Majorana Zero Modes in Synthetic Dimensions
Majorana Zero Modes in Synthetic Dimensions
Majorana Zero Modes in Synthetic Dimensions
Kirill Shtengel
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside CA 92511, USA
Recent experimental advances in the field of cold atoms led to the development of novel techniques for
producing synthetic dimensions and synthetic magnetic fields, thus greatly expanding the utility of cold atomic
arXiv:1711.11064v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 27 Mar 2018
systems for exploring exotic states of matter. In this paper we investigate the possibility of using experimentally
tunable interactions in such systems to mimic the physics of Majorana chains, currently a subject of intense
research. Crucially to our proposal, the interactions, which are local in space, appear non-local in the synthetic
dimension. We use this fact to induce coupling between counter-propagating edge modes in the quantum Hall
regime. For the case of attractive interactions in a system composed of two tunneling-coupled chains, we find
a gapless quasi-topological phase with a doubly-degenerate ground state. While the total number of particles
in the system is kept fixed, this phase is characterized by strong fluctuations of the pair number in each chain.
Each ground state is characterized by the parity of the total particle number in each chain, similar to Majorana
wires. However, in our system this degeneracy persists for periodic boundary conditions. For open boundary
conditions there is a small splitting of this degeneracy due to the single-particle hopping at the edges. We show
how subjecting the system to additional synthetic flux or asymmetric potentials on the two chains can be used
to control this nonlocal qubit. We propose experimental probes for testing the nonlocal nature of such a qubit
and measuring its state.
approximation breaks particle number conservation, leading Here, σ = P {a, b} labels the legs (strips) of the ladder,
the authors of Ref. [31] to a physically tenuous conclusion and nx,σ = m cx,m,σ cx,m,σ . The inter-chain tunneling
about the existence of Majorana zero modes in their setup. In term (1b) also also allows for a position-dependent tunneling
contrast, our approach does not rely on the mean-field approx- phase Φx , which will be discussed later.
imation; we show that the prerequisite pairing instability is
triggered by arbitrarily weak attractive interactions. Neverthe- In what follows, we focus on the case of strongly
less, the presence of interactions is crucial here; zero modes anisotropic tunneling, specifically t⊥ t. We envision each
found in a related, but non-interacting setup in Ref. [33] are of the synthetic strips to be in the quantum Hall regime, so that
of the Su–Schriefer–Heeger34 , not Majorana type. (In partic- the system forms two weakly coupled quantum Hall strips,
ular, those zero modes can be individually occupied or empty, which requires the following relation between the model pa-
implying e.g. the wrong quantum dimension that is inconsis- rameters:
tent with the claimed non-Abelian braiding statistics of the |U |, t⊥ Ω t. (2)
Ising type.) Meantime the particle conservation constraint is
circumvented in our case by considering a double synthetic
ribbon. The ground state degeneracy is no longer associated Let us first consider the case of decoupled strips, t⊥ = 0. A
with the overall fermion parity of the closed system and is single particle dispersion relation in the absence of the inter-
instead encoded in the parity in each chain. action term (1d) is shown in Fig. 2. When there is no tunneling
in the synthetic dimension as well (Ω = 0), the dispersion re-
The crucial advantage of using the quantum Hall regime lation for each strip (σ = a, b) consists of M cosines (dashed
is that it naturally allows for generalizations to the frac- lines in in Fig. 2), shifted with respect to one another hori-
tional case, where we expect that with small modifications zontally in the momentum space due to the presence of the
the present setup will allow an experimental realization of synthetic magnetic flux Φ. For finite Ω, m → m ± 1 tran-
fractional topological superconductor phases containing ex- sitions lead to avoided crossings and open gaps (solid lines
otic anyons, e.g. of the parafermion type. In this paper we in Fig. 2). Each synthetic strip thus realises a coupled-wire
shall concentrate on the proof of concept for the simplest pos- construction of Ref. [35]. We assume that the temperature is
sible case, leaving such generalization to fractional state to the lower than the quantum Hall gap Ω, allowing one to reach the
future. quantum Hall regime. Specifically we consider the filling fac-
tor ν = 1, meaning that the Fermi level lies within the first
gap, as shown in Fig. 2. This corresponds to the number of
atoms per (synthetic) site being hnx,m,σ i = Φ/2π.
