2020-10-01 Calvert County Times
2020-10-01 Calvert County Times
2020-10-01 Calvert County Times
& Calvert County
2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, October 1, 2020
Kellam’s Field plans include an adult CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy announces
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 19 playground plans for school year
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For staff listing and emails, see page 23
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The suit was filed Sept. 25 in Calvert
County Circuit Court by Lash Bartend-
ers, LLC, a St. Leonard based event
planner and Casey St. John, the com-
MUMS, PANSIES, KALE & CABBAGE SPRING COLOR According to the suit, which was filed Mark Willis in his planning and zoning office be-
by Annapolis attorney Steven Preller, fore being appointed county administrator
the claim stems from statements made
to allow portable restrooms for a sched-
by Willis to Washington, DC’s ABC 7
uled one-day event. As stated above, the
in a newscast aired Dec. 19, 2019.
Health Department permitted the use of
The newscast dealt with two wed-
luxury porta-johns for this event. Plain-
dings cancelled by Lash Bartenders.
tiffs had no reason to believe the tem-
The suit alleges the following “facts:”
porary use and occupancy permit would
1. Lash Bartenders leased from Og-
not be issued as promised.
den’s Common, LLC the property
7. Despite having gone through mul-
known as 2990 Parkers Creek Road,
tiple agency reviews, including reviews
Port Republic, Maryland 20676 for the
for fire safety, Public Safety at the elev-
purpose of conducting weddings, birth-
enth hour demanded installation of an
day parties, and other social events in
LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES the rustic barn located on the Property.
2. At the time Lash Bartenders leased
estimated $80,000 water holding tank
before it would allow the issuance of any
use and occupancy permit.
Starter Fertilizer the Property, the landlord misrepresent-
Wentworth White ed that it had a use and occupancy per-
8. Landlord refused to pay for the
House Grass Seed Good for new lawns, required improvements to its Property
installing sod & reseeding. mit for the intended use.
50 lb. bag and, consequently, two scheduled wed-
Promotes rapid root growth. 3. Upon investigation with the Of-
ONLY dings at the property had to be relocated.
fice of Planning and Zoning of Calvert
9. Public Safety subsequently changed
119 88
When you Buy 3
5,000 sq. ft.
ONLY 2188 $ County, Lash Bartenders was advised
by Mary Beth Cook that the property
its position and no longer requires such
$80,000 water holding tank.
could only be used for three weddings
15,000 sq. ft. The suit goes on to say, “In the fall
or more 50 lb Bags $ 88 and other social events for friends and
5lb and 25lb Bags Available of 2019, Stephanie Carrico and Nicole
family until a site plan was approved
Demme, being the two brides who had
Totes of Colonial Gray & Natural and a temporary and/or final use and
their weddings relocated, gave inter-
occupancy permit was issued. She also
Leafgro Stone Pallets indicated that the process should be con-
views to ABC’s 7 On Your Side-I Team
The equivalent of Full Pallet concerning the matter.”
cluded by February of 2019. Moreover,
approximately 35 bags. ONLY Willis, in his capacity as then Direc-
the Calvert County Health Department
299 00
ea. stated that luxury porta johns could be
tor of Planning and Zoning of Calvert
County was also interviewed and al-
12999/tote When you buy
2 or more pallets
used for a temporary use and occupancy
permit prior to construction of bath-
legedly said, “[Ms. St. John] never re-
ally followed through with the site plan
room facilities.
4. Accordingly, the landlord and Lash
The suit alleges that the statement
Bartenders promptly began the site plan
by Willis was “completely false and
approval process in 2018 which was
defamatory,” in that “Lash Bartenders
made more difficult and time consum-
obtained final site plan approval on May
ing because Barby Harms, the member
24, 2019-before Defendant Willis gave
of Ogden’s Common, LLC, insisted on
his interview.”
using her boyfriend, namely Jeffery
The suit alleges that Willis, as direc-
Greene, P.E., to prepare the site plan.
tor, should have known “his statement to
BIG GREEN EGG ADIRONDACK CHAIRS The site plan went through multiple re-
the media was false and would subject
views and revisions and was finally ap-
Ms. St. John to public scorn and hatred
NOW SCHEDULING proved on May 23, 2019.
and destroy her business.”
On February 25, 2019, Plaintiff ap-
Fall Lawn Renovation, Over Seeding, The suit alleges that “Willis has fam-
plied to the Calvert County Board of
ily connections to Stephanie Carrico,
Fall Landscaping and Hardscape Projects. Appeals for a special exception for the
one of the brides interviewed,” and that
Property to permit the intended use.
CALL TODAY for an ESTIMATE: 800-451-1427 “Willis had a motive to misrepresent the
5. The special exception was granted
or visit WentworthNursery.com/Landscape facts to favor Stephane.”
at the hearing held before the Calvert
The suit seeks $350,000 in compensa-
County Board of Appeals on April 4,
tory and presumed damages from each
defendant and $100,000 in punitive
6. By e-mail dated April 24, 2019,
Charlotte Hall Prince Frederick Oakville damages from Willis.
30315 Three Notch Rd, 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, 5 minutes North of Hollywood Mary Beth Cook confirmed in writing
Requests for comment from Willis
Charlotte Hall, MD Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road that a temporary one-day use and occu-
Mechanicsville, MD and the country were not responded to
301-884-5292 410-535-3664
pancy permit could be issued if the En-
800-558-5292 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427 as of press deadline.
vironmental Health Department agreed
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 10-4 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6, Sat. 7:30-5, Closed Sundays dickmyers@countytimes.net
Thursday, October 1, 2020 The Calvert County Times Local News 5
Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
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Thursday, October 1, 2020 The Calvert County Times Local News 7
Plans Progressing for – 7.68 acres –
Kellam’s Field Investment Opportunity
‘Senior Playground’ to be Included
By Dick Myers available to $150,000.
