Brief Outline of UNIT 1, Cyber Law

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Cyber Laws (Including Information Technology Act, 2000)

UNIT 1 (15 Lectures)


1. Etymology of ‘Cyber’ Greek Kubernētēs, cybernetics- Norbert Weiner


2. Origin and meaning of Cyberspace;

 Who coined the term – {William Gibson (Burning Chrome

(short story 1982), Neuromancer (1984, Sci-Fi novel)}

 Definition -dictionary meaning, defn. in National Cyber

Security Policy 2013

 Layers of cyberspace -Physical Layer, Logical Layer,

Information/Content Layer, People/Social Layer

 Inherent characteristics of cyberspace – borderless, speed

(expansion, instant mode of transaction), anonymity,

3. Cyberspace vs. Physical space

4. Concept of regulation w.r.t. Cyberspace, Need of Regulation for Cyberspace

-Law of The Horse - Justice Frank H. Easterbrook, A Declaration of the
Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow.
5. Different Models of Cyberspace Regulation

 No regulation
 Govt, /state regulation
 Self-regulation
 Technological regulation

Lawrence Lessig -Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace (book)

Computer code ("West Coast Code", referring to Silicon Valley)
Legal Code (or "East Coast Code", referring to Washington, D.C.) 
Pathetic Dot Theory/New Chicago School theory,
Law, norm, market, code.

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Criticisms of Lawrence Lessig.

6. Legal Issues in Cyberspace

Authenticity of Electronic Documents and its Transaction

-Jurisdictional issues
Types of jurisdiction- Prescribe, Adjudicate, Enforce

Statutory Laws -IT Act (section 1(2) & 75), IPC (sec 3 & 4), certain

provisions of Cr.P.C.

Judicial interpretation – Minimum Contact Theory, Sliding Scale

Principle, Effect Test, Targeted Audience Test etc.

-IP issues
(Copyright issues- fundamental notion of copyright, copyright in digital
issues, WCT & WPPT, TRIPS, DRM, Copyright protection in India sec 65
A, 65 B, online copyright infringements -linking, framing, caching, piracy

(Trademark issues -Function, trademark vs domain name, Passing Off,

domain name disputes-cybersquatting, typo squatting, reverse domain name
hijacking, cyber twins, cyber smearing etc. WIPO, UDRP, Trademark
protection in India)

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Contractual issues - Challenging fundamental notions of contract,
clickwrap/shrink-wrap/browse wrap contracts, its legal validities etc.
Electronic evidence -meaning, concerns, sources, admissibility of electronic
evidence, section 65 A, 65 B of Indian evidence Act, issues of digital
certificate judicial interpretation.
Cyber offence –
 Meaning, reason, difference from conventional crime, types, legal
measures etc.

Surveillance, privacy and security (panopticon view of Bentham, Michel

Foucault, Gorge Orwell -1984), recent judgments.

Social networking issues

 Cyberspace and International Relations Toward an Integrated System Nazli Choucri,
David Clark , Available at
 From Cyberspace to Cyber power: Defining the Problem
Daniel T. Kuehl, Cyber power and National Security, Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr
Larry K. Wentz
 The Dependence of Cyberspace - Amy Lynne Bomse
Available at
 What Larry Doesn't Get: Code, Law, and Liberty in Cyberspace Author(s): David G.
Post, Stanford Law Review, Vol. 52, No. 5, Symposium: Cyberspace and Privacy: A
New Legal Paradigm? (May, 2000), pp. 1439-1459 ,Available at
 The Zones of Cyberspace, Author(s): Lawrence Lessig, Stanford Law Review, Vol. 48,
No. 5 (May, 1996), pp. 1403-1411 ,Available at
 A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow , Available at
 Evolving Strategies for the Enforcement of Cyber laws by Karnika Seth , Available at
 Usage and Challenges of Cyberspace

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