This document outlines the objectives and assignments for Week 2. Students will learn to:
1) Identify common problems in laboratory operations related to organization, testing, and external factors.
2) Correlate problems with regulatory requirements and propose strategies to resolve issues.
3) Conduct a virtual interview with a laboratorian to discuss challenges in management, staffing, services, equipment and finances.
This document outlines the objectives and assignments for Week 2. Students will learn to:
1) Identify common problems in laboratory operations related to organization, testing, and external factors.
2) Correlate problems with regulatory requirements and propose strategies to resolve issues.
3) Conduct a virtual interview with a laboratorian to discuss challenges in management, staffing, services, equipment and finances.
Original Description:
Original Title
Module 3_Problems Related to Laboratory Operations
This document outlines the objectives and assignments for Week 2. Students will learn to:
1) Identify common problems in laboratory operations related to organization, testing, and external factors.
2) Correlate problems with regulatory requirements and propose strategies to resolve issues.
3) Conduct a virtual interview with a laboratorian to discuss challenges in management, staffing, services, equipment and finances.
This document outlines the objectives and assignments for Week 2. Students will learn to:
1) Identify common problems in laboratory operations related to organization, testing, and external factors.
2) Correlate problems with regulatory requirements and propose strategies to resolve issues.
3) Conduct a virtual interview with a laboratorian to discuss challenges in management, staffing, services, equipment and finances.
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Wk # No.
Title Immediate/Specific Objectives Guide Questions References Assignment
2 III. Problems Related to At the end of the second week, the What variables affect -pptx: C_LM_Wk#3 VIRTUAL INTERVIEW: Do a Laboratory Operations students will be able to laboratorians and their -Module III Notes for virtual Interview of one 1. Variables: Cognitive manager-supervisor in their additional Readings laboratorian (practicing RMT or a. External 1. Identify lab operational problems practice. -DOH issuances pathologist) and inquire on the b. Internal related to 2. Can these factors be -Journals for additional common problems or issues 2. Assessment Tools: a. Organization identified or predicted before a Readings encountered in their a. SWOT Analysis b. Testing problem occurs? How or what laboratory practice as to the b. PESTEL Analysis c. Macro-environmental tools maybe used to pinpoint a following issues 3. Regulatory and Statutory 2. Correlate the problems encountered factor that may impact 1. managerial or Requirements/Considerations with regulatory and statutory negatively on laboratory supervision; 4. Ethical Issues requirements operations? 2. staffing and a. business Psychomotor 3. Do the anticipated problems development; b. professional 3. Propose lab unit strategies for the arise from non-conformance to 3. services being c. healthcare/lab med practice resolution of common problems regulatory and statutory offered/available tests; encountered in clinical laboratory requirements? Specify or 4. equipment and practice. correlate. material maintenance Affective 4. Based on the problems 5. money issues – 4. Propose the most appropriate way of inferred from the virtual investment, user fees, resolving one commonly encountered interviews, what area/aspect income/profit problem taking into consideration of the government or practice NOTE: To be done during the organizational, testing, macro- requirements is/are most second week. environmental and, ethical factors. difficult to comply? B. REFLECTION: Discuss and 5. Defend the strategy chosen. 5. What strategies may be reflect on the ethical utilized to resolve the considerations related to la problems inferred/predicted? medicine or clinical pathology Why? practice.