Module 2 Lesson 2
Module 2 Lesson 2
Module 2 Lesson 2
Module 2 Lesson 2
Approach about School Curriculum
School Curriculum
All curricula have content regardless of their design or models. The fund of
knowledge is the repository of accumulated discoveries and inventions of man from the
explorations of the earth and as products of research. In most educational setting,
curriculum is anchored on a body of knowledge or discipline.
The selection of the subject matter or content, aside from the seven criteria mentioned earlier,
may include the following guide in the selection of the CONTENT.
Guide in the selection of the Content in the Curriculum
1. Content is commonly used in the daily life.
2. Content is appropriate to the maturity levels and abilities of the learners.
3. Content is valuable in meeting the needs and competencies of the future career.
4. Content is related to other subject fields or discipline for complementation and
5. Content is important in the transfer of learning in other disciplines.
BASIC Principles of Curriculum Content
In 1952, Palma proposed the principle of BASIC as a guide in addressing CONTENT in
the curriculum. B.A.S.I.C refers to Balance, Articulation, Sequence, Integration and continuity.
In organizing content or putting together subject matter, these principles are useful as a guide.
BALANCE – Content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth. This will
guarantee that significant contents should be covered to avoid too much or too little of the
contents needed with in the time allocation.
Articulation – as the content complexity progresses with the educational levels,
vertically or horizontally across the same discipline smooth connections or bridging should be
provided. This will assure no gaps or overlaps in the content. Seamlessness in the content is
desired and can be assured if there is articulation in the curriculum. Thus, there is a need off team
among writers and implementers or curriculum.
Sequence – The logical arrangement of the content, refers to sequence or order. This can
be done vertically for deepening the content or horizontally for brodening the same content. In
both ways, the pattern usually is from easy to complex, what is known to the unknown, what is
current to something in the future.
Integration – Content in the curriculum does not stand alone or in isolation. It has some
ways of relatedness or connectedness to other contents. Contents should be infused in other
disciplines whenever possible. This will provide a holistic or unified view of curriculum instead
of segmentation. Contents which can be integrated to other disciplines acquire a higher premium
than when isolated.
Continuity – Content when viewed as a curriculum should continuously flow as it was
before, to where it is now and where it will be in the future. It should be perennial. It endures
time. Content may not be in the same form and substance as seen in the past since changes and
developments in curriculum occur. Constant repetition, reinforcement and enhancement of
content are all elements of continuity.
2. Curriculum Approached as a Process
We have seen that the curriculum can be approached as content. On the other hand, it can
also be approached as a process. Here, curriculum is not seen as a physical thing or a noun, but
as a verb or an action. It is the interaction among the teachers, students and content. As a process,
curriculum happens in the classroom as the questions asked by the teacher and the learning
activities engaged in by the students. It is an active process with emphasis on the context in
which the processes occurs. Used in analogy of the recipe in a cookbook, a recipe is the content
while the ways of cooking is the process.
Curriculum as a process is seen as a scheme about the practice of teaching. It is not a
package of materials or a syllabus of content to be covered. The classroom is only part of the
learning environment where the teacher places action using the content to achieve an outcome.
Hence the process of teaching and learning becomes the central concern of teachers to emphasize
critical thinking, thinking meaning-making and heads-on, hands-on doing and many others.
As a process, curriculum links from the content. While content provides materials on
what to teach, the process provides curriculum on how to teach the content. When accomplished,
the process will result to various curriculum experiences for the learners. The intersection of the
content and process is called the Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK. It will address the
question: If you have this content, how will you teach it?
This section will not discuss in detail the different teaching strategies from where
learning experiences are derived. Rather, it will describe how the process as a descriptor of
curriculum is understood. The content is the substance of the curriculum, how the contents will
be communicated and learned will be addressed by the process.
To teachers, the process is very critical. This is the other side of the coin: instruction,
implementation, teaching. These three words connote the process in the curriculum. When,
educators ask teachers: What curriculum are you using? Some of the answers will be: 1.
Problem-based. 2. Hands-on, Minds On. 3. Cooperative Learning 4. Blended Curriculum 5. On-
line 6. Case-based and many more. These responses approach curriculum as a process. These are
the ways of teaching, ways of managing the content, guiding learning, methods of teaching and
learning strategies of teaching or delivery modes. In all of these, there are activities and actions
that every teacher and learner do together or learners are guided by the teacher. Some of the
strategies are time-tested traditional methods while others are emerging delivery modes.
When curriculum is approached as a PROCESS, guiding principles are presented.
1. Curriculum process in the form of teaching methods or strategies are, means to achieve
the end.
2. There is no single best process or method. Its effectiveness will depend on the desired
learning outcomes, the learners, support materials and the teacher.
3. Curriculum process should stimulate the learners’ desire to develop the cognitive,
affective, psychomotor domains in each individual.
4. In the choice of methods, learning and teaching styles should be considered.
5. Every method or process should result to learning outcomes which can be described as
cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
6. Flexibility in the use of the process or methods should be considered. An effective
process will always result to learning outcomes.
7. Both teaching and learning are the two important processes in the implementation of the
3. Curriculum as a Product
Besides viewing curriculum as content that is to be transmitted, or process that gives
action using the content, it has also been viewed as a product. In other words, product is what
the students desire to achieve as a learning outcomes.
The product from the curriculum is a student equipped with the knowledge, skills and
values to function effectively and efficiently. Approach. The real purpose of education is to
bring about significant change in students’ pattern of behavior. It is important that any
statement of objectives or intended outcomes of the school should be a statement of changes
to take place in the students. Central to the approach is the formulation of behavioral
objectives stated as intended learning outcomes or desired products so that content and
teaching methods may be organized and the results evaluated. Products of learning is
operationalized as knowledge, skills, and values.
Curriculum product is expressed in form of outcomes which are referred to as the
achieved learning outcomes. There maybe several desired learning outcomes, but if the
process is not successful, then no learning outcomes will be achieved. These learned or
achieved learning outcomes are demonstrated by the person who has meaningful experiences
in the curriculum. All of these are result of planning, content and processes in the curriculum.