India Electricity Sector Transformation - Nov 2017 3 PDF

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India’s Electricity Sector

Momentum Is Building; Peak Coal In Sight

21 November 2017

Tim Buckley, Director of Energy Finance Studies, Australasia

( and
Kashish Shah, Research Associate (
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1. India’s Electricity Sector - Overview ................................................................................................ 5

2. Renewable Energy: Capacity Building ........................................................................................ 12

3. Grid Stability, Transmission & Discoms ........................................................................................... 24

4. Energy Efficiency: The Cheapest Capacity ................................................................................. 29

5. Indian Thermal Power Generation ................................................................................................ 32

6. Indian Coal Self-Sufficiency ........................................................................................................... 42

7. Zero Emissions Alternatives for India .............................................................................................. 46

8. IEEFA Model for India’s Electricity Sector ..................................................................................... 50

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 56

Annexure I ............................................................................................................................................ 57

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 1

Executive Summary
This report examines the rapid electricity market transformation now taking place in India,
showing how renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can help the country,
soon to be the world’s most populous, avoid the mistakes China made in its dash for coal-
fired electric generation growth in the first years of this century, but also leverage the
learnings from China’s huge investment in renewables and grid capacity expansion.
Electricity demand in India is expected to double over the coming decade, and how this
electricity will be generated is critically important for both India and the world. We present
an electricity sector model out to 2027 in this report showing how India can meet its
growing electricity needs via increasingly cost-competitive renewable energy resources
and numerous energy efficiency measures, while at the same time keeping its coal use in
check, at perhaps no more than 10% above current levels. IEEFA’s forecast is far from
consensus. In contrast, the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts India’s coal
consumption will more than double by 2040.
To say this clean energy transition is vital is an understatement. India already is the world’s
second-largest producer, consumer and importer of thermal coal and how it meets its
rising electricity needs (it is now the third largest electricity user in the world behind only
China and the U.S.) will have a major impact on global energy markets.
Indian leaders from the top down have embraced the need to transform the country’s
energy industry, pushed in particular by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious goals to
make India a world leader in the adoption and deployment of low emissions energy
efficiency and renewable energy infrastructure.
These government efforts have been strongly supported by the marketplace over the past
couple of years. Prices for both wind and solar power have fallen significantly recently,
with record low prices recorded in 2017. As a result, for the first time in India, installations of
new renewable generation topped those of net thermal power additions in 2016/17. For
the year, net thermal additions fell to just 7.7 gigawatts (well below the roughly 20 GW
added annually in the prior four years), while renewable additions jumped to 15.7 GW.
The country’s draft national electricity plan (NEP) calls for renewable energy installs to
average 21-22 gigawatts (GW) annually going forward. The economics of renewables
have improved dramatically — with both wind and solar costs down 50% in just two years,
hovering at about US$0.038 per kilowatt-hour — IEEFA considers this an achievable target.
While renewable energy installations are expected to surge, IEEFA forecasts that net
thermal power capacity additions are likely to contract to below 5 GW annually over the
coming decade, held in check by the retirement of highly polluting, end-of-life subcritical
coal-fired power plants. IEEFA expects retirements to average more than 2.5 GW. But with
coal-fired power plant utilisation rates averaging just 56.7% in 2016/17 and little prospect of
this improving over the coming decade, retirements could well accelerate to 4-5 GW
annually. Retirement plans are likely to be pulled forward by the reality that solar and wind
already are being deployed at scale at tariffs well below those of even existing domestic
thermal power generation.
India’s target to all but cease thermal coal imports by the end of this decade is now the
logical economic outcome, especially since plants using expensive imported coal are
increasingly the high-cost dispatch option. As the second largest importer of thermal coal
globally, this is a materially adverse development for thermal coal-export nations.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 2

In this report, we present IEEFA’s model with our forecasts for the key parameters driving
India’s electricity sector transformation (Section 8). We place our model at the end of the
report because it is informed by the preceding seven sections, which detail our thinking on
key policy and market trends.
In Section 1, we describe how India currently relies on thermal power generation for 80% of
its electricity, while hydro supplies a significant 10% and renewables currently just 7%.
However, India has a national target of having 275 GW of renewable capacity installed
by 2027 so changes are coming. Indeed, the tipping point may have been 2016/17, when
net thermal capacity installs plummeted and renewable installs more than doubled.
These developments have continued into 2017, with costs of both falling by an
unprecedented 50%, with recent tenders now pricing renewables at 20% below the
average price on existing Indian thermal power generation. Section 2 details these
developments and IEEFA’s forecast of likely installations going forward. The rate of price
deflation in renewables has surprised everyone, and this has caused some near-term
turbulence, but we remain convinced renewables are clearly established as the low-cost
source of new supply. Mexico’s latest solar tender of November 2017 of just US$18 per
megawatt hour (MWh) and Chile at just US$18/MWh (both down 50% since the start of
2016) shows there is still significant downward scope for renewables pricing longer term.
The challenges to integrating India’s 40% renewable energy target by 2030 are not to be
underestimated. However, the momentum over the past three years, gained through
clear government policy and growing economic merit, give us confidence India will stay
the course. Section 3 details the challenges relating to maintaining grid stability in the
coming decade when demand is expected to double, and renewables’ share will
quadruple. State government distribution company (Discom) reform initiatives have made
significant progress, but much more is needed for transformation to be locked in.
India’s electricity demand is forecast to double over the coming decade. This is a
significant challenge in any terms, but less than most forecast. Net of energy efficiency
savings, IEEFA models an electricity elasticity of GDP growth of 1.0 times, materially lower
than some emerging markets (China, Philippines) but consistent with India’s trend of the
last decade. Energy efficiency and construction of a more efficient smart grid will each
play key roles in a cost effective sustainable electricity transformation (Section 4).
Section 5 examines the status of India’s coal generation fleet, looking at forecast
expansions in the latest draft NEP, projected retirements, and the performance of existing
plants. IEEFA believes that continuing retirements of inefficient end-of-life plants and
boosting performance at operating plants can help India in its efforts to deal with chronic
air pollution and the resulting health issues as well as carbon emissions.
One of our key conclusions, detailed in Section 6, is that growth in thermal power
generation is slowing significantly, which in turn means market expectations of India’s
thermal coal needs are excessive. Increased domestic coal production, at double the
growth rate of the last decade, caused thermal coal imports to peaked in 2014/15, and
means they are set to drop by two-thirds over this coming decade.
India has long debated the merits of building out nuclear and hydroelectric capacity. We
review current government plans for these two resources in Section 7. IEEFA remains
convinced that nuclear is not a commercially viable option because of the long lead
times and the likely ongoing cost blowouts involved. At the same time, IEEFA sees the
prudence in a careful buildout of hydro-electricity, which would provide cost-effective
electricity, supply diversity, grid stability and peak demand management.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 3

As it has become increasingly clear that China has moved beyond peak demand for
thermal coal, the focus and hopes of policymakers, financiers and energy industry officials
(particularly those in the coal field) has shifted to India.
Coal export executives see growth potential, environmentalists worry that growth would
undo other efforts to curb the worse impacts of climate change, and policymakers,
particularly Indian government officials, see a chance to skip over the worst of past fossil-
fueled development efforts and jump to a cleaner, greener electric grid.
The key question for all is whether India can manage a rapid expansion of its economy
and provide the electricity needed to make that happen, while at the same time doing it
in a manner that makes both environmental and commercial sense. Here, the focus has
been on India’s extremely ambitious renewable energy targets and what they mean for
the nation’s coal-fired generation fleet, which still accounts for the bulk of India’s
electricity. While most observers recognize that renewables are going to progressively
reduce coal’s share of Indian electricity generation, most still expect that the absolute
volume of coal used in India will continue to rise materially as the economy expands.
IEEFA challenges that assumption. The electric sector model presented in this report shows
that peak thermal coal use is approaching much faster than has previously seemed
possible, driven in large part by massive price declines in renewable energy generation as
well as economy-wide efficiency efforts being undertaken across the country.
However, beyond India’s achievements in renewables, the nation is working to increase
efficiencies across its entire energy system. Such efficiency gains, which tend not receive
as much attention, include:
• Energy efficiency – the lowest cost electricity is that which is not used;
• Buying efficiency – India has lowered the cost of imported LEDs by 90% in three years;
• Grid efficiency – without reducing grid transmission and distribution (T&D) losses, any
attempted electricity transformation is doomed;
• Distribution company (DISCOM) reforms are driving economic efficiency;
• Coal efficiency – Coal India Ltd has increased coal output in the last five years by 27%
on an absolute 16% lower headcount;
• Rail efficiency – third party quality monitoring and reduced coal rail theft /substitution
increases energy per tonne of coal moved;
• Thermal efficiency – coal washing improves coal plant efficiency;
• Capacity utilisation – increased operation of existing thermal power plants improves
capital efficiency;
• Diversity of generation – improves grid balancing, energy security and system
efficiency; and
• Capital market efficiency – improving transparency and regulation policies plus
lowering inflation and hence interest rates drives down the cost of renewable energy.

These developments are going to have significant, permanent impacts on India’s thermal
coal use—with peak coal perhaps just around the corner. This idea, that India could be
near peak coal demand, would have seemed laughable just a couple of years ago. But
this is no longer the case: coal fired power plant utilisation are at record low levels, coal-
related stranded asset concerns are rising, coal plant expansions are increasingly on hold
and all the while the price and performance of renewable energy is improving.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 4

1. India’s Electricity Sector - Overview
The Indian electricity grid has installed system capacity of 329.2 GW (as of August 2017),
plus 40.7 GW of off-grid self-generation (mostly thermal powered).

Figure 1.1: India Electricity Generation Capacity as of 31 August 2017 (GW)

Source: Central Electricity Authority (CEA)

Thermal power capacity represented 66.8% of total installed capacity and 80.1% of
electricity generation in 2016/17. Hydro electricity accounts for 44.5 GW or 13.6% of
capacity (9.9% of generation) while non-hydro renewable energy accounts for 58.3 GW or
17.5% of capacity (and 6.6% of generation). Nuclear accounts for just 6.8 GW or 2.1% of
capacity (3% of generation).
The Indian electricity grid has more than doubled its installed capacity over the past
decade and has 30 GW annually in the last two years. Over 2012/13 to 2015/16 capacity
expansion was overwhelmingly from thermal power—both coal- and gas-fired generation
(see Figure 1.2).
However, in 2015/16 the Government of India announced an exceptionally ambitious
plan to double installed capacity over the coming decade and to do so primarily through
an accelerated deployment of renewable energy. As Figure 1.2 details, 2016/17 was the
first year in Indian history in which renewable capacity installs (15.7 GW, 2.5 times the 6.5
GW of renewable installs in 2015/16) exceeded net thermal power installs (7.7 GW, down
65% year on year). While 11.5 GW of thermal power plants were commissioned, a record
3.9 GW of end-of-life thermal power plants were decommissioned in 2016/17.
IEEFA forecasts 14 GW of renewable capacity additions in 2017/18, a slight slowdown on
2016/17 but more than double the 5.8 GW of net thermal capacity additions.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 5

Figure 1.2: India Renewable and Thermal Power – Net Capacity Additions (MW)

Source: Central Electricity Authority (CEA), MNRE, IEEFA Estimates

Note: The renewables estimates exclude large scale hydro

This has been a landmark year for Indian renewables, with record-breaking events that
include new solar and wind infrastructure tariffs of well below Rs3 per kilowatt-hour (kWh),
or roughly US$0.05 per kWh. These prices reflect a 50% decline over the past two years and
put wind and solar tariffs below the cost of electricity generated by existing domestic
thermal power plants (NTPC Ltd.’s average 2016/17 tariff was Rs3.20/kWh) as per Figure
1.3. Renewable energy tariffs are 30-50% less than what is required to justify more
expensive imported coal or liquefied natural gas (LNG) capacity.
We explore these transformative developments in detail in Section 2.

Figure 1.3: Indian Solar Tariffs Vs NTPC’s Coal-fired Power Tariff 2012-2017 (Rs.)

Source: NTPC, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Livemint, Bloomberg Gadfly

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 6

While this report focuses on the Indian electricity sector transformation, Figure 1.4, taken
from the International Energy Agency’s July 2017 World Energy Investment report, shows a
similar trend emerging globally.
Renewable energy infrastructure investment has been running at two to three times the
level of new fossil fuel capacity investment since 2011. This has occurred as global
electricity demand growth has slowed to half the rate seen in the previous decade.
The combined impact of slowing demand growth and accelerating deployment of ever-
lower-cost renewable energy means the global electricity-generation transformation is
gathering speed. With technology innovation and economies of scale driving down the
cost of renewables, grid parity is being reached in more and markets every year. The
technology-driven momentum of this trend appears unstoppable. While it is not yet
possible to evaluate the full implications of the deflationary and environmental impacts of
the global transition that is in progress, its effect on energy markets will be profound.

Figure 1.4: Global Electricity Sector Investment: 2000-2016 (US$bn)

Source: IEA World Energy Investment, July 2017

Figure 1.5 details India’s sustained growth in per capita electricity consumption over the
past five decades. It has grown eight-fold to 806 kWh, more than double that of
neighbouring Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and treble that of Bangladesh.
Nonetheless, India’s annual per capita electricity consumption is still only one-eighth that
of France or Germany (at 7,000 kWh each), and just one-fifteenth of per capita electricity
consumption in the U.S. (at 12,000 kWh). Clearly, this differential has to be narrowed.
IEEFA expects India’s gross domestic product (GDP) to double over the next 10 years,
growing at 7% annually. Electricity demand is forecast to nearly double over this period.
However, technology and grid-efficiency improvements combined with general energy
efficiency gains should keep increases in demand to more manageable levels.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 7

Figure 1.5: The Rapid Rise of Per Capita Electricity Consumption in India Since 1971

Source: World Bank

Figure 1.6 details IEEFA’s forecast of total electricity production and the fuel mix in 2026/27
relative to 2016/17. It shows renewables’ share of production trebling and thermal power
generation’s share shrinking, from 80% to a still dominant 60%. That said, a 20% share loss in
just one decade highlights the magnitude of the transition now under way in India.

