Internship Application Form: CRY-Child Rights and You

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CRY- Child Rights and You

Internship Application form

Information provided will be kept confidential. Please take time to provide answers in detail

A] Basic Detail

Name Prasun Tiwari E mail

Cell No. 8962380193 D.O.B 19/03/1998 State of Madhya Pradesh

Qualification Currently in 3rd College/Company, National Law Institute
Trimester. Designation University(NLIU), Bhopal
Area of interest
Child Labour and Education
Specific skills

Languages – English and Hindi No. of 4 weeks

Spoken/ Written weeks you
can give in
Willingness to travel/ Yes, I am willing to travel
stay outstation to outstations.
The month and week From 1st week of May
you can begin (if 2017 to 4th week of May
selected) 2017.
* Preferred date and time slots for interview (will
be applicable only if you get shortlisted for
interview round)
Preference 1- Preference 2-
Delhi Mumbai

* the dates and slots you share should have a margin of 4 working days from the date of your application

Preferred Location of Internship: Delhi/Mumbai/ Kolkata/Bangalore/Chennai/Hyderabad

 Have you gone through the CRY’s website ( What do you understand regarding
our approach to Child Rights?

The approach of CRY towards Child Rights is very sorted as per their justice, education, etc.
and awareness of Juvenile’s laws. Their recommendations in every field are based on statistical
data regarding child rights is worth applying in the country, especially in the field of Child
Trafficking by spreading awareness to the general public and involving the support of
government authorities. In the field of child marriage, discussing this issue in those areas where
child marriage is still happening with the help of other NGOs is good way for dealing with this
After studying the website of CRY, I understand that to make people aware about child rights
needs some tie-ups

 Do you have any experience of interning Yes O No O

Organization Name location duration of Nature of internship

internship project

B] Why you wish to intern with CRY (in 150 words)

C] Choose your preferred answer

Note: To each of the statements below please write your response as either AGREE or DISAGREE
and further explain your position very briefly

1. Those with the ability to pay should have the right to higher standards of medical care.

2. All authority should be questioned.

3. Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged.

Tick/ highlight the option which you feel is the most appropriate

. More than 50% of Indian Children are malnourished. What in your opinion is the main reason?

• Not enough food grains produced in the country

• Not enough job opportunities for all
• Children have become fussy about food
• Inequitable distribution of wealth

You find way too many drop out children in an area you are visiting.. you would….

 Build a school where out of school children can study

 Run Coaching Centres in the evening to educate these children
 Speak to the local Councillor/ MLA or Ward Member for the enrolment of dropped out children in
the area.
 Conduct public opinion building drives for enrolment of children
 Find out the root causes that compel children to be out of school and attempt to address the
same so that children can go to school

D] share you thoughts and views on a Child Rights Issue which you feel strongly about
[ a write up of not more than 500 words]
Submitted by: Prasun Tiwari Date:

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