Editor Early planning has called for the
The Town of Chesapeake Beach following elements:
is moving ahead with plans to im- •Provides improvements to exist-
prove Kellam’s Field. ing play area
Town Administrator Holly Wahl • Connects to the railway trail
reported to the Mayor and Town entrance 427 feet fronting Three Notch Road (route 5)
Council at their Sept. 17 meeting •Provides the inclusion of a low Charlotte Hall, MD and 20 foot recorded easement to Charlotte
that, “The town has just finalized impact senior playground concept. Hall Rd.
the deed for the official transfer of According to a presentation at the
Kellam’s Field with a resolution ex- Sept. 17 meeting, the improvements
Combination of RMX and RL
pected to be before Town Council would have “impact for all ages at Zoning allows for general and medical offices, daycare centers,
in October.” The Calvert County the heart of town, improved activity public buildings, multi-family residential, hotels/motels.
Board of County Commissioners area increasing a healthy lifestyle, a Personnel and business services, rental and leasing establishments,
approved the transfer of the land to senior playground utilizing low im- restaurants, group homes, etc. Offered for sale by Linda Gerrie
the town. pact work out equipment to improve with Fitzgerald Realty & Auctioneers.
Kellam’s Field is considered the balance, decreasing falls and re-
center of Chesapeake Beach. It is ducing death rates, improved com-
within walking distance of 90 per- munity socialization and increased “POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING”
cent of the town’s residents. green space that improves water
The town’s Walkable Community quality, reduces run off and reduces
Advisory Group, chaired by Coun- soil erosion.” Contact: Linda Gerrie
cilman Derek Favret, has taken So far, community engagement Text Or Call: 301.751.8941
note of the epicenter location in its surveys have shown that residents
planning, trying to connect various “want more open green space for
parts of town with the park. recreational use.” Maryland Associate Broker,
The ability to further develop the Councilman Greg Morris con- Fitzgerald Realty & Auctioneers 301.884.7000
park was given a boost during this curred. He said, “I hope we can find
year’s Maryland General Assembly a way to open up more of the green Virginia Broker, Realty Visions
with the passage of Senate Bill 191 space for public use.” 301.751.8941
introduced by Sen. Mike Miller to Additional outreach is planned to
provide a $50,000 state match. capture all of the residents’ feelings
Mayor Pat Mahoney said in-
stead of the town providing an
about what they would like to see at
an improved Kellam’s Field. DINE-IN & CARRYOUT
equal match, they have ponied up dickmyers@countytimes.net
$100,000 to bring the total funding
11:00am - 9:00pm
Expires 10/30/2020
Expires 7/31/2020 Expires 7/31/2020
in Calvert
By Guy Leonard The numbers expressed in the report,
Staff Writer released Sept. 22, were preliminary and
The latest report from the state’s could change as the data continues to be
Opioid Operational Command Center analyzed.
(OOCC) shows that in the second quar- Steve Schuh, director of the OOCC,
ter of 2020 opioid related intoxication said the impact of the coronavirus could
deaths in Maryland continued to rise be seen in the rising fatalities due to opi-
except in, Calvert, St. Mary’s and Wic- oid abuse and the abuse of other drugs
and Third Annual Kids’ Half-mile Super Hero Dash omico counties. and alcohol.
Calvert County showed a slight de- “This report marks an inflection point
crease in its second quarter statistics in Maryland’s response to the opioid
Oct. 26-Nov. 7, 2020 • Any day, any time! from 13 deaths in 2019 down to 11. crisis,” Schuh wrote. “With the knowl-
Calvert’s first quarter statistics also edge afforded by the fatalities data in
STEP-BY-STEP 5K RACE - $25 showed a decline from eight deaths last this report and the additional informa-
Run, walk or hike your race wherever you want! Between Oct. 26 and Nov. 7, put on your running year to just four in 2020. tion provided through our daily work,
shoes and head out on a 3.1-mile course of your choosing. Free T-shirts provided for the first 100 Through the first six months of the we are now clear in our understanding
registered participants. Medals will be awarded to the youngest and oldest participants.
year, St. Mary’s County reported just 12 that the coronavirus pandemic has had
KIDS’ HALF-MILE SUPER HERO DASH - FREE opioid related deaths, equal to the same a significant and detrimental effects on
The half-mile dash is for children ages six and younger. Participants are encouraged to dress time in 2019. substance use trends in Maryland.”
in their favorite super hero costume (be sure they are safe to run in). All runners will receive a During the first three months of the In all there were 1,187 deaths due to
participation certificate. The first 25 registrants will receive a superhero cape and goody bag. year the amount of deaths year to year opioids in the first half of 2020, accord-
was also unchanged at just four through ing to the report, an increase of 102 over
Events held in memory of Mike Blackwell, a runner killed while jogging on Broomes Island Road.
All proceeds to benefit CAASA programs.
January, February and March, the com- last year.
mand center data shows. Fentanyl, a very powerful synthetic
Other jurisdictions experienced se- opioid, continues to account for the vast
vere increases in opioid-related deaths. majority of opioid deaths, 1,100 accord-
For More Information: Prince George’s opioid deaths in- ing to the report.