Figure 1.6: The Growth and Composition of India’s Electricity Production: FY2017 vs FY2027

Source: Central Electricity Authority, IEEFA Estimates

Note: Excluding Diesel fired Generation & imports from Bhutan
RE includes solar, solar thermal, small hydro, biomass, onshore & offshore wind

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 8

Impact of Declining Capacity Factors
New thermal power plant capacity in India grew by a net 20 GW annually from 2012/13 to
2015/16. This trend saw capacity expansion running well ahead of electricity demand
growth. The result: Declining Indian capacity utilisation rates across the thermal power
sector this decade.
In 2016-17, thermal capacity expansions have slowed to a decade-low of just 7.7 GW (11.6
GW new adds less 3.9 GW of closures). Meanwhile, lower-than-expected demand growth,
ongoing gains in grid and energy efficiency, and record renewable energy installations
pushed thermal power sector utilisation rate in India to a decade low in 2016/17.1
Capacity factors at Indian coal-fired power plants have fallen, from 77.5% in 2010 to an
average 62% in 2015/16 and less than 60% in 2016/17 (see Figure 1.7). IEEFA notes that
capacity factors are higher than capacity-utilisation (as explained in Figure 5.5) rates.
NTPC’s average plant load factor (PLF) has consistently run 15% better than the overall
Indian figure, but even so, the average capacity factor in India dropped below 80% for
the first time in 2015-16 and stayed at that level again in 2016/17, down from more than
90% in FY2009-10. NTPC, known formerly as the National Thermal Power Corporation, is
owned by the central government. The private sector posted an average PLF of just 58.5%
in 2016/17; many power plants cannot be operated profitably at such low utilisation rates.

Figure 1.7: Coal Power Plant Load Factors (Capacity Factors): NTPC and India Average

Source: NTPC, Indian Central Electricity Authority.

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) is now forecasting that India’s peak electricity
demand by 2021/22 will be 235 GW, 17% lower than it had previously forecast. For 2026/27,
317 GW is forecast, 21% lower than the previous CEA forecast.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 9

The lower-than-expected demand is now calling into question the viability of thermal
power plants in parts of India.2
Water issues are also playing an increasingly important role in assessments of coal-fired
power plant viability. Thermal power plants use 3.8 cubic metres of water per megawatt
(MW), compared to 0.1 cubic metres/MW for solar and almost zero for wind power3. Adani
Power was forced to temporarily shut down 2.6 GW of coal-fired power in 2016 due to
water shortages—and water-related challenges will only grow more pronounced as the
economy expands and the population increases.4
The growing penetration of renewable energy in India is also driving down coal-fired
capacity factors. With renewables projected to reach 175 GW by 2021/22 and 275 GW by
2026/27, IEEFA expects the pressure on coal-fired plant capacity factors to grow. Absent a
significant slowdown in thermal power expansions and/or an acceleration in end-of-life
plant retirements, NTPC’s capacity factors will continue to decline with the rest of India’s
coal-fired electricity industry, further eroding the economics of coal-fired generation.

Third Draft National Electricity Plan (NEP3)

India’s draft third National Electricity Plan (NEP3), released in December 2016, covers the
next two five-year periods to 2027, and concludes that beyond the half-built plants
already under construction, India does not require any new coal-fired power stations over
this period. IEEFA’s electricity model supports the NEP3 conclusion.

Figure 1.8: Indian Electricity Capacity Additions and Totals to FY2027 (GW)

Source: Indian Central Electricity Authority, IEEFA estimates


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 10

NEP3 calls for 57% of India’s total electricity capacity to come from non-fossil fuels (362 GW
of the projected 641 GW total) by 2027. By 2027, India aims to have 275 GW of total wind
and solar capacity, plus 72 GW of hydro and 15 GW of nuclear. This expansion in
renewables capacity will mean no new coal-fired capacity will be required until at least
2027.5 Further, the 50 GW of coal power currently under construction will put the entire
sector at just 50-60% of capacity utilisation through 2027. Where these new coal-firedl
plants don’t replace retiring capacity they will essentially become stranded assets
retained as little more than reserve capacity.
The CEA says in its draft plan that expected peak demand at the end of 2021-22 will be
235 GW, some 17% lower than the agency projection in the 18th Electric Power Survey
report. Peak demand at the end of 2026-27 is forecast to be 317 GW, which is 20.7% lower
than the earlier projection.6 When combined with excessive expansion of thermal power
capacity over the last five years, lower-than-expected demand has resulted in India’s
thermal power fleet running at a decade-low utilisation rate (see figure 1.7).

National Energy Policy: NITY Aayog

India’s draft national energy policy looks at the country’s energy needs through 2040,
based on a report and road map released in July 2017 by NITI Aayog, the Indian
government’s in-house think tank. That report focuses on renewable energy; drastic
reductions in emery intensity; a doubling of per capita energy consumption and a tripling
of per capita electricity consumption; 100% electrification; clean-cooking coverage by
2022; and reduced fossil fuel imports. The draft policy stresses efficiency, technology,
regulatory oversight, effective engagements with overseas investors, air quality
considerations, and human resource development across the energy domain.
This policy incorporates the 2022 targets with India’s NDC (nationally determined
contribution) for which the target year is 2030.7
The draft policy concludes that India will be largely self-sufficient in thermal coal supply
through 2037, with domestic production forecast to peak at 1,200-1,300 million tonnes per
annum, a forecast that IEEFA sees as flawed, given how wind and solar are already the
low-cost source of new generation supply.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 11

2. Renewable Energy: Capacity Building
By July 2017, India had cumulative installed solar energy capacity of 15.6 GW, including
1.7 GW of rooftop solar.8 Solar installs in 2017/18 are set to nearly double for the third
consecutive year, to 10 GW. India’s wind installations had reached 32.3 GW by March
2017 after a record rate of installs of 5.5 GW in 2016/17, ranking India fourth globally in
cumulative wind installs (behind China, the U.S. and Germany).
Solar and wind are gaining market share because they are cost competitive. An
additional attribute—and one embraced by policymakers—is that they create jobs. As
former Energy Minister Piyush Goyal highlighted recently, every new unit of renewable
power creates five to seven times more jobs than a conventional thermal energy source.9
A key enabler of India’s renewable energy expansion is the robust buy-in from leading
corporates both across India and globally. NTPC Ltd has helped cut solar costs to less than
Rs3/kWh in just two years and has a corporate strategy involving facilitating 15-25 GW of
renewables investment.10 IEEFA reviewed this activity in a May 2017 report, “NTPC as a
Force in India’s Electricity Transformation.”11
IEEFA would note the significant scope for solar across India, with the growth in installation
rates from 0.8 GW in 2014/15 to 3.0 GW in 2015/16 and 5.5 GW in 2016/17. IEEFA forecasts
10 GW of new solar for 2017/18, as India needs to continue the accelerated momentum in
solar to meet its 100-GW-by-2021/22 target. IEEFA notes that progress toward this ambitious
target is currently one year behind schedule, and that the unexpectedly dramatic rate of
cost deflation has caused some contract reneging in both the wind and solar sectors.12
At this point, it is worth putting India’s likely record 10 GW of new solar in 2017/18 into
global context; while it would be a significant accomplishment, China is on track to set a
new world record of 50 GW of new solar capacity in 2017, which would break the 34 GW
record it set in 2016. All estimates of deployment rates are being broken, and India is
perfectly positioned in the medium term to follow China’s lead, given India’s exceptionally
low costs and clear policy framework.
In September 2017, Anand Kumar, the secretary of India’s Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy (MNRE), made a bold policy statement at the Renewable Energy India (REI):13
“Under Prime Minister Modi, we upscale our total renewable energy target to
175 GW by 2022. This, you will all agree, is a fairly ambitious target. With
advancements in technology, and with price of solar and wind reducing, we are
not only sure but confident that we will achieve the target, and exceed it. India has
limited fossil fuels. We depend on imports for petroleum. If we have to support and
meet the demand of 1.25 billion people, then renewables are the only way.”
India is set to tap into a global energy market transformation China has been leading for
the last five years. Together, the two countries will create enough market momentum to
make further transformation unstoppable. Rapid technology developments and cost


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 12

reductions in battery storage, offshore wind, and solar thermal power will only serve to
accelerate these trends.
Figure 2.1 highlights the potential for renewables across India in the 2017-2022 plan. An
analysis of India’s potential renewable energy shows this is just the start, with scope
beyond this for cumulative renewables installs to rise sixfold in coming decades.
Indicative of this potential, R. K. Singh, the country’s power and renewable energy minister
predicted in October 2017 that renewable energy would deliver 40% of India’s energy
supply by 2030, up sharply from 16% in 2017, enabling strong economic growth whilst
lowering India’s carbon emissions.14

Figure 2.1: Indian Renewable Energy Capacity Potential (GW)

Sources 2022 Total (GW) Potential Potential (%)
Wind (onshore) 60 103 10%
Solar 100 749 73%
Small Hydro 7 20 2%
Biomass 11 23 2%
Wind (offshore) 2 127 12%
Grand Total 180 1,022 100%
Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Wind Energy Mission, Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd

Solar Energy Installations

Indian solar has grown spectacularly over the past three years. Installs trebled to 3.0 GW in
2015/16 and then nearly doubled to 5.5 GW in 2016/17. Installs are on track to nearly
double again to 10 GW in 2017/18, taking cumulative installed solar to a projected 22 GW
by March 2018.
While this rapid growth has caused teething problems, IEEFA notes the ongoing rapid
incorporation of policy and rule changes that are designed to simplify, de-risk and
encourage a sustained lift in solar infrastructure investing. This policy transparency,
longevity and certainty has attracted both Indian corporate majors as well as leading
global renewable infrastructure investors.
IEEFA sees India as largely on track to deliver on its target of 150 GW by 2026/27 as part of
its larger, ambitious 275 GW renewables target set in the draft NEP3 (see Section 2.1 for
more detail). This trend will entail direct infrastructure investment of more than US$150bn in
addition to the US$200bn of grid modernisation and expansion capital required over the
coming decade.

Figure 2.2 Indian Solar Capacity Additions to FY2027 (GW)

Year ended March 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
IEEFA's Installs for the year 3.2 5.5 10.0 10.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0
Change in install rate (%) 318% 70% 81% 0% 30% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Cummulative total (GW) 6.8 12.3 22.3 32.3 45.3 58.3 72.3 86.3 100.3 114.3 128.3 142.3
GoI Target 150.0

Source: Central Electricity Authority, IEEFA estimates

Note: The above numbers for installations include rooftop solar


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 13

A key underpinning of the rapid acceleration in deployments of solar infrastructure and
associated capacity across India has been record low tariffs resulting from a series of very
successful and well-attended reverse auction tenders.

With tariffs down 50% since the start of 2016, Indian solar is now cost competitive with
existing thermal power plants. The strong growth forecast for Indian electricity demand
over the coming decade, combined with proactive government policies to curtail
excessive new thermal power capacity plans, provides a cushion that will facilitate India’s
rapid electricity sector transformation whilst avoiding the worst of thermal power stranded
asset risks increasingly evident in China and Europe.

Solar Achievements: Records Set, Then Broken

Over the last two years, India has made enormous strides in developing domestic
renewable energy capacity. Visionary stretch targets have been articulated only to then
become formal government policy, with subsequent industry focus suggesting the
impossible two years ago is now eminently achievable, underpinned by dramatic
technology improvements, economies of scale as installs have doubled each year since
2015, and rapid price deflation – 50% in just two years for solar energy. India already has
seen the benefits of its visionary long-term energy policy, which is providing transparency,
longevity and certainty that is driving industry investment and learning-by-doing gains in
India that are compounding the gains being made in China, America and Europe.
A 50% decline in solar tariffs in two years
February 2017 saw a landmark event in India’s energy transition when the previous solar
tariff record was broken in the Rewa solar project auction. The levelised tariff of the
project is Rs2.97/kWh, more than a rupee below the previous lowest tariff.15
The first sub Rs 3/kWh record did not last long; in May 2017, the Bhadla, Rajasthan, solar
project attracted a tariff bid of Rs2.62/kWh. Within a week, that record was broken with a
Rs2.44/kWh bid at an auction in the same Bhadla solar park.16
Imported solar module panel costs have risen in the months since this May 2017 record-
low tariff was set.17 While this trend will require a stabilisation or even upward move in solar
tariffs to support sustainable rates of return in the near term, India’s cost of debt continues
to decline, and this trend supports the long-term deflationary trends in solar.
In September 2017, Gujarat completed a 500 MW solar tender at a new record-low
Rs2.65/kWh tariff for projects where developers must acquire their own land.18 Renew
Power won 260 MW of this heavily-contested tender, and many globally significant firms
bid, including Tata Power and ReNew Power in India, Fortum (Finland), and Lightsource
Renewable Energy (U.K.).19
November 2017 saw Chile award solar tariffs at a record US$21/MWh, down 50% in the last
year, while Mexico awarded solar at a new global record low of just US$18/MWh,
highlighting the scope for further price cuts for Indian solar medium term.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 14

The world’s largest solar project in operation
As prices have dropped, project size has increased. In September 2016, Adani Green
Power commissioned what was briefly the world’s largest single site solar project, a 648MW
project at Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu. By January 2017, China was reported to have
commissioned an 850 MW solar project in Qinghai province.
But July 2017, India regained the mantle, at least temporarily, of having world’s biggest
single-site solar plant, with 1 GW commissioned in Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh.20 Several
solar project firms have a stake in this mega-solar project, with SB Energy at 350 MW and
Greenko at 500 MW, which is funded by Abu Dhabi Investment Authority & GIC Singapore.
Azure owns 100 MW of the Kurnool project and Adani Green Power 50 MW.
This highlights how some of the largest global power sector investors are actively building
capacity in Indian solar infrastructure, a major endorsement of Prime Minister Modi’s vision.
The world’s largest solar projects in development
In 2015, Adani Green Energy signed a MoU with the Rajasthan state government for the
development of a single industrial park with land and grid capacity for 10 GW of solar
projects. By the end of 2018, this industrial park is expected to have more than 2 GW of
solar operational, making it the largest solar project under development in the world.
In Karnataka, a 2-GW solar industrial park is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of
2018, backed by NTPC offtake agreements and with local landowners’ involvement.21
The world’s first solar-powered train
In July 2017, India commenced operation of a partially solar-powered train, with ancillary
power generated by train rooftop solar with up to 72 hours of on-board battery backup.
More substantively in the near term, Indian Railways has lifted its solar capacity target
fivefold, to 5 GW by 202522, with a plan to install solar on railway station rooftops as a way
of permanently reducing power bills.
India’s largest solar carport
Tata Solar in July 2017 commissioned 2.67 MW of solar carports at the Keralan airport.23
Floating solar
India is developing two 100 kW floating solar plants, one by the Surat Municipal Corp. in
Gopi Talav and one by NTPC Ltd in Kerala.24 These projects will boost floating-solar
expertise in India, but they still pale in comparison to current Chinese projects, which
include an operational 40-MW unit and an 80-MW facility now under construction.
Hybrid solar-wind development
In September 2017, Siemens Gamesa India won the rights to develop a 29 MW solar facility
alongside a 50 MW wind farm to optimise site and grid connections.25


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 15

Solar Irrigation Pumps
India has an estimated 26 million agricultural irrigation pumps, most of which are
powered by either heavily subsidised or free electricity or heavily subsidised,
imported diesel. A total of 135,545 solar pumps have been installed under the Solar
Pump Program till 30th September 2017.26
IEEFA views this as a prime end-of-grid opportunity for solar power. This application
can be optimised to operational times when solar is available at zero marginal
cost, and expensive subsidies and/or grid connectivity can be avoided. Progress
has been reported on this use case in states like Haryana,27 but payment issues are
reported to be holding up a program in Gujarat. Taking a whole-of-government
perspective would suggest obvious economies of scale in moving to domestic
renewable systems, aiding the “Make in India” initiative, with the added
opportunity of export potential to Bangladesh and Africa.

