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that changed our views - global issues social issues - breaking the law ~ environmental problems * Grammar (toJinfinitiver-ing form belget used to ~ modals — past modals ~ modals of deduction * Speaking - giving a witness statement * Writing an article about a charity an informal email giving information an email to the editor suggesting solutions to a problem * CLIL (Science): Acid Rain * Culture: The Sweethearts Wheelchair Foundation ‘A Slumdog Millionaire 8 The Help ‘This tlm gives us a glimpse into Based on a novel by Kathryn life ina 4) _ Stockett, this film follows the lives of called Dharavi in Mumbai, India. two black maids who work for white We experience the terrible families in Mississippi, USA, in the conditions there through the eyes 1960s. Though 2) 3 of Jamal Malika boy who grows ended in America in 1865, black 7 tp with nothing, but then gets @ people and white people are stil not chane to become a millionaire by equal, and the two women must fight, appearing on a game show. to gain control over thet ives, * Values: Responsibility Vocabulary Global issues 41 Complete the film reviews with the words in the list. © threats © slavery © rubbish « streets * slum Kathryn i lives of for white A, in the 36, black e still not nust fight es, ords in © slum © The Pursuit of Happyness D Happy Feet 2 her Gardner's business This award-winning cartoon is rong, he ends uplcsing about a young penguin that is a8 well as his home. trying to find his place in the even living cn the Emperor Penguin world. AL the with his son same time, it raises awareness stop Christopher fighting about 4) __ ——.. penguins 2 brighter future, face such as global warming, habitat loss and hunting, and how they struggle ta survive 2 Match the films (A-E) to the global issues (1-5) which they are mainly about. [TL] poverty — [3] homelessness This animated film is set in 2808. Humans have left Earth to the robots. But Wall-E is the only robot who can do any work. He cleans up allthe5)___——_ that humans have left behind. This film gives us alla clear warning about the future of our planet [21] pollution [47] racism species 3 Tink what does each nim ty to teach us? ° 4 & Tink Which ofthe global issues in Ex. 2 is the most serious/least serious in your opinion? Discuss with your partner. Present your ideas to the class. [SL] endangered S| ead Reading 1 4) 12 Read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph. What do you think the title means? Listen and read to find out. The VOICE i. from the Streets Itcan be nolsy here in Kinshasa, There's its streets. Life on the streets is one ot their lives and what worrles them in the bi q the rumble of heavy traffic and thousands poverty, violance and disease, It is a daily community. Than its back tothe studio fo) of voices rising from the crowds of struggle for them just to stay alive. The broadcast these personal stories locally | people. In Gambela market, though, you “Voice of a Child’ project is a way of ‘and around the country. — ‘can hear something else, There are getting thelr voices heard, and stopping The “Voice af a Child” project is changing * loudspeckers around the market and _peaple ignoring them. the way the residents of Kinshasa 328 they're playing a rao station called "Voie of a Chilis organised by the street children, The staton presents @ ‘Voice ofa Child. Aftar listening fora Children’s Racio Foundation, a charity diffrent side to homelessness, a side tha hile, you notice thet there's something that trains young reporters al over Arica, is impossible to ignore tis also giving | aifferent about this radia station. Thats Ir shows them how to use radio ‘these street children skills they can use because it’s run by eager teenagers, and equipment and it teaches them how o_o find jobs and finally get off the straats, all of them are homeless. present a radio show. After five days! ‘The voice from the streets is shouting, Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic training, the tean reporters head out Info oudly and proudly, “We exist,” and itis Republic of Congo in Africa and there are Gamibela market with microprones and spreading ils message of hone to about 25,000 homeless children living on tape recorders to interview locals about everyone that listens. Gan you hear i? Wie 2. Read the article and answer the questions in your own words. cows * eager viola + siruggle + ignove 1 What dangers do the homeless children of Kinshasa face? 2. What do the teen reporters ask people about? 3 How does the ‘Voice of a Child’ help street children? 3 _ Decide if the sentences are /? (right), W (wrong) oF D5 (doesn’t say). Then, explain the words in bold, 1 Ws too noisy to hear the radio station in the market. 