of Bethany from the dead.

LAZARUS: Have faith in God; I am Lazarus of Bethany, who was dead! (Turning
toward JESUS) Jesus! This man needs your help!

MOTHER: Help us, please!

JESUS: (Taking dead CHILD) Father! Glorify Your Name!

[The dead CHILD comes to life; PARENTS and CROWD react. PRIEST 1 has
returned and spoken to PRIEST 3.]

PRIEST 3: (Stepping forward as JESUS moves toward Temple) Master! You are a
teacher come from God; your miracles are proof of that, and you speak truth
plainly without respect of persons. Will you tell us, then, is it lawful for us to
pay the tribute to Caesar?

JESUS: You are hypocrites. Why do you try to trap me? Show me the tribute
coin. Whose image and name is on this coin?

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CROWD: Caesars!

JESUS: Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, but give to God the things
that are God’s.

[JOHN and LAZARUS exit to prepare for Anointing Scene]

[Widow is approaching the offering site thru the people, stopping to watch and
listen as she goes.]

PRIEST 2: Master, of all the commandments, which one is the greatest?

JESUS: Do you still test me? The greatest commandment is this, “Hear, O Israel,
the Lord our God, the Lord is One, and you shall love Him with all your heart,
soul, mind, and strength” The second is like it, “You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets come from these commandments.

JOSEPH: You have answered well.

[WIDOW drops in her two coins.]

JESUS: (Speaking to JOSEPH, watching the WIDOW) You are not far from the
Kingdom of God.

[JESUS has fixed His gaze on the WIDOW. Everyone follows His gaze; she turns &
sees Him & smiles, but seeing everyone looking at her. She is embarrassed, looks

JESUS: Do you see this widow? She has given more than anyone today!

PRIEST 4: She has only put in two copper coins!

JESUS: That was everything she had to live on. Beware of the scribes and
Pharisees. All they do is done to be seen of others! But whoever exalts
himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted!

WOE to you scribes & Pharisees, hypocrites! You make long prayers for
appearance while, in secret, you devour widow’s houses! You lock the
Kingdom of Heaven from the people who would enter, and do not enter

Woe to you scribes & Pharisees, hypocrites! You pay attention to the smallest
details of the law, while ignoring the most important - JUSTICE, MERCY, &

You clean the outside of the cup, but leave the inside full of filth! Fools and
blind! You must first clean the inside for the outside to be clean! You are like

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white washed tombs; beautiful on the outside, but the inside is full of

How will you escape the fires of hell?

[JESUS is surrounded up the Temple steps. People are all around and moving with
Him but staying out of way into Temple area, JESUS sees merchant activity; makes
whip of cords & cleanses the temple.]
I send you prophets, sages, and teacher! Some of them you will kill and
crucify! Others you will flog and hound from city to city!

O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem! I’ll lament for you! Scripture says! My house shall
be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Be gone!
Be gone all of you!

(JESUS cleanses the temple)

Behold, your house is left desolate! You shall see me no more until you have
said, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”

[Thunder effect]

Now is the hour of judgment for this world! Now shall the prince of this would
be driven out! The hour draws near for the Son of Man to be glorified. And I,
if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

PREIST: Lepers!!

LEPERS: [male voice] Unclean, we are unclean. Take pity on us this miserable
wretch that I am.

JESUS: Do you believe in the father?

LEPERS: We believe.

JESUS: Go then, for you are clean.

CROWD VOICE: Look, they are healed!

WOMAN LEPER: He has healed me. I am whole once more!

JESUS: Seeing me, he sees him who sent me. I have not come to judge the world
but to save the world; I do not speak on my authority. What the Father has
said to me, therefore, that is what I speak.

The light is among you still but not for long. Go on your way while you have
the light so that darkness may not overtake you. He, who journeys in the

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dark, does not know where he is going while you have the light, trust to the
light, that you may become men of light.

[Scene ends with JESUS stage left on Temple steps. ANNAS & CAIAPHAS & GUARD
1 have arrived & are downstage and left of JESUS. CROWD has separated so that
there is no one between JESUS & HIGH PRIESTS. There is silence for several
seconds then...]
CHILDREN: (Surrounding JESUS) Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the
Name of the Lord!

CROWD: (Reaction.)

[JESUS & CROWD exit up Via. PRIESTS go into Temple or to Sanhedrin.

NICODEMUS and JOSEPH are still on the steps. ANNAS and CAIAPHAS stay where
they are watching the crowd leave. Then ANNAS, CAIAPHAS and GUARD 1 leave.
Only JOSEPH & NICODEMUS are left.

8:56:34 = 4 minutes 3 seconds

Scene 4
Insert—Joseph & Nicodemus

JOSEPH: As far as the high priests are concerned, He might as well have said, “You
shall not see Me until you hail Me as King!”

NICODEMUS: I know. I do not understand Him, yet, I sense God all around Him.

JOSEPH: Powerful words. Truthful.

[Begin walking down steps]

NICODEMUS: For the first time in my life, I am ashamed to call myself a Pharisee.

JOSEPH: I am, as well. Yet, even his rebuke seemed to call me to him... Where is
he going with this?

NICODEMUS: I cannot tell. He once said to me, “The wind blows where it will.” and
“You do not know where it is going.”

JOSEPH: Let’s hope the wind knows where it is going.

ACT I--Scene 3
Anointing Scene

[Lights rise on Simon’s house; shadowy effect. JESUS, LAZARUS, MARY MAG.,
JOHN, are in Simon house with MARTHA serving. MARY L. opens perfume & anoints
JESUS head and feet. ]

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MARTHA: I give thanks to the Lord.

MARY LAZ: It is true; His faithful love endures forever.

JOHN: Yes, we have much to be thankful for.

LAZARUS: He has become my salvation. I will not die, but live and proclaim what
my God has done.

[Jesus and only the disciples who have lines are walking up the sidewalk behind the
temple. The disciples & Jesus is following. Walk up in order of lines, except
MATTHEW should be near the Christ figure. JESUS waits for Matthew’s line and
then enters anointing scene. Other disciples follow when their lines are through.]

NATHANIEL: (Excitedly) Did you see the Look on that man’s face when he open his
eyes and could see!

THADDAEUS: And who wasn’t holding his breath when Jesus raised that child from
the dead!

MATTHEW: (Speaking to JESUS) It was a great day, Master.

SIMON: And what a welcome when we came!

JUDAS: (Skeptically) Well, I have a bad feeling about this whole thing.

ANDREW: Why would you have a bad feeling? You saw how the crowd reacted.

JUDAS: (Wondering) it’s the priests I’m worried about.

[The other DISCIPLES balk.]

MATTHEW: (Walking over to JUDAS and slapping him on the shoulder.) Judas,
don’t take everything so seriously!

[JESUS and JUDAS enter Simon house; MARY opens perfume and anoints JESUS
head and feet. It is a holy moment.]

JUDAS: (Coming in house) This is wasteful. That oil could have been sold for 300
pieces of silver; and given to the poor.

JESUS: Judas! Why must you make trouble for this woman? [Judas backs away]

JESUS: It is a fine thing she has done for me. Wherever in all the world, the Gospel
is proclaimed, what this woman has done will be told as her memorial. When
Mary poured this oil on my body, it was her way of preparing me, for burial.

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LAZARUS: (Standing and placing a hand on Jesus shoulder) For burial, Lord?

[JUDAS bursts out of room and begins to walk off quickly down the road toward
Via; Peter follows.]

