A 7 DOF Wearable Robotic Arm Using Pneumatic Actuators: April 2001
A 7 DOF Wearable Robotic Arm Using Pneumatic Actuators: April 2001
A 7 DOF Wearable Robotic Arm Using Pneumatic Actuators: April 2001
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* Korea Institute of Science & Technology, P.O.Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea
** Hankuk Aviation University, 200-1, Whajon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Koyang, Kyonggi-do, Korea
E-mail : ykjeong@kist.re.kr, kimk@kist.re.kr, yshong@mail.hangkong.ac.kr
Abstract operator is apt to feel excess fatigue. This restricts its range
of applications, especially, in the area of medical
As human-friendly robot techniques improve, the rehabilitation or VR experience where issues of human
concept of the wearability of robotic arms becomes wearability are very important.
important. A master arm that detects human arm motion and We have developed several versions of wearable
provides virtual forces to the operator is an embodied robotic arm in consideration of the concept of human
concept of a wearable robotic arm. The medical orthosis wearability [3,4]. Disadvantages of the previous researches
used in the medical rehabilitation can also be included in the are their computational complexity in kinematics and low
category of a wearable robotic arm. For the application areas force-reflection capability [5]. The proposed wearable
such as human-power amplification or virtual reality robotic arm in this paper is designed to have high joint
experience, a kind of wearable robotic arm is also needed. In torques as well as high wearability. The robotic arms uses
this study, we design a 7 DOF wearable robotic arm with parallel mechanisms for the shoulder joint and the wrist
high joint torques. An operator wearing this robotic arm can joint by analogy with human muscles. As the proposed
move around freely because this robotic arm was designed robotic arm is designed to have its basement at human body,
to have its fixed point at the shoulder part of the operator. the operator wearing these robotic arms can move freely
The proposed robotic arm uses parallel mechanis ms at the during operation and this reduces operator’s fatigue. To
shoulder part and the wrist part on the model of the human simplify its kinematics without degrading wearability,
muscular structure of an upper limb. To reduce the rotational motions of human arm are decoupled from the
computational load in solving the forward kinematics and to parallel mechanism. In addition, Pneumatic actuators are
prevent singularity motions of the parallel mechanism, used to be in compliance with human motion smoothly and
yawing motion of the parallel mechanisms was separated to improve force-reflection capability. New proportional
using a slip ling mechanism. A small-size pneumatic control valve and control system are developed for the force
proportional control valve was also developed to improve control of pneumatic actuators.
the response characteristics of pneumatic actuators and to
reduce the total weight of the robotic arm. The total weight 2. Mechanical Design of the Wearable Robotic Arm
of the proposed robotic arm is about 4 kgf. Some motion 2.1 Conceptual Design
and force tracking experiments were performed to evaluate
the capability of pneumatic control system of the proposed Human arm has 7 degrees of freedom from the
robotic arm. Some application examples using robotic arm shoulder joint to the wrist joint, when translational motions
such as teleoperation and VR experience are also described of shoulder joint are neglected. The shoulder joint has three
to show its validity. degrees of freedom, that is, flexion/extension,
abduction/adduction and medial rotation/lateral rotation.
1. Introduction The elbow joint has two degrees of freedom, that is,
flexion/extension and pronation/supination. The wrist joint
A wearable robotic arm is an exoskeletal robotic arm has 2 degrees of freedom, that is, flexion/extension and
to follow human arm motion and to provide human arm abduction/adduction [6]. All these motions originate from
with joint torques if needed. It can be used for teleoperation, muscular movement in which many extensors and flexors
medical rehabilitation, VR (Virtual Reality) experience, and around bones interact with each other and generate joint
human-power amplification. Previous researches on the torques. The parallel mechanism has an analogy to this
master arm for teleoperation have emphasized the human muscular movement. The prismatic joints in the
performance of human motion tracking and force control parallel mechanism may act as virtual human muscles and
mainly but ignored how comfortable an operator feels , that affect operator's muscular strength by contraction and
is, issues of wearability [1,2]. Because most robotic arms relaxation. The configuration of the prismatic joints in
are heavy in weight and fixed at a structure such as a wall or parallel mechanism enhances human wearability because all
a pole, operator’s arm motion is limited in a space and the the joints are placed on the surface of human arm.