410-535-1600, ext. 8806 • 410-535-3733 • Relay for Hearing Impaired: 800-735-2258 creased to 87 or 135 percent greater Heroin deaths actually decreased the
How to Register:
than last year’s count, while Somerset first half of 2020 from 414 to 288, while
Participants have 12 days to complete the 5K or dash and submit results to the CAASA
County, on the Eastern Shore, had a 600 prescription opioids accounted for 214
office at CAASA@calvertcountymd.gov. Online registration powered by RunSignUp at percent increase from just one last year deaths, the report stated.
www.runsignup.com/CAASAVirtual5k and www.runsignup.com/CAASAsuperherodash.
to six for the first half of the year. guyleonard@countytimes.net
Crash Reconstruction Team on Sun- ner Jr., 45 of Friendship. Conner was
day, Sept. 27 at approximately 8:45 pronounced deceased on the scene as
p.m., responded to the intersection a result of injuries sustained in the
Carroll’s Equipment of Chesapeake Beach Rd. (MD Route
260) and Mt. Harmony Road in Ow-
At this time, speed, driver error,
ings for a report of a single-vehicle and alcohol are believed to be con-
collision involving a motorcycle. tributing factors to this collision.
Upon arrival units located a black This crash remains under the in-
2001 Harley Davidson motorcycle vestigation by Cpl. V. Bortchevsky
laying on its side in the westbound of Calvert County Sheriff’s Office
lane of MD Route 260. Preliminary Crash Reconstruction Team. Any-
investigation revealed the operator one with information regarding this
of the motorcycle was driving west- collision is asked to contact Cpl. V.
bound on MD Route 260 when the Bortchevsky at vlad.bortchevsky@
motorcycle left the roadway and calvertcountymd.gov or by calling
struck a guardrail. The driver was (410) 535-2800.
Oct. 7
Northern H.S.
Oct. 14 Oct. 16 & 17
9am-2pm Calvert H.S. Edward T. Hall
For all school age children and parents 9:30am-2pm Aquatics Center
For all school age children and parents
By Appointment only
By Appointment only
4pm-7pm Drive-Thru for everyone 6 months and older
For everyone 6 months and older
On September 17, 2020, Deputy his property. side the gas five additional
Bowlan responded to the South- After being told station bath- clear pill cap-
wind Apartments in North Beach numerous times room. Mishou sules containing suspected Heroin
for the report of a theft. The com- to quiet down, was placed un- residue. A search of Harley’s person
plainant advised that sometime be- Hardy con- der arrest and resulted in a brass smoking device
tween September 12th at 12:00pm tinued to yell transported and a small plastic bag containing a
and September 16th at 6:00am, an profanities and to the Calvert white rock like substance, suspected
unknown suspect(s) stole the regis- was escorted County De- to be Cocaine. Barber and Harley
Christopher Lamar Hardy Jacob Joseph
tration plates from their 2003 Harley off the proper- tention Center John Mishou were placed under arrest and trans-
Davidson motorcycle. The value of ty by deputies. where he was ported to the Calvert County Deten-
stolen property is $10. A short time later, Calvert County charged with tion Center where they were each
Theft: 20-49033 Emergency Communications ad- Disorderly Conduct. charged with CDS: Possession- Not
On September 18, 2020, Corporal vised Hardy had returned to the com- On September 18, 2020, Deputy Marijuana and CDS: Possession of
O’Donnell met with a complainant plainant’s property and was continu- Wilder conducted a traffic stop on Paraphernalia.
at the Calvert County Sheriff’s Of- ing to yell from the street. Deputies South Solomons Island Road at Cres- On September 19, 2020, Deputy
fice who was reporting a theft. The returned to the scene, placed Hardy ton Lane in Solomons. Upon making Gott responded to Buckets Sports
complainant advised that sometime under arrest, and transported him to contact with the driver, Dontevious Bar in Lusby for the report of a dis-
between September 14th and Sep- the Calvert County Detention Cen- Trevon Dorsey (26), Deputy Wilder orderly female subject who refused
tember 19th, their MVA Handicap ter where he was charged with Dis- observed a red to leave the property. Upon arrival
Placard was stolen from their truck orderly Conduct. cut straw that Deputy Gott observed the female
while dropped off for Service at On September 15, 2020, Deputy Dorsey was at- subject, Laitesha Jonelle Jones
Prince Frederick Dodge and Bayside Crum conducted a traffic stop on tempting to (28), sitting on
Chevrolet in Prince Frederick. The Jewell Road at West Chesapeake conceal. Dorsey the ground with
value of stolen property is $20. Beach Road in Dunkirk. Upon mak- exited the vehi- First Sergeant
Theft: 20-49296 ing contact with the driver, Timo- cle and a search Basham and
On September 19, 2020, Deputy thy Lee Sorghardt (36), Deputy was conducted Deputy Mason.
Plant responded to East Chesapeake Crum observed which resulted Jones appeared
Beach Road in Owings for the report Sorghardt to be in a small plas- Dontevious Trevon heavily intoxi-
of a theft. The complainant advised lethargic, have tic bag con- Dorsey cated and had
that sometime between September slurred speech, taining seven slurred speech
12th and September 19th, an un- and droopy and one half suspected Oxycodone/ and glossy Laitesha Jonelle Jones
known suspect(s) stole a “Biden eyes. Sorghardt Acetominophen pills, two additional eyes. Jones was
2020” yard sign that was placed by exited the vehi- cut straws containing white residue. placed under arrest and transported
the mailbox. The value of stolen cle and a search Dorsey was placed under arrest and to the Calvert County Detention
property is $30. was conducted transported to the Calvert County Center where she was charged with
Arrests: which resulted Timothy Lee Sorghardt Detention Center where he was Disorderly Conduct.