PETER: (To JUDAS as he is leaving) Where are you off to?

JUDAS: (Turning as he is leaving) I have some friends to see, some business to

attend to.

[JUDAS exits scene quickly and goes down to Via for the next scene. DISCIPLES &

9:00:37= 3 minutes 8 seconds

ACT II—Scene 1
Judas’ Plotting

[Red light up on Via as SATAN enters and stays on until Judas leaves well area]
[SATAN comes down the Via with Red light. JUDAS comes down the Via in Red
light distressed. Looks toward SANHEDRIN, but is hesitant until musical swell.]

JUDAS: (To Sanhedrin GUARD at porch) I am here to see the high priest concerning
Jesus of Nazareth.

MALCHUS: (going to CAIAPHAS & ANNAS) A man to

see you about the Nazarene.

JUDAS: I am Judas of Kerioth, a long time disciple of Jesus, the one you are looking
for. Why is it you are seeking to arrest Him?

ANNAS: At the first, we only wished to meet with Him. The Sanhedrin is divided as
to what He teaches and what He says of Himself. It is not to Israel’s
advantage for our assembly to be so divided. Caiaphas and I felt that, if He
would meet with them, the differences could be settled.

CAIAPHAS: He is a powerful teacher and could be a good leader if His youthful zeal
could be tempered.

ANNAS: He teaches peace, even toward Rome. This could be a great advantage to
our nation, considering our circumstances.

CAIAPHAS: However, many of his followers are as confused as our own Sanhedrin.
If Caesar were to learn they cry, “Hosanna” to their King, it would he
disastrous to our nation; we do not want that, and we believe he doesn’t,

ANNAS: And we are confident we could end this division if we could only bring him

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before our Sanhedrin.

JUDAS: But he has openly denounced you!

ANNAS: He cries for holiness. We do not resent that.

CAIAPHAS: But it has made it difficult for us. That is why it is necessary to arrest
him before it goes too far. We cannot afford a riot.

JUDAS: I can help you in this! But it may bring censure from my friends.

ANNAS: We understand, and appreciate your position. We can certainly help with
something to carry you through. Your friends will come around when they
have seen what comes of it.

CAIAPHAS: (Counting out coins & putting them in bag) Here, thirty silver coins

JUDAS: It is enough … it is; and this needs to be kept quiet.

CAIAPHAS: I will instruct the Temple guard. Go to them when the time is right. No
crowd, no riot. We want it kept quiet as well.

[JUDAS nods & leaves, going toward upper room. CAIAPHAS, ANNAS, & GUARD 1

9:03:45 = 7 minutes 13 seconds

ACT II—Scene 2
Last Supper

[Lights up on upper room, JESUS and disciples already present. JESUS takes bowl &
towel & washes feet of DISCIPLES, JUDAS enters stage right door after scene is in
progress] (seating order; NATE, ANDREW, THOMAS, THAD, MATT, JOHN, JAMES,

[JESUS, seeing JUDAS standing, seats him & washes his feet. PETER is last to have
his feet washed.]

PETER: (As soon as he knows it’s his turn) You? Lord? Washing my feet?

JESUS: You do not understand, but you will.

PETER: But, I can’t let You do this!

JESUS: If I do not wash you, you will have nothing with me.

PETER: Lord? Then wash my hands and head as well!

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JESUS: You have been washed, only your feet were not. (Rising, addressing all)
Now, you are clean, though not every one of you. Do you know what I have
done? You call me your Teacher and Lord, indeed that is who I am. Since,
then, your Lord has washed your feet, you should wash each others’ feet. I
have done this as an example, you must do the same.

JESUS: Now, I must tell you something before it happens so you will believe in me
when it does. It is written, “He who eats with me has lifted his heel against
me.” (Pause) I say now, in truth, one of you here with me shall betray me.

(On the following four lines, Andrew & Nathaniel stand and remain standing until
Peter stands, Thad. & Simon remain seated)

ANDREW: (After pause) Which of us? Is it me?

NATHANIEL: Could it be me?


SIMON: Is it me?

PETER: [stands and beckons to John] John, ask him who he means.

JOHN: Who is it, Lord?

JESUS: (To JOHN, alone) It is the one I will give this piece of bread.

JUDAS: Lord! Is it me?

JESUS: You have said it. Now, quickly, do what you are set to do!

[JUDAS leaves & goes across Last Supper and exits.]

JESUS: (Blessing the bread) Blessed are You, Lord God, King of the World.
Who has given this bread to eat. Take, each of you, and eat all of it. This is
my body, broken for you. (Blessing the cup) Blessed are You, Lord God,
King of the World, our Father, Who has giving THIS cup to drink. Take, all of
you, and drink from it. It is the cup of the new covenant in my blood, poured
out for the forgiveness of sin. Whenever you do this, remember me.

I will only be with you a little while longer, and where I am going, you cannot
come. So, I give you this new command; love one another as I have loved
you. If you do this, everyone will know you are—my disciples.

PETER: Where are you going, Lord?

JESUS: Peter, you cannot go with me now, but you will follow, later.

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PETER: But why can’t I go now? I will lay down my own life for you.

JESUS: Would you, Peter? Truly, I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will
have denied me three times. Do not let your heart be troubled, Believe in
God, and in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house, and I am going
to prepare a place for you. Then I will come back to take you to be with me.
You already know the Way to where I am going.

THOMAS: Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how do we know the way?

JESUS: I Am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one can come to the Father, unless
they come through me.

PHILIP: Lord, if we could see the Father, it would be enough.

JESUS: Philip, do you not know Me, after so long? He that sees Me, sees the
Father. The Father lives in me and does His works. Truly, anyone who
believes in Me will do these same works and also greater works because I go
to the Father.

Peace I leave with you; I give you My peace I have told you these things
before they happen, so that when you see them, you will believe, I cannot
talk much longer with you. The prince of this world is coming, and he has
nothing in me, but the world must be shown that I obey and love the Father.

Rise, we must be going. Yes, we must be going.

[DISCIPLES leave upper room & gather outside in groups of three or four, as Jesus
continues teaching as they walk toward Gate # l]

ACT II—Scene 3
I am the Vine

JESUS: I am the Vine, you are the branches. If you abide in me, and I in you, you
will bear much fruit. Without me, you can do nothing. If you abide in me and
my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you want and it shall be done
for you. If you bear much fruit, you will prove to be my disciples and My
Father will be glorified. As the Father has loved me, I have loved you.

This, then, is my command, that you love one another in the same way.
There is no greater love than a man laying down his own life for his friends.
And you are my friends follow this command.

Now, I am going away to Him who sent me, and sorrow fills your hearts
because I told you. Nevertheless, it is better for you if I go, then, the
Comforter will come to you. He will guide you into all truth.

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In a little while, you will not see me. A little while longer and you will see me
again. You will weep and mourn while the world rejoices, but your sorrow will
be turned to joy.

I have told you these things so you will have peace. In the world, you will be
persecuted, but be strong, I have overcome the world.

[DISCIPLES continue through Gate #1 and light torches and slowly making way for
the garden scene]

ACT II—Scene 4
Gather a Crowd

[PRIEST 2 & SANHEDRIN GUARDS appear from Temple doors and come to steps at

PRIEST 2: (To GUARD 2) Go get Malchus. Make sure Caiaphas is informed. We will
need to know where to bring Him and how.

[GUARD 2 runs to high priests’ house where GUARD 1 (MALCHUS) is waiting.

