The Importance of Agricultural Research: Objective
The Importance of Agricultural Research: Objective
The Importance of Agricultural Research: Objective
Agricultural Research
Key Terms:
Ñ animal immunization
artificial insemination
biological control
work more rapidly than ever before. Data that once took days or even weeks to analyze
can now be analyzed in seconds. In animal science, the selection of superior sires and
dams can be made easily through computerized production records of progeny. Results of
feed formulation data can be used to help determine the best mix of feed grains and sup-
plements. In plant science, computers are used to help determine the optimal time for
irrigation and the amount of water to be delivered to the crop. They are also used to
determine fertility levels and to adjust application rates. Food scientists rely heavily on
computers to analyze the chemistry of foods.
t Embryo transfer—
Whereas artificial insemina-
tion capitalizes on the
genetic attributes of the sire,
embryo transfer focuses on
the dam, or female parent.
Typically, improving herds
through the use of superior
dams is slow because of the
gestation period of the
female. Embryo transfer
is the process of moving
embryos from one female,
called the donor female, to
the reproductive tract of
another female, called the FIGURE 4. Shown is a Senopol surrogate mother with a Romosinuano
recipient female. The appli- embryo-transfer calf. (Courtesy, Agricultural Research Service, USDA)
receiver in a field or on
equipment. The system
locates exact points on GIS
grid maps to control
machinery operations in the
field. The technology is par-
ticularly useful for applying
fertilizer and obtaining har-
vest data.
t Tissue culture—Tissue cul-
ture is a very technical form of
asexual reproduction. As the
name implies, small pieces of
plant tissue are cultured, or
grown, on an artificial FIGURE 8. These researchers are examining blueberry plants propagated by
medium under sterile condi- tissue culture. (Courtesy, Agricultural Research Service, USDA)
2 In agriculture, scientists actively seek to discover procedures that will increase live-
stock and crop yields, improve farmland productivity, reduce loss due to disease and
insects, develop more efficient equipment, and increase overall food quality.
Researchers look for ways to increase farmers’ profits and to protect the environ-
ment. Animal immunization, artificial insemination, biological control of pests,
embryo transfer, genetic engineering, hydroponics, and tissue culture are just a few
areas of agricultural research. Through agricultural research, the standard of living
we enjoy today can be improved.
L Predict ways in which agriculture might be different 50 years from now because of
research underway today. Compare your predictions with those of your classmates.
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