On September 15, 2020, Calvert in two pieces charged with CDS: Possession- Not Editor’s Note: The above arrests
County Emergency Communica- of glass with residue of burning and Marijuana and CDS: Possession of are not an indication of guilt or in-
tions advised a female passenger suspected Crack Cocaine, and mul- Paraphernalia. nocence as the cases have not been
was observed passed out in a ve- tiple copper f lakes. Sorghardt was On September 19, 2020, Deputy W. adjudicated.
12 The Calvert County Times Thursday, October 1, 2020
Re ts
of Southern Maryland
7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Bernie Fowler:
A Life of Service to God, Country and County
By Dick Myers It was during his three terms as county com-
Editor missioner that the famous suit was filed by the
Visitors to Bernie Fowler’s home in Prince three Southern Maryland counties against the
Frederick are greeted by two American flags Environmental Protection Agency over Patux-
and a cross along the driveway. Love of God ent pollution that eventually led to a consent
and Country have been mainstays of Fowler’s decree for a plan to clean up the river.
life. Fowler remembers cajoling the three coun-
But a slogan could easily be constructed that ties to join the effort at a Tri-County Council
says “God, Country and Calvert County,” since meeting at a Benedict restaurant. His main ally
Fowler, now 96, has become an iconic figure in in the battle was the late Tom Rymer, then a
the county, not only for his wade-ins designed member of the House of Delegates.
to call attention to his beloved Patuxent River, He used scientific evidence collected by
but also for his years of public service on the Chesapeake Biological Lab in Solomons in
school board, as county commissioner and as Boy Scout scoutmaster. time were meeting behind closed doors in making his argument that night in Benedict
Maryland state senator. He had saved money while overseas but violation of the state’s open meetings law. He and thereafter whenever he spoke about the
“I wasn’t born here,” Fowler said. “I was needed some more to start the boat rental busi- made an appointment to see them and after river.
conceived in Baltimore and born in Baltimore, ness. He went to the only bank in Prince Fred- waiting in the lobby for 45 minutes, they let During that time Governor Marvin Mandel
but I came home to my mother’s home (on erick at the time and they refused him him in. told Fowler he didn’t believe there was any-
Broome’s Island). So, for practical purposes, I As he was leaving, dejected, he ran into He asked them where they stood on the is- thing wrong with the Bay. Fowler told him,
call myself a Calvert countian.” Calvert’s legendary Louis Goldstein, who at sue. “They looked at each other – ‘We don’t “That’s your side, but I can tell you I’ve lived
Fowler’s father, Howard, a farmer and wa- the time was a state senator (he would later want a dog track either’. I said, could you give here all my life. The Patuxent River is symbolic
terman, and his mother, Lillian had moved go on to become the country’s longest serving me a letter to that? They said, ‘We’ll think of the Bay. What happens there is happening to
the family to Baltimore to work in Howard’s comptroller). about it’.” the Bay. And I’m telling you we’re in trouble.”
brother’s business, but soon returned to the Goldstein went back into the bank with He later learned they had signed a letter in As commissioner president, Fowler started
county, where Fowler grew up during the Great Fowler and told the manager, “I’m almost support of he track. It was a big motivator when every meeting with a prayer and made sure the
Depression, the middle of six children. All of ashamed to be associated with this bank. This he eventually ran for county commissioner open meetings law was adhered to and that ev-
his siblings have passed away. boy has been overseas fighting for his coun- himself. ery meeting was recorded.
In those days young boys quit school and try, lost his brother and another brother almost A hearing on the issue was held in An- In running for state senate after his third
went to work on the water with their fathers. lost.” napolis and when he got there a large group term as commissioner he got a lot of encour-
One day his mother was bemoaning the fact When he got home the banker called. His of like-minded citizens asked him to be their agement from St. Mary’s County residents
thar no one in the family had finished school. loan was approved. spokesman. since part of his district was in that county. He
Bernie told her, “I promise you I will go to He had a boat rental business and a small res- The hearing was run by the legislative com- easily defeated the incumbent John William
school. And I did fairly well.” He graduated taurant, and it had slot machines, which at first mittee vice chairman, a young lawmaker by Quade in his home county of St. Mary’s.
from Calvert High School. were illegal but everyone had them anyway. He the name of Steny Hoyer. Fowler served 12 years in the senate, and
“My mother and father both were religious said, “Every time they appointed a new grand After the hearing was over, Hoyer came up then voluntarily retired because he felt three
people,” he said. The family attended Knapp’s jury, they hid them in the back rooms until the to him and whispered in his ear, “Go home and terms was enough for anybody.
Chapel. He remembers he wasn’t particularly grand jury was over in 30 days.” sleep. I’m going to put this in the trash.” This reporter observed that he had never
religious until one day in 1938 when a revival Even after they were legalized in Southern He noted of the House Majority Leader, heard anyone say anything negative about
came to the island. In church he would often Maryland, Fowler said, “I never felt right.” “We’ve been close friends ever since. Philo- Fowler and asked if that was something he as-
hold the hand of a girl from high school. He He clearly remembers to this day a man sophically, I don’t always agree with him. Some pired to. He said, “That answers my taste buds
said, “The Holy Spirit got ahold of me that coming into the store and playing and losing of his endorsements, I really don’t know.” As to pretty good.” He added, “The training that God
night. And I dropped that little girl’s hand. I everything he had and then begging Fowler to any inkling of socialistic government, he said, gave me for my life, I owe so much to him. And
went right up.” buy a new boat he had for $60 and then losing “I’ll be honest with you. I have no support for how do I even say that? Jesus Christ, he knew
Later Fowler admits he got off track after his all of that too. that.” his price. When you die the death that he died,
brother died in the war. He said thinking about He added, “And then I got married and had a “The county commissioners right out lied to all of our sins he took on his back. But when
his parents and their faith helped straighten him couple of children and I send them off to Sun- me that day when I went in on that dog track,” he died, three days later, he was alive and well,
out. “I got back to praying and got back with day school in the morning and I’m back there Fowler remembered when he decided to run and he’s coming back.”