GUARD 2 and MALCHUS commune for a moment. MALCHUS goes to get CAIAPHAS

[JUDAS & Priest 2 (maybe one other) come out of temple as the excitement starts]

PRIEST 2: (While GUARD 2 is running to GUARD 3) Secure a Roman detachment for

the arrest.

[GUARD 3 runs to get ROMANS]

PRIEST 2: (To GUARD 4) Gather some men, our crowd. We need enough to deter
any ideas about resistance, but be quiet; we must not take the chance of
alerting the city, YET. We must be sure we have enough show of support to
put fear into the Nazarenes followers.

[GUARD 2 has returned to PRIEST 2. CAIAPHAS, ANNAS AND MALCHUS are at the

ANNAS: (To MALCHUS) When you take Him, bind Him and bring Him here first, as
well as any of His followers who would stand up for Him. We must prevent
them from gathering resistance.

CAIAPHAS: Do not let Judas know our plans I will go to the Sanhedrin. We will
convene and have the Nazarene to Pilate by morning.

[MALCHUS runs to soldiers and crowd and they proceed quietly up Via. JUDAS locks

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eyes with MARYS, who are @ upper room entrance, MARYS reaching out as if
pleading, JUDAS embarrassed]

9:14:40 = 5 minutes 53 seconds

ACT II—Scene 5
Garden Scene

[DISCIPLES and JESUS enter garden area, JESUS motions for others to sit.]

JESUS: (To the eight, taking, PETER, JAMES & JOHN aside, says to them), PETER,
JAMES & JOHN your presents is a comfort to me. Sit here, while I go over
there to pray.
(Moves off by Himself)

Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me, yet, let
your will, not mine, be done.

[JESUS returns to find the 3 asleep]

JESUS: (Touching PETER) Simon, why are you sleeping?

PETER: I only closed my eyes for a moment.

JESUS: Pray that you will not enter into temptation.

[JESUS goes off alone, again]

JESUS: Father, the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. If there is another way;
let this cup pass from me. It is written of me, “I have come to do your will.”
And I will…I will do your will.

[JESUS rises, sees the THREE sleeping again and moves as if to awaken them,
Pausing, He lets them sleep & returns to prayer]

JESUS: Oh Father, My Father, if I must drink this cup, so be it, Let your will be
Done in me, let Your will be done.

ACT II—Scene 6
Arrest Scene

[JESUS rises from prayer to go sit next to PETER. The three are asleep,]

JESUS: (To the THREE) The hour has come; the Son of Man has been betrayed to
sinful men. My betrayer is upon us. Let us go to meet him.

[Switch speakers from Garden to Marketplace after this line]

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[PETER, alone, is roused from sleep & looks at JESUS.]

[JUDAS has come to the garden from the stage right walk with SANHEDRIN
GUARDS and PRIEST 2. JUDAS proceeds across bridge, alone, PRIEST 2 remaining
on stage right of bridge. ROMAN SOLDIERS filter into area from behind Simon’s
house. All DISCIPLES except PETER are still asleep. PETER rises when he sees
JUDAS, moving toward him as if to greet him. JUDAS goes by him to JESUS.]

JUDAS: Master! (JUDAS embraces JESUS with kiss of greeting.)

[JAMES & JOHN wake and rise. PRIEST 2 signals the advance of the SANHEDRIN
GUARD and the ROMAN SOLDIERS follow suit. The rest of the DISCIPLES wake as
the GUARDS & ROMANS mingle among them.]

JESUS: Friend, do what you are here to do.

JESUS: JUDAS, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss? (To PRIEST 2) Who is
it you want?

PRIEST 2: (Coming up by JUDAS, who has moved back toward the bridge) Jesus of


[Light effect and knock down effect, all SOLDIERS, CROWD, PRIEST 2 & JUDAS fall
back.] [When all rise, all move away from JESUS a couple of steps.]

JESUS: (Stepping closer to them) Do you take me for a bandit that you have come
with swords and cudgels to arrest me?

PETER: Lord, shall we use our swords?

JESUS: No, Peter! You must let them have their way!

[Peter cuts off Malchus’s ear]

JESUS: Put up your sword!

PETER: But my Lord!

JESUS: All who take up the sword, die by the sword.

PETER: But how are we to protect you?

JESUS: Do you not think that I could appeal to my Father who would at once send
to my aid more than 12 legions of angels.

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PETER: Then do it Lord! Save yourself and save us!

JESUS: This is the cup my Father has given me. Shall I not drink it?

JOHN: Lord, save yourself!

JESUS: But how shall the Scripture be fulfilled which say, “This must be.” If I am
the man you want, set these others go!

PRIEST 2: No, hold them all!

MALCHUS: Stop! Release them. (MALCHUS ties JESUS’ hands.)

PETER: Lord!

JESUS: Peter, this has all happened to fulfill what the prophets wrote.

SANHEDRIN GUARD: We have orders to arrest you and take you to the high priest.
Will you come peacefully?

JESUS: Yes. This is you moment, the hour when darkness reigns.

[JESUS extends His arms & MALCHUS reaches out with rope to tie Him. PETER
steps forward & cuts off Malchus’ ear. A struggle ensues where PETER and several
James, Peter & John follow the arrest crowd, the rest go down in a confused
direction, change into street clothes and become the arrest crowd]

[JESUS, PRIEST 2, GUARDS, ROMANS & CROWD exit stage left following sidewalk
by Simon’s house and downhill towards Via. JUDAS stays until lights are down.]

9:20:33 = 2 minutes 15 seconds

ACT III—Scene 1
Peter’s Denial

[ROMANS come down the Via first, one SOLDIER signaling back up the Via for the
others to come down. SANHEDRIN GUARDS come down with JESUS; MALCHUS is
leading. The CROWD follows, PETER & JOHN (faces covered) are with them.
MALCHUS & SOLDIERS go to the Sanhedrin, a SERVANT GIRL letting them by. A
COUPLE from the CROWD is let in along with JOHN. JOHN sees that PETER is not
allowed in & speaks to the SERVANT GIRL, who then lets him in. The rest of the
CROWD sit or stand waiting around the Sanhedrin. Only PRIEST 2 goes to where
ANNAS is waiting.]

PRIEST 2: We have taken Him.

ANNAS: How many of His followers did you take?

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PRIEST 2: There were only a few; we could have taken them, but Malchus released

ANNAS: (To MALCHUS) You released His followers?

MALCHUS: There were only a few, and they will not do anything; Jesus told them
not to.

ANNAS: And why is it you believed Him? Word will get out now; you should have
Followed orders.

MALCHUS: One of Jesus’ disciples began to attack, cutting off my ear. (Removing
helmet so all can see) Jesus stopped him and…healed me. They will not fight.

ANNAS: Indeed.... I see.

SERVANT WOMAN: (Letting PETER in) Are you another of this man’s disciples?

PETER: Woman, I do not know Him. (Goes to JOHN.)

SERVANT WOMAN: Come inside then.

PETER: No, I’ll stay out here.

[Lights up on room; down on pit.]

ANNAS: Jesus of Nazareth, Your disciple openly hail you as King. You do not
discourage this; on the contrary, you have publicly defended them. What
have you told them in private? Can you explain this “Kingdom of Heaven:
You preach?

JESUS: I have spoken openly in the synagogues and Temple courts where all Jews
come to be taught. Why are you asking me when you could ask the ones who
have heard me?

[GUARD 2 steps up.]

