AE 321 Homework 10

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AE 321 – Homework #10

Due: Wednesday May 1, 2019

Chapters 7 and 8: Failure and Plane Elasticity Problems

1- A linearly elastic homogeneous and isotropic

circular rod of radius a+δ (where δ is positive and b

small) and elastic constants E1 and ν1, is forcefully a+δ

inserted into a linearly elastic isotropic homogeneous a

thick-walled cylinder with inner radius a and outer

radius b and elastic constants E2 and ν2. Assuming
plane strain conditions:
(a) Find the stress state in both bodies.
(b) How much pressure is generated at the interface between the two bodies? (Find this in terms
of δ and the two sets of elastic constants).
(c) Assuming that both materials have the same yield stress and they both fail according to a
Tresca condition, which will fail first: the rod or the cylinder?

(Procedure: Consider a Free Body Diagram of each body separately and solve each problem
separately. Then apply a contact condition at the interface, i.e. answer in your mind the question:
the amount of displacement that the rod gets squeezed in plus the amount the cylinder gets
squeezed out have to add up to how much?). y

2- (Exam question) A thin square plate is subjected to a uniaxial

compression σ (> 0) and an in-plane shear of the same σ
magnitude, as shown in the figure below. Assuming that the
plate consists of a linearly elastic homogeneous and isotropic σ
material of yield strength σy, then determine at what value of
applied σ the plate will fail if it subscribes to:
(a) A Von Mises failure criterion,
(b) A maximum (tensile) principal stress criterion,
(c) A Tresca failure criterion.
(d) In terms of design, which would be the most conservative criterion in this case?

3- Consider the beam problem shown where a linearly varying pressure is applied on y=-h/2.
(a) Show that the Airy stress function

Φ(x, y) = a30 x 3 + a11 xy + a31 x 3 y + a51 x 5 y + a02 y 2

+a22 x 2 y 2 + a42 x 4 y 2 + a03y 3 + a13xy 3
+a33 x 3 y 3 + a15 xy 5

furnishes the stress field for this problem assuming no body forces.
(b) Assume that the beam will fail at location x=2L/3 and y=h/2 and that the material fails under
a Von Mises criterion with a critical stress of σ*. Find the maximum allowable value of P0 under
(i) Plane strain conditions and (ii) Plane stress conditions.


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