Whether The Lower Courts Were Correct in Not Considering The Extrajudicial Sworn Statement of Villa.

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3 G.R. No. 167454 September 24, 2014 extracted from the body of Vincent had come from a .

extracted from the body of Vincent had come from a .38 caliber revolver, not from
Ucag’s .45 caliber firearm.
Barut’s contention did not itself go unnoticed by the CA, which observed that the RTC
FACTS could not take the declaration of Villas into consideration because Villas’ extra-
judicial sworn statement containing the declaration had not been offered and
Petitioner Emeritu C. Barut, a guard of the Philippine National Construction admitted as evidence by either side. The CA stressed that only evidence that
Corporation (PNCC), was tried for and found guilty of homicide by the Regional Trial was formally offered and made part of the records could be considered; and that
Court, Branch 276, in Muntinlupa City. On appeal, the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed in any event, the supposed contradiction between the extra-judicial sworn statement
the conviction of Barut. Hence, Barut now seeks the review of his conviction by and the court testimony should be resolved in favor of the latter.
petition for review on certiorari.
The CA held that it could not find from its review of the records any compelling reason
It appears that at around 6:00 o’clock in the afternoon of September 24, 1995, SPO4 to set aside the factual findings of the trial court. It ruled that Villas and Fabiano had
Vicente Ucag was coming from a picnic in Laguna and returning home to Taguig, clearly and consistently testified that Barut had been the person who had shot
Metro Manila on board a passenger jeepney driven by his brother Rolando on the Vincent; and that Barut’s bare denial of firing at Vincent did not prevail over their
South Luzon Expressway. Ucag’s wife and 16 year-old son Vincent were then riding positive and categorical identification of him as the perpetrator.
an owner-type jeep driven by Rico Villas on the same route. When the latter vehicle
exited at the Sucat Interchange ahead of Ucag’s passenger jeepney, PNCC guards
Conrado Ancheta and Barut stopped Villas and directed him to park his vehicle at
the road side. After informing Villas that his vehicle had no headlights, Ancheta asked ISSUE:
for his driving license, but it took a while before Villas produced the same apparently
waiting for his companions in the passenger jeepney to arrive. Nonetheless, Villas Whether petitioner Barut was correctly convicted of the crime of homicide
ultimately surrendered his driving license, and Ancheta issued to him a traffic violation
report (TVR) ticket. Right about then, the passenger jeepney carrying Ucag stopped [Whether the lower courts were correct in not considering the extrajudicial sworn
where Villas’ jeep had parked. Ucag and Danilo Fabiano, a co-passenger, alighted statement of Villa.}
and approached Ancheta and Barut to inquire what the matter was. Apprised of the
reason for the stoppage of Villas’ jeep, Ucag requested the return of Villas’ driving RULING:
license. But Ancheta refused because he had already issued the TVR ticket. Ucag
argued with Ancheta and Barut. Later on, however, Ucag turned around in order to YES.
avoid further argument and simply told Villas to return for his driving license the next
day. This apparently irked Ancheta, who dared Ucag to finish the issue right there and Although the record of the trial is laid bare and open during every appeal in a criminal
then. Ancheta suddenly pulled out his .38 caliber revolver and fired it several times, case, the credibility of witnesses is a factual issue that the Court cannot disturb
hitting Ucag on both thighs. Ucag fired back and hit Ancheta. Fabiano and Villas in this appeal. We reiterate that the findings of fact by the trial court are accorded
witnessed the exchange of gunshots between Ucag and Ancheta. great respect especially when affirmed on appeal by the CA. This great respect for
such findings rests mainly on the trial judge’s access to the witnesses while they
Upon seeing the exchange of gunshots, Vincent Ucag rushed towards his father to go testify in her presence, giving the trial judge the personal and direct observation of
to his succor. Before Vincent could reach his father, however, Barut fired at Vincent in their manner and decorum during intensive grilling by the counsel for the accused,
the chest. Vincent, badly bleeding, tried to go back to the owner-type jeep where his thereby enabling her to see if the witnesses were fidgeting and prevaricating, or were
mother was, but fell to the ground before reaching the jeep. Vincent was rushed to the sincere and trustworthy.
Parañaque Medical Center, where he expired while undergoing emergency surgery.
His father was brought to the Camp Panopio Hospital in Quezon City for treatment Secondly, Barut adverts to the extra-judicial sworn statement that Villas gave at
and medical attendance. about 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon of September 25, 1995 – barely a day following
the fatal shooting of Vincent – in which he declared not having seen Barut fire a
RTC and CA - convicted petitioner of the crime charged. gun. Barut contends that this declaration definitely contradicted Villas’ court
testimony, and manifested that he was "not clear and convincing because he never
Noting that neither Ucag nor Ancheta had shot Vincent, the RTC explained that the pointed out who had really shot Vincent Ucag." Citing Villas’ answer of "Maybe he
former could not anymore fire his gun at Vincent not only because Vincent was his was hit" to the question on direct examination: "What was the reason if you know why
own son but also because he himself had already been lying on the ground after he [referring to Vincent Ucag] was weak?" Barut insists that Villas was thereby
being hit in his lower extremities; and that Ancheta could not have fired at Vincent at ambiguous and gave rise to the doubt as "to who [had] really shot and killed the
all because he, too, had been already wounded and lying on the ground and victim," whether it was Ancheta (who had traded shots with the victim’s father), or
profusely bleeding from his own gunshot wounds. The RTC further noted that the slug himself.
***The CA’s negative treatment of the declaration contained in Villas’ extra-judicial temporalis modified to 17 years and four months of the medium period of reclusion
sworn statement was in accord with prevailing rules and jurisprudence. Pursuant temporal.
to Section 34, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, the RTC as the trial court could
consider only the evidence that had been formally offered; towards that end, Anent the civil liability, the RTC granted ₱250,000.00 without specifying the amounts
the offering party must specify the purpose for which the evidence was being corresponding to actual and moral damages, as well as to the civil indemnity for the death
offered. The rule would ensure the right of the adverse party to due process of of Vincent. The CA affirmed the grant. Both lower courts thereby erred on a matter of
law, for, otherwise, the adverse party would not be put in the position to timely law. Actual and moral damages are different in nature and purpose. To start with,
object to the evidence, as well as to properly counter the impact of evidence different laws govern their grant, with the amounts allowed as actual damages being
not formally offered. As stated in Candido v. Court of Appeals: dependent on proof of the loss to a degree of certainty, while the amounts allowed
as moral damages being discretionary on the part of the court. Secondly, actual
damages address the actual losses caused by the crime to the heirs of the victim;
It is settled that courts will only consider as evidence that which has moral damages assuage the spiritual and emotional sufferings of the heirs of the
been formally offered. x x x victim of the crime. On the civil indemnity for death, law and jurisprudence have fixed the
value to compensate for the loss of human life. Thirdly, actual damages may not be
A document, or any article for that matter, is not evidence when it is granted without evidence of actual loss; moral damages and death indemnity are
simply marked for identification; it must be formally offered, and the always granted in homicide, it being assumed by the law that the loss of human life
opposing counsel given an opportunity to object to it or cross-examine absolutely brings moral and spiritual losses as well as a definite loss. Moral damages and
the witness called upon to prove or identify it. A formal offer is death indemnity require neither pleading nor evidence simply because death
necessary since judges are required to base their findings of fact and through crime always occasions moral sufferings on the part of the victim’s heirs.
judgment only— and strictly—upon the evidence offered by the parties As the Court aptly said in one case,
at the trial. To allow a party to attach any document to his pleading and then
expect the court to consider it as evidence may draw unwarranted x x x a violent death invariably and necessarily brings about emotional pain and
consequences. The opposing party will be deprived of his chance to anguish on the partof the victim’s family. It is inherently human to suffer sorrow,
examine the document and object to its admissibility. The appellate court will torment, pain and anger when a loved one becomes the victim of a violent or
have difficulty reviewing documents not previously scrutinized by the court brutal killing. Such violent death or brutal killing not only steals from the family of
below. The pertinent provisions of the Revised Rules of Court on the the deceased his precious life, deprives them forever ofhis love, affection and
inclusion on appeal of documentary evidence or exhibits in the records support, but often leaves them with the gnawing feeling that an injustice has
cannot be stretched as to include such pleadings or documents not offered been done to them.
at the hearing of the case.
The death indemnity and moral damages are fixed at ₱75,000.00 each in view of homicide
being a gross offense. Considering that the decisions of the lower courts contained no
The rule that only evidence formally offered before the trial court can be
treatment of the actual damages, the Court is now not in any position to dwell on this.
considered is relaxed where two requisites concur, namely: one, the evidence Nonetheless, the Court holds that despite the lack of such treatment, temperate damages
was duly identified by testimony duly recorded; and, two, the evidence was of ₱25,000.00 should be allowed. Article 2224 of the Civil Code Declares that temperate
incorporated in the records of the case. Furthermore, the rule has no application damages may be recovered when some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
where the court takes judicial notice of adjudicative facts pursuant to Section 2, amount cannot be proved with certainty. There is no longer any doubt that when actual
Rule 129 of the Rules of Court; or where the court relies on judicial admissions or damages for burial and related expenses are not substantiated with receipts,
draws inferences from such judicial admissions within the context of Section 4, temperate damages of at least ₱25,000.00 are warranted, for it is certainly unfair to
Rule 129 of the Rules of Court; or where the trial court, in judging the demeanor deny to the surviving heirs of the victim the compensation for such expenses as actual
of witnesses, determines their credibility even without the offer of the damages. This is based on the sound reasoning that it would be anomalous that the heirs
demeanor as evidence. of the victim who tried and succeeded in proving actual damages of less than ₱25,000.00
would only be put in a worse situation than others who might have presented no receipts at
all but would still be entitled to ₱25,000.00 as temperate damages. 19

