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Contemporary World (SSc6) ist week

Topic – The structures of globalization


Why do you need to study the world? At first glance, the world, as a concept, is
abstract. After all, your daily experiences are considered interactions with your country. When
you read the news, you read about the Philippines. When you engage in an official transaction
like paying taxes, you deal with the Philippine government. 

However, You only need to step back a little bit to see that the world “out there”
is already here. For example, you likely have relatives who are overseas Filipino Workers
(OFW’s). Everytime these relatives visit or send something home, they are bringing part of the
world with them. Even if you have not travelled outside the Philippines you have likely heard
stories about foreign countries from these family members. Some relatives might have told you
about the wonders of Rome.

Needless to say, the media and the internet are also your windows to the
contemporary world. You watch American movies and can probably sing at least one k-pop

Finally, your consumption habits are global. You have dined in a McDonald’s,
maybe owned a Korean mobile phone. You are already citizen of the world whether you are
aware of it or not. Just by living your wife, you automatically think about contemporary world.

I. Lesson 1. What is Globalization?

II. Learning Outcomes:

1. Agree on a working definition of Globalization for the course

2. Differentiate the competing conceptions of globalization
3. Narrate personal experience of globalization

III. Pre-Assessment

1. Organize your inventory into two types: First, “things” that are made in  the
Philippines and Second, those that are of foreign brands. List the countries of origin of your
foreign-brand items. Do the same things for the kitchen and living room. These should include
appliances. Then compare your lists with those of your classmates to determine which
countries make the most household and personal needs you and your families have. In the
process, discuss why certain products are made I  the Philippines while others are produced

IV. Lesson Opening:

At the outset, why study this course? Why is it required for all students in higher
education? First, studying the outside world is a cure to parochialism or an outlook that is
limited to one’s immediate community. As a person who is concerned only with his/her family,
village, or even country is parochial. The parochial person is thus, close-minded. By teaching
you about the world, this course aims to stretch the limits of your imagination and outlook. We
also wish for you to explore the places, peoples, ideas, and cultures that you care about the
value. This expansion of one’s ethical horizons, as you will see, is the very core of what it means
to be a global citizen.

Second, it is important to study the world because it can teach you more about 
yourself. Knowing about other countries allows you to compare your society with others.

Lastly, you need to study the world because yo will be interacting with it. Due to
the internet, cheaper travel costs, and larger trade of goods and services, the world has grown
more interdependent. Filipinos are increasingly becoming aware of this interdependence. You
cannot avoid globalization so you might as well study it.

V. Discussion Proper:

Class did you read the story of Gio and Latiff regarding global experience? The
story is fictional but very plausible since it is in fact based on the real-life experience of the
authors. It was through such friendships that one was able to appreciate the meaning and
impact of globalization. The story shows how globalization operates at multiple, intersecting

Also read the sub-topics

a. Some description of globalization

b. Globalization: A working definition
c. Conclusion: Globalization from the ground up
Please refer to our text book pp. 6-10 Contemporary world

VI. Guide Questions:

1. What are the different kinds of “scapes” according to Anthropologist Arjun 

2. What other hints of globalization did you find in the story of Gio and Laatiff?
3. Give an example why people encounter globalization in a variety of ways?
4. What do you mean by globalization as a working definition?
5. How does Manfred Steger describe globalization?
6. Give an example of expansion and intensification?
7. Differentiate globalism from globalization

VII. Summary/Generalization

1. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that occurs at a multiple levels

2. Globalization is an uneven process that affects pwoplw differently

Note: Generate your own generalization at least two


VIII. Post-learning Assessment

a. Give the meaning of the following

1. Expansion
2. Intensification
3. Globalization
4. Ethnoscpae
5. Medaiscape
6. Technoscape
7. Financescape
8. Ideoscape

b. Answer the following questions

1. Is globalization good or bad? Give an example of good and bad effect of globalization
2. How have you experienced globalization?
3. Why is it crucial to emphasaize that globalization is uneven?

IX. Feedback:

X. Textbook: The Contemporary world: General Edition

By: Lisandro E. Claudio, Patricio N Abiles,
C & E Publishing Inc., 2018

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