GUARD 2: (Slaps JESUS) Is that the way to answer the high priest!

JESUS: If I am wrong, show the evidence. If not, then why am I punished?

ANNAS: If you will not tell us, we will hear... witnesses!

[ANNAS leaves for a moment.]

GUARD 3: (To PETER) Aren’t you the one that went for Malchus in the garden

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[Accusing GUARD motions toward MALCHUS. MALCHUS & PETER lock eyes, then
MALCHUS turns away]

PETER: No! I am not.

SERVANT WOMAN: You must be! You are a Galilean! You’re accent give you away.

PETER: Do you think I know every preacher in Galilee! I do NOT!

SERVANT WOMAN: (to the Guard) He is one of them. One of that man’s disciples!

PETER: I do not know this man you speak of. I swear it! I know nothing.

GUARD 4: Why so defensive? Do you feel guilty?

PETER: Are you trying to get me killed? I swear I do not know Him!

[Rooster crows]
PETER: (Looking at Jesus) Oh, no! Oh, my Lord, no, NO!

SERVANT WOMAN: (to the Guard) He is one of them. One of that man’s disciples!

PETER (As he is leaving) I do not know Him!

[Rooster crows. Manual Light up on Peter by Sanhedrin. PETER turns to look at

JESUS. JESUS lifts his face to look at PETER. PETER begins to breakdown & leaves.
MALCHUS stops the GUARDS from following. After PETER laments at the well; two
or three of the crowd with torches chase after him; PETER escapes up Kidron brook
and operates the Judas dummy for the end of the return of the silver scene]
[While Peter Denial SPECIAL EFFECT happens, the rest of the PRIEST GROUP comes
in to the SANHEDRIN]

9:22:48 = 3 minutes 13 seconds

ACT III—Scene 2
Sanhedrin Trial

[GUARDS take JESUS to Sanhedrin Palace. PRIESTS are coming in from various
directions, JOSEPH and NICODEMUS are last and enter in as if late just before
JOSEPH’S line; the CROWD people are also entering the scene]

CAIAPHAS: Annas has questioned him and He would not cooperate. We will hear
testimony from those who have heard Him first hand.

[CAIAPHAS motions & MALCUS steps forward to untie JESUS]

PRIEST 3: (Rises and is acknowledged by CAIAPHAS) We were in the synagogue on

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the Sabbath, as is our custom. Jesus of Nazareth was also present, and
before us all, healed a man whose hand was deformed.

CAIAPHAS: In the synagogue, on the Sabbath?

[JOSEPH and NICODEMUS enter as PRIEST 3 is speaking]

PRIEST 3: Yes! He has made it a point to call healing and deliverance His "work”
therefore, He “works” on the Sabbath!

JOSEPH: If there was a miracle, it had to be the hand of God!

PRIEST 3: God? God? Have you forgotten that Satan does signs and wonders?

PRIEST 4: He heals and delivers in the name of demons!

PRIEST 3: Even the prince of demons!

JOSEPH: And you heard Him call upon Satan?

PRIEST 3: Of course not!

JOSEPH: Then why did you say it?

[Agitated Crowd noises]

CAIAPHAS: Order! Order! You must wait to be recognized before speaking!

SCRIBE: Call witnesses!

PRIEST 4: (Stepping forward & acknowledged by CAIAPHAS) Jesus of Nazareth has

not only taught in outlying synagogues, he has spoken openly in our own
Temple courts. Many of you here were present when he threatened to tear
down our Temple!

[PRIESTS nod & acknowledge it as truth.]

WITNESS 1: (Stepping up & being recognized) I heard Him say, “I will throw down
this Temple made with human hands. And, in three days I will build another
not made with hands.”

WITNESS 2: He said, “I can pull down the Temple of God and rebuild it in three

WITTNESS 1: That is what he said!

NICODEMUS: (Stepping up & being recognized) Is this supposed to be reliable

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testimony? He said He would ‘build another Temple not made with hands,”
clearly symbolic, and that from three years ago! If that was so serious, it
should have been addressed then, not now. I have followed this man’s
ministry for these three years. I believe He is a man of integrity, honoring
God Whom He calls His Father. Indeed, He is Father to us all!

CAIAPHAS: (Getting an idea from NICODEMUS’ last line, silences all and steps up to
NICODEMUS) Honoring God in truth is the heart of our religion.
(Turning to JESUS) Do you have anything to say concerning what has

[JESUS does not answer; CAIAPHAS turns hack toward NICODEMUS.]

CAIAPHAS: (Looking at NICODEMUS) Then, in the Name of Almighty God, (Turning

to Jesus) I place you under oath. Are You the Christ, the Son of God?

JESUS: I AM! And you will see the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the
Almighty God!

ANNAS: Blasphemy!

[CAIAPHAS tears his garment.]

PRIEST 1: He has claimed to be God!

[PRIESTS react and begin to strike JESUS. Malchus kneels. GUARDS 3 & 4 hold
JESUS, CAIAPEIAS sees MALCHUS’ reaction and motions for GUARD 2. ANNAS,
CAIAPHAS, and GUARD 2 step outside.]

CAIAPHAS: (To GUARD 2) Take Him to Pilate, then goes and gathers a
crowd, our crowd, and have them there at daybreak.

[GUARD goes back in. JESUS is led away to PILATE. PRIESTS disperse, JOSEPH &
NICODEMUS both stay in upper level; all other priests exit from Sanhedrin]

JOSEPH: A time for prayer, my friend?

NICODEMUS: Joseph, a time for miracles. [They exit Sanhedrin]

[Manual light on Jesus as he and soldiers come to stage right edge of Pilate’s
9:26:01 = 2 minutes 37 seconds
ACT III—Scene 3
Return of the silver

[Judas Iscariot steps out from where he has been waiting he waits until Joseph &
Nicodemus are gone & the street is clear. Again, Satan steps out. Judas goes to the
high priests the servant girl is with them, sees Judas approach and meets him.]

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JUDAS: I must see the high priest!

SERVANT GIRL: Who are you and why have you come?

ANNAS: It is all right. (To Judas) Why have you come?

Everything went well, just as expected.

JUDAS: Expected? Then, why was He condemned? Whose “expectations” were met
in that? Not mine, and if they were yours all along, then I was lied to!

CAIAPHIAS: We did not know where the questioning would go or what direction
His explanation would take…

JUDAS: (Interrupting) Explanation! You still expect me to believe you were trying to
reconcile the two sides?

ANNAS: He said He was the Christ; the Son of God, before the whole council!
That was the end of any explanation!

CAIAPHAS: Pilate will condemn just one, instead of all, and our place will be safe!

JUDAS: You mean your "profit" will be safe!

ANNAS: You accuse us? With the silver still in your hands?

JUDAS: Silver? Silver? (Breaking down) in my blood-covered hands! Innocent

blood! Innocent blood! I’ll tell you!

CAIAPHAS: He is not innocent to us. If you believe He is, that is your problem.

[JUDAS has left during the last line He proceeds to the Temple, throws the silver &
leaves up the Via.]

9:28:39 = 4 minutes 42 seconds

ACT III—Scene 4
Pilate Private trial

[PRIESTS 1 & 2 leave Sanhedrin palace at JUDAS’ exit. PILATE, CENTURION, and
SOLDIERS are already set for scene. The crowd begins to filter into the scene]

PILATE: You are of the Sanhedrin? I have been expecting you. What of the

PRIEST 1: (From the ground @ porch steps) One Jesus of Nazareth, a self-
proclaimed teacher who subverts the traditions of our nation. He has gained
a radical following; you witnessed it five days ago when He came to the

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PILATE: If He breaks your traditions, judge Him yourselves, by your Law.