the Lord. And I’ve tried to do the best work, and it just bothered me. It really did it to watch for the office. His other reason for entering He reads the Bible every day and uses a
just like you and everybody else. We’re all sin- that man spend all that money.” politics was of course the Patuxent River. “My study guide given to him by his daughter.
ners. We’ve come up short. We’re all sinners.” It was that and the reluctance to sell alco- river died in n 1969. The grass shrimp. I used “It’s been a good life, I have. I know that. I
When he graduated from high school, he holic beverages that led him to eventually sell to catch grass shrimp. They all of a sudden know that I sometimes would say things that
went to work at the Naval Gun Factory as part the business after 10 years. “No more Sunday disappeared.” I’d rather not say, but when people really irri-
of the war effort during World War II. But he work. I could go to church with the children.” He had seen the deterioration of the river tate me for something that’s close to my heart, I
felt guilty not going off to battle as his two Fowler would then go on to work in the in the ten years he ran the boat rental busi- don’t jump for joy.”
brothers had and he finally convinced his boss school system and then at the hospital, which ness through the late 1950s. It wasn’t like he Even with the pandemic, Fowler has a busy
to let him enlist. His boss said the job was his was located where the sheriff’s office now is remembered as a child and like what he talks schedule. He did do his annual Patuxent wade-
when he returned. and would eventually become assistant admin- about in his annual wade-in, how he could see in at Jefferson Patterson Park in June, albeit
Fowler said, “The next morning I was down istrator. When the hospital moved, he and a his sneakers walking way out. It was Bernie’s with a reduced crowd. And he’s been serving
to G Street, Northwest (DC) and in the United group of three doctors purchased the building measure. as an advisor to the four county citizens who
States Navy.” and established a nursing home. They later sold He remembers a woman named Dixie who have filed suit against the county over adoption
On November 5th, 2018 Bernie lost the love the capacity rights to a chain operator. was a super crabber making a killing and he of the comprehensive plan.
of his life, Betty, his wife of 69 years. She was Fowler’s foray into politics violated a prom- remembers a time when watermen could really Fowler was county commissioner in 1974
the daughter of one of his best customers in his ise he had made to his father never to get into make good money working on the river. A way when the first master plan was adopted.
rental boat business that he started after getting politics. Fowler said his father chided him: of life was fading. “I just feel like that they deserve another star
out of the Navy. He had worked in the business “’You just got your nose into everything.’ I After a stint (1963-1966) on the school board in their crown because I am four square behind
while in high school. said, well that’s a cruel way to put it, Pop. But (education is another of his passions) he ran for them,” he said about the court suit plaintiffs.
Her mother introduced them. He was nine that’s how I feel. If I see something wrong, I’m county commissioner in 1970, won and was He said the comprehensive plan is intended
years older than she was. He reminisced, “It going to do something to make it right.” His fa- appointed president. to make the county the crown jewel of the
was just love at first sight. And I think it was ther eventually went along with it. After being elected but before taking of- Chesapeake Bay.
with her. She often told me that.” The issue that started it all was a proposed fice, the three new commissioners learned the But instead he said, “If their comprehensive
Fowler for years has been a fixture at Me- greyhound racetrack in northern Calvert lame ducks were about to spend the county’s plan that now exists goes into place, we’re go-
morial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremonies. He County. For the reasons he had qualms about surplus. They got legal advice that they could ing to be closer to Hoboken, New Jersey.”
said he joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars slot machines, he opposed the track. take over any time and quickly did so before dickmyers@countytimes.net
soon after returning home. He also became a He said the county commissioners at the that spending spree could happen.
14 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, October 1, 2020
Bowles Farms
school and community f lu clinics 61,000 Americans died annually from
wifi can be accessed from the library to video and other data-heavy resourc-
throughout the county. inf luenza, and hundreds of thousands
parking lots 24/7 and from library com- es. Calvert Library Executive Director,
The Health Department urges ev- are hospitalized each year. Millions
puters or inside the library on your own Carrie Willson said, “We have all come
eryone ages 6 months and older to more become sick enough to miss
device during library hours, sometimes to appreciate the critical need for access to
get an annual f lu vaccine. “Although time from work or school.
that’s just not enough. the internet. We are so happy to have been
typical f lu vaccines are ‘only’ 50- Getting the f lu vaccine is par-
Bowles Farms
Most are aware that due to our rural na- able to use grant funding and our status
60% protective, not getting a vac- ticularly important in 2020 because
ture, many Calvert County citizens are not as a public library to leverage a discount
cine is 0% protective,” said Calvert people can be simultaneously in-
able to get cable internet access and paying for additional devices to meet the internet
County Health Officer, Dr. Laurence fected by inf luenza and COVID. The
for cellular access by the gigabyte adds up needs of our customers. It won’t solve the
Polsky. “For those who may still be- first of the free f lu clinics will be
in a stressful way when you are participat- connectivity issue in Calvert but it will
come infected despite vaccination, held on October 7, 2020. For a list-
ing in Zoom meetings and classes. help many to have better access.”