2. Kinshasa has the most street children in Africa, 3 It takes less than a week to become a reporter. 4. There is lots of music on ‘Voice of 2 Child’ 5 Voi of a Child’ aims to improve street children’s lives, i 4 ‘Thnk How would you suggest people help the homeless children of Kinshasa? 66 ou think sm in the ie studi to es locally ‘changing 19a S22 sents a aside that so giving y can usa he streets, houting, "and itis roto hear it? Oo000 ishasa? Rare Disease Day 4a Vocabulary Social issues 5 Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences. What is each day for? = taise + improve * support «join » volunteer * take INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY == World Hunger Day Lets help 1) thelves 2) ‘action 30 women 3) the fignt fad the of people with uncommon illnesses. ‘gst equal opportunities! \world — everyone can make a difference! World Refugee Day World Homeless Day HUMAN RIGHTS DAY 4)__ peo Journey to bet 1 fra a ple on their 5) fora charity to hel Let's 6) awaraness of er ite, ‘people living on the streets, the rights we should all enjoy. ie 6 Choose the correct preposition. Check in your dictionary. Did you know .. 1. 805 million people worldwide go hungry on/in a daily basis? 2 10% of the world's population are not capable about/of reading this sentence? | 3 above/over half a million people are homeless? 4 3% of people at/on Earth don't live in the country where they were born? 5. the first fight for women's rights dates back on/to 19087 7 _ Read the Word Formation box, then complete the gaps with words formed from the words in brackets. 1 Theyhadto___the town’s hospital after the earthquake. (BUILD) 2 Someone has my name on this document. It's not correct. (SPELL) 3 Paul____with my idea, He didn’t lke it at all. (AGREE) 4 Don't this problem, it’s actually quite complicated. (SIMPLIFY) Speaking & Wri 8 a Find information about another organisation that is helping the homeless. Think about: name — where it is - what it is doing - how it helps. Write an article for the school magazine (100-140 words). Q 22% Make a podcast presenting your findings in Ex. 67 i 0: [id love to stata scheme oaxs 68 =Ab=--Grammar cris (to-)infinitive/-ing form See pp. Gh Read the cartoon dialogue. Which verb form do we use after: 1 like/love/enjoy/hate/don’t mind + -ing 2. suggestavoidimissifancy/imagine + 3. would likenwould lovenwould prefer + 4 ought/usedineed + 5 6 7 canishould/mustimay + makefletihad betterwould rather + wantidecidelasklexpect + Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 Lwould like (Gee) more police patrolling the streets. 2 We'd better (solve) the problem of poverty soon. inte eel ia 3 You should av (walk) alone in this neighbourhood. we esi 4 Steve enjoys (volunteer) at the homeless shelter. recycling bank. 5 Kate would prefer. (spend) her holiday at a nature reserve, ‘Sure. saw a boy throw 6 Imagine (leave) your home and moving to a foreign country. this an the ground earlier ‘You sh it aa 7 You should _ell someone about ‘ty anything because | & Paul is unemployed but he expects (find) a new job soon. ‘i’ want to make rim ‘feel awkward but we il i hil ‘jeep Gaia Oona Forms of the infinitive/-ing form p. Gitta I see lots of students. ‘throwing titter on the Active voice sssive voice round a valk rot (:0) writetwriting (¢o) be writenbeing written pleat Present continuous | (to) be writing— —— ficrend eines Ween |(oyhove wrttemaving (Go) have been wrtentaving Bean ask everyone 10 written written pattcpate. Do you fency Perfect continuous | (to) have been writing — I ‘doing it with me? Forms of the infinitive/-ing form corresponding to verb tenses + present simple/will present infinitivel-ing form * present continucustfuture continuous ~* present continuous infinitive = past simplefpresent parfectipast perfectfuture perfect ~* perfect infinitiversing form + past continueus/present perfect continuousipast perfect continuousftuture perfect continuous ~» perfect continuous infinitive | Uke that. We can al ey to recycle more. If everyone Joins in, there wil be les iter in our school and well be helping the ‘emironment, too. 3 Choose the correct option. Brian hopes being promotedito be promoted to a managerial position. 2 Over £10,000 is believed having been stolen/to have been stolen in the make + inf without f0 robbery. BUT be made + to-inf 2 Those teenagers seem to spray/to be spraying graffiti on the library. 