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Episcopal Diocese of Southern Philippines


R.T. Lim Blvd., San Jose, Zamboanga City

Discrimination: PEOPLE AFFECTED BY


Submitted to:
MicroPara Instructor

Submitted by:

March 20, 2020

I. Introduction

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is a chronic infectious disease caused

by Mycobacterium leprae. The disease mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosal

surfaces of the upper respiratory tract and the eyes. Leprosy is known to occur at all ages ranging

from early infancy to very old age. Leprosy is curable and early treatment averts most


Symptoms may occur within 1 year but can also take as long as 20 years or even more to occur.

The symptoms of leprosy can present differently in different people with the condition. The main

symptoms include the appearance of skin lesions that are lighter than normal skin and remain for

weeks or months. Patches of skin with decreased sensation, such as touch, pain, and heat muscle

weakness. Numbness in the hands, feet, legs, and arms, known as “glove and stocking

anesthesia”. Eye problems, enlarged nerves, especially in the elbows or knees, stuffy nose and

nosebleeds, curling of the fingers and thumb, caused by paralysis of small muscles in the hand,

ulcers on the soles of the feet. Injuries, breaks, and burns can go unnoticed, due to the numbing

of sensation caused by nerve damage, potentially becoming infected or more seriously injured.

Over time, the extremities can be lost to repeated damage.

The wounds are also more likely to become infected, as immune defenses are weakened

by leprosy. The reabsorption of cartilage by the body means that these secondary infections can

result in tissue loss. This leads to the characteristic shortening of the toes and fingers seen in

leprosy. Damage to the mucous membrane that coats the inside of the nose can sometimes lead

to internal damage and scarring. The nose might eventually collapse. Leprosy can destroy the

nerves responsible for blinking. This can lead to the eyes becoming dried out and prone to

infection, potentially resulting in ulceration and blindness.

Leprosy is can be prevented. The ideal ways to prevent the spread of leprosy are the early

diagnosis and treatment of the condition in people to whom the disease has been transmitted.

However, due to poor medical infrastructure and the stigmas attached to leprosy, education, and

provisions in various communities around the world are not enough to completely eradicate

leprosy. The following steps can be taken to promote the prevention of leprosy: providing

education and self-care support. Monitoring the condition and its symptoms on an on-going basis

and referring severe cases. Managing day-to-day injuries and disabilities that develop. Educate

locals about injury prevention and wound cleaning. Important progress has been made so far, but

scientific and humanitarian education programs must continue to work in unison to minimize and

eventually remove leprosy from the human experience. Leprosy is likely transmitted via droplets,

from the nose and mouth, during close and frequent contact with untreated cases.

According to data from the Philippines’ Department of Health, although the overall

prevalence of leprosy is less than 0.4 cases per 10,000, 1,660 new cases were identified in 2017

alone, with about 6.7 percent of those being children under the age of 15. This Southeast Asian

nation, which comprises some 7,000 islands, has a population of over 104 million.

People with leprosy have the right for self-belonging. They should have societal inclusion

to avoid discrimination ang stigma. Encourage to participate to community activities or services.

Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services. Promoting coalition-

building among persons affected by leprosy and encourage the integration of these coalitions

and/or their members with other community-based organizations. Promoting access to social and

financial support services, for example to facilitate income generation, for persons affected by

leprosy and their families. Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-
related disabilities. Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies

facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.

II. Methodology

This study uses a qualitative method. An adopted questionnaire’s is use for the interview.

The interview was audio – recorded, transcribed, and categorized based on the objectives of the

study. The respondents of this study are the people affected with leprosy or Hansen’s Disease.

After the conduct of the interview. The data will be collected and analyzed.

III. Result and Discussion

Based on the conducted interview about People Affected by Leprosy they experience

discrimination by the people surrounds them. The result is useful for public health, it will help

the decision makers to the need in identifying the care needs of affected by the disease. Boys

mostly affected by disease. Children with leprosy were mostly common from family living in

low socio - economic conditions. This child having more difficulties in progressing in schooling

that will result in the future in perpetuating poverty, similar to their parents. This is not

determined by the physical damages that the disease causes, but by the insufficient social



Paredes, C. F. and Rodriguez A. T. (21 May 2016). “Annals of Clinical Microbiology and

Antimicrobials.” Volume 15.