their illness is typically much milder ing of all locations, times and dates,
Thanks to an Emergency Broad- Fifty-five Mobile Beacon hotspots have
and they are less contagious to others go to https://www.calverthealth.org/
band Education Assistance Grant from been added to the library’s circulating
as a result of partial protection from healthupdates/f lunotice.htm. To save
the Governor’s Office of Rural Broad- collection. The device can be kept for 14
the vaccine. For business owners and time and decrease wait times, the
band, Calvert Library has been able to days and while there are no late fees, the
managers, this also means fewer em- Health Department recommends pre-
expand their wifi-hotspot lending pro- data will be turned off after that time to
ployees become ill and miss signifi- registering for the clinics at https://
gram. Thanks to a previous grant from the encourage return for the next customer to
won’t get you through a few online video Press Release from Calvert Library.
w lleessFa
ar m
r s
m ss
BB oww l es F Fall 2020 Season
September 26 to October 31st
September 28th to October 27th
2 PhaseOCT.
Maze 5-6
SATURDAY • 11-3 • Classic Car Show: Southern Knights Rod
Saturday –10AM
to 6PM
& Custom
SUNDAY • First Responders Appreciation
Sunday -10AM
Truck Rides (12:00 to 3:00).to 5PM
Fall Season
& Rescue Members
• Cupcake
Car Group will have a display
28willthreceive October
Barn off Yard
of classic cars.
Day: Bring your kids outth
general Animals
Tues-Fri: 9AM
Friday- By Appointment
to 3PM Only •• 2Jumping Phase Maze
Kid Corn Boxes
Straw Pit
Saturday –10AM to 6PMGroups Only>
2020 Season
• GiantCorn Maze SlidesExpress (Train Ride)
Sunday -10AM 10AM to 6PM • Barn
�10.00 to per5PM guest Kid Barrel Rides
Yard Animals
SSeSepeptpt2t.822th6 th
tottoo Otcc2tt72th371thst
3 and Under Free
Tues-Fri: By Appointment Only • Kid Corn Boxes Pit • Jumping
Food & Straw
Sept 288th th
Oct 27th Sunday- 10AM
Group Rates Available for 15to 5PM
or More
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups Only>
Groups Only> • Large Covered Pavilion
• Corn
InsideMaze Express (Train
Restrooms (Train Ride)
Admission: �10.00 per guest • Kid Barrel Rides
3 and UnderOnly
Freeregistered service animals. Special Weekend
• FoodEvents:
Inside &Restrooms
Car Show, Fire Truck
Must be properly identified.
Group Rates Available for 15 or More • Large
Rides, Tractor Covered
Pulls, Big Pavilion
Rig Truck Show, etc.
• Inside Restrooms
– Contact Information:
Only registered
Only registered service
Must be
service animals.
be properly
properly identified.
Special- Weekend
email: bowlesfarms@rcn.com
Events: Car Show, Fire Truck
Location: 22880 Budds Creek RoadRides, * Clements * MD * Truck
Tractor Pulls, Big Rig Show, etc.
Watershed Stewards
make a plan work for you. So, forget my loved ones, my family since they
about the short-term goals. often loan me money—I know they
Let’s assume that what you want is can’t afford it. Why can’t I learn to
mission in Financial
The County Times
advertising my
The audit found licenses, surcharges
that identificatio inspection taxes and on of
the commission increas- n tags to these projects. tion funding to go students in kindergarten through
The audit chided living in poverty eighth
ingly cannot operate the commission for toward a series and at risk of falling
without spending
expending so much
on one portion initiatives, includ- behind academic requirements,
its reserve accounts of fisheries preservation at the expense of ing recommend with $500,000 for
the recruitment, train-
and a-
it does little to regulate all else. of Photo courtesy of tions from Mary- ing, and ongoing development of
its own spending. “While the preservation Office of Governor teachers. new
of the oyster land’s Commissio
atBuy it at
port to eligible students reading sup- Hogan. “This jobs,” said Governor Sell It,
past session we enacted
through 8th grade. in kindergarten
landmark school
events, especially
safety legislation
$2 million for the Teaching create aggressive, to
Maryland Scholarship Fellows for for school statewide standards Real Estate │ Business
will cover 100 percent , a program that Maryland Center expand the work of the │ Farm Equipmen & Inventory │
Personal Property/
of the annual cost for t&
of tuition and mandatory require each school School Safety, and Benefits/Fundraise Machinery │ Livestock │ Storage Estates
OF THE WEEK versity of Maryland, fees at the Uni- system in Maryland rs │ Certified Personal Units │
College Park, or 50 to develop assessment teams in order Property Appraiser
$159,900 MEET BATMAN
percent of the cost
tory fees at a private
of tuition and manda- identify potential safety threats.
nonprofit institution ing together, we can ensure greater
to EXCITINGUpcomin
FUN ● FASTg Auctions
& Events
those related to
In the T●
of higher education safe- month of July, Farrell
## SPECTACULAR HOME Looking to add for eligible students ty in our schools and a greater sense conducting a few Auction Service
LIKE BRAND NEW**! a SUPERHERO to who commit to becoming security for students
and parents.”
benefit/private auction will be
2 HALF ## your life? Then you $250,000 to encourageteachers. working auctions
During the 2018 events;
need to adopt the top 25 Hogan legislative session, out of the local
NEW CARPET, NEW WOOD me this month! percent of high school advocated the National Auctione area and attending
NEW HVAC* NEW GRANITE FLOORS, My name is BATMAN each county to consider graduates from er levels of schoolfor significantly high-
, AFFECTIONATE, ers by increasing becoming teach- safety funding than International Auctione er’s Conference and the
OFF OF MSTR SUITE! MSTR SUPERHERO KITTY awareness of avail- those ultimately adopted by the General ering Contest. Our
And remember, and industry to develop tional safety technology. addi- St. Mary’s Co. Fairgrou
YOUR AREA if there is room Furniture – Tools nds
in the heart, there
I the house! and implement
Purple Post Real Estate RECENTLY AND IN is room in an innovative CTE
curriculum frame- was to be allocated through
The funding
– Horse Saddles
Come meet me work that will align
with the skills that nor’s education lockbox proposal, which
the gover-
Glassware – Collectib & Tack – Books –
.com THE LAST 20 N and the wonderful
Shelter (6707 Animal
gang at Tri-County
local employers need. would provide an
additional $4.4 billion
les - More
Years! 1713 for more information. Road, Hughesville) or call
301-399-3089 G To see more of my 301-932- $120,000 for a study
to assess the ad-
in education spending
available for adoption, amazing friends
Animal Shelter Southern“like” us on Facebook @ Tri-County
equacy of funding
for nues, and is moving from casino reve- A Southern Maryland
in Maryland, to be special education dum in the upcoming forward as a referen-
completed by Sept.