PRIEST 2: It has come to more than that. He has proclaimed Himself our Messiah,
our King.

PILATE: Are you the king of the Jews?

JESUS: The words are yours.

PILATE: The words are mine. Yes, indeed they are. What an extraordinary reply.
What charge do you bring against him?

PRIEST 1: We believe He is a danger to the peace of Rome as well as our own


PRIEST 2: His followers are encouraged against Rome in matters of taxes and rule.

PRIEST 1: His crimes are worthy of death by our Law and by Rome’s.

PILATE: DEATH? You wish to put this man to death over those matters you’ve

PRIEST 2: That is our desire, his teaching has caused discontentment among the
people all through Judea. It started in Galilee and has spread as far as this

PILATE: Is this man then a Galilean?

[Priests acknowledge that he is]

PILATE: Why then bring him to me?

PRIEST 2: For trial, you’re Excellency.

PILATE: For trial? But is he not under Herod’s jurisdiction? … Answer my question.

PRIEST 2: This man is under Herod’s jurisdiction, but…

PILATE: Herod is here in Jerusalem at this very time. Take him to Herod. Do not
trouble me further. I have no time for such foolishness.

[The CROWD and PRIEST’S moves down quickly to Herod’s Porch]

ACT III--Scene 4b

HEROD: What is this? What do we see here? Do we see John the Baptist here?
Salome, Herodias, look this is John the Baptist. He is risen from the dead.

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PRIEST 2: You’re Excellency.

HEROD: Silence! No one must speak. We must examine this man more closely. Are
you John come back from the grave to haunt us? No, this is not John, we
know that. This is the man called Jesus.

Thank you for bringing him to meet us. We are greatly pleased to meet him
at long last. So, you are Jesus of Nazareth. We hear that you perform
miracles…that you heal the sick and the lame. Make the blind see. The deaf
hear. The dead live again!


Is all of this true? As you are a Galilean and our jurisdiction, we are indeed
very interested in seeing such miracles performed in our presence.

Salome would you not like to see a miracle preformed?

SALOME: Yes! Oh yes! [SALOME clothes Jesus with purple mantle.]

HEROD: Oh, and you Herodias?

HERODIAS: Very well.

HEROD: You see we are not alone in our curiosity. So perform for us! Entertain us
with you miracles.
[Crowd voices of affirmation]
What is wrong? Why is he not doing anything? Wait, I have it. Is there water
in that jug?

HEROD SERVANT: Yes, Excellency!

HEROD: Well, then bring it to us. Set it there in front of him. Now, step back!
Change this water into wine for us.
Can you do that?
Well, we are waiting! You, taste it!.....Well?

TASTER: Excellency, it is still water!

HEROD: AHHH! Take him to Pilate.

[PRIESTS l&2 leave for the Sanhedrin Palace. PILATE turns to the CENTURION.
CLAUDIA PROCULA comes out. Crowd disperses]

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9:33:21= 3 minutes 22 seconds

ACT III—Scene 4c
Jesus before Pilate Privately

PILATE: Centurion! What is your report?

LONGINUS: Sir! Herod is turning him back over to us.

PILATE: So, Herod seeks my friendship. Then, I will be forced to judge this man
myself. Longinus, you have been in the city these last few days; what have you
seen and heard?

LONGINUS: Sir! The crowd does seem to think He is sent by God, a “Messiah” if you
would, but I have not seen Him take the role of King. In addition, I heard
Him tell the priests to pay what Caesar required.

[ROMAN 1 escorts JESUS out & up the steps. CLAUDIA is still present.]

LONGINUS: I think the priests do not care for their Law as much as they envy His

[PILATE moves to question JESUS. CENTURION remains on call. CLAUDIA sits to

listen. ROMAN SOLDIER 1 stays near JESUS on the porch.]

PILATE: (To JESUS) Are You the King of the Jews?

JESUS: Is that your own idea, or have others suggested it to you?

PILATE: What kind of answer is that? You speak in riddles. Am I a Jew that I should
be concerned with such things? No, your own nation and their chief priests
have brought you before me. I repeat; what in the world have you done?

JESUS: My Kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, my followers would be
fighting to save me from arrest…

PILATE: Who are you? Are you or are you not of this world?

JESUS: King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth.

PILATE: Truth? What is truth?

JESUS: I know all who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice. For this was I born,
for this did I come into the world

[PILATE motions & JESUS is removed back to the tunnel by ROMAN SOLDIER 1]

CLAUDIA: Are you troubled by this?

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PILATE: (Sitting down on judgment seat) Angry is more like it! I hate being used as
a pawn by those I am supposed to rule! They expect me to join with them!

CLAUDIA: You cannot! Pilate, please! Surely you don’t believe them! Jesus is

PILATE: I believe the charges are false. Claudia, why are you acting this way? Is
there something more? You believe he is innocent; do you believe in Him?

CLAUDIA: I have seen Him in my dreams, quiet and strong... suffering. Can you
free Him? You must free Him!

PILATE: I cannot judge him guilty; that is... the truth. It is custom to release a
prisoner, at the feast. I will release the Nazarene.


ACT III—Scene 5
It is TIME!

[Sanhedrin Palace; ANNAS, CAIAPHAS, PRIESTS 1 & 2 and GUARDS 2 & 3.]

CAIAPHAS: Is everything set then?

PRIEST 1: Yes, Caiaphas, there will be a mob gathering at Pilate’s porch shortly.
Word of punishment for His followers is out, and our guard will be watching
the crowd.

ANNAS: Pilate will release a prisoner for the feast, and Jesus’ followers may cry out
for Him. Who else stands condemned?

PRIEST 2: There are three, one Gastas, another Dysmas, and Barabbas. Of the
three, Barabbas is the most known. He has ties with the Zealots and our own

ANNAS: Then spread the word to ask for him.

CAIAPHAS: It is time.
[All exit to Pilate’s porch]

9:36:43 = 5 minutes 30 seconds

ACT III—Scene 6
Pilate Public Trial

[CROWD gathers around Pilate’s porch. As PRIESTS arrive, ROMANS are dispersed
to guard the CROWD. PILATE is summoned. JESUS is brought out and stands on

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top of the porch. CROWD sounds begin to rise. PILATE comes out onto the porch
raises his hand & CROWD quiets.]

PILATE: This man, Jesus, has been brought to me by your own chief priests and
charged with rebellion against the authority of Rome. I have questioned Him
and found no grounds for the charges against Him certainly nothing worthy
of death. As is custom at this feast, I will release Him to you.

PRIEST/CROWD VOICE: If you want to release someone, then give us Barabbas!

PILATE: Barabbas? Would you have me release a murderer into your very midst.
Have Barabbas brought forth (to the Centurion). Go quickly! (to Claudia) I
shall show them what type of man they would release.

CROWD: (Cries louder)

PILATE: (To Crowd) Then, if I release Barabbas, who stands condemned, I will also
release Jesus, uncondemned!

CROWD: (Various cries,) “No!” “He must not be released!” Etc.

PILATE: But why? What is He guilty of?

[BARABBUS is brought out.]

CROWD: (Roars louder)

ANNAS: (Stepping forward & silencing the CROWD) By our Law, He has committed
blasphemy by claiming to be the Son of God. And, according to our Law, He
must be put to death!