In the quantum Hall regime all modes in the bulk (1 < m <
M ) are gapped and the low energy physics is governed solely
We consider a double chain, or two-leg ladder, of atoms by the two chiral edge states crossing the Fermi level. Specif-
with an internal quantum number m = 1, .., M , as shown in ically, for each physical chain of atoms σ = a, b, the first syn-
Fig. 1(a). Atoms can hop along the chain or between the two thetic chain m = 1 hosts a left-moving mode, and the M -th
chains with hopping amplitudes t and t⊥ respectively. These synthetic chain hosts a right-moving edge mode,
hopping processes conserve the internal quantum number m. σ σ
In addition, our model allows internal transitions m → m ± 1 cx,M,σ = eikF x Rσ (x), cx,1,σ = e−ikF x Lσ (x). (3)
with amplitude Ω and an imprinted phase Φ, which can be
Here Rσ (x), Lσ (x) are slowly varying fermionic fields (we
achieved in practice by illuminating the system by additional
have set the short distanceR cut-off a0 = 1). The effective edge
lasers at judiciously chosen angles5 . These transitions can
Hamiltonian is Hedge = dx (H0 + H⊥ ), where
be regarded as hopping in the transverse ‘synthetic’ direction.
I.e., each leg of the physical ladder is now effectively a strip, X
ivσ Rσ† ∂x Rσ − L†σ ∂x Lσ + U Rσ† Rσ L†σ Lσ
as shown in Figure 1(b). Finally, an on-site interaction U – see H0 =
in Fig. 1(a) – becomes in effect a non-local interaction within
each synthetic strip. The resulting tight binding Hamiltonian
for our system is Hlattice = Ht + H⊥ + HΩ + Hint where H⊥ = t⊥ e−iδkx eiΦx /2 Ra† Rb + eiδkx e−iΦx /2 L†a Lb + h.c.
X (4b)
Ht = −t (c†x,m,σ cx+1,m,σ + h.c.), (1a)
x,σ,m The first term contains both the kinetic energy and density–
eiΦx M c†x,m,a cx,m,b + h.c. , density interaction within each physical chain. Here vσ =
H⊥ = t ⊥ (1b)
x,m 2t sin(kFσ ) where kFσ = nσ π with nσ = hn̂x,σ,m i being the
−1 average density in each synthetic chain. We shall ignore band
curvature and hence assume va = vb = vF . The second term
eixΦ c†x,m,σ cx,m+1,σ + h.c. ,
HΩ = Ω (1c)
x,σ m=1
describes tunneling between the two physical chains; using
X Eq. (3) we can see that for a finite density difference between
Hint = U n2x,σ . (1d) the two chains this term oscillates as eiδkx where δk = kFa −
x,σ kFb and is therefore irrelevant as long as kFa 6= kFb .
FIG. 1. (a) Two coupled chains with an on-site interaction U and internal atomic quantum number m = 1, ..., M . m is conserved upon either
intrachain (t) or interchain (t⊥ ) hopping. (b) Equivalent picture where quantum number m, 1 ≤ m ≤ M , is interpreted as an additional
“dimension”. In addition a finite transition amplitude m → m + 1 is included (Ω) with imprinted phase Φ. (c) In the quantum Hall regime the
bulk modes m = 1, M are gapped and at low energy the system consists of edge modes. Counter propagating edge modes interact non-locally
via the initially on-site Hubbard interaction U .
the aforementioned operators, discussed here does not correspond to any microscopic sym-
metry. For instance, it is different from the time reversal sym-
P̂ = σ z , Θ̂ = σ x . (9) metry discussed in a similar context in [38].
It is instructive to bosonize the single particle tunneling op-
One can change basis from the parity basis to the eigenbasis erator, replace ϕ− and θ− by their expressions in terms of
of Θ̂, as |Θi = √12 (|ei ± |oi). integer-valued operators, and compare the resulting expres-
sion with that of the Majorana operators γ R/L in Eq. (10):
L†a Lb (x = 0) ∼ eiπ(2nϕ +nθ )
. (14)
C. Majorana operators, single particle tunneling, and Z2
Note that the single Majorana operators in our strongly inter-
acting state are nonlocal in terms of the original particles.