in November. statewide election
individuals, businesses professional auction company providing
and non-profit organization services to
s for a variety of
R The governor also OPTIONS - SOLUTION purposes.
lion for the Learning provided $4.5 mil- S - RESULTS
Ronnie Farrell I demic Program (LEAP), in Extended Aca- Press release from www.FarrellAu
which is an Office of the Governor ctionSe rvice.com
C 301.904.3402
Farrell Auctions :
County Times
IMPRO OME Chunky Soup and Bubbles
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. didn’t want to get too comfortable. I
Contributing Writer didn’t want to feel like home. I don’t
During my, ahem, illustrious want to get relaxed. I want to keep
athletic career, I ran onto many my edge. I want to stay focused on
diamonds, courts and fields with the task at hand. So, I’m sleeping
sparsely populated bleachers. De- on the couch right now, dog, with a
spite free admission, there was lit- room full of Chunky soup.”
tle to draw patrons to that level of Udonis Haslem is now one of my
competition other than family obli- favorite athletes.
gation, an adolescent crush or sheer So why are these guys doing it?
boredom. Brady and Brees – why, at 40-plus-
Over the last few months, the years-old, are they going through
greatest athletes in the world have this implausible season? Why is
been living the modest rec league LeBron, at 35, laying it on the line
athletic experience. Due to COVID in front of virtual fans? Why is
rules, mostly or entirely empty ven- Haslem locked in his room eating
ues have greeted men and women Chunky soup on his couch/bed?
accustomed to competing in packed The easiest answer: an athlete’s
houses with raucous fans provid- professional lifecycle is finite. Fa-
Legal Notice
its quarter-pole, I often ponder the and profession. James knows the
athletes as much as the scoreboard. Lakers can’t win a championship
What must this be like? Certainly without him. Same for the Saints,
all are grateful to be employed and sans Brees. Haslem, while not a
IN THE MATTER OF CARINNA MARIA DESANTIS have the means afforded profes- major on-court contributor, is the
FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO KYLE MAXWELL DESANTIS sional athletes. But this has to be Heat’s captain. Brady no doubt feels
BY AND THROUGH HIS/HER MOTHER an incredible grind – the restric- an obligation to his new organiza-
In the Circuit Court for Calvert County, Maryland tions, risk of contracting COVID, tion and teammates. So, to a man,
Case No.: C-04-FM-20-486 distance from family and eerie they play.
Notice (Adult) game-day experiences. No amount The other is the opportunity to be
of money can relieve the psycho- the standard – an example. Staying
The above Petitioner has filed a Petition for Change of Name in which
he/she seeks to change his/her name of a minor from CARINNA MARIA DE- logical burden. And regardless of limber - of mind, body and spirit
SANTIS to KYLE MAXWELL DESANTIS. The petitioner is seeking a name political leaning, there’s the added - while facing an uncertain and
change because: This is my child’s referred name. weight of national events ladled evolving world, surely affords ath-
Any person may file an objection to the Petition on or before the
over these bizarre daily operations. letes a way to use their platforms in
07/19/2020. The objection must be supported by an affidavit (written statement So, I watch and wonder. Where a transcendent way and without the
confirmed by oath or affirmation) and served on the petitioner (Maryland Rule does LeBron James find motiva- condescending and naïve “stick to
1-321). If no timely objection is filed, the court may issue a default judgement or tion? Drew Brees or Tom Brady? sports” criticisms.
grant the name change.
What about Max Scherzer or Bryce Our individual adaptation to pan-
Harper? Or Celtics forward Gordon demic life, no matter how effective,
Kathy P. Smith, Hayward, whose wife just had their has undoubtedly had moments of
Clerk of Court for first son, a child he won’t hold until great challenge. A sense of duty to
Calvert County Maryland
Boston’s season ends? self and employer, and a responsi-
The Undefeated recently pub- bility to be an example for our fam-
lished a fascinating piece on Miami ilies – personal and professional –
find us on
Heat big man Udonis Haslem. Has- has no doubt provided inspiration.
lem, 40, is a 17-year NBA veteran For the sports fan, an added source
and three-time champion. He can’t of encouragement has been seeing
possibly need the paycheck or rel- athletes doing the same.
ish any aspect of bubble living – a So, thank you LeBron, Brees,
suggestion validated in the feature. Brady and, of course, Udonis Has-
Haslem discussed his approach lem and his Chunky soup. Thanks
– purposefully avoiding interac- for keeping me…us…sane through
tion with other teams’ players, ap- all this madness.
proaching every day with discipline From my bubble to yours –
and an edge; in other words, being cheers, fellas.
a little salty to cope with salty cir- Send comments to Ronald-
cumstances. Haslem then dropped GuyJr@gmail.com
this fabulous bubble-life quote: “I
Thursday, October 1, 2020 The Calvert County Times Letter to the Editor 19
In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
dickmyers@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.