CROWD: (Murmurs)

PILATE: (To JESUS) Look at this man! He is a thief! A murderer! Now which would
you have me release to you? Barabbas? Or Jesus called Messiah?

CROWD VOICE: Release Barabbas (Voices rise crying out for BARABBAS.)

PILATE: Speak to me! Don’t you know I have the power to release you, or have you

JESUS: You would have no power over me if it hadn’t been given you from above.

PILATE: (To a ROMAN with BARABBAS) Release him.

(To CENTURION) Have Him flogged; humiliate Him; perhaps that will satisfy them.

[JESUS is brought down to the flogging post.]

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LONGINUS: Lysimus, now!

[ROMANS l&2 flog Jesus. At the end, PILATE signals to LONGINUS, then leaves the


(Roman laughter)

ROMAN 1: I’ll fix it so he cannot see, here take this!

ROMAN 2: I’d like to hear him speak after I get through with him (mocking).

ROMAN 3: I’ll make a cripple out of him in no time.

ROMAN 4: Hail O great and might king!

[Roman laughter]

[The ROMAN SOLDIERS gather around JESUS and mock Him, placing the crown of
thorns on His head, a reed in His hand and a robe on Him, hailing Him as King and
bowing. JESUS is brought to the bottom of Pilate’s steps. LONGINUS goes up & gets
PILATE. MOTHER MARY & MARY MAG. have worked their way up to JESUS. There is
a moment’s contact, hand to hand, then JESUS is brought to the top & PILATE
comes out. PILATE signals for quiet.]

PILATE: Enough! Behold your king!! He has been flogged, beaten, ridiculed, spit
upon. What more can you want!

CROWD: Crucify (etc.)

PILATE: Crucify him? Bring water! I am washing my hands. My hands are clean of
this innocent man’s blood.

Let it be recorded that it is on the eve of you Jewish Passover, it is the 6th
hour as I sit here on my tribunal, my seat of judgment. Behold here is your
King, the man called Jesus. I ask you one last and final time, what would you
have me do with him?

CROWD/PRIEST VOICE: Crucify him Pilate! Crucify Him!

PILATE: Crucify Him yourselves! I hold no charge against Him. I would release

CROWD: (Cries louder.)

CAIAPHAS: Anyone who makes Himself a King defies Caesar! You cannot release

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PILATE: Should I crucify Your King?

CROWD: (Cries for Caesar)

PILATE: Then away with Him!

9:42:13 = 4 minutes 22 seconds

ACT III—Scene 7
Carrying the Cross

[JESUS is led to cross & carries it through the moving CROWD. He falls the first
time and. and VERONICA (Joanna) wipes His face. The ROMANS successfully keep
people away. He falls the second time. This time the ROMANS are occupied with the
TWO THIEVES. JESUS has a moment there with MOTHER MARY, MARY MAG. Then
they continue to Calvary.]

PRIEST 1: Do you see what is written there?

GUARD 2: King of the Jews?

PRIEST 2: You must tell the high priest; Go!

GUARD 2: Sir!

PILATE: What is it Caiaphas?

CAIAPHAS: Pilate, the charges on His cross read, “King of the Jews.” Many of the
people are reading it; it should say that He only “claimed” to be the King of
the Jews.

PILATE: What I have written stays written.

JESUS: Daughters of Jerusalem! Do not weep for me. No, weep for yourselves and
your children, for the days are surely coming, when they will start saying
to the mountains: Fall on us. And to the hills, cover us. And if these things
are done when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?

[Pilate’s attendants wash the blood stained wall.]

[At third fall,’ in front of the tomb’ SIMON OF CYRENE leaves his two sons and steps
forward to help.]

ROMAN I: (To LONGINUS, the centurion) He cannot go on by Himself.

LONGINUS: (Noting SIMON.) Looks like He has some help.

ROMAN 1: (To SIMON) Carry it for Him; He is weak.

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SIMON of CYRENE: I am going into the city for the feast!

ROMAN 2: Later, after you’re through with us!

[They proceed to the top; THIEVES are raised, then JESUS.]
9:46.35 = 5 minutes 42 seconds
ACT III—Scene 8

LONGINUS: (To SCRIBE) Record this: Three crucified at nine o’clock this morning,
Gastas and Dysmas for theft and rebellion, and one Jesus, King of the Jews!

JESUS: Father, forgive them! They do not know what they do!

PRIEST 1: You said you were The Son of God; if You are, come down from the

PRIEST 2: Are You our King? Come down from there and we will believe!

PRIEST 3: He has saved others; why can’t He save himself?

PRIEST 1: Why won’t God rescue Him, if He is God’s Son?

GASTAS: Are You our Messiah? Then save yourself...and us!

DYSMAS: Have you no fear of God? You are under the same sentence as He, for it
is plain justice. We are paying the price for our misdeeds, but this man has
done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come to your thrown!

JESUS: I tell you the truth. Today, you will be with me in Paradise.

WOMAN: What are they doing? What’s happening?

MAN: The Roman soldiers are dividing his garments.

ROMAN 1: Let’s divide these things!

ROMAN 2: There’s nothing much here!

ROMAN 3: Wait! Let me see that.

ROMAN 4: No seams! It’s worth more than all the rest!

ROMAN 1: Don’t cut it! We’ll throw for it.

ROMAN 2: Winner takes it; the others divide the rest.

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[Darkness settles in...Sound of wind. CROWD becomes nervous and some (rm. #3
primarily) begin to leave.]

ROMAN 1: (To ROMAN 2) Storm? What is it?

ROMAN 2: I don’t know; feels….cold.

[MOTHER MARY & JOHN approach when the PRIESTS leave, LONGINUS lets them
go to the cross, MOTHER MARY touches JESUS as she kneels, weeping.]

JESUS: Mother, see your son! John, here is your mother!

[JOHN takes her away.]

JESUS: (With a loud voice) My GOD! My GOD! Why have You forsaken Me?

[MARY MAG. approaches.]

JESUS: (To MARY MAG.) I … I am thirsty.

[MARY MAG turns to LONGINUS who offers drink to JESUS.]

JESUS: (With a loud voice) It is finished! ……. Father! Into Your Hand, I
entrust my Spirit!

[Earthquake a lightening affects, all remaining SPECTATERS IN CROWD leave. Only

the ROMANS & MARY GROUP & JOHN are left.]

[Keep lights dark with only the area around the crosses lit.]

LONGINUS: Break their legs and you may go.

ROMAN 4: This one is dead.

ROMAN 1: (Tossing him a spear) Make certain.

[ROMAN 4 pierces the side. All guards except ROMAN 4 leave. MOTHER MARY,
MARY MAG. & JOHN approach the cross. ]

MOTHER:” Into Your hand, I entrust my spirit.”

JOHN: “You will redeem me, Lord, God of Truth.”

LONGINUS: This was indeed a sign. Truly, he was the Son of God.

9:52:17 = 5 minutes 8 seconds

ACT IV—Scene 1
Sanhedrin’s Fear

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[CAIAPHAS, ANNAS, PRIESTS 1 & 2 and GUARDS 2 & 3 are in the Sanhedrin.]

CAIAPHAS: What is it you called us here for?

PRIEST 1: About the earthquake; it has damaged the curtain in the Temple. It is
entirely torn; top to bottom!

PRIEST 2: What is more, according to those still there; it happened precisely at the
same time Jesus died!