Following Chen et. al.29 it is natural to define Majorana
D. Finite splitting for Φx 6= π
γL/R = eiπ(nϕ +nθ )
, (10)
We shall now address the single-particle tunneling process
which are Hermitian, square to one, and anti-commute. In
H⊥ near the edges (i.e., the zero-dimensional boundary) in
terms of these operators, the parity operator P̂ = iγL γR . We more detail, focusing on its effect on the approximate two-
note, however, that no symmetry protects the ground state de- fold degeneracy. Although no local operator can measure the
generacy associated with this parity in the presence of a finite total parity and hence distinguish the |ei and |oi states, it is
single particle hopping term, t⊥ 6= 0. Even if irrelevant, it can possible to mix these states by a local process – tunneling of
be effective near the edges, i.e., a local perturbation such as a single particle.
H⊥ near the left or right edge can couple to one of the Majo-
Let us express the single particle tunneling operator of
rana operators and change the parity. However, this coupling
Eq. (6b) near the left edge, x = 0, or the right edge, x = L, in
can be eliminated by tuning flux Φx to a specific value. A
terms of Pauli matrices σ i . H⊥ (x) is off-diagonal in the par-
special symmetry emerges in this case and prohibits coupling
ity basis since it transfers one particle between the chains, and
to the individual Majorana operators.
therefore it has to be a combination of σ x and σ y . In addition,
Consider the bosonized Hamiltonian given by Eq. (6) at L/R L/R
as it contains e2πinϕ rather than eπinϕ , it is diagonal in
Φx = π. One can identify the special symmetry
the |Θi basis. Thus H⊥ (x) acts in the ground state manifold
as σ x . To compute its x dependence near the interfaces we ap-
U : θ− → θ− + π/2,
proximate the cosine potential by a mass term in the appendix,
ϕ̃− → −ϕ̃− . (11) and obtain
− → −ϕ− and x → −x.
The latter transformation implies ϕp 2t⊥
The transformation θ− → θ− + π/2 shifts θ− between hΘ|H⊥ (x)|Θi = cos(Φx /2)eiπnθ e−πx/(2ξ) , (15)
subsequent minima√ of the pair-tunneling term, but changes
the sign of cos( 2πθ− ) in the single particle hopping term, with correlation length ξ = v/∆ and energy gap ∆ ∝
which however gets compensated by ϕ̃− → −ϕ̃− exactly at 1
(g2 ) 2−xp (here we have assumed K− = 1; for the dependence
Φx = π. on K− see the appendix). Integrating over x one obtains
In addition, one can see how this transformation acts on
the Majorana operators. Since it shifts nθ by unity, and takes 4t⊥
hΘ|H⊥ |Θi = cos(Φx /2)eiπnθ . (16)
nφ → −nφ = nφ mod 2, we may conclude that this symmetry π2
U acts on the Majorana fermions as The exponential decay of these matrix elements could be
−1 tested numerically by computing the x dependence of the op-
U γL/R U = −γL/R . (12) P †
erator the operator H⊥ (x) = m cx,m,1 cx,m,2 + h.c.. In
Thus within the low-energy subspace we can identify U with addition, such inter-site hopping process may be directly mea-
the parity operator, surable in experiment using the techniques for detecting par-
ticle currents39 .
U = P̂ ≡ iγL γR , (13) In full agreement with the symmetry argument of the pre-
vious section, the synthetic magnetic flux Φx between the
which acts in the same way on the Majorana operators. There- two synthetic ladders can completely cancel the effect of sin-
fore, by fine tuning the parameter Φx we can reach a point gle particle tunneling within the low energy subspace. This
where a coupling to a single Majorana fermion, which could cancellation has a simple physical interpretation in terms of
change the parity quantum number P , becomes forbidden by a two-path interference. The total result for the matrix el-
symmetry. We shall see this mechanism in action in the cal- ement of H⊥ in Eq. (15) is in fact a sum of two indepen-
culation of matrix elements of the single particle tunneling dent hopping terms which turn out to have equal weight:
term presented in the next section. We note that the symmetry hnθ |Ra† Rb |nθ i = hnθ |L†a Lb |nθ i - one due to the hopping be-
tween the right moving modes at one end in the synthetic di- energy gaps. We should recall, however, that our system is in
mension, and the other due to hopping between the left mov- fact gapless due to the extra even sector associated with the
ing modes at the other end. In the presence of the flux Φx , the total charge. Its effective description is the Luttinger liquid
phase difference between the two paths can result in a destruc- with fields θ+ , ϕ+ . As discussed in the previous sections and
tive interference. This once again emphasizes the fact that the earlier works23,29,36 , the topological properties in the odd sec-
Majorana operators are non-local in the synthetic dimension. tor (i.e. the spin sector), remain approximately impervious to
the charge sector, which therefore acts merely as a spectator.