1 a neve yea 4 Stay alert to avoid to be pickpocketed/being pickpocketed on the bus. 5 He denied to have forgatten/having forgotten to lock the front door. 6 Frank's tired. He claims to have been collecting/to collect litter all morning. t AGO OOP aueeagaee Rages 4b fame) 4, Look at the phrases in bold in the cartoon dialogue on p. 68. Which describe: = shear, see, listen to, 0 jon? an i ieee mplete action? an incomplete action? without to (complete action) 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive without to or the -ing form. shear, se, listen to, Ele e 1 They saw Brian (score) a brilliant goal in the game yesterdoy form (incomplete 2 Asshe walked past his bedroom, she heard him (sing) a song. Eom 3 | watched the politician — (speak) about immigration and then tured off the TV. 4 While | was shopping, | noticed a shoplifter __ (put) a skirt inside her bag and leave the shop. 5 | looked up when I heard the siren, and saw a police car___ (drive) up the street towards me. * 6 Look at the underlined verb forms in the cartoon dialogue on p. 68. How do they differ in meaning? 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the to-infinitive or -ing form. Explain the ave, difference in meaning. hpountng 1 a Don't forget (lock) the front door before you go to sleep. b Miineverforget_________————_(volunteer) at a school in Africa. » soon. 2 a Didyou remember (put) the bottles in the recycling bin? b I remember _ (see) 2 strange man standing on the corner. We regret _ (inform) you that your house has been burgled Bill regretted ______{speak) to the waiter so rudely. Lisa stopped _— (buy) a newspaper on her way home. Ken has stopped (throw) food in the recycling bin, aia) * cece used to - belget used to Seep. CRIS Read the cartoon dialogue. How do the forms in bold differ in meaning? atom Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the rent rer: verbs in brackets, as in the example. for he summer, Bobby? 1 Lisa didn’t use to care (not/eate) about the 8: Yes,t'm going to environment, but now she's an enthusiastic \olumer ata shelter for environmentalist. eccers 2. Unemployment (be) a big on ee ro problem, but the government has dene a lot to help. the ‘working with erimals. 3 After living in England for a year, Ann Realy? Wel, Lsed to —_________ (drive) on the left work at an animal 4 Alan feels really stressed in Paris ~ he s stot evary summer as (notilive) in big cities. sees: relay 5 (Kim/work) at the 7 a ee local animal shelter before she moved abroad? ming: right find abit : dic in the begining, 6 It was challenging at first, but David soon Dutim sure you'l get sed tt (work) at the food bank © 0K,1 guess you're right E=eshisteniitg Breaking the law |) 2) Listen and repeat. 2 )pickpocketing (4 shoplifting (5 mugging (6 )speeding hhacking (8 vandalism ea? T&S Tink List the crimesin Ex. in order of seriousness. Then compare your list to your partner’, Complete the headlines with the verbs in the list. Which of the types of crimes in @ ‘ee Ex, 1s each about? \o 8) «robbed * stolen « burgled * found + caught » accused © arrested « sentenced 1 CELEBRITY GUILTY ] 5 LOCAL JEWELLER’S OF STEALING. FROM CLOTHES SHOP BY GANG OF MASKED MEN 5 Man OF ILLEGALLY ] [2 MAN ToS YEARS. For VIOLENT THEFT OF HANDBAG ACCESSING POLICE FILES 3 MORE WALLETS onciry’s | | 7 Family HOME BUSY METRO SYSTEM |__ FOR FOURTH TIME IONE YEAR 4 MINISTER OFTRANSPORT__FOR | °B MISBEHAVING TOURIST DRIVING 120 KMPH ON RESIDENTIAL ROAD SPRAYING GRAFFITI ON ANCIENT STATUE mats *@) (23) Listen to two friends talking about a crime one of them witnessed and decide if the sentences are I (true) or F (false). Sarah's sister wanted to buy a coat. The security guard was inside a lift. Sarah chased after the shoplifter. The shop's CCTV cameras weren't working. The shoplifter had short blonde hair. oo0n0 70. Everyday English « 4d Giving a witness statement 1a) Complete the dialogue. Use the sentences in the list (A-E), One sentence is extra. | want to ask you some questions about the crime you witnessed, Keith. Yes, of course. y $$ a It must have been around 5:30 because | was on my way hame from the skate park. GUID | see. 2) {ELEN | saw a man smash the living room window with a rock. Then, | saw him jump inside. | was 50 metres away, so | saw everything quite clearly. Around a minute later, he ran out the front door holding a backpack It was quite full, but Ihave no idea what was inside it. a (EG He was in his late thirties. | think he was well-built and around one seventy in height. He was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, ‘though, so couldn't see his face wel. A Can you give me a description of the man? BD GURZP Thank you very much, Keith. We'll eee a time it was contact you if we have any ra you passed the house? further questions. nd what exactly did you see? (CGD OK. | hope | was of some help. D Where were you at the time? £ What happened next? b) «@)) (24 Listen and check your answers. What crime is the dialogue about? ee? BS" in pairs, act out a similar dialogue. Use