Rubric for Article Review

Name: Riziel L. Sahial____

Course and Section: BSN 1E___

0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 19-25

Does not meet Meets minimal Meets criteria Meets criteria Exceeds
criteria. No criteria. Two or for novice For criteria.
introduction or more references researcher professionally Theoretical
contextual are cited Cites two or ready novice Background
information for appropriately more primary researcher. and contextual
research but is not sources to set up More than two Information
question; clearly tied to theoretical primary Flow
insufficient the research assumptions and sources set up seamlessly into
Introduction primary question, develop the theoretical a well stated
resources; there though question background for assumptions, Research
is no clearly may have research which are used question that
stated research sufficient scope question; to develop has potential to
question; or focus. research background for add to the
question does question is research Professional
not have stated with clear question, Knowledge
appropriate and sufficient clearly stated base and is of
scope or focus scope and focus and has Publishable
appropriate quality.
scope and
Does not meet Meets minimal Meets criteria Meets criteria Exceeds
criteria. No criteria. Some for novice For criteria. All
discernable sections of researcher. professionally sections of the
methodology; methodology The ready novice. Methodology
or method is are described, methodology is Methodology flow clearly
inappropriate with minimal appropriate for is thorough and logically
for the scope, detail , the question, is with all terms form the
focus and type demonstrating described in operationalized question.
Methods of research minimal some detail and and described Methods are
question knowledge of meets accepted in depth and described with
accepted research detail using sufficient detail
research standards. accepted as to be
practice. research replicable; and
standards. validly link
data collection
and analyses to
the findings. Is
of publishable
Does not meet Meets minimal .Meets criteria Meets criteria Exceeds
criteria. criteria. Data for novice For criteria. Data
Findings are might be researcher. professionally representations,
not connected sufficient, but Data ready novice analyses and
to data analysis. analyses are representations, researcher. interpretations
Insufficient weak, leading to analyses and Data support the
Findings data vague interpretations representation findings ,
representation, generalizations support the and analyses which are
organization that are not well findings and are are clear and confined to the
and analysis to supported by or confined to the logically flow scope of the
generate tied to the data. scope of the from the question and
meaningful question. have the
statements. potential to
Findings are contribute to
not confined to the
the scope of the professional
data knowledge
base and be
Does not meet Meets minimal Meets novice Meets criteria Exceeds
criteria. criteria. researcher for the criteria.
Statements are Minimal criteria. professionally Evidence of
personal rather attempt to Creditable ready novice. deep thought
than focused on extend the attempt to There is depth about the
knowledge knowledge in extend the of thinking findings and
extension from the findings and knowledge in apparent about their
the question. does not address the findings; the findings implications,
Discussion extensions or addresses and their extensions,
limitations, nor extensions, contribution to limitations;
does it pose limitations, or the existing questions
further logical posing of further knowledge posed flow
questions. questions that base, and some meaningfully
appear to grow further from findings.
logically from questions that Is of
findings. connect to the publishable
findings. quality.
Does not meet Meets minimal Meets novice Meets criteria Exceeds
criteria. criteria. Paper researcher for the criteria.
Paper is quote- lacks an criteria.. Paper professionally Well written.
heavy with no authentic voice; has an emerging ready novice. Authentic
authentic voice; mechanical authentic voice Generally free voice. Well-
Structure and errors impede but still possibly of mechanical structured
order of the flow of the quote heavy. errors. The paragraphs and
sentences and meaning. APA Few mechanical authentic voice sentences that
paragraphs guidelines are errors that is present with need minimal
The Paper hinder clarity followed, but impede appropriate or revision. APA
and text is understanding; little use of guidelines are
understanding; structurally follows APA direct quotes. followed in
numerous weak with little guidelines. APA formatting and
mechanical flow. Structure and guidelines are citations; free
errors and APA order of followed and of mechanical
guidelines are sentences and structure of errors. Is of
not followed. paragraphs are sentences and publishable
acceptable, but paragraphs quality
need further need little or
revision. no revision.

Scoring Guide

0-4= no evidence of indicator being met, not passing

5-9= some evidence of indicator being met, passing, but needs improvement

10-14= acceptable evidence of indicator being met for course purposes. Meets novice research criteria

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