Rooftop Solar: 40 GW by 2022

In 2016/17 India nearly doubled total rooftop solar installs to 1.4 GW with the addition of
678 MW in just 12 months. This is still well short of the run-rate required to achieve the
ambitious 40 GW target that is part of India’s 175-GW-of-renewables-by-2022 vision.
However, it is strongly positive momentum and shows industry capacity is clearly building.
October 2017 saw Renewable energy minister R K Singh detail that 2.36 GW of rooftop
solar systems have been sanctioned to-date. 28
Indian Railways has ambitious plans for its own rooftop solar initiative. By 2020, the state-run
transportation network plans to put solar on 8,000 station roofs as part of a wider plan to
generate 1,000 MW of renewable power (500 MW from rooftop installations, 500 MW in
utility-scale solar projects, and 200 MW in wind-powered initiatives), which could be scaled
up to 5,000 MW by 2025.29 Indian Railways has made limited progress so far. Out of its 1
GW solar target, only 16 MW had been installed as of March 2017. However, as of July
2017, a reported 255 MW of rooftop and 250 MW of land-based solar projects are in the
pipeline, with around 130 MW of capacity already awarded.30 In August 2017, Indian
Railways awarded 67 MW of rooftop solar capacity across India at tariffs ranging from
Rs2.39 to Rs4.49 to firms that include Mytrah Energy and Azure.31
In July, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) announced it had received rooftop solar
bids to install more than 500 MW, including for a record low bid of Rs2.20/kWh (US$0.034)
for an 11 MW project in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a special-category state, from
developer Mundra Solar PV.32 This tender should accelerate capacity building across India
and alleviate grid congestion through the deployment of distributed generation.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 16

The Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (MPUVNL) tender was awarded in August
2017; it calls for 30 MW of grid-connected rooftop solar to be installed across Madhya
Pradesh. The lowest tariff awarded in the Madhya Pradesh section of the July 2017 SEIC
auction was Rs3.14/kWh, suggesting that this 30 MW tender is likely to see very competitive
rooftop solar development.33
In September 2017, Azure Power won a 50 MW allocation of a total of 360 MW tendered
for Indian government building rooftop solar held by Solar Energy Corporation of India
(SECI). Power will be sold at a tariff of Rs3.19 - 3.97/kWh (US$0.05-0.06) based on location
across 10 states on GoI buildings. Including a capital incentive from SECI, the expected
weighted average levelized tariff is Rs4.65/kWh (~US$0.07).34

Solar: At Risk From Anti-Dumping Investigation

India imported US$2.3bn of solar equipment in 2015/16, and 84% of that was procured
from China. Indian solar cell and module manufacturing capacity is in the main using
outdated technology and is not competitive. Domestic content requirement rules have
been used by the Indian government to promote domestic upstream manufacturing, but
there is a clear cost and quality differential versus cheaper Chinese imports.35
In July 2017, India commenced an anti-dumping investigation relating to solar cells and
solar modules from China, Taiwan and Malaysia. While the Chinese authorities responded
by labeling the investigation an “abuse of trade remedy measures,” they more helpfully
noted Indian solar is an emerging industry key to a future that will be materially hindered
by anti-dumping surcharges.36 Solar manufacturing remains a priority of the GoI.37
Here two Indian government priorities are in conflict. PM Modi is strongly committed to the
“Make in India” initiative, which gives priority to developing India as a manufacturing hub,
both for domestic and export markets. At the same time, solar is crucial to India’s clean
energy goals and the fact is China is in effect subsidising the global supply of ever-
cheaper solar modules is accelerating the cost competitiveness of the solar power
generation sector and enhancing solar infrastructure deployment. A swift resolution
without import tariffs will help maintain Indian solar deployments.

Renewables: Sovereign Risk From Contract Scrapings

While the completion of new, low-cost, sustainable, domestic renewable energy
investment is creating excitement across India, it poses a problem in that the rate of tariff
declines has created a heightened risk that certain state governments will look to renege
on now-expensive renewable energy contracts previously agreed to. This is causing legal
uncertainty and sovereign risk on contract viability.38
In July 2017, for example, it was reported that SECI had scrapped 950 MW of solar tenders
in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka that were announced and awarded between June


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 17

and August 2016. The benchmark tariff for those two projects was Rs 4.43/kWh
(US$0.069/kWh), i.e. 80% more than the lowest solar tender (Rs 2.44/kWh).39
It has likewise been reported that Uttar Pradesh has renegotiated the tariff for a solar
auction it conducted in September 2015, despite having already signed the necessary
power purchase agreements (PPAs). The government of Jharkhand has delayed signing
PPAs with the winners of an auction conducted 16 months ago, although it was reported
in September 2017 that a compromise had been reached allowing for a 10-20% lower
tariff and project downsizing in return for PPA confirmations. The government of Andhra
Pradesh is even reported to have refused to sign a then-record-low solar tariff award of
Rs3.15/kWh on 250MW by SolarDirect in April 2017.40
Similar developments are seeing wind project developments cancelled as well.41
However, with the run of record low renewable energy tariffs continuing, it is feasible that
many existing thermal power tariffs will be challenged too as excessively costly,
particularly if the proposed projects are stalled and unable to deliver on their contractual
August 2017 saw the MNRE detail much-needed new guidelines for solar tenders to
improve bankability and reduce sovereign counterparty risks.43

Solar: Contract Renegotiation

In a similar vein, reports are emerging that existing operating solar projects are being
pressured via lost revenues from extended grid curtailments into accepting new, repriced
PPAs in return for better protection and certainty on grid dispatch.

Renewable PPAs: At Risk of Payment Defaults

Reform of Indian distribution companies (Discoms) remains a key challenge, as discussed
below in Section 3. Payment delays of three or even six to 12 months are an accepted
business risk facing many electricity generators, whether thermal or renewable. Payment
guarantees are increasingly being offered by the central government via SECI, NTPC or
PTC India Ltd to provide bankable offtake agreements in the solar sector.
Prior to the first reverse auction 1 GW wind tender earlier in 2017, payment risk is a key
concern for the bankability of wind infrastructure projects too.
In July 2017, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Power Chairman Ramesh Kymal said: "Payment
security by Discoms is an area of major concern for independent power producers. There
is enormous delay in payments by Discoms in certain states. Cutting down these delays
and creation of an appropriate payment security mechanism will go a long way in
enhancing the investor confidence and bankability of projects."44


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 18

Renewable-Energy PPAs: Little Room for Error
In August 2017, India Ratings and Research warned of rising financial pressures on many
relatively new renewable energy development companies. Startups that were built
organically with limited equity capital have rapidly grown into industry leaders, but the
aggressive reverse tender tariff bidding suggests limited room for error.
India Ratings estimates the tariff of Rs 2.44/kWh for the Rewa project means it could have
an internal rate of return on equity of 10%. With debt costs of 8.5-9.5% and scope for
further declines, this model could result in double-digit equity returns, but leaves little
margin for error if Discom payments are delayed or disputed, or if curtailments rise.45

Renewable Capacity Building: Global Leaders Engage

In July 2017, Reliance Industries CEO Mukesh Ambani announced that the company was
aiming to become a leading Indian renewables investor.46 This decision followed earlier
entry into the renewable infrastructure sector by many of India’s other leading
conglomerates, including Reliance Group, Tata Power, Adani Enterprises, Mahindra, and
Aditya Birla.
India’s renewables boom is also attracting a growing list of global investors, particularly to
its solar sector.
From the international banking sector, investors include Japan’s Softbank and Taiwan’s
Foxconn, which have together made a US$20bn commitment to Indian solar power, as
well as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan,47 Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners and
Macquarie Group.48 Overseas electric utilities are also now active in the Indian
renewables space, including Engie and EDF of France and Enel of Italy. Dutch asset
manager APG, and Canada’s largest pension fund managers are also participating in
Indian renewable infrastructure transactions, including Canada Pension Plan Investment
Board (CPPIB), Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), and Ontario Teacher's
Pension Plan (OTPP).49 Brookfield, Canada’s largest asset manager, is actively seeking new
renewable energy opportunities in India50.
IEEFA anticipates a majority of the US$200-300bn likely to be invested in India’s renewable
capacity additions over the coming decade will be supported by overseas capital.
Global development banks also have been increasingly active in funding renewable
energy, supporting infrastructure (e.g. solar industrial parks) and grid development
programs, with significant new investments in India by the World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, the European Investment Bank51 and KfW of Germany.
In May 2017, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) made its first Indian
development loan, for US$160m, for grid infrastructure to support the “Andhra Pradesh –
24x7 Power for All” grid project. In July 2017, the World Bank was reported to have


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 19

provided US$100m for development of solar park infrastructure, building on the US$625m
of low-cost financing it provided for rooftop PV developers via a Program for Results
(PforR) to be implemented by the State Bank of India.52
Indian renewables are also accessing the global capacity of the rapidly growing green
bond market. To date in 2017, Indian renewable firms have raised US$3bn in green
bonds,53 doubling India’s cumulative issuance to more than US$4bn.54
As an August 2017 Bridge to India report details, the top solar developers in India currently
are Greenko, Acme, Tata Power, Adani, Azure and Renew. While two of these (Tata and
Adani) are India’s largest private power generation firms, the other four are relatively new
Indian renewable energy startups. The fact that each has made investments of more than
US$1bn in solar energy project development in the last three to four years shows the
dynamic confidence in this rapid growth sector, but also provides a point of caution: With
razor-thin EPC project development margins, there is little room for unanticipated delays,
curtailment or Discom payment disputes (see Section 3 below).

Figure 2.3: India’s Top 20 Solar Project Developers (MW)

Source: Bridge to India, 2Q2017 Indian Solar Compass

November 2017 saw yet another solar tariff record broken. In Chile, the third solar tender
saw pricing cut to just US$21.48/MWh (a 20 year PPA requiring completion by end 2023),
down more than 50% in just two years.55 This phenomenal result illustrates that concerns
that Indian solar tariffs of US$38/MWh are unsustainably low are misplaced. Price
consolidation is likely near term, but medium term deflation is set to resume, further
cementing renewable energy as the low cost Indian solution.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 20

Wind Energy: Transformational, but Stalling in the Near Term
India has the fourth-largest fleet of wind farms operating globally, with 32 GW installed as
of the end of March 2017. Installation rates have ranged from 1.5-3.0 GW annually over
the past decade, with a significant increase to 5.5 GW in 2016/17.
The start of 2017 saw a major shift in India’s wind energy tendering policy, moving from
awarding wind power projects on a feed-in tariff basis to utilising the same reverse auction
method that has proven possibly too successful in the solar sector.
A 20-30% decline in wind tariffs was achieved in February 2017
In February 2017, the same month in which the Rewa solar record was set, a new low tariff
was set in the nation’s first-ever auction for wind power, with 1,050 MW awarded at
Rs3.46/kWh (US$52/MWh). Mytrah Energy, Inox Wind, Ostro Kutch Wind and Green Infra
were awarded 250 MW each, while Adani was awarded 50 MW56 against PPAs backed by
the central government-owned PTC India Ltd, with completion due by September 2018.57
An additional 25% decline in wind tariffs was delivered in October 2017
October 2017 saw an additional 25% decline in wind tariffs in the second of two 1 GW
tender results, with the winning bids coming in at Rs2.64-2.65/kWh (US$38/MWh) —with a
strong range of domestic renewable energy developers taking the entire 1,000 MW (see
Figure 2.4).58 The rapid decline in tariffs is the result of lower profit margins, declining
borrowing costs, improved offtake risk reduction (PTC India) and lower turbine costs.59

Figure 2.4: India’s Latest Wind Auction Bids

Bidder's name Tariff (Rs/kWh) Bidder's qunatity (MW)
Renew Power Ventures Private Limited 2.64 250
Orange Sironj Wind Power Private Limited 2.64 200
Inox Wind Infrastructure Services Limited 2.65 250
Green Infra Wind Energy Limited 2.65 250
Adani Green Energy (MP) Limited 2.65 250
BLP Energy Private Limited 2.72 250
Sprng Energy Private Limited 2.77 192
Hero Wind Energy Private Limited 2.78 250
ReGen Power Tech Private Limited 2.80 250
Source: MNRE

However, the 45-50% cost reduction relative to the Rs4.00-5.00/kWh feed-in tariff available
in previous years has caused an unexpected stalling in actual wind installation activity.
Whereas 2016-17 saw India install a record 5.5 GW, many proposed feed-in tariff tenders
have been cancelled and price expectations reset. So, while October 2017 saw the
second aggressively priced 1 GW wind tender completed with an 18-month
commissioning requirement, this investment will not reach completion until 2018/19 and
there are few new wind projects currently due for commissioning.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 21

In another development of note, the Indian Wind Energy Association in August 2017 also
moved for a high court challenge against a 500 MW wind auction in Tamil Nadu arguing
the price limit of Rs3.46/kWh is contrary to a previous agreement to price tariffs at
Rs4.16/kWh for the two years starting April 2016. All of this is contrary to India’s national
interests and creates uncertainty and delay to a much-needed acceleration in wind
As such, wind project completions in 2017/18 could drop 60-80% to a decade low of just 1-
2 GW.61 This comes at a time when Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has capped the
accelerated depreciation (AD) tax benefit at 40% effective from April 2017 and scrapping
it altogether the next year. Additionally, the generation-based incentive (GBI) of 50 paise
per unit to wind power producers ceased to exist in March 2017.62 So while the strategic
value of wind has never been greater, the underlying policy / tax support has taken a
several steps backward, creating some near-term headwinds.
IEEFA is confident that with suitable national policy guidelines in place and on the back of
the new competitive pricing norms of Rs2.64-3.46/kWh likely, India’s national wind
installations will recover to average at least 6 GW annually on the back of what has been
described by leading wind developer Mytrah Energy as a “secular decline in costs”.63
India’s energy ministry is working to modernise grid access and overcome stalled projects
monopolizing / holding onto excess grid access allocations.