the situation below. A: You were on your way home from volleyball practice when you saw @ man steal a woman's handbag and then run away. 8: You are a police officer. Ask A when he/she witnessed the crime, what happened exactly and what the mugger looked like. in compound nouns ‘4)) (25) Match the words to form compound nouns, Which part in each compound noun is stressed? Listen, check and repeat. sun © 9 bank ind family @ pocket 71 shop € cap. ‘Compound nouns are nouns with two or | baseball © © lifter more parts. These words can be different } Kae » door parts of speech (e.g. noun + noun = i ; living @ coo policeman, noun + verb — rainfall, ete). They 1 Bice Bihome «an be: joined together to make one word i 1 bottle @ glasses (toothbrush), two words (washing machine) t i fait cian or a hyphenated word (passer-by) i |, Bobby, Would you help me put up some posters forthe envionment cub? B: Sure dont have to 90 to footbal practice tis stemoon 0 have some time, Lz Thanks, There's a lotof them, so wasn't able to put ther all un on mown, B: Flr enough. But we ‘mustn't put up posters witout permisio, you ow. We mignt gt in ‘rouble 15 | ached Mss May ~ a can put ther up on the noticeboard only BOK. Sha putthe frst poster up here, then? Le Suet cass 72 Can can be used in questions to express probability, Where can he be? Where can she have put the book? 3 4 Modals - Past modals Read the cartoon dialogue. Find the madal verbs. Which is used to express: possibility; lack of ability in a specific situation in the past; a request; prohibition; an offer, permission; lack of necessity? Choose the correct modal. 1. A: Would/Could we use the sports hall for a charity event, Mr Smith? B: Yes, of course you will/can, Just make sure to tidy up afterwards. 2. A; Dowe need to/ought to bring bags to the clean-up day? B: No, you needn’t/mustn’t bring any ~ the organisers will supply them, 3A; Shall/Would you help me put up these posters for the march? : Sorry, I'm busy now, but | may/have to come by to help you later, You mustn’t/needn’t spray graffiti on public buildings. It's illegal. : | knows, but we might/can use the legal graffiti walls in the centre. You shouldn’t/couldn’t welk home alone late at night. : You're right. Must/Could you give me a lift from the station, then? No matter haw hard | try, | couldn't/can't find a job these days. : Should/Shall | have a look st your CV? Maybe its missing something. : You could/ought to see the new documentary about endangered species. Its very interesting, B: OK, if Ihave the time, | mustémight watch it later. 8A: You canthave to have a visa if you want to travel to the USA. 8: Really? | thought that you just ought to/need to present your passport. Fill in the correct past modal from the list. “was able to » had to » didn't need to » could « were allowed to * wasn’t able to 1 Brian finish the charity run — he hurt his ankle! 2 Lisa speak three languages by the time she was 8. 3 You welk home in the rain, Why didn’t you take a taxi? 4 Sorry, | didn’t attend the party -| goto a charity event. 5 Students leave early because of the approaching storm, 6 Helen find a new job just a few days after she became unemployed. 228. THlak workin ‘groups of three or four. Your teacher will give you a ial issue or global issue. Each group has three minutes to come up with suggestions to solve it, using must, mustn‘, can, can‘t, shouldfought to, have to, reed to, The team with the most correct sentences wins. Teacher: The issue is hunger. A: OK, so first we should send food to countries that don’t have enough. B: Right! And we mustn't waste food ourselves. ete wai ene ess: 9. species. port. rity ing bua h rave to, Do you know where Boboy is? He must be a he itrary. He goes there evry aterncon, He can't be there. The brary is closed today Realy? Wil, he may hye gone ta the park in ply football then. ae * shouldn't + would « shall » was able to * had to « don't have to + mustn't » might Rewrite the sentences using the modals in the list, 1 Do you want me to make posters to advertise the event? 2. He had the ability to raise lots of money for the charity 3 It isn’t necessary for them to have a visa to visit the UK. 4 It’s a possibility that Jane will volunteer at the homeless shelter this summer. 