Chesapeake Bay striped bass able while supplies last. Sessions of Food Science & Technology.
Thursday, October 1 move up and down the Atlantic are 15-20 minutes. Capacity lim- https://smadc.com/news/
Calvert Toastmasters Zoom coast from their estuarine birth- ited to 12 people per session. This
Meeting place. Until recently we have only month’s theme is O is for Otters. Ongoing
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. seen glimpses of this movement This program is now offered at
We Love Calvert Arts Festival
Our club provides a supportive when tagged fish are caught by various times throughout the day,
$10k benefit for Children
and positive learning experience anglers or scientists. Now with to accommodate guests during all
Online, October 1st - 10th
for members to develop public electronic transmitters embedded sessions. For specific times, please
All Saints’ Church will hold this
speaking and leadership skills. in the tummies, or chemical trac- visit calvertmarinemuseum.com.
event to raise $10,000 for five chari-
Please email cua942nd@gmail. ers in bones in their ears we can
ties that support our County’s chil-
com for the password if you need follow them along on their jour- A Pledge to Truth and Civility
dren AND promote our loyal arti-
it. ney - learning why and when they Online; 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
sans (https://www.facebook.com/
move and how these migrations College of Southern Maryland
calvertartsfestival/)! This event
Sea Squirts affect their growth, survival and (CSM) Professor of Communica-
replaces the Calvert Arts Festival.
Calvert Marine Museum; vari- reproduction. Hear internationally tions Michelle Christian and CSM
Visit All Saints website (https://
ous times recognized expert, Dr. Dave Secor Instructor of Media Studies, Jour-
www.allsaints1692.org/) to donate
This program invites adults and talk about his most recent work on nalist and CSM Non-Profit In-
(checks, cash, credit card, PayPal);
children 18 months to 3 years to this striped nomad of the Bay. stitute Coordinator Cara Fogarty
donations are tax-deductible.
discover the museum together discuss how to spot fake news, the
through music, stories, and spe- Wednesday, October importance of checking facts and
CalvART Gallery
cial activities. Join us for story 7 sources of information, and a va-
CalvART welcomes you to come
time and a take away craft, avail- riety of strategies for maintaining
Literary Connections Series in and enjoy a semi-intimate view-
able while supplies last. Sessions civility while engaging in difficult
Online; 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. ing at the gallery or to visit our
are 15-20 minutes. Capacity lim- political conversations. Hosted by
The College of Southern Mary- new online venue. Come experi-
ited to 12 people per session. This CSM’s Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr.
land (CSM) will present a virtual ence the variety of art represented
month’s theme is O is for Otters. Center for Leadership, Student
Connections Literary Series read- by Linda Craven, Freeman Dod-
This program is now offered at Life Department and Equity and
ing featuring Poet, Editor, Essay- sworth, Nico Gozal, Davy Strong,
various times throughout the day, Inclusive Diversity Office, and
ist and Translator Martín Espada. and Marcia Van Gemert. Calvart-
to accommodate guests during all St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Espada will continue CSM’s long- gallery.square.site
sessions. For specific times, please (SMCM) Center for the Study of
standing tradition of connecting Democracy and SMCM’s Stu-
visit calvertmarinemuseum.com. ArtsWorks@7th
established and emerging authors dent Activities Department, reg-
ArtWorks@7th announces ‘Lo-
Saturday, October 3 with the Southern Maryland com-
munity by reading from his forth-
istration is required for this free
cal Flair’ an invitational show
Zoom event. Register at https://
Pirate Day coming book, Floaters, and other beginning Friday, September 11
csmd.zoom.us/meeti ng /register/
Calvert Marine Museum works during a free Zoom webinar. through Sunday, November 1.
tJUuceCvq jg jGtIQTs5BvgvLRF_
Throw on your best pirate out- ht t ps://w w w.csmd.edu /calendar/ Works by 12 local artists are fea-
fit and head to the museum for com mu n it y- events/2020 -10 - 07_ tured at the gallery with an open-
pirate-themed adventures! Learn connections-martin-espada. ing outdoor reception Saturday,
Virtual Acidified Foods
to talk like a pirate and walk the September 12 from 11am to 5pm.
plank. Build your own pirate ship Thursday, October 8 Online, October 8th
Browse the gallery’s newly reno-
with one of our pre-packaged kits, vated space to see exciting new
Sea Squirts The Southern Maryland Agri-
available as a carry-out craft dur- works from invited local artists.
Calvert Marine Museum; vari- cultural Development Commis-
ing each open session at the mu- Physical distance and masks are
ous times sion, a division of the Tri-County
seum, while supplies last. Program required in the gallery at 8905
This program invites adults and Council for Southern Maryland, is
included with museum admission. Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach.
children 18 months to 3 years to offering a virtual FDA-certified
Preview and 24/7 shop online at
Acidified Foods Better Process
Tuesday, October 6 discover the museum together
through music, stories, and spe- Control School training workshop
FB www.artworks@7th.com and
on Instagram or by appointment at
Science for Citizens Seminar. cial activities. Join us for story in partnership with Dr. Y. Martin
Online; 7 p.m. time and a take away craft, avail- Lo, Process Authority and Ambas-
sador of the International Union
Real Estate
Child Care
Vehicles General Merchandise CLASS.SOMD.COM
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Thursday, October 1, 2020 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23
Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
in its news coverage.
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net
Tim Flaherty timf laherty@countytimes.net To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include
the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be deliv-
Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Staff Writer
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument.
Copyright in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains
Graphic Designer/Layout Artist
Jim Lucke
Contributing Writers
with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it
in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
24 The Calvert County Times Thursday, October 1, 2020
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