However, as we shall see, the charge sector plays a crucial
IV. FUSION OF MAJORANA FERMIONS AND role in determining the adiabatic condition for our “fusion”
While the total charge N is fixed, as the barrier is raised,
the total number of particles in the left side NL or in the right
So far we have been considering a single region where su-
side NR = N − NL can fluctuate. Yet, it is precisely the
perconductivity emerges intrinsically and leads to an approxi-
Luttinger liquid of the charge sector which provides a finite
mate two-fold degeneracy associated with Majorana edge op-
charge compressibility. Assuming for concreteness that N is
erators. We now turn to the setting with multiple supercon-
even, as well as a symmetric left-right bipartition, the lowest
ducting regions separated by trivial regions. Specifically, we
energy charge state will have (NL , NR ) = (N/2, N/2). The
will focus on the process of nucleating such an extra trivial
excited charge states (NL , NR ) = (N/2 ± 1, N/2 ∓ 1) will
region within a superconducting region in real time, which is
have an energy cost of order ~v L originating from the Luttinger
a possibility in cold atom systems.
liquid Hamiltonian of the charge sector. This energy scale sets
By analogy with the setup of Ref. [40], consider the pro- the adiabatic condition implying that the system size should
cess whereby a uniform system is initialized in a well-defined not be too large.
parity state and then divided it into two separate parts by e.g. As an alternative to this very restrictive adiabatic condition
ramping up the potential energy term in the central region, one may in fact choose the opposite, namely perform a sudden
as depicted by the step (b)→(c) in Fig. 3. This process re- quench of the barrier. After a sudden ramp-up of the potential
sults in creating a pair of new Majorana operators, γ2 and energy term in the central region, we end up with the vacuum
γ3 . Consequently, each new superconducting region can be state described by Eq. (7). The field ϕ+ is pinned in the
either in an even or odd parity state, described by the eigen- p central
region, but can take different values ϕ+ (L/2) = π/2NL
values of the operators iγ1 γ2 and iγ3 γ4 . We should remind
with NL being an integer-valued operator describing the to-
the reader that, owing to the particle conservation constraint
tal (summed over σ = a, b) number of particles in the left
in each segment, the notion of parity in our case is different
side. Imagine now performing a strong charge measurement
from that of Ref. [40]; for us the overall parity of each seg-
of NL . After such a measurement the quantum state collapses
ment is fixed while the degeneracy is associated with the in-
onto one with a fixed NL . Independently, the value of ϕ− in
dividual parity of its two constituent chains. Let us assume
the barrier region is described by the integer valued operator
for concreteness that the system is initialized in an even parity
ϕ , taking two physically distinct values corresponding to
state iγ1 γ4 = 1, denoted as |e14 i. Upon adiabatic creation of
the relative parity of the chains in the left side. The latter is
the middle barrier, two new Majorana operatorsγ2,3 are cre-
linked with the parity in the right side: for even NL both par-
ated from the vacuum and hence are also in an even parity
ities are equal, and for odd NL the two parities are opposite.
state |e23 i. By changing to the basis associated with the fu-
Since before the sudden quench the wave function in the cen-
sion outcomes of Majorana pairs in the right and left halves,
tral region was dominated by pair tunneling, with pinned θ−
i.e. {γ1,2 } and {γ3,4 }, one obtains
field, it follows that this state is a superposition in terms of
1 nbarrier
ϕ ; Thus, we conclude that via a sudden quench of the
|e14 e23 i = √ (|e12 e34 i + |o12 o34 i) . (17) barrier, and after a strong measurement of the charge in the
left side, one effectively obtains the entangled state Eq. (17)
The parities associated with the of the left and right sides are for any outcome of the measured charge NL .
maximally entangled. This is a topological effect, as it does In Appendix B we complement this discussion of the fu-
not depend on the details such as the precise asymmetry of the sion protocol in a number conserving system by studying an
bipartition of the system. exactly solvable toy model introduced by Iemini et. al.27 . This
The resulting state contains maximal parity fluctuations in allows for an explicit treatment of the subtleties associated
each segment. Detecting them can be done first preparing the with the gapless charge sector.
