Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated General Education Department
Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated General Education Department
Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated General Education Department
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MicroPara Instructor
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by Mycobacterium leprae. The disease mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosal
surfaces of the upper respiratory tract and the eyes. Leprosy is known to occur at all ages ranging
from early infancy to very old age. Leprosy is curable and early treatment averts most
Symptoms may occur within 1 year but can also take as long as 20 years or even more to occur.
The symptoms of leprosy can present differently in different people with the condition. The main
symptoms include the appearance of skin lesions that are lighter than normal skin and remain for
weeks or months. Patches of skin with decreased sensation, such as touch, pain, and heat muscle
weakness. Numbness in the hands, feet, legs, and arms, known as “glove and stocking
anesthesia”. Eye problems, enlarged nerves, especially in the elbows or knees, stuffy nose and
nosebleeds, curling of the fingers and thumb, caused by paralysis of small muscles in the hand,
ulcers on the soles of the feet. Injuries, breaks, and burns can go unnoticed, due to the numbing
of sensation caused by nerve damage, potentially becoming infected or more seriously injured.
The wounds are also more likely to become infected, as immune defenses are weakened
by leprosy. The reabsorption of cartilage by the body means that these secondary infections can
result in tissue loss. This leads to the characteristic shortening of the toes and fingers seen in
leprosy. Damage to the mucous membrane that coats the inside of the nose can sometimes lead
to internal damage and scarring. The nose might eventually collapse. Leprosy can destroy the
nerves responsible for blinking. This can lead to the eyes becoming dried out and prone to
diagnosis and treatment of the condition in people to whom the disease has been transmitted.
However, due to poor medical infrastructure and the stigmas attached to leprosy, education, and
provisions in various communities around the world are not enough to completely eradicate
education and self-care support. Monitoring the condition and its symptoms on an on-going basis
and referring severe cases. Managing day-to-day injuries and disabilities that develop. Educate
locals about injury prevention and wound cleaning. Important progress has been made so far, but
scientific and humanitarian education programs must continue to work in unison to minimize and
eventually remove leprosy from the human experience. Leprosy is likely transmitted via droplets,
from the nose and mouth, during close and frequent contact with untreated cases.
According to data from the Philippines’ Department of Health, although the overall
prevalence of leprosy is less than 0.4 cases per 10,000, 1,660 new cases were identified in 2017
alone, with about 6.7 percent of those being children under the age of 15. This Southeast Asian
nation, which comprises some 7,000 islands, has a population of over 104 million.
People with leprosy have the right for self-belonging. They should have societal inclusion
building among persons affected by leprosy and encourage the integration of these coalitions
and/or their members with other community-based organizations. Promoting access to social and
financial support services, for example to facilitate income generation, for persons affected by
leprosy and their families. Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-
related disabilities. Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies
II. Methodology
This study uses a qualitative method. An adopted questionnaire’s is use for the interview.
The interview was audio – recorded, transcribed, and categorized based on the objectives of the
study. The respondents of this study are the people affected with leprosy or Hansen’s Disease.
After the conduct of the interview. The data will be collected and analyzed.
Based on the conducted interview about People Affected by Leprosy they experience
discrimination by the people surrounds them. The result is useful for public health, it will help
the decision makers to the need in identifying the care needs of affected by the disease. Boys
mostly affected by disease. Children with leprosy were mostly common from family living in
low socio - economic conditions. This child having more difficulties in progressing in schooling
that will result in the future in perpetuating poverty, similar to their parents. This is not
determined by the physical damages that the disease causes, but by the insufficient social
Paredes, C. F. and Rodriguez A. T. (21 May 2016). “Annals of Clinical Microbiology and
Scoring Guide
10-14= acceptable evidence of indicator being met for course purposes. Meets novice research criteria