12 Week Muscle Building, Fat Loss & Body Transformation Program

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12 Week Muscle Building, Fat Loss & Body Transformation Program

Microcycle 1: Strength Phase

Weeks 1,2,3
Weight Lifted Should Be 85 -100% of Your One Rep Max (1RM) in This Microcycle
Building greater levels of strength creates an overload stimulus in the body, requiring muscular and neural adaptations to take place in response to that stress to handle
future stressors. Your muscle fibers break down and require repair. During repairs, the body creates a larger, stronger muscle fibers to be able to handle future stressors.
Building stronger muscles and a more powerful nervous system allows for the use of heavier training loads in the later phases of this program. In this initial phase of the
program we focus on old-fashion heavy lifting that pushes you near maximum effort. You want to be lifting at 80% - 90% of your one rep maximum at an explosive 1-0-1-0
tempo on these exercises. You should reach or come close to temporary muscle failure on the last rep of each set. Rest periods during this phase will range from 2-3
minutes between exercises. All resistance workouts are followed by 20-30 minutes of steady state cardio on exercise/spin bike in this phase.
Monday & Thursday

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval

Barbell bench press 4 5 1-0-1-0 3 minutes

Incline dumbbell fly 3 8 1-0-1-0 2 minutes

Bentover barbell row 4 5 1-0-1-0 3 minutes

Wide grip lat pulldown 3 8 1-0-1-0 2 minutes

Standing military press 4 5 1-0-1-0 3 minutes

Dumbbell lateral raise 3 8 1-0-1-0 2 minutes

Tuesday & Friday

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval

Squat 4 5 1-0-1-0 3 minutes

Deadlift 4 5 1-0-1-0 3 minutes

Good mornings 3 8 2-0-2-0 2 minutes

Lying hamstring curls 3 8 1-0-1-0 2 minutes

Standing calf raise 3 8 1-0-1-0 2 minutes

20-30 minutes steady state cardio on exercise/spin bike post resistance training all 4 days weekly

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