5 It's better that you don’t carry around lots of cash. 6 Are you willing to help me organise the clean-up day? 7 te was necessary for Alan to apply for a new passport at the embassy, 8 It’s prohibited for you to use a disabled parking space without a permit. Modals of deduction Seep. GRIE. Read the cartoon dialogue. Which modal verb do we use to show we are almost certain that something: is true? isn’t true? Which modal verb shows possibility? Revurite the sentences in your notebook, Use: must, may/might/could or can't. 1. I'm sure she has finished work. She must have finished work. ‘There’s no way they caught the pickpocket. There's a possibility he will find a job abroad. |'m certain he was scared during the robbery. |'m sure the thieves haven't escaped abroad. Perhaps Frank has called the police. aunwn Look at the pictures. Say as many sentences as you can using must, may/might/ could or can’t. Reading astic kills marine Wife in a variety of ways. Small fish that eat in bits of plastic are eaten by bigger fish, and those by even bigger ones. By the time you get to cod, tuna, ‘olphins, seals or whales, they are stuffed with plastic, which blocks their cigestive system and slowly poisons them. The larger species also run the risk of getting czught in old nats and fishing lines, or choking on plastic bags that they mistake for jellyfish. Seabirds feed their chicks the plastic they tnd, until their stomacis have no room for real food, and they die of starvation. Tt causes habitat destruction, clogging up the beaches, rocks and the seabed ‘where marine animals ive ‘The Ocean Cleanup is an organisation created to save the marine environment from plastic. Created by \W (wrong) oF sear ae eo plastic cuns ~ 50 years ‘plastic bottles ~ 450 years 4 polystyrene ~ never 41 4)) (26) Look at the title and the photos. What do you think the text is going to be about? Listen and read to find out. Gathering up the @@ARERAGE Patch Inthe centre of the Pacific Qce2n, slowly turning, is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Three times the size of France, It consists of everything from fishing nets and lines to bags, botties and crates, al the way down to tops and fds, and theyre all made of the same material ~ plastic. Read the text again and decide if the statements are 2 (right) or (doesn’t say). Correct the wrong statements. 1 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is nearly the size of France. 2 Alot of sea turtles die because they get caught in fishing nets. 3 The Ocean Cleanup is a charity. 4 Sea animals are sometimes caught in the Ocean Cleanup screens. 5 People will be able to buy the plastic the Ocean Cleanup collects. (Match the words in bold in the text to their synonyms below. «collect * enormous «full of » get back * hunger * middle * money * range Tink Would you buy a product made from Great Pacific Garbage Patch plastic? Why/Why not? Dutch inventor Boyan Slat and crowdtunded, it uses huge tubes over 3k long witha sereen hanging below them. As th current brings plastic othe screen, itis castured, while fish and other marine Wife can swim under it Every month or 9,2 baat comes to gather the plastic ad bring it ack to land, here it canbe recyied Boyan believes thatthe Great Pacific Garbage Patch could be 505 smaller within five years once the project gets soing. People have alreay donated enough east to sond the frst tubes out into the Pei, and once they stat to recover plastic, ie pln isto market i es ‘Recjled from the Groat Pacific Garbage Pach’ and sell it. Tagine, your next smortphone cover could save a sea turtle inthe centre ofthe Pactic Ocean! * digestive system * mistake » clog up * crowoturd # tubo ® cuent * donate * markst 4t Vocabulary Environmental problems 5 Complete the sentences. Use: fossil, greenhouse, ozone, global, renewable, habitat. 1 Due to ‘warming the polar ice caps are slowly melting. 2 The charity promotes energy such as solar and wind power. 3 destruction causes many animal species to lose their homes. 4. We need to stop burning __ fuels such as coal or oll. 5 {gases like carbon dioxide trap heat in the atmosphere, making the Earth warmer, 6 Harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun reach the Earth through a hole in the layer, 6 _ Read the Phrasal verbs box, then compete the gaps with the correct particles. 1. War has broken between the two neighbouring countries, 2 Our car broke__on our way to London. 3 After the meeting broke Brian returned to his office. 4 Agang broke ‘the charity’s headquarters last night. Listening & Speaking 7 ©) 22 You will hear an announcement about a film made by an environmental the missing information in the numbered spaces (1-5). The Plastic Oceans Foundation presents ... A Plastic Ocean Ay fl One ofthe rrost importa fa ul ie..." Si), Atlenborough, naturalist Did you know that more then 3)___torso psc trown inte se yey ‘king more than one milion sea creates? ‘A Baste own sulle er stuer's a school or 4). and he Pls ‘cecrs Foundaton can provide supauring mater ass or the messege — plastcis not dose! Rocuon §). For mor details qo to: plesfonenars org ‘endrecyle| een east isa South african eT 7 Decleor Writing (an informal email giving