Figure 2.5: Indian Wind Farm Capacity Additions FY2007-FY2017 (MW)

Note 1: Capacity Addition figures are year to March estimates

Source: Central Electricity Authority, IEEFA estimates

July 2017 saw new bid submissions for 700 MW of new wind in Gujarat (since delayed) and
a 500 MW Tamil Nadu tender, plus a 250 MW NTPC Ltd tender that closed in August 2017.64
However, September 2017 saw Indian wind turbine firms shut manufacturing capacity due
to the prolonged downturn and excess capacity,65 not a great endorsement of the Prime
Minister’s Make in India campaign to build domestic energy security capacity strategies.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 22

November 2017 saw Inox Wind state it’s expectation that the Indian government and SECI
were likely to undertake 6 GW of new wind auctions before fiscal year end, designed to
kick-start industry activity and leverage record low wind tariffs of just US$38/MWh.66

Figure 2.6 :2.6:
IndianIndian Wind
Wind Capacity Capacity
Additions Additions
to FY2017-FY2027 (GW) FY2017-FY2027 (GW)
Year ended March 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
IEEFA's Installs for the year 3.7 5.5 1.8 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0
Change in install rate 48% -67% 233% 0% 0% 17% 0% 0% 0% 14% 0%
Cummulative total (GW) 26.8 32.3 34.1 40.1 46.1 52.1 59.1 66.1 73.1 80.1 88.1 96.1
GoI Target (Onshore wind) 100.0
IEEFA Target (Onshore + Offshore Wind) 98.5

Source: Central Electricity Authority, IEEFA estimates

Offshore Wind Energy: A Decade Away for India

Offshore wind costs are plummeting, but are roughly a decade behind the development
curve of solar.
That said, IEEFA expects offshore wind to emerge as a new cost competitive source of
electricity generation for India by 2025. Providing grid diversification is a key advantage of
offshore wind, as are its absence of land requirements and its proximity to heavily
populated coastal cities.
Europe accounts for 90% of global offshore wind developments to date, but with Taiwan,67
China, Japan and the U.S. all investing now in the next phase of growth, further
technology and scale advantages are expected to combine with significant “learning by
doing” effects to drive cost deflation, 68 a trend that will be assisted by utilisation rates of
more than 50%, double Indian onshore wind rates.
In the first half of 2017, China completed 2,066 MW of offshore wind projects, on track for
its target to have 10 GW of offshore wind under construction by 2020.69
India’s 3,100-km coastline provides significant opportunity for further domestic electricity
generation diversification as this technology becomes more cost competitive.70 While trial
deployments are being studied, commercial scale remains some time off.71
While it is uncertain as to when Indian deployments might begin, costs continue to fall
quickly. In September 2017, the U.K. government awarded three offshore wind projects
totaling 3.2 GW through a contracts for difference (CfD) with strike prices going as low as
£57.50/MWh for projects scheduled for commissioning in 2022/23.72

69 page 53

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 23

3. Grid Stability, Transmission & Discoms
India has made substantial progress in improving its energy-system efficiency over the last
three years. This is best illustrated by the reduction in the peak power deficit since 2009/10,
from more than 12% to just 1-2% in 2016/17, with regular periods of surplus in the new year.

Figure 3.1: Indian Peak Power Deficit Falls Steadily Through FY2017

Source: Indian Ministry of Power, BNEF 73

With the expected doubling of electricity demand over the coming decade, India’s
transmission and distribution system will require significant expansion. A $200bn investment
program through 2030 would create the opportunity for India to establish an
internationally connected smart grid capable of managing a doubling of power demand
and incorporating much greater diversity in electricity generation, including distributed
rooftop solar and battery storage. This would require India’s distribution system reform
program (Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana, or UDAY) to be successfully carried through to
completion, and in the process end the largely unfunded US$10bn annual distribution
company (Discom) electricity subsidy.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 24

Grid Stability
India’s draft 10-year National Electricity Plan has thermal power’s share of total generation
capacity falling from 67% as of March 2017 to 43% by March 2027. Renewable energy’s
share of installed capacity is forecast to rise from 18% in 2017 to 43% by 2027. This change
will require India’s grid transmission and distribution structure to not only have to deal with
a significant increase in electricity demand in the coming decade, but will also have to
accommodate greater distributed and renewable energy generation plus smart-grid
India’s large existing hydroelectric generation fleet (44.5 GW as of March 2017) and 25
GW of gas-fired generation capacity provide existing peaking capacity. Greater reliance
on pumped hydro storage and the expansion of concentrated solar thermal (CSP) (see
Section 7, below) will be required.
Strengthening the national grid in a country that has largely been separated into five
regional grids since the 1990s is another key requirement, as are enhanced connections
with neighbouring countries.
in addition, the development of a smart grid in the coming decade will facilitate
demand-response management capacity, and enable the country to take full
advantage of the rollout of electric vehicles and their associated collectively massive,
distributed lithium ion battery storage.
IEEFA is certain that technology innovation and convergence across transport, building
and electricity markets will create profound change by 2027. Over the coming decade,
IEEFA expects battery storage to play a significantly greater role in India’s electricity
sector. The July 2017 announcement by the South Australian government that it will install
a 100MW / 129MWh Tesla lithium ion battery storage facility (due online by December
2017) is a globally significant development,74 building on similar progress in California. The
IEA concurs, stating in its World Energy Investment 2017 outlook that “grid-scale storage is
seen as an important potential source of reliability and flexibility, and batteries have
received a lot of attention due to their modularity and recent rapid technology
As per Figure 3.2, time shifting peak demand is just one application of grid-scale storage.

Figure 3.2: Main Applications of World Battery Storage Investment

Source: IEA World Energy Investments Report, July 2017


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 25

Grid Transmission
Given the expected growth of the Indian economy and hence the need for additional
generation capacity, India would do well to continue its ongoing expansion and
modernisation of its transmission network.
The value of projects commissioned between 2014-17 is 83% more than those
commissioned between 2011-14, and there has been a 40% increase in India’s transmission
capacity between 2014-17 alone.75
India has invested US$15-20bn annually in network expansion since 2010 (See Figure 3.3).
This investment has helped facilitate the transition from five independent regional grids in
1990 to a nationally connected structure today, along with a small but growing
international connectivity. India is now linked to Bhutan and Bangladesh, and there are
plans to expand international connectivity tenfold over the coming decade, potentially
adding Nepal and Sri Lanka to better integrate renewables and enhance energy security.

Figure 3.3: India Has Invested US$15-20bn Annually in Grid Network Expansion (2010-2016)

Source: IEA World Energy Investment July 2017

India is also in the process of commissioning two of the world’s longest high voltage direct
current (HVDC) grid transmission capacity facilities at Champa and North-East Agra to
better integrate renewable energy capacity and strengthen the national grid (Figure 3.4).


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 26

Figure 3.4: India Has Successfully Established National Grid Transmission Connectivity
Significant Large-scale electricity transmission projects outside China
Project Name Geography Technology Length Voltage Status
(km) (kV)
Champa India UHVDC 1,365 800 Commissioned
North-East Agra India UHVDC 1,728 800 Under construction
Rio Maderia Brazil HVDC 2,375 600 Commissioned
Nordic Europe projects connecting to mainland Europe HVDC 1,598 Various Different stages
North Sea Link Europe HVDC 720 525 Under construction
Plains and Eastern Clean Line United States HVDC 1,127 600 Under development
Rock Island Clean Line United States HVDC 805 600 Under development
Source: IEA World Energy Investment July 2017

Wind and solar power projects enjoy “must run” status under the Indian Electricity Grid
Code (IEGC) and have to be scheduled for dispatch before any other source of power,
but there have been instances in a few states, particularly Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan,
where grid curtailments for renewables have been observed.76
Ongoing investment in boosting grid capacity and central planning are critical to
minimising the disruptive influence of massive technology change, but the challenges are
not insurmountable. In July 2017, for example, the U.S. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
published a landmark study, “GREENING THE GRID: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts
of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid”77 that clearly illustrates the investment path
and requirements and capacity for India to achieve its electricity sector transformation.
Similarly, Jim Robo, CEO of NextEra, which is the world’s largest electric utility by market
capitalization, stressed recently that grid stability and renewables can go hand in hand:
"I think the data is pretty clear: there [are] no reliability issues on the grid. There is
plenty of capacity there, and the grid very resilient. Renewables and storage will
make the grid more reliable.”78
IEEFA is equally certain that integrating renewables and maintaining grid stability can be
done in a manageable and cost-effective manner.

Discom Reforms: UDAY

Two years in, the Modi government’s Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) scheme for
power distribution company reforms has started bearing fruit, with major improvements in
both the financial and operational performance of India’s debt-laden Discoms, as
reported by India Ratings in July 2017.79 UDAY has several key targets:
1. To remove the gap between average cost of supply and average revenue realisation,
thereby creating a positive incentive for Discoms to sell electricity and creating positive
retained earnings to fund investment in distribution networks.
2. To improve operational efficiency by reducing aggregate technical and commercial
(AT&C) losses, that is, losses due to electricity theft, thereby lowering the cost of doing
business for the distribution companies.

78 (paywalled)

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 27

3. To formally bring onto state government balance sheets previously undisclosed, off-
balance sheet distribution company debts, improving transparency and accountability.
4. To lower the cost of servicing these companies’ debts.

At the end of March 2017, 26 states and one union territory have joined UDAY; Nagaland,
Odisha and West Bengal have not joined the scheme. Until FY17, Rs 2.69 lakh crore
(US$42bn) of discoms’ debt qualified for restructuring, and state governments and
discoms together issued bonds worth Rs 2.33 lakh crore (86% of the total debt). As of fiscal
year 2017, the value of pending bonds to be issued by Indian states are estimated to be
Rs 36,278 crore (US$5.5bn); Issuance by state governments will be subject to the fiscal
space of each state.
Some “green shoots” have emerged, with reduced interest costs and lower power
purchase costs leading to improved financial performance by some distribution
companies. For example, the discom Chhattisgarh turned profitable in the first quarter of
2016-17, while Gujarat discoms increased their profitability in Apr-Dec 2016-17. Similarly,
Haryana discoms turned profitable in the second and third quarters of 2016-17.80
In a major positive announcement in July 2017, Vikram Kapur, Tamil Nadu’s principal
power secretary, noted the significant improvement at Tangedco discom, stating that “In
recent years, the discom's financials have improved and [it] is likely to break even this
year".81 After a reported loss of Rs 72bn/US$1.1bn in 2015/16, this would be a dramatic
turnaround and point to the success of the UDAY initiative.
As of October 2017, the UDAY website cites that the average cost of supply (ACS) less
average revenue realised (ARR) gap has halved since 2015 from Rs0.58/kWh to
Rs0.26/kWh.82 In IEEFA’s view, it is critical that the ARR exceed the ACS on a sustained basis
in order to incentivise distribution companies to supply customers (a company losing
money on every unit sold has no incentive to sell more of that product.). Once the India’s
discoms are profitable, they will not only have an incentive to increase supply, but also will
have the financial capacity to reinvest in their distribution grid. This would produce a
sustained reduction in AT&C losses, as well as incentivising energy efficiency and
distributed rooftop solar with storage, creating a virtuous loop of efficiency and viability.

Figure 3.5: Average Cost of Supply vs Average Revenue Realised (Rs/kWh)

Source: Power Finance Corp – Performance report on state power utilities


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 28

4. Energy Efficiency: The Cheapest Capacity
The IEA estimates India is investing close to US$20bn annually in grid upgrades to rectify
extreme aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses and to accommodate a
likely doubling of electricity demand in the coming decade.
One of the key initiatives undertaken by the Government of India is its sustained push to
improve national energy efficiency.
Particularly in the face of extreme AT&C losses and largely unabated thermal power
generation pollution, energy efficiency initiatives are one of the lowest-cost sources of
electricity for India.
The very successful campaign that began in 2015 to drive the uptake in light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) by cutting their price by more than 90% has shown the capacity of energy
efficiency to play a leading role in the sustainable growth of the Indian electricity market.
New standards for air-conditioner efficiency this year are likely to prove equally important
in building India’s capacity to sustain energy-efficiency initiatives.

The Indian government has been hugely successful in driving down the delivered cost of
LEDs by as much as 90% over the last two years, leading to the installation of 250 million
energy efficient LED light bulbs across the country, plus 2.7 million LED street lights.
This initiative has reduced annual electricity peak demand by more than 6 GW. India
plans to replace all of its 770 million incandescent bulbs with LEDs by 2019, reducing peak
demand by a cumulative 20 GW.
As part of this program, India is retrofitting 15,000 street lights daily with LEDs.83

Figure 4.1: The Indian Government’s Success in Promoting LEDs and LED Street Lighting

Source: Indian Government, 23 July 2017


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 29

Air Conditioners
Having transformed the lighting sector, Piyush Goyal, then the Indian energy minister,
began 2017 by targeting an enormous energy-efficiency opportunity in air conditioning.
The country’s expanding economy is creating a broad middle class. Ass incomes rise,
forecasters expect a huge increase in the deployment of air conditioners, adding stress to
the Indian electricity grid during peak demand periods on increasingly common hot days.
India already has tightened its air conditioner energy efficiency standards from a
minimum EER (ratio of output to input energy) of 2.7 in 2016 to 3.1 by 2018. A significant
focus has been on a new six-star rating system as well as improved labeling and
information initiative to raise consumer awareness.
The IEA, in its “World Air Conditioning Overview 2016,” estimated that a further tightening
to best-practice standards could save India 2 terawatt-hours of electricity annually and
avoid the need to add 1-2 GW of new peak load capacity each year.
The Government of India has commenced a bulk purchasing initiative of high-rated air
conditioners to encourage manufacturers to gear up production of energy-efficient units
plus service and installation capacity for replacing end-of-life clunkers.84 However, the
most efficient air conditioners can still be twice the cost of those meeting the minimum
standards, which can stretch payback times for customers, slowing sales.
The IEA estimates also that 45% of the savings derived from this type of energy efficiency
initiative would be realized at the grid level in terms of avoided peak period demand.

Figure 4.2: Air conditioner Sales Growth and Per Capita Sales in Selected Countries 2016

Source: BSRIA 2017, IEA World Air Conditioning Overview 2016


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 30

Smart Meters
August 2017 saw Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL) launch of a US$500m tender to
install 5 million smart meters in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana,85 with a very strong initial
response.86 EESL will provide upfront capital and do the first decade’s infrastructure
maintenance to ease concerns about distribution company financial constraints. This is
the first tangible move toward eventual universal smart meter coverage across India,
which is a necessary precursor to a smart grid. Such a grid, with full two-way
communications and interactivity, would:
• Encourage deployment of distributed rooftop solar and storage systems;
• reduce the AT&C (theft) losses that are crippling most distribution companies;
• facilitate real-time monitoring, helping to reduce peak power use;
• provide accurate bill reading and help address billing inefficiencies;
• allow the offering of pre-paid and remote connection of electricity services.