system in the state with no overall parity fluctuations and then
implementing a protocol similar to that of Ref. 40 and de-
picted in Fig. 3. This test requires measuring parity states of V. CONCLUSIONS
each segment of the system, using, for example, time of flight
measurements as discussed e.g. in Ref. [41]; In this work we described a closed, particle-conserving
The validity of the low-energy effective description of our setup in a cold atom system endowed with both a synthetic
system in terms of Majorana zero modes requires adiabatic- dimension and a synthetic gauge field with the goal of real-
ity of the time dependent process, with respect to the relevant izing close analogues of Majorana zero modes. In contrast
(a) 𝑡⊥ = 0
𝑛𝑎 =fixed
𝑛𝑏 =fixed
𝑡, 𝑡⊥ ≠ 0 𝑉𝐿/2 → ∞ 𝑡⊥ = 0
(b) (d)
𝛾1 𝛾4
|014 >
𝑉𝐿/2 → ∞ 𝑡⊥ ≠ 0 𝑡⊥ ≠ 0
(c) (e)
𝛾1 𝛾2 𝛾3 𝛾4 𝛾1 𝛾2 𝛾3 𝛾4
|𝑒14 𝑒23 > = |𝑒12 𝑒34 > +|𝑜12 𝑜34 > |𝑒12 𝑒34 >
FIG. 3. Implementation of a fusion-testing protocol analogous to Ref. [40] in a cold atom setting with particle number conservation. (a) Two
disconnected chains with t⊥ = 0 and a fixed number of particles in each chain na , nb . (b) By turning on the inter-chain coupling t⊥ the
system is driven to the doubly degenerate state with well defined parity state of Majorana operators iγ1 γ4 = +1 dented |e14 i. (c) A strong
potential barrier is created in the center. The resulting central region has a trivial gap, similar to the regions at x < 0 and x > L. Thus an
additional degeneracy emerges described by two additional Majorana operators γ2 , γ3 which have been created from the vacuum in an even
parity state |e23 i. As described in Eq. (17) this is a maximally entangled state in terms of the parity of the left and right sides. (d,e) To test
that parity fluctuations in each subregion are intrinsic to the system, we can prepare a system described by the same four Majorana operators
but with a well defined parity in each half, by first breaking the decoupled chains into two separate segments each (d), and then turning on the
inter-chain coupling t⊥ (e).
to other approaches relying on the superconducting proxim- The fact that Majorana operators are non-local in the syn-
ity effect, the two-particle hopping process, which is respon- thetic dimension allows us to manipulate the associated de-
sible for the topological superconducting phase, is generated generacy by adding a synthetic flux Φx . This in turn can pro-
in our setup from the single particle hopping in the presence vide us with a useful knob for combining “topological” and
of small attractive interaction. We emphasize, that our model “non-topological” qubit operations. An even more intriguing
builds upon an experimentally tested implementation of quan- possibility is to utilize a similar setup for producing and ma-
tum Hall edge states in the cold atom setting. nipulating fractionalized zero modes19–22 , a topic that we in-
The synthetic dimension approach has a number of advan- tend to cover elsewhere.
tages. Local particle-particle interactions in real space be- VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
come non-local in the synthetic dimension. This is the key
feature which effectively turns a small local attractive interac-
tion into an attractive interaction between “distant” edge states
in a synthetic quantum Hall ribbon, thus resulting in the for- The authors would like to thank Hans Peter Büchler, Se-
mation of analogues of Majorana zero modes. The wavefunc- bastian Diehl, Yuval Gefen, Leonardo Mazza, and Christophe
tion of these modes, while local in the real space, remains Mora for useful discussion. This project was supported in
non-local in the synthetic dimension. The prerequisite non- part by the ISF Grant No. 1243/13 and by the BSF Grant
local interactions can not be induced in a conventional con- No. 2016255; KS was supported in part by the NSF DMR-
densed matter setup. 1411359 grant.