information) ar Read part of the email you received from your English-speaking friend Karen, and your notes. Write an email (100-140 words) in reply. Great news! My class is learning about the ovesn snd pollution at une moment, and | ramiemibered you used to be in sn environmental grcup ~ are you stil in it? Lweis wondering if you of knew a goct film about the issue My taachar says shell shove a video i we find one. COUrSe| Also, is there a good organisation working ta solve the.groblem? | might get: my classmates to donate Lo ge et the end of term, ~ A Plastic Ocean Ocean Cleanup ange o=Writin Rubric analysis Qylaniemail'totHe’editor) Read the rubric. Underline the key words. What are you going to write? Who for? What style should you write in? ‘You have read an article in your local newspaper about the problem of air pollution in your city. Write an email (100-150 words) to the editor of the newspaper suggesting ways to solve the problem. Model analysis TI Read the model and put the paragraphs (A-D) in the correct order (1-4). Why does the writer sign off using Yours faithfully instead of Yours sincerely? Dear Sir/Madam, A|_| 1) Firstly, 2 useful suggestion would be to stop factories from producing so much pollution, 2) For example, they could put filters on their chimneys. 3) By doing this, there be less smoke released, making the air in our city cleaner. | Stating opinion 4) All in all, 5) | firmly believe that with less pollution from factories and exhaust | sn my opinion, .. ve can make our city a nicer place tole i, | hope my suggestions wil be taken into * As far as I'm concerned, leration. “H¢Gronghytirmiy thin! | a Hla | am wrtingn response to an artile in your paper about the problem of ar pollution city 6) In my opinion, this isa very serious issue which is due to the large number of a factories and ears rou iy woul he o make some suggestions aout howtos this + First ofall. problem. + Secondly, D]_]7) Furthermore, it would helo if we encouraged people to use public transport. 8) For hes rote: instance, we could lower the price of bus and train tickets. 9) This way, people would use their cars less and we would produce less exaust fumes, Yours fithfully, Bill Jackson + Furthermore, ing examples + For instancelexample, In other words, .. In particular, Presenting results » By doing this, .. * This would mean eThen,... Asa result, * This wey, Read the email again and complete the table in your notebooks. CS LE sami Concluding "To sum up, + In conclusion, allinall, ‘Making suggestions + AusefulAnother suggestion would could be to. +. could be solved by © Another way to... isf vould be to «The situation could be | Replace the phrases in bold in the email with phrases in the Useful Language box. a) Use the prompts and the phrases in the Useful Language box to make suggestions, asin the example, 1 putfrecycling bins/all residential streets/city It would be a good idea to put, recycling bins on all residential streets in the city. improved ify 2. install/CCTV cameras/ousy streets | ott would be a good 3. introduce/courses/in schools/healthy eating, | eure 4. donate/money/charitieshhelpfamine victims | 5 build/shelters/peoplestay/overnight | 76 rite? Who jllation in agesting 4), Why rely? 1g $0 much thi, there ind exhaust > taken into ir pollution umber of o solve this port. 8) For would use 4g 'b) Match the suggestions (1-5) in Ex. 5a to the problems they aim to solve (A-£). Cay [AL] homelessness [€[] hunger (EL] street crime B youth obesity [BT] household waste Your turn Gt) ii Listen to two friends discussing ways to reduce the amount of rubbish : people produce in their homes. Complete the table in your notebook. 2S. am ree Read the task and underline the key words. What topic should you write about? How will you greet/sign off? Zz [You have read this extract From an article in your local newspaper. ‘With recent reports suggesting that the rubbish dump in Greenfield Lane is almost fatto ‘capacity, its clear that we need to do something abour the huge amount of household waste our city produces. What are your thoughts? | Write an email (100-150 words) to the editor of the newspaper suggesting ways to solve | the problem. _ Use the completed table in Ex. 6 and/or your own ideas to complete the writing task in Ex. 7. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan. Plan Introduction Dear SirlMadam, (Para 1) reason for writing; state problem & cause (am writing in response to...) (Para 2) first suggestion & example/expected result (Para 3) second suggestion & examplefexpected result (Para 4) summarise points; state your opinion Yours faithfully, (your full name) SG, ‘When you have finished your email, check that you have: * supported your suggestions with exampleslexpected results in clearly-laid-out paragraphs. + used formal language. = put a summary of your points and your opinion in the conclusion. written the correct number of words. ‘+ made no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. tening & Reading ‘4)) EBB Look at the illustration. What cause and effect of acid rain does it show? Do you know any others? Listen and read to find out. Despite its name, acid rain Is any kind of precipitation which has a higher than normal level of acid. In other words, it could also take tha form of acc snow, fog, hail or sleet Water in the atmosphere becomes more acicic when it absorbs One simple way to reduce acid rain is by putting fiters into motor vehicles, factories and power stations, which remove the harmful gases before they reach the atmosphare. In many countries, steps have been taken in this direction, with positive results. ‘Another approach is raducing our dependence on fossil fuels. To do this, we should use public ‘transport, cycle or walk instead of driving. We can also swtoh to renewable energy sourcas such as the sum and the wind. certain gases such as sulghur dioxide (Sp) and milvagen oxices (NO,) from the air. These gases can come from some ratural sources ~ for example, voleani eruptions release them. But 90% of acid rain Is caused by humans burning fossil fuels such as coal ad oil Most fossil fuels are burnt by motor vehicles, homes, factories anc pawer stations, in areas with arge numbers of people, However, once in the air, they are at the mercy of the wind, which is why acid rain falls in the countryside ust as often as it falls inthe city Wherever it falls, acid rain is harmful. In towns and cites, it damages buildings, monuments, statues and bridges ~ especially the ones made of Imestone and marble, When it falls on plas, it damages their leaves and reots, and can even kil them. In rivers and lakes, ft can make he water too acidic for fish and ther wate life to survive, precioiation + hail + sleet sulphur dioxide « mirogen oxida atthe mercy of « fiter * mater vohlcie * renewable aneray sour Match the paragraphs (A-E) to the headings (1-5). Then, explain the words in bold. j [11] What are the effects of acid rain? 2]_] Whatis acid rain? [31] Whatare the solutions to this problem? [4D] What causes acid rain? [S]_] What areas are affected by acid rain? Make notes under the headings: what acid rain is, what causes it and what effects it has. Use them to describe acid rain to the class. ‘Then prepare 2 quiz based on the text. red ae Project Time 4 ‘| @) Complete the sentences in the leaflet with: print, avoid, install, donate, take, store, turn off, water. Ener ee cas et eee eee es eae ree eat 1 4 de Fn electrical tems when | household items lke | separate bins in your you're not using [furniture that you no. | home for diferent them to save energy. | onger want or naed. | recyclable materials, 2 Reuse jars and pots | f you have a garden, snowersinstead of |t06)___food}7)___it with baths to save water. items orstationary. | leftover bathwater. 3) Use rechargeable | When using paper, preparing too much | batteries instead of | 8) on food to reduce food normal single-use | both sides of the b) Which of the guidelines in the leaflet in Ex. 1a do you follow at home? Which of them would you ‘consider following in the future? Collect information and create a similar leaflet to the one in Ex. 1 about how to reduce, reuse and recycle at school. Use photos or drawings to illustrate your leaflet. Co Presentation Skills 7 me 3 Use ideas in the leaflet you created in Ex. 2 to prepare a presentation explaining how to follow 3 R's at school, Responsibility eed ck cel aah Baten ke a ae cic 4. Explain the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why? a In what ways can we make people care more about the environment? ys Use the ideas below and your own ideas to discuss with your partner. it + documentaries * leaflets + school lessons « talks from experts ss * magazine/newspaper articles 79 Are Vocabulary 1 in: take, raise, promote, improve, volunteer. 1 We've got to the lives of homeless people. 2 The organisation aimsto__ respect for all races. 3 Lets__action and try to solve this, problem! 4 The charity tries to awareness of world hunger. 5. Why don't you shelter? at the homeless Seles 2. Match the words to form collocations. human © species endangered @ = loss acid © @ warming global © © rights habitat © 2 rain Set 3 Choose the correct word. 1. He was arrested/accused of the crime without any proof. 2 Linda's house was stolen/burgled while she was on holiday, 3 The judge decided/sentenced her to two years in prison. 4 Hacking involves damaging/accessing online files illegally. 