Battery Storage
Batteries will play a key role in the transition to a smart, interconnected, two-way Indian
grid system to best manage peak demand and ever-greater share of variable generation.
This will involve behind-the-meter distributed battery storage on rooftop solar plus
distributed utility-scale battery systems to manage grid demand and supply variability.87
Storage is also playing a key role in accelerating development of electric vehicles (EV).
Given India’s aspirational target for 100% EV by 2030 and consistent with Prime Minister
Modi’s “Make in India” strategy, firms like Reliance Industries, Hero Motocorp, Adani, JSW
Group, Suzuki, Toshiba and Tesla are readying to build battery manufacturing in India.88
With China likewise moving toward 100% electric vehicles by 2030 and cost deflation
following a similar trajectory to solar—battery prices down some 80% in the last five years89
—momentum is building rapidly.
The first step in this transition took place in October 2017, when NLC Ltd completed India’s
first utility scale solar with a storage project auction. This system, 20MW of solar and 28MWh
of storage capacity, will be deployed in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands,90 a perfect
place to start since such a system offers both environmental and economic benefits. The
new solar-plus-storage facility will replace a costly diesel generator costing US$0.23/kWh.
Knowing this second wave of technology innovation is pending is already causing
significant financial distress to the thermal power sector, and IEEFA expects that this
financial pressure will relentlessly build over time.91


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 31

5. Indian Thermal Power Generation
India’s third draft 10-year National Electricity Plan (NEP3) forecasts a net expansion of
thermal power capacity of 57 GW over the decade to 2026/27. India’s Ministry of Finance
lowered this estimate, but only to 50 GW, in its mid-year macro-economic assessment
released in August 201792.
IEEFA has forecast a similar 50 GW net expansion in thermal power capacity of, taking the
total installed thermal fleet from 218 GW as of March 2017 to 268 GW by 2027. IEEFA has
cross-referenced the current Central Electricity Authority (CEA) forecast against our
estimate of capacity needed to cover forecast electricity demand growth net of zero-
emissions capacity expansions and reviewed the current pipeline of proposed new plants.
Against this, we have then assessed the net expansion given the combination of likely new
Indian emissions controls and attrition through end-of-life plant closures. IEEFA see 7-8 GW
of annual new thermal power plant additions over the coming decade, less 2-3 GW of
annual beyond end-of-life thermal closures for a net annual expansion of 5 GW. Over the
next 10 years, this equates to a net 48 GW of new coal plus 2 GW of new gas-fired
Figure 5.1 details the investment profile in the Indian electricity sector over the past
decade, culminating in a record US$55bn in 2016, of which US$20bn was in networks,
US$20bn in coal-fired power generation, and a record US$10bn in renewables
infrastructure. However, changes are clearly in the offing. The IEA recently highlighted how
new investment commitments (Financial Investment Decisions (FID)) into Indian coal
power have dropped by two-thirds since 2012 relative to the 2007-10 peak period of 40
GW annually, suggesting a sustained step down from the 2012-15 coal commissioning

Figure 5.1: Investment in India’s Electricity Sector (US$bn, 2006-2016)

Source: IEA World Energy Investments 2017


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 32

Thermal Additions
The Global Coal Power Plant Tracker database calculates that India’s coal-fired power
plant pipeline has been cut back dramatically over the last two years. This reflects both 20
GW per annum of new coal plants being commissioned but more materially through
plants being cancelled entirely as surplus to need and/or stranded without adequate
coal access, lack of land or water availability, developers that are now in financial distress
and/or where financial close is elusive due to the absence of a power purchase
The database calculates a total 57.6 GW pipeline of coal-fired power plants in India, split
between plants in pre-permitting (6.8 GW), permitted (7.5 GW) or under construction (43.4
GW) that are detailed as due for completion by 2023. The database also details 101 GW
of Indian coal plants in pre-construction phases, plus 43 GW in construction with an
undetermined completion date — so 144 GW in total. This 57.6GW subset just looks at
those plants due for completion by 2023.
To bring that 57.6 GW of coal capacity online by 2023 would require an average annual
completion rate of about 9 GW over the next six years. Whether that will happen is up for
debate, as we detail below.
Across India, at least 24 GW of coal power plants classified as “under construction” are
facing viability issues due to logistics,93 exacerbated by lower-than-expected electricity
demand growth and rising competition from ever-cheaper renewable energy.
Both IEEFA’s electricity-sector model for India and the NEP3 reach the same conclusion:
India will not need to build any more coal-fired power plants (beyond the 43 GW being
constructed) until at least 2027. As a result, IEEFA expects that the number of coal-fired
projects currently listed as under development will see progressive deferrals and
continued cancellations.
To illustrate this trend, we note that NTPC’s 1,600 MW Lara coal-fired power project was
originally envisaged as a 4,000 MW plant (the 2,400 MW second stage on this project
appears to have been set aside). In addition, the Darllipali project, originally intended as a
4,800 MW project to be constructed over three stages of 1,600 MW each, is hobbled by
land acquisition issues, and the second two stages (3,200 MW total) are not even included
on NTPC’s current development list. NTPC also has two units of 800 MW each in operation
at the Kudgi coal-fired plant with another 800 MW on the development list, but
expectations that this would be expanded to 4,000 MW seem to have been abandoned94
as the company looks toward expanding solar generation95. Finally, the proposed Bilhaur
power plant, a 1,320 MW super-critical installation, no longer appears on NTPC’s project
development list.
Beyond these creeping retrenchments, NEP3 does not fully account for the number of
plant closures that are planned over the coming decade. For example, NTPC alone is
planning to close 11 GW of coal-fired power plants96 As a result, the net thermal capacity
added until 2027 could come in at less than 50 GW, not the 57 GW envisaged. But even at
that lower level, the new capacity will put additional downward pressure capacity
utilisation rates, further stressing coal-fired plant economics.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 33

Thermal Power Sector: Capacity Closures
India exited FY2017 with 218 GW of thermal power capacity in operation. Of this, 40 GW
was built at least 25 years ago, equal to or exceeding its expected useful life (see Figure
5.2). By FY2027, this 40 GW will all be at least 35 years old, and overdue for retirement.
Given pollution pressures and technological obsolescence, more ambitious market
estimates suggest that up to 55 GW of thermal capacity could face closure in the next
These end-of-life thermal power plants in the main have very low capacity utilisation rates,
lack even rudimentary pollution controls and operate at very low thermal efficiencies. All
40 GW are using outdated subcritical technology, and the resulting inefficiency is
increasingly forcing closure of more costly end-of-life faculties.98
Of India’s entire 218 GW thermal fleet, 75% uses subcritical technology and the balance is
primarily supercritical. The Coal Plant Tracker Database shows that there currently are no
operating Indian coal plants using modern ultra-supercritical (USC) technology.

Figure 5.2: India’s Current Thermal Power Capacity – Pre-and Post-1993 (GW)

Pre-1993 Post-1993
Combustion Type Total % of Total
(MW) (MW)

Subcritical 40,037 123,959 163,996 75.2%

Supercritical 54,045 54,045 24.8%

Ultra-supercritical 0 0 0.0%

Grand Total 40,037 178,004 218,041 100.0%

Source: Global Coal Plant Tracker Database, IEEFA Calculations

These inefficient, outdated plants actually give the Indian government a significant
opportunity to sustainably improve its thermal power efficiency averages, provided the
Environment Ministry pushes through with its proposed mandate for the progressive closure
of outdated, end-of-life plants and their replacement with USC plants. Such a shift would
cut pollution across India and reduce coal use per unit of electricity produced, saving
money across the system.
In 2015 India adopted legislation with new emissions limits that is due to take effect at the
end of 2017. The legislation is designed to both require minimum performance standards
for new coal fired power plants and to require that existing plants either be retrofitted with
emissions controls, or closed.
In October 2017, it was reported that 89% of India’s entire thermal generation fleet is in
breach of the pending emissions limits. Partly as a result, a staggered implementation date
has been proposed by the Ministry of Power, with significant industry backing, to spread
out the required capital costs of compliance. How this issue is resolved will say much
about the country’s commitment to a cleaner, less polluting generation sector.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 34

IEEFA assumes that of the 40 GW of coal-fired power plants built pre-1993, half will be
closed by 2027. So, while 68 GW of new coal-fired power plants are expected to be
commissioned by 2027, the net expansion in coal-fired power plants is just 48 GW.
IEEFA is confident that end-of-life coal plant closures will occur, rather than be consistently
deferred, in light of very low utilisation rates and given India’s increasing awareness of the
growing health impacts of air particulates and water pollution,99 particularly on the rural
poor. While India currently has almost no regulatory limits to coal power plant pollution,
IEEFA anticipates that, like Australia, India will move toward emissions-control laws more in
line with the world’s best practice. And then monitoring and enforcement will need to
step-up to ensure compliance. As power producing utilities see the inevitability of
expensive upgrade or closure decisions, more will take the cheaper option and close their
aging plants.

Coal-Fired Power Plant Pipeline

The coal-fired power plants under construction in India now largely use older, more
polluting technologies that mean the plants will be outdated before they are even
commissioned. This will require expensive retrofitting, like the country-wide scheme
undertaken by China over the last five years. Just 3% of coal plants currently under
construction use modern ultra-supercritical (USC) technology, a process that boosts the
plant’s generation efficiency to about 40% compared to roughly 33% for a conventional
unit, while 12.9% are being installed using decades-out-of-date subcritical equipment.
This will be a problem going forward, since these plants will have to comply with the new
Minamata Convention, a United Nations treaty that entered into force in August 2017 and
limits mercury emissions100. It would be fair to assume almost no Indian coal power plants
have anything more than rudimentary mercury controls in place.
As per Figure 5.3, IEEFA estimates that 8.5 GW of new coal-fired power plants will be
commissioned annually over FY2017-FY2020, but assuming 2.9 GW of annual end-of-life
coal plant closures, this means India is likely to see net capacity expansions across the
coal-fired power sector of just 6.1 GW annually, a dramatic two-thirds reduction from the
rate of 20 GW annually from FY2013-FY2016. Retrofitting newly commissioned plants with
modern emissions controls is an expensive addition far better incorporated in the new
plant design to begin with.

Figure 5.3: Thermal Power Gross vs Net Capacity Additions in India (GW)

Source: CEA, IEEFA Calculations


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 35

Figure 5.4: India’s Coal Power Plants Under Construction by Technology Type (MW)
Combustion Type 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total % of Total
Subcritical 4,970 650 5,620 12.9%

Supercritical 10,403 15,640 4,100 2,920 1,320 34,383 79.2%

Ultra-super 1,320 1,320 3.0%

Unknown 420 1,150 525 2,095 4.8%

Grand Total 43,418 100.0%

Source: Coal Plant Tracker Database, extracted August 2017,101 IEEFA calculations
Note: This table only reviews coal plants under construction, not the 101GW announced but pre-construction.

Capacity Factors Versus Plant Load Factors (PLF)

One issue our analysis highlights is that the Central Electricity Authority’s definition of plant
load factor (PLF) differs materially from the international convention of using capacity
utilisation factors (CF) — Figure 5.5. The CF is the percent of the time that the power plant
is operating. In India for 2016/17 for all coal-fired power plants, the CF was 56.7%.
However, the CEA quotes an average PLF for all coal-fired power plants in 2016/17 of
59.9%. The difference is that the CEA adjusts the PLF for “non-availability of fuel,
maintenance shut-downs, unplanned break downs and no offtake (as consumption
pattern fluctuates lower in nights).”102 This results in a figure 300 basis points higher than
actual utilisation rates.

Figure 5.5: Coal-Fired Power Plant Capacity Utilisation Rates vs PLFs

Source: Indian Central Electricity Authority

Note 1: IEEFA has calculated coal fired power capacity utilisation rates by deducting oil and gas generation
on an assumed 25% capacity utilisation rate.
Note 2: PLF overstates utilisation rate because it excludes when capacity is reduced by capex downtime, no
coal availability, etc.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 36

High-Energy Low-Emissions Technology (HELE)
As per Figure 5.2, India does not have even a single ultra-supercritical power (USC) plant
operational as of October 2017. Classified as high-energy low-emissions technology (HELE)
power plants by the international coal industry lobby group, use of modern USC
technology could justify the construction and investment in new coal-fired power plants in
India, but to date the environmental legislation requiring HELE has been delayed by the
Indian coal power lobby group.

Of the 43 GW of coal-fired plants under construction (Figure 5.4), none are known to be
USC, and of the more than100 GW on the planning board across India, just 2.9 GW are
USC. Western coal lobby groups constantly market HELE in justifying their continued
investment in thermal coal in contradiction of the Paris Climate Agreement; this is little
more than PR spin, however, particularly absent both formal rules and/or poor
enforcement practices.

Stranded Assets and Non-Performing Loans

China Light & Power (CLP) of Hong Kong is a major thermal and renewable generation
firm in India, but also owns one of the three large electricity generators in Australia,
EnergyAustralia. In July 2017 the company’s managing director, Catherine Tanna, stated
that she thought “coal is a legacy technology” and that it could no longer serve as a low-
cost, viable generation option for Australia.

Figure 5.6: Rising Financial Stress in the Indian Power Sector

Source: TERI, Dr Arvind Subramanian, CEA, 17 August 2017

Note: IC = Interest cover

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 37

Since India’s energy system is on a strong growth trajectory for at least a decade to
come, this Australian assessment may not seem applicable yet. But given that these plants
are 40-year investments, IEEFA considers the stranded asset warning from one of
Australia’s largest thermal generation firms to be clear and pertinent.103
The Indian banking system already is being crippled by the failure to resolve stranded
assets in the thermal power generation sector – Figure 5.6. Reports show well over 50
thermal power projects are stranded,104 partly built but in the main massively over budget
and behind schedule, often with inferior equipment, outdated technology and/or no
access to coal.
The result is that the power sector is the second largest cause of bad debt in the Indian
banking sector, representing an estimated 12% of the US$150bn total, a problem that was
identified as a key issue several years ago, but which has become much worse in recent
quarters as thermal power plant utilisation rates continue to run at unsustainably low rates.
In July 2017, then Energy Minister Piyush Goyal told parliament105 there were four key
reasons for stalled thermal power projects across India:
• Non-availability of regular fuel supply arrangements;
• Lack of power purchase agreement (PPA) tie-ups;
• Inability of the promoter to infuse the equity and service excessive debts; and
• Regulatory and contractual issues.

IEEFA would add a fifth factor: the overbuild of thermal capacity and resulting collapsing
in PLFs, particularly in the private sector — now below an average 55% — which has
consistently run more than 20% lower than the PLF delivered by NTPC. A significant
slowdown in the new build pipeline needs to be maintained to restore average PLFs to
viable levels of 70-80%.