PRIEST 1: Many are saying it was a sign from God, and that Jesus was a righteous

ANNAS: This is most unfortunate. It will give momentum to the cause of His

CAIAPHAS: We have heard how He said He would rise after three days. If His
disciples hid the body; this superstitious mob would be out of control!

ANNAS: Then we must guard his tomb; hold his body until after the three days.
Then his words will mean nothing!

ACT IV—Scene 2

[Lights up on Calvary. PETER &, JAMES, THOMAS, ANDREW & SIMON are already
there. JOHN removed the grate while lights were out. JOSEPH & NICODEMUS are
walking up the hill followed by all of the other apostles who are available and not
doing other jobs; MARYS & DISCIPLES are posed around the cross]

JOSEPH: Friends, Pilate has granted us the body

DISCIPLE THAT DOESN’T HAVE MANY LINES: Let us take him down from the cross.

(l. arm) (ladder) (head) (r. arm) (r. leg) (l. leg)
[PETER, JAMES, JOHN, THOMAS, SIMON, ANDREW remove JESUS from the cross &
lay Him in Mother Mary’s lap]

MOTHER: My own Son, how has this happened? A sword has pierced my soul.

NICODEMUS: We have brought spices and linen to bury Him.

JOSEPH: And I have a new tomb nearby; we can take Him there. [Mary nods. Jesus
is carried to the tomb. James is the last apostle coming down the hill to the
tomb looks back at the centurion after he has kneeled and is starting down,
goes back and welcomes him to the group]

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[PRIEST 1 & PRIEST 2 along with Sanhedrin soldiers get set in place for posting the
guards scene as Mary and Disciples exit.]

9:57:25 = 3 minutes 11 seconds

ACT IV—Scene 3
Request for Guards

[ANNAS, CAIAPHAS, PRIESTS l&2 AND GUARDS 2&3 leave Sanhedrin Palace and
cross to Pilate’s porch, GUARD 2 runs ahead to tell ROMAN SOLDIER on Pilate’s
porch they are coming. ROMAN SOLDIER exits to get Pilate. GUARD 3 & PRIESTS
l&2 turn to go into Temple; CAIAPHAS & ANNAS continue to go to PILATE, stopping
at the bottom of the steps. PILATE comes out.]

PILATE: State your business.

CAIAPHAS: Governor, we have remembered that this Jesus said He would rise from
the dead after three days.

ANNAS: Considering the earthquake and other circumstances surrounding His

death, we believe His followers may hide His body and claim He has risen.

CAIAPHAS: This would be worse than if He had never died!

PILATE: I see, yes...yes I see very well; you may set a guard, and make the area

[Scene goes black on Pilate and lights come up on Tomb where scene with Priests
and Guards is already set.]

ACT IV—Scene 4
Posting the Guards

PRIEST 1: Check to see that the body is there.

[GUARDS 2&3 tip stone slightly back while GUARD 4 looks in.]

GUARD 4: The body is there.

PRIEST 1: Very well, seal the stone.

[Stone is sealed]

PRIEST 2: (To the GUARDS) The high priest said no one is to enter until after the
third day.

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PRIEST 1: Your reward will depend upon your success.

[PRIESTS 1 & 2 and one guard exit down Temple steps. Two guards remain.]


[Scene starts in darkness. As music and verses start, a red glow comes from the
tomb. Red light ends by the time of lightening effect]

JESUS: Satan, the battle is finished! I have come to set the captive free! I AM the
first and the last! The Living One! I died and behold I AM alive forevermore. And I
now take the keys of death and hell.


JESUS: You will not leave My soul in Hell, nor let Your Holy One see corruption.
(Ps. 16)
He will be resurrected on the third day. (Mt. 20:19)

As Jonah was three days in the fish, so shall the Son of Man be three days in
the earth. (Mt.12:40)

And on the third day He will be raised up. (Mt. 17:23). (Hos. 6:2)

And after three days, they found Him teaching in the Temple. (Lk. 2:46)

I have power to lay it down; and I have the power to take it up again. (Echo)
(Jn. 10:18)

[Verses layered with echo as music builds to climax. ANGEL spins. ANGEL rolls
away the stone, JESUS emerges. ]

10:00:36 = 7 minutes 33 seconds

ACT IV—Scene 6
Empty Tomb

[Lights up on MARY MAG., MARY LAZ., JOANNA, SALOME & MARY CLEO. coming to
tomb. They are surprised by the open tomb and approach cautiously. MARY MAG.
steels herself and walks in, one of the others step in after her. They gather together
downstage of the tomb.]

JOANNA: What has happened here?

MARY MAG.: I don’t know! Are the guards alright?

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MARY LAZ.: (Rising from looking at one of the guards) They appear to be fine, and
no sign of fighting.

MARY MAG.: Then where is the body? Has someone taken it? Who has taken it?
[ANGEL steps forward.]

ANGEL: Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is no longer here,
but has been raised from the dead! Remember what He told you in Galilee.
He said, “The Son of Man shall be betrayed and crucified by sinful men, then
on the third day, He will rise again.” Go tell His disciples and Peter. He will
appear to them, just as He said.

[The WOMEN run down to the upper room. Lights down on tomb, ANGEL leaves]

ACT IV—Scene 7
Upper Room
(I want to see it)

[Lights up on Via and APOSTLES, in Last Supper room. Simon near chalice table,
John in the seat where Judas sits]

SIMON: Mary! What’s happened? What is it?

MARY MAG.: (Bursting in) Brothers, we have come from the tomb, just now; the
stone was rolled away, and the body of Jesus was gone! Then, an angel
appeared and told us He is alive...

MARY CLEO. : (interrupting) Raised from the dead!

MARY MAG.: Yes! And he told us to tell you!

[Apostles do not respond to the women, rather they look doubtfully at one

MARY MAG.: Well, say something!

PETER: Mary, I don’t think that He...

MARY MAG.: (Interrupting) You don’t believe us!

“Well, it doesn’t matter, the angel said Jesus would appear to you.”

[JOHN consoles Mary M. PETER looks at JOHN. JOHN heads for the door]

JOHN: I want to see it.

[JOHN leaves; PETER and the MARYS follow, the ANGEL also leaves when dark.]

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ACT IV—Scene 8
Appearance to Mary

[JOHN arrives first; PETER & the MARYS after. JOHN does not go in until Peter does.
Lines a come a little faster]

MARY MAG.: There were guards lying here unconscious.

JOHN: (To Peter) The wrappings are here, but no body.

PETER: (Going inside first) The cloth that was on His head is folded and off by itself.

[JOHN has followed PETER inside and comes back out.]

JOHN: (Falling on his knees) It is what He said! (Raising his hands) I believe.

[PETER stops upstage and right from JOHN, silent and obviously agitated by John’s
statement. Some of the MARYS kneel with JOHN.]

MARY LAZ. : Let’s go to the others at John Mark’s house. The angel said He would
appear to them!

[They rise to exit left and down.]

[She goes to Simon’s house while the others begin to leave. PETER goes with
MARY MAG. to Simon’s house.]

MARY MAG.: (Coming out of Simon’s house) Was there something you wanted,
Peter? [She sees his distress] Are you all right?

PETER: Let me alone awhile. I’ll come down later.

[PETER walks down into garden area, Lights go all the way down on Simon’s house
& garden. MARY MAG. Begins to move stage left down the sidewalk but stops &
goes back into the tomb. She comes out; facing down stage, with Jesus’ Kafia, then
kneels, weeping. Jesus walks in from over Calvary during this process.]
[less time between the next lines]

JESUS: Why are you weeping?

