LDM2 Module 1 With Answers
LDM2 Module 1 With Answers
LDM2 Module 1 With Answers
Module 1
Teachers portfolIo
Module 1 Lesson 1
Module 1 Lesson 1
Activity 1
2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instruction in
the new normal?
Quality instruction is ensured in this course since the activities included in this course are
those considered from the most essential competencies. The activities had been crafted by
select teachers who exhibit expertise in such particular field. The quality of the module is also
assured because it undergoes evaluation by the quality assurance team. Even amidst the
pandemic, teachers can also deliver the lesson at their best through creating communication
with the parents, learners and stakeholders in delivering learning the safest possible way.
3. What are the two support mechanism that will help you with your learning in this
The two support mechanism that will help me in learning this course are the following: The
first one, is the learning that I had gained in the seminars either online or face to face. The
nuggets of learning I had had help me to go through with this course. Second, the help
mechanism that my co-teachers are giving to me. They are the real source of experience-
based-knowledge that will surely helps me a lot in practical way of delivering learning to the
Activity 2
Activity 3
Look for a colleague with whom you would like to discuss your answers and reflections with
to the questions in Activities 1 and 2.
Module 1 Lesson 2
Activity 1
1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016. Rank the
following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve.
a. To develop successful teachers
b. To improve the teaching-learning process and learning among students
c. To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and
pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes
d. To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the
community as a whole
2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and elaborate.
a. Bulk Reports- It limits our time and difficult to focus in LAC.
b. Poor Internet Connection- We really can’t grasp the total discussion in LAC for we do not
have consistent strong connection. Sometime we rely only on our co-teachers and it
create sometimes a different understanding.
c. Lack of Computer Knowledge – other co-teachers are having a difficult time operating
their laptops.
Activity 2