Figure 5.7: Collapsing Private Sector Thermal Power Plant PLFs

Source: CEA


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 38

The Government of India has made significant progress in trying to resolve fuel supply
issues. In May 2017 the government announced a new policy for coal allocation, granting
regular coal linkages, viz. SHAKTI (Scheme for Harnessing and Allocating Koyala
Transparently in India) under which coal is to be made available to public sector
undertakings of the central and state governments, and independent power producers
(IPPs) against already concluded long-term PPAs.
To encourage the signing of bankable PPAs, the following measures have been taken:
• Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) scheme for the financial and operational
turnaround of power distribution utilities;
• Power For All (PFA) initiative with states for bringing uninterrupted quality of power to
each household, industry, commercial business, plus small & medium enterprises;
• Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) for Rural Electrification, involving
the strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution networks in the rural areas, plus
the separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders and metering of distribution
transformers/ feeders/consumers in the rural areas;
• Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) for strengthening of sub-transmission
and distribution networks in the urban areas; Metering of distribution transformers /
feeders / consumers in the urban areas and IT enablement of distribution sector;
• Augmenting transmission capacity to remove transmission constraints; and
• Flexibility in utilization of domestic coal for reducing the cost of power generation.
Shri Goyal also informed that RBI has notified schemes such as (i) Scheme for Sustainable
Structuring of Stressed Assets (S4A) and (ii) Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme (SDR) for
the revival of stressed assets. Due diligence and financial restructuring by banks to make
projects viable would attract new promoters or states to purchase the stranded projects
and bring in fresh equity investment. The issue of setting up a fund has been discussed
among other options with stakeholders.

Doubling, to Rs400/t, the Coal Cess

India’s Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in 2016 doubled the coal cess (tax) to Rs400/t (US$7/t)
on all coal consumed, arguing this measure goes some way to pricing in all the
externalities of mining and burning coal. Even with the move to close end of life outdated
subcritical coal fired power plants, the externalities of burning coal are still very material in
terms of water use, coal ash disposal, toxic heavy metals, plus carbon and particulate
emissions. As Australia’s shadow energy & environment minister stated in July 2017, even
“ultra-supercritical coal, which sounds like something out of a Marvel comic, but even
awesomely ultra-supercritical coal is still, by any stretch of the imagination, high polluting
With already extreme air, particulate and water pollution evident across India, IEEFA
expects upward pressure on the coal tax and / or an eventual carbon tax to further erode
the marginal economics of coal fired power plants in India.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 39

Stranded Assets: Import Coal Power at Mundra
Adani Power (4.6 GW), Tata Power (4.0 GW) and Essar Power (1.2 GW) have a collective
9.8 GW or US$10bn of modern but import coal fired power plant capacity all stranded
because the proponents have bid 25-year fixed price electricity PPAs of Rs2-3/kWh, well
below the cost they can generate electricity from, particularly given they are all based on
expensive unhedged US$ denominated thermal coal imports into India.
The August 2017 move by the Gujarat state government to work with the State Bank of
India to acquire the equity in these plants for Rs1 per plant would in IEEFA’s view be a
sensible move to protect Indian electricity consumers and lock in ownership of modern
power generation capacity for the long term at relatively low cost. This would also prevent
another US$6.2bn of bad debt from hitting the Indian banking system.107

Stranded Assets: Water Stress

Thermal power plants require significant water resources for cooling, a major issue in a
country with frequent droughts and competing demands for limited water suppliers.
Indian thermal power plants suffered a record 14 TWh loss in 2016 due to droughts and
water stress, with the Parli coal power plant in Maharashtra losing an estimated US$455m
of operating revenues due to water-related generation outages.108 IEEFA would note that
India’s water availability is finite and fully utilised already, so expanding coal-fired power
generation capacity by even just the significantly downsized 50 GW by 2027 will
compound an already acute problem, particularly as the water stress shutdowns are
predominantly occurring during the peak demand periods of March to September.

Stranded Assets: Gas/LNG Power

India has 25 GW of gas-fired power generation capacity, which is understood to be
operating at an average of just 22-25% capacity utilisation in 2016/17, and again so far in
In the April-August 2017 period, India imported 9.93 billion cubic metres of LNG, declining
4% year on year, 109 notwithstanding overall Indian electricity demand growth of 4.6% year
on year, year to-date. The core issue remains the high marginal cost of electricity
generation from imported LNG, particularly in competition with significant surplus coal-
fired power capacity and a growing amount of zero-marginal cost renewables. Gas-fired
power capacity is likely to remain marginalised to supply peak demand periods when all
other generation sources are already in operation. India may need to introduce premium
pricing signals in times of peak demand to incentivise LNG-fired power capacity to remain
online and viable.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 40

Thermal Power Sector: Captive Generation
India has 43 GW of captive or behind-the-meter thermal power generation as of March
2017, in addition to the 218 GW of grid thermal capacity (see Figure 1.1).
This generation has been predominantly thermal-fuel based, but the historic 80%
accelerated depreciation tax allowance for wind projects has prompted significant
investment in renewables capacity by Indian industry. As per the global trend — evident in
Figure 5.8 — there is a sustained shift in corporate investment into renewables away from
thermal power. With the commercial and industrial sector tariffs more than double
residential tariffs in India, the development of the distributed rooftop solar sector for
commercial applications is an obvious area for sustained growth in India.

Figure 5.8: Global Electricity Capacity Investment by Industry is Shifting to Renewables

Source: IEA WEI July 2017

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 41

6. Indian Coal Self-Sufficiency
Because of the Modi government’s plan to build domestic coal capacity sufficient to
meet demand growth and cease thermal coal imports this decade, India this year
overtook the U.S. to become the second largest coal producer and consumer globally. In
2016 the IEA estimates India expanded investment in its domestic coal mining capacity by
10% to US$3.7bn.110
IEEFA expects India’s electricity sector to remain heavily dependent on domestic coal-
fired power generation for decades to come, given power plants commissioned in 2020
will have the operating life to run through to 2060. However, with the policy focus on
building grid efficiency and energy efficiency, and the improvement in energy security
that will develop as India builds out wind, solar and hydro and to a much lesser degree
LNG plus nuclear fueled capacity, coal fired power’s share will likely decline significantly
over the coming decade (see Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1: Indian Thermal Coal Consumption in Power Generation (Mtpa)

Year ended March 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Coal fired power generation (TWh) 834 889 938 968 995 1,019 1,043 1,066 1,089 1,112 1,137 1,162 1,186

Coal-fired power - market share (%) 75.8% 75.7% 75.5% 75.1% 73.3% 71.2% 69.1% 67.1% 65.0% 63.0% 61.1% 59.2% 57.3%

Coal-fired power thermal efficiency (%) 32.0% 32.5% 32.9% 33.3% 33.6% 33.9% 34.3% 34.6% 34.9% 35.3% 35.6% 36.0% 36.3%

Tonnes per TWh 0.64 0.61 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.50 0.49

Thermal coal demand - for power (Mt) 530 546 562 569 573 575 577 578 579 579 581 582 582

Thermal coal demand - growth (% pa) 8.4% 2.9% 2.9% 1.2% 0.8% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1%

Source: CEA, IEEFA Calculations

India’s 1,500Mtpa Domestic Coal Production Target Is Excessive

In 2015, Coal Minister Piyush Goyal articulated a plan for Coal India Ltd (CIL) to double its
coal production to 1,000 Mtpa by 2020 as part of a wider plan for India to more than
double national coal production to 1,500 Mtpa by 2022.
CIL has been successful in substantially growing production to meet demand growth and
replace import capacity. Production volume growth of 9.0% in 2015/16 and another 2.8%
to 554 Mtpa was reported for 2016/17. More recently CIL has been focused on reducing
excessive in-house coal inventories, with the first five months of 2017/18 seeing shipments
running at 117% of production, resulting in a 32 Mt inventory drawdown. However, with
energy efficiency gains meaning Indian electricity demand growth is slower than some
anticipated and renewable energy set to deliver much of the new incremental power
demand, India is starting to evaluate the merits of a more sustainable, lower growth
trajectory for domestic coal production.
A core component of India’s energy market development is the premise that coal will
remain a mainstay of electricity generation for decades to come. This is entirely consistent
with IEEFA’s electricity model for India, as is detailed in Section 8.

IEA World Energy Investment July 2017

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 42

Excessive production expansion has also been curtailed by the inevitable conflict of coal
mining with other significant land use needs in India. CIL reported in August 2017 that of
120 coal projects, half (62) were running behind schedule, mainly due to a delay in
obtaining forest clearances, acquiring land, lack of railway infrastructure facilities and
issues related to rehabilitation and resettlement.111

Figure 6.2: Coal India Ltd – Production and Dispatches (April-September 2017, Mtpa)

Ratio of
Production Dispatches
Dispatches to
Sept 2017 (Mt) 38.8 43.6 112.4%
Sept 2016 (Mt) 35.2 37.7 107.1%
Change yoy 10.0% 15.5%
Apr-Sept 2017 (Mt) 231.9 269.0 116.0%
Apr-Sept 2016 (Mt) 230.1 249.1 108.3%
Change YTD yoy 0.8% 8.0%
Source: Coal India Ltd, IEEFA Calculations

However, having sourced a relatively steady 76% of electricity generation from coal over
FY2014-FY2017, IEEFA forecasts coal‘s share of total generation will decline some 2%
annually, falling to a record low of just 58% by FY2027.
Also, given the weak operating profile of CIL inherited by the Modi government, it is critical
that India’s coal system efficiency improve dramatically. To-date significant progress has
been achieved. CIL has boosted coal production by 27% or 120 Mt in the last five years.
Total employment at CIL has fallen 16% to 310,000 in the same time frame, leading to a
54% increase in labour productivity. Increased rail freight efficiency, greater washing of
coal to improve energy content, third party testing of coal quality and improved coal
linkages are all playing a key role in continuing this process.
In September 2017, Coal India Ltd announced a diversification strategy into other
commodities in light of concerns over the approach of peak Indian coal demand.112
State-owned SCCL also has increased coal production by 6.3% pa to 61 Mt in the three
years to 2016/17, with a now unnecessarily aggressive target of 100 Mtpa by 2020.
Captive mines owned and operated by power companies including NTPC, Adani
Enterprises and Reliance Power are estimated to produce 40-45 Mtpa in 2017/18, and
IEEFA forecasts this to double to over 100 Mtpa by 2026/27. However, in reflection of
weaker than expected coal demand growth prospects, in October 2017 Coal Secretary
Susheel Kumar was reported to be considering remedial action including possibly taking
back unwanted and unviable coal deposits allocated in the last two years.113
NTPC Ltd has begun an upstream vertical integration strategy, commissioning its first mine
at Pakri Barwadih in 2016, which produced 0.46 Mt through June 2017. This is part of an


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 43

overall strategy to product 100 Mtpa by 2030.114 115 NTPC Ltd is also evaluating biomass co-
firing of thermal power, which could materially erode coal demand, similar to moves by
Drax UK.
Adani Enterprises Limited (AEL) commissioned its first coal mine at Parsa Kente in 2013 and
plans to double production to 15 Mtpa. AEL plans to open the 5 Mtpa Parsa coal mine in
2018 and the 7 Mtpa Kente Extension mine in 2019 to reach 27 Mtpa by 2020. In August
2017 AEL announced it had been awarded the Gare Pelma Sector III coal block, giving it
access to a fourth Chhattisgarh state-owned mine.
Reliance Power Ltd.’s Sasan Power operates one of the world’s largest integrated mine-
mouth coal-fired power plants. The three captive coal blocks Moher, Moher Almori &
Chhatrasal located in Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh are one of the largest in India,
with production of 20 Mtpa.116
Tata Power produces 15Mtpa from its captive coal mine allocated to the Sasan UMPP.
In total, India has an ambitious domestic captive coal block target of 400 Mtpa by 2020,117
one that looks decidedly off-target so far given consistent delays and cancellation of new
coal block tenders, including the failed August 2017 auction of five coking coal deposits.
However, one can also read into this growing industry reticence to invest in new coal
capacity, considering emerging expectations about materially lower coal demand

Cessation of Thermal Coal Imports

In 2015 Coal Minister Piyush Goyal put forward an ambitious target to virtually cease
thermal coal imports within 2-3 years. At the time, Indian coal imports had been rising 20%
annually for the preceding five years, reaching a record 217.8 million tonnes in 2014/15.
When the Indian goal was announced, both the IEA and the Australian Government’s
Office of the Chief Economist said this target was unachievable. However, recent
developments show that Goyal’s target was entirely directionally correct, with 2015
marking the peak of India’s coal imports. Since then, imports declined 6% to 204 Mt in
2015/16 and another 6% to 191 Mt in 2016/17.
Looking at the fiscal year to-date (April to September 2017), data shows the trend has
continued and Indian coal imports have fallen a further 7.5%,118 and within this the rate of
decline in thermal coal imports is even more dramatic.119
At the beginning of the current fiscal year, Goyal renewed his campaign, calling on all
public sector undertakings (PSUs) to cease thermal coal imports into India in 2017/18. His
efforts are having an impact, India’s largest coal importing PSU, NTPC Ltd., has cut its coal
imports 95% in the two years to 2016/17, to just 1 Mt.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 44

In July 2017 Goyal stated: “However, the gap between demand and supply of coal
cannot be bridged completely as there is insufficient domestic availability of coking coal
and power plants designed on imported coal will continue to import coal for their
IEEFA would note there remains scope for coastal coal-fired power plants to import high
energy low ash thermal coal and blend with lower grade, lower cost Indian coal, but only
if the cost is competitive. Absent blending, India’s two largest coal-fired power plants
operating on imported coal (Adani Power Mundra’s 4.6 GW and Tata Mundra’s 4.0 GW
plants) are both running unsustainable losses and management have declared the plants
unviable, offering the equity in both plants for sale for a token Rs1 each.

Figure 6.3: Indian Coal Production, Imports & Consumption (Mtpa)

Year Ended March 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
All Coal - Dispatches (MT)

Coal India Ltd 490 535 543 576 608 638 670 697 721 739 750 761 773

SCCL 52 58 61 61 63 65 66 67 67 68 69 69 70
Private / Captive 45 32 36 47 57 65 72 78 84 90 96 100 104
Other 16 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10
Total Lignite (NLC + other Producers) 47 42 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50

Total Domestic Coal Dispatches 650 674 693 739 784 824 865 899 931 956 973 991 1,007

Less Domestic Coking Coal Dispatches -57 -59 -58 -59 -60 -62 -63 -64 -65 -67 -68 -69 -71
Plus Thermal Coal Imports 174 156 149 134 100 80 63 50 38 29 22 16 12

Total Thermal Coal Consumption 767 771 784 814 824 843 865 885 904 918 927 937 948

Assumed growth rates (%)

Coal India Ltd 9.2% 1.5% 4.5% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.5% 2.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Thermal Coal Imports -8.5% -3.8% -10.0% -25.0% -20.0% -21.0% -22.0% -23.0% -24.0% -25.0% -26.0% -27.0%
Coking Coal Imports -1.1% 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

Total Thermal coal consumption 0.5% 1.7% 3.8% 1.2% 2.4% 2.6% 2.2% 2.1% 1.6% 1.0% 1.1% 1.2%

Source: CEA, IEEFA Calculations

Given that India already is reliant on imports of iron ore and coking coal for steel
production, uranium for nuclear power generation, thermal coal for coastal coal-fired
power plants, LNG to cover for declining domestic gas production, as well as oil and
diesel, strong economic growth will translate into greater fuel imports and a widening
current account deficit with a resulting pressure on India’s currency. A far greater reliance
on domestic renewable energy generation could combine with a rapid move to electric
vehicles to reduce this import energy dependence,120 improve India’s energy security,
reduce pollution pressures, and create employment and investment opportunities.