Consequently, this distributes internal force over an arm and 2.2 Inverse Kinematics for a 3RPS Parallel Mechanism
thus contributes to reduce human fatigue during operation.
A 3RPS (Revolute-Prismatic -Sphere)parallel mechanism A schematic of a 3RPS parallel mechanism is shown in
has two degrees of freedom in orientation and one degree of Fig.2. The upper platform is connected to the links
freedom in Cartesian position [7]. The two degrees of (prismatic joints) by means of ball joints (sphere joints) that
freedom in orientation can be used for the two degrees of are equally spaced at 120 degree and at a radius r from the
freedom in orientation for the shoulder joint and the wrist center of the upper platform. The other ends of the links are
joint. One degree of freedom in Cartesian position is useful connected to the base platform. By changing the link lengths,
for the reconfiguration of the robotic arm based on the the upper platform can be manipulated with respect to the
dimensional change of operators. For the medial base platform.
rotation/lateral rotations of the shoulder joint and the The coordinates of the pin joints in XYZ frame and
pronation/supination of the elbow joint, slip ring coordinates of the ball joints in xyz frame are expressed like
mechanisms can be used. For the flexion/extension of the equations (1) and (2) respectively. The positions of 3 sphere
elbow joint, a 4-bar linkage mechanism is useful. Base on joints and 3 revolute joints are defined after the parametric
these concepts, a wearable robotic arm is designed as Fig. 1. analysis of 3RPS parallel mechanism. The strokes of 3
As shown in Fig. 1, two 3RPS parallel mechanisms are used prismatic joints are also defined based on the parametric
for the shoulder joint and the wrist joint and 2 slip ring analysis.
mechanisms are used for rotational motions of the shoulder
joint and the elbow joint. A 4 bar-linkage mechanism is 1 1
selected for the elbow joint. − 2 R −2R
B1 = 0 , B2 =
3 3
R , B3 = −
2 2
0 0 0
1 1
− 2 r − 2r
b1 = 0 , b2 =
3 3
r , b3 = − r
2 2 (2)
0 0 0
The coordinate frame xyz with respect to the base
Fig. 1. Conceptual design of a wearable robotic arm. coordinate frame XYZ can be described by the
homogeneous transformation [T] like equation (3).
n1 o1 a1 xc
n o2 a2 y c
[T ] =
2 (3)
n3 o3 a3 zc
0 0 0 1
Bi bi
1 = [T ]1
Fig. 2. Schematic of a 3RPS parallel mechanism. (4)
xyz xyz
where the vectors Bi and bi describe the position vectors of
i-th ball joint with respect to the base frame XYZ and frame
xyz, respectively. The length of the prismatic joints, which is
equal to the distance between the i-th ball joint and the i-th
revolute joint can be calculated using equations (5), (6), and
L12 = ( n1 ρ + X c − 1) 2
+ ( n2 ρ + Y c ) 2 (5)
+ ( n3 ρ + Z c ) 2
L22 = [( −n1 ρ + 3o1 ρ + 2 X c + 1) 2
+ ( −n 2 ρ + 3o 2 ρ + 2Yc − 3 ) 2 (6)
weight of the manufactured robotic arm is about 4 kgf
except the pneumatic power supplier. Fig. 4 shows a photo
of an operator with the wearable robotic arm. The shoulder
part was designed in consideration of the chest shape of
operators. As distances between the base platform and the
moving platform of 3RPS parallel mechanisms for the
shoulder joint and the wrist joint can be changed, operators
with different body dimension can wear the proposed
robotic arm with a well-fitted condition. For rotational
motions for the shoulder joint and the elbow joint, slip ring
mechanisms and rotary pneumatic actuators are used with
timing belt for torque transmission. The hand part of the
robotic arm was designed like a glove without fingers so as
that the operator move freely his fingers during operation. A
Fig. 5. Proportional control valves (4 channels).
hand haptic device can be used with this robotic arm
4. Control System
Fig. 7. Schematic of pneumatic control system
5. Application Results
7. References
6. Conclusions
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