5 After the trial, he was caught/found guilty of robbery, bxtns 4 Choose the correct item. 1 The charity provides food to locals in/on a daily basis 2 They weren't capable with/of catching the mugger. 3. Everyone at/an Earth has the right to food. 4 Aburglar broke onto/into our house yesterday. 5 Ted broke up/down when he visited the orphanage bx ta5 ProgressiGlieck Grammar Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 Hilneverforget___—_(visit) the slum. 2 Steve expected (find) a new job by now. 3. She claims (work) on her project all afternoon. 4 | don't mind __ (go) to the clean-up day alone, 5 The robber avoided (catch) by hiding under a car. 522-10 Choose the correct item, 1 Steve used tofis used to volunteer for a charity, but now he doesn’t have the time. 2 The town didn’t use to have/having such high rates of street crime. 3. Did you use to watch/Did you get used to ‘watching 2 lot of TY when you were younger? 4 Jim feels exhausted; he isn't used to working! isn’t getting used to working such long hours. 5 It's difficult at first, but m sure you will get Used to liverliving in a foreign country. 5at=9 Choose the correct item. 1 Tom looks haopy. He should/must have got. the job. 2 He can'timustn't be at the post office. Its closed today. 3 You needn't/mustn’t drive without a licence. 4 Would/Shall you help me hand out these leaflets? 5. You couldn't/shouldn't walk alone so late at night. 6 They were too late to catch the bus so they were able to/had to get a taxi home. 7 Where can/have Phil be? He was supposed to be here by now. 8 Unfortunately, she wasn't able to/didn't have to raise enough maney for the charity 9 They must/could be at the homeless shelter, but I'm not sure. 10. May/Would | borrow your laptop? toxi=10 st form, _ (visit) 5x2=10 “for a time. g such ised to unger? orking/ ‘hours. vill get \ sx1-5 ve got ce. It's cence, these 1 ACF’s headquarters are in France, 2 ACF doesn't send staff into war zones. [_] 3. ACF has worked in many countries for Listening s4)) 200 Listen to two friends talking about homelessness in their city and decide if the sentences are (true) or F (alse). 1 Andy's father gave him the newspaper. [7] 2 Andy's aunt is interested in buying a flat.[_] 3. Sarah suggests building flats close to a swimming pool. 4 Sarah agrees there's a link between unemployment and homelessness 5 They decide to write a letter to a local politician, 5x3-15 Reading Read the text and decide if the sentences (1-5) are 2? (right) oF W (wrong) or D5 (doesn’t say). rg Action Against Hunger __ ction Against Hunger (ACF) is an international charity which ars to end world hunger. was founded in France in 1979, | ‘today It has offices in five countries with around 5,000 ibers of staff. Most of ACF's work involves helaing people in. ncy situations tke wars and naturel esate. in stuations these, ACF tres to supply food end water, espadialy to ren. Also, ACF runs long term projects in 40 counties ing modern farming mettods so that locals can solve thelr problems themseNves, doesnt receive any money fran govemments, soit relies only donations from the public to do its work, One way it raises money though the Lave Food Give Food programme, During Apel end ech year, participating estaurans adda small amount to the of some dishes, and if customers order them, ths exre cast 0 the AGEThis campaign raises around £1 milion each yea! mote information on ACF's work and to see how you ean help, along time. oO 4 ACF gets no financial help from governments, oO 5. The Love Food Give Food programme is a monthly event. oO 5x3215 Everyday English 10 Match the exchanges. [11] what happened next? [2/_] Where were you driving to at the time? 3|_J What time was it? [41] What was she doing when you first saw her? [51 can you give me a description of the person? © She was breaking the shop's window. © tt must have been around midnight. © Iwas on my way home. © She was in her late thirties and thin, © ‘She ran out of the shop with a large backoack. Sx2=10 Writing 11 You have read an article in your local newspaper about the problem of homelessness in your city. Write an email (100- 150 words) to the editor of the newspaper suggesting ways to solve the problem. ‘pointe TOTAL: 100 coints Good Draco} ixcocu Vocabulary | use words related to global issues, social ius environmental eae aimee Reading * understand texts related to social issues vir yr | * Understand texts related to the environment sryiry'r Speaking give a witness statement yrs'r vir | Listening listen to and understand an announcement yry'r9'¢ Writing ‘+ write an article about charity yrs yr | * write an email giving information sryryr * write an email to the editor providing solutions ‘toa problem 81

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