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 45

7. Zero Emissions Alternatives for India
Hydro Additions
To strengthen India’s energy and water security through greater system diversity and to
support greater variable generation from wind and solar, the government is also driving
hydro capacity expansions. With a renewable energy capacity target of 175 GW by 2022,
adding targeted hydro capacity expansion takes the target to 225 GW.121
Having recently expanded into hydropower with the commissioning of the 800 MW
Koldam hydroelectric plant, NTPC is currently developing three more projects to double its
hydro capacity122. NTPC has two projects under development in the state of Uttarakhand;
Tapovan Vishnugad (520 MW) and Lata Tapovan (171 MW). The Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) report on hydro-development progress discloses commissioning dates for
these projects of FY2019-20 and FY2020-21, respectively123. In addition, NTPC is developing
the 120 MW Ramman in West Bengal, with a commissioning date of FY2019-20.
As per Figure 7.1, with installed hydro capacity currently at 41 GW, only 28% of India’s
reported 148 GW of hydroelectric capacity has been developed. As per CEA’s data the
total hydro capacity currently under construction amounts to 11 GW, which is only about
7% of total hydropower potential.124 The slow pace of hydropower development can be
attributed to complex clearance and approval procedures, land acquisition issues,
insufficient market depth and scope, and limited availability of long-term financing. IEEFA
notes that hydro plans will need to be reassessed considering changing weather and
rainfall patterns on the Himalayas due to climate change.

Figure 7.1: Hydroelectric Capacity in India – Installed vs Potential (GW)

Source: Central Electricity Authority (CEA)

CEA, Monthly Hydro Reports, State wise note on Hydro Power Development, March 2017.
CEA, Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development, March 2017

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 46

Hydro capacity of about 60 GW has been allotted for development, but it is still under
various stages of approval. Additionally, 75% of the potential new capacity is in the
relatively remote and low power demand region of the Northeast. Development of these
resources will require significant new HVDC grid connectivity capacity with the west and
south of India.125
In October 2016 the Ministry of Power announced the formation of a new committee to
work in mission mode to get the 22 stalled large hydro power projects started and inject
fresh investment to make them viable in the next three months. Further, it was decided to
give hydropower status as a renewable energy, and that a separate renewable energy
purchase obligation (RPO) should be set up for the hydro sector.126
In August 2017 the GoI was reported to be close to releasing its policy platform to revive
this sector, with a focus on 14 stalled hydro projects worth US$4bn, with the proposal to
establish a U$2.5bn hydroelectric development fund to revive the stalled projects.127
In October 2017 Power and renewable energy minister R K Singh reiterated the need for
sustained development of hydro-electricity as a key part of the solution for peak demand
management and affordable electricity for all.128

Demand Response Management

Another area of emerging opportunity for India is demand response management (DRM),
which is a system designed to use technology to curtail electricity consumption for short
durations at times of peak demand. Spread across a range of customers, this can provide
voluntary load reduction without material economic disruption and thereby avoid
involuntary load shedding and blackouts.
The move to introduce smart meters is a prerequisite to build a smart grid to better
manage variable demand and variable generation. In October 2017 Australia completed
its first 200 MW tender for DRM capacity for rollout from December 2017 onward.129 DRM is
a major peak demand management tool deployed and utilised in the U.S. over the last


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 47

Nuclear Additions
India’s draft NEP includes has a proposal for a tenfold increase, to 60 GW, in installed
nuclear capacity by 2030, a clearly unachievable objective – both in terms of engineering
capacity, financial cost to Indian ratepayers and the likelihood of continued, prolonged
engineering and construction delays.
In a stark lesson India might do well to avoid, Southern Co.’s 2.2 GW Vogtle nuclear
generating station in Georgia in the U.S. was cancelled in August 2017 after US$9bn
already had been invested in this epic failure.130 Capital costs for the plant, which is based
on Westinghouse technology, are now estimated to be double the US$12bn expected in
2008 when this project was first proposed.131
Also in August 2017, SCANA Corp. and the Santee Cooper state utility announced
cancellation of a similar nuclear project in South Carolina after wasting billions of dollars
over nearly 30 years,132 acknowledging four fundamental barriers to continuing this
• Higher than projected construction costs;
• Higher than projected operating costs;
• The fact that no reactor with the new design being used (the Westinghouse
AP1000) has yet achieved commercial operation;
• General lack of nuclear industry economies and scale.

In August 2017 Duke Energy also announced it too was scraping plans for a 2,200 MW
nuclear power plant in North Carolina, incurring a US$640m ratepayer funded loss. That
plant was also designed with Westinghouse technology.133
Confirmation of these two Westinghouse nuclear debacles comes less than a month after
Prime Minister Modi announced a deal with the Trump administration to use Westinghouse
technology in India’s renewed push into nuclear energy. The bankrupt Westinghouse is
bizarrely reported to be planning to seek massive US EXIM Bank subsidised financing to
fund six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh.134
After this, and suggesting a more considered perspective, in August 2017 then Energy
Minister Piyush Goyal confirmed the Indian government has more than halved its planned
nuclear power plant expansion to just 7 GW (10 units of 700 MW each) using indigenously-
manufactured equipment. This is a significant reduction on the March 2017 target for
adding 15 GW by 2024. Goyal stated: "Nuclear power will never ever become the main
source of energy for India because it is very expensive”.135
In November 2017 it was reported that France’s proposed Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project
(JNPP) planned in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra was facing 25% capital cost blowout and further
delays by the project proponent, Electricite De France (EDF). Just another disaster that
highlights the financial risks and delays in any reliance on nuclear power.136


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 48

Solar Thermal with Storage – IEEFA Assumes 2 GW by 2026/27
The dramatic increase in variable generation capacity due online over the coming
decade, will also require India to build new flexible peaking capacity. In the U.S., record
low natural gas prices means gas peakers provide this flexibility. In contrast, India’s policy
of setting domestic gas price caps well below import price parity means gas exploration
and development is seriously constrained. The high cost of LNG-fired capacity limits the
role of gas as a source of peaking capacity for India. In Australia, cheap domestic gas
prior to 2015 meant gas peakers filled this role as well. However, a government energy
policy failure has seen domestic gas production double while prices have trebled into
2017, such that Australia’s previously low-cost gas peaking option is now redundant.
One option for meeting these new needs is solar thermal with storage. In August 2017,
SolarReserve contracted to provide 135 MW net concentrated solar thermal power (CSP)
with 1.1 GWh of storage capacity in South Australia at a record low price of A$75-85/MWh
(US$60-68/MWh), a price the Australian government had only just forecast would not be
reached till 2050.137
Then, in September 2017 Dubai awarded a US$4bn 700 MW CSP project that will deliver
electricity in periods of peak demand for a record low US$73/MWh.138 Paddy
Padmanathan, CEO of ACWA Power, said: “This project is a game changer in our quest to
decarbonise electricity generation by making available renewable energy at a price that
competes with fossil fuel-generated electricity without subsidy not just when the sun is
shining but at any time of the day and night.”
IEEFA views CSP as an emerging technology highly likely to be well positioned to provide
India much needed peaking electricity supply at very competitive time-of-use pricing by
2026/27, complementary to India’s likely reliance on hydro, distributed batteries and gas
for load balancing peak needs,

International Grid Interconnects & Imported Hydro

India is progressively building out grid interconnectivity with Bhutan and
Bangladesh, and plans are under development for new grid capacity with Nepal
as well as subsea cable connectivity with Sri Lanka. This will facilitate both
importing and exporting of electricity, assisting with peak load balancing and new
capacity management.
In June 2017 it was reported that India was again keen to revive the long planned,
and long delayed US$4.7bn, 5.6 GW Pancheshwar hydroelectric power project on
the Mahakali River that divides Nepal and India.139


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 49

8. IEEFA Model for India’s Electricity Sector
India’s electricity sector is dominated by an over-reliance on coal-fired power generation,
which represents 58.8% of installed grid capacity. With significantly higher utilisation rates
than renewables, coal represents 75.5% of total 2016/17 electricity generation. This picture
is very similar to the position China was in five years ago, with all the threats and
opportunities that entails, including: Rapidly escalating air pollution, water scarcity issues,
current account deficit pressures from imported thermal coal, rising costs of thermal
power generation and declining utilisation rates.
With declining production of domestic gas, India is faced with a fleet of 25.3 GW of largely
stranded, underperforming gas-fired power plants increasingly reliant on high marginal
cost LNG imports for fuel. Running at an average 25% capacity utilisation in 2016/17, this
generation at least provides peak demand capacity, but a variable peak price signal
would assist here.
Large scale hydro capacity stands at 44.5 GW or 13.6% of the installed total (9.9% of
generation), with significant scope to double this in the coming decade or two,
leveraging the significantly enhanced national grid system, at the same time providing
peaking capacity to balance the development of greater regional interconnectivity.
At 6.8 GW of installed capacity, nuclear represents just 2.1% of India’s system, and even
with relatively high utilisation rates of 70-72%, just 3.0% of generation. Given the 10-20 years
required to plan and build new nuclear plants, and the almost inevitable probability of
capex cost blowouts, it is understandable why India has halved its nuclear ambitions this
Renewable capacity stands at 57.3 GW or 17.5% of India’s total, but with utilisation rates of
18-20% for solar and 20-25% for wind the actual generation is a far less material 6.6% of
India’s total. Therein lies the opportunity, concerns over excessive reliance on variable
generation is still 5-10 years away, and by then solutions can be relatively seamlessly
integrated into the grid given US$20-30bn of annual grid upgrade spend.
The clear opportunity comes from the ability to build on this relatively one-dimensional
over-reliance on thermal power and rapidly integrate cost competitive renewable energy
generation to accommodate the vast majority of the system growth over the coming

Figure 8.1: India’s Electricity Capacity and Generation (2016/17)

---- Capacity ---- -- Generation -- Capacity Increase
GW % TWh % Utilisation GW yoy
Coal-fired 192.2 58.8% 937.6 75.5% 56.7% 7.0
Gas-fired 25.3 7.7% 54.6 4.4% 25.0% 0.8
Diesel-fired 0.8 0.3% 2.0 0.2% 25.0% -0.2
Large Hydro 44.5 13.6% 122.3 9.9% 32.0% 1.7
Nuclear 6.8 2.1% 37.7 3.0% 68.5% 1.0
Renewables 57.3 17.5% 81.7 6.6% 19.4% 14.0
Bhutan n.a n.a. 5.6 0.5% n.a.
Total 326.8 100% 1,241.5 100% 24.4
Source: CEA, IEEFA calculations

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 50

Electricity Demand Projections – 7% pa
Overestimation of global long-run electricity demand growth has been a standard lesson
of the past decade, with possibly the exception of China in the 2000-2012 period of
exceptional 10% annual economic growth coupled with electricity demand growth of
7.6% per annum. The consequences of unrestrained, unsustainable GDP growth are now
clear to see, suggesting India should seek a more sustainable economic growth model.
Given the now low cost and exceptionally scalable position of renewable energy, this is
also the economically rational model, and one most likely to garner global inbound
There is also no doubting the very strong sustained growth rate of electricity in India over
the last decade. India witnessed 7.3% annual GDP growth over 2006-2017, and electricity
production has risen 6.6% annually as a result – a multiplier of 0.9 times.
However, Figure 8.2 details a systematic overestimation of peak power demand in India.
Even during a decade of exceptional growth, there are real economic costs of
overbuilding electricity capacity due to excessive optimism on demand growth
projections. This also highlights the very substantial benefits of pursuing a strategy to
maximise energy efficiency efforts in order to moderate demand growth and lower the
economic and environmental cost of India’s electricity sector transformation.

Figure 8.2: India’s Electricity Demand – Growth Systemically Overestimated

Source: Reuters

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 51

IEEFA forecasts 7.0% annual average GDP growth for India over the coming decade.
Demonetorisation and GST have slowed growth near term in FY2018,140 but in our view, this
makes for a more sustainable base of growth. While we start with a gross electricity to GDP
growth multiplier of 1.1 times (more than the net 0.9 times evident in the last decade), we
do this to highlight that even a conservative energy efficiency saving of 1.0% annually
would save 119 TWh of annual production growth over the coming decade (equivalent to
10% of India’s current consumption).
So IEEFA forecasts net electricity demand to grow at 6.7% per annum (7.0% * 1.1 -1.0%) to
2026/27. Greater energy efficiency should offset any economic mix share shift to heavier
reliance on energy intensive manufacturing and construction activity.

Figure 8.3: India’s Net Electricity Consumption (FY2017-FY2027, TWh)

India's Waterfall Chart
Net Electricity consumed in India in 2016/17 (TWh) 946

Real GDP Growth 7.0% pa

Electricity to GDP multiplier 1.10 times
Electricity Demand Growth 7.7% pa 967
Energy Efficiency -1.00% pa -119
Growth: gross production losses 197
Reduced grid AT&C losses -1.00% pa grid efficiency gain -207

Net Electricity consumed in India in 2026/27 (TWh) 1,784

Net expansion in Electricity Demand 2026/27 (TWh) 839

Net expansion in electricity production required (TWh) 829

The Increase in Net Electricity Demand is met by (TWh) TWh Uplift

Solar expansion 241 29%
Solar thermal expansion 5 1%
Onshore wind expansion 151 18%
Offshore wind expansion 9 1%
Increase in biomass generation 28 3%
Increase in hydro electricity 66 8%
Increase in hydro imports 31 4%
Increase in gas-fired electricity 17 2%
Increase in nuclear generation 32 4%
Change in Coal-fired power use 248 30%
Net expansion in Electricity Production by 2026/27 (TWh) 829 100%
Source: CEA, IEEFA calculations and forecasts


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 52

Reduced AT&C Grid Losses Mean 5.4% pa Generation Growth
A second key assumption IEEFA makes is that aggregate technical and commercial
(AT&C) losses on the grid will decline from the unsustainably high and exceptionally costly
level of 23.8% in FY2015 to a more manageable 13.8% in 2026/27. This estimated 1.0%
annual reduction would represent a huge savings, but still leave Indian grid losses more
than triple the level posted in Germany, the world’s most efficient grid. With the combined
benefits of the major UDAY Discom reform, reduced theft aided by the progressive
introduction of smart meters, decoupling of agricultural and residential grid connectivity
and the smart grid benefits of India’s planned US$20-25bn annual grid capital spend, this
near halving of AT&C losses should be feasible.
IEEFA stresses that the combined benefits of energy efficiency and grid efficiency should
cut electricity production growth by 119 TWh and 207 TWh respectively by the end of the
forecast period. So gross electricity demand growth of 7.7% translates into 6.7% net
demand growth net of energy efficiency. Factoring in AT&C loss reductions reduces the
required growth in power generation to “just” 5.4% annually. This means that a doubling of
India’s economy by 2026/27 means a likely 90% rise in electricity consumption (to 1,784
TWh annually) but only a 67% increase in electricity generation (to 2,071 TWh). Grid and
energy efficiency make the transformation far more cost effective and economically
achievable. An accurate forward electricity plan also can help India avoid investing in
excess capacity of the wrong type (baseload vs peaking), and accommodate more
distributed capacity where most needed (e.g. C&I rooftop solar with storage) to optimise
and mitigate some of the investment in grid capacity expansion.