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hnθ |H⊥ |nθ i
1/2K− +K− /2−1
4t⊥ a0
= cos(Φx /2)eiπnθ . (A11)
Having argued that H⊥ is diagonal in this basis, we will π 2 K− ξ
hnθ |H⊥ (x)|nθ i = t⊥ eiΦx /2 hnθ |Ra† Rb |nθ i Appendix B: Fusion protocol within an exactly solvable
−iΦx /2
particle-number conserving model
+ t⊥ e hnθ |L†a Lb |nθ + c.c.i (A4)
This requires calculating quantities such as In order to better understand the physics of the fusion pro-
cess in our model, we turn to an exactly-solvable toy model27 ,
1 which is particle-number conserving as well. We begin by re-
−i (θ(x)+K− ϕ(x))
hnθ |Ra† Rb |nθ i = hnθ |e K−
|nθ i. viewing the construction of the model27 , and then we describe
the fusion process.
The well known Kitaev model32 is a non particle-number
conserving model whose Hamiltonian is
N = na + nb , N L = nL L R R
a + nb , N − NL = na + nb , (B6)
since we assumed na and nb are even, the parity of na equals
The ground states of this Hamiltonian at g = 1 are charac-
that of nR L
a and is denoted µ; then the equal parities of nb and
terized by the total number of particles N , and by the parity of 0
nRb which are denoted µ equal
the two chains, being both even or both odd for an even num-
ber of particles, or one even and one odd if N is odd. They µ0 = µ(for NL even), µ0 = µ̄ for NL odd, (B7)
are given by
with ō = eqand ē = o. The coefficients are given by
Nµµ0 ,`/2,N Nµµ0 ,`/2,N −N
|~j2n i ⊗ |~qN −2n i, ANL ,µµ0 = . In fact the depen-
|ψ` (N )iee = Nee,`,N Nee,`,N
n=0 {~j2n } dence of these coefficients on µ, µ becomes exponentially
qN −2n } small with increasing system size. Ignoring these exponen-
N/2−1 tially small effects we have ANL ,µµ0 = ANL and can there-
|ψ` (N )ioo = Noo,`,N |~j2n+1 i ⊗ |~qN −2n−1 i. fore write
n=0 {~j2n+1 }
qN −2n−1 } |ψ` (N )iee
(B3) X h
where ~jm , ~qm are m-sized vectors denoting the ordered loca- = ANL |ψ`/2 (NL )iee ⊗ |ψ`/2 (N − NL )iee
tions of particles on the a and b chains respectively, and the NL =even
sum is over all possible configurations, L
+ |ψ`/2 R
(NL )ioo ⊗ |ψ`/2 (N − NL )ioo
N/2 X h
` ` L R
Nee,`,N =
, (N even) + ANL |ψ`/2 (NL )ieo ⊗ |ψ`/2 (N − NL )ieo
2n N − 2n NL =odd
X `
+ |ψ`/2 (NL )ioe ⊗ |ψ`/2 (N − NL )ioe (B8)
Noo,`,N = . (B4)
2n + 1 N − 2n − 1
n=0 We can now explicitly see that for each particle number NL in
Similarly for N odd the number of configurations with well the left segment, the parity of each individual chain is not well
defined parities in each chain is defined and is in fact entangled between the left and right sides
in accordance to the fusion rules for Majorana zero modes
(N −1)/2 γ3 , γ4 .
X ` `
Neo,`,N = Noe,`,N = . (N odd) However one should note a peculiarity of this model. In this
2n N − 2n equation all charge states are equally likely. The degeneracy
of the system is extensive as all these states differing by NL
are degenerate, in addition to the degeneracy associated with
the parity of each chain in each side, attributed to Majorana
operators. In any generic system like the one considered in the
In the end of the fusion process g = 0 and the system sep- main text, these states differing by NL are non-degenerate and
arates into two halves. Since the wave function in this model actually have an energy difference which scales with the sys-
does not change at all, in order to describe the final state we tem size as power law. This can be understood using bosoniza-
simply perform a left-right decomposition of the ground state tion. While the odd sector is gapped everywhere, either by
wave function. We assume that the total number of particles pair tunneling in the superconductor regions or by the mass
N as well as well as the number of particles in each individ- term in the trivial regions, the even sector, i.e. the charge sec-
ual chain is even. Since the system remains in the zero-energy tor, is only gapped in the trivial regions. The superconductor
ground state of the decoupled left-right Hamiltonians, it is regions act as Luttinger liquids for the charge sector. Hence
guaranteed that we can use the same ground states Eq. (B3) they provide a finite stiffness, which favors a state with a fixed
of the two half-systems ` → `/2. We find that the decompo- charge.