Also, in line with recent jurisprudence, the interest fixed by the RTC is reduced to six
The Court also sees fit to correct the indeterminate sentence of 10 years and one day of
percent (6%) per annum on all the items of civil liability computed from the date of the
prision mayor, as the minimum, to 17 years and eight months of reclusion temporal, as the
finality of this judgment until fully paid.
maximum, fixed by the RTC and affirmed by the CA. The maximum of 17 years and eight
months comes from the maximum period of reclusion temporal, but the maximum of the
indeterminate sentence should instead come from the medium period of reclusion WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the conviction for homicide of petitioner EMERITU
temporal, whose duration is from 14 years, eight months and one day to 17 years and four BARUT, subject to the MODIFICATIONS that: (a) his indeterminate sentence is from 10
months, because neither the RTC nor the CA had found the attendance of any aggravating years of prision mayor, as the minimum, to 17 years and four months of reclusion
circumstance. The minimum of the indeterminate sentence is fixed at 10 years of temporal, as the maximum; (b) he shall pay to the heirs of the late Vincent Ucag civil
prision mayor, and the maximum of 17 years and eight months of reclusion indemnity of ₱75,000.00 for his death;moral damages of ₱75,000.00; and temperate
damages of ~25,000.00, plus interest of six percent (6%) per annum on each of the items
of damages hereby awarded from the date of finality of this judgment until fully paid; and
(c) he shall pay the costs of suit.

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