Figure 8.4: IEEFA’s Indian Electricity Model (FY2014-FY2027)

Year ended March 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Gross Production (TWh) 966 1,101 1,174 1,242 1,290 1,359 1,431 1,508 1,589 1,675 1,766 1,862 1,963 2,071

Gross Production growth (%) 13.9% 6.6% 5.8% 3.9% 5.3% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.5%

AT&C losses (TWh) 219 271 284 296 294 296 298 299 299 299 297 295 291 286

AT&C losses (%) 22.7% 24.6% 24.2% 23.8% 22.8% 21.8% 20.8% 19.8% 18.8% 17.8% 16.8% 15.8% 14.8% 13.8%

Reduced grid losses (%) 1.9% -0.4% -0.4% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0%

Real GDP Growth (%) 7.5% 8.0% 7.1% 7.1% 6.3% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0%

Electricity multiplier (x) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1

Electricity growth (%) 8.3% 8.8% 7.8% 7.8% 6.3% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7%

Energy efficiency (%) -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0% -1.0%

Net demand (TWh) 747 830 889 946 995 1,062 1,133 1,209 1,290 1,377 1,469 1,567 1,672 1,784

Net demand growth (%) 11.1% 7.2% 6.3% 5.2% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7%

Source: CEA, IEEFA calculations and forecasts

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 53

Efficiency of Coal Use – Progressively Reducing Coal Use
NTPC Ltd over the last three years has demonstrated a 5% reduction in coal usage per unit
of electricity output, as detailed in Figure 8.5. NTPC’s coal use has increased by 2.7% in the
last three years, while electricity output has risen 7.3%. So, coal use per unit of electricity
has fallen 5% in three years to 0.683 kg/kWh even as Coal India Ltd has ceased all reliance
on higher energy, lower ash content imported thermal coal. NTPC’s latest initiative is to
undertake co-firing using 10% biomass waste to reduce air and particulate pollution.141
This reflects the initial efficiency gains across India Railways and Coal India Ltd that include
third party quality testing, monitoring of rail and truck movements and a greater focus on
coal washing, all of which aim to reduce the excessive shipment costs involved in moving
and then burning spoilage waste alongside coal.

Figure 8.5: NTPC – Coal Use Relative to Coal-Fired Power Generation (FY2014-FY17)
FY15 vs FY2014 FY16 vs FY2015 FY17 vs FY16

NTPC Coal Volumes (Mt) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 chg yoy chg yoy chg yoy

Domestic 149.8 151.1 151.8 159.4 0.9% 0.5% 5.0%

Imported 10.8 16.3 9.5 1.0 50.9% -41.8% -89.1%

Total Coal Sourced (Mt) 160.6 167.4 161.3 160.4 4.2% -3.7% -0.6%

Total Coal Consumed (Mt) 158.2 162.1 160.6 162.5 2.5% -0.9% 1.2%

Coal as a % of total fuel 89% 89% 93% 95%

Average Tarrif (Rp/kWh) 3.20 3.25 3.18 3.30 1.6% -2.2% 3.8%

Electricity Dispatched (BU) 217.4 225.0 224.9 233.6 3.5% 0.0% 3.9%

Coal (kg/kWh) 0.718 0.707 0.700 0.683 -1.5% -1.0% -2.4%

Source: NTPC

Figure 8.6 details the overall national thermal coal use, which show an impressive 9.0%
cumulative reduction in coal use from 0.66kg in 2013/14 to 0.60kg per kWh of electricity
generated in 2016/17. Further gains are a key priority of Coal Secretary Susheel Kumar.142

Figure 8.6: Indian Coal Use Relative to Coal-Fired Power Generation (FY2015-FY17)
Year to March 2014 2015 2016 2017

Coal fired power generation (TWh) 740 834 889 938

Coal-fired power - market share (%) 76.6% 75.8% 75.7% 75.5%

Coal-fired power thermal efficiency (%) 30.8% 32.0% 32.5% 32.9%

Tonnes per TWh 0.66 0.64 0.61 0.60

Thermal coal demand - for power (Mt) 489 530 546 562

Thermal coal demand - growth (% pa) 7.7% 8.4% 2.9% 2.9%

% Change in Tonnes/TWh -4.0% -3.5% -2.5%

Source: CEA


Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 54

A second major area of thermal efficiency improvement can be achieved if the GoI
follows through with its coal-fired power plant modernisation campaign. The obvious end
goal is to enforce a requirement that only USC coal-fired power plants are built going
forward (and existing but stranded half-built plants incorporating outdated subcritical and
SC technologies be scrapped) to meet the growing public necessity to deal with
escalating pollution pressures. Any new capacity to be approved should only occur
concurrently with the enforcement of rules requiring the orderly closure of 40 GW of very
inefficient, small, end-of-life subcritical plants across India (refer Annexure 1).

Figure 8.7: Coal-Fired Power Generation – Costs & Thermal Efficiency of Newer Technology
Technology Differences - New Investments 2016
Capital Cost (2016 HHV Emission rate
Technology $ Billion/GW) Efficiency (T/MWh)
Subcritical 1.21 32% 1.04
Supercritical 1.46 37% 0.87
Ultra-Supercritical 1.70 40% 0.80
Source: World Coal Association 2017

While ex-Power Minister Piyush Goyal had discussed a proposal to research advanced
USC technologies, Figure 8.7 highlights that even the move from subcritical plants at
US$1.2bn/GW to USC at US$1.7bn/GW of capacity is fraught with a significant 40-50%
capital cost escalation, and retains stranded asset risk as public pressures mount on coal-
fired power pollution overall. Considering ongoing solar and wind cost deflation running at
more than 10% annually, the stranded asset risk of investing in new HELE coal-fired power
plants is already stark, with commercial viability highly questionable.
IEEFA notes that RWE, one of Europe’s largest thermal power utilities, has just completed a
US$11bn capex program in 2016 and yet Macquarie Group values the collective “assets”
at just US$3bn, a 70% valuation loss – Figure 8.8.

Figure 8.8: Coal-Fired Power - RWE Europe: Write-Downs Even on Newly Commissioned
Macquarie Implied
Thermal New Build Difference Capacity Macquarie Difference Relative
RWE Europe valuation replacement
Efficiency cost (€/kW) (€/kW) (MW) valuation (€m) (€m) difference
(€/kW) cost ((€m)
New Gas 58% 800 287 513 3,903 3,122 1,120 2,002 -64%
New Hard Coal (Germany/Netherlands) 46% 1,600 590 1,010 2,142 3,428 1,264 2,164 -63%
New Lignite (Germany) 43% 1,650 347 1,303 3,044 5,023 1,057 3,966 -79%
Total 379 895 9,089 11,573 3,442 8,131 -70%
Source: Macquarie Group Equities Research, Peter Crampton et al, 12 September 2017

The ongoing scope for further energy efficiency in the mining, transportation and burning
of coal is significant, with consequent benefits in terms of reduced per unit pollution, a
lower delivered cost of coal and lower carbon emissions. IEEFA sees coal-fired power
generation as being progressively less competitive, and the NEP3 clearly articulates a plan
to progressively transition away from India’s historic reliance on coal.
With India targeting significant ongoing improvements, and with China having delivered a
1.2% annual improvement to just 0.315 kg/kWh in 2016, IEEFA believes a 2.0% annual
reduction can be sustained for some time. In turn, this plays a critical role is allowing India
to approach peak thermal coal by the end of the decade.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 55

Until very recently, India was viewed as the next China: Projected rapid economic growth
was expected to lead to a similar surge in electricity demand, which in turn would result in
continuing construction of new coal-fired power plants and steadily rising thermal coal
It was a scenario that made the global thermal coal export industry optimistic. Those
forecasts aren’t playing out as expected, however.
The reality is that Indian coal imports likely peaked in 2015, and spectacular reductions in
the cost of renewable energy in India over the past few years have brought a possibility,
one unthinkable just a couple of years ago, into the conversation: India now may be
approaching peak thermal coal consumption.
The year 2017 may well in hindsight be seen as the tipping point in India’s electricity
transition. A cascade of record lows in solar PV tariffs has pushed the price of solar below
the tariff for NTPC’s existing coal-fired generation fleet for the first time. In addition, reverse
auctions for wind power have resulted in similarly rapid price reductions. And, perhaps
most important, 2016/17 was the first year in which total clean energy capacity additions
clearly outstripped new thermal generation. IEEFA expects this to be the new norm.
These new realities are also becoming evident in official government policies, with India’s
third draft national electricity plan forecasting no need for additional coal-fired capacity
during for the next 10 years, beyond what is already being built. The expectation is that
new electricity demand will be met with clean renewable energy.
Despite expected net annual thermal capacity additions of 5 GW/year to 2027, IEEFA’s
electricity model for India demonstrates how peak coal could be achieved within this
time frame. Continuing energy efficiency drives and further cuts in grid transmission and
distribution losses combined with achieving the nation’s ambitious 175 GW renewable
energy target may reduce coal-fired power demand growth to 2.5%.
Further, there is plenty of opportunity to boost efficiency at existing coal-fired plants, which
also would cut overall demand. Taking these developments into account, it is possible
that demand growth for thermal coal in India can be reduced close to zero (just 5-10%
volume growth in aggregate this coming decade). And this is before the game-changing
impact of new technologies such as distributed solar with battery storage come into play.
Although India will continue to use coal in its electricity system for decades to come, peak
use is in sight. Beyond that, the prospect of supporting the energy needs of India’s rapidly
growing economy whilst simultaneously transitioning its electricity system is well within
reach. In fact, India can become a global leader, since most of its electricity system
needs of 2040 are yet to be built, giving the country a unique opportunity to skip a
technology generation.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 56

Annexure I
List of Indian Thermal Plants Commissioned before 1993
Plant Year Commissioned Capacity (MW)
Angul Smelter power station 1985-90 600
Anpara power station 1986-88 630
Badarpur power station 1973-81 705
BALCO Korba power station 1988 268
Bandel Thermal Power Station 1965-82 455
Bhusawal Thermal Power Station 1979-82 420
Bokaro B power station 1986-1990 420
Bokaro Steel City Thermal Power Station 1972-74 275
Chandrapur Thermal Power Station 1985-92 1,420
Chandrapura power station 1964-79 620
Dhuvaran power station 1972 220
Dr Narla Tata Rao power station 1979-90 840
Durgapur Projects Limited power station 1960-87 401
Ennore Thermal Power Station 1970-75 450
Farakka power station 1986-92 1,100
Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Power Station 1988-89 420
Gandhinagar power station 1977-91 640
Guru Nanak Dev power station 1974-79 450
Hasdeo Thermal Power Station 1983-86 840
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant 1992 210
Khaperkheda power station 1989-90 420
Kolaghat Thermal Power Station 1984-91 840
Koradi Thermal Power Station 1978-83 620
Korba Super Thermal Power Station 1983-89 2,100
Korba Thermal power station 1966-81 440
Kota power station 1983-89 640
Kothagudem Thermal Power Station 1966-78 720
Mettur Thermal Power Station 1987-90 840
MP Amarkantak power station 1977-78 240
Muzaffarpur power station 1985 220
Nasik MAHAGENCO Thermal Power Station 1970-81 910
National Capital Dadri Thermal Power Plant 1991-92 420
Neyveli Thermal Power Station I 1965-1970 600
Neyveli Thermal Power Station II 1986-92 1,260
Obra Thermal Power Station 1974-82 294
Panipat power station 1979-89 650
Panki Thermal Power Station 1976-77 210
Parichha power station 1984-85 220
Parli Thermal Power Station 1982-87 630
Patratu JSEB power station 1967-84 680
Raichur Thermal Power Station 1985-91 630
Ramagundam power station 1983-89 2,100
Renusagar power station 1967-89 350
Rihand power station 1988-89 1,000
Ropar power station 1984-92 1,050
Sabarmati power station 1962-88 390
Satpura Thermal Power Station 1979-84 830
Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station 1982-87 2,000
Talcher power station 1967-83 460
Tanda power station 1988-90 330
Titagarh power station 1983-85 240
Trombay power station 1984 500
Tuticorin Thermal Power Station 1979-92 1,050
Ukai Thermal Power Station 1976-85 850
Vindhyachal power station 1987-91 1,260
Vizag Steel Plant power station 1989-90 180
Wanakbori Thermal Power Station 1982-87 1,260
Others - 1,219
Grand Total 40,037

Source: CEA, Coal Plant Tracker Database

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 57

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis
The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) conducts research
and analyses on financial and economic issues related to energy and the
environment. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse,
sustainable and profitable energy economy and to reduce dependence on coal
and other non-renewable energy resources.
More can be found at

About the Authors

Tim Buckley
Tim Buckley, IEEFA’s director of energy finance research, Australasia, has 30 years of
financial market experience covering the Australian, Asian and global equity markets from
both a buy and sell side perspective. Tim was a top-rated Equity Research Analyst and has
covered most sectors of the Australian economy. Tim was a Managing Director, Head of
Equity Research at Citigroup for many years, as well as co-Managing Director of Arkx
Investment Management P/L, a global listed clean energy investment company that was
jointly owned by management and Westpac Banking Group.

Kashish Shah
Kashish Shah, a Research Associate at IEEFA, has a master’s degree in Economics from the
University of Sydney and an engineering degree from NMIMS University in Mumbai. Kashish
was working in the Global Analytics division for the Royal Bank of Scotland with a focus on
regulatory policies. Kashish has research experiences in India’s public sector by working for
a member of Indian Parliament and a University of Sydney based research group.

Important Information
This report is for information and educational purposes only. The Institute for Energy
Economics and Financial Analysis (“IEEFA”) does not provide tax, legal, investment or
accounting advice. This report is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for,
tax, legal, investment or accounting advice. Nothing in this report is intended as
investment advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as a
recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any security, company, or fund. IEEFA is
not responsible for any investment decision made by you. You are responsible for your
own investment research and investment decisions. This report is not meant as a general
guide to investing, nor as a source of any specific investment recommendation. Unless
attributed to others, any opinions expressed are our current opinions only. Certain
information presented may have been provided by third parties. IEEFA believes that such
third-party information is reliable, and has checked public records to verify it wherever
possible, but does not guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or completeness; and it is subject
to change without notice.

Indian Electricity Sector Transformation 58

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