MARY MAG. The body of my Lord is gone, and I’m not sure what has happened to

JESUS: Mary.

MARY MAG.: Rabbi! (She hugs Him.)

JESUS: Mary, you cannot keep holding onto me!

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MARY MAG: I just can't believe you are really here! You're back from the dead!

JESUS: Yes, Mary, I am really here, but now, I must ascend to My Father, and to
Your Father. Now go, and tell the others that I will also appear to them.

MARY MAG: Yes, Master, I will tell them! Your alive! (Mary runs down sidewalk to
tell the others, saying:) He's alive! He is alive!

[Lights all out to give Jesus & angel time to get set.]

ACT IV—Scene 9
Appearance to Peter

[Speakers from Garden. Less time here also]

[Lights up on PETER near stone in garden.]

[PETER kneels and begins to weep.]

PETER: (Lifting his face toward heaven) O Lord! John believes. You’d think I could
believe, but what difference would that make? How can I prove myself now?
I have failed Him! How could He ever trust me again? Oh! How could He ever
trust me!

[JESUS approaches behind PETER. He senses something, but does not yet turn

JESUS: Peter.

PETER: (Recognizing the voice, yet looking down before turning.) My Lord.

JESUS: Lay aside your failures; they cannot separate you from Me. Return to Me.

PETER: But Lord, in the garden when I was sleeping, and then later, you saw... You
heard me... I have sinned... (With this he drops to his knees in worship)

JESUS: And I forgive you. I heard you weeping bitterly because you thought you
had failed Me, The battle was Mine, alone, to fight. I have fought and won,
now, go to your brothers and strengthen them. I shall appear to them as

PETER: Yes, Lord! I will, I will strengthen them.

[Lights all the way out. PETER leaves for upper room.]


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JESUS: What are you debating as you walk?

EMMAUS 1: Are you the only person staying in Jerusalem, not to know what has
happened the in the last few days? All this about Jesus of Nazareth; a
Prophet powerful in speech and action before God and the whole people.

EMMAUS 2: We had been hoping that this was the man who would liberal Israel.

EMMAUS 1: Instead, our chief priests and rulers handed him over to the Romans to
be sentenced to death and crucified.

EMMAUS 2: What is more, this is the third day since it happened. And now a
woman we know has astounded us. She went early to the tomb but failed to
find his body and returned with a story that she had seen a vision of an angel
who told her Jesus was alive. So some of our people went to the tomb and
found things just as the woman had said.

EMMAUS 1: But Jesus, they did not see.

JESUS: How is it you do not believe all that the Prophets said? Was the Messiah not
bound to suffer thus before ending into His glory?

EMMAUS 2: Friend, you speak with knowledge. Here is where we plan to spend the

EMMAUS 1: Stay with s awhile, for evening draws on and the day is almost over.

JESUS: I will go inside and break bread with you.

Oh Father, bless these men and their brothers as they go forth to do you
work. Open these men’s eyes that they may see! (JESUS disappears).

EMMAUS 2: Lord!

EMMAUS 1: Master!

EMMAUS 2: He has vanished, Where has he gone?

EMMAUS 1: Did we not feel our hearts on fire as we talked with us on the road and
explained the Scriptures to us?

EMMAUS 2: This is indeed the greatest miracle of all.

EMMAUS 1: Let’s find the other and tell them that Jesus is alive!

10:08:09 = 7 minutes 4 seconds

ACT IV—Scene 10
Bribing the Guard

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[GUARDS 2&3, MALCHUS and CAIAPHAS & ANNAS are in the Sanhedrin.]

GUARD 2: Sir, while we guarded the tomb, there was an earthquake...

GUARD 3: And an angel appeared and rolled away the stone!

GUARD 2: Both of us were knocked out!

GUARD 3: When we came to, the tomb was empty and we came here...

CAIAPHAS: Are you trying to cover for yourselves? You let His disciples steal the

GUARD 2: We swear! It was just as we said!

GUARD 3: And we don’t know where the body is!

ANNAS: Stop this! No one else but you two were there?

GUARD 2: No, sir.

ANNAS: Then no one else knows what…happened.

CAIAPHIS: We don’t know what happened!

ANNAS: We know He didn’t rise from the dead! (To GUARDS) You must say His
disciples took the body.

GUARD 3: But we don’t know who took it!

CAIAPHAS: Annas is right, who else would take it?

GUARD 2: But the angel....

CAIAPHAS: No one else saw the angel, did they? You will do as we say, or you will
be punished. You probably fell asleep and dreamed the angel!

ANNAS: That will be the story. You fell asleep and His disciples stole the body.
Spread that around and we will reward you even though you failed. If Pilate
hears it, we will deal with him. Agreed?

GUARDS: Yes, sir!

[CAIAPHAS & ANNAS exit upstairs. GUARDS 2 & 3 exit Gate 17. MALCHUS sits
down on porch steps & takes his helmet off, thinking.]

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ACT IV—Scene 11
Appearance to Thomas

[All who are in this scene begin in the room when the lights come up, EMMAUS
disciples will come down Kidron brook and cross set to meet Jesus when he exits
the Last Supper room]

PETER: (To Thomas) That is how It happened after I went to the tomb. He has
appeared to me, Thomas, and told me to encourage the rest. Mary has seen
Him; I have seen Him; so have all the rest of the apostles...

THOMAS: (Interrupting) Except me. All the rest but me. You have all seen him,
heard him, and touched him, and you keep saying He will appear to me, too.
Yet eight days have passed and still nothing! I will believe when I see, when
I touch His hand and side!

[JESUS appears]

JESUS: Peace to all of you. Thomas, here is my hand; touch Me. Put your hand to
my side. Do not remain faithless, but believe.

THOMAS: My Lord and my God!

JESUS: You have believed because you have seen. Blessed are those who believe
without seeing! All that was written about me in the Scriptures had to be
fulfilled, that the Messiah must suffer, die, and rise from the dead on the
third day, to this you shall be my witnesses.

[All leave Upper Room, JESUS &. SIMON PETER step down stage of Temple steps’
line in the center of the Via. MALCHUS, seeing JESUS, goes to Him. LONGINUS,
SIMON of CYRENE approach from the sidewalk directly downstage of the well. When
MALCHUS arrives, there is reconciliation between PETER & MALCHUS ALL proceed
up Via. For ascension. CLAUDIA meets Mary Mag. At the tomb, she takes her to
JESUS. JOSEPH & NICODEMUS join them near the tomb.]

ACT IV—Scene 12

[JESUS is seated on ascension rock & all are gathered around Him PETER and
James have arrived first to hook-up Jesus.]

JOHN: Lord will You restore the Kingdom to Israel, now?

JESUS: It is not for you to know the times or seasons the Father keeps under His
own authority. But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive
power to testify of my death and resurrection with great effect to the people
of Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

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[JESUS stands.]

There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me. You have seen these
prophecies come true and soon, I will send the Holy Spirit upon you just as
my Father promised. Don’t begin telling others yet. Stay in the city until the
Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power. Full authority in heaven and on
earth has been committed to me. Go forth and make all nations my disciples.
Baptize men everywhere in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit; and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be
assured, I am with you always, even to the end of time.


ANGEL FROM HEAVEN VOICE: Men of Galilee! Why do you gaze into the
heavens? This same Jesus who was taken up from you, shall come in the
same way as you saw him go into heaven. And, He